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 [Last 50 Posts]

Ukrainian waifus for everyone edition.

TO WATCH FOR NEWS: https://liveuamap.com/
Live updates from Texan commie boomer in Donbass: https://www.youtube.com/c/RussellBentleyTexac
For Russiabros, analysis from Boris Rozhin:
https://colonelcassad.livejournal.com/ (has a telegram, lots of cool stuff there too)

"Modern Ukraine was completely created by Russia," Putin says in speech to the nation“

Putin: "We are ready to show you what true de-Communization means to Ukraine."“


Putin says Ukraine is a "U.S. colony" with a "puppet regime"

“Russia claims Ukraine invaded Russia and says 5 Ukrainian soldiers were killed and two APCs destroyed near Rostov.

Putin, in televised address on Ukraine crisis, talks about a "nationalistic virus" says 1991 collapse of Soviet Union saw Russia robbed

“Putin: "Why did we have to transfer the rights to the territories that had been part of the Russian Empire?"“


Russia & Syria officially recognize LNR and DPR

Syria recognizing LNR/DPR

Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua likely to recognize the Donetsk and Lugansk republics shortly

Putin Calls For Ukraine To Break Apart

"President Biden will soon issue an Executive Order that will prohibit new investment, trade, and financing by U.S. persons to, from, or in the so-called DNR and LNR regions of Ukraine," Jen Psaki says following recognition by Putin of regions as "independent."

>EU leadership @vonderleyen & @eucopresident say that bloc will react with sanctions "against those involved in this illegal act" of recognising Donetsk and Luhansk.

>Suggests individual, targeted sanctions: not the big ol' war package that everyone has been talking up for weeks.


Communist Party of Russia has just endorsed Putin's call to recognise the DNR and LNR.

Zyuganov: "Look how zealous the Americans and British are now. They forced Ukraine to send almost all its troops to the Donetsk-Luhansk region. More than 100k in a patch of 40-50km."


Already have a jewish waifu, no thanks


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What would Pop Smoke's opinion be about this Russian-Ukraine conflict?


Remember this master peace?




I've had myself a waifu, no thanks, but i'd sure keep one as a backup


Zelensky met with Sean Penn. It's over for Ukraine


Pop Smoke would understand when you got ride on the other side.


So can we all agree that Putler is a retarded monkey with a grenade?


2hrs ago: The airforce was not destroyed! It was Russian propaganda! Hazzah! *video of one plane*

now: Regrettably the airforce has indeed been destroyed


What is /leftypol/ overral stance on the invasion should we support Ukraine against the invasion or is this just another imperialist war we should not choose any sides with.


Cope and seethe King Learers
We should support Russia. Both sides bad = cringe. Staying silent means that you're cryptically supporting your enemy


One full day and Kiev is still standing gotta say Russia needs to step it up!


We shouldn’t take sides
However most of this board are national chauvinists, former /pol/ posters, and alienated zoomers, so they’ll celebrate an imperialist war where they have the entertainment of watching proles get turned to mulch


How about assessing the situation and forming your own educated opinion? Don't be like libs and follow the crowd


Russia bad, NATO worse


The US is said to be sending prayers and tactical twerking by glorious democratic people of color


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Hohols claiming major victory against VDV


America's is worse. The guys they're calling oligarchs could never aspire to own as much as Musk or Bezos.


>What is /leftypol/ overral stance on the invasion


The blame for the infamies committed by Russia in Ukraine falls not only on the government but to a large extent also on the Russian people. If not for the delusions of the Russians, their slavish spirit… the Russian name would not be so detested, cursed, and despised… If the Russians ever want to go back to socialism, their whole foreign policy must change too. Otherwise the fetters with which they have chained other nations will shackle their own new freedom, which is as yet hardly more than a presentiment. Russia will liberate herself to the extent to which she sets free neighboring nations.


This isn't about picking sides you dolt, that isn't materialist. In fact "picking sides" is just a geopolitik speak for international relations 101 crap.


Based level headed quads.




Yeah, that’s basically the only reason I’ve taken the stance that the invasion was worth it.


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So much for a quick end to the war.
They tried to avoid the civilian casualties that are going to come.


>my phone battery died, just trust me guise :c
energy on this


Is Putin gonna take the kids gloves off yet?


Based quads. Also why should we do such? We all know that this event will lead to a domino effect where the world will back off from America's sphere of influence?


I don't get why he didn't Blitzkrieg right away. No less than 25% of Ukraine should be taken by now.


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How come he's so good at filtering radlibs?


Obliviously choose neither side, and >>520166 unlike this anon don't choose the lesser of two evils. We should focus on our organizations use this opportunity as means to rail against the state and capitalism.


Are we getting too cocky bros? Hopefully this would be one of only a handful failures, because humans do errors. Keep on trying lads


Cocky? Trying what?
What on earth are you saying, speak English anon.


>Muh SJWs!111!!


example no. 1


he's good at filtering reddit right wingers too

t. example no. 2


He’ d blow up NATO with it, so it’s not too bad


It's actually not clear what his strategic goal is yet. People don't even know if he was Zelensky out or what.


Nothing else to say besides “based quads”


>only right wingers are against NATO
burger lib moment


>former /pol/ posters
Oh it's that retarded boogeyman again, I thought people had realised this isn't actually a thing by now


Hold on brothers


So just to recap, we're all in favor of a communist revolution sparked by the anti-war protests to topple the Russian government, right? We're not, like, actually supporting Putin, right?


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Honestly I suspect that the Americans "supporters of the Ukrainian people" of really thinking what they are saying but deep down they know it's the end of US hegemony and with all the shit they are going through in their broken country they are panicking because they feel more and more lost and powerless. Like in their subconscious they know it's over so they act like insane people because they can't deal with it, it's denial.


>Cocky? Trying what?
Advance further into Ukrainian territory?
>example 3


supporting imperialist fascists to own the yanks


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I like how shitty the Russian black ops van is. You know you're fucked when someone comes for you in something that looks like this.


Did all the militaries go to sleep? Where are all the clashes/seizures of territory?


Literally won't happen. You are portraying your idiotic fantasies as facts. The Russian communist party supports this war and the liberal opposition in Russia is against it. The biggest thrust for the communist party to take over will be the economic backslash due to sanctions and not this few days of war.


Putin is based and not imperialist and you're an ultra and a liberal if you disagree


Everybody needs time to rest and look after their mental health. It's called self-care.


Why have we allowed "putler" to become a thing? The people he's fighting are the Nazis, moron.


I'd rather go 50:50 on this, because Putin is the one who have bravely exerted Russia's force to end American hegemony on the former Soviet Union, but remember that 1917 2: Electric Boogaloo can also happen if there was a significant opposition to the war by the KPRF.


The Russian communist party is literally just controlled opposition THOUGH


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Gunning for a job at RT I see. good luck "comrade"




Oh fucking stop with this shit. Ukraine won't have an actual Nazi problem until the war gets to the insurgency phase. Just like how Iraq created a vacuum for the jihadis to take over.


Russian communists like Konstantin Syomin are against the war


These threads are always the lowest quality on leftypol, almost every post is just trying to get attention by saying something stupid


>noooo why is the map not getting painted to a different color
to play too many paradox games is harmful


Russia today have only existed for about 30 something years compared to the US, however.
A dozen acts trump one act. Read Killing Hope


nailed it, here is your attention


>random blogger

They are not.


One’s victory advances the interests of socialism and one does not



here's your (You) faggot


>Nazis officially part of the military
>No nazi problem
Ok mong


Syomin’s a well respected journalist in Russia and has strong relationships with local communist orgs and even a moscow councilwoman


Yes? You can't just click the advance front-line button and watch the fighting take place 24/7.

This isn't actually HoI4.

I think the reverse is true. When you play a game or sim, you actually start to understand and distinguish game vs reality.


People always say that it is Dugin who controls Russian geopolitics… but it is actually zvallid


The problem with the US right now is the incoherence of their foreign policy has reached a rupture. These problems were festering for so long. The US uses sanctions to deter Russia, but the sanctions as implemented lead Russians to become toughened and protected against sanctioneering. They isolate and reject diplomacy with Russians. They expanded NATO and create threats to Russia from Ukraine, but can't use NATO troops in Ukraine. They put Russia under massive pressure, and then turned away to focus on Asia. Now there is a nationalist war, the exact thing their mission was to avoid, causing grief all of the continent, and they have no idea what to do.


