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5th for fuck Zelensky and fuck Putin


<glowie Bandera rehabilitation continues


damn i was faster than i expected


China will winds 🇨🇳


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The loli is still dead tho.




Mein Gott….


>>538745 liberals turn around on their opposition to facism easily


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Bishop to rook 4
Discover check
And incidentally…..mate…


Lmao, that guy is actually despicable


Protracted Ukrop War now! Protracted Ukrop War now! This is the boiling point for Europe!


Did the russian win the siege against kiev?


I'd assume that Ukraine would have already signed this kind of paper work. It takes years for this to go through right?




They will take Kiev soon


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Russia is urging civilians to leave the city, so Kiev will be liberated with minimal destruction soon


>Implying the ukrainian army will let the civilians go.


Unless the cease fire happens it's only a matter of time.
And then the Ukrainian army will take it again.
And it'll go back and forth for a while.


t. actual CIA


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Russian anti-war protest



Good, then the war will continue until the russian flag flies above the rada and zelensky is dead.


Pog, then it's actually true.
Finally i should say.
Thanks anon.




Looks like a sussy baka saboteur.


I can believe it. Cops are retarded wherever you go.


When the Ukrainian saboteur in Russia is sus


Yep, Turkey tried for years adjust their laws, the economy… but hey, hail hitler!


It actually does, everybody can leave the city


>I want civilians to die


>Implying the ukrainian army will let civilians leave.


They are leaving since 24th


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When did /leftypol/ get an influx of teenagers, jesus christ.


>he doesnt know


i lov chna :)


Pretty sure those are anglo nazi hohols bro, putin did nothing wrong


May 2020, August 2020, November 2020, January 2021, January 2022


Indirect fire (most likely no spotter/observer) artillery (probably mortar or highly angled grenade launcher) lands in the parking lot of an apartment complex. Some vehicles get fragged.

"But Mr. Bezos my car is destroyed, there is Russian tanks in the streets and artillery raining down everywhere"

"I DON'T CAN IF PUTLER HIMSELF NUKES YOUR BABOOSHKA! You WILL get to the Amazon warehouse and get into that wage cage RIGHT NOW!"


Welcome to the internet boomer


so anyway, back to these negotiations, the current state of play is, Russia have Kyiv over a barrel but have stopped advancing and they have just had the first positive talks in days sans Ziolenski.

My bold and hopeful prediction which may get fully btfo in the coming days is fizzle gang and some form of bifurication of Ukraine, Putin has literally played 11d chess the whole time


Seems dubious as fuck tbh, you would surely be fucked shooting a fellow soldier in front of hundreds of other soldiers, and just because they tried to stop you shooting some random civilian? Then the other woman survived? So it was worth shooting another soldier in front of hundreds of people who have a non-zero chance of killing you for it, but then you let the woman they're with go?
Is it just me?


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Oh for fucks sake.
What I'm saying is that the ukrainian army will not let civilians go through the russian battlefront in order to flee the city, dumbass.
Not that people were already leaving.
Now no one is leaving, and the ukrainian army will make sure it keeps that way.


Sometimes this is necessary, yes.


That's specific.


>The Ukrainian delegation demands the withdrawal of all Russian troops, including from Crimea and Donbass"

NGMI, ngl tbqh


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mfw mods are deleting saboteurs as we speak


Day 5, still no screencap in sight.


>Now no one is leaving, and the ukrainian army will make sure it keeps that way.
It literally has no reason to do it, you are just dehumanizing Ukrainians




Russians don't use mortars in this war, as far as I understand it.




Fug sorry after zooming it in there are people walking on the sidewalk. I am a total piece of shit for making a joke about it. Really sorry. Fuck. Sorry.


>I want a whole country glassed so I can pop my sociopolitical revenge boner


The quicker this war ends the less civilians will die. If it takes thermobaric weapons to do it, then so be it.


>It literally has no reason to do it, you are just dehumanizing Ukrainians
Azov retards would like a talk with you.
This is already happening in Mariupol.


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If i got it right, ukrainians put mortars in center kiev


Any time there is an happening people who usually do not have anything worthwile to say feel emboldened by adrenalin and just post whatever shit comes to their mind


One could say it would be a Turkey in the freezer


the next few days will prove very decisive the in history of leftypol. If Putin pulls back now I will have a new found respect for him, he will have done something almost heroic. if he continues on belligerently I will begin researching reasons not to like him and spam every thread.

A lot hangs in the balance


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More protests against Russian soldiers occupying a city.


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Turns out the mayor of Yuzhny who was willing to negotiate with Russia was deposed for "high treason" for daring to "negotiate with the enemy".

Amid the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, the armed forces of Ukraine detained the mayor of the city of Yuzhny - Alexander Bryukhanov - in the Kharkiv region over charges of treason, announced the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, Oleg Sinegubov, on February 28, 2022. Along with Bryukhanov, several other officers were also detained, including the deputy mayor of the South.

