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Ukraine conflict: Fighting rages near Kyiv after Russia invasion

Russian forces approaching Kyiv from northeast & east; Ukrainian Prez pleads for help (LIVE UPDATES)

Russia attacks Ukraine live updates: Russian forces close on Kyiv (LIVE UPDATES)

Latest updates: Ben Wallace says Russia’s ambition is to invade 'the whole of Ukraine’ but its forces have so far lost around 450 personnel










What the fuck is this shit and we was there a reboot


I think we got the number wrong or so




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Btw these dubs are dedicated to the soul-crushing dissolution of the USSR which kickstarted this conflict.


Market research showed that the audience didn't react well to us resurrecting Palpatine so we did a soft reboot of the Star Wars franchise.


check em


Talking about >>527421 tho


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Bombardment on Balakliya, the shelling of the warehouses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


I didn't jerk off since the start of this escalation, too busy arguing "anti"-imperialists online.


wait until Putler ressurrects dead tanks in the center of Kiev







>[…]After Askold Lozynskyj became the president of the UWC in addition to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA)—taken over by the “Liberation Front” in 1980—the conservative Ukrainian American columnist Myron Kuropas, who himself used to be associated with a rival faction of the OUN, opined that Lozynskyj is “someone I have known (and disagreed with) for decades. He is bright, brash, articulate (often given to demagoguery), thoroughly bilingual and dynamic. I have watched him mature over the years from a firebrand Banderite to a more nuanced Banderite.” Over twenty years later, Kuropas has said, “In retrospect I don't see Askold maturing for the better politically. He seems to still follow Bandera's dictum that ‘those who are not with us are against us.’ He still seems to push for OUN-B domination of the Ukrainian American community.” Of course, the transnational OUN-B’s goals extend far beyond the United States, but the Ukrainian American community and its allies in Washington are an important asset for the Bandera cultists in their perpetual struggle to take over Ukraine.

>Ever since Canadian Banderites succeeded Lozynskyj as the presidents of the UWC and ICSU in 2008 and 2013, respectively, both international organizations have been headquartered in Toronto. Eugene Czolij, former president of the OUN-B’s international Ukrainian Youth Association (Спілка української молоді, CYM) and more recently the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC), became the new president of the UWC in 2008. He was succeeded by Paul Grod, another UCC leader and fellow “CYMivtsi,” in 2018.

>Those “elections” to the World Congress saw Stefan Romaniw, longtime chairman of the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organizations and former CYM leader in Australia, named general secretary and then first vice president of the UWC. In 2009, the year Romaniw became the new global OUN-B leader, he spoke at an event at Stepan Bandera’s grave in Munich honoring that year as the 100th anniversary of his birth, as did Lozynskyj and Czolij. Three years later in Munich, Czolij addressed an ICSU conference, held in part to honor the belated 100th birthday of the late Yaroslav Stetsko—Bandera’s deputy, ideologist, and successor, who was likewise a fascist war criminal, Nazi collaborator, and anti-Semite.

>After the 2013-14 “Euromaidan” (aka the “Revolution of Dignity”) in Kyiv, Russia’s annexation of Crimea, and the spark of an armed conflict in eastern Ukraine between the new Western-backed Ukrainian government and Russian-backed separatists in the Donbas, the Atlantic Council launched its Ukraine in Europe Initiative following a visit to the United States by Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the new Prime Minister of Ukraine. Part of that initiative included the AC’s “UkraineAlert” newsletter, for which Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s Irena Chalupa shortly became a leading contributor. Although she briefly conceded in an article that year that Bandera collaborated with Nazi Germany, Chalupa has apparently never publicly acknowledged that before her stint with the US broadcaster RFE/RL, she worked for Stetsko in the OUN-B’s Cold War-era international headquarters building in Munich.[…]



why you put that much energy into online arguments?



saboteurs basically means deserteurs now, I am pretty convinced of that. Maybe its even a translation thing


>Fuck Russia Fuck Ukraine Fuck NATO
The enlightened centrist has arrived! Just wait until he starts talking about how total NATO hegemony in Europe is a good thing and that we shouldn't do anything about it.


Reminder: if you are outside after 17:00 PM in Ukraine you are considered to be a Russian saboteur. This shit is crazy.


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>soviet ayylmao enjoyers
<We will work together with advanced life from all galaxies for the good of the universe
>Capitalist ayylmao enjoyers
<Fermi Paradox, alien invasions, lizards in the moon, corporate bioweapons


That explains your emtional state


Pogrom mindset


arms depots and shit exploding is blueballing us gawking warwatchers quite a bit. People went nuts about a cruise missile hitting a a few (empty) units in an apartment building. But another warehouse exploding or air base getting shelled gets no hits. Let that sink in.


Thank you for your service o7


Are you under the impression that I have any sympathy for the Banderite Ukrainian regime?


The deal should be you get gun, you stay with us, you fight with us, give them some ID clothing. How do you fuck this is up so hard? let's give tens of thousands guns for retards to roam aimlessly GENIUS!


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>The enlightened centrist has arrived! Just wait until he starts talking about how total NATO hegemony in Europe is a good thing and that we shouldn't do anything about it.


Are they not at least training these people somewhat?


Your "neither sides" shit is tantamount to passive support for the hegemonic side (NATO&co.). I don't give a shit about what you think about yourself, I give a shit about the actual effects of your words, and your lack of opposing the order that – let's be honest here – benefits your labor aristocratic ass.


He answered the posts - now like us, he is part of this place.


Top zozzle le epic reddit army is going to the Ukraine!


>Your "neither sides" shit is tantamount to passive support for the hegemonic side
According to that logic my public criticism of NATO is tantamount to support for Russia.


There was some trainig before the war started but im pretty sure now they are just giving them away


Idk they started the volksstorm shit after the Russians invaded


They are going to have a civil war over that.
Nah, the Ukrainian MoD takes pride in showing this stuff.


It really seems like it because you keep saying "but Russia has nazis too" as if Ukraine isn't under control of a Nazi Junta and both sides are qualitatively the same.


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The fuck? Did Ukraine just get EU membership?


You still don't get it, because you don't want to get it. You saying that you oppose David and Goliath equally in absolute terms hurts David more than Goliath.

Fucking pseud.


Not possible


One would hope I'll be broken if I see that this nonsense lead to Ukrainian killing each other in mass. If that occurs they better get these Nazis and this comedian cuck!


Zelenskys phone probably isn't even hooked up anymore, he's just imagining in his bunker


from all that Panzerscchokolade


No? They're just giving them riffles.


As real as Turkish blockade of Russian ships


How is sabocat "supporting NATO" is he personally giving money? Is he sending weapons? Is he serving in a NATO military force? Is he currently fighting in Ukraine?


>It really seems like it because you keep saying "but Russia has nazis too" as if Ukraine isn't under control of a Nazi Junta and both sides are qualitatively the same.
You still seem to misunderstand my position. I've said multiple times that I consider NATO to be the principal instigator of this conflict, AND that I think that a swift Russian victory is the best likely outcome. My point in bringing up Russian Nazis fighting on Putin's side in Ukraine was to show the hollowness of the pretext of "denazification" for this invasion.


WUT? You can't become EU member unless 50%+1 referendum vote approves it.





god I hope they die


helis are rly becoming shit these days


He is regurgitating the leftish POV that is perfectly acceptable to NATO.


Zelensky's doing this thing right now where he's giving off a wishlist of things he wants to happen as if they had already happened. They are "requests" being made in an extremely unusual format.


Mariupol is finished, that's where the most elite forces outside Kiev are.


I hope the next big war has excellent cell phone cameras


Meanwhile Venezuela:
The groups that have taken power in Ukraine have remained far away from diplomacy, respect, dialogue and have preferred join the plans of militarily encircle Russia
And what does the world pretends, that President Putin remains with crossed arms?!
That he doesn't act in defence of his people?!
'We are going to get more closer even more, THE PEACE OF RUSSIA IS THE WORLD'S PEACE"

The we are gonna get more closer is my interpretation, I can't ear it too well


Actually me saying shit on an anonymous image board doesn't have any affect on the outcome of the conflict whatsoever. When making statements in public and irl I focus almost exclusively on NATO and its role in instigating this conflict. I fully endorse the statement by the CPCa which you can read here.


yeah realistically hes just helping NATO. Peace after all those sanctions are the worst possible outcome


I'm assuming when you say leftish you mean vooshite in which case Agent Kochinski has uncritical support for NATO. That's the acceptable "leftish" point of view for NATO.