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To all posters ITT, remember this simple phrase as a moral booster:


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>>520214 (Anda)
fuck off bitch-ass


"curious" that he's not a communist enough to be a member of a communist party


>Ukraine won't have an actual Nazi problem until the war gets to the insurgency phase
uygha where have you been lately???
est. 2014


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As of now they're a small tumor, a very slight problem. What's more of a threat, Azov or Ukrainian spetsnaz? Face it, they don't have any institutional influence and an insurgency would only help them, provided they have enough survivors from these next few weeks, lel


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>After Russian forces and Ukrainian forces faced each other in Chernobyl, according to Ukrainian officials, a skirmish broke out which lead to the destruction of a nuclear waste storage facility. Online gamma ray monitors show a jump in radiation from stable 3,000 to 65,500 nSv/h


>Yes? …
They're in a war, they're supposed to be fighting and getting things over with. What are they doing otherwise? This stuff costs a lot of money.


Or maybe they don't like the idea of war in general. And people feel powerless to do anything?
>I think the reverse is true. When you play a game or sim, you actually start to understand and distinguish game vs reality.
I disagree games like porn make it hard understand the realities of war/sex.


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The gets have not been kind to the Putinoids.


(not which side you hope will win)


>nooo you guys can't be supporting Literally Hitler!!
<fuck you, I'm now an unironic Putlerist, fagit!
welcome to THE DISCOURSE


If they had no institutional influence, then surely, surely Ukraine could have removed them? Maybe that would have really helped the situation? Say make them not be able to fuck around in the breakaway republics??


Patriots.win people and /Pol/ are eventually going to back china in their Taiwan dispute. It's inevitable

They will eventually tie in the "Taiwan is globohomo and loves transhumist" part together.

They already did this with Ukraine who actually has very conservative views. You'll see


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the brainworms are so deep


>it's okay anon, they integrated the NAZI militia into their military hierarchy, that makes them LESS nazi
fuck off kochinski


It's ok redditors told me nuclear energy was the safest


It's been over 16 hours. Any human needs rest.



where is the microwave part ?


>U.S. officials expect Kiev to fall within 96 hours


I feel like /leftypol/ got a troll brigade

ольгинцы ебучие


>I honestly wouldn’t say ukraine has more of a Nazi problem than any other Eastern European country.


There seems to be a lot of confirmed and unconfirmed losses on the Russian side.

What is confirmed so far is the Russian army has been halted in a few places in the east.
Russian troops hold Chernobyl and a few are around Kyiv.
Some Russian troops are still heading to the city from the west. https://nitter.net/KofmanMichael/status/1497001745649651722#m

Beside that much is till unknown as both sides are making a lot of stuff up.


Yeah except for what they were actually fucking doing to Russian speakers in territories bordering Russia.

If Ukraine had taken measures to crush, remove and denounce these (apparently irrelevant) factions, they might really not have a war right now. I mean really, that's the truth.



>A regiment is a military unit. Its role and size varies markedly, depending on the country, service and/or a specialisation.
>(…) with approximately 800 men and commanded by a colonel
epic threat you got there, putin.


good freakin’ morning tank


I'm pretty sure they have people who swap out the old shift. Otherwise the enemy would attack when they're resting, DUH.


I was going to post it, but y'know





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3 days for the fall was a reasonable estimate at the outset and remains so imo


It's 3:44 am in the Ukrainian time zone, but nice try. I'm in Canada.


Im not advancing in to Ukrainian territory anon. I'm sitting on my sofa in western Europe baked ands shit posting and reading with a cup of tea and my friend asleep on my lap. I'd say that was pretty far from pushing the front in Ukraine as I can imagine anon..I can't see you as any closer.


It actually is if you don't start fighting a war around a nuclear waste storage facility
Fun fact: the tests that led to the Chernobyl disaster were commisioned after Israel attack a Syrian power plant


In order to counteract that they will probably just have a guards. not an entire army.


Azov is more like thousands though and they're not alone but they're responsible of the most violent war crimes and they're copying hard the whole third Reich vibe. There are plenty other fascist militias. Hell those dudes formed international terrorists like the Christchurch dude who indirectly killed 8chan


Do you guys honestly think that this war is going to solve their Nazi problem? It's like expecting an American invasion to solve a Muslim country's Jihadi problem. I'm all for Azov fucks getting clapped, but I don't see how this will have much long term efficacy even if Russia occupies Ukraine.


Lol. This is honestly not what people want Biden to say but it's the ONLY thing he can say. "Sorry, suck it up, bucko."


It's almost 9a here, UTC+7, SEA.


>the second one.


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>your strategy is hope the west will coddle you

damn that's crazy


Reminder that so far Russia hasn't done shit. Haven't taken Kharkov Odessa or Mariupol or Kiev. The frontline in Donbass is holding. All the frontlines are holding.




>Azov (indirectly) killed 8gag
I don't know what to think.
I miss it, but also fuck chodemonkey and his CIA handler.


He had to make the US win somehow.


>The city of Konotop in Sumy Oblast is under siege now, Russian military convoys are moving west towards Kyiv


Kyiv independent


>It's like expecting an American invasion to solve a Muslim country's Jihadi problem
Except that those jihadis are backed by the United States too; in other words… A FALSE FLAG. https://telegra.ph/AMERICA-SECRETLY-LOVES-JIHADIS-01-18
Azov is clearly funded by the US. https://telegra.ph/ukraine-02-24


Lol yea it's still a nothingburger, plus the fact troops are stationary currently.


CNN - beginning of iraq war.
Presented like a fireworks show of death


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How can Ukraine still deploy it's aircraft, with Russia leveling every satellite-mapped landing strip in the country?






I just steal other peoples memes


Because Ukraine's army was a ridiculous corrupt shambles and they were one of the groups actually motivated to fight. I condemn the relationship of the Ukrainian government to Azov as much as anybody else, but there isn't any reason to believe that they are literally running things outright. Ukraine is run by the same shitty post-Soviet oligarchs you have in Russia, the only difference is that they are pro-Western.


is there any good place with a live chat to discuss the conflict? /leftypol/ is cringe, reddit is cringe, /pol/ is gigacringe. i just want a place to discuss this with people that aren't politics obsessed binary brain retards or overly emotional faggots.


Russian forces hold Konotop under siege, moving to Kyiv.

Sumy Oblast Governor Serhiy Zhyvytskiy says a lot of the region’s cities have been encircled by the enemy.

A large military group is moving from occupied Sumy toward Kyiv.



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why? is putin trying to make supersoliders?


>this is a threat to the whole of europe!
lol he's desperate for anyone to fight this war for him


>the only difference is that they are pro-Western.
That makes it even worse.


>Except that those jihadis are backed by the United States too
Not the ones the US was fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, and in those countries the US presence was pretty clearly driving people towards these groups. The same will likely happen with Russia and Ukrainian fashoids.


>is there any good place with a live chat to discuss the conflict? /leftypol/ is cringe, reddit is cringe, /pol/ is gigacringe. i just want a place to discuss this with people that aren't politics obsessed binary brain retards or overly emotional faggots.
So you're saying the odor of cringe follows you wherever you go? Even when you're by yourself? Curious.


>politics obsessed binary brain retards or overly emotional faggots.
They why did you come here in the first place?


>I condemn the relationship of the Ukrainian government to Azov as much as anybody else, but

>Ukraine is run by the same shitty post-Soviet oligarchs you have in Russia

At least in Russia you have a national bourgeoisie, in Ukraine it's mostly comprador. Ukraine sold out to the West, Russia is fighting not to sell out.


Based ayys


>i want to discuss this political conflict with people who aren't politics obsessed
ok bro, good luck


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>infrastructure bill = dead
>student loans = not forgiven
>universal healthcare = not happening
>lockdowns = not in place
>evictions = free
>American imperialism = still on track
Oh yeah, it's Decline Time.


you seem happy


At least with Trump it would’ve been funnier.


lol at these people who expect zero shitposting on an image board during a war



Why was their fighting over the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone? What is its strategic significance?
There are few reasons I can think of:

1. The Russians wanted to secure the facility early on the conflict so that it does not fall into neglect after the collapse of the UKR government.

2. It was for whatever reason of geographic strategic value according to their battle plans. Perhaps the Ukrainians banked on the idea that the Exclusion Zone would be off limits from Russian incursions because of its hazardous nature and therefore used it as a staging area for their forces.

3. The Russians wanted to capture the facility in order to use it as collateral or for terroristic means or to stage an incident for whatever dark purposes they've concocted.

Unless there is something I'm missing, fighting over a potentially cataclysmically unstable reactor is plain ill advised.


