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 No.536742[View All]


I am too lazy to post information or do a write-up. All the information I have is unconfirmed footage from Twitteroids.
672 posts and 131 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


that's a lot of chechens, I guess they're going to be the ones to take Kiev?


back to /pol/.


Those are the ones with most experience in urban warfare.


be honest, why did you spent so much time in the bathroom?


che guevara literally never bathed


use to to respond with every radlib that is anti-russia


Your heart and mind is in the right place, anon. But I think we have to ask the more important question.



They look very happy to be there


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>are you real man? a real big boy? busting it down? a real true manly man? a real masculine chad? a, dare I say, sigma male? did your daddy fuck you up the ass?
spooked cuck


>Von Der Layen
>Europeans will have to pay the price
Yep, pay to fascists, pay a proxy war, and suck the boots of your ruling class.


The beta bathing flagfags fear the raw power of the shower chads


God I hope Europe collapses due to this retardation


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Real men shower with boiling sulfuric acid once every 10 years.


real men have SCENT




That's some theta male shit, I kneel.


I think I'm far enough away to survive the blast, but realistically I wouldn't last the week


Yeah, they've been saying that for 3 days now. Glad miss EU is also saying it, the cat's out of the bag. Expect more people to now turn against EU.


Nice article. Relatively normie friendly.

>Expect more people to now turn against EU.
Here's to hoping.


>Where is Trump?
well, trump was the one who started sending us/nato weapons to ukraine. obama held back on that as an unnecessary provocation with russia. biden has continued the trump policy, of course and ratcheted up the provocations further.


Would be fucking gay. Nukes aren't real though


May i get the redpill here? I keep hearing if this meme but i don't get it



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Many people are saying this


Garfield Nixon


where did all the hamburger helper go?


y tho

how does sanctioning Russia harm Western markets, besides oil and gas to Western Europe?


Bro you haven't heard? Nukes are a post-yalta nazcentbol meme designed to bring about the end of history


I mean why would anyone use them and if they did civilization would still survive


Russia and Russia-aligned countries are going to be trading their oil in Rubles or Yuan now, and the main leverage of the USD is that most countries have to buy oil, and oil is only sold in the USD thanks to US diplomacy and invasions, and thus if you have a load of USD anyways you also use it for trading other stuff. If that starts to break, the USD loses value, which causes inflation - while the Ruble/Yuan only appreciates in value as it sees more trade revenue.


He is very likely correct. The EU will beg itself back to RUS/CHN in the mid term as the US becomes even less stable.


So the two times they were used and pulverized cities in seconds and the countless tests which we have footage of? What are those?


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Anyone has link to articles that cover intertwining of Ukraine with Global Fascism? It was mentioned in previous Ukraine war thread. I need it urgently.



Also the petrodollar is one of the reasons the US can just shit out printed money for the military and bailout their industries. If the petrodollar falls out of use then they will suffer inflation in the way normal countries do, and Russia has managed to do this while jacking up energy prices, which also causes inflation, while the US has a rare instance of inflation to start with.
Is Putin 2000 autism score and about to cause US hyperinflation?


New thread?



The japanese glowies rigged all the buildings with explosives and america edited in special effects for the mushroom clouds (that were later used in godzilla and looney tunes)



yes (in Russia is trying to force confrontation to cause stress to America) and no (in that this is the natural processes of imperial decay, Russia is only incidentally accelerating it)


I don't understand what the West is doing here. Are they banking it all in on regime change of Putin? Because these sanctions hurt the west short and long term. They don't seem likely to actually stop them in Ukraine. It seems so retarded


Well lots of people didn't think Russia would actually invade, and those people tend to have much better analysis than the shrieking stenographers that thought they would. So it makes sense Russia has another, more esoteric, reason for going into Ukraine.


Um sweaties, teh sanctions are about stopping Putler and saving Democracy. The West is principled unlike Putler and Winnie the Pooh.


> regime


in ten years tankies will start saying this


What if the US is simply being run by their own Gorbachev clique at this point?


So what countries are officially -disconnected - from western economy now?
I think they'll be alright. Ironically China is now free to do whatever they want, they can't be bullied with the swift shit anymore. If china is also sanctioned it's over for the west, it would be suidice


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