Won't lie, I really, really am curious how alien culture looks like. It would be awesome to see creatures who barely are connected to our ways of life.


b a s e d


>You still seem to misunderstand my position.
He isn't, he's just like this cause he wants the (you)s


Helis always take massive casualties in war. That bitch Tammy Duckworth lost her legs to some Iraq kid with a 70 year old RPG


Thread 203948292938393
Of anons not knowing the difference between critical support and uncritical support.


these people are insane


They wouldn't even have such thing as culture probably


unrelated but as I was searching my folder, I found an old video taken as propaganda by the Azov battalion


Dam that was blocking water to crimea was blown up by russian forces.


As pol said once, Nuanced is the gayyest thing there is.


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Fair point. Still would want to know about them more.


>we will soon have gopro footage of the reddit division being wiped out


yeah but in the age of drones theyre really starting to get a bit outdated. Thats my idea of it, I might be wrong but ppl I respect argue that point.



Y’all are acting pretty childish. I think Sabocat’s mistaken, but ultimately his heart’s in the right place


this is a psyop or a bunch of americans gonna get rekt by ruskies….
I kneel to putin, made my wildest dream come true. Can wait to see them mauled by russians


No you finally managed to explain how that position isn't retarded, but we are talking about you saying a 90 year long 1 million+ member international anti-communist organization that is directly responsible for some of the worst crimes of the holocaust and is now in control of the Ukrainian government and military is the same as funding disparate far right organizations and employing individual nazis.

It makes it seem like you either don't know because you haven't read history or you don't believe it because you think its Russian propaganda. This group doesn't just worship Bandera they are his direct descendants and they were directly facilitated by the MI5, OSS since 1917 and the CIA since its founding.

>My point in bringing up Russian Nazis fighting on Putin's side in Ukraine was to show the hollowness of the pretext of "denazification" for this invasion.
Whether or not Putin actually denzifies Ukraine has no bearing on whether it is a nazi state.


Ground Gains vs. Cyber Gains

Right now the war is being waged as follows: Russia fights an actual, real ground war, where it is rapidly accruing victories and objectives, while the Degenerate Empire fights in the Informational Space, which is the only place left that the decaying West is capable of still holding its own against Russia.

We are seeing massive coordinated propaganda campaign consisting of the fully galvanized globalist core of the technofascist-governmental merged entity the likes of which have only recently been seen during the global ‘pandemic crisis’ in terms of the scale of the campaign for censorship and control of the informational space as coordinated between all world governments aligned together with all global corporate entities. Not only are orchestrated NGO protest movements being launched in every major city of the world (giant Ukrainian flag unfurling in Times Square, for instance), but every corporate shill media personality under the sun is being paid to sponsor Ukraine. From Madonna to various professional athletes, to the official The Simpsons account–all have come out with the same hollow, faux-virtuous “Slava Ukraini” messages, identical to the mass push for the BLM and Transgender/Queer rights movements. Not to mention the massive hack attacks that have taken down a slew of websites from the Russian informational space, and the OVERT systemic / governmental attacks on those same sites like the fact that Britain and several other countries are now in the stages of banning RT/Sputnik etc (there were several other eastern European countries joining in on that ban last I heard).

Yes, it is undeniable in that theatre of informational space, Russia stands no chance against the globalist cabal which consolidates its power more and more each day. But in the arena of actual on the ground combat, Russia continues to show it has no equal.

Today, it was announced by Russian foreign ministers that yesterday Putin had in fact given a HALT order to combat operations across Ukraine, with the intention of extending a diplomatic olive branch to Zelensky and co. as they had signaled they were ready for negotiations. This is the explanation for what seemed like ‘slow progress’ towards the 2nd half of the day. But after this failed, Russian forces have resumed combat and once again made massive gains in several directions.

As Saker points out on his map, there is confirmed Russian takeovers in towns like Tokmak, with Russian troops spotted in both Berdyansk (https://twitter.com/200_zoka/status/1497575184890486784) and as far as Osipenko which is very close to Mariupol. By roadways measurement, this is a whopping 250km from Crimea, which in about 2.5 days of operations so far averages to roughly 100km a day advance, which is unprecedented in history. I outlined in an earlier post that the famed German Blitzkrieg at its fastest reached 50km per day, averaging more realistically 9km over the course of operation. American blitz on Bagdad in 2003 averaged 22km per day, taking 3 weeks to cover 400km+ to cap Bagdad. So 250km for Russian thrust in 2.5 days is quite a remarkable operational success.

Russian tanks in Tokmak which has clearly just seen combat https://twitter.com/200_zoka/status/1497547425548054532

Russian troops already seen in Chernihivka 35km east of Tokmak. This is a massive 75km gain from Melitopol which was only announced earlier that it was taken. So clearly the territory north-east and east of Melitopol is falling very fast and closing in on a massive pincer over Mariupol. https://twitter.com/200_zoka/status/1497582302196473858

Elsewhere, Novorosiyan (NR) assault reached Staronativka, north of Mariupol. Evidence here: https://twitter.com/200_zoka/status/1497583590724575239
And slightly west of there in a village of Donskoye, Russian forces already spotted https://twitter.com/i/status/1497578742146809861

The pincer movement is setting over Mariupol from every direction and the huge swath of territory all to the north of Mariupol is completely falling to Rus/NR hands.
Columns already spotted near Mariupol https://twitter.com/200_zoka/status/1497563521541943298

170km directly north of Crimea, large Russian convoys spotted in Enerhodar (once again 170km in 2.5 days in a completely different direction, that is massively fast gains) https://twitter.com/i/status/1497577978850643970 and also Vasilyvka much farther east of Enerhodar. Basically everything north of Crimea is falling for 200-300km in every direction. And the large city of ZAPORIZHZHIYA north of there, with its Nuclear Power plant is also set to be captured as Russian forces are seen approaching the area.

On northern axis, Russian tank troops in Bakhmach which is past Konotop, on the way to Kiev from the northeast axis, which is pushing deep into Ukie territory https://twitter.com/200_zoka/status/1497564495824232450

That would put them only 140km from the eastern side of Kiev and a completely new envelopment axis.

Almost EVERY top OSINT/ELINT/RUMINT Ukie account has been extremely silent today for going on 6-8 hours. There’s almost nothing to report for them because once Putin resumed operations, Ukraine has taken massive losses today. From dozens of Ukrainian vehicles destroyed, to things like large Ukie An26 shot down https://twitter.com/ASBMilitary/status/1497579401533403136

Now a few important things to mention:

-there are some questions regarding how Ukraine is still able to maintain air and anti-air assets after Russia had claimed to disable their airforce.
I will provide the answer again, as it is very simple. EVERY neighboring “nato-allied / nato-sphere” country is currently massively assisting Ukraine under the orders of CIA/U.S. state dept. On the night of opening salvo, Ukraine moved a large part of its airforce into Poland and U.S. has been instrumental in coordinating between Ukraine/Poland in pretty much playing “whack a mole” with allowing Poland to literally give Ukrainian airforce a carte-blance on-the-fly escape route for its planes to escape, refuel come back for sortie over Ukraine, then escape again.
How do I know this? Besides intelligent news gathering from various sources, there is also evidence from flight-tracker accounts that have shown repeated flights for the past 3 days from western Ukraine into Poland AND BACK, mostly of cargo planes, but it can obviously be further inferred of other planes as well. I’m talking about Lyvov, Ukraine.
Now this brings me to an important point: for some reason it SEEMS, Russia is allowing Ukraine to maintain a small air presence/air resupply capability in the western end of Ukraine around Lyvov. We know Lyvov is now being billed as Ukraine’s “2nd capital” and many people are speculating that not only has Zelensky and top staff fled there already, but that Lyvov will actually be declared the new wartime capital of Ukraine very soon once Russian forces seize Kiev (as early as tonight). So the question remains why does Russia permit Lyvov to function as a untouchable bubble?
There are several educated guesses based on my experience of analysis in this field.

1. there may have been some kind of behind the scenes deal reached between Russia/U.S. puppet masters to have Lyvov administrative center as “hands off” similar to how in Syria deals were reached about various ‘bubble zones’ like the infamous “Al-Tanf”. This could lead to eventual situation where U.S./NATO declares (by way of secret deal?) a small ‘government-in-exile’ republic over there and moves in Nato assets to protect western Ukraine in the same way the U.S. did to Kurdistan zone of Syria. This move may seem unlikely but it would happen after a major falseflag where Russia would be blamed for something SO catastrophic (likely in Kiev) that NATO would muster the resolve to carve out this small frontier. i.e. “Russians gassed Kiev” etc etc. There are already reports in CNN today that “Putin is handing out gas masks to Russian soldiers” with the obvious implication being that he intends to start gassing the Ukrainian population, so don’t think this is out of the question.