Kyiv close to falling: "Russian mechanized forces, which came in from Belarus, are 20 miles outside of Kyiv," Austin told lawmakers tonight


Austin told members of the House that military officials are looking at ways to provide more defense equipment — including ammunition — to Ukrainian forces, but it's more difficult now with Russian troops swarming the country. w/



>is there any good place with a live chat to discuss the conflict? i just want a place to discuss this with people that aren't politics obsessed binary brain retards or overly emotional faggots
uygha what


No, that's just anti-depressants.


ya'll stupid as fuck
hope russia gets it done fast so this ukrainian circus could finally end and everything could go back to normal without this war shit


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>Oh yeah, it's Decline Time.
These stairs only go up baby…oh shit…oh no…. it's happening again


>that aren't politics obsessed
But it's a political conflict


key words are obsessed and binary brained, you can go on political forums without being obsessed. i'm just not very hip with the whole internet thing, don't know where the cool kids are


>lockdowns = not in place


In your haste to call someone stupid you have said something stupid yourself, of course the reason the front isn't advancing is not because they're fucking sleeping


I bet the cool kids aren't interested?


modern war can be summed up in one line


Re-enact that one level from Modern Warfare with SAS troops who were in Ukraine earlier this month


Trump would have supported putin
The Russians wanted to secure the facility early on the conflict so that it does not fall into neglect after the collapse of the UKR government.
It's already in neglect its a seclusion zone. The only thing the UKR government did was keep people out.


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>key words are obsessed and binary brained, you can go on political forums without being obsessed. i'm just not very hip with the whole internet thing, don't know where the cool kids are
Kind find any cool kids? Just make your own cool kids.


Wtf I love Trump now? Based Accelerationist Trump really be helping the global prole


>>520312 (CONTD)
>key words are obsessed and binary brained, you can go on political forums without being obsessed. i'm just not very hip with the whole internet thing, don't know where the cool kids are
Make yourself a Matrix account, talk with me. I promise I wouldn't act sussy.


i was in this fbi.gov with i guy met at aldi (it's a german grocery store) (and fbi.gov is kind of like skype) and everyone was fun to talk to but it died and i don't how to meet more people like that. we'd talk about belarus, coal legality of kratom and just fun stuff like that. miss them.


I think they just expected resistance to be light there, like as if Ukraine treated the radiation as a natural barrier. It's a pretty direct path to Kiev from Belarus.


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Iono try reddit or twitter.


Seeing how Russia's economy tanked so much and how their people will suffer because of it makes me feel hopeless in any kind of socialist future, the lack of economic sovereignty all countries have since their economies are controlled by the "market forces" (US government) means that to end capitalist hegemony some kind of miracle will be required.




The Ukranian people have been conscripted by NATO into being unwilling soldiers in an inter-imperialist war.


you sure these are Ukrainians


Deng bros were right all along


It is a way to Kiev


Vladolai Putanov moment


>My younger selfs radicalization moment
Dam. right in the feels anon. :(


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'ate NATO
'ate Pax Americana
'ate the international rules-based order
'ate the antichrist

simple as


He turned the future into the present.


Is he gonna make us play games that suck ass aswell?


Any reason the mods aren't making this a cycling thread?


Nick Fuentes is extremely happy over what Putin is doing. Also stands with china against Taiwan, which he has said and argued many times about why china is better to him. Same as Andrew anglin



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>Is he gonna make us play games that suck ass aswell?

Shut up zoomer. You're going to play your first non-freemium dlc micro-nft game and you're gonna like it.


Gotta get the chinese yuan now, fuck anything that has the dolar involved.


tbh they probably just passin' through to kiev. I don't think russia cares about chernobyl


I mean the exclusion zone covers a thousand sq mile area. It's just in the way. And yes it is in a strategically vital area. Located at the intersection of Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine just north of Kyiv, the EZ is simply necessary to pass through if you are to invade Kyiv from the north


My question is if invasion is going to cause so much economic damage to Russia. Shouldn't have Putin have all ready seen this as a possibility. Either Putin's a complete retard or this won't do as much damage as it appears.


Doesn't this mean Marxism Leninism should be thrown out the window since it got it wrong?


because we need 30+ ukraine threads in the catalog


Who cares about these closet homosexual soyboys?




>because we need 30+ ukraine threads in the catalog

We need a Ukraine catalogue.


>He didn't get the reference to AVGN


Yo, where's the screencap compilation at? Ya'll are lacking.
Because that'd cause us to loose info rapidly, this makes it easier to archive everything?


political theories are not homogenous, Yanis is just wrong.


>Ленин заложил бомбу под здание Советского союза


>retard right for the wrong reasons
many such cases


he's desperate


Ukraine has been made into a meat shield so that NATO can drain Russia of military capacity as the US continues to decay.
This isn't some based communist class war, this is just some hellish new war where the people involved don't even have to use their own drones to do the fighting in a blatant inter-imperial war.


>NFT vidya
Never, because then ownership can be formally transferred by design.


the 20th century variant, sure. But that doesn't mean the theory can't be updated for 21st century material conditions.


desperate for what? to lead his country into ruin?


Yanis isn't a Marxist.


Gw pencet X karena agak sussy.



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It's the hot new thing.


to slow down the expansion of NATO


So this is all just a NATO trap? So sad then, Russiabros


It got what wrong?


I was quoting Putin about the USSR, he’s a shitty anticommunist


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>All these protests
>People gather in time square
>"Hey-hey, ho-ho, Putin's regime has got to go!"
>Take photos
>Pat each other on the back
>Russian forces still take Kyiv
Part of me hopes this will show liberals their total impotence. But we know that isn't true.


People will have slightly less consumer goods but it'll be ok. It's true that war was plan B but they did gear their economy during 8 years for the consequences of this. Now they will have their victory, they'll spin it as good thing and they'll further decouple from western markets. The sanctions weren't be removed without unacceptable conditions anyway, better to go all in and evade them


>If the existence of bullshit jobs seems to defy the logic of capitalism, one possible reason for their proliferation might be that the existing system isn't capitalism…In many ways, it resembles classic medieval feudalism, displaying the same tendency to create endless hierarchies of lords, vassals, and retainers.
>David Graeber


There was no "good option" for anyone involved. Ukraine is being sacrificed on the altar of the contradictions of capitalism. This hasn't even seriously benefitted NATO in any real way, they just haven't lost anything either.


If you get picked up in a van like this, you're getting tetanus, hepatitis, and a staph infection at the blacksite.


>Part of me hopes this will show liberals their total impotence. But we know that isn't true.
ofc not

the secret is that they love losing, because that means you are eternally right and an eternal victim(-sympathizer)


>bullshit jobs seems to defy the logic of capitalism
How so


They'll never learn. The entirety of Trump's presidency was full of liberal protests like that, and it did jack shit to affect policy or anything.


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It's just ritual. They know it just as much as us. It's just like throwing stones at Satan or burning Guy Falkes.


another moron appears


>If Ukraine created by the Bolsheviks wants genuine de-communization, this will suit Russia, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday.
>Now grateful descendants have demolished monuments to Lenin in Ukraine. This is what they call de-communization. Do you want de-communization? Well, this quite suits us. But you must not stop halfway. We are ready to show you what genuine de-communization means for Ukraine," Putin said in his address to the nation over the situation in Ukraine’s southeast.
>The modern Ukraine was entirely created by Communist Russia, Russian President said. "The modern Ukraine was entirely and completely created by Russia, or rather, the Bolshevik, Communist Russia," the head of state said.
>"This process started almost immediately after the 1917 Revolution; Lenin and his associates did it in a way, very brutal towards Russia itself - by separating, alienating parts of Russia’s own historic territories," Putin added.


You didn't get it, "zoomer".


Capitalism is all about efficiency but it's just wasting money and labor on bullshit jobs


o boy, do i ever have the 350 page book for you



Well yeah and disciplining NATO and prospects, because they will be next if they step out of line. But it's not like Russia forced this NATO did. Russia just played their hand best they could, which sure is still bourgeois war but I bet Russia was content keeping the territory dispute open and Ukraine off NATO while the US hegemony decays for a few more years.

AFAIK that's either giving microtransactions and underage gambling a new facade to hide form regulation not actually managing game ownership with blockhain


Putin's words are the same as a white guard's during the revolution


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<The AFU reportedly blew up a bridge to prevent the advance of Russian forces across the Oskol River in the village of Senkovo, Kharkiv region


>Capitalism is all about efficiency
says who?
>it's just wasting money and labor
it always had
>bullshit jobs
[undefined made up term, akin to "icky"]

fuck off booklet


Then his own (Russian) communists need to kill him and replace him in a proletarian revolution. We shouldn't be asking an imperialist power, NATO, to do it for us.


rip that car


How did Western intelligence predict this accurately? Russian intelligence must be leaky. I bet some Russian officers are getting fragged over this.


These protests won't change anything. It's up to Putin on whether he shall stop it or not. Also the 2nd world has a disdain for 1st world radlibs.


>Then his own (Russian) communists need to kill him and replace him in a proletarian revolution.
This is what we have been saying all along.
>We shouldn't be asking an imperialist power, NATO, to do it for us.
Nobody here has advocated for this.


>We shouldn't be asking an imperialist power, NATO, to do it for us.
Who in the hell said that?


Well I guess we'll just end up watching the increasingly desperate absurdity of Zelensky begging for someone, anyone, to come to his rescue and libs painting their faces blue and yellow as the only form of "support."


