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 [Last 50 Posts]

Ukraine conflict: Fighting rages near Kyiv after Russia invasion

Russian forces approaching Kyiv from northeast & east; Ukrainian Prez pleads for help (LIVE UPDATES)

Russia attacks Ukraine live updates: Russian forces close on Kyiv (LIVE UPDATES)

Latest updates: Ben Wallace says Russia’s ambition is to invade 'the whole of Ukraine’ but its forces have so far lost around 450 personnel










In before vlasovite renegades and NATO banderistes


So where are we now? Have the Ruskies reached Kiev yet?


I blame NATO for shelling Ukrainians


they are circling it. UK intelligence said 30 kms distance from Kiev center, but that was hours ago.


i don't even know what to hope for in this situation anymore

i got nothing, i'm numb to this now


Fuck usa


nothing burger


>I blame NATO for shelling Ukrainians
did they? how


Reminder that if Lithuania closes airspace to Russian airlines Kaliningrad enclave would be partially isolated from the mainland

<Estonia and Lativa already did

Escalating bit by bit


They have almost encircled it already


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>Cuba siding with chauvinists


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Lithuania is the real deal, read >>530398


What was the logic behind "deny all Russians entry" statements by some burger officials? Stupidity?


I feel like the liberals before all this happened. Instead of waiting for an invasion to happen, we're now just waiting Russia to take Kiev. Could be today, tomorrow, weeks. Annyy moment now.


what is cuba saying
i don't speak cubanese


itd be inconvenient but you still can fly over the baltic sea


For Ukraine to lay down arms, the US to stop fucking around in Ukraine politics immediately.

After being completely left to their own devices, they are still following America's agenda. The Ukrainian government needs to be skinned alive. Right along all the NATO bureaucrats and every single US politician. Their crimes against humanity can never be payed back.


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Ukrainian gov right now


Yeah just realized it


Exaclty. These madmans are giving out weapon to the civiliabs freely.


I'm pretty sure Cuba just proved that you are the chauvinist here, Western chauvinist, in specific.


still bad which is a shame cause I rly like aeroflot. I mean - gimme hammer and sickle in a logo and id even like McDonalds I am a simple man


Why did russia allow baltics to join nato?


wartime xenophobia


What goes on in here? What's their geopolitical status? Why haven't they joined NATO or EU?


<Criticizing a small AF nation struggling for survival in a world of giants

Don't be arrogant, context matters.


AFAIK they've started partially removing it from their branding


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warning: brutal


I don't know what that achieves

>After being completely left to their own devices, they are still following America's agenda.

This is curious tho, Why are they digging their heels in at this point

Arrogance? Ego? Is there some secret deal with NATO to cause as much tragedy porn possible?

I don't think the last on is possible, The Ukrainian ambassador gave an interview how not to trust the us anymore

I guess this is just a pride thing at this point, which is foolish


nooooooo :((((


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gimme them belts son


show us the posts simping


yeah were literally the last resort. I am still not shilling for Putin but I am shilling for Russia


Lol. The russia at that moment was powerless and absolutely pro-western


If they give up they'd be skinned by nazis and nazis would also take control


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This is very sad, I hope some leftist will be disillusioned later


Didn't they learn from trying to astral project and fight Allah?


>Just let nato rule the world bro


How hard has the Russian economy been hit so far? Is it enough to push through for the time being?


dude waited 19 years for this tweet


Fucking hell. No one is saying that russia is good. The thing is that russia is bad, but ukraine is much worse. Ukranina nazis were actually genociding russians in the eastern ukraine and were actually killing communists in ukraine.


Cry about it liberal


But people were actually preparing flowers for their glorious liberators… I even have Russian reports about it


Understandable tbh.


>>Why they not surrender to invaders? I don't get it!

Yes, that's a valid question
Answer it


>die, die for NATO!


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It's just like George Floyd


Or Ukraine would like getting gibs from the EU, and for that you have to be atlanticist.


They are not invaders, They are liberators. At least for the eastern ukraine.


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Damn, americans really are retarded.


what? really?

are there nazis in russian army that hate ukranians and are ready to do war crimes regard less of they surrender or fight?



>a 1000 man regiment justifies an invasion where tens of thousands innocents will die or be displaced
putinoids are unhinged


>They are not invaders, They are liberators. At least for the eastern ukraine.
And what are they doing? Liberating Ukraine from Ukrainians?


Stop spouting bullshit. They only ones who are getting skinned are fucking ukranian nazis who wree genociding russians in the eastern ukraine.


Are you not crying?


Putinoids are bad but "leftist" NATO shills are much much much worse.


Skinned by the nazi in their own goverment fools


This guy comics make me want Russia to bomb Ukraine into oblivion.
Obnoxiously cringe and smug.


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> who wree genociding russians in the eastern ukraine.





Chechens are fighting near Kiev & Donbas.


Stop trolling. Ukranian nazi swines in the government had 8 fucking years to sort out this situation. But all they did was further nazification of the country. They killed thousands and displaced tens of thousands of people.

There was no other solution. Rabid dog should be put down.


why anybody would want that?


>In Eastern-Europe everybody is Nazi and everybody hates each other.
^ this, unironically said by an american.


To prevent another Ukraine


Did you guise hear that Somalia got attacked by the US or something yesterday

Also what's the main reason for all this attention

Is it NATO drumming it up or because of racism?


>If the nazis give up, the nazis will take cont


lets hope these arguments hold then, comrade.



Hard-hitting sanctions guys


Only white people get any real sympathy in the mainstream media, everything else is empty posturing.


>You don't need a reason to not want to surrender to invaders.
Now i understand why zelensky forbidden men to leave ukraine, he really wanted them to join the pleausre of dying for a pointless cause.


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Hey man, if you don't want war, then don't threaten to join NATO. I'll put it in a way USABOs can relate to:

Your second amendment rights do not mean you can keep a loaded howitzer aimed at your neighbors house at all times.



Fail to see the problem, nazi on nazi violence


>Is it NATO drumming it up or because of racism?


Ukranians aren't white. Only nations with a history of successful colonization are white.


Unironically yes


This is unironically true. Yugoslavia, Caucasus, Ukraine. Every conflict had a lot of nazis (or at least religious fundamentalists)


Heh, will NFKRZ become pro-Putin now?




>this much cope
can't tell if ironic or not


scary lol
but why should I care for one pack of nazis over the other



>"leftist" NATO shills
These exist in droves in state media like twitter, but on leftypol anybody who doesn't kowtow to Putin's anticommunist agenda is branded a NATO shill.




You shouldn't just saying why the clown still insisting on fighting the russians instead of giving up and going to israel


>heavily defended


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BREAKING: Poland's PM says that Hungary's Viktor Orban has agreed to ban Russia from SWIFT



Ukrops are considered white in all other white majority countries. Cope.




Oh fuck that's huge news


Dude, fuck putin. But fuck zelensky with his faggotry thrice as much.


Only libshit think that critical supporting russia against Nato is equal to supporting putin. The majority of /leftypol/ hated him while he was repressing kazak workers, while the totality of western media was cheering him for "restoring order".


kill yourself


Why cucking themself like this?


Ukranians living in the USA? Somewhat. Ukranians living in Ukraine? Nope.


A jó édes kurva anyádat, te geci Orbán.


Exactly. Liberals are braindead. Even talking to a rightist is not as pointless.


Orban playing 12D chess right now


>Today I spoke again with the Prime Minister of Hungary, V. Orbán. And he once again assured me of his support for far-reaching sanctions against Russia. Including about blocking the SWIFT system.

Prime Minister Poland





Remember, Orban is still a rightist dictator


What the fuck is a white? What is this retarded americanised nomenclature?
Ukranians are ukranians. That's it. Nothing more nothing less.


If you think Orbán is a bigger (bourgeois) dictator then Merkel, you out yourself as a liberal.


But whyyyyy he's cucking himself


Yet they get all the attention from the media while brown people in the same situation don't. Curious.