2. there is the possibility that Russia’s reach is limited towards Lyvov as it does represent the furthest end of Ukraine and so there is more of a blindspot there. Remember, Ukraine is the largest country in Europe by area-size (well, if you don’t count Russia, that is). Even Russian S-400’s actually cannot reach as far as Lyvov from anywhere Russian forces are currently operating, believe it or not. Lyvov is as far as 700km++ from many of the regions where Russian forces currently operate. There HAVE been airstrikes in that area but they are minimal compared to elsewhere for possibly those reasons. Also it can’t be ruled out that NATO/U.S. is already carving out that zone with EW warfare, limiting usage of Russian drones/missiles accuracy etc.

3. the last possibility is possibly the most realistic: Lyvov has emerged as the main corridor for refugees fleeing all of Ukraine and particularly Kiev. Russia may be allowing Kiev this one indulgence of having that space to itself without much attacks because Russia is trying to heavily play the humanitarian role and not risk any civilian casualties whatsoever. There are photos/videos of huge ‘refugee’ columns streaming through Lyvov as the processing center into Poland. Knowing the Ukie penchant for falseflags and desire to use civilians as human shields, and given the vast distance which limits Russian airpower there, Russia may be playing it safe and allowing Ukraine to maintain some semblance of its operations in that region, which unfortunately includes a bit of cover for the shabby remainder of their airforce (if anything remains at all, now).

Now as to current #BREAKING NEWS

1. Same radio squawk channels that were active with Russian bombers an hour before the opening night’s strikes have been active moments ago, analysts claiming Russian heavy bombers taking off to strike targets around Kiev.

2. this is in conjunction to very large column of mechanized forces are spotted all around Kiev closing in as a ‘final battle’ of sorts may be in the early stages of going down tonight in Kiev. Yesterday we saw Russian scout/spetsnaz/airborne forces penetrate towards central Kiev in what seemed only an early ‘testing’ strikes where they are softening up and reconn-ing the Ukrop defensive formations there, but now the real army is moving in.
-And also, the first Chechen reinforcements have in fact been spotted in several places in Ukraine including Hostomel, the leading bridgehead outside of Kiev, which means Chechen shock troops may be amongst the first to storm Kiev tonight (?). There’s many videos but here’s most pertinent one, Chechen troops outside Kiev tearing down Ukie flag to replace with Russian: https://twitter.com/i/status/1497580840808812546

So we’ll see if there’s a large invasion of Kiev tonight or if Russia continues to wait to gather more forces from other axes.

Some random info:

many videos emerging of Ukrops now fielding British NLAWS (Brit equivalent of Javelin) https://twitter.com/i/status/1497649187831300097
Now Germany has officially announced to send 1000’s of Stingers to Ukraine (as well as other countries joining in).
They are dead set on turning Ukraine into a new “Afghanistan” for Russia.

Ok that’s it for now. There’s a lot more things I wanted to address but will keep it shorter for now and wait for some more developments.


According to Sabotard it's the same in terms of nazis in Russia.


Neither Russia nor Ukraine is just as acceptable bc it is teathless
The only right point of view is full destruction of nato EU and all nato vessal states


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Obsessed samefag.


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Destroyed military equipment on Kherson. (video)
Statement of Стрелков Игорь Иванович (Strelkov Igor Ivanovich), admitting mistakes on the assault:

А теперь о ещё более грустном:

Наступление на «основном восточном фронте» буксует по причине ПОЛНОГО ОТСУТСТВИЯ ВТОРОГО ЭШЕЛОНА. Пройденная территория не контролируется, развязки дорог и важные пункты под контроль не ставятся, гарнизоны и крупные группировки противника фактически игнорируются. При этом тыловые колонны движутся без малейшей охраны по незачищенной территори, как будто это какая-нибудь Рязанская область. Что уже привело к разгрому и даже полному уничтожению нескольких таких колонн. А противник не дремлет и «медийной выжимает все» из каждой такой «микро-победы». На лицо крупный просчёт, вызванный, вероятно, неправильной оценкой обстановки и последовавшим за этим «шапкозакидательством».

And now for something even sadder:

The offensive on the “main eastern front” is stalling due to the COMPLETE ABSENCE OF THE SECOND ECHELON. The traversed territory is not controlled, road junctions and important points are not placed under control, garrisons and large enemy groupings are actually ignored. At the same time, the rear columns are moving without the slightest guard through the uncleaned territory, as if it were some kind of Ryazan region. Which has already led to the defeat and even the complete destruction of several such columns. And the enemy does not sleep and “the media squeezes everything out” of each such “micro-victory”. On the face of a major miscalculation, caused, probably, by an incorrect assessment of the situation and the subsequent "hattering".

Echelon is column. Hattering seems like a halt.


I've said it before and I will say it again, we should team up with /pol/ to find out where Zelensky I'd hidinh so Russia can chop his head.

We can't stay like this and do nothing.


Hate MAGA/Republicans but they are pillaging the libs on this situation
>Western Strategy to deal with Ukraine:
>1) Accuse all who criticize our role in this conflict of Russian Puppetry
>2) Have journalists rewrite history and pretend we never provided assurances to Russia that NATO would never expand eastward.
>3) Shift focus to race & LGBT issues


>Texas hasn't posted in over a day
is he ok? :(


You should consider the possibility that by engaging with someone who has such an unenviable intellect as sabocat's you are wasting your time and spurring on his nonsense.


Sabocat is the few of the sane ones. I hate people here who will support everything that's anti US just because it's anti US. It's such a dumb hill to die on.


your insistence on forcing other socialist to adopt the questionable stance of "supporting" russia, a capitalist state, in an aggression war is pretty weird, especially since that support will mostly materialize through shitposting on an albanian forum.


Yeah there was a vid a while back of someone in Crimea being happy at the water flowing down


At least some good news


Quick someone send them the U.S. lolbert that went to Ukraine in the Donbas conflict and got killed.


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a native american, trauma surgery, Wojcicki, and a frankfurter volunteered to help Ukraine

name their squad.


if you have seen enough of what the US did in Vietnam and Iran its eventually a hill youre ready to die on


>is the same as funding disparate far right organizations and employing individual nazis
It isn't the same and I never said it was. I simply said that Putin is not an actual anti-fascist. If Azov was pro-Russia (like most rightoids i he would be sending them guns.
>This group doesn't just worship Bandera they are his direct descendants
Of course, and I hope as many of them die in this conflict as possible.


>identifiyng the enemy with degeneracy
stopped reading there


Plz guys tell me they won't actually ban Russia from SWIFT, this would be catastrophic for Russia's economy and this would be a blowback against anti-imperialist countries such as Venezuela, and Cuba for whom Russia was a cushion bag against Western sanctions. Guys, I don't want Europe to stop trading with Russia, this would only make them submit more to the US, do you guys thinks there's hope?


>>527506 (me)
The equipment is Ukrainian



They will come to earth, drop a biotechnological bomb (a single milligram of unfathomably complex protein that encodes highly compacted instructions to modify genetic code, dissolved in water), and that protein will infect and reproduce in all living organisms, converting every kind of complex life into a single, homogenous slime-like substance with a shared consciousness. This will occur in the blink of an eye.


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>go on reddit
>lie that I'm going to Ukraine to volunteer there
>get free karma


I'm sorry repeat that in English?


Russia should have a Brigador moment and offer saboteurs $1M contracts


It's literally the talking point of the KKE tho


what the fuck is going on putinsisters? i stopped caring about the conflict yesterday and came back to check the status and russia is getting btfo in kyiv?


Source? Can someone confirm? Buying a plane ticket over there rn if this checks out.


>a single mg will turn the whole planet into goo in a second
Fake AND gay.


no, it's basically surrounded at this point




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>Pic 1
A new fighter has appeared. Known as the Chieftain of Kiev he has already taken down 34 white devils with his Tomahawk


>anglo "leftist" congratulating anglo "leftist"


>I care more about listing facts then the context I present them in

seems like you are antagonizing people on purpose


>*points at putin*
>*walks away*


It will just seem like a blink of an eye on the scale of civilizational time that the intergalactic slime aliens exist in.


nah, its information warfare. Ukraine was caught 5x+ with bulshit claims and Russia is literally keeping everything shut. All that you get are infos from Donbas militia forces.
Dont forget that cyber warfare was trained for years - all just for this moment.


>At the same time, the rear columns are moving without the slightest guard through the uncleaned territory, as if it were some kind of Ryazan region.

Yeah, Ukrops pick off supply convoys and pose with photos as if they won some huge victories. It's nuts how Ukrops and simps are desperate for any good news


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Kyev is pretty much taken in huge areas as the Antonov Airport see
(from Gostomel)


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you did it!


this, ukros are coping hard, russians are advancing really quickly in the south, kiev front is just a distraction


how do the dicks of the russian bourgeoisie taste?