>Ukraine already resorting to Scorched earth



>How did Western intelligence predict this accurately? Russian intelligence must be leaky. I bet some Russian officers are getting fragged over this.

Maybe it was all the troops moved into striking position that tipped them off.


Counterintelligence hackers? Or using crystal balls that predict the future?
Whenever they hack someone Russia just dismissed it but whenever Russia hacks their systems they'll chimp out one and for all. Double standards, m8.


these bullshit jobs serve to prop it up so that inefficiency is a necessary evil


don't forget the patreon money they are sending


Why are liberals so bad at doing praxis?




>bullshit jobs
>undefined made up term
Cope lmao


Define it.


>Can you imagine? This isn't supposed to happen to us, we're white!


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>Why are liberals so bad at doing praxis?
Praxis needs to be over by brunchtime. Not a lot of room in the schedule. In between brunch and soccer practice.


The real question is why didn't they tell the Ukrainians as Zelensky said that the Russian's weren't going to invade a nearly 2 weeks ago


>Capitalism is all about efficiency but it's just wasting money and labor on bullshit jobs
This doesn't seem particularly antithetical to capitalism, but i'll give the book a go one of these days. More theory can't hurt.


Vladan Putcifer moment


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She like it tho.


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>implying he wont be back in 24 in time to lose the war with china


Because they lack the power of material analysis. To them, looking like you're doing something is good enough, who cares if it actually affects the real world.


>libs I know irl calling me a Russian shill because I want the West out of Ukraine
>Putinoids on leftypol call me a NATO shill because I want Putin to be replaced by a communist government
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.


Zelensky probably knew invasion was probable, but all the panicking was tanking the Ukrainian economy. Saying Russia wasn't going to invade was literal cope


A pretty good number of people, including a lot of people here, said Russia wasn't going to invade. I didn't think he would till his full on schizo boomer rant.


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>some kind of miracle will be required
Rolling for yellowstone to blow up


read graeber
just read the 300+ page doorstopper, do it faggot


And other ways you narcissistically justify your pseudo-intellectual idiocy.


Have you read it? Then you should have no problem defining it using your own words.


"Centrist" woes, amirite bro???


>fierce resistance
<Russian tanks rolled through cities and villages seeing no resistance whatsoever

Day 1 objectives were outperformed, even, with Crimea front of Ukr forces collapsing and allowing Russia to take Cherson and Melitopol


Graeber was an anthropologist more than an anarchist but he's smart




And here we are stuck in the middle with you


>Scorched earth

Wait till they blow up Chernobyl and blame the invaders.

Presumably because they had already decided to poke the bear(heh) until it mauled Ukraine and Zelenski was trying to play it down so it didn't look like they were asking for a fight.


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>Putinoids on leftypol call me a NATO shill because I want Putin to be replaced by a communist government
I'll back you up anon. So what's your plan? Let's make it happen.


I love how nobody wants to claim that jackass.


>Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.

It's okay anon. You can be Stuck In The Middle With Me. :)


Chernobyl's already been shelled.


>Putin: "I will invade Ukraine to decommunize it entirely."
<leftypol retards: surely this man is a friend to socialism and we must support him


>Wait till they blow up Chernobyl and blame the invaders.

There's a slight chance this already happened.


Going from here to reddit, and from reddit to here is so fucking bizarre. Over there it looks like the ukrainians are mowing russians the fuck down, but here however, i see Zelensky basically on the verge of giving up.
How am i not meant to go full retard/schizo with all this information warfare?


j-just read it
you need to read that 300+ page book before I can even explain a two-word term it's not my le job to educate you


>wanting to have project wingman plot happening IRL
Sorry bro i'm not skilled enough in competitive genocide.


>The azov battalion hasn’t really been an independent entity for a while.
You mean besides the fact that it was a formally accepted volunteer force to the fucking national army?


>look, mom, I'm slaying strawmen of my own making
<good job, sabocat, this will surely show your other friends how clever you are


Unlike /pol/, reddit doesn't have the balls to post dead soldier bodies so I wouldn't trust anything that comes out of there.


Go check out Zelensky's twitter. Nobody is making anything up about him freaking the fuck out and saying it's ogre.


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>Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right.


because he wasn't writing leftist theory


So is this a happening ir is just media spectacle


>A scorched-earth policy is a military strategy that aims to destroy anything that might be useful to the enemy.


You have to use a really broad definition of capitalism to call our existing system capitalism. A lot of shit changed from 19th/20th century that MLs basically don't really have any analysis of the current version of ""capitalism"". They still study the version of capitalism that Marx and lenin contended with.


pure spectacle and leftypol is eating it up as always


>Graeber was an anthropologist more than an anarchist but he's smart
Wasn't he by his own admission creating an 'anarchist anthropology'? He was always very well known in the social movements and projects near to him, I think most would consider him more an anarchist than an anthropologist.


le kek


Zelensky should give it up already. It's over. People are dying.


Oh lol, Ukrops already claim that Russia uses "mobile crematoriums" to hide the corpses. Fucking hell, why do they love to lie so much? It's comical. And also proves that the lack of verifiable corpses is the surest proof that something didn't happen.


it really does look like a dinosaur


Dead soldiers are staged! This is a media movie!


It’s an actual happening but leftypol is eating it up as spectacle because people here have never been in a fist fight let alone a war


selective censorships as well as massive spread of fake news can make losses into wins, events that never happen real just by common sense, this is what happen in social media, total filtering control.


Putin’s a cipher, he moves the dialectic forward


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Fuck it, rerolling until i get them


Is it true radiation has leaked from Chernobyl?


It's because they're so far removed from material analysis they end up believing "views" or "words" are like magic. It's no real surprise that shit like "The Law of Attraction" for libs and Sovereign Citizens for Cons has become a legitimate thing adjacent to each group. Because at the end of the day their premise isn't too far from basic liberalism: namely that society is based off laws and rights and ideals and not simply whoever has the bigger stick. It's why Sovereign Citizens can keep going despite it never once working for anyone. Despite video after video of idiots getting pulled over and saying "I'm not driving drunk, I'm travelling" only to get brutalized by the cops. It's because they think that this liberal shit is real, and that a mere elaboration of terms can somehow stop the people with all the guns if they want something you have.


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>pure spectacle and leftypol is eating it up as always

And you are here doing a holier than thou act and being a wet blanket for who knows what purpose. It gets you off? Whatever floats your boat mam.


They blew up a waste storage facility


To be fair, there's a ton of disinfo on both sides. The Ukrainians are probably putting up a better fight than what's being shown here, but obviously, they're gonna focus on every little success in the face of the mountain of losses they're sustaining..


Lmao what strawman? You lot are always going on about how Putin pursuing Russia's Great Power ambitions is somehow going to give us communism. Even if you think multipolarity is a necessary prerequisite for socialist revolution to happen (it isn't), that at best makes Putin a useful idiot to us who is helping our cause literally by accident and in spite of his actual intentions.


capitalism is dead guys
just ignore all the capitalists


- unlike me, a rugged war veteran who's only posting on leftypol to laugh at weenies


It’d just be based if leftypol finally dumped the “lefty” part of their name and admitted what they really are after this shit


>it really does look like a dinosaur

It's not a dinosaur?




>Is the immense accumulation of commodities in the room with us right now?


>Nobody is making anything up about him freaking the fuck out and saying it's ogre.
That's not what quite what i was getting at. More like the contrast in narrative in so great it sometimes feels hard knowing what the fuck really is going on. If i didn't use this place i'd be like:
>Haha, ukrainians really are BTFOing those ruskies.


Unless Putin sends a miniaturized nuclear submarine into my bathtub while I'm washing myself and torpedoes my ass to smithereens then it's not happening.


>anarchist anthropology
imo anthropology would be the focus of that statement, and some people don't like it, especially some types on this board


Can we expect long term ecological damage?



>You have to use a really broad definition of capitalism to call our existing system capitalism.
generalized commodity production

There, I used 3 words. Feudalism never had that.


are you fucking retarded sabocat? He had said yesterday that he'll denazify the region as max as possible


Lmao I’ve never been in war either, difference is I don’t celebrate watching proles die and imperialist wars break out because they’re happening thousands of miles away and I can “own libs” by celebrating them
I would imagine if the kindly Vladimir Ilyich were still alive he’d have half this board shot for chauvinism


Ha, you can faintly see it turn around after the explosion, it's the same one coming towards the camera at the end


Impossible to see, always in motion the future is
But war has always been ecological devastating, so make of that what you will


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He doesn't even consider himself to be a serious anarchist or any anarchist scholar(Pic related). He's more of an academic anthropologist than anything else.


>I would imagine if the kindly Vladimir Ilyich were still alive he’d have half this board shot for chauvinism
>Shoot people for laughing at people dieing
I kneel ethics-sama.