Stop making everything about race god


>Size: Regiment
>Size: <300
do putinoids really think these shitters warranted a 20000+ man invasion that will displace tens of thousands?


Directly from hungary about swift



Péter Szijjártó (Hungarian: [ˈpeːtɛr ˈsijjaːrtoː]; born 30 October 1978) is a Hungarian politician who has been Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade since 2014



How about the whole Ukranian Nazi government armed to the teeth with American weapons?


It's pointless talking to you. I already said that invasion was the only solution to the quagmire created by the ukranian nazi government that has ALREADY killed thousands and ALREADY displaced tens of thousands of ukranian people.


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Leader of Ukraine's border guard sent a letter to the leader of Belarus' border guard. He stated his discontent with Belarus being a platform for invasion and concluded his letter with famous antifascist symbol and the words


How will this do anything other than just fucking destroy Russia? Do you brain-broken fucks think this will usher in multipolarity? This will reinforce unipolarity; Russia will be made an example of and no other nation will dare go against NATO. Only suffering of the Russian working class is to come.


A pity if true.


Orban is an asshole, but he sounds more resonable than the rest of yurup right now


Orban had the cornellian dilemena of choosing between European gibs and Russian gas.
Turns out you cannot buy gas without money anyway…


>wants peace but calling for more sanctions
what a retard



Ukraine is in the europe and with direct cahoots with nato. Nationality and race has nothing to do with it.


why does this matter?

it's just one country right? what is swift? are there like only few members


>Russia will be made an example of and no other nation will dare go against NATO.
Not so fast, son!


>anti-communist Merkel? He's a democrat because she's pro-LGBT
<anti-communist Orban? He's a dictator because he's anti-LGBT

picrel: orban ruled for 12 years in total, with interruption, so basically 4 + 8 years


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Who /swiftie/ here?


>Only suffering of the Russian working class is to come.

Why did putin do this anyway? Did he not expect all this backlash


Denazification of Poland when?


why delete your shitty post?




March where


Germany still hasn't openly committed to swift sanctions

Will the german do it?


Kremlinbots don't care about multipolarity or NATO containment, they just like to say based Putin is fighting the Nazis baby eaters (source: RT)


I wish China to denazify the U.S.


swift is the system that automatize transactions between banks in differents countries.


>Why did putin do this anyway? Did he not expect all this backlash

Nato is interfering with his empire


>three arrows
Bold. I wonder if he could place other famous antifascist symbol there without the threat of getting jailed by Ukraine for it :^)



Literally yes. The Ukrainian government was killing them.
Dying a pointless death seems like the life mission of liberals. At least Nazis die for their corporate overlords knowingly. I hope you die according to your principles, meaning, I hope you die a pointless death for CNN reporters to use you as tragedy porn, showing your torn body for a salviating american to "stand with you".


to save lives? imagine how many lives could have been saved if germany just capitulated to the soviets in 1944 once it was clear they couldn't possibly win.

The Ukraine ain't gonna win, the question is just how many innocent lives the government once to throw into the russian meatgrinder before it accepts its fate.


I hope for a swift victory indeed


So was shelling Donbass and killing 14,000 worth it?


Fucking hope it will shut up khokhols shitting on my cozy dvach thread. But also sad that ukrainians now will have even more brainwash aimed at them


>to save lives?
More to save their own lmao.


Show us the posts.


I know it's meemshit

But I genuinely am starting to believe in the we live in a simulation theory

I hate it but I feel it now


Putinbros… it's ogre.


Get back on dvach, bydlo.lol.


Why did you reply to yourself, retard?


say that to the dead children of donbas


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kinda hard when the global hegemon bases their politics and spectacle around race


That's because your main mean of getting informationd about what's going on in Russia is trough the lenses of classical and social media which are highly prone to manipulation


What does this mean for USSR 2


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They are wrong. Germany hasn't committed to swift sanctions yet


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>The Ukraine ain't gonna win, the question is just how many innocent lives the government once to throw into the russian meatgrinder before it accepts its fate.

Seems like all of them. But NATO will likely intervene before Ukranians drag Zelenskyy through the streets.


So will this or will this not bring about multi polarity??? Stop pussyfooting.

Reminder Europe depends on Russian gas.


Oh no no /pol/ bros we got too cocky! I thought no more brother wars between based trad EU states?!?!


do it! do it! Cut yourself more than you cut Russia. Stop paying for the gas and beg for Qatari oil for just 4x the price


I was going to stop you there for a second, Sir, because I thought you forgot to type in the second y in Mr. Zelenskyy's name, but it seems you wrote it correctlyy so yyou are free to go.


>having a nuanced opinion on the issue means you love putin
this feels like a seminal moment for the left, in many ways this mirrors 1914 or 2003 with the whole "you either 100% support Germany/the US/the Ukraine, or you are the enemy" mentality going around.


>NATO will likely intervene
If that happens then it's pretty much WW3.


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Thinken about Corsica rn


Hello reddit


Yeah, it is really a dividing point.


The swift ban is on, means we will have another major international financial exchange system, means multipolarity is there


Excellent news the burgers might be forced to support peace initiatives to avoid this which would mean an end to the war otherwise the dedollarisation of the world economy begins which is also good


>Italy to support EU line on Russia sanctions, including on SWIFT -PM's office




While I sincerely doubt Ukraine has any chance here, it would be beyond hilarious if they gave Putin a bloody nose and ended the war in a shitty no-side-happy ceacefire. Would probably make Russian state collapse or at least get 1905'ed.


>So will this or will this not bring about multi polarity???

Only a war with China will bring about multi polarity


Wait did they actually do it ? Did they ban them from SWIFT ???


You really are a schzio


Putin did predict all these sanctions right?


Hasn't happened yet



They will soon. The nuclear option short of real nukes really.



>we believe
What a worthless statement, they would need to consider all statenents by the ukrainian MoD as pure fact to come to that conclusion.


Of course. Most probably he made a deal with Biden beforehand actually.


I think their strategy is just to make Russia hurt as much as possible


The belt road initiative is probably the next NATO target conflict. If the BRI continues, China will overtake the US in the coming short decades.


don't feed trolls…


Typical nazi behaviour. Nationalists are the biggest enemies of their own nationalities.


One would guess so. But then you remember how BASED LUKA shat the bed with his plane stunt and completely fucked Belarusian economy by basically making everyone outside CSTO think they are a rogue state.


Is this true? Did Jon Stewart really retire?


where is bealrusian economy now


>Prime Minister Morawiecki in Berlin: I came to shake the conscience of Germany so that they would finally decide on genuinely crushing sanctions that will affect the Kremlin's decisions, on #Putin's decisions , to stop attacking Ukraine


Nothing official just they are pressuring germany. This was posted 20 mins ago by polish news


Should I drop into Ukraine or just avoid getting the news



EU committing suicide in real time. Love it.


Wait for the apology video. Trevor Noah is not allowed to have opinions that Pelosi wouldn't approve.


who is she


Actually yes they have an alternative to swift, their own chip fabs, they are food independent and they moved from visa/Mastercard to Mir since 2014 precisely to be the most immune possible to sanctions.


Well, all I know is that they completely lost all their massive grey-market export pharmacy goods income they got in NATO countries. Also their fertilizer income. Also all the income from international flights.


shut the fuck up mark
i am not a leftist and russia is not the soviet union anymore

i would simp hard for the ussr, not for russia


>comparing a defensive military operation to an act of terrorism on civilian population
this glows like the sun



If this whole avanture with ukraine plays well, the nato and the eu will stop existing in their current form. The whole usa-centered world system may start crumbling.


Not yet but in a couple of days
This has freaked the burgers out enough for them to suggest to the ukrainians making peace by declaring neutrality ie. no NATO ascension

Maybe Ukraine will just keep pushing for the swift lockout they seem to be feeling a bit betrayed by the USA as of now


Either way something good comes of it, an end to the fighting or the US dollar losing its status as the global reserve currency


IIt will be Iraq all over again, first the Ukrainian state get steamrolled after that armed groups wears off the occupying forces with constant guerilla.


Why do you hate refugees?


