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 [Last 50 Posts]

Ukraine conflict: Fighting rages near Kyiv after Russia invasion

Russian forces approaching Kyiv from northeast & east; Ukrainian Prez pleads for help (LIVE UPDATES)

Russia attacks Ukraine live updates: Russian forces close on Kyiv (LIVE UPDATES)

Latest updates: Ben Wallace says Russia’s ambition is to invade 'the whole of Ukraine’ but its forces have so far lost around 450 personnel


Let's gooo



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second for DNR and LNR.


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POV: You are against the war.


What is the NATO's endgame if they kick Russia out of SWIFT? Long term it hurts them but maybe the want to actually start WW3


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>threadly reminder:


Why is western media trying to make out of this some kind of movie-like scenario?
>dude the ghost of kiev is killing all the russians
> moustache twirling putin is actually hilariously incompetent
>russian troops are being killed by the thousands by grannies with guns
Why are they creating this alternative reality?


The Ghost of Kiev just Flew over my house insulted my land and blew up 5,000 US F-35s the smoke is everywhere.


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There is no war going on, it's all a psyop. Putin gets to LARP as the big manly tsar, NATO gets to sell weapons and Zelensky gets to film the new season of his TV show. Wake up.




Where are the soviets?


BUDAPEST, Feb 26 (Reuters) - Hungary will support all European Union sanctions against Russia and will not block anything, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Saturday, speaking on the Ukrainian-Hungarian border.

"Hungary made clear that we support all the sanctions, so we will block nothing, so what the prime ministers of the European Union are able to agree, we accept it and we support it," he told reporters in English.

"This is the time to be united, it's a war," he said, adding that peace efforts were the most important.



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Unironically not too far from the truth. There is no war, no war has ever been declared. It's a special operation.


>mfw there is no evangelion rebuilt joke in OP


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The truth is, choppers are sitting hovering ducks. For a while, it seemed like they might rewrite the rules of land combat due to how grossly they outperformed infantry and armored vehicles. Then shoulder-mounted RPGs and similar portable weapons showed up and choppers immediately went into the dustbin of history.



>latest footage from Kyiv airport


If the state department reports on the Ukrainian resistance is true give or take, like they were eventually right about the invasion, I imagine this means that Ukraine truly is kicking the shit out of Russia but also more complicated than just pure numbers game. I imagine Ukraine is dug in great positions that are tearing through the Russian offensive like butter. We haven't heard any reports from the state department as to the end of the conflict, but if they're able to manufacture a scenario where Putin is shown to be surrendering for talks then I think it'll be a win for NATO.


It doesn't hurt them long term as a China-EME bloc coming to rival them is an inevitability and China and India don't have the consumer base till mid century for that to happen.

Its catastrophic for Russia short to medium term, extremely bad for eastern Europe short term and bad for Germoney and Italy.

US and Canada derive the biggest benefit and in the midterm NATO is going to benefit massively, with a tighter Atlantic system and Balts and Swedes joining up.


Ivan enjoying his molotov I see


Tank was hit with an RPG, ERA saved him.


>Hear from the Union faction: Growing resentment among members of parliament over the federal government's veto on #SWIFTban . If Ampel sticks to this attitude, a special parliamentary group meeting will be considered tonight and a separate motion in the Bundestag tomorrow.@world @WELTAMSONNTAG #PutinsWar


-reported for@world about Chancellor and political Berlin



And so the bourgeoisie grows divided


do you know what the t72s ERA is called?


can't take much more of this liberal propaganda tbh, like Ukraine is a marvel movie


>Germany is still blocking EU and NATO allies from sending urgently needed weapons and ammunition to Ukraine, which is trying to defend itself from a multi-front Russian invasion, according to officials from two EU member countries.

>Senior Ukrainian officials have complained bitterly for weeks that Germany was refusing to allow shipments of arms over which it retains legal control because they were manufactured in whole or in part by German companies.

>Estonia, in particular, had said it wanted to send old howitzers but was prevented from doing so because of Germany’s refusal to allow the shipment of lethal weapons. Estonia bought the weapons from Finland, which gave its approval, but Germany also has to sign off because it originally sold the howitzers to Finland.



The swift shit has been used to threaten russia, china and friends for a long time. Pretty sure they already have something prepared, they already have their own systems.
This being said Russia owes money to western nations, kicked out of swift means those debts wont be paid


Live News
(Why is the link not in the OP?)


What's the deal with the Z?


to cope when their post historical liberal worldview is collapsing of course.


Autistic freak




'Day Z' name of russian operation


Western attack group identifier


Zelensky assassination squad, they're the unit that will attack Zelensky.


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Z stands for Zelensky.


Putin is a fucking retard. Soldiers shouldn't be lied to like this, how the fuck do you expect them to fight well when you do these tricky bullshit moves.


Usually they are reintigrated, only the most insane regimes are banning surrender.
In this case specifically the ukrainian regime lied about them being dead and is in full Volkssturm mode, so would try to kill them to maintain the lie.
But the current regime won't exist soon so its not a problem.


They really like Zizek


It's to demark what area they're deployed in.
There's, Z, V, and O/C, and '/', or something like that.


it's too complex for you to understand


Huh. I've only seen Z on the eastern direction and V on the northern direction.


Ukrainian fake, don't respond


We warned you that Putin was a mad man. He unironically believes he's the reincarnation of Tsarism and will revive the Russian Empire.



Most russian mil are pressed, a lot of people treat it as do nothing fuck around. Its surprising they were even called up other than backline logistics


There was a tweet explaining it a few threads back.
Its from the romanized words for the cardinal directions, and / means center or some shit.


Western propaganda brain rot


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Oh no. A ukranian propaganda fed retard((((((


so after the war what happens to soldiers who surrendered? will they be imprisoned for betraying their country?


zelensky comedy troupe


Ukrops hit and run at logistics trucks in the rear in settlements Russian military negotiated surrender/neutrality with. Basically, ukrops got peace-breaking access to supply trucks of Russia. It's not going to last, lol


Did you see his speech?


>I wouldn’t want to keep money in a bank that can’t access the SWIFT system. Once a bank can’t transfer or receive funds from other banks, its solvency can be at risk. If I were Russian, I would take my money out now. Bank runs could begin in Russia on Monday.

Big hedge fund manager



Kontakt-5, but I'm not too sure.


Now, for unbiased reporting, I urge you to post destroyed Ukrainian columns. You will do this, because you are not a shill, right?


>Bank runs could begin in Russia on Monday.
Does he even read the news?


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These posts glow




Go back to reddit or pol or wherever you came from. Russia gave you fucks a pause due to Zelensky seeming like he wants to negotiate. More Ukrop guro incoming


Bill ackman is worth 3 billion dollars and runs a huge hedge fund. I think he does read news



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Destroyed russian t72 from today I wonder what it got hit with because it seems to be massive structural damage and Ukraine air force is dead, must be American tech.


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Pause is over


Disgusting take. This is not a good situation.
We're against NATO and ukraine government. Not pro russia, pro invasion, pro killing.


looks like Donbass line and Kharkiv are still holding


Is this what a Putinist Maupinite look like when they're coping?


Or it's Ukrainian tank that got hit by Russian tech.


Europe won't kick Russia out of SWIFT, >>525991


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>Germany supported Russia's disconnection from SWIFT. Now all EU countries are "for" "Technical preparations for the decision and implementation of this sanction have already begun," Foreign Minister Kuleba confirmed.

Radio liberty (yes i know what this is)




missile cage is clearly visible it is russian t72 B3m2011


If russia is kicked out of swift how will they sell their oil/gas to europe?





I'll wait for more credible news but it does indicate direction.


>Hearing from CDU politicians that Germany's main opposition party is shifting toward supporting Russian SWIFT ban.

>CDU parliamentary group considers meeting tonight to discuss this & present motion at Sunday's Bundestag debate to raise pressure on Scholz' government.



7 mins ago


I want a progression map or a day by day map collection of this, can someone post that? My video game brain needs it to complete a collection.


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someone please faceapp this with female putin

i would 100% stan russia then


Daily reminder there is no war but class war.
Banderite neo-fascists and Vlaslovite Putinists should be hanged from lampposts.


Wasn't Anonymous as a hacktivist group a Occupy thing? Why are they pro-America now?


what is a ukrop


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So time for the final push, Kiev will fall tonight, inshallah.


Fucking nerd who thinks he's military lol


Their twitter accounts show they are Bernie supporters in their rhetoric


They will not. Europe would be fucked.


it's a moniker anyone can pick up, it's probably just a couple of spergs thinking they're doing something impactful


Anti-imperialist bros, i dont know if I support this or not. Seems like an eventual good move.
"Stand with ukraine"ers need not apply.


>Zelensky gets to film the new season of his TV show.



seethe vatnik


There are no actual fronts in this war like in the ww2 or something


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Putin literally can't stop now. They are forcing him to just continue at this point


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No way


Friendly fire, Leninhat is being one of the correct ones on this issue (when Leninhat is on the right side things are surely fucked up for leftists)


<In Gostomel (Kyiv region), a bridgehead has probably already been installed



Cope kremlinbot I have word confirmed by six Ukrainian government officials that Steiner's offensive is right around the corner


So why do people keep position these maps?


Big German news. They are willing to do arms now unlike before

>Germany is in the process of approving delivery of 400 RPGs to Ukraine via a third country, an EU diplomat says






Iron man of Kiev has been deployed



They somewhat indicate the current state of affairs


any clue where this is?


>Turkey distances itself from Zelenskiy comments on Russian warship access to Black Sea


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If only Putin was female we could stan this Russian invasion! Too bad he's just a male chauvinist pig.