>You have to use a really broad definition of capitalism to call our existing system capitalism
Here are my 11 words.


He also said he would decommunize it, and blamed the evil bolsheviks for oppressing poor Russia by granting Ukraine autonomy and extra territory within the USSR. See >>520379


You're retarded.


>more strawmen





Feel free to clarify your position then. Why do you support Putin?


Driver probably shat fucking neutronium after that


>"Russian mechanized forces, which came in from Belarus, are 20 miles outside of Kyiv," Austin told lawmakers tonight.



ecosystem is doomed either way
the 'decommunize' thing was mostly a nationalist joke about how removing Lenin statues means you deserve to be removed by Russia. but it's also anticommunist yes


Inb4 either
>He’s based and makes libs seethe
>Uhhhh it’s a strawman to say I support someone I’ve been cheering for the past two days


How is he going to decommunise Ukraine when there are 0 ethnic Ukrainians that support anything left of Hyperborean Paleo-Ultranationalism?
Its a completely meaningless statement, de-nazifing Ukraine has actual weight to it.


Bye bye USA


>He doesn't even consider himself to be a serious anarchist
What does it mean to he a 'serious anarchist' are you saying one is only a 'serious anarchist' when read on some old theory?


It's hard to tell what the reality of the situation is when glowie-aligned media is constantly manufacturing consent for war by presenting half-truths as facts.


Putin is a conservative?! Are we getting too cocky bros???


USA no longer GOTH


I thought Communism was an economic system? I didn't know it meant blindly supporting Russia like a sports team.


Putin's thought is very in line with classic tsarist/white policy of "One indivisible Russia". They typically didn't recognize any other country like Ukraine, Finland, Georgia, etc.


Rolling for Houthis seizing the opportunity to seize Saudi oil


It does when you’re a sad lifeless Western zoomer with literally 0 hope of overthrowing your bourgeois state and 0 willpower to do anything to oppose it so you have to hope and pray that anticommunist porkies from the East save you from your problems in life somehow


Respect to the soldiers fighting for their country, Ukrainian and Russian, so long as they aren't Azovites or Chetniks.
But there's only one way this is going to end, with the total capitulation of the Ukrainian state and the surrender of their forces. The more the state of affairs is prolonged, the more civilians have to suffer.


Why you fucks can't even understand the joke properly?

Decommunize is a joke about how removing Lenin statues, who granted Ukraine statehood, is a very surreal and schizo thing. Also, it's one more proof that to resist NATO and to denazify Ukraine Russia will have to go through denazification of itself by purging it's fake history created in 1980-90s


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Chechen forces reportedly reinforcing DPR militia in Donetsk as well as the Crimean front line


War map: https://liveuamap.com

They are often portrayed as being brutal and fanatical in their approach, e.g. choosing death before surrendering.

They are rumored to have been sent primarily to deal with Azov/Neo-nazis:

Ukrainian soldier scoffs not to be scared of Chechen soldiers, they just have beards:


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>Coping this hard


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Communism is not just an economic system whereby the workers own the means of production, it's also a political system, as well as a social system. No classes will exist in this society and leaders get to sleep with their subordinates. Everyone's going to be treated equally, and those with problematic thoughts are sent to reeducation centers. The state acts as a moderator for the society by enacting laws, possessing police and military forces, and do anything related to societal moderation just like other governments.


Dude is literally saying he doesn't see himself as a scholar of anarchism and he's just an anarchist with a small a. He likes the idea of anarchism but he's not that committed to it or any anarchist movement. He even promoted electoral politics which is basically a taboo thing for anarchists. He also said that the state is not actually a bad thing in that book.


>They are rumored to have been sent primarily to deal with Azov/Neo-nazis:
lol based


Remember how Ukrops were claiming that civilian casualties in Donbass were caused by rockets heat-seeking onto civilian buildings' conditioners? Remember those animals explaining away all and every crime they committed?



There's no way Ukraine has any witches on their side powerful enough to defeat Allah (SWT). It's over.


They're not even communists at this point, they're anti-american.




>How is he going to decommunise Ukraine when there are 0 ethnic Ukrainians that support anything left of Hyperborean Paleo-Ultranationalism?
Lmao do you actually believe this? You can't on the one hand say that Ukrainian proles are terrorized by their Nazi government but also thay they're all Nazis themselves. Moreover it's a ridiculous chauvinist statement to paint an entire nationality as all having the same opinions.
>Its a completely meaningless statement
It pretty clearly indicates the actual class and ideological character of Putin's government.


So true, not wanting the world most powerful neoliberal empire to expand has nothing to do with communism.


>mfw Ukrainian nazis fear the Chechen

Their propaganda about Chechens is playing dirty tricks with them


Dunno much about him but he's right that it's kinda cringe how marxists are being driven by heroic thinkers.



very based



Anti-Americanism is a necessary part of being a communist in 2021. Communism will never come to fruit without the dissolution of the USA.


>Francis Fukuyama, 1992
<History is dead
>History, 2022
<Francis Fukuyama is dead


Missile attacks against Kiev


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Go home Agent Kochinski you're drunk.


Very nice.


Aside from stabilizing multipolarity, I don't see how this war benefit proles, maybe for those from third world countries allied with Russia. First world and Russian proles suffer from increasing inflation and fuel prices, whereas Ukrainian proles and separatists will most likey lose their self determination and possibly their lives. I do enjoy seeing NATO get invalidated, but the support I see for Russia on this board is very uncritical.


>You can't on the one hand say that Ukrainian proles are terrorized by their Nazi government but also thay they're all Nazis themselves.
How is that a contradiction, fascism is litterally all about making the working class support interests counter to own.


dude, you seriously think putin would gulag commies in ukraine? you're so clueless man
it's far more probable that he would use ukr commie party as he uses kprf
commies are synonymous with russian chauvinism in a mind of a proud ukrainian anyway
not without a reason either tho


The only good thing about this war is that it gives NATO a YUGE blow.


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>I do enjoy seeing NATO get invalidated, but the support I see for Russia on this board is very uncritical.
I'm going supercritical over here.


>commies are synonymous with russian chauvinism in a mind of a proud ukrainian anyway


Don't worry, I know you guys have been on baited breath about what our lovecraftian deity Nick Land, thoughts on this situation are.


>I don't see how this war benefit proles
Russians won't be blown up by neo nazi battalions with legal impunity anymore


would have been a bigger blow if putin just stayed in donbas tbh



>I don't see how this war benefit proles
It doesn't, we're all here for the pure spectacle.


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Video of strikes on Kiev just now


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What has NATO lost? Ukraine wasn't a NATO country, it's serving their literal only purpose NATO had with them right now acting as a meat shield.


this board is cringe as fuck as usual


It delays the creation of a global American slave empire by 1 year, that is good enough for me.


Who said that? You tards just keep coming into the thread just to go:



And then you come here all coyly"

>Why do they persecute me so?


How would you describe the feudalistic mode of production?


Azov was actively attacking Russian positions? I though they were focused on the separatist regions.


Capitalism (Capitalist-Imperialism really) is the current world-system, not an abstract concept you mong.


>it's far more probable that he would use ukr commie party as he uses kprf
So in other words he will totally neuter them and turn them into controlled opposition that's totally incapable of actually resisting the interests of the Russian ruling class or threatening their grip on power. Surely this will advance the cause of socialism, which is something Putin is in favour of apparently.


>What has NATO lost
Not yet. This is just the first of a series of take-backs by Russia as it cleans its rightful sphere of influence from Western decadence.


what the hell he died???


i just hope the music that comes out of this sounds good
[spoiler]probably won't top the balkan wars though[/spoiler]


How? How has NATO intended anything at all to happen with Ukraine except turn it into Afghanistan 2 European Boogaloo?


what do the communists in ukraine think?


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guess they changed the spoiler tag


They got rid of INF treaty for a reason


I can understand that from non-americans. But from americans themselves its amusing.



is this even relevant in the class struggle? like, is anyone involved even remotely leftist?
why are Donetsk and Lugansk called people's republic?

to me it's nazis on ukranian side, and big bourgie mobsters on the russian side.



Have you guys bought your #PussyRiot.TM Ukrainian flag NFT's to support Hohol and Women's rights?


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Are the separatists not Russian speakers?


This is going to be the start of a breakdown between the US and EU.


Funny how Graeber fought tooth and nail to impose his vision of a clown car decentralized direct democracy on OWS but then is like "Bro I'm not an authority or anything!"


puppet regime bros… are we going to be ok?