Standing with Russia is the incorrect take. We stand against NATO-backed imperialism. Russia AND the Ukrainian people are victims of it. The Ukrainian nazi puppet state must lay down arms and go.

Get your head out of your ass for fucks sake.


>Maybe Ukraine will just keep pushing for the swift lockout they seem to be feeling a bit betrayed by the USA as of now

Man you are smart. Ukraine has no political leverage like that. If all these countries are agreeing in unison the USA wants these swift sanctions. Ukraine doesn't have much to offer these countries to convince them


fighting NATO is a form of class war


Huge propaganda victory for NATO and Russia is now isolated and its military humiliated.




The guerilla may not happen. Russians are not as retarded as americans to bomb the fucking cities. So far no civilians were harmed directly by russians.
They even avoid the city fights for this reason. Not for this reason alone, though.


Cursed numbers and Mussolinian take


Also true. I think people are underestimating how bad partisan resistance would be if any part of Ukraine gets occupied properly.



cursed quints


What the fuck are you talking about?


you will remain silent, liberal


Long-term they will be fine, they recovered from the previous set of sanctions after a couple of years, they effectively called natos bluff on ukraine and assuming that this doesn't drag on Putin will only be more popular.


>So far no civilians were harmed directly by russians.


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Natural Gas doesn't melt Onlyfans Discounts




Just in: Peskov has said that "In light of failed negotiations, Special Operation resumes"



Was wirklich ist, das ist vernünftig


200 civilian deaths confirmed.



I'm talking about the time he stopped an international flight over Belarus because it had an Azov guy inside. No matter your opinions on the man, that is a really fucking retarded thing to do foreign policy wise, basically a mini-Soleimani killing, but done by a country that isn't an influential hagemon.


He's saying that NATO and the West are Ah Q


NATO is proletarian because they don't have oligarchs like russia does


Tariq Nasheed doesn't get distracted by the random discourse.


Russians were not shooting at cities. They were not bombing cities. The only ones doing this right now is the ukranian army of the deranged.


innocent people didn't deserve to be killed or get mesothelioma


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Absolute state of russia. Ukraine doesnt even want to negotiate with them.


Zelensky, meanwhile, was gloating that he was winning diplomatically, and that in negotiations with Russia he would annex Donbass

Is it delusion or what. What the fuck


Breaking: Canadian truckers board ships to ukraine to oppose mandates


Collateral damage


lets not get carried away here


Why has the thread been filled by glowfriends so suddely?


Imagine how we would react to posts like this if it was 2004 and it was Burgersimp anons saying this about US missle strikes.


what is the russian army doing exactly? just getting their shit in and standing around?

are they talking to Ukrainian officials


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weak bait



> Urgent! Joint Statement of Communist and Workers’ Parties

< No to the imperialist war in Ukraine!

< An independent struggle is needed against monopolies and bourgeois classes, for the overthrow of capitalism, for the strengthening of the class struggle against imperialist war, for socialism!

this fucking board is truly full of Putin-stanning reactionaries and r/GenZedong teens


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So true!


my bad, i invited my friends over


I buy my coffee at Starbucks and 10% of the price goes to supporting buying shoes for African children, therefore I didn't deserve to die.


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is r/genzedong stanning putin?

can't believe i just typed this sentence, i want to vomit


Western media has been calling Putin deranged for saying the Ukranian regime are drug addicts
Zelensky is an entertainment personality he's probably high on cocaine


Shit take.
Check out the statements made by the UKRANIAN COMMUNISTS and the PSL instead.


yeah but they flat out fall for the denazification meme instead of - seeing the bigger picture and at least critically support Putin.


You see, you are factually wrong making this comparison.
I can assure you that if there was a single strike of a russian missile at the city the whole fucking tribe of western propaganda sources would be whining about.



iive been to r genzedong most of the users there hate putin


It was revealed to me in a dream.


they don't like him but support the war at large



People here (leftypol) were way more critical of Russia and Putin 2 months ago

Now it's far more sympathetic and supportive. I'd think tide there changed too


You forgot the part in the statements where they blame NATO expansion for everything and the reactionary elements within the Ukraine government that allowed it. Putin's actions as despicable as they seem are still a product of NATO aggression. The party line agrees with me. To be anti-Putin and anti-war is to be anti-NATO.


My dear grillpilled schizo. Since the second world war, if you assumed the US was on the wrong side of a conflict you'd be right in basically ALL the cases. I ask you, why is this time different?


Standing with Russia is the incorrect take. We stand against NATO-backed imperialism. Russia AND the Ukrainian people are victims of it. The Ukrainian nazi puppet state must lay down arms and go.

Get your head out of your ass for fucks sake!


The Kiev regime has a a lot of blackmail material on the Washington regime
Burisma for example


while I personally don't believe the Russian excuse for Invasion, claiming that Ukraine doesn't have a deepseated and critical problem with anti-semitism is delusional.

If you come with that fake-ass pew research study map I will disregard it


Russia going after power plants in Ukraine. Soon they'll have control over the country's electricity.

>Ukraine operates four nuclear power plants with 15 reactors located in Volhynia and South Ukraine.[1] The total installed nuclear power capacity is over 13 GWe,[2] ranking seventh in the world in 2016.[1] Energoatom, a Ukrainian state enterprise, operates all four active nuclear power stations in Ukraine.[3] In 2014, nuclear power supplied 49.4% of Ukraine's electricity production of 168 TWh.


>to be anti-NATO is to support NATO


Yeah, i'm not clicking that, dude.


>bbc news links
Can you not


I blame NATO as much as Putin too, still doesn't justfy the war and Russia should gtfo


Dumb. Ukraine has no power, they are a puppet

This is USA leading the way on sanctions


I thought it was the opposite.


anti imp retards have been arguing on here that the west will suffer and russia will win from getting cut from SWIFT, if it actually happens its the most devastating sanctions imposed in the modern era just shy of a total military blockade.


how long will it take for sanctions to really bite


Well, you know. Sometimes it just so happens that that the world around you changes and thus you have to change your view on the world.
I know, it may sound egregious but that's just how the cookie crumbles, pal.


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will ukraine or russia shut down the internet access soon in their country?

how do journalists post despite that?

networks being shutdown, not even mobile posting would be allowed no?

are there special satellites for that


why would Russia shut down its own access?


Ahem, hello this is me, POTUS Beau Biden from Bizzaroworld timeline. I am making this statement to the bloodthirsty Cuban dictator Castro and the Cuban army. If you want the violance to cese then please overtrhow Castro and we will call it a day. Elsewise we'll just have to continue this occupation and also take all your powerplants! Oh, and btw you are doing warcrimes by recruting civilians to resist us.


Russia already has started blocking Facebok, Twitter works extremely slowly for some, they also prohibited the media to call it war and not "special operation", so we expect full censorship mode that will not be lifted later


three hours forty five minutes and eight seconds


russia will suffer in the short term but cutting out a big economic partner like russia out of the dollar system, will accerlerate dedolarization

it will get rid of putin while at the same time fuck over the us in the long term


idk, not to get information out? to stop communication

my country shutsdown the internet if a whatsapp rumor spread a little


Imperialism is when America doing stuff, stop being childish


meds, take them


both Russia and China have (shitty) alternatives already and cutting Russia of is an irreversible step FROM the petrodollar. Not that you are wrong but neither am I


Exaclty. That's why it won't happen. Russia is not a fucking iran. Europe is fucked without russia. Only americans will be okay after such a decision.


tor is also blocked at least the default bridges


the last round of sanctions were nothing getting cut from SWIFT is getting cut from 90 percent of global Capital.


guys we're forgetting the most important question
does this mean GPU prices will go down


>Banderovites and neonazis were using "jihad-mobiles" to stall Russia advances. They are now popularily called 'bander-mobiles"


Cuba is socialist therefore they deserve uncritical support. Rope.


This means that the price on fucking bread will go up, idioit.