Just found "Intel Slava Z" on Telegram, its the best english pro-russian source I have seen.


Some poser wanted to go to Donbas to fight in the Ukrainian side, got killed, some years ago.


I disagree, it would give China the perfect opportunity to set up an alternative. After that US sanctions and embargos will become toothless.


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Probably busy supporting the troops. They are in offensive mode and he might be already doing something. Even if it is carrying water.


I'm with sonic anon.


Seems like people are jumping to conclusions and inferring things I never said.


The Putinist position is that talking about class and the working class struggle is "class reductionist".


>it would give China the perfect opportunity to set up an alternative.
They already have retard.


a big change to Lenin 1917 is btw that he called for peace when Russia functionally won and not literally at the start of the war.


I really put away the vodka too.


You're basically right. If it does occur it will be devastating for Europe and the relative power gap between the EU and the US will quickly widen. The EU will be rendered effectively irrelevant internationally.


Recent photo of the More photos of TOS Solntsepyok. Tokmok.
Hauting thermobaric. I fucking wish zeli already surrendered so no one had to receive this shit.


It's pretty obvious why the US wants a SWIFT ban and the EU doesn't. If the Europe does concede to it, it's over. You have to keep living through it. But it's over.




These Reddit fatasses that probably haven't left the house for months probably can't even march a mile with standard infantry equipment on their back without falling of exhaustion.


>a big change to Lenin 1917 is btw that he called for peace when Russia functionally won
First, that isn't true, the Bolsheviks opposed participation in the war from day one, as did all true revolutionaries. Second, Russia was getting BTFO by the Germans in 1917 which is a big part of why the government collapsed.


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File: 1645905479014.jpg (104.59 KB, 1280x720, glow.jpg)

threadly reminder that sabocat is a liberal and might unironically be a fedbot

threadly reminder that sabocat is a liberal and might unironically be a fedbot

threadly reminder that sabocat is a liberal and might unironically be a fedbot(Do not fed jacket)


The infrastructure is already there and is just waiting for a traffic boost of some sort then? All the better


How come the live Ukraine map isn't posted anymore?




meds now


Bloodthirsty statists call everyone fedbot, nothing new


>Second, Russia was getting BTFO by the Germans in 1917 which is a big part of why the government collapsed.

No, it's White propaganda which was used to justify moving troops from the frontlines to quell the Revolution. Russian troops held the frontline, but generals needed an excuse to rebel. Riga was given to Germans just like that, and then Russian troops marched to Moscow and Leningrad.

Get the history right next time.


literally me except the nato part, just the cocks and killing russians parts


"Anti"-imperialists literally celebrating Russia stealing Ukraine's water. smh.




FEDjacketing glows to the high heaven. GTFO.



Why do you hate russians tho?


File: 1645905643673.jpg (30.84 KB, 660x574, frog.jpg)

the thread is dying


File: 1645905644797.png (1.11 MB, 1280x577, ClipboardImage.png)


oh shit oh fuck, the ghosts of r/antiwork confirmed in Ukraine, 3551 kills in one hour


Correct. Rn is just used by China and in part of Sino-Russian trade iirc.
If Russia's SWIFT goes offline Russia and many more countries could join.


it was the other way around retard.


>Being anti war is glowing


this website is for alduts only, you should return to reddit


Funniest shit is, Germany fully expects to continue trading with Russia even if Russia gets cut off from SWIFT.


i've got nothing against leaders of russia, just hate russians as a people.


What the fuck is wrong with you


moscow and washington stopped posting. Wait until kiev falls and youll see a lot more posts



>i've never interacted with russians before in my life: the post


File: 1645905811269.png (73.75 KB, 606x1079, ukraine chud.png)

>i've got nothing against leaders of russia, just hate russians as a people.


n8, brothers


I am Russian


National chauvinists truly are scum.




File: 1645905944000.jpeg (99.12 KB, 1124x802, natosdoorstep.jpeg)

Wow. Russia expansion is threatening to put Russia right on the border of NATO! NATO must do something to counter the threat of Russia expansion.


Panslavism Ain't free. The tree of nostalgia and brotherhood gotta be litterd with the blood of comrades. Vloydimir BANDERA zelensky aka "V. Z" is not my presidnet. he is Banderite liberal and probbaly Polish as well :DD. Kiev and Kharkov not Kyiv and KHARKIV ok. praise putin.


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File: 1645905989568-2.webm (2.34 MB, 720x1280, 1645902775571.webm)

why the fuck are audios unallowed on 4chan except for the racist coomer's board?


They have to mention the Soviet Union to scare you because le communism


File: 1645905997968.png (442.67 KB, 1003x837, ClipboardImage.png)

My programming guy is Russian. He's pretty cool.


That is why I am bringing up the historical context. When you come into a Ukraine thread and say that "russia has nazis too" a neutral observer will interpret that as "both sides are bad". There is no reason to bring it up if it is not directly relating to what is happening, other than to be 'technically correct'(the worst kind of correct) and give fuel to the pro-NATO side. A neutral observer or a newly converted socdem coming here to learn about the left position will see your post and think "well the Ukraine government can't be that bad because Putler Wagner Pinochet both sides muh soviet union gulag freedom democracy!" instead of correctly understanding it as an undemocratic Banderite regime installed by a western coup.




File: 1645906005265.jpeg (106.92 KB, 1080x732, FMbT1LgXIAQIqXv.jpeg)

Truly this is some kind of clown world.



File: 1645906075220.mp4 (3.77 MB, 528x960, 111.mp4)

Poroshenko's super soldiers


>Krauts joining Rn to trade Russian gas behind US back


> Russian troops held the frontline
what a delusional faggot. this is literal Dolchstoß-Legende tier white army propaganda. Russia was being completely assraped by that point of the war, there was a reason why Lenin agreed to the German terms, as terrible as they were, because the Russian army was in no position to continue the war.


File: 1645906119918.png (797.77 KB, 962x621, ClipboardImage.png)


Does it have do with the file size or something?


>There is no reason to bring it up if it is not directly relating to what is happening
It is directly related to what's happening insofar as it exposes Putin's "denazification" as an empty pretext.
>instead of correctly understanding it as an undemocratic Banderite regime installed by a western coup.
I've made my hatred towards the Ukrainian regime NATO, and Azov very clear.


>what is a joke on liberal pearl clutching?
pro-tip: the "smh" should have given it away


Huehuehue. Better figure out that mag release now kid.


sry bruder, you never know how stupid people can be here


Both wsg and gif have full video support. Reason is that filesizes would mess up the site


>it exposes Putin's "denazification" as an empty pretext.
>Remember that that is speculation. You don't know the exact plan and what those results will be.


File: 1645906277851.jpg (68.71 KB, 736x489, horsekek.jpg)

he's a pacifist


I can drop the mask now, I'm actively rooting for Putin and I hope he annexes ukraine and executes all redditors.


Lenin agreed to German terms because everyone and their mother was aiming to use Germany as a Revolution-killer, especially FUCKING SOCDEMS AND LEFT COMMUNISTS. Peace with Germany solved internal politics issues and allowed Lenin to deal with Civil War as 1-on-1 as possible, winning the Civil War for the Reds in the end.

Learn history, again. Russia has beaten back German advances in Ukraine mutiple times at that point even with smaller amounts of troops, and Germany agreed to peace because Germany got a safe rear out of it.


fuck off /pol/




File: 1645906394961.png (128.53 KB, 1337x492, ClipboardImage.png)

/k/ stand with r/volunteerforukraine, one struggle.


Show them this vid:


>implying those redditors aren't just lying for free karma


>Kiev is surrounded by ground forces on 3 sides with Russian air superiority, and infrastructure for Ukrainian reinforcements is destroyed in the west.
GG Kiev is done for. Its capitulation by Russian troops is inevitable, not if but when.


Dude, literally today on TV on First Channel I've seen a widely-known anticommunist guy badmouthing Eltzyn as a traitor and showing a clip of him calling communism bad and evil in a context of it being not true and treachery and a selling out to USA. Russia will be FORCED to become more warm towards communism simply because Russia's history is too heavily communist, and American propaganda and agents of influence are heavily anti-communist. Hell, Russia clinging to WW2 victory actually forces countries like Latvia venerate theirs nazi collaborators. It's a very funny thing to behold


is the world over yet?


Russia will repress Azov, but in the long term the invasion will only cause far larger numbers of people to flock to them. That's also not considering that they may promote Russian ultranationalist types in the East as a bulwark against anti-Russian Nazis.


File: 1645906577410.png (113.52 KB, 1797x679, ClipboardImage.png)

Nah, I'm not in the mood to farm 20 (you) from the absolute bastion of free-thinking.