"We have had a special operation by the military. Now the mayor of Yuzhny, Mr Bryukhanov, his deputy, the head of the local police department, and the district police officer have been detained under the article of treason. This is to understand what is happening in our state. We will not allow a single centimetre to be surrendered on the ground, and these are not just words. The military warns: it was we who showed loyalty and detained them, "stated the head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration in a statement, reported.

So yeah have some NATO guns, go jam the tracks with your bones, block the streets with your bodies, wagies.


Yes. They are known false flaggers, because they are nazis and want to make their nation fight Russians. Nazis in Germany did plenty of false flags also


what city?



the Nato of peace strikes again


I said so in the other threads.
This guys is going to get shot, even hanged, with a sign in his neck saying Verräter because nazis are like that.


>internet ML sounding indistinguishable from a Bush-era american neocon talking about Iraq


house negro syndrome. the west doesn't give a single fuck about ukrainians, and are actually using them as cannon fodder for a proxy war with Russia, and want as many of them to die as possible for the best effect, but the eurokrainians so want that sweet room in the house that they're willing to kill as many of their own and as many field negroes as massa wants in order to get it. and they still won't get it. they'll be crushed and then discarded by massa as soon as he's done using them.


This might be right too, if Putin says "fuck it" and takes over Kiev ignoring all civilian and military losses and kills Zelensky this will end in 2 days and you will save many more people long term.

Dragging this shit for months is the worst thing that could happen for everyone.



At this point I am hesitant to even label this as being inside of Ukraine for fear of being attacked as a NATO sabatoor by the proverbial kremlin agents here.


Even by those abyssal standards, most posts in this and the last thread are just embarrassing.


Nah, he should end it right now, consolidate gains and build a hard border around them.


tag yourself, I'm januarary 2021


Based Posadist


uygha just tell me what city


That's what anti-imperialism does to brain


this does not look like artillery ,
here watch a artillery impact for comparison


Le epic train man has spoken, hes defeating putler with hecklin efficient public transportation systems, we did it we fucking did it !!


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Is the US/NATO really the lesser evil?


Yeah some civilians are getting fucked up out there. I don't want to post the gore.


there is no lesser evil, its all evil


this is what dismissing any context does to an mf





go to literally every other internet forum


>context excuses everything
is this the power of dialectics


>Adviser to the Ukrainian President: Negotiations are difficult-


>Both sides
Russia is pure and noble and was approved by Jesus himself.


nta, but berdyansk


le both sides le bad..
so deep…


Too much accelerationpills


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Whether Putin has the luxury to withdraw at this point depends largely on whether or not Ukraine is willing to surrender or double down and send their people into the meatgrinder, and so far, their intimations on that front are not promising.

>I will begin researching reasons not to like him and spam every thread.



If I have to pick a side between satan and the U.S., I will pick to side with satan because of the U.S. is the greater satan.jpg


Both sides are bad, true.
However, one is allied with the Great Satan.


Actually it's wrong to say "both sides" because Russia and the US are on the same side.


They think they can make demands just because they have won the war!


>Le epic train man has spoken, hes defeating putler with hecklin efficient public transportation systems, we did it we fucking did it !!

Literally this lmao.
I was surprised when I saw that he was literally defending NATO and U.S while such western countries literally destroyed our public infrastructure


Probably a multiple-launch rocket system like the Grad


That's just blatant lies. All territories Ukraine demanded to de-occupy are Ukrainian as recognized by the UN


>there is no lesser thing i dont like, its all thing i dont like
Why didnt you take the relativism pill yet


are you two even marxists, or are you just pretending to simp for one capitalist country over another capitalist country and giving credence to the nationalist spook while at it?


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>Negotiations are difficult
>The Russian side is still biased towards their combat operations in which they are defeating us


>Liberals Defaulting to Fascism


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Get off it.
Before the thread turned into a daycare, everyone was laughing and cheering on NATO getting caught with their pants down.



Berdyansk, but that city was de-militarized. Russians has no purpose to stay there.


Remains of a shot down helicopter lands in a park
Unknown location, unknown factions equipment
Pools closed


These are older than more recent media about the talks which said they had stuff to agree on, its been holed into the last thread cos these threads are so fast.

Zelesnki wasn't present at the talks which to me says he is being sidelined. The fact diplomatic ties were cut but are now open again says to me that the Ukrainians don't want the war that they will have to give if they are to be belligerant in negotiations. But again, i am very much fanficcing here. I just can't honestly believe either side would be so retarded as to escalate from here. Nobody wins.


>yesterday russians were 30 miles away from kiev
NEW: Ukraine has slowed Russian military advance on Kyiv by blowing up bridges, small attacks, and airstrikes, per senior U.S. defense official.

"The Ukrainians are proving very creative" in resistance, the official said. Russian forces are 15 miles from the city.
>15 miles from the city today
>ukrainian delegation demanding a pull out of russian armed forces out of the country, including crimea
top kek natosissies


>failing to distinguish between "lesser evil and greater evil" and "they may be a lesser or greater evil but what they both represent are bad enough that I'm willing to condemn them both on principle because the ultimate endgame renders differences between them ultimately meaningless"


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>give weapons to any civilians
>give weapons to any prisoners
This just keeps getting better and better. What's next? Giving N-LAWs to school children?