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>I'd think tide there changed too
IMHO lot of the tide is pushback from the nauseating pro-NATO propaganda that preemptively flooded everywhere, but specially reddit. Like holy shit it's so weird, I know it's many bots and controlled platform conditioning and ultimately just rats in an online maze being trained to say the correct things… but damn, it's hard to look at.


>nazis = anti-semitism
Terribly american take.
Israel is basically a nazi state.


Look at that. The USSR wished it had propaganda like that. Fucking monstrous.


How? If they stop giving chips to russia then wouldn't there be more chips to go around to the rest of the world?


>NEWS: France & Italy now support ejecting Russia from SWIFT banking network. UK, Canada, Netherlands now publicly advocating for it, @business reports. Germany last big hold-out. This punishment, considered the “nuclear” financial option, seemed to have zero chance just days ago.




Ok change it to iraq then illiterate americanoid


AFP and Reuters tell that Ukrainian Department of Health has confirmed 197 civilian deaths 2 of them children.


I suddenly support comrade Putin


I agree, but for that to happen, NATO needs to GTFO, and Ukraine government either needs to stop existing or yield.


>Only americans will be okay after such a decision.
no they won't. americans are already super grumpy these days and they really don't like inflation and high gas prices. the country won't run out of gas, but it will be seeing rising prices all over.


Welcome to the brave new world.


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Was Iraq building Chinese or Russian military bases on its soil?


It warms my heart that redditors will taste absolute defeat in the coming days. Not much, but warms


You can't build no modern shit without oil. And it just so happens that russia is one of the largest oilt producers.


Russia has blocked access to Facebook.


I hate anti-imperialists so much, It's unreal

I have been saying this for so long, I don't trust any anti-imperialist that doesn't call themselves a communist also


So you admit it's about geopolitics and not "le hecking nazis"?


They tasted defeat while cheering on Palestine too against israel during their conflict.

Does that mean they shouldn't have supported them?


tank poster exposed :OOOO


They often call themselves communist


Do any of you guys remember WASBAPPIN that guy who used to be on twitter and was super fucking obsessed with overthrowing Assad and wanted to nuke Russia over the Tulsa Massacre?
I am proud to tell you the guy is writing articles on Substack and it is the most deranged shit imaginable.


This pretty much sums up the state of leftypol. SAD!


the cancer that plagues this board in 1 image.


t. Westerner


Yeah, it may sound strange, but i'm not going to believe ukranian propaganda.


Reports of provocations Ukrainians are preparing to meet Russia troops. Mainly, training snipers to shoot at civilians ala Maidan, to create panic amongst civilians and to produce the required TV picture


You are right but China rivaling SWIFT is decades away, they will inevitably reach equality with the West but Russia will enter an economic tail spin that will make the great depression and USSR crackup look like a slowday on the markets. They would be cut out from 90 percent of global capital.


all correct, non contradictory takes.


Saying that you're anti-imperialist and a communist is redundant, being the latter automatically makes you the former.


Not from my experience, I have outright seen anti-socialist imperialists on twitter

That's what makes my blood boil


any hope for the first requires the second tho


>redditors cheering on Palestine

Oh sweet summer child, you haven't been on reddit those days, haven you?


Anti Imperialism is the highest stage of class struggle. Breaking American hegemony is the same thing as defeating capitalism.


No shit. But americans are only gonna get grumpy, when the europeans will be totally fucked.




Reddit shit all over Israel for the last year all the time


It'ss what happenss when reactoids suddenly find themselves not being actively oppressed. They fuck everything up for everyone, it's in their nature.


Im sure the ukrainians are really enjoying their socialist utopia right now


i don't know how much grumpier they can get before something snaps, is what i mean


Anti-war protests in Israel are being surrounded by riot police


Ensuring Ukraine does not enter NATO and purging it's military and state institutions of nazis will be a rudimentary first step towards it.



Then you're a sad occidentalized fool. Many third world communists, from Che to Ho Chi Minh, were anti-imperialists first before becoming communists. You can be an anti-imperialist without being a communist, but you can't be a communist without being anti-imperialist.


based settlers??????


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Is the situation that bad?


>Breaking American hegemony is the same thing as defeating capitalism
they're not the same thing, but you have to do the first before there's any chance of doing the second


bitches don't know what a prerequiste is and using it as the greatest gotcha.

stay in school kids.


Redditors attack Israel non stop on any article about them

And post stuff supporting Palestine a lot especially during conflicts.

That poster made no sense


Just admit the war is an imperialist conflict and drop this noble anti nazi bullshit. Putin won't change a single fucking thing in Ukraine


and people just spontaneously forgot how the soviet union ended, to now pretend NATO is basically an UN like organization


Ask me how I know you're american


Just wait a couple days and we will see just how retarded was the opinion of yours, pal.


I'll wait patiently. Capitalist states don't care about fascism


This. People expect that any socialist revolution won't be met with bellicose opposition from NATO.


nobody calls themselves communist anymore


>Seems like all of them.
Turning Ukraine into a new Libya is the kind of thing NATO would do.
>But NATO will likely intervene before Ukranians drag Zelenskyy through the streets.
However, coming true for non-Nazi allies is not.



They’re going to have to rely on each other or die.


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Ukrainians finally got their tankman moment. CNN, where were you when you was needed?



>The federal government must commit itself as soon as possible to excluding Russia from the payment service provider #SWIFT together with its western partners !

>The federal government of Germany must commit itself, together with its partners, to excluding Russia from #SWIFT immediately.


>Young Socialists in the SPD


Germany socialist don't support Russia


I'm sure you get many friends that way


I srsly just think theyre shills or even worse - Americas that are not ready to break with their empire. Just dont believe in people making you think youre crazy - theyre not even honest


I'm not. As far as I'm concerned it's still early morning in the States. If anything, if you're not a Westerner nor American it's pretty pathetic that you're against anti imperialism as much as you are. Many working class people stand by against imperialism at all forms, and the ones most susceptible to socialism are the ones who feel that socialism is the only path for their liberation. Che was an anti-imperialist first before communist, and so was Fidel, and so was Ho Chi Minh. I can quote some literature if you do so please.


German socialists (socdems) killed Rosa, they dont even pretend to be socialist after their own words anymore.
Pls just write socdems or SPD or Rosa-Killers or whatever



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>The war costs about $20 bln/day. There are rockets for 3-4 days at most, they use them sparingly. They lack weapons, the Tula and 2 Rotenberg plants can’t physically fulfil the orders for weapons. Rifles and ammo are the most they can do.


That's a special kind of a retard


This was the context of that discussion as well and anglos take it out of context and cry about evil tankies opposing their empire.


I propose we make "as a russian" folks who feel so bad for attacking Ukraine pay for the restoration of Ukraine and Donbass out of their pockets when the war is over.


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>why yes I do believe that there is going to be guerilla warfare for years


Well yeah they say a communist org isn't a social club but who are we kidding


> The next Russian weapons can be produced in 3-4 months – if even that. They have no raw materials. What was previously supplied mainly from Slovenia, Finland and Germany is now cut off.


your only friends are literal glowies in those orgs


Did I say I'm not an anti-imperialist?

I'm talking how anti-imperialism has been turned into a joke on this board and online


What does it even mean?


Anglos should be given IP flags like in /pol/. Would save up a lot of time.


it's over for russia
NATO wins by doing nothing


I do and others should continue to do so

Commmunists are the eteranl boogeyman of capital, We should be proud of being a terror


But you trust Russian? Their defense ministry announced no russian has died in the war


Why would you be afraid to declare yourself a communist lol?


>calls others glowies while posting calssic glowie demoraliztioin


>supporting liberal sanctions as a socialist
It’s weirdly comforting to know that these “socialist” parties around the world are ideologically bankrupt and it’s not just where I live.


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Reminder to everyone that Lenin was wrong on the National question and personally set up the conditions for the USSR to fail in 1991. The same nationalist entities that Lenin coddled and enabled in 1922 overthrew the USSR 70 years later and are now slaughtering the proletariat of Eastern Europe in their fantastical insanities of national "self determination" and "sovereignty".
Rosa Luxemburg was and remains 100% correct.