Relax man, you will see things destroyed from the Russian side, too.
Overwhelmingly you see more of the ukrop side.


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someone reporting on a war story and then getting AKCHUALLY-ed by an SJW is the most twitter thing imaginable


Why isn't the free market doing something to stop this???


I'm convinced redditors are the worst ppl in the world


Old. This was an ambush to Kharkiv.



Redditors are worse than Nazis


These type of people have shit instead of brains



Russia realy fell off after the soviet union fell, bestie


Anybody can claim to be Anonymous


trust the market!!! trust it! and by those apes


Cope, Ukraine is definitely winning.


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Okay so apparently these russian tanks are getting popped with javelins, I wonder how man Biden has sent over.


oh no, reddit is raiding us now


<Melitopol has been taken.
>The RF Armed Forces are also developing an offensive to the north-west of Melitopol. The city of Energodar was taken. The Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant is also located there, which generates 1/4 of the electricity in Ukraine.
it;s ogre now ukrobros


Silly dummy! The free market needs everyone to do as the free market says! If you don't do what the free market says and do your own thing it's not free!


>Putin’s allies abandon him over Ukraine invasion

Several of Russia's closest allies and former Soviet satellite states have sharply rebuked President Vladimir Putin over his unprovoked invasion of Ukraine.

Why it matters: As the Western world seeks to make Putin an international pariah, even his closest allies are resisting showing support for his assault on Ukraine.

Driving the news: Czech President Milos Zeman and Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban, both historically strong pro-Russian voices in the European Union, condemned the affront as "an unprovoked act of aggression," AP reports.

"Russia has committed a crime against peace," Zeman said.
Zeman, who earlier this week insisted that Russia wouldn't attack Ukraine, changed course and has called for harsh sanctions against Russia, including pulling out of the SWIFT financial system.
Orban, who has pursued a diplomatic and economic strategy with Putin called "Eastern Opening," condemned "Russia's military action."
“Hungary’s position is clear: we stand by Ukraine, we stand by Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty,” said Hungary's Foreign Minister Peter Szijijarto, per AP.
What's happening: Kazakhstan, one of Russia's closest allies, denied a request for its troops to join the attack on Ukraine, per NBC News.

The Czech Republic closed Russian consulates in the country and stopped issuing visas to Russians except for humanitarian cases.
The president of Bulgaria, which was Russia's closest ally during the Cold War, said the invasion was "absolutely inadmissible."
The ruling coalition leaders in Romania called Russia "the architect of the worst security crisis since World War II."
Moldovan President Maia Sandu said Russia’s attacks were launched "in violation of international norms," and the international community "unanimously condemns these military actions."
And Germany and Italy, which have strong economic ties to Russia, are both poised to support a European Union measure to cut Russia from the international SWIFT financial system.
Between the lines: China, which has deepened economic and military ties with Russia in recent years, has straddled the fence between supporting Russia's "legitimate security concerns" and calling for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity to be respected.

China abstained from a UN resolution on Friday criticizing Russia's attack, a departure from its usual practice of vetoing Western-led measures.



Seethe, I am cumming :DDDDDD~~~



>Daily reminder there is no war but class war.


Class reductionism


The walls are closing in on Emperor Voldemort Putlerpatine


Does anyone know the position of Vietnam on the Ukraine war?


they wont take a side they have a no alliance policy


Kys zyuganovite traitor


Pootin can't bend now, if he does it's over for russia for real. It will be slapped by sanctions anyway on top of forced to disarm and they will put nukes in Ukraine the next day


now show the video of
>Femen when they can't get conscripted in Ukraine


Based. Death to America. Death to Russia. Death to the American oligarchy. Death to the Russian oligarchy. Hail to the working classes of the world in resisting bourgeois imperialism and Tsarist irredentism.


>support one right wing nationalist oligarchy over another right wing nationalist oligarchy
kys TBH


he must've send them over before the conflict since the ua already used them three days ago


>Sit and enjoy the show.
is that not bad


sorry but quads prove you wrong


I am team DC

Neither Avengers nor Justice League, Only Washington


why are these people not celebrating? the tanks of peace have come to liberate them from the nato-fascist bloc


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>Are you on team Marvel heros? Or the evil Thanos bad guys?
For me it's team Georges Floyd


This is ukrop tank



could also be UK as intermediary because they openly state they are sending lethal aid while US is more guarded and only talks of defensive aid


right? putin specifically have ordered for celeberation and fun


Daily reminder NATO and the US are the only reason the bourgeoisie have such an overwelmingly powerfull position against the working class around the world, and that any damage done to them is a win for the working class, even if its done by other bourgeoisie


They did celebrate in Donbas.


absolute cope lol its russian as it has the missile cage and its not even damaged it as that fire is from the ERA


what damage has happened to NATO?


Explosive reactive armor?


>German Empire
>French Empire
>Japanese Empire


did he died?


>When a military nerd thinks he knows equipment
You've never served in your life let alone in the Russian army kid, stop the larp.


>Shortly before bringing up MTG, the camera showed a sizeable and raucous crowd. Fuentes praised "our secret sauce…young white men." Fuentes then solicited a round of applause for Russia in its invasion of Ukraine, and the groyper crowd chanted "Putin, Putin."



They didn't get to place their nukes in ukraine


None, all members will double their military budget and Finland will join them while redditors celebrate it across the world


Angloids and redditors just denounce everyone and call it a day. It's an easy position and you can never be wrong.


Since we passed the 60 hour mark, relaunching this:


Press 0 for no
Press 1 for yes


complete brainworm
russia is just as much of a bourgeoi state


Yep, Su-25 are like A-10s,



0 for 100 hours 0 for 200 0 for 1000 hours etc etc.


This uyghur living in the 1800s lmao
What are you gonna usa as an argument next, sparta?


>Daily reminder
Needs to be hourly tbh


>NATO is a state


sometimes i wonder what it's like for other countries trying to reason with the usa or figure out its strategy. the most powerful country in the world sees politics through the lens of marvel movies and harry potter, and isn't afraid to act on that paradigm


its made up of states
russia is still bourgeoi


This night the kieve will be encircled and kharkov will be conquered. Screenshot this


Ah yes, all those russian military bases upholding capitalism in every corner of the world


All bourgeois states are exactly the same.
I am very smart.


>Cut Russia off from SWIFT. Now.
What is SWIFT? It's the banking NUCLEAR option that world leaders REFUSE to cut Russia off from. WHY?
Do we have your attention


Anonymous twitter account


do it do it do it. End financial unipolarity with this simple click!


the fact they are weaker than the US and nato doesnt change they are an bourgeoi, capitalist state

all bourgeoi are opposed to working class interests


it's made up by mostly imperialist most vividly anti-communist states, fyi



will the capitol fall tonight?


Why do so many communists turn into conservative ultra nationalists in times of crisis and conflict?


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Here's a pic of it getting in over Georgia in 2008, then it landed safely.


Is Russia gonna be kicked from SWIFT or nah?


>I spoke to @markrutte this afternoon to thank him for strong cooperation in ensuring a supply of defensive aid to Ukraine. We discussed SWIFT and the need for urgent action to exclude Russia. The UK and the Netherlands are united in our condemnation of Putin’s attack on Ukraine.

-boris Johnson



lol. fucking glow shits


>doesnt change they are an bourgeoi, capitalist state
Thats not really the point im making, now is it, glowie


russia would be just as imperialist if they were stronger since imperialist exploitation is the ultimate goal of the bourgeoisie governing russia


yeah but you say it yourself here - "would"


What's the point of having a hard position and being wrong?


Seems likely Germoney (who are folding) is the only holdout other than maybe US who have been tight lipped and technically don't have a say


no, you choose to support russian bourgeoi imperialism because youve got a brain worm


IF I was born an elephant I WOULD go PRÖÖÖÖ :DD all the time


Ambitious, but I take the bet. If you win, I post one nude (spoiled) of one of my exes. SC me and repost until i see you.


Internet points, dopamine high, feeling of belonging


I'm still here bro, dn worry
I am communist and not nationalist or conservative

Doge Bles, May every capitalist shart in their pants


>lets interupt bourgeoisie destroying and weakening eachother, that will surely help the proletariat


I think the moon is fake, and I will prove it


any info on the supposed video of ukrainian forces executing captured chechens?


because then you can say shit like
I sympathized with the Russian reasoning for taking Crimea, but this full-scale invasion shit is absolutely retarded.


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If ukrainians spend the effort they put into their propaganda compaign into actually fighting russia, they might actually do damage.


If they do, europe will be quite angry soon and cold


Russian forces driving north from Melitopol, Mariupol close to be encircled.


80% of Ukrainian bullshit turned out to be wrong so Id be very very careful with it.
Then again we should refrain from thinking theres nothing in the way of Russian forces


there is literally no reason for a communist to support a bourgeoi imperialist power

te nato will be weakened while russia becomes stronger. all that changes is a switch from nato bourgeoi hegemony to russian bourgeoi hegemony crushing the workers


psssst. Let them do the hong kong strategy


youre an egoist and tell me what communism is about


And you are supporting NATO and american liberal hegemony, guess we all have our flaws


Germany really should not have shut down most of their nuclear power plants lmao


Even if Zelensky goes into exile at this point he's built a reputation and popularity already

Everyday that passes he grows more globally liked.

No idea what the actual ukranians think or if they give a shit but he's set for life on tv interviews or a movie as long as he doesn't die


You know, this reminds, being Venezuelan, like the guarimberos social media hyped campaign, astroturfed as fuck, like if they were "winning' or something.