All I know is apparently in the “People’s Republics” they killed the communist commander who tried taking charge
Source: Leftypol


Never happening. They're neutral and very proud of that


It's the first war directly related to Inter-Imperialist conflict on the European conflict since WW2.
I.e view the methods of the Bolsheviks, the German Communists and the French Communists during WW1


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Putin will talk bad shit about communists always, at every opportunity. Meanwhile, the state apparatus tries really hard to appeal to Stalin-loving population and coopt it. Same will spill into Ukraine. Holodomor myths will die, myths about USSR killing gazillion kulaks will die, all those Memorial shitters will be shut up, there will be no more fakes from the archives. Denazification will mean that the source of liberal/nazi propaganda against USSR gets excised, meaning communists WORLDWIDE will have easier time with spreading communism.


>>520564 (me)
and yes wrecking every scent of organization and leadership in a movement is taking a leadership role with zero accountability or democracy


If Russia does not intervene chances are Ukraine is currently in the NATOsphere by now



libs literally think everyone in russia is evil


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Is that Odessa? I was just watching that cam a while back.


they are banned and would not support this NATO militarization of Russian territory


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See this shit? Never trust Ukrop casualty figures.


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aren't chechens a bunch of butchers
christ, wtf are they doing


Anons Russia has handed NATO a L! Based Putin has caused the adding of NATO members like Sweden and Finland soon! They will also see a huge NATO build up on Russia's borders. And best of all the sanctioning of Russia to death. Thank you based Putin you did it NATO defeated.


Tomorrow Taiwan
Next week temporarily occupied territories of Korea


This is getting sad holy fuck


Yes. That is the point.
Russia is needing to make a huge expenditure just to keep the status quo while NATO countries are expending…what exactly?


Fair enough


I'm in a non-political group chat and one autist in the chat was going on about how Russians all deserve to be killed, I felt like I was listening to Agent Kochinski.


I can't bring myself to defend Putin because everytime i think about this whole ordeal i still see him as a shitstain. Though my habbening lust altered my vision of reality for a few hours.


That really happened? I thought that was a joke article.
Just racism towards russians


I hope they butcher some neonazis


>if you oppose authority you're authoritarian


wait, who is banning russian teams in csgo and why?


Mate, creaming yourself over not genociding people and archives and such is not how we spread communism. It has literally 0 to do with spreading communism today. This is LARP.


Real talk will this mean Russia bumrushes Finland and Sweden next?
Just Finland maybe?


> like, is anyone involved even remotely leftist?

Eastern Europe barely has any leftist movements, CPRF is Putin's puppet and controlled opposition


That reminds me of libs saying that the DPRK and its population should be nuked because death would be better "than to live under a dictator"


idk Allende anon (Are you actually Chilean / South-Americastani btw?) Burgoid psyops can literally fry peoples brains and make them believe literally anything.

A good chunk of our country's population believes that China is somehow going to launch a combined ground, Naval, Air invasion of Australia and are 'BUILDING BASES IN OUR BACKYARD' When China is in an entirely different fucking hemisphere then us.

All that burgoids would need to do in a cunt the size of switzerland is print 500BN burger-bux and have some Christian-Democrat glowies run a massive campaign about how vladolf putler is going to kill everyone and they will be begging to join


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They are the death cult they accuse others of.


Rolling for the CPUSA to come to power ushering in an age of American Socialism


I don't say he is a commie messiah
but you make it sound like he is some rabid anti-commie, which he is not
he is just a pragmatic bourgeois politician, quite a competent one, if I say so myself, serving the needs of his bourgeois state


>communists not having to deal with gazillions dead under communism figures has nothing to with spreading communism

Yeah, buddy, suuuure. What next, you'll say that having factual proofs that USSR industry was strong and that capitalism in post-USSR lowered level of life significantly doesn't help you in any way?



>Many analysts in Moscow thought the buildup was a bluff. Today: “Everything that we believed turned out to be wrong”; “I don’t understand the motivations, goals or possible results… What is happening is very strange.”

yeah if he just stayed in donbass he actually would have btfo'd nato


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>I am forgotten


Assessment of how the invasion went so far today by Igor Strelkov (the FSB dude responsible for Crimea's annexation)


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Where's the hell fuckin' Canada been? After Cuckraine fall, they should start invade burgerstani!


Sounds like Maskirovka worked like a fuckng charm


Russia must actually fight back. That's the main point I'm conveying.


as a Russian, I did not expect this shit whatsoever, I thought they will recognize DNR/LNR, make them new South Osetia and live happily ever after


>Finland joining anything

Not happening. Sweden just poses as a neutral country. In any way, those two countries joining would result in Russia steamrolling them as well as the rest of Europe in case of a war.


I thought Ukraine and Russia's population were full of communists.
if there's no leftist movements there where the first worker's state was formed, then I have no hope for this shithole of a planet


>Denazification will mean that the source of liberal/nazi propaganda against USSR gets excised
Lmao do you really think that Ukraine is the main source of liberal/Nazi propaganda against the USSR? Overthrowing the Ukrainian regime won't suddenly make Victims of Communism, RFE, Ukrop diaspora orgs, and every other CIA front suddenly dissappear. The only way this could benefit communists is by promoting multipolarity, and even then any benefit to us would be a side effect of Russia's actions and antithetical to their actual goals.


And America is crumbling…


Feels good to live in South America I guess.


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Ok now that Putin has proven the West to be weak as heck, it's time for China to swoop in finish colonizing Africa. Africa needs to be a communist continent by 2050.


Is there any chance this could be white phosphorous? idk war shit
Yes I was reading some Russians who were saying the same thing, I thought so too, it actually made sense


The latter would be pro-Russia. I bet it'll be the new Warsaw Pact.
Also regarding NATO I only hope that Olgino ramps up efforts again and this war continues up to 2024


I'm not saying "russia shouldnt' defend itself"
I'm saying "Russia just had to expend a huge amount of military force that NATO effectively conjured up for free"


Where did all these libs come from


S Novym Godom!




Lol no
As the usa loses its grip over the rest of the world, it will go back to its speciality: terrorizing latin america


NATO will draw and damage Russian military capacity as much as possible, Afghanistan the shit out of them
NATO will add members like Sweden and Finland
Masses of troop's and weaponry sent to Romania, Poland, Hungary, the Baltics and the new members
NATO Russia conflict odds increase


>Where did all these libs come from

They're always here. You just notice them more when it's a triggering topic.


> I thought Ukraine and Russia's population were full of communists.

sorry, no, unless you consider a communist your typical Soviet-nostalgic grandma voting CPRF for pension money

lately, there has been a fresh wave of young leftists, as everywhere in the world, but for example LatAm countries are 100x more left in comparison



Yes retard. These are not the reason people join orgs or the reasons people should join orgs for.
It literally has nothing to do with anything outside of your sad ebin internet debate bro larps or whatever. Grow up.


I don't support Putin no, but Russia going against NATO is a good thing.
Ironically /pol/ supports Putin because he's fighting globohomo.



For a brief moment, yes.


Why would you join NATO at this point? All of that posturing over Ukraine and all they managed to do is send thoughts and prayers. Seems like a shitty deal.


>everybody is a lib but me!
grow up


You can read it in full here (with embedded video/photo references)


>Lmao do you really think that Ukraine is the main source of liberal/Nazi propaganda against the USSR? Overthrowing the Ukrainian regime won't suddenly make Victims of Communism, RFE, Ukrop diaspora orgs, and every other CIA front suddenly dissappear.

It will 1) stop the archives from spouting fakes to prove all the glowies' claims 2) it will stop glowies from having a russian-speaking and Russia-adjacent talkers in Russian internet space. They were already pushed out, but now with denazification in effect they'll get outright banned ala Memorial


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me and leftypol watching this conflict unfold


they can't even coup us anymore


If they're not why did they refuse socialism and invited porkies


Because its mostly Americans that are awake right now.


>you make it sound like he is some rabid anti-commie, which he is not
In the 90s he said that Russia needed a Pinochet-style dictatorship to protect the markets and keep the communists out of power.


more delusional angloid cope


every new conflict, skirmish, border clash, etc you get bombarded with a stream of reuploaded war footage suddenly falsely reposted as what is going on right now. half the stuff on here today is from 2015 conflict but i evn saw someone post a video of Indian troops dubbed russian


>"Culture War" has no bearing on reality, retard!

Ideological war is an important war. Again, look at Xi showing huge interest in ideological warfare and who attacks liberal and fascist and general anticommunist viewpoints, including their historical "facts".


>you make it sound like he is some rabid anti-commie
Huh, the president sabotaging communist parties and sending communists to jail isn't a "rabid anti-commie".


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How will the war in Ukraine affect me personally? That is, if I turn off my computer screen for the next few months, will I actually notice anything that is a result of the Ukranian war? Somehow I doubt it.