Guerilla warfare in sucha situation is only possible by taking civilians hostage. That's what nazi collaborators were doing until 1950s there


I mean I can understand in countries where it is illegal but other places it is kinda stupid not to


Hating America is not a personality trait. Grow up.


No I'm not in the CPI lol


tbh this actually makes the OG "tank man" look like a fucking idiot in retrospect


Which do you imagine is harder to defeat for our russian communist comrades

Putin's regime+ now ukraine vs NATO puppet regime that US would install

Do we know who is the planned or suspected NATO peopel in russia who would take power


Luxemburg was wrong and had she listened to Lenin she wouldn't have been killed.
At least the Russian Revolution was victorious and didn't end after a week.


Mods could do it but they won't. Not even for a trial 2 week period. It would improve posting quality immensely.


I don't trust russian either. But i've been browsing telegram channels both russian and ukranian for the past 2 days and i have not seen the destruction of homes of civilians. Besides the ones in DNR and LNR. They are being bombed a plenty.

Both cases of the damage of ukranian civilian districts were caused by ukranian army themselves.


This is why women should run the world.


>personally set up the conditions for the USSR to fail in 1991

like what specifically


We are surely not talking about Iran or something. Communist party openly works even in Ukraine (they have a court decision to ban one communist party but it wasn't enforced and is still on appeal)


Thread on supposed Intel on Russia

>Member of European Parliament @EPPGroup 🇪🇪 @EP_Industry, @EP_Agriculture. Deputy coordinator for @EP_ArtifIntel. Former Chief of Defence of Estonia



NATO and Putin are on the same side when it comes to crushing socialists, nothing will fundamentally change in this front.


coward sycophant


They are doing this now. Ukranian army is stationed inside the cities. In the civilian districts near the schools and hospitals.


Uh-huh, Russia being depended for weapon production on Slovenia, Germany and Finland. Who are they taking us for, complete morons?


That I agree

But who is easier to defeat you would say for the russian people

It would be NATO I imagine seeing how they are losers in Venezuela and couldn't install that dude


if it's not written in Cyrillic I assume it is lies


Still think they aren’t crushed as easily under Putin.


Russia will run out of ammo because it imported the material to make them from the west and the west won't trade with them anymore.


Public support of Russia's actions in Ukraine can be punished in the Czech Republic by prison - Prosecutor General's Office


This is the same narrative pushed during his speech justifying the operation. Evil Lenin created artificial nations which fueled nationalists who destroyed the USSR


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>Putin's lair


>the infrastructure, intelligence, logistics, force of an entire Western alliance vs a second rate oligarchy


You are invited to read right of nations to self determination with us at Continental Floppa matrix and make a fool of yourself


I don't believe anybody anything anymore especially when the source is a random Ukrainian officer. This is just QAnon shit for libs.

There is an insane amount of disinfo going on, it feels like there are no sources on the ground, just whatever the Ukrainian government tells you. I watched a video of a CNN reporter claiming the soldiers in the background were Russian, only to refer to them 3 minutes later as Ukrainian.


There is nothing vague about self-determination. It is the right to secede and form one's own nation. This is extremely well established. Lenin's counterargument is quite clear on it, while Rosa's is muddled.
Read here:

We happen to have a reading group that will be discussing this text today, at 6pm UTC. You are invited to join and off a counter-argument from a Luxemburgist perspective, if you are so inclined.


Super retarded


She is the true successor of Marx. Throw your Lenin books in the garbage.


It is lies. Says that Russia is dependent of fucking Slovenia for weaponry production. Also, tries to blame Russians for panic, and to AGAIN to prepare civilian sacral sacrifices and to blame the Russia for it


They are taking us for liberals i guess


She was theoretically wrong on several crucial issues, including economics and politics. The only Luxemburg fags I've met IRL were full blown libs that liked lukewarm red aesthetics. Keep coping.


Surely, but that's what it means.


>Prime Minister @MorawieckiM in #Berlin 🇩🇪:

>Today there is no time for the selfishness that we see also here in #Germany.

>This is why I came to @OlafScholz to shake Germany's conscience so that they decide on firm and crushing sanctions that would influence Putin's decisions.


-Permanent Representation of Poland to the EU
Stałe Przedstawicielstwo RP przy UE


All this is based on Ukrainian Intel. Those morons don't read what their actual intelligence and military experts write but listen to unreliable drivel that pleases their ears. I didn't believe at first but I'm more and more inclined to think a good chunk of the western political class are redditors with suits.


False flag operations to make Ukrainians look mad looks like a realistic perspective, the rest is bullshit


>SPD calling themselves socialists, cheering on for imperialism/naziism
A tale as old as time.


Rosa is social chauvinist, naturalized chauvinisim from being raised in an imperial country. First worlders love Rosa because of this and because she was made a martyr while being social chauvinist. Occidentalists get fucked


>leftist is fit and slim, pushing correct line on Russia
>rightoid is fat and cringe, incoherent politics as expected
oh I get it, it's a variant of the chad vs soyjack meme.



What did Marx think of the self-determination of nations?


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Zelensky out in the hood telling putin to bring that ass here lmaoo



>Rosa is social chauvinist, naturalized chauvinisim from being raised in an imperial country.
any book or article recommendations on this?


That it was cool and based


Probably high-tech components for the missiles.


Why would a Ukrainian officer have access to Intel from Putin's secret lair? I would question this even if it came form the Americans. I smell cope and a propaganda op.


Which nations?


What did Marx think of the internet?


Read the thesis that Lenin responds to in Right of Nations to Self Determination. Or just read that with us today at Continental Floppa matrix


based intersectional MLRS


Marx was a freeloader retard, who cares what he thought


>Read the thesis that Lenin responds to in Right of Nations to Self Determination.
I already did, like 3 years ago.





>I thank my friend Mr. President of 🇹🇷 @RTErdogan and the people of 🇹🇷 for their strong support. The ban on the passage of 🇷🇺 warships to the Black Sea and significant military and humanitarian support for 🇺🇦 are extremely important today. The people of 🇺🇦 will never forget that!

-zelensky president of Ukraine

15 minutes ago



Being a freeloader is based though


Chauvinistic Ukranians:
>Nooooo! Only men should die!!!!! Women have superior right to life!!

Feminist Russians:
>woosh woosh boom boom bitches


How is the ukranian volkssturm performing so far?


Marxist-Leninist Rocket System


This Twitter guy said this about Zelensky tweet

>Turkish readout didn’t mention any decision to close the straits to Russian warships. I think this is just a request

>Montreux Convention gives a clear right to Russians to return their ships to their original ports in Black Sea even in the time of war, even Moscow is belligerent.

>So there is no way out of it



This is the first day where it feels like a nothingburger. Are Ukrainians putting that much of a fight?


🧠😎🧠 Read it again. Or, look up any more stuff by her on marxists.org.

Or read Right of Nations to Self Determination by Lenin with us in Continental Floppa


I have openly supported North Korea and my friends barely care


Ah yes Erdogan the humanitarian. I'll put this one next to the Bush quote.


Any updated map on the confilct?


So far they have been successful in securing the existence of their people and a future for Ukrainian children.


Pretty good, been fighting Russian saboteurs all day and night. Saboteurs are suspiciously civilian, some crazy people think that these are actual civilians and giving weapons to them was a mistake.




it's shit and very Western-biased but I've seen no alternative.


Makes no sense.



>Trying to nigerian prince NATO



They seem to have some success in halting Russian advance in Kharkov.


Also important to remember is that saboteurs will pretend to be part of the national guard


Turkey has a lot of money invested in Ukraine's MIC. Unlike China's investment, they can't just not comply since they really needed that money considering the current state of Turkey's economy.


They are shooting themselves. Literally killing echother.


Ah, yes! Wearing uniform to disorient brave defenders


Impossible to tell as both sides have been remarkably good at OPsec, I have only seen them setting up checkpoints. They likely complicate matters for Russia moving into urban areas though, Infantry pushes are a non-starter now so they will need to bring up a large amount of armor.