Well there goes the Azov literal Nazis


>I sympathized with the Russian reasoning for taking Crimea
Why, I don't know what happened

Is the situation with ukriane not the same


in hindsight - good that we did



Source (and considering this guy is pro-Ukraine the encirclement could even be already completed)


>no z
it's a ukrop tank


Russia doesn't have the capability to enforce its system around the world for at least a couple of decades
Russia will never be the next america, no matter how much they want to


how are they doing it is my question
shitposting through bombings? or tanks


Why tho?

Nuclear power it based



apparently i have to since you prefer eating putins ass for some reason

Im opposed to bourgeoi rule as a whole. if anyting communists and anarchists in russia and ukraine should be supported in their struggle against their capitalist systems

who cares? being a lesser bourgeoi petter doesnt change being a bourgeoi power


cause our green party boomers have the mindworm of nuclear power being used for war - while also approving of every war they know of anyway. Its really stupid


So how will the narrative shift once russia actually takes over?
Right now it's 'the ukrainian avengers are actually kicking russias ass!!'
But when reality kicks in what will the narrative be?


Crimea houses Russia's main warm water port and naval fleet, and the Maidan coup threatened that. No nation would be willing to give that up.


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>nick fuentes is getting secret sauce from young white men


Israel kicked Palestinians ass in war last time around.

People still rally around the Palestinians



>lesser bourgeoisie power
>who cares
People who actually want to implement socialism and have correctly identified the US as the main roadblock
Russian bourgeoisie attacking western bourgeoisie damages itself, even if they dont realize it


>No idea what the actual ukranians think
They probably want this shit to be over


>mfw German liberals willing to put AfD in power on their promise of delivering a final solution to the Russian question


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You have to go back.


>Please DO NOT send BTC/ETH/USDT to that address in the tweet from the Ukraine account without verification. There have been *a lot* of hacks alongside this invasion, this could easily be a hack.

>This info environment is as hostile as it gets, exercise extreme vigilance.

Founder of Ethereum


holy fuck lol


Probably hope for some mega insurgency that will never come, they will look out for any incident and call it a rebellion.


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here's your new girlfriend anon


Yeah, this column is heading towards the city.


economically sure, russia will take a hit
geopolitically their power increses if they are able to put the ukraine back under their control
the US is the main road block since its the major imperialist power. supporting russia in strengthening their geopolitical role will, as I pointed out before, only strenghten then in their bourgeoi rule over the eastern european workers.


Zelenskyy has either been reassured or completely ditched. He knows he can neither flee or surrender without dying. So he can say whatever he wants until the big boys are done deciding the fate of Ukraine and his own. He's stuck, so may aswell banter and look good on friendly media.


Don't play this game, the media was wrong about invasion until it wasn't. I even saw your flag, could've been you, denying this was as serious as it was. I was also in denial of Russia doing this absolutely stupid shit. They've had conflicts before, especially Georgia that lasted like a week or so but even that was highly localized, this was all out invasion. So at this point take your own beliefs with a grain of salt because I know I was humbled. If the Media says Ukraine will win, they will win, not today, not tomorrow, many months from now, maybe years when Russia deals with total economic implosion. That's not to say it would be a good victory, rather instead a pyrrhic victory because the west can no longer take care of itself and so everyone's fucked in the end.


fuck off with that ukrop shit.
This is my personal take, yet I decided to give 0 fucks about the fuckers ITT that live comfy in the west.


Something Hugely Retarded


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>Zelensky saying shit to the U.S. about evacuating him "Don't send me a rescue plane, send me some fucking ammo" makes the U.S. look weak. How can you not admire that shit? Telling the U.S. to take tha thong out ya bussy playa.


ngl it just sounds like you're a dumbass


Samefag. Go back.


I do take my beliefes with salt, I was even wanting to acknownledge that for that island situation when ppl claimed it was from 2014 and then it turned out that Ukraine had a different camouflage by then. Pls do the same that you tell me to do. I srsly dont believe any Russian bullshit either and that alone makes me a Russian shill for you. All I try is not being made a clown here.


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Update from UK MoD


Official Ukraine account is asking people to send crypto

Founder of Ethereum is warning people to not do it



I didn't say unconditional but hey put words in my mouth, I know your autism brain couldn't take or understand nuance. Makes me wonder how you're even cable of dressing yourself up everyday and paying your bills.


have you heard of the glorious ghost of kiev already? And the other 5 stories in that vein from yesterday, loudly celebrated then very very quickly never spoken about



On the first point Russia claims they halted operations yesterday while negotiations were ongoing and have resumed them now as Zelenskyy didn't agree to anything.


AfD don't give a shit about Russia


>Two deputies of Ukraine, Yulia Paliychuk and David Arakhamia, confirmed that the "saboteurs" killed yesterday at Obolon turned out to be active servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, whom the locals mistook for Russian saboteurs.

🤡 president, 🤡 decisions, 🤡 cassualties.


>all that changes is a switch from nato bourgeoi hegemony to russian bourgeoi hegemony crushing the workers
You do realize more countries exist around the world, right?


here Sir clown, heres the next heroic ukraine story for you


Imagine what kind of moron sends Ukraine money to begin with. It's been corruption central for decades.


Kek, link?


Anonymous hacktivism was full of glowies since the start. I participated in AnonOps in the early 2010s, back then they were already protesting in favor of the Arab spring, Gaddafi's overthrow and all sorts of CIA-backed causes. Problem was that Anonymous didn't have a coherent ideology or leadership, no goals or plans beyond vague ideas of 'freedom' and shit. Thus it was highly vulnerable to glowie manipulation and takeovers.


precision guided munitions are the death knell of vehicles operating without enough infantry and air cover, provided the supply can be kept up. the US is probably taking notes and simultaneously gloating while feeling that sinking stomach realizing that any conflict against China will be impossibly costly.


you do realize we are talking about the ukraine situation right now, right?
stop deflecting faggot. make a point or stfu.


This >>526161 sounds much like king skitzo.


The Russians have made breathtaking strategic miscalculations in the course of this ideal.
To say nothing of them taking too long to and telegraphing their war preparations, giving Ukraine time to establish defensive plans and ruining the element of surprise which is a prerequisite for the kind of mechanized, fast moving "lightening war" they launched.

This invasion should have been postponed until the summer, which is historically always the best time to wage war. It is now solidly above freezing in temperature throughout Ukraine, meaning that the snow and ice is thawing and creating mud. While modern tanks and other armored vehicles can usually traverse mud, the supply trucks that fuel and rearm them cannot. There are numerous reports of overextended Russian units, armored detachments running out of fuel and being picked off by anti-tank countermeasures, and general disarray.

The mechanized assault therefore has ground to a halt. According to some reports, Ukraine is even gaining the upper hand despite supposed Russian superiority in the metrics of its military stats.

When the nazis invaded the Soviet Union it was in June for the above reasons. However they made the simple miscalculation that a blitzkrieg involving mechanized rapid advances, which was so devastatingly effective in continental Europe, could easily lose momentum and spread thin and suffer supply problems traversing a vast open area . Sure enough German armored divisions got bogged down and fell prey to Soviet deep battle strategy in which the approach was not just to attack and penetrate the enemy front line, but attack along the entire depth of the battlefield including their supply lines and forward bases. Cut off from resupply , the assault ground to a halt.

A somewhat similar situation is unfolding in Ukraine now even with the UKR capital city being within close reach of the Russian positions based in Belarus.


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Seems like Putin enjors it


Some things should be note with the Russian troops and tanks getting poped. From infro out there these are much smaller groups and not the main forces with heavy armor. Most deaths are low armored shock troops. Reported losses don't look good. Russian shock troops are just using first Chechen war tactics.



He even gives a thumbs-up LMAOO


It's just that there's so much information in this place and much of it is bunk so it's confusing so I've had to rely on regular Media outlets between MSNBC CNN and Fox News Democracy Now Politico etc etc. Jumping through all of those to try and get something of an idea. Full circle, I'm unironically less confused watching MSM than chilling here. It's easy to spot rhetoric and fact and falsehoods in MSM, in here, which glows like a mfer, people obfuscate facts to be false and falsehoods to be facts.


>Russian troops and tanks getting poped.


top fucking kek


Khokhols took out barely a couple of tanks, it's all burnt supply trucks attacked from ambush. It seems like it was a bad idea to roll around cities and settlements, letting ukrops to have civilian shields was a mistake.

Or maybe it's 4d chess and they bait out ukrops into the open so they won't have to deal with civilian casualties


The Russians had enormous losses to take Kiev, see those fires? It's the Russians burning the corpses of their own so they don't have to admit to their casualties. Back home the will silence the families as well, interview with one of them afterwards. Also the Ukranians have activated the NATO Avengers protocols and a dogged resistance is killing more ruski bugmen by the hour, supplied with glorious western magic bullets, billions of.

Ultimately, it's a matter of time before Putin begs for diplomacy, and that's when you know that the west has won. If at any point the Russian campaign of extermination turns to diplomacy, the NATO avengers insurgency has won against the eastern hordes. In fact, we declare victory right now.

Fuck you Putin!

*Thunderous applause*


>Amazed to see how many EU officials and diplomats are quietly liking tweets critical of the German government now




I've ignored it as memery.


Except Russia isn't advancing with a wide deep front they are advancing primarily from Belarus, Crimea and Russia and haven't extended very far.


Ukranon from /draw/ is my hero to be honest, actually doing praxis with a rifle in his hands. I wish I had his balls.