Excuse me, Satan, but countries are made of people. People are not "capitalists" and the next day "commies".


yea its funny but lets not pretend whoever wins is going to make the lifes of the proles better in any way




>Give weapons to prisoners if they want to fight for Ukraine.
>Neo-nazis imprisoned because of being retarded (like killing LGTB folks) will get out because of this.
Literally ISIS all over again.


every time there is major happening


I don't think that was ever in question.
Hope the Russian Anons who were shitposting in here on day one are doing okay.


>implying the lesser satan won't grow into another greater satan within your lifetime and basically put us right where we started

This is just the ML equivalent of libs berating people for not vooting


>muh evil!!!
Please can someone post the text about Marx laughing at the face of people talking about morals? Thank you.


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begin your collection today!


>The popular republics are Ukrainian
>Muh UN
Hi reddit!


>Zelesnki wasn't present at the talks which to me says he is being sidelined.
we didn't see putin at those talks either, maybe this is because neither country would risk getting their president assassinated/apprehended at this point lol

the reason why ukrainians are at the negotiations is to keep up appearances of being "reasonable" for the west, but they basically don't give a fuck currently because time is on their side and not russia's.


lmao when this war ends millions of dollars of military grade explosives are going to be left in random hidey holes all over the country, its gonna be fun for all for the next few decades


You haven't been leaving under sactions so your smugnorncy can be shoved up your ass.


How did the UN recognize them as such if Russia is a permanent member of the UNSC?


Tfw all these free weapons will end up in mexico or colombia or something


>those pics
reiterating my view that NATO's strategy is to turn ukraine into somalia


>time is on their side and not russia's.
lmao UKROP cope it reminds me of that Kiev sign that said "Putin has lost!"


>These are older than more recent media about the talks which said they had stuff to agree on
That's good to hear. I certainly hope they can work out something out.

>I just can't honestly believe either side would be so retarded as to escalate from here. Nobody wins.

If NATO warmongers and arms dealers, who have quite a lot to win with a protracted conflict, have enough sway on Ukraine's diplomatic representatives, then, unfortunately, there's a good chance things will indeed escalate.


>my personal suffering makes the broader consequences of what is happening irrelevant


> popular republics
> ethnonationalists puppet governments
Are you serious? Just look what parties dominate parliaments of these "republics". Communist party was literally banned in DPR


>Unironically uses the term "commie"
Found the glow


I know smug is a comfy feeling so I won't deny you that it sounds the same NTA btw

It is on the other hand giving me a cocorresponding nice comfy warm glow of smugness after reading your comment that the literal Nazis of ukraine are real where the weapons of mass destruction for Iraq was a lie

Can you imagine how smug I feel about all the burgeroid liberals talking about how Trump was literally Hitler because he crassly said what they all think inside publically and going on with sermons about the German saying that if one Nazi sits at a table with 3 others then there are 4 Nazis and muh red brown alliance bs now supporting a regime that celebrates the Nazi SS as national heroes

Warm glow of smug is nice and comfy I don't want to go back to feeling depressed and horrified and hoping the killing ceases ASAP


>I just can't honestly believe either side would be so retarded as to escalate from here. Nobody wins.
you know who wins anon.


>the reason why ukrainians are at the negotiations is to keep up appearances of being "reasonable" for the west, but they basically don't give a fuck currently because time is on their side and not russia's.
You got that completely backwards. backwards. Lol. America was telling them to not negotiate. Russia is the one being widely criticized and Russia that needs to put on appearances. Lol


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its not "ukrop cope", every day putin doesn't end this war gives westoids more time to fuck with him and potentially unite against him, this isn't rocket science


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Third Rome-pilled


General Assembly issued these resolutions, not the UNSC


mean Rome wasnt exactly - loved by Jesus


>found the glowie
<found the 4chan tourist that wants to increase the size of his Gore collection


That's what makes Rome 3.0 the best one.




fair enough, just don't act surprised when someone from a different part of the world wants *you* dead for helping the same shit happen to them 20-30 years down the line


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>the literal Nazis of ukraine are real

Just wait until you hear about the political ogranisations Russia has been funding in the EU!



>its not "ukrop cope", every day putin doesn't end this war gives westoids more time to fuck with him and potentially unite against him, this isn't rocket science
The westoids were united against him from day 1. What are you talking about? They already kicked Russia out of swift. There's nothing more they can do but keep trying to send Ukraine weapons. Pretty soon they won't have an airfield left to get resupplied at.


Based Marx


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>There's nothing more they can do but keep trying to send Ukraine weapons.
oh yes they can, lets talk full scale nato intervention


General Assembly is a meme organ. I dont remember which article says it, but the UNSC has to decide anything regarding international security