Marx said the trustworthiness of what you see posted on the Internet isn't correlated to its position on the NATO-Russian oligarchy interests axis.


Erdogan was actually pretty chill for years until like 2016 where he was into some neo-ottomon phase

man seems like he chilled out the past year though



>German Ambassador to the US

>Russia does not have the economic and financial power to back its military power. Its gross domestic product is that of a medium-sized European economy.

>The West’s sanctions will drive Russia to ruin.



Lol. The fucking ukranian policemen today killed their own SBU agent



>germany to ukraine: my work here is done


Erdogan had to put water in his wine because his domestic economy cannot follow his ambitions


wish we could upload .svg

I had this problem dozens of times


lel they’re eating eachother




The only thing they will succeed in is making russian soldiers shoot civilians at the drop of a hat.


>Russia will be made an example of and no other nation will dare go against NATO
And do you think letting NATO establish bases in Ukraine and then getting Finland to join later would have put Russia and the working class in any better position you stupid fuck? Right now the West can threaten Russia with sanctions which is still terrible for the working class but better than threatening Russia with a mass of NATO troops right at their doorstep in addition to sanctions. A neutral Ukraine is a lynch pin for continued world peace which apparently nobody but Russia wants and somehow many fail to understand including yourself. For such an important and complicated topic, there seems to be no shortage of people eager to express their hasty uninformed opinions.


Lol. This site says "access denied" for russian IPs


correct decision, imo


They're performing well as a target practice for each other.


>SPFS (Russian: Система передачи финансовых сообщений (СПФС), romanized: Sistema peresachi finansovykh soovshcheniy, lit. 'System for Transfer of Financial Messages') is a Russian equivalent of the SWIFT financial transfer system, developed by the Central Bank of Russia.[1] The system has been in development since 2014, after the United States government threatened to disconnect Russia from the SWIFT system.[2]



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Correct. Why is this so hard to understand for liberals?


Totally agree


They really underestimate the punishment a country can take. It's always like this with them but Cuba Iran and North Korea are still going strong


Meh. Militarymaps.info is a better alternative either way


Dunno if its an imperialist war but Ukraine isn't NATO


they don't want to mislead russian army imo


Euros going for full iran-style sanctions, seizing (pirating) ships on route


Why isn't Russia right now not getting into full war economy? Just full out planned economy


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>k-k-kiev is going to fall any day now guys
>k-k-kharkov is going to fall any day now guys
>o-o-odessa is going to fall any day now guys
>m-m-mariupol is going to fall any day now guys


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Russia doesn't have a principled Pro-Putin population. Economic downturn means Putin easily looses approval and intense internal turmoil. If things go as NATO wants, Putin is out before the end of this decade.


>crimea and sevastopol become useless over night
I did not see this coming


Ukrainian forces are trying to pull back from Severodonetsk to Kramatorsk and Slovyansk, but are getting stalled. Desperate attempt to escape encirclement. Russia moves to cut them off to destroy "nationalist battalions" completely, with the order issued of taking no prisoners.


Someone's been reading Rosa Luxembourg


>Playing too many map games

This is not a long term conflict, no need to mobilize the economy


Georgia and Moldova are neighboring countries of our Union, they are our partners and friends. To their presidents, I reaffirmed this morning our determination to support them against any attempt at tension and destabilization. United in the crisis, we will be.

-macron president of France

4 minutes ago




It's been 3 days only. Tomorrow everything will be over though.


can't use all your best weapons at the start of war, man.


>tag SOV
>delete army
>tag UKR
>op SOV
heh, nothin personnel


so… Tsar bomba when?


It took the Americans over two weeks to take Baghdad back in 2003 and Iraq is roughly half the size of Ukraine.


>VIENNA – Ahead of a meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Lithuanian President Gitanas Nauseda in Berlin Saturday afternoon, Poland’s prime minister has urged Germany to put aside “selfishness” and “egoism” and offer substantive support to the people of Ukraine.

>“Nothing is going to stop Putin if we are not decisive enough,” Mateusz Morawiecki said in Berlin. “This is a very historic moment… we have no time to lose.”

>Morawiecki said Germany’s aid thus far — of military helmets, not weapons – is a far cry from what’s necessary to help Ukraine defend itself.

>“What kind of help was delivered to Ukraine? Five thousand helmets? This must be a joke,” Morawiecki said.

>He added that the sanctions on Russia need to be “crushing,” calling for the exclusion of Russia from the SWIFT global financial system and for measures targeting Putin himself, oligarchs who back him, and Russian business more broadly.





Ukraine is the second largest country in Europe, just behind Russia. There no way Russian were going to traverse the whole thing in a few days.


it's not even 3 days, ukraine is big as fuck and russia is still in its foreplay phase


>Banning Russia from SWIFT could cause significant damage to its economy, but also to countries worldwide - including Germany - as it would affect companies and banks that trade with Russia.

>But what is SWIFT exactly?

DW (Germany public funded media) made a short 1 minute swift video just now



Hungary is the third largest country in Europe and it took Russia 1956 minutes to conquer it.


I hope so. I don't want to live in a dystopian hellhole


>I am giving you 5000 Stahlhelme to fuck off


IMO the whole universe except burgers and their EU cucks should be banned from SWIFT.
SWIFT should be limited to "international community", not these apparent extraterrestrials that make the majority of earth's population.


retarded take


I've seen an Ukr playing Vic2 as Russian Empire, mobilizing everyone, and marching Russian pops through Siberia to kill them.


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<At once two People's Deputies of Ukraine Yulia Paliychuk and David Arakhamiya confirmed the friendly fire on Obolon.

The townspeople, who were given weapons, in an atmosphere of confusion, mistook the truck and the anti-aircraft installation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces for enemy equipment and opened fire on it. The Kievans shot the crew of the truck, and the anti-aircraft gun managed to leave, crushing a civilian car in a panic.

Also looting has started in Kharkiv, and reports of looting in other cities as well.


>Dear 🇩🇪Federal Government, how much longer do you want to stand by and watch as we Ukrainians are 🇷🇺murdered by the air force and rockets and cities are bombed in front of your eyes? We urgently need 🇩🇪ANTI-AIRCRAFT missiles to protect people. That would be real solidarity

-Ambassador of Ukraine to Germany


4 hours ago


>I don't want to live in a dystopian hellhole
wrong century m8


USSR was stronger than Russia, that's all there is to it.


and Iraq spent the prior 10 years being disarmed and sanctioned to death. ukriane spent the last 8 being flooded with weaponry.


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DAmn Bro I didn't know the Space Comrades have been on Earth this Entire time and they were just anyone that isn't Western Europe and the US. Holy shit bro I been talking with ETs this entire time when I was talking with the Mexicanos.


banning russia from swift is retarded

A whole nation shouldn't get punished for one man actions


did you wake up from a multi-decade coma? sanctions are the primary way the US deals with countries they don't like


it actually punishes everyone. burger and euro proles will all get poorer too. all for their stupid fucking power games.


Banning Russia from SWIFT is retarded because Europeans will have to pay enormous American prices for gas. Meanwhile, China is willing to buy more and more Russian gas. It will fucking murder European industries. If EU cucks follow US lead, they'll basically suicide themselves


>this whole thing is an msm invasion scare guys Russia will never attack they're not savages like nato
>guys guys it's just a peace keeping force to save the civilians calm down
>Russia is only liberating those republic like Lenin said we should do guys
>NATO agression forces Russia to act against Ukraine oh and by the way their government is basically the 4th reich

Wonder what it will be in one week


>Spoke with 🇮🇳 Prime Minister @narendramodi. Informed of the course of 🇺🇦 repulsing 🇷🇺 aggression. More than 100,000 invaders are on our land. They insidiously fire on residential buildings. Urged 🇮🇳 to give us political support in🇺🇳 Security Council. Stop the aggressor together!

-zelensky president of Ukraine

1 hour ago



Russia economic footprint is big enough to hurt everybody though



Frist one was legitimate as fuck, given that US and EU were propagandizing imminent attack for months.