Your fault for being a contrarian. We've been saying that this was a happening invasion or not. This was serious way way before the invasion. And even though we didn't expect an invasion, we had good reason not to believe western media about it. They've been crying wolf for 8 years. Well the wolves finally came, they had long lost their credibility.


>It's the Russians burning the corpses of their own so they don't have to admit to their casualties.
How will burning corpes make them not having to admit casualties?


The thing is that Chechens BTFO the Russians in urban territory, mainly relying on RPGs against Russian tanks and vehicles. What is happening now might be something different, where the mainstay of conventional militaries since WWII, i.e. heavily armored lumbering vehicles, are more vulnerable than they've ever been. The US is just as fucked as Russia is in this scenario. Imagine if China supplied DPRK with a bunch of their ATGM systems and US/ROK went in with armored columns, it'd be a bloodbath.

The future will probably lean towards more mobile and lightly armored vehicles, because a single ATGM can take out a Humvee or T-80 with a single missile, so might as well go cheap.


don't acknowledge hoi4 larpers


<The offensive continues in the Mariupol direction. Part of the settlements of the Armed Forces of Ukraine surrenders without a fight. The Ukrainians leave some of the opposing forces in such a hurry that they leave not only ammunition, ammunition and official documentation but also the bodies of their dead comrades.
Good doggo, who's good boy? you are a good boy, atcha you a good boy.
sorry for the autistic comment, I love dogs and cats


It doesn't have to makes sense, just dehumanize the enemy and provide mantras to repeat when the audience have bad thoughts.


Which thread?


Trying to avoid the propaganda, fog of war infested hellhole that is social media and the Internet in general like


guys how do i use fbi.gov


>Joins Ukrop militia


Drawing general


>According to some reports
>Ukarinian intel
>When the nazis invaded the Soviet Union
Why do people think the "mud" will stop Russians? Fucking they know more of this landscape than anyone, and their weapons are precesily designed for this.
Retard analysis.


Cheers m8


Workers shouldn't really have any stake in this. That's how I feel about it.


>BREAKING: Germany dropping longstanding block against lethal weapons transfers to allow 400 RPGs to be sent to Ukraine from Netherlands to help repel Russian invaders. Potentially major shift in European military assistance for Ukraine.

>BREAKING: Germany OKs weapons for Ukraine in major shift on military aid





Yeah it seems to be forward groups that aren't advancing with air cover, Ukraine seemingly has had a shit ton of Javelins and NLAW funneled too them.

It is gonna be a massive problem when Armor has to move into urban areas and means Russia is gonna have to start shelling heavily.


The point has already been made multiple times and you reject it because your anglo brain can't think beyond the category of "bourgeoise state" and think all of them are exactly the same at any point in time and conflict between them means nothing because it's "all the same".
Well retard, turns out its not. A weakened NATO is significant. The real David and Goliath here is Russia vs NATO. Reminder David was a monarchich dictator.


Note that this is Donbass soldiers reporting. Russian troops just don't photo anything, so who the hell knows what casuaties they are inflicting on Ukrops



real afghan hours who up


Too late, Kyiv will be nazified soon


lol, more like fleeing kek


Ukraine can get blown to bits by Russians that's ok. If Germany approves swift sanctions putler feeling pain

Germany signaling they are willing to allow arms now shows a shift away from more neutral Russia stance


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I'm sick and tired of living in a world where bourgeois vampires fight with each other over entire nations like a pack of rabid dogs. Why should this kid kill kids in Ukraine to make it easier for Putin to exploit his neighbours? Why should Ukrainian kids kill their Russian brothers for their worthless Nazi state and its NATO backers? I'm sick and tired of watching endless justifications roll out by terminally online retards about why I should support one kabal of vampires over the other, about how I will somehow benefit from their relentless quest for the blood of the innocent. I will not make excuses for any of these cretinous parasites, they deserve nothing but death and suffering at the hands of revolutionary justice. May all bourgeois states collapse, may Putin, Zelinsky, and Biden all find themselves facing a firing squad. May wars between brother nations end, and the working class be victorious.


invading in the summer might make more sense in military terms but winter is when energy prices/reserves are most vulnerable
more than anything this invasion seems to be very opportunistic: this is the high point for Russia in relative terms for a long time.
Europe needs Russian energy reserves to heat homes during winter which is why Germany and Italy have been relatively reserved


ach halt die fresse

a weakened nato would be significant if there was a revolutionary or proletarian power to take over where the nato breaks - but there aint. building it would mean to fight russia taking power in the ukraine, not supporting them in their war


Who are the absolute retards still driving in a warzone?


lmao cars passing by like its a regular thing


Ceasefire cancelled by Macron.


thanks I hate it


>Why should this kid kill kids in Ukraine to make it easier for Putin to exploit his neighbours?

Neonazis in Ukraine are not kids. Freeing Ukraine from Neonazis is an objectively good thing


Like you wouldn't drive through a warzone to get your tendies


keep coping, canalib


Yah going by some unconfirmed reported their already softening up buildings.



Sabocat once again proving to be the only sane user of this board. Thanks, it's nice to know there's actual leftists still here.


You can respect an enemy who at least has guts rather than being a sniveling coward
After all, most of this board has been simping for an anticommunist for this entire week


This is textbook dehumanization, I hope you are a lib engaged in a stupid smear campaign


Do you think random teenagers being hauled out of their cars at gunpoint by the Ukrop army and press ganged into fighting Russia are Nazis?


Very very few
This board’s emphasis is on /pol/ rather than /lefty/
There is no such thing as a “communist” chan


Yup, which is why it was good when the US took over Afghanistan to "detalibanize" the country. You realize that "denazification" is just propaganda right? Similar to US propaganda about the mid east. There's a modicum of truth in all propaganda and that's what makes it effective.

Get real uygha and grow up.


The Azov brigade has 600 members, I'm pretty sure your country has larger neo-nazi groups - does this mean you deserve the wall? Probably.


Zelensky is doing great work on his social media thanking a bunch of countries for support. Good for global support



Here's a radical idea: desert. The Zelensky gov will not last more than a few days. Just sit it out in prison and be let out when a new government comes.


Based beyond belief.


Also rest assured that the Ukrainian military leadership have studied how WW2 went down in their country and have taken those lessons into account. Especially since, like the ultimately victorious Soviets, they have to fight a defensive war.

The Soviets essentially fought a war of "offense through defense" allowing a better armed and aggressive attacking force to overextend itself and get surrounded . Anti-tank guns are then mounted throughout the entire depth of the defenses, so that enemy armor is is then susceptible to attack from any direction.

Of course, the size and strength of the Ukrainian armed forces pales in comparison toe the USSR, and during ww2 their REINFORCEMENTS came from Russia, rather than their AGGRESSORS. But they have ample lessons as a country which has already been subject to the largest mechanized invasion in history


Nope, I'd leave as soon as the state told me so, the only thing that would keep me stuck is if the state didn't pay for my living quarters and food themselves and just told me to just "survive".


Based Sabocat
You got guts mate, the drooling retards on this board shell the fuck out of your posts and you still roll with the punches

Fuck the people here, you are a communist, they are aestheticians, when Russia experiences a communist revolution most of the people here will side with United Russia


Your idealistic vision of reality is nice, and moral, and good, but ultimately detached from reality.

Start from reality, bourgeoise state are rivaling. NATO vs Russia. NATO abandoned its puppet Ukraine, although its still sending weapons. Russia is overrunning the country.

What is the best course of action for the proletariat? Be a bleeding heart if you want, what is the least bloody outcome.

Russia will continue its invasion until Ukraine yields. NATO will continue sending weapons, and sanctioning Russia.

So either the Ukraine government yields, the Ukrainian people/army coups, NATO invades, or some combination of these.

Which option is the best one?

Who cares about bourgeois states???? The proletariat has no land. Why support this pointless holdout and ensuing death???


Except Taliban were the good guys alll along, supported by communist China, while nationalist battalions in Ukraine are actually genociding people.


>After all, most of this board has been simping for an anticommunist for this entire week
Have you still not after all these days of autistic cveching not realised that perhaps everyone else without an edgy position simply isn't spending all day shit-posting in the happening thread?
Seriously spend less time online anon.




Don't forget Aidar and Donbass. These have high nazi presence too, you guys are honestly focusing too much on Azov.


Ukraine is killing communists, idiot.


>Azov Battalion size : approx. 1000 men
Oooo so scary Ukraine is le evil nazi!!!




>nice, and moral, and good
Which is to say useless


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imagine being the whoever ukrop driving that plane and finding out NEET internet weebs from the anglosphere are turning you into a supergirl.


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Anglos patting themselves on the back, as usual:


yeah, the ukraine state is a bourgeoi one after all


Nah, Ukrainian tactic is to hide behind civilians and to take potshots. They'll run out of supplies as Russia encircles them. Note that Ukraine doesn't have fight-ready regiments except for the groups tied in Donbass.


this goes against German law, is that why they are doing it from a third country?


would not discount the possibility of a coup in Russia too, should this invasion get bogged down


>Yes, let innocent people die in pointless wars!
>Me? a glowie? No way. It's common knowledge most proles like having their kids die in pointless wars


>What is the best course of action for the proletariat?
Revolutionary defeatism, agitation against any and all efforts to increase the tensions or facilitate further killing, to turn the bourgeois imperialist war into a civil war against the bourgeoisie. If you live in the West then you should be agitating against NATO expansion and arming of Ukrainian Nazis. If you live in Russia you should be agitating against this criminal war. If you live in Ukraine then you should stay safe, refuse to serve in the army, and do everything to alleviate the suffering of your neighbours.