Hopefully we'll get a civil war between /k/ and /pol/.

Rooting for /pol/.


SPD siding with fash again? WOW


>be me
>Planning to make a banner with student Union comrades
>80% of us agree that we should first mention that we ask for the invasion to end
>Retards from a specific org thing Putin is an anti-fascist hero and we should never even mention Russia or invasions
>All this even when we were going to ask that our country leaves NATO and write against Ukrainian Nazis
>No banner for today we will meet again in later time


does anyone know if this telegram account is legit? It's apparently one of the Ukrainian mp's that confirmed those russian "saboteurs" who were shot the other day were actually Ukrainian


>Russia will be FORCED to become more warm towards communism simply because Russia's history is too heavily communist
I don't think that's true but if it turns out to be the case then I will support them. Until then bourgeois warmongers can all rot in hell.


>/k/ and reddit against /pol/ and /leftypol/
i need to take my medications i'm seeing shit.


Can this be over? I'm already sick of seeing it on my timeline


kein ding


No, this is a decisive moment that calls for decisive actions.


Apply mirror, NATO boy.


>>be me

praying for you…


Kiev will be taken in 5 minutes


File: 1645906751452.mp4 (1.16 MB, 640x360, 1644992794182-0.mp4)

>Zelensky enjoys Führerkult by redditors
what do they mean by this? Is fascism unironically on the rise again bros?


I was disconnected for the whole day. And havent read anything from yesterday morning actually.

So whats going on? Is kiev still Ukrainian? Is Russia stalled? Whats going on with sactions? Is Zelensky even alive?


File: 1645906866478.png (547.25 KB, 804x835, ClipboardImage.png)

nope, Mr bone's wild ride has just begun buckaroo.


Oh, well, excuse you mister important. History didn't know it wasn't allowed to happen anymore, since you're bored of it.


Russia more or less surrounded Kiev, then stopped for some hours because the Ukrainians pretended they were open for a ceasefire. No one knows what's going on now


File: 1645906903661.mp4 (4.21 MB, 240x432, 16459067409290.mp4)

Kiev. Police/Volksturm infighting, both sides claim other is saboteurs


Oh, that explains his tweets. He's having a matchstick girl moment.


Last I heard the russian forces have kinda stalled, but Russia only sent in 1/3 to 1/2 of its mobilized forces. There’s likely more where that came from


I'm #boredape of it


That's right, and this is my selfie


Yes yes it is. Be prepared comrade.


Why are they still holding back? The longer they take, the more likely outside interference escalates.


>Russian bangbus driving into Ukraine
My sides


Reddit is like 90% bots and 8% people who may as well be bots


some Redditor is going to get killed out there, because they were all circlejerking and larping.


they stalled because zelensky asked for negotiations yesterday, russia agreed and stopped offensives and then zelensky declined to negotiate, offensives restarted today, they already pushed to mariupol and basically control all of the shoreline in the south-east, moving 100km a day on average


>you have to support porky X over porky Y


throwing more people in than neccessary (and are experienced) is just risking more people getting killed.


>That post by American /pol/ anon
It's a medic support truck dingus, it has a medic cross painted on the side. It's not meant to be in combat.


>try to LARP as the Spanish Second Republic and hand out guns to civvies



A combination of fuel shortages and the Ukrainian government making half-assed requests for a ceasefire


They're trying to avoid killing too many civilians. If they wanted they could just flatten everything in front of them, but it would be much harder to set up any kind of sympathetic government afterwards.


wrong flair, man


If the Ukrainian gov keeps doing this, at some point the russians will just stop listening


I know dingus, that's the joke.


>>>try to LARP as the Spanish Second Republic and hand out guns to civvies
So Kiev won't fall? Because Madrid din't until the republic surrendered.


Medic truck. Very comfy, actually.


his name is zelensky


Not surprised that the anarkiddies take this position


>Youtube de-monetizes all Russian RT channels, in all languages.


They forgot some key differences. So it will actually fall faster.


Nah, Ukraine doesn't have Soviet volunteers to save their capital


File: 1645907151202.png (550 KB, 1021x725, ClipboardImage.png)

will you fight the Ukrainians for a scooby snack?


>fuel shortages
Wait, is this real? Why would Russia have fuel shortages for their military of all things?


>in the long term the invasion will only cause far larger numbers of people to flock to them

Speculative. I think he will install a puppet and start secret policing protesters. It sucks a lot and a lot of people will get fucked. I think Zelensky is being instructed to create as much ethnic conflict as possible. Putin will do 'control your opposition and crush them from within' move. If it goes on I think there will be a months long siege and then Putin will intentionally inflame sectarianism for years so he can purge civilians with nationalist sympathies that would switch sides under pressure. He will gulag a lot of people and some of them will be innocent. I also think that there will be terrorist attacks by banderites in NATO countries, but that will happen even without the invade.


>So whats going on? Is kiev still Ukrainian? Is Russia stalled? Whats going on with sactions? Is Zelensky even alive?
Apparently Russia held off for a while because of backroom diplomacy, but that seems to have failed and now they resumed threshing through Ukrainian defenses. Also Ukrainian Volksturm has a lot of problems with friendly fire.


I really do need to start learning Chinese, eh? It seems like they want Russia to become China's little socialist friend


d-did you ride in one?


i would fight for bitches

no gods, no masters, only simping


File: 1645907222919.png (778.04 KB, 1198x863, ClipboardImage.png)

>"Lenin signed the treaty with the Germans to have his back free to deal with the opposition!"
Again, literal Dolchstoß-tier bullshit. Russia lost 50% of its industry, a 3rd of its Population, 90% of its coal mines and basically became a German client state overnight. Thank god that Germany lost the War or the history of the 20th century and communism would have been very different.
Lenin didn't do this willy-nilly because he had some internal matters to attend to, he was forced because the Russian army was not fit to continue fighting.


Claims of fuel shortages come from Ukraine, ignore.


>Failed to resize image! Details: gm convert: sBIT: invalid (/tmp/phpeMZqqT).

What did leftypol mean by this?


Insane in the membrane



Also, Russia wanted to contempt in full, pure old things like Soviet-style weaponry (although fully modernized). They are overwhelmingly winning, but not as fast as the optimal can be.


Don't listen to brainwashed retards. Ukrainians invented some Russian tanks which were out of fuel and were asking locals for fuel. Hint: those were tanks without Zs on the video Ukraine provided, lol



The proper response to attempt wrecking is to go away and make the banner anyways.


Russia out of fuel is a fairytale I wouldnt call my 2 year old son cause its too ridiculous


I was referring to /pol/ anon, not you.


dont worry, someone said it was fake news


Western media desperate to control the narrative is calling for censorship of opposing viewpoints I see.


>Captcha fail
>Error corrupted not supported file
I tried


File: 1645907471026.webm (4.4 MB, 640x360, glowing.webm)

reminds me of this place blaming everyone of being glowies but with guns instead of shitposts


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Well some other kids for another org were uninterested in picking a side that was something others were asking for,i was hoping for finding a slogan that can be agreeable for all sides





>Trump claims he will leave NATO if elected in 2024
wtf critical support


No it's an error I got from the board software


he's gonna be a dead by then


Not serious shortages, they just need to wait resupply. And again, there’s plenty more mobilized troops waiting to be deployed. All rapid mobilized offensives can only cover so much ground in a day, don’t worry


>Russia lost 50% of its industry, a 3rd of its Population, 90% of its coal mines and basically became a German client state overnight. Thank god that Germany lost the War or the history of the 20th century and communism would have been very different.
<Again, literal Dolchstoß-tier bullshit.
Look who's speaking, lol. Lenin explicitly said that he predicted (correctly) that Germany will fail, and all those lands surrendered will just fall back into Soviet hands anyway. Most of them did.

You are spouting Russian state/nationalist/anticommunist propaganda, even, of Lenin somehow surrendering an almost won war, lol. There's a difference - they claim that Lenin's Revolution was the reason why Russia started losing WW1 - but it's the same historical revisionism.

>Lenin didn't do this willy-nilly because he had some internal matters to attend to, he was forced because the Russian army was not fit to continue fighting.

Oh, so, the slogan "peace with no conquests and contributions" was COMMUNISTS LYING? Jeez, are you sure you are a communist? Why are your human ideals all liars who had to lie their way to victories, lol?


Sorry, meant to reply to someone else.


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taliban's statement regarding Ukraine


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The only way to be consistently correct is to be paranoid and question if the CIA wants you to do something. if you stop questioning it they will get you to support something evil.
also reddit always does whatever the CIA want because they are completely astroturfed, so tou should always do the opposite of reddit.