> Some Russian media like "Novaya Gazeta" didn't hear our warnings. They are publishing fake information created by band of nationalists high on drugs and security agents. - Ministry of Defense said. Earlier Russia threatened all outlets publishing information without strict adherence to official state sources and calling the de-nazification operation "war" with persecution.

Novaya Gazeta said that MoD doesn't respond to official requests for information so they'll continue their activity.



why does he look like zelensky here? Oh nevermind I see. "Zelensky stays president after minor facial surgery"


As a slav from a NATO-cucked country I am willing to receive money, that would otherwise be spent on NATO arms deals, into my personal pockets.


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That's why the success of this operation will destroy american hegemony.


replacing country names with flag emojis is peak cringe


also not working in my opera



t. glowing NATO shill who doesn't support liberating Ukrainians from their lives


He does nothing but talk and talk pointlessly. Pizdabol


Would have been better if he just camped his troops on the border then did nothing for years while the west howled about him.


You again, faggot? Your drivel only works on brainwashed liberals.


By better, I mean funnier


Cocaine is a helluvadrug


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Russians in Energodar


zelensky is just channeling the european politicians-cum-instagram influencers


Wake up dude. That's what has been happenign for 8 fucking years since all this bullshit started.



>After a #SWIFT exclusion of Russia, energy supplies from #Russia may still be paid for in the future. Our high dependency on gas supplies from Russia is therefore not a viable argument against the sanctions that are now necessary. (FM) #Ukraine

chairman of@CDUof Germany. Group leader @CDUCSUBT Friedrich Merz (FM) and his team (tm) tweet here



>Friedrich Merz (born 11 November 1955) is a German lawyer and politician, serving as Leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) since 31 January 2022 and as leader of the Union parliamentary group and Leader of the Opposition of the Bundestag since 15 February 2022.[1]


>Hungary is the third largest country in Europe
love how people left this unchallenged


I have some insights I think I can patch together with the available data.

Putin is probably surrounded by a host of yes-men even in this critical arena of military. Tis probably explains the slow adaptation of troops on the ground, confused conscripts surrendering, not knowing they're in Ukraine, etc… The paratrooper drops without support. Negative feedback is part of our evolution, like putting your hand on a hot stove. Obviously, something/someone is ignoring a lot of this negative feedback on the first 2 days of the invasion; and given the immense stakes involved, that ignorance is willfully happening despite instincts to change in the chain of command. That is a telling sign, I believe.

Ideologically speaking, Putin is a Tsarist-Bolshevik-Nationalist. He borrows from all three of these ideologies much like a swiss army knife. Each tool serves a purpose and appeals to a major demographic that he needs to keep supporters on board. He never leans too heavily into either too much. Nor does he lean out of either too much. But this invitation is like the perfect coalescence of these three elements, combined with an inflated ego of near unlimited power plus yes-men, this invasion looks more like an invitation for Putin. Easy pickings.

When looking at maps of territory held by Russians. The big red blob they're in doesn't represent troop positions. Russia is only going to park troops in towns or cities. So the space between them is empty. They're going for deep-strike operations it seems, and their BTGs are not entirely suited to it without a large paramilitary (read: cannon-fodder) support element to protect the flanks and make up for the low ration of materiel to men.

Zelenskyy going for negotiation was implied from the beginning. He does not want to be under attack. He's willing to negotiate because that means less/no fighting is happening. Diplomacy is about sending out as many feelers as you can to gauge the temperature of the other party. Of course, he'd prefer to bargain from a position of strength, but there is strength in the fact that there are relative levels of annoyance that Kyiv can manufacture for Russia in perpetuity. That's no exaggeration. What we're witnessing may be the largest nation-building and identity-forming event in the last 50 years. A puppet regime may be installed, but the idea of a free Ukraine with its own destiny free of a Russian leash cannot be wiped from Ukrainians' memory. The West learned from the Baltics during the Cold War: recognition of states' original borders despite however long it takes for them to become free, works.

This leads me into the long game for Putin. Still hard to see what he realistically aims to get without bogging Russia in a massive regime-support quagmire a la Afghanistan. This isn't Syria where there's a leader in a city who just needs control over the rest of the territory. Nor is this like the Georgian conflicts in 2008 where the separatist enclaves had existed for 6-7 years before and had been established in generally internationally-approved ways. Demilitarisation and denazification obviously aim towards kangaroo courts and a range of punitive measures against what Putin believes are elements in Ukraine's society that are anti-Kremlin. But everyone knows that. If I had to guess, I believe he's looking to completely annex the territories of his perceived "Novorossiya" territories (the South-East region of Ukraine), and then install a puppet to rule over rump Russia-approved Ukraine in the North and West.

Lastly, I think the implications of this war for the world are huge. Nothing happens for a decade, and then a decade happens in a week, Lenin said. We're seeing a total paradigm shift away from the post-Cold War order for Russia. How that'll take shape will be determined in the next 2 to 6 months.
Other predictions: Kyiv needs to last at least a week to keep Ukraine in a good bargaining position and to make costs high for Putin. By "Kyiv lasting" I mean that Spetznaz groups haven't made it into the centre and dragging Zelenskyy and other Verkhovna Rada deputies out by the hair to stand trial for "Nazism" or whatever dumb shit Putin has pre-arranged. I think there's a very good chance for this to play out, because of how resilient Ukraine's military has been so far. The next 2 days are vital because there'll be no snow. But from Monday to Friday there should be snow, which should make movements slower and defending easier. Ukraine needs to keep a western corridor open from Kyiv to L'viv to facilitate transport of materiel. Ukraine also needs to drastically up its pressure on the west to keep increasing sanction pressure.


Well, zelensky was a comedian on the tv before his presidency. No joking.


The propaganda is getting out of hand
They paint a mobile trash incinitator as a mobile crematorium.


he's a telephone kurba


>gives you gun
>expect you to fight and die in their stupid war for the west
> loot shit instead
My uyghas


>Zelenskyy going for negotiation was implied from the beginning
No he isn't. Zelensky is only stalling for time.


Copy pasted from reddit, kys.
>taking every ukranian MoD statement as fact and making insane assumption for russian plans


Clearly Caleb even with his job at RT, either wasn't in "the know" about Russia's plans with ukraine, or had an idea and wasn't allowed to say. I think that information was too important for caleb to know, so he wasn't aware russia was gonna invade ukraine and has been trying to spin it since. He's been great at criticizing USA but Russians don't like being criticized


already shooting insults like AK47 automatic rounds onto redditards but its shooting into a mental void


That's khokhols for you


Too late.


>Ideologically speaking, Putin is a Tsarist-Bolshevik-Nationalist
Fuck off redditor


Actually god analysis, rare thing here lately.


Footage of a Missile hitting a civilian apartment building in Kiev

<Projectile smashes into a residential building in Kiev: A failure in the missile guidance system of the Ukrainian Buk-M1 has resulted in a missile hitting the corner of a residential building, according to RIA Novisti citing MoD source.


>how resilient Ukraine's military has been so far
Is that why they have been recruiting children for the past 2 days to throw at the meatgrinder?


He said it was cringe and spooked


Lol. Stop replying to yourself, man. It's embarrasing


Tell me you didn't write that and found it somewhere only to bait here



No civilians were killed, gladly.


marx said TRANS RIGHTS


America and Canada will almost immediately sign a deal for cheaper exports, the sharts would be absolutely retarded to give up what would effectively be reviving the Marshall plan. The idiots talking about this weaking US hegemony are fools this will strengthen the US massively, crush Russia and tie the West irrevocably tighter.


that's the wrong map


Now you will call me a liberal and tell to fuck off, right? Tankie echo-chamber makes all dissenters samefags i guess.


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makes no sense even as a joke, it should the other way around


Lol. Stop replying to yourself, man. It's embarrasing


>Swift expulsion
>we will still trade with Russia though

Lol, Germany De-dollarizes


We are all romanian


He supported Ireland and Poland but thought Czechs and South Slavs were cringe.


based marx
truly ahead of his time


>mobile crematoriums
Burgers love being lied to, and the more sensational the lie, the easier they believe it.
It’s kind of incredible how the bourgeois have psychological conditioned them this way.