>implying it's one battalion
>implying it's not half the officials on the ground levels as well


the azov battalion is integrated into the ukrainian military and commited heinous warcrimes
if ukraines fascist government won't deal with them then who will?


Funny how you fags always say
>No this uhhhh this isn’t really the culture of this board
Whenever called out as PMC suburbanite contrarian chauvinists yet this thread is the most active on the entire board and when I posted someone here claiming “socialism” is when academics enact their will on the majority of workers most of the thread agreed with him
Just admit it the board here sucks and gets worse every year

Fuck, only good thing about this thread is reading about the war outside of Reddit’s propaganda


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is this site slowing down?


And what the fuck do you think we're doing here?????


Imagine thinking that Ghost of Kyiv is actually real

Are burgers waking up or something? This thread took a nosedive in autism score suddenly


>Still thinking "The Ghost of Kiev" actually exists.


huh, didn't think they would make a difference, are javelins really that good?


Lol you make a good joke


Anglo 1:
>you shouldn't fight against NATO, that's bad!

Anglo 2:

Anglo 3:
>I salute you!!

Anglo 4:
>We are the true leftists!


>3rd pic
Yup I was waiting for Ace Combat 5 crossover.


Bruh, how do you post good shit on Ian Wright and then develop these shit takes? I asked you multiple times and you haven't answered.



>Are burgers waking up or something?
Yes. Dont be like retard ufoflag tho and amplify them, just ignore, filter, report.


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Stay glowing


Maybe I’m just not a retarded contrarian chauvinist?
Maybe I’m an actual communist rather than some aesthetics obsessed faggot?


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its over for vatnikcels


>let's talk about geopolit


I forgot to add 'if you were real' at the end of my sentence.



>Uhhhh we have to report people that don’t shill for United Russia and Vladimir Putin and support the based war between capitalist powers
<Uhhhh because they’re CIA
Leftypol has the muscle power of a 6 year old and the mental capacity to match


You will always be an anglo
You will never be a communist
You will never have sex
You will never meet Putin


Your Ian Wright shilling is directly contradictory to your objection to "academics ruling over people". How do you reconcile your beliefs?


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So what will happen after kiev falls tonight?




Stop being a fucking opportunist. Obviously Western comrades should be organizing resistance to NATO with any and all means available to them. But Russia isn't doing any of this because they actually dislike Nazis (they've been one of the main backers of far right movements in Europe for years, most Weatern fashoids absolutely love Putin and Russia), or because they object in any way to what NATO does. They are doing it because they want to be the one to reap the benefits of empire. This the driving force and inevitable outcome of all forms of bourgeois aggression. This is an effort at redivision of the world plain and simple.


Did they actually made you mad? You are too emotional.


wouldnt be the worst. Maybe its just me being tired :P


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Kadyrov looted Ukrop vehicle and claimed as his own


In what way?
“Academics ruling people” is what people on leftypol claim to desire
I want to liberate mankind and the working class


>this should happen
>leftists should do this
>there should be this
Well, reality exists and it doesn't match your prescriptions. So now what?


>US’ real strategic color of selfishness, hypocrisy revealed in Ukraine crisis: Global Times editorial
>Since dramatic changes took place in Ukraine, the US, which had repeatedly promised to protect Kiev at critical moments and continued to "add fuel to the fire" of the situation, has once again come into the spotlight. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in a video speech complained that Western countries have abandoned Ukraine and left it to defend itself alone. Some Western netizens even asked: Where has the US been which provoked the war and said it "stands with Ukraine?"

>However, has the US really disappeared? On the contrary, it is quite busy gaining more "strategic interests" from the flames of war in Ukraine. The latest remarks by the US on the Ukraine situation released by the White House have underlined two points: First, turning Russia into "a pariah on the international stage" through sanctions and other measures; second, NATO has been "more united and more determined than ever" and this is "good news."

>As for Ukraine, which Washington uses as a pawn, in addition to reiterating that the US wouldn't send troops there, Washington only simply said it "will support the Ukrainian people as they defend their country," and "will provide humanitarian relief to ease their suffering." Washington has once again displayed its selfishness and hypocrisy to the world. People have seen that after the US pushed Ukraine into the fire, it stood aside, pretending to care about the country and saying "I support you, keep fighting!"

>It is fair to say the evolution of the situation in Ukraine until today is a geopolitical tragedy. From the very beginning, it's a bitter result of the US' strategic selfishness and shortsightedness. As early as 1998 when the US Senate approved NATO's eastward expansion plan, the late senior US diplomat George Kennan had foreseen today's tragedy. He said then, "This expansion would make the Founding Fathers of this country turn over in their graves."

>However, the arrogant American elites always think they can profit from crises. For years, the US has incited conflicts, manipulated the situations from offshore and reaped benefits. It is accustomed to be the one who adds the fuel to the fire without paying any cost. What it wants is to realize its instant interests. The US shows no consideration for the suffering of the locals pushed into the forefront. When there is a real crisis, the so-called commitments it initially made will only become empty diplomatic rhetoric. Those politicians don't care about the suffering of local people at all, but attempt to attract attention under the guise of "humanitarianism."

>This reminds people of when it abandoned the former Afghan regime last year, the US also said on multiple occasions it would provide "humanitarian" assistance to Afghanistan. But shockingly, the reality is that the so-called US "humanitarian" assistance hasn't been provided to the Afghan people, but the US carved up the $7 billion in frozen funds that Afghanistan's central bank had deposited in New York. As the culprit of the Afghan issue, after satisfying its own strategic interests, the US only left the locals "an avalanche of hunger and poverty," leading to the severe malnutrition of millions of children in Afghanistan.

>The US often talks about humanity, justice and morality, but what it really does is calculating interests. Washington's strategic selfishness and hypocrisy have been laid bare again and again in international political practices. Reports indicate that at least 37 million people have been displaced in and from Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, the Philippines, Libya and Syria as a direct result of the wars fought by the US since September 11, 2001. There is even a saying that wherever the US "intervenes," conflicts, chaos and terrorism will appear.

>A country is called a major power not because of how strong its ability to form cliques or to realize its own self-interests is. What matters is its responsibility and ability to safeguard international peace. If a country only cares about its own interests, fuels the flames everywhere and constantly exports chaos to others, no matter how powerful it is, it is inevitable its credibility will go bankrupt and its hegemony will come to an end.

>For countries and regions that still have fantasies or act as pawns of the US, the Ukraine crisis is a good reminder: A "partner" who announces "good news" when you are in difficulties is untrustworthy.


If you cant hanle it literally just fuck off. Nobody no matter their position wants to listen to you whine. This is literally the one thing that unites everyone, you. being a whiny faggot.


can shoot beyond line of sight and the point of impact is on the roof of the target ie. the weakest spot of an armoured vehicle
its however extremely expensive compared to a simpler ATGM


Ukrops should stop hiding in civilian areas if they don't want this to happen


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I'm sick and tired of living in a world where bourgeois vampires fight with each other over entire nations like a pack of rabid dogs. Why should this kid kill kids in Ukraine to make it easier for Putin to exploit his neighbours? Why should Ukrainian kids kill their Russian brothers for their worthless Nazi state and its NATO backers?


The Russians had enormous losers to take Kiev, see those flies? It's the Russians burning the candle at both of 'em so they don't have to admit to their causal ties. Back home will the silence of families be well, interview with one of them afterwards. Also the Ukranians have activation with NATO Avengers protocols and a dogs resistance is killing more ski bunnies by the hourglass, supplied with glorious western magic bullets, billions of stars.

Ultimately, it's a matter of time before we're putting bags on diplomacy, and that's when you know that kanye has won. If at any point the Russians complain of extermination turns to dimple trees, the NATO avengers insurgency has won against the eastern hordes with urgency. In fact, we declare victory right here son.

Fuck you Putler!

please clap


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Alright Nuclear War then I want to know how you feel about Posadas's idea of Nuclear War destroying the base of Capitalism then. You say you are a communist fly the Posadas Flag but do you actually believe the ideology or are you a memester redditor that came here to be a liberal faggot.

For me its this will go into WW3 over a fucking puppet, Nuclear Annihilation will occur and from the ashes of the old world we can create a new world.


So flooding Ukraine with guns to turn it into a new Afghanistan is military aid now.


Zelensky gets captured and zip tied to a chair and beaten until he promises to give a surrender order.


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Ukraine semi-conditional surrender, mopping up the remaining radicals. In the west pic rel.


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What the hell, what happened here? I thought this wasn't occupied yet last time I saw.


they should still not do it. The Russians can show theyre not the same barbarians that the US is whereever they go.


If capitalism is an occult machination, then it will take an equally strong machination to be installed on society. Where in Ian Wright did you get lost and think Capital will simply become something else just because????
Are you really that same anon?


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Canada once again proving to be the only sane user of this board. Thanks, it's nice to know there's actual leftists still here.


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critical support for this anti imperialist hero who denazified serbia


map is shit. Kharkov is also not occupied yet


t. Madeline Albright
What point are you even trying to make here? Things are permanently shitty so we should just accept that and pick one kabal of murderers to shill for? The entire point of communism is to transform society in a better direction.


You got guts mate, the drooling retards on this board shell the fuck out of your posts and you still roll with the punches


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so did every war LARP gaming community, war thunder?, ace combat?, even the hearts of palpitation4 fandom are making their OCs.


