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 No.536098[View All]

Not going to post any information, in fact, the next one is going to only have the subject and I will just put "aaaaaa" until the character limitation is overrun.
Fuck you
578 posts and 121 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I'm thinking we unironically might need a containment board. I'd prefer to have these threads archived but archiving cyclical threads is a bitch.


Sources on twitter are now saying Russian forces thought the walk to kiev was too far so they gave up and started peeing on themselves while flopping on the ground


The problem is that NATO bloc is united and is working in OVERDRIVE.
Russia is ALONE, cause China is doing fuck all as usual to help them in crushing Ukraine.

Its the principle anon.
These people are willing to go to ANY FUCKING LENGTH and Russia is ALONE in facing them.


and then in emigration he closed an alliance with zionist organizations


If NATO wins it shows the world how cucked NATO is
Think Kabul in Afghanistan last year

Every single American ally will question whether their alliance is worth the price of paper it's written on.
It removes Anglo influence from central Asia allowing Eurasia to develop (strengthening Russia and China)

It would usher in multi polarity over night. Following this there would likely be a rollback of US military bases worldwide as they retreat to a more defendable position


boys we did it i have pissed of the fascists


seconding a Ukraine board


holy fuck, you actally did it lmao
good job


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I've always made fun of le blackpilled doomers but the constant cheering and division worldwide is legitimately depressing. We're getting to the point where congratulating neonazis is acceptable just because they're fighting for Ukraine.


Press F to pay respects


>Twitter is a SJW safespac-
Why is this account allowed to remain up?


You can't read these threads fast enough anyway, people post faster than you can speedrun through previous ones to catch up.




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everything under heaven will be in chaos the situation will be excellent


Woke libs only hate American nazis, Ukrainian ones are fine, we need to listen to the lived experiences of diaspora Banderites


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I can, get faster


because fascism/nazism/nationalism is good as long it serves the NATO interests.


Yeah, the stuff about how liberals will choose nazism over communism is starting to be too real




high soy amounts.


I would tolerate some nazis dying in defensive war, they will be removed soon either way


I can't wait for the liberal media visit them and ask about their position on trans rights and queer.


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>We're getting to the point where congratulating neonazis is acceptable just because they're fighting for Ukraine.


Facebook Allows Praise of Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Battalion If It Fights Russian Invasion
<Sam Biddle February 24 2022, 5:44 p.m.

According to internal policy materials reviewed by The Intercept, Facebook will “allow praise of the Azov Battalion when explicitly and exclusively praising their role in defending Ukraine OR their role as part of the Ukraine’s National Guard.” Internally published examples of speech that Facebook now deems acceptable include “Azov movement volunteers are real heroes, they are a much needed support to our national guard”; “We are under attack. Azov has been courageously defending our town for the last 6 hours”; and “I think Azov is playing a patriotic role during this crisis.”

The materials stipulate that Azov still can’t use Facebook platforms for recruiting purposes or for publishing its own statements and that the regiment’s uniforms and banners will remain as banned hate symbol imagery, even while Azov soldiers may fight wearing and displaying them. In a tacit acknowledgement of the group’s ideology, the memo provides two examples of posts that would not be allowed under the new policy: “Goebbels, the Fuhrer and Azov, all are great models for national sacrifices and heroism” and “Well done Azov for protecting Ukraine and it’s white nationalist heritage.”

In a statement to The Intercept, company spokesperson Erica Sackin confirmed the decision but declined to answer questions about the new policy.


I thought it was just a MEME. I thought the invasion was just a meme too.


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ALERT! Please take a break from debating about theory and sides to watch this dank video of flying tank Hind helicopters engaged with ground forces. Rockets are fired from both the air and the ground. One of the hinds appears to take a hit and land in a field or wander off camera while smoking.


gay marriage is constitutionally banned in Ukraine


It's not a meme at all, it's based on both historical data and structural analysis.


Were there massive LGBT pride actions in Ukraine/Russia?


>Every single American ally will question whether their alliance is worth the price of paper it's written on.
Nobody in the NATO believes in the NATO, they all know it's an american racket
To the gulag with you



Wait, it's not?


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Realistically how can it get worse than this? I think it everybody will be ok


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hello friends, I couldn't help but notice that barbarian tribes from Slavic and americano territories are about to start a nuclear armageddon, indeed, perhaps that the two empires are to fall, us germans can rise to world relevance


Didn't see this pic for a while


Germans will be the first sacrifice, anglos decided that way and krauts accepted it.


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Germany is fanning the flames by sending weapons to Ukraine you fucking turd.


There's still the official profile of the Ukrainian national guard. It even has the dreaded blue checkmark.


I've been reading this reddit thread


And it boggled my mind that Ukraine is allowing the nazis to to post from offical accounts. Sure you got insane people in the thread saying "its sad we have to fund nazis to stop fascist" or shit like that. But most people are questioning the support for Ukraine. If not siding with Russia become indifferent to the war.


you should've seen the 20s and 30s. tons of liberals had high praises for fascism for acting as a shield against communism. there's a reason many of them were forgiven and allowed to join the liberal west after WW2




sorry I didn't trust leftypol that all liberals were crypto fascists, until I saw it with my own eyes.


>lol, given the quality of russian AA, thats basically checking if your shit is worth anything
None of this matters it takes years of training to master a jet-fighter, the specific strengths and weakness of each jet require specific mission profiles and engagement strategies. Ukrainian jet pilots will not be able to effectively use something they haven't trained on. Jets are very easy to crash too, we may be in for spectacular fireworks.


except they have so far failed to do that. Putin losing this war isn't going to immediately lead to the collapse of russia, which is the truly illiterate take here. If Russia did collapse in that manner, this war wouldn't be the causal factor.


They should just make an east and west Ukraine. It's the least bad of the terrible solutions we have.


> If Russia did collapse in that manner, this war wouldn't be the causal factor.
What does Russia even have going for it? It literally allienated all of the world from itself, even it's allies. Cut ties with the world economy and made Putin look like someone who will start pointless wars.


Got any more info about that, looking it just comes with up with a ton of articles bigging up (or dismissing out of hand) the threat.


WHO?! Who are the nazi's?

The ukranian citizens getting their homes bombed by putin?


both rus and uncle sam will nuke germany first


That hardly makes a difference, “just following orders” is no excuse for genocide

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