If you still have to go to work in the morning, it's a nothing burger


>Liberalism is….is when not worshipping the based anticommunist reactoid in an imperialist proxy war with other anticommunist reactoids
Another one for the shot without a burial pile



That is a KA52. KA50 looks very different.


hltv is pretty fucking funny but you gotta wade through the filth to find it. Luckily the ukranian players (including the best player in the world) were bootcamping in poland.
There hasn't. Rumor that some teams have asked players not to comment were also proven untrue.


Wait til you get to the pump.


dude its leftypol, most people on here don't leave their house and haven't talked to a female in real life for years




Good news!


prefacing by noting I'm not American or European, but in my experience European leftists are more likely to demonise Putin than American leftists


>why are Donetsk and Lugansk called people's republic?
The early involvement of communists and Nazbols I imagine. Communists are all purged by now and most of the non-compliant Nazbols have been removed.


rarely use my car because I live in Chicago :^)


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Don't get too cocky.


Yeah we might not have an accurate picture of what's happening on the ground until next week.


Falling stock market prices as well as the increase in prices for certain stocks like oil. ECONOPOLITICS IS A THING


Somehow anti-communist propagandists were doing just fine when there was a pro-Russian government in Ukraine. It's not has if Putin cares about countering anti-communist myths anyway, he peddles them himself.


Welcome to the fog of war.


Russian communists are loyal to Putin. They're controlled opposition.


good thing I have good portion of my portfolio in oil :^)


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Me watching all the hypocritical western warmongers come out of the woodwork to denounce Russia.


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wtf does this mean… like in terms of substance?


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Every time.



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Come on leftypol, fill this thread already. I need to sleep.


Ummmmmmm based?


They weren't tearing down lenin statues and publishing Nazi apologia with a putin friendly government in charge dipshit


Russia itself changed over the last decade, ffs. US becoming openly hostile forced Russia into banning liberals, who were the biggest pillar of Russian anti-communism.


it's a response to that "if I were your mommy, Mr. Putin" vid


based as fuck


<Donetsk Theater
<Combat operations are of an emphatically “constraining” nature. The limited attack on Volnovakha is intended to threaten not only Mariupol (in fact, its liberation is of no strategic importance now, as it will certainly be surrendered by the enemy when the troops from the 1st Theater move on to Berdyansk and Zaporizhia), but more importantly, to threaten a frontal break towards the rapidly advancing “Crimean” formations from the west. This threat requires the enemy to buy in and prevents the release of troops that would otherwise have been thrown into recreating the “Crimean Front”.
AAAAAHHH Tukhachevsky bros we've been vindicated
FUCK Yezov and FUCK Stalin


>some faggot author with no skin in the game becomes ideological leader with not a single vote cast
>imposes a small factional clique's ideology over a mass movement
>this is the price of anti-authoritarianism :DDDDD




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Old thread is still on the first row. Give it time anon.


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post the actual thing, you faggot


Bernie finally saying something sensible?


>Vladimir put is threatening to destroy Ukrainian democracy
>Ukrainian democracy
That's a good one


Don't care what a Biden cuck says


Yeah, Brazilian.

Idk Australianon, they've always been high up in the mountains chilling, didn't come out even in WW2. Why would they now


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>leftypol unrionically defending NATO interests and falling for Western propaganda

falls both ways chump


I'm not defending shit, I hope both of them get destroyed and China liberates Taiwan.


Hi Agent Kochinski.


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Don't care what a Biden cuck says


That does actually look like WP.


cope mutt, Russia will destroy all NATO Dogs


ya and get this site shut down


Is that Manson?


Also, remember Kuropates? Remember that famous in the 90s shit which was used to prove that communists were killing jews in WW2? Well guess fucking what, NOBODY is using this shit anymore because Belarus did an official investigation into that shit and outlawed it as NAZI APOLOGIA. And now NOBODY uses it. Well, guess what will happen if the pro-american anticommunist orgs suddenly happen to come under occupation by Belarus or Russia who get hammered by the West as inheritors of USSR's totalitarianism?


>laziest strawman ever
>calls other's opinions simple


I support Ukraine, the side without capitalist oligarchs.


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>Nooooooo how dare you state that NATO is consolidating themselves for more encirclement!
>Noooooooo how dare you question if Russia has put themselves in good position

You guys keep thinking the war hawks of NATO will continue to cuck out a lot of underestimating towards them. Our assessment of NATO shouldn't include feelings ok? If they have a strength you don't all of a sudden become pro-nato pointing that strength out.


I don't think that's a thing


>supporting western degeneracy


>I support Ukraine, the side without capitalist oligarchs.

You know Zelensky is the stooge of media mogul oligarch who owned the channel that produced the show where they made him president right?


Apparently it's some idiot that let himself get captured by Iranians


Liberalism is taking the liberal media narrative about Putin and Russia hook line and sinker. This invasion is literally a good thong for both ukranians and russians and it comes at a perfect time when NATO can't do shir about it


>muh degeneracy
go back


>western degeneracy
you have to go back.


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>USA and CIA bad




Putin should be demonised.
Americans might be more likely to support Putin, but they are also more likely to want to turn the Russian invasion of Ukraine into WW3.


American weapons will be proven inferior, NATO response will be proven weak, and Europe will continue to trade with Russia in opposition to US and UK dreams and hopes. Just like UK ran away from EU, NATO can similarly fall apart as a result of tensions.


>This invasion is literally a good thong for both ukranians and russians
as long as the war is kept outside cities, sure


why do you still think nato is going to do anything besides sanctions


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fuck putler. i cant believe leftypol is full of reactoids


>dumping war crime powder directly straight onto kiev for your first attack
… 😶


They literally are the biggest force in the way of actual progressive developments around the world


What's the yellow and blue?


cope, Libshits will face the wall when marxism-leninism makes a comeback


I can't think that this isn't bait


last person that should be talking


>Look away for one (1) minute
>Thread flooded with new replies
Last day I follow this shit


Kiev is being shelled, if anybody cares. All of this bullshit will soon end and I fucking hope Zelensky gets a bullet.


>pure spectacle
actually this is what debord would call a "concentrated spectacle" get it right




Liberals really out here making flags that look like smallpox blankets


>when marxism-leninism makes a comeback
it wont under putin, thats for sure


See you tommorow in thread 62.0


You think some dude at Langley is monitoring this thread?


quit baiting


It is. This is a clean military operation. No civilians are being targeted. All bombings are to disable Ukranian military capability to prevent further bloodshed. Remember Russia took Crimea bloodlessly in a popular referendum and the west still lost their shit.


leftypol be like how many baits can i take today


Nah. They were both justified.


i saw a shoehorned ukraine flat on another board. thought was funny



Nothingburger and fizzle gang must feel stupid as fuck right now tbh


>Implying it’s just Russia
>Implying it’s progressive if the poor, gay minorities don’t get abused for being gay and/or minorities, but it’s still okay for them to be poor


It can be somewhere else and not necessarily in langley proper, but if they aren't then they're shit at their job - and they're too overfunded to be that bad at it.


Ukrainians confirmed as massive faggots.


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Hello gamers, recently I made a Patreon!


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For reference, this is what the immediate aftermath of Israeli white phosphorous rounds over Gaza looked like.


t. happooner
literally nothing has happened


Probably Ft. Meade
I'll see you lads in the REX-84 camps
I love America, I love democracy. :)


If true, he'd probably be laughing too much to breathe.
And i don't mean laughter in the:
>haha, they're so funny


File: 1645759040977.png (1.25 MB, 1242x684, This is Worthless.png)

>The information available at the time


>lgbtq are… LE BAD
ok putler


doesn't matter, what matters is that western degeneracy will be crushed, now fuck off libshit


Quit baiting


>UN found no evidence of chemical weapons beforehand
Hell yeah I'm replying to this delicious bait
yea it just looks a little bit more smoky but otherwise very similar imo


cope, reactionaries will always lose, you will never turn back the clock


>t. Colin Powell
Thought you were with your bud Reagan now?


>AIDS and mentall illness is…. Le good!
terminal cancer


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Imagine honoring indigenous people not by giving them infrastructure or taking away oil pipelines polluting their land, but with knockoff smallpox blankets


vagina aids is real too you fucking faggot


Hi Agent Kochinski.


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The "support" for the most part is Critical. Doubt anyone has delusions that Putin is going to re-establish the USSR or save the world.

As far as I'm concerned, the only "good guys" that should be supported in this conflict are the DPR and the LPR. Don't get it twisted, Putins a reactionary bastard, and his invasion has gone too far, but his actions have exposed the world to the paper tiger that is NATO.

>Ukraine has been invaded
>two new independent nations have been recognised by Russia, Cuba, and Venezuala.
>NATO has been exposed for weaklings.
>Azov Battalion is getting BTFO.
<i-it's a nothing burger.


I think that's a plane getting shot down.