I was called dumb when i said that trump was the goat us president



why is there music and shit


He literally was. I think he singlehandedly finished imperialism in a time when it was in crisis. It was because he was retarded, but still it was good. If someone competent was in charge, they could have prevented this


They were kinda stupid honestly, but defending Ukraine from the Russia is a noble thing to do.


Source for his statement about leaving NATO?

Based if true but this is too good to believe.


A call to peace from both sides is pretty noncommittal,


>bu-bu-but reddit supported Palestine against Israel!


File: 1645907750406.jpg (42.9 KB, 1736x254, 1638051675722.jpg)



Cursed timeline


so what you're saying is that the only way to be safe is to never do anything?
based and armchair pilled



I knew it would happen eventually.


The contemporary version of neutrality and non-commitment.

Has any government ever went "hit that uygha! knock'em out!"


And beneficial for the world. Warmongers like Putin shouldn't be tolerated.



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>we live in a society where Taliban advises the infidels of Europe politically to calm their shit down.
how do i log off from this HOI4 game?


File: 1645907883477.png (25.91 KB, 689x775, tfw whites.png)

Are these messages real?


>be anarchist
>be patriot
>no contradiction


Yes they are.


File: 1645907951100.png (1.01 MB, 1280x963, 16459074835540.png)

Chinese map very favorable to Russia. Since China is way more objective than US media, it's pretty clear that Ukraine is fucked up real hard in reality.


>This is Putin’s entire responsibility
<NATO has nothing to do with it
I’m sure NATO arming Ukraine to make it their personal military base wasn’t warmongering


If Russia loses badly in the east, Kiev gets destroyed.


File: 1645907984216.jpg (114.79 KB, 645x773, stolishnaya.jpg)


Am I high or is this borderline identical with most maps


Did you read Kropotkin?


They aren’t objective, no one is. Maybe it’s closer to the truth, but not the whole truth


i need some of what you're smoking


Mostly identical, but China gives a little bit more penetration to Russian troops


Burgers, take notice. This is how the American civil war will look like. Burger armed nazis taking regular civilians into custody, taking them into the woods.


File: 1645908053590.png (892.23 KB, 945x945, 1640996316426.png)

My time is valuable, anon


I haven't seen those advances in the Donbas before but idk


>Warmongers like Putin
This war was caused by nato expansion, any communist government would have done pretty much the same thing as Putin.


the cia wants you to stop cumming oin aimbos


Fuck off, bothsidist. No investigation - no right to speak.


File: 1645908114800.jpg (52.11 KB, 686x475, bcqanhgp4xc01.jpg)

This is a huge tragedy, sanctions mean I won't be able to find Stoli at my liquor store


are you in ukraine russia or bugeristan


This ain’t bothsidism.


>>527729 (me)
this feel, I know her


File: 1645908162189.png (197.61 KB, 1500x500, ClipboardImage.png)

i don't get it


It is. Apathy, historical nihilism, "everyone lies" is bothsidism and liberalism. Mao looks at you with disdain


Reading people who have created the USSR wasn't a waste of time, try to engage in some theory besides the one you are currently adhering to.
> communist government


Oh yeah, definitely more favorable in the South. Kinda was looking in the NE and Kiev and disregarded the South.




Why did you bomb somalia


History is back from vacation, none of these sanctions do shit and Putin just shrugs them off like a real chad, this thing will end either with a full NATO counterattack or they will stay cucked and Russia will annex Ukraine.


Stonetoss is a ukrop confirmed


File: 1645908267351.mp4 (4.89 MB, 400x640, IMG_5455.MP4)

Huge column nearby in Nikolaiev was destroyed. Ukrainian equipment.


I go to sleep but I unconditionally support Russia in the struggle against NATO now. I was stupid to even try to get into discussions about this


Ask Anthony Blinken, I have no clue


File: 1645908283122.png (1.62 MB, 1085x813, ClipboardImage.png)

He didn't support the troops.


File: 1645908292749.png (730.02 KB, 607x609, suicide_gambino.png)




praying for you homie]
hope you get your booze

i stand with you


>My time is valuable, anon
No it isn't.


'Red, white, and blue' should be re-appropriated to represent the colors of the Russian flag instead.


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>Look who's speaking, lol. Lenin explicitly said that he predicted (correctly) that Germany will fail, and all those lands surrendered will just fall back into Soviet hands anyway. Most of them did.

>"Ah yes, lets give away 1/2 of our industry just for the off chance that the other side will lose the war and we will be (maybe) able to conquer it back."

>"oops, there goes Poland and the baltics"
You are making Lenin out to be an idiot.

>surrendering an almost won war

yeah almost won war IN FUCKING HINDSIGHT, faggots like the nationalists and the liberals believed that the Allies were going to come and save them if they continued their suicidal charges while the left SRs were simply completely delusional and believed they were going to march to berlin and spread the revolution.
The Bolshevik slogan was "Peace, Land and Bread" for a fucking reason, the soldiers simply werent willing to fight at that point. The army was tearing at the seams with defections and the bolsheviks were able to mobilize all those soldiers who didnt want to die in vain.

>Oh, so, the slogan "peace with no conquests and contributions" was COMMUNISTS LYING?

NO you dumbass, they were fully genuine in that affair, they just werent able to actually implement it considering the germans were in a stronger position. the picture I added here >>527679 and the fact that places like Poland and the baltics remained independent after WW2 should show this well enough.


File: 1645908381510.png (142.82 KB, 1500x500, 1645908162189.png)


im planning on buying a shitload and then scalping it online at 3x the prices. play the capitalists at their own game my friend


I'm retarded. I googled "Bothsid" in an attempt to find out about his political philosophy.


>Kropotkin created the USSR
Sure he did


File: 1645908405777.jpg (29.96 KB, 440x500, Alunya-cat-cry.jpg)

Saddens me more than this fucking war.


File: 1645908421286.jpg (41.48 KB, 595x390, ushakov.jpg)

I want to believe


lmao u r a cutie


Bothsidism is liberalism, I’ll save you some time


Anon, the war makes it 2x more sad.


File: 1645908453116.mp4 (365.28 KB, 320x566, azov execution.mp4)

So the Azov Batallion ended up being encircled in Mariupol, and is now starting to drag people out of their cars and shooting them in the neck with an assault rifle in a frenzy. They are going full "Downfall" mode


iktf, sleep tight


sleep tight german bro


I was referring to Lenin and Trotsky.


>The government that tried to destroy the USSR for its Międzymorze intermarium should remain neutral
How about no


muh false flag civilian attacks/genocide?


File: 1645908524858.png (707.04 KB, 960x540, ClipboardImage.png)

Unless the CIA knows that you know and makes reddit do the opposite of what they want you to!

The CIA can't make you do evil if you do nothing!


as said in previous threads, we will see ukrainian conscripts and civilains hanged by these psychos with a signhanging from their neck saying Verräter


holy shit


Shame they got rid of liveleak, I would love to see Azov on there when the inevitable comes for them


You think these people were anarchists? You kidding me?


Did anyone other than the Russians say it was an anti-aircraft missile that hit that high-rise? Presumably a cruise missile would leveled the building


2022 version for 3022
>I cannot believe you bastards are still around. I'm so sorry


You don't get it. I was expecting to find someone like famous philosopher Alexander Botshid (1934-2002) or some shit like that.


*2122 lel


<"We Reddit brothers should support the brave anti-Russia freedom fighters of the Azov battalion"


Same shit happens in Russia all the time. No difference.(I've got to draw the line somewhere)(This isn't actually sabbocat)


They weren't in any sense, that's the point.


File: 1645908625013.jpg (19.08 KB, 280x302, yes.jpg)

>communist government
Yes, stateless =/= government less


Mundane reasons.


Is there really no replacement for liveleak?


File: 1645908661163.jpg (81.64 KB, 618x857, black book.jpg)

the booze, the dead, the fact that porky will probably get away with all this
or will he?




>"Ah yes, lets give away 1/2 of our industry just for the off chance that the other side will lose the war and we will be (maybe) able to conquer it back."
>"oops, there goes Poland and the baltics"

1. Defence of the heart of the Revolution. 2. Germany was the losing side. 3. German troops were overextended, they were also looking for a peace. It was calculated.

>they were fully genuine in that affair, they just werent able to actually implement it considering the germans were in a stronger position

Ah, so they wanted to ditch their communist peace, but just didn't have the ability to.

Man, you real communists are a real piece of work, I tell you. Your ideals are such bad people, but you try to make them sound like cool guys!

Russia's offer of peace with no contributions would have allowed all countries to not lose, as well as all the Revolutions to succeed due to no foreign interference. Obviously, such a Peace was a death sentence to leftcoms and anarchists and socdems, they would have lost their beloved capitalism from it.



good luck learning some anarkid about basic terminology


File: 1645908682613.png (361.51 KB, 760x540, ClipboardImage.png)


>oh yeah, well, the other side is the same or worse!
Damn. American-tier projection.