Green circle means "city besieged"


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It's officially over for Putlermort


I agree with him and want to spit in your face, this is why this board is shit




>Do you actually support nuclear war like a real communist or are you a redditor
The people here are without a doubt the stupidest leftists I’ve ever fucking spoken to


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I'm totally convinced Americans are some sort of experiment created in a lab, created just not to be labrats and be fed the most poisonous foods, and explore the limits of terrible government and how much people are willing to tolerate them, but also to see the how war support favors throughout the years. How the fuck can Ameeicans possibly support this war, after Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc. These people have the memory span of a gold fish.

Americans aren't real right bros?


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Shellshocked Ukrops



t. Putlerites of /leftypol/


Better than a prolonged war where more people die and the narratives become more hostile.


>being a communist is anglo now
Hazkids reached a new low. Btw what is his take ?


>Wah wah why won’t you be an edgy faggot with me
>Why won’t you touch my ass UFOanon
>Wah wah why won’t you simp for anticommunists who are BASED and make libs seethe 😭
>Wah wah why do you have actual principles over aesthetics like a fucking teenager?
<Hyuck hyuck the retards here dislike you


you actually dont know anything about the 1st world war do you?


basically they will try to make the ukrainians into the new finns.
>muh david vs goliath
>muh K/D!!!!!
>the only reason they lost is because of the cowardice of our anti-war politicians!!


A daily reminder that anglos in this thread haven't post one single anti-war praxis to weaken their state in which they participated.


same anti-imp brain rot cheering on russia is good for what end is not stated presumably to weaken NATO but total Russian victory = Weaker NATO is taken as axiomatic amongst the retards.


>you actually dont know anything about the 1st world war do you?

t. Putlerite of /leftypol/




>Btw what is his take ?
<Russia is based and you're a soyboy radlib cuck if you disagree
Worth noting that as far as ecelebs go, shilling for Russia seems to he an exclusively burger phenomenon. People from countries actually victimized by US imperialism are taking the correct position of revolutionary defeatism.


You can leave at any point go back to whatever liberal hole you crawled out of and cry. "I am smarter than thou because they don't hold my beliefs" is basically what you are and you are no better than that pebblethrow comic where you sneer at actual working class people.

Getting back to the topic at hand before emotional Karen has a break down.

Since there is so much FOW on the internet and information is basically a propaganda machine. What is the best way to get through the slog that is dis-information campaign? I know listening out for official sources but you know how those can be.


Jesus Christ Zelensky's jus straight up lying about Turkey closing off the Black Sea to Russian warships, if anybody actually think Ukraine's winning why would they be this desperate to make up good news?


Based actually leftist Marxist real communist post.


I was also literally a child during pretty much every major US military intervention in my life and attended the protests after the murder of Iranian general Soleimani


Neither have the Putinbots. Do you think that shilling for Vladimir "I love Pinochet" Putin online absolves you of the responsibility to actually organize against your government?


I'll enlighten you the famous quote of german communist and founding member of the KPD was "The main enemy is in your own country soldiers turn your guns around become revolutionary soldiers"
And when the bolsheviks seized power in russia they actually made peace with germany


A lot of people here is not that diferent of that pic just change the nazi flag for the ussr flag


Don't talk about anglos as you are one
Now that's actually offensive nonsense
your other shit is simply meaningless
just stay with that, would you kindly?
what do you expect


>nooooo you support Putin in a war against Ukrainian nazis who were doing US bidding and were shelling civilians in Donetsk for 8 years!!!1


Yes, the soldiers of both Russia and Ukraine must turn their guns around at their respective bourgeois regimes.


>implying I am talking about pasts events, but this.
I live in Venezuela. Seethe, faggot.


>You can leave at any point
You really want this board to be nothing but Hazfags, huh?
>Liberal hole you came from
You people really despise Lenin, don’t you?
>I’m smarter than you because…
I’m not an aesthetics obsessed national chauvinists simping for anticommunists because my life was fucking boring before the war began
>Other retarded zoomer faggotry
Yea all you people really have is falling back on your adolescent chinlet culture, huh?
Didn’t evolve very far after crawling out of /pol/ I see


And you anglo have to fight against nato and your anglo regime


conveniently my own country is starting to send weapons and indeed they are my main fucking enemy


Damn, I didn't know the civilians killed in Borodyanka of Kyiv were killed.


You don't organize, you've never organized (why did you cop to that, that is really stupid)


I'm not asking you to do any of that you retard.
I'm asking you to shut the fuck up so we dont have to listen to your whining every 30 threads.
What on earth are you expecting to achieve with this childish outburst?


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An incompetent government that does incompetent things and allow these things to happen.

More videos

Chechen taking out a Ukrainian flag, atking of the Melitopol city.


Seethe. The accent of that guy is Ukrainian, you are being falseflagged hard.




100% chance you would have fallen for “weapons of mass destruction”


Then organize against nato the EU and the fucking Scholz regime


they are obviously sexually frustrated


Where did I say anything different?
Post pics of the most recent anti-NATO action you participated in. Note: posting doesn't count.


So for the people who keep saying “just support the leftists in Ukraine instead of Russia”, what actual leftist party exists in Ukraine?
I know there are open communist parties in Russia. Is there any type equivalent in Ukraine?


literally all I do. Corvid panic was basically stopping the left tho. But I can promise you that I was never a stooge for the Rosa killers or technocrats and I actually know what organizing means


File: 1645893371294.jpeg (183.83 KB, 988x615, FMiUaYGXwAQKu_f.jpeg)

Desperate times


>BREAKING: Ukraine embassy in Tel Aviv tries to recruit Israelis for fighting against Russia


I won't, I assure you going to a protest isn't hard.


I don’t give a fuck about what you want or what you think, clearly you must want my attention if you’re tossing (you)s my way
If you want a braindead circlejerk where other idiotic zoomer faggots guzzle based anticommunist cum you’re more than welcome to post on GenZedong where absolutely no one will stand in the way of you simping for Russia

>Oh no he’s getting in the way of me being an edgy retard, he’s ruining based imageboard kultire :(

Grow up


the Ukrainian CP was the one most strongly celebrating the Russians marching in. And if you know Odessa you can guess why


i wish i could filter every post with 'support' in it


Hi Agent Kochinski.


Then shut up lmao. Posting your support for based Putin is literally useless if you don't actually organize as well. So if you are going to criticize me for not doing so then you better be able to prove that you are actually active in agitating against NATO.


Dammit Anon you are giving me a hard choice here I want the Ayy Lmaos to come but I also want to Drop the Nukes ahh! Get to the Bunkers its time to dance.



>Seethe. The accent of that guy is Ukrainian, you are being falseflagged hard.
It doesn't matter. I need a venue – any venue – to prove my moral purity and superior anglo values. You slavs would never understand how much I care about you.


I'm not so edgy as getting horny about seeing people die in war but I'm okay with black bagging haz and sending him to the Russia-Ukranian frontier where fighting is strongest and giving him a pistol with 10 bullets to fight. And hopefully him getting shot, that would actually be fulfilling.


the cp of ukraine got banned after euromaidan
there are a bunch of anarchists orgs like dev dia


UFO-Sabocute-:Leninhat alliance when?


*rev dia


is it normal for governments to form these kinds of brigades?


thx bro :)


this is what the actual sabocat actually believes!



going to protests is organizing, the absolute state of the zoomer left


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how is your family or friends reacting to the situation?


>you need to believe in your ideology for it to function
oh, my sweet naive child


>The accent of that guy is Ukrainian, you are being falseflagged hard.
Did you hear about South Russia? Lot of these territories were ethnically Ukrainian in tsarist times



They are libs brainwashed by MSM


Amazing ty


He looks like haz


Who do you think I am?
I just don't think you should talk big.
and who is impressed by your meaningless paroles? It's just boring, an annoyance.


Lel, RT is now getting in on the Hunter Biden kick


Has mariapol actually been occupied?


yeah LOL. Three star syria :D


He asked for pictures
let's not go into that, I noticed it, whatever


Now anons, let's do a funny and include that word in every post.





Cheering glorious Russian army liberating stupid khokhols from a gang of stoned neonazi terrorists without taking any casualties and without civilian deaths.


If Ukraine had become part of NATO, how landlocked to the west would Russia had become?


thats not rebuild




Me and my comrades are chilling and enjoying Ukraine being liberated from their NATO-installed puppet government while lib family and friends are in "OMG THIS IS THE WORST WAR EVER" mode being high on anti-Russia propaganda.

Good times, overall. I love seeing libs being clueless and their cognitive mapping failing them.


Don’t give a fuck if tankies in the street, nighas gotta get that bread


Is that Giuliani?
He’s dressed like a mobster


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Are there actually people here who think Russia has taken zero casualties? Honestly the difference between the serious stances of the pro-Russian types and pure satire is almost nil at this point.


i am kinda skinny but otherwise this picture fits the average polyp more


how is a russian puppet government better than a nato pupet government?




stop knowing about things i dont


Half pro Russia posters are trolls, I've been trolling as both pro Russia and pro Ukraine. Don't take these threads too seriously.


The Baltic inferiority complex vis a vis Russians might as well be their entire ethnic identity. Estonia itself refuses to give citizenship to ma y Russians who were born and raised in Estonia because “muh demographics”


A weakened NATO is still significant because it reduces the iron grip of the primary imperial power.


>Points to Venezuela and Cuba


>Syrian gusano with Syrian gusano flag.
Me and my direct family support Russia. Many friends see Russa as "imperialist" (but they will suck the balls out of NATO, due to 'le based best culture/military stuff, pretty retard). comrades of the party support Russian/Mixed feelings.


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Ukraine is getting pretty desperate…



asking for shitcoin dono lol


but not in favor of working class power, but in favor of russian bourgeoi domination


>Check out the latest astroturf
Everyone forgot about the trucker convoy lmao


Bwahahaha pro-nato cuck supporting pro-nato cucks. Just draw a fucking nato flag on your poster and be done with it.


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to the rookie strategists and fans of paradox autism simulators lurking around the thread, I have over here a very trustworthy map, where do you see this war going? and who will fall down first? Kharkiv or Kyiv? as an unchanged rule, digits decide the right answer.


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Ukraine party in Kiev


all "democracies" are oligarchies under capitalism


>Good Guys
Pick one


no different from Ukrainian bourgeois domination except that people die


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Right Sector?


I am skeptical of the purpose of these sanctions. They are clearly punitive rather than deterrent in nature, but one can only assume it will take some time for them to take effect and rattle the Russian economy. Russia also has experience coping with heavy sanctions, even if these are the harshest yet. If anything, I believe the sanction will simply make Putin more desperate and foolhardy . Probably the war will be over by the time the damage to Russia's economy stacks up. And, Russia does not exist in a bubble. By sanctioning its economy it damages the world economy and jacks up energy prices, so the sanctions have blowback against the west and their already underperforming, pandemic ravaged, inflationary economies


so you think there are no civilians dying right now due to the russian invasion?


READ SELF-DETERMINATION BY LENIN you fucking mong. In order for the prole-boog dialectic to play out you have to remove the larger obstacle of imperial power over people. In the short term the more local bourgeois may obtain power, but the bourgeoisie are ultimately a singular global class. This "empowerment" of the local bourg is in reality a fragmentation of global bourg power. Divide and conquer you stupid fuck.


>slav music
this is worse than Disco Elysium
i said they are dying. i meant after the war


For Russia it's completely acceptable if you have a neutral government, they only have a problem if you are pro-NATO. Nobody expects Ukranians to start liking or start pretending to like Russia after this shit. Just don't cuck for NATO, ffs.

Also, this "only pro-putin or pro-NATO gov. is possible in Ukraine" is exactly the false dichotomy NATO has been pushing for decades. You've got NATO brain. Congratulations, you retard.


>noooo Ukrainian nazis aren't real, it's just Russian propaganda!!!1

Dude, my sister's ukrainian friend told her that she was threatened by Ukrops if she tries to leave Kiev for Russia. They threatened to kill her as a traitor. They literally are using their own civilians as hostages. Who does that except for nazis and adjacents?


Well, urkainian dominion was killing civilians in Donbas by thousands.


>le based best culture/military stuff
huh, as in le based German army/culture or just western Europe in general?


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Heroes are born daily these days…


Hindrances to NATO expansion is a positive. It was the NATO side that decided there had to be a war if they were not allowed to expand into Ukraine.


maybe because le invasion is not as bad as people are saying.


>BREAKING: Germany working on a way to exclude Russia from Swift




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>The only thing the NATO has done is to put troops in OTHER countries
I'm just asking for ww3 and nothing else, stop delaying it.


>as in le based German army/culture or just western Europe in general?
Western general. If Russia were the best imperialism, they'd suck their balls, too.


>Wtf how can it be possible for Russia, Ukraine, and NATO all to be evil?!
<Wtf you’re saying Sadam Hussein is a good man because you oppose Operation Something Something FREEDOM?!?
Literally you


Is there any english sources that talks about Putin wanting to make negotiations with Ukraine?


Yet another ghost of keiv


Putinists been saying Lenin was wrong. Why would a "communist" side with a bourgeois oligarchic capitalist politician over a communist who led a revolution and built a socialist state?


Show Russia using civilians as hostages to evade missile strikes.

Opinion discarded until you prove that.


Ohh Noo, how will…europe pay their gas fees now(?)


Putin isn't gonna chat about shit if Germany does the swift removal. Pay attention to that, that will radically change situation and relationships


I'm only into Stellaris, so take my two cents with a grain of salt, but I definitely think Putin is going to chose an authoritarian/materialist mammalian species combo boosting pop. reproduction speed with perks.


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>Corvid panic


Look how many people evil fascists have killed in 2021


it won't help invade iraq or join other "coalitions of the willing" for US adventures. It will be a friend to Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua. it won't participate in western sanctions on half the world. it won't murder thousands of people in eastern Ukraine anymore. It won't be used as a tool to militarily provoke its neighbors and cause crises. it won't vote against combating the glorification of Nazism at the UN or make other shitty votes with the US, among other reasons.


>Show me America using civilians to avoid missile strikes
Literally the same argument
<Wtf no Russian civilians are dying when Russia is invading another country!?
The actual mental power of Putintards


Zelinsky apparently wanted talks, Russia halted the offensive, ukrainians rejected the quick invitation, the attack resumed. No more of this so far. Seems Ukrainians diplomats will use this to put breaks on the Russian offensive.


Nobody's a fucking "Putinist" here. Recognizing the primary contradiction in the struggle as imperialism vs irredentism doesn't mean we support fucking Putin. It means that the natural progression of things is yielding favorable situations by virtue of the crumbling of imperial influence.

You fucking GPT-3 bot.


German Angst is literally a thing


File: 1645894477838.jpg (237.12 KB, 1499x1499, Taylor-Swift.jpg)

What does Swift have to say about this?


>Using NATO's crimes against NATO's enemies
The ghost of Göbbels still haunts you to this day


File: 1645894491607.jpg (281.81 KB, 1200x1021, a.jpg)

holy BASED


top kek


their states aren't combattants, so its kinda pointless. But doing anti-war protests and the likes would be good.
the only comrades which have to do proper revolutionary defeatism are the russian ones, considering how one sided this conflict is.


>No this invasion committed by a bourgeois anticommunist power is different because uhhhhhh 30 YEARS AGO THE SOVIET UNION EXISTED WHERE IT ONCE WAS
Hazfags are literal retards


Headline says that guy stabbed someone in the back. Not sure if literal or metaphorical.


>Literally the same argument

US supports Ukraine, and Ukraine uses civilians to hide from missile strikes. Again, you are wrong.




File: 1645894601597.jpg (13.69 KB, 231x262, 1531486407246.jpg)

Picking a side in this war is so fucking dumb. Like for every shitty thing Putin has done there's also things like this.


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>tfw you will never get to be in the hecking based anti-imperialist wagiecage and get liquified by an ATGM to bring about bourgeoise multipolarity


or what about a filter from "I support" to "I have been brainwashed by", or "I am signaling towards".
Or just ban all people spamming positions without nuance


>Everyone I disagree with is a Ukrainian bot


It's genuinely amusing how suggestible you are.
You are not on the left in a meaningful sense either


What about past negotiations, I cant find shit.


>NOOOO you have to support one fascist-adjacent Kleptocratic slavic shithole over the other fascist-adjacent Kleptocratic slavic shithole!!!
the state of leftypol


>kidding yourself thinking this site is relevant enough to use bots to begin with


Neither of those countries has endorsed the invasion.


And what is Putin doing? Is irredentism somehow more Socialist than NATO imperialism?


support this
but remember to also filter all identityfags just the same


>their states aren't combattants
what? lol, literally Ukraine became a proxy front of the west to attack Russia.
lol armchairism is cancer to these people.


Latest updates from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine:
>ghost of kyiv taken out almost 300 russian planes
>Ukrainian Reaper personally executed 450 Russian dogs including entire elite spetznaz units
>Ukraine air defense BTFOs 150 russian planes over the black sea and in Ukraine proper
>columns of russian hardware for miles and miles sit destroyed, estimated losses: 780 tanks, 250 APCs, 375 towed artillery among others
>Russian service members fleeing like crazy and joining Ukraine side
>Britain is delivering high tech weapons and ammunition
>Zelensky personally on the ground, fighting with his soldiers on the front lines to boost morale
>Entire Russian government crippled by sanctions, even China distancing themselves from Putler


Do people talking about "taking civilians hostage" support Israel when it pushes this exact narrative?


A Russian victory would be better for the world than a Ukrainian one. No war would have been optimal, but that ship has already sailed


What civilians did Putin bomb by employing fascist battalions?


Proof of these people that think Russia's taken zero casualties? Methinks you both are muddying the waters. What's more obvious is that the Ukrainian side is lying through their teeth about their own kills and casualties.


1. ask neutral question
2. ask a second loaded question that offers your own manipulative answer to your first question

Agent Smith, you need better material.


Damn Ukraine is legit flooding this board with Ukrainian NATO loving bots.


>You are not on the left in a meaningful sense either
You mean because I’m not simping for this anticommunist power to be edgy, to “oppose” America in the most meaningless sense, or because I make the gaggle of idiots in this /pol/ offshoot seethe? Or just all three?

Yeah I’m sure this irrelevant fringe corner of internet “leftism” largely bound by edginess determines what it means to be a “socialist”
And apparently a big part is simping for a man that spat on Lenin’s name on Monday while denigrating the Bolshevik Revolution 😂


and then they will beg for Russian money to rebuild what they blew up


Everyone who doesn't support the peaceful inclusion of Ukraine into NATO is a Putinist.

Any action taken to prevent the sovereign nation of Ukraine from joining NATO is Putinist.

You are all Putinists, none of you is free of Putin.


Wagner group have been operating in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine and are a fascist PMC


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What is your father doing? Him raping your sister every night is more important than being a good father?

Look, mom, I can into internet arguments


Did you read the article, retard?


>hes not marxist-putinist


No it's because I can tell you have trouble with history, general reasoning.


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political cumpiss intellectuals came up to a conclusion bros, china and Russia are the new axis, Ukraine is new Poland and NATO are the new allies.


<What civilians did Putin bomb by employing fascist battalions?


They are private and not integrated into Russian military


You mean that liberal imperialist garbage? Nah.


File: 1645894970285.jpg (103.8 KB, 1440x810, chechens.jpg)


Yea figures the mental midgets here have nothing left but to accuse anyone that isn’t some contemptible vulgar faggot here “CIA”
I literally made that meme so it’s fucking funny to have it used on me when I don’t simp for a porky 😂
If he was right about nothing else, Leninhat was right about the chauvinist retards here


Ah, found out what the z means.
"For ours" or For our people.


>Venezuela will always be with Putin and with the Russian people
The Cuban one is posted in the last two threads


americans are up, shame.


Russia saved Syria from imperialism. Russia is helping Mali escaping French colonialism. Anglo leftists of leftypol be like:


The west-bank is qualitatively different than Ukraine. anon. wtf.


Now draw her getting double-teamed by chechens


welcome to following a war on social media, have a nice day.




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the digits have spoken


and who pays them to operate in said areas?


>If you use troops your buddy commands, it doesn't count as you sending them


Why do you love NATO so much?


I read it. I can never stand behind Ukraine knowing they with approval of their government and people killed plenty of Russian-sympathizing civvies in what they consider their nation for years.


Nah, make that a russian and a chechen. For friendship between the nations


"i mAdE tHe MAyMAy mEnTaL MiDgET"


What a rotten way to go.


Let him seethe. Only ask him when is he going to do the praxis to weaken his liberal ruling class. Just use that and contniously repeat to him that.


File: 1645895118992.jpg (27.95 KB, 587x109, leftist.jpg)

"Intercept" writer. Gotta say the left-counter critics are also incoherent and unconvincing. Russia is suppressing "genuine nationalism". Oh no. We have condemn that with all of our might, there is nothing more important, just and pure in this world that nationalism.


Those sorts of screenshots come from



Unlike you, I don’t simp for any anticommunist, whether they’re an anglo or a slav
I bet in a year you spineless faggots will also be claiming you weren’t simping for United Russia just like you claim you didn’t simp for the Kazakh government


I honestly think Putin and his Russia are the only nation that will take us to socialism because China and the revisionist Dengist traitors have betrayed Russia. Socialism with Chinese characteristics is just capitalist imperialist crap. Russia is the only country actually upholding true Socialist principles.



if you're a leftist, knowing that the US will have one less ally and leftist countries (Cuba, Venezuela, etc) and other targeted countries (Iran, Syria, etc) will have one more friend and trading partner in the world should be all you need to know, especially if you think Russia and Ukraine are otherwise equally bad anyway.


Wagner group is helping Mali escape colonialism. Here's a list of Wagner Group's past and present allies and enemies. Can you tell me where this list is bad? If they are fascist as you suggest, why not ally with ISIS as the USA did?


File: 1645895180727.jpg (95.91 KB, 640x797, a belarusian night.jpg)

you may have no source, but you have the gets so I trust you.


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We need to save the lolis


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Ukraine is reporting that a new fighter has appeared known as theкобольд київський Kobold of Kieve. They have apparently taken out 2 divisions of elite Russian Spetnaz by stabbing them in the shins and groin.


File: 1645895188771.jpg (51.46 KB, 680x383, _FMh--4vXwAYLku1.jpg)

Remember when only AmeriKKKa and UKKKraine voted against anti-Nazi resolution proposed by the UN a few months ago?


He live in US




Russians don't issue medals for these far-righters and aren't celebrating Nazi collaboratirs


Do praxis to weaken the liberal state and post into this thread if you really believe in what you say. Go on.


Putin is actually bolstering Ukrainian nationalism. This is how most nationalisms start, with a massive invasion by the purported enemy.

The neo-Nazi problem will only grow as regular citizens see that it's nationalists and fascists fighting the hardest. Putin has done what Bush and the neocons did, which is to play up a threat and then create that threat through their own actions. GG.


>Unlike you, I don’t simp for any anticommunist
You are a simp of the State Department and I sincerely wish you burn in an oil tank


Cuba: full support for Russia.
China: distancing/critical support for Russia.
Russian communists: Putin should have attacked Ukraine SOONER.



Wagner isn't comparable to Azov but to Blackwater. A PMC attracting retarded nazi meatheads ready to die and employed by porky as disposable fodder is different from an explicitly neo-nazi outfit. More comparable would have been the Russian nationalists that went to fight in the Donbass, most of whom are either dead or removed from power.


Does he just have the Chad meme on his helmet


Glow post


did they have to think about it or what?


the US literally dropped Nazis with parachutes into it to start Ukrainian nationalism


Fifteen year old with a pre-built gaming PC post


I ought to be taking note of prominent left-wingers who are pushing this (rather bizarre) angle that China is betraying it's ally Russia. It's false in every sense. China is not a Russia ally, but has also not damaged it.


>Can’t into reading comprehension


>Cuba: full support for Russia.
bitch where?



in soviet times. Sadly for them Soviets had moles in the UK secret service


>You’re simping for the US State Department!
So this is how you Putinfags cope with the fact that you worship an anticommunist who thinks Lenin was the worst thing to happen to Russia?
Tell me a single thing I’ve said that’s a lie, chauvinist degenerate


You're terminally online


My post:25th


Only insane faggot rightoids believed in Ukrainian nationalism before this invasion. Most Western Ukrainians were Western lib-tier fools, that will now change as their country is plunged into chaos.


it's burger, brit, polack, ukrainian & NATO cyber warfare units at work. the /int/ section of the biggest german imageboard is basically unreadble right now, they're creating new pro ukraine threads by the minute. if their goal is to make lurking a pain they won on that front.



before the invasion? Lol sure. In fact history started just 3 days ago


South America strong as usual.


I don't care about Lenin. I care about slavs being killed to sate your bloodlust. I get this is all a theoretical conflict for you living comfortably in the heart of the empire that started this conflict, but there are real human costs.


shit has definitely slowed down quite a bit for the russians as far as I can tell. The east isn't budging and the only places where the Russians overran the ukrainians at first (Northern and southern fronts) are starting to slowly stabilize.
My guess is this will be a slogfest in which Russia will slowly fight through ukraine until either ukraine or russia folds and they start negotiations.
My HOI4-Brained autism is telling me that taking Mariupol would probably do a lot to destabilize the eastern front.
Taking Kiev would obviously also help the russians quite a bit, but I dont see them doing that too quickly.


>I don’t care about Lenin
Leftypol 2022, ladies and gentlemen


aspiring imperialist KARA BOGA
radical islamists




Also funny as fuck to say
>I care about slavs being killed to sate your bloodlust
While justifying a military invasion and seething at people like me that aren’t treating war like a spectacle
Putinfags are literally in an alternate reality at this point 😂


just kill yourself you literate pig


Heres one: https://twitter.com/Sturgeons_Law. Indian nationalist. Goes after China for switching financing of Russian projects to Yuan, but does not mention that India (actual, literal Russian ally) switched financing to Rupees.



Synthetic left anglo


This war would end right now if every person like you cheering on the BRAVE UKRANIAN RESISTANCE got hit with a CIA heart attack ray


Damn, so now literacy is a crime on NuLeftypol, huh?
>Wah you bloodthirsty anticommunist that upholds Lenin’s position and won’t treat a war like an entertaining show
Putinfags irl



>b-but Vova "kill enemies of the free market" Putin based

If you think like this you should have your eyes scooped out with a rusty spoon

The answer to the bourgeoisie repeating 1939 and 1914 is 1917


God, Spetsnaz hasn't been even deployed. Hounds of Ares.
Ukraine is fuck, reaaaaally fucked.


>Simping for brave Ukrainian resistance
And yet I said nothing about Ukrainian resistance
Do Putinfags need to invent arguments to dismantle when faced with the truth that they are not communists?
It’s fine, just realize you are not a communist, but an anti-US national chauvinist
This board welcomes people like that anyway
Just don’t pretend to be a communist while venerating anticommunists, defecating on Lenin, and supporting imperialist proxy wars you view as entertainment

Awww am I being to edgy now for widdle leftypol? Does it hurt to be unmasked?


Yes :)


>Reminder: [Complete Schizo Nonsense
Ah, yes




I won't have a problem with that
Still a positive force to the anglo chauvinism you constantly espouse


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Chilean TV today: "In the autonomous provice of Ukraine that Russia recognized as independent, there is a square filled with the names of thousands of children killed by fascist Ukrainians and this is a massacre that no journalist reports on."


File: 1645896010668.gif (954.25 KB, 558x468, 1645195600436.gif)

What about leftychan (dot) net?



>The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas
>If Russia invades and changes the ruling class it will only make the people more nazi

Retarded poster detected.


schizos are here


I'm legit surprised MSM anywhere is mentioning that.


how is a change from pro-western to pro-russian bourgeoi rule substantial?
also, the weakened pro-western bourgeoi would obviously support and streghten nationalist tendencies in an effort to regain their power.


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That's from the Kadyrov. You can follow their channel, seems like their strategic military channel.



Russians commit genocide 213280912470421097 times on his people and he cucks for them, lmfao pathetic


2022 chechens literally have stockholm syndrome
theyre worse cucks than the saudi


>>526219 based


This is actually the silver lining here. I deff agree with people when they say this is kind of symbolic of the death of American hegemony over the international stage.


>Do Putinfags need to invent arguments to dismantle when faced with the truth that they are not communists?
Anon only copies your behaviour, retard, painting anyone who tells you to fuck off as some kind of deranged pro-war putin lover. Shut the fuck up & KYS you disingenuous opportunist.

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