>Using "le" even ironically
Eat a bullet, all of you




Ukraine literally expressed a desire to join NATO and get nuclear weapons
And the DPR and LPR are just as heckin cute and valid as Taiwan, Israel, South Korea, and Kosovo.


feds going out in full force with bait right now


Nature has a way shutting that shit down


We support the invasion because it deposes a Western fascist regime, not because of ethnicity bullshit.


lol no, you think the average working class likes transhumanists who parade about in the street? Bourgeoisie degeneracy at its peak


That's what I thought too. Those big central fireballs look like that's what they are.


No one here is defending Putin
No one here is defending NATO
Everyone's sure the other is in fact defending one
All anyone supports is the weakening of NATO imperialism

Thread after thread of fake debates on fake positions no one actually holds



>preventing a hostile state from obtaining nuclear weapons.
Lol at thinking this bullshit had to do with the invasion


Remember when the free world deleted their youtube channel for literally no reason lol


Who cares about justified? I think it’s in my interests and that’s good enough for me.

(Also, the WMDs were a fabricated story and everyone knew it)


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did aids is stop ?????


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Yet you funded him for decades. Curious


Thank god I though I saw a p there and I went all "Agent Kochinsky is that you!"
Thankfully it was my mind playing tricks on me


sad but true


Steamrolling Eastern European German-dominated puppet states as Russia is always a fun game in Kaiserreich.


>How the fuck can you say taking the Sudetenland is wrong!? They are Germans anyway, and Germany is an enemy of the liberal imperialist United States and British Empire and French Empire; Germans should and MUST be united and Germany is not imperialist anyway since 1918
You right now


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Hello liberal.


>Small business owning shitkickers are proles
>Proles care about the culture war and not their medical bills or rent





Back to r/worldnews idiot


I would actually point out that WP does have legal use as smoke round too, and that it's not impossible for it to be on a plane for that purpose.


>Eat a bullet, all of you


>Macron says that Zelensky asked him to convey a proposal for negotiations to Putin


If not Langley, then some privately contracted dude is.


I critically support Putin. cope and seethe faggot.


Kaiser Puthelm


But fuck tons of people actually are supporting Putin and are calling anyone that isn’t celebrating this imperialist proxy war a liberal?


>NATO encirclement and repeated provocations are irrelevant
You can’t be this ignorant


Ukraine’s military budget is less than the combined budgets of LAPD and LASD by about $800 million, in case anyone is wondering


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>And the DPR and LPR are just as heckin cute and valid as Taiwan, Israel, South Korea, and Kosovo.


Damn, another based post from Bolshevik flag, you’re becoming one of my favorite posters on this board!


Stop amplifying them by bringing it up on the constant. How many times must you repeat this? you're getting boring.


>Oh no, he won’t shill for my heckin based wholesome anticommunist government!
<Guess he’s from le reddit spook
Kys chauvinist

I fucking hate this timeline
Anarchists voting for war credits
“Leninists” shilling for imperialist proxy wars
90% of the west deserves to die, 99% of online leftists


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>ensure regional stability


Binary brain strikes again


>ensure regional stability
>prevent harbouring of international terrorists that target every western country
Wow, those worked out great


Except the western backed Ukrainian Nazi state is being ousted by Putin as we speak. This is the opposite of Nazi Germany. Putin is preventing a full blown NATO balkalization of Russia. History will remember this favorably. Nobody will ask what seething moralizing libs think.


People who have done such serve the capitalist system unfortunately. Laws of balance


I don’t give a fuck what you think, lefty/pol/ subhuman
>Oh you’re getting boring
Leninhat had the right idea of you people


The irony is that for anybody who doesn't actually live in Russia or Ukraine, these debates are pretty much entirely theoretical. There are people who shill Putin and people who don't, but the position of both in regards to Western involvement is emphatic opposition. For non-Russian/Ukrainian communists at this point there are only two questions which truly distinguish the glow from the non glow.
>Do you oppose Western involvement in Ukraine?
>Will you work constructively with people who have different opinions about Russia and Putin than you do?
If your answer to both those questions is yes, then you are on the right side.


He’s a cipher, a nonentity, it’s more important what a Russian victory would do against the current Neoliberal order and how reducing the pressure of imperial hegemony allows for progressive groups within counterhegemonic reactionary countries to assert themselves over the national bourgeoisie


Necessary actions =/= wars for oil. You think UA is in the Middle East?


you're more than welcome to leave, anon.


He's not a follower of chilies economic and political model tho his economic and political policy seems to have shifted to mussolinism especially after he read a bunch of park chung hee history books to learn economic and political lessons from

Of course this is still anti communist but if you are gonna criticize putin point out he's aa dirigsme fascist instead of a neoliberal Chile dictator


Here have a (you), happy now?


Okay so leave and let the adults speak. Your tantrums are not constructive.


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Putin is part of the current neoliberal order.
Dude literally said the only kind of criminal forces are the ones that target private property lmao.


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Critical support isn't actual support* what I meant is no one actually supports* Putin
I'm sure everyone critically supports putin including me. The issue is people being mad with the critical part of the support. Oh you critical of Putin seems we have a NATO shill on our hands lads or you support Putin and aren't critical enough. This is the unnecessarily argument I'm trying to stop.


Ok Putin wants Ukraine's oil, happy now?


I don't think you know what neoliberal means - it isn't a synonym for liberal or capitalist.


>prevent a hostile actor from using nuclear weapons to threaten their neighbours and the United States
I wish Iraq had had nuclear weapons so it could have bombed the fuck out of your invasion
>ensure regional stability
The west has worked massively specifically to prevent the stabilization of the Middle east
>prevent harbouring of international terrorists that target every western country
America created the terrorists, you incredible cretin

I don't know if this is bait but it's sad to know people out there think like this


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>state committing atrocities against a breakaway state with a different ethnicity
>this happens for years and nobody gives a shit
>eventually a superpower steps in, fucks their shit up, bombs their capital
This is morally equivalent to the NATO intervention in Serbia. You just don't like being on the receiving end, glowcuck.


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He also heavily nationalized the private sector too

And his economic policy is centralized. This is not neoliberal this is dirigsme


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>The Iraq war was more justified than the Ukranian invasion.
Uhhh, the war to find and stop those Weapons of Mass Destruction?
Is this your final answer?


only for a capitalist

you'll never be a capitalist


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Spooked. You know I'm Russian. I speak the language and know the post Soviet history of the country so I automatically understand this conflict 100 times better than you and only come here to laugh at spooked libs losing their mind


stop baiting
ukrain happening: caused by nato expansion,
iraq invasion: weapons of mass destruction not found


damn Bronies getting into this too


seeth putlerite


You’re literally a bunch of degenerate teenagers in a board that named itself after /pol/ celebrating a war you will never participate in pretending to be “leninists” while you spit on Lenin’s name


Make a new thread before this thread becomes autolocked


>uhhh I know we destroyed your country and killed and displaced your people, but at least we thought we were right!
The burger entitlement, holy shit. You deserved 9/11


Why are there shittons of King Lears here


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Holy shit you people


Here’s the thing, even if Putin achieves his objectives for Ukraine and pushes our NATO, it still makes him unpopular, perhaps even more than before, and thus increases the likelihood of a progressive successor force


King Lear is based and you're all a bunch of chauvinists simping for fascist russia to own the libs.


New thread:


Find another place to chimp out or take your meds schizo faggot.


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>>Wow russian imperialism is so freaking based!!! Ukraine isn't a real country so it's okay to invade them for whatever made up reasons


Что-то не верится. Когда твои родаки свалили страну?


They didn’t. It was a lie and this is documented


Thanks I knew I missed one


>you're all a bunch of chauvinists simping for fascist russia to own the libs.
You're a lib.


Finally. I'm gonna sleep now. You fags better not be eating bait tomorrow xoxo.


not celebrating. war is shit. but there already was war. 15,000 were killed since 2014 and the positions staked out by US-Ukriane were that their only intent was to never implement the Minsk agreements and forcibly retake DPR/LPR, which means current and ongoing war. And next that Russia's main concern of Ukraine joining NATO was simply non-negotiable (a "non-starter") which tells Russia the US is going to absorb it into NATO at some point, which will ultimately lead to confrontation and war.
War was here already (DPR/LPR) and further war was coming (constant NATO provocations/confrontations on the border). Russia chose to end the war quickly and decisively, rather than fight it sporadically for years or decades.
War sucks though and it doesn't always go how planners think it will (see Iraq). If this escalation leads to further escalations it could wind up in a worse place than before.


Good night from the afternoon


>it still makes him unpopular
with who? russians? doubt it
russians just want this ukrainian shitshow to end, if putin manages to achieve this with a relative minor blood he will be more popular than ever


Not really. Because guess what, on top of sanctions, there’s the expense of this whole military venture when Russians outside of the two capitals live like shit. And this time there’s no gayrope to point to and blame


Granted, but Haz will be Sultan




Man dude is reduced to just a t-shirt, sad as hell.

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