File: 1645908728345.png (322.85 KB, 559x576, 1645901420999.png)


>Same shit happens in Russia all the time. No differ
no, russia is no warzone and ppl arent just gunned down in the streets
are you retarded?


I don't think I've seen straight up family-size executions on any russian dashcam vid



Do Azov Battalion guys still have anarchists in there? Just asking




Watching these guys get vaporized by Russian airstrikes will be the lone silver lining in this whole mess.


Reddit brought back /r/watchpeopledie.


Proofs, please


Holy shit I want to suck Z Group's tits


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the liberals don't want you to find out about him that's why

get your information at bodse.cx.com




What did you think the Pilsudski regime was, anon?


Nah, fuck that, I want them captured alive. And publicly executed. Airstrikes too quick.


>who need they trussy ate?
>omg me


holy shit
full support for the brave and progressive azov battalion dragging those probably racist deserters or jews out of their cars in the middle of the night and executing them


There’s a failure to communicate here. What were you trying to say to begin with


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don't look at me, weebs are milking the real-life hell of others for cartoon cum.


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How will this conflict affect the mecha anime industry?


Same shit happens in the US all the time. No difference.



Vice did an documentary already: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUaqB8_Soko


They should draw both of them getting gang-banged by Russian, chechen, tatar, belarusian and all other forces






Reminder that Vice filmed themselves with Azov and presented them as "German history larpers" basically


Hum yes, let's better not mourn those death by nazi hands.


Reminder that this is what USANO media thinks about Azov:
Facebook Allows Praise of Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Battalion If It Fights Russian Invasion

[…]According to internal policy materials reviewed by The Intercept, Facebook will “allow praise of the Azov Battalion when explicitly and exclusively praising their role in defending Ukraine OR their role as part of the Ukraine’s National Guard.” Internally published examples of speech that Facebook now deems acceptable include “Azov movement volunteers are real heroes, they are a much needed support to our national guard”; “We are under attack. Azov has been courageously defending our town for the last 6 hours”; and “I think Azov is playing a patriotic role during this crisis.”

The materials stipulate that Azov still can’t use Facebook platforms for recruiting purposes or for publishing its own statements and that the regiment’s uniforms and banners will remain as banned hate symbol imagery, even while Azov soldiers may fight wearing and displaying them. In a tacit acknowledgement of the group’s ideology, the memo provides two examples of posts that would not be allowed under the new policy: “Goebbels, the Fuhrer and Azov, all are great models for national sacrifices and heroism” and “Well done Azov for protecting Ukraine and it’s white nationalist heritage.”

In a statement to The Intercept, company spokesperson Erica Sackin confirmed the decision but declined to answer questions about the new policy.



I have to answers for you
1) stop watching porn
2) I fully agree that's hot, wish I could draw my own hentai.


So what's the worse case scenario for Russia as of now? Do they stall for too long, and eventually lose the support of China and India? I doubt Ukraine's gonna make it into Russian territory, but could they reverse the gains Russia has made so far? Will NATO allies sending more arms, money, and supplies make any difference?


>Hey, looks like this conflict is going badly… I don't want to be here any-
<*Shoots her*


Ignoring whole school of leftist thought isn't a smart move for someone for someone trying to not become too sectarian. I've read statist communists so reading anarchists should be interesting for a ML (or whatever ideology he is following).


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Don't worry bros the epic hacker known as Anonymous is on the case!


Worst case scenario would be to get bogged down like Israel did in Lebanon and forced to withdraw with Ukraine's current regime intact.


meme question incoming
does the natsee battalion of azov accept female volunteers?


Yeah, that's about right. Honestly, I can't wait for them to get slaughtered.


Ok I'm going to be honest with you.
The next thread will be Soviet catgirl edition 2.
But I need Soviet Catgirls, pls post.


>reading…should be interesting for an ML


Russia wins the battle but loses the war on a wider diplomatic level and is reduced to the level of a client state of China whose only purpose is to back a Petroyuan.


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sfw or nsfw catgirls?


doesn't matter.
If yuri better btw.


Agent Kochinski is streaming https://youtu.be/q2HZQMYhm8I


Where did you come from, newfag?


Yes, I know, Alunya, but Alunya is the mascot of /leftypol/, not soviet per se.


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haven't you read the news? he is targeted by the MI6 for stealing top-secret documents


sfw degen


Also the name came from writing Catalonia in it's native language: Cat-Alunya


I almost clicked for that sweet, sweet rage fuel


>>527820 azov battalion symbol


>Ukrainian freedom fighters execute homophobic Russian sshitlords for poggerss freedom


We have a booru, you know.


>It was calculated.
no it fucking wasn't, Russia was losing bad, the libs, nats and SRs wanted to keep fighting although the soldiers just wanted peace and the army was in no shape or form to continue.
If it was a calculation, it was an amazingly stupid one.

>Ah, so they wanted to ditch their communist peace, but just didn't have the ability to.

when did I ever say that?! The Bolsheviks WANTED a fair peace treaty, they WANTED a peace with no contributions that would have allowed all countries not to lose, but the GERMANS DID NOT WANT IT.
The German Empire being imperialist they wanted to expand and conquer markets and ressources. So they FORCED the Bolsheviks to concede.

where in all hell did I say that I liked Poland or believed that their existance post ww1 was good? are you sure you didnt just reply to the wrong post?


Does the booru have all soviet catgirls in existence?



He is literally salviating over Zelensky, lmao




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>biggest war hero since WW2

What the fuuuuuuuck



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this is all i could find


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here's some more lenincat then


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Glory to Russia! Glory to Putin!
вперед! Побеждать!


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>no it fucking wasn't, Russia was losing bad, the libs, nats and SRs wanted to keep fighting although the soldiers just wanted peace and the army was in no shape or form to continue.

Yes, it was calculated, and incredibly so. Lenin secured the rear while aiming the army at Whites - forcing through the decision despite SR, libs, nats, whatever, oppositon.


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Any confirmation that these are Azov?


If not, it's the Ukrainian army itself, which is much worse.


Russia will lose


Russia will win


Russia will cum






Image his shock when he realizes Telegram is Russian and will give 0 fucks his ass mad autistic schreeching.


Russia will




The duality of man


>Russia lost 3.5k people! And then 1k more since then!
>Totally true, guys!
>Genuinely can't believe that!

Is that last part his real personality slipping, lol? That he knows it's bullshit?




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>Agent Kochinski right now


You may not believe it but I was sitting in front of my computer with my desk lamp at the side, when i rise up and look at the screen again it freaking shows the Bulgarian flag!


Cum will Russia


same. One is just a random inter capitalist war. The other is the funeral eulogy of the greatest political project humans ever embarked on.

holy fucking shit



This, we need to send him this
Spam it.


Ok I'm sure a low morale invading empire can hold a country with armed civilians rebelling openly and high morale. Sounds likely bro


Telegram is owned by a Russian libtard billionaire if i remember correctly, he worked against Belarus in 2020


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how do we know they're azov or even ukrainian?


Talking about Azov, is there any confirmed information on their whereabouts/numbers/losses since the beginning of the war?


Why is russia so fucking slow? They should take kiev already and execute Zelensky along with every retard stupid enough to follow him in this.


Western media going with the narrative of Russia striking that apartment complex with a missile while the video of its launch trajectory clearlu showing it was Ukrainian air defence misfiring goes unshared.


>hold a country
Not their aim, retard




😪because is night over there. They are all sleeping.


Then they've already lost


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Any good turkcope about the annihilation of their drone force?


They have to organize.
Poland didn't fall in a day, neither will Ukraine against Vladolf Napoputler


ive heard that they got destroyed 5 times by now
so no, its completly unclear


They are letting redditors exhaust themselves and switch attention to the next outrage thing


afaik the russians arent planning on holding ukraine, they'll just force the gov to fulfill their demands and then they'll fuck off.


They were being retarded and actually trusted the hohols talk about ceasefire




Let's just hope it happens for real then.


finally found it.
you can skip to 5:55


>steiner's offensive will strike any moment now


Substantiate your positions on the morale of either side


I think Azov has a presence in 2 fronts.
The Mariupol one and the Khersov one.
In the Mariupol one they're in full endsieg mode, and in Khersov they will face the chechens.


its been less than 3 days, relax


Also I think Khersov in encircled btw.


How exactly will the normies rewrite story
I don't care for either side

But on the western front, It's le epic ukraine destroying russia memes

What will happen when they lose? Just move on to omg brave sacrifice memes and then later all of them will forget it?

I give it a month


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It’s “Kherson”, whoreson


That kinda of question required incorrect answers.