Most army have incinerators in their logistical trains though. What would you do of the bits of people body parts charred remnants etc without it? Just stroll with a convoy of refrigerated trucks? Let them rot and pollute the water? War is messy, people just don't realize it


Denguist banks complying with US sanctions


no way, that's why i had a lib feeling while reading that putin analysis

they always create such a mythos about him


But of course, the only ideology is a communist ideology. And the only propaganda is a communist propaganda.
That's what they are always saying




Literally who?


Would deng be happy?

Deng would probably try to still trade with Russia while trying to show the appearance of holding sanctions


>A neutral Ukraine is a lynch pin for continued world peace
Continued world peace means the imprial powers can completely crush not just any attempted revolution, but any measure of self-determination of poorer countries. It sucks but it`s true.


i'll keep you posted specifically anon


tfw Putin was a secret Luxemburgist this whole time


China is a snake in the grass. Everyone should mow their lawn.


go back to newsmax


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masterful Germoney diplomacy


File: 1645885899530.png (80.24 KB, 314x781, upa guerrilla.png)



hello uncle kumar


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Squad of Ukrainian soldiers that was said to have perished under an extreme Russian bombardment of the Snake island in the Black Sea and which were supposed to be post-humosly awarded medals…
Ukrainian soldiers were transported to Sevastopol by the towboat "Sahtyor" and after certain procedures, they will be allowed to return to their families.
Source: https://t.me/rt_russian/95045


why can't china into german diplomacy :(


>vasyl cuck




No the people in the boat died for nothing because they were morons but the people on the island were smart and surrendered.


I would keep them in crimea for a while, the ukrainian regime might "disappear" them to maintain the myth


I hope this is true and that none died for that stupid faggy rock


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How the fuck do Russia keep losing KA52s


I feel like in today's world it's become completely impossible to have the Correct Analysis (R) on any major international event, there's just so much disinformation and lies being spread around that no one knows what to believe anymore.


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No. You misunderstood the situation. Start again from the top.


Russia has suffered zero casualties, stop watching propaganda


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This is some scooby doo shit lmao


Here's the full video.


This will be remembered as the nicest invasion in history


Post link to the Ukrainian communist statement


This is from 2014, yo mods delete this shit, it keeps getting spammed.


this might be backfiring to the U.S.





Looking at the uniforms it doesn't seem like 2014.


It's pretty easy to tell lies from the truth if you're not retarded. Most propaganda is aimed at non-discriminating people.


it's not "masterful diplomacy", they're going to get shoot themselves to hurt the bear.
the pic is rel to burgers, if anything, pitting europe against russia so that both are hurt while burgers come on top. current stock changes are one indication: european and russian stocks are falling, while us stocks are rising



Search for it in the leftypol_archive.

An anon translated it, here's the text. I don't have the link on me:
Just copy a segment of the sentence and search.

An open letter of appeal by the participants of the rally "Peace to the people of Ukraine!" in the city of Cherkasy to the President of Ukraine V. O. Zelensky and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on ending the fratricidal war in eastern Ukraine

We, the participants of the rally "Peace to the People of Ukraine!", held on the day of the 104th anniversary of the creation of the Soviet Army and Navy on the Hill of Glory, appeal to the President of Ukraine V. O. Zelensky and the Verkhovna Rada [parliament] of Ukraine with a demand to take immediate measures to end the fratricidal war in eastern Ukraine.

Further delay in resolving this fateful issue will lead to even greater human losses and to the irreversible loss of a significant portion of Ukrainian territory.

Unfortunately, it seems that the top leadership of the state does not need this territory and the people in it.

Apparently, such a scenario was envisaged back in 2014, when the “Bloody Pastor” Turchynov [Oleksandr Turchynov, Ukrainian politician] sent troops to eastern Ukraine, inventing the so-called anti-terrorist operation, and together with the savage Nazi volunteers launched a fratricidal war on Ukrainian citizens who had the opposite opinion from those who, with the help of the United States and some countries of the European Union, seized power by force in Ukraine.

Probably for the same reason, President Zelensky did not want to sit at the negotiating table with the leadership of the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR and implement the Minsk agreements, even though they were approved by the UN Security Council. This was, as recent events have shown, a great mistake. Still, Volodymyr Oleksandrovych [president of Ukraine] and the People's Deputies of Ukraine should have implemented the Minsk agreements, which had no alternative, because they made it possible to save people and territory.

We have not forgotten that Zelensky promised the people of Ukraine to become president of peace. But he did nothing to ensure peace in Ukraine, thus becoming a demon of war.

After all, peace in eastern Ukraine depended on Zelensky, not only as President but also as Supreme Commander-in-Chief. Only he could give the command to shell the territory and the people behind the demarcation line. If he gave the command to fire, it means he did not realize that it could lead to a hot phase of the war. Or maybe he did, since such a large number of military units and military equipment was deployed to eastern Ukraine, as well as weapons and ammunition imported from the U.S., Great Britain and other NATO countries.

Is it not to repeat the aggression of 2014-2015 under the pressure of Ukrainian Nazis and to draw Russia into this military conflict at the behest of the U.S. and NATO countries?

And did you, the demon of war Zelensky, and you, the grantoids [“грантоїди”, “hrantoidi”, Ukrainian slur for organizations or individuals who exist on foreign grants] and the 5th column of the West in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, think about the consequences for the people of Ukraine and its territory?

The U.S. and most NATO member states are dreaming of a military conflict between Ukraine and Russia, and of a perpetual quarrel between the Orthodox East Slavic peoples [“східнослов’янські православні народи”], while they themselves, like jackals, tear apart Ukraine in accordance with the EU’s restitution laws.

Isn't that why at the Munich conference on February 20 this year, Zelensky was blessed with applause for the escalation of the conflict in eastern Ukraine and the involvement of Russia in this conflict and the refusal to implement the Minsk agreements?

We saw how it ended on February 21 in the decisions of the Russian leadership on the recognition of the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR. Maybe this will cool the hotheads and force President Zelensky and the People’s Deputies of Ukraine to find a way to a peaceful settlement of the situation in eastern Ukraine, so that peace may reign in our Ukrainian home, so that people have jobs, decent wages and pensions, affordable prices and tariffs, so that Ukraine regains its power and prosperity, as it was in the Soviet socialist period of our history.

This letter of appeal was adopted unanimously.
City of Cherkasy
February 23, 2022


Putin just showed up to my house and beat me up :'( *this is a fact* *don't ask me for sources just trust me*


"Man this sucks everyone else is driving tanks and btr's while I'm in this fucking hippe van"




lol, thats why a decent nation enlist people in the army and give them uniforms and training before sending them to die
fucking nazis and their volkstrum


>slow adaptation of troops on the ground, confused conscripts surrendering, not knowing they're in Ukraine
>Putin is a Tsarist-Bolshevik-Nationalist
>Zelenskyy He's willing to negotiate
10/10 bait, lib redditors prolly eat that shit like candy


if you paint a capital zee on your vehicle it goes faster


In what kind of oligarchistic shithole country do you live?


actual NATO shill


only the dollars transaction, so basically nothing


Z stands for Zelensky. These are his escape vehicles. Buhanka and a nano-car for his micro stature.


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It isn't. The ukranian uniform is not of 2014 model.



ERA protected the tank from an RPG hit.


<1-4 days

We are just 60 hours in, HOLY COPE.


so after the war what happens to soldiers who surrendered? will they be imprisoned for betraying their country?


Seethe more


Suuuure, US will export gas below it's production price.


Kontakt-5 ERA works pretty well I guess.


bullshit. The geopolitical reasons and balance of power in the war are clear as day. Now the exact events ? Thats just fog of war filled with propaganda, but it literally doesnt matter.


what the fuck ? you're insane


Based Cuba as always in the antifascist struggle


The quints of quality


ur an absolute moron russian imperialist


Quints of truth that everyone needs to see.

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