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Ukrainians starting to protest in support of Russia, against the US-installed junta government.


There's two types of people, Nazi or Muslim, after Khersov there will only be one


Khersov sound nicer tho.


muh KDR

Just like every single time.



It was proven they are Ukarinian. They had Ukrainian made weapons in another picture.


Mariupol doesn't seem encircles if people are running away from it >>527773





I hate information warfare


>trying to run away


>What will happen when they lose?
I've been wondering that too. None of these memes about Ukrainian supermen slaughtering Russian hordes are going to age well when Kiev surrenders.


I seen it higher quality, it seems more they knock out the guy that got out of the car, but they definitely shoot at the fleeing car


Hitler in the bunker moment


Please be true please be true


is this recent?


The Euros already voted against cutting Russia from SWIFT


The real heroes! Very based! What if there was a popular front insurrection, communists even 😳


True, but also everyone in that video looks in total panic so we can assume Mariupol is at least soon to be encircled.


They're also literally wearing Ukrainian uniforms lmao.


We made it bros


just the classic "russian human waves" and epic ukrainian aryan ubermensch killing 1000 subhumans russians each but not being enough


Libs will invent a stab in the back myth
This shit is literally WW1 Germany tier, the liberals think they are about the depose Putin and ensure democracy forever


thanks anon
>they listen to rammstein
why the fuck? don't they know they're lefties? fucking hell


by now only germany is blocking the decision to ban russia from swift, and they are looking at possibilities right now to do it without huge losses to german capital


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how do you differentiate


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Aha, you see those sneaky Russians have dressed up as Ukrainians, then surrendered to the mighty Ukrainian army!


Why is russia throwing artillery at buildings? I'm confused


What are the implications?


And now he is sucking US cock

>We are incredibly wealthy! We would have never run out of fuel!

Ugh, will they bomb Kiev right now or not? I want to see his reaction


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>turn on Agent Kochinski
>Everything is WE have great economic capabilities WE can sanction Russia WE are going to defeat Putin


Ukrainians wear a mostly tan/grey digital camo. Russians wear green.


Yeah Melitopol has been captured for at least a day now. Mariupol seems to be on the verge of being captured


Russia and China forming a new international finance system and people can disconnect from the US economically without it being suicidal, been in the works for a while, recent events are accelerating the process


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As far as I can see, the decisive factor in the propaganda war will be the Azov dipshits. Putin is being cast as the villain with the full might of Western media, and the one thing which could undercut all this noise would be damning footage of their crimes followed by their rightful demise. Since Western media has been flat-out ignoring Azov's existence or even passing them off as armed volunteers or somesuch, such a publicity coup would upend the Western narrative neatly and perfectly.

Is such a thing possible? I mean, I know I'm daydreaming here, but am I right in thinking that such a reversal makes sense?


Representative Adam Schiff in January 2020:

>The United States aids Ukraine and her people so that we can fight Russia over there and we don't have to fight Russia over here.


doubt they actually know german lol


They will just not report it



He went full patriot/nationaist. Anarchist-to-fash pipeline, amirite?


I can't believe some redditors are actually considering this, that alone would be more than enough reason for me to support Putin, redditors need to die.


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i am supporting both sides so that there will be so much unrest that the Revolution will happen


why would they report on azov when they haven't thus far?





Denazification will continue as planned.


You google images of Ukrainian and Russian military uniforms and see images of Russians being very green and Ukrainians being very digital tan.




No, it appears to be from early this month.


Bolsheviks took over because czar failed in the great war.


>Is such a thing possible? I mean, I know I'm daydreaming here, but am I right in thinking that such a reversal makes sense?
Nah man everyone is too high on ideology, look just at wikileaks. Everybody knows that those wars and goverments are shit, but people keep supporting them.


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wehraboo moment


Hopefully Russia wins and the communists then snatch power away from him


No pipeline. Lack of rigid theoretical structure means anyone can claim to be an anarchist, and it would take you some time to nail them down.




this video looks so similar to the videos we had in /nightgang/ threads
kinda wild



Leaving aside what this war means for Ukraine, I think it's rapidly becoming clear that a serious split will probably emerge in the CPRF over this. Hopefully actual radicals and militants will leave their opportunist leadership behind to ride Putin's nuts.


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>is this recent?



All eyes on #Kyiv. Massive RuAF assault on the city is imminent, local officials say.


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umm, is Putin using the big guns?


War just leads to senseless slaughter, that's not how you build up a revolution, it's through a lot of organizing and pressing for demands, while defeating counter-revolutionary tactics


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So what's the deal with Transnistria? Are they gonna join, or just do nothing?


>doubt they actually know german lol
also send >>527773 to agent kochinski


You mean a swift replacement I suppose. I vaguely remember I actually read something about it in an article that was about the chinese official crypto. I don't know if it's technically feasible right now but indeed that would speed up the process


AHAHAHA the retard bought into Zelensky's lie that Turkey blocked the straits for Russia. It was confirmed by Turkey's FM that it was not true


Hope they just liquidate the leadership tbqh


The Ukrops entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to shell everyone else, and nobody was going to shell them. At Donetsk, Luhansk and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind.


Pyrrhic victory for Russia, then revolution


Somebody with a twitter account, please ask Maupin about this


just the classic "russian human waves" and epic ukrainian aryan ubermensch killing 1000 subhumans russians each but not being enough


>All Chechens as far as I am concerned can go fertilize the sunflowers. Russian troops can go back play dota

Casual racism here, buddy


Crushing defeat and revolution.



They will have to, soon. I imagine the military isn't too happy about doing precision strikes only, and is being shitty about it. Plus, the political fallout mounts the longer it drags on. And going louder would end this faster.


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Best outcome I can think of tbh.


Bad idea, KPRF still has legitimacy and Zyuganov and Putin are not around for much longer. They should be organizing for a coup




>Vau.sh: "We need to support our allies in Ukraine!"

His allies in Ukraine


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let's say hypothetically that Russia occupies Ukraine and now Ukrainians have to hide innawoods and employ mujahideen tactics for the next 20 years against the puppet government, what are their chances in pulling a Taliban?




"As an Anarchist… fuck the Neo-Nazis. BUT…"


Zelensky iis a modern day aragorn


>They should be organizing for a coup
Can't happen so long as their leadership remains cucked to Russia's ruling class.


Same way Finns did



Best we can hope for is that this leads to a more Multipolar world.


about three fiddy




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>we're watching mythology unfold in real time


they will be heavily supported by the west


Oh ye of little faith


Well, it would depend on the "publicitivity" of the proofs, as well as the fact that the enntire world is looking. Western media wouldn't be lying only to their usual captive audiences, but to the entire world, including non-aligned countries. Completely ignoring a good enough publicity coup would cause backlash. Think back on Burger liberal media blacking out Biden's molestation accusation. A non-aligned media (conservative shits) did exactly that.

The thing here is that Western media is too invested into it. They have gone all-in into casting Ukraine as a perfectly innocent victim of aggression and totes nazi-free. The contradiction is too direct and straightforward, which is made worse by the fact that they covered up nazis.


When Putin goes, anything is possible


How feasible would it be to just go out in the middle of the night with 30 trustworthy comrades and kill all of the opportunist leadership and pin it on the liberal democrats or something?


The best we can hope for is that decades will happen in the coming weeks.


The problem is 30 trustworthy comrades. I've organized for years and i've known like 2 guys I would trust with something like that in my whole life


Ukraine has potential to turn much uglier than Afghanistan.


but for the record it would be based


How about defeat for Russia, Pyrrhic victory for NATO after getting dragged in, then revolution?


How would NATO get dragged in?


There are decades where you fuck around and weeks where you find out
RSFSR 2022




It's like those kids who always call time-out when they're about to be tagged "it".


if NATO goes in then it's nuclear winter, no way around it




He's such a weirdo lol


Could probably do it with 1 or 2 guys and 3-6 months preperation and planning if you have imagination


It's probably /pol/ack. They have a weird autism about wedging anarchists and MLs to stop antifas.


You're joking but this is literally what the Ukrainian ministry says.


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I want to see his face when chechens fly the russian flag over maidan


Oh, a fellow The last ring-bearer enjoyer ?


This war seems to mark the collapse of differences in the "liberal consensus" and the "left consensus". They barely diverge on virtually anything of importance, now.


>Let Putin annex Ukraine
>Enrage the communist party
>Sanctions weaken the Russian government
>Communist revolution against putin.
>Russia and Ukraine are both socialist again

This is the best outcome, we should support Putin se he can swallow Ukraine and take both Russia and Ukraine later.




share some and the rest of us can spread it



>You don't support the German Empire? I assume you're a fake socialist who likes British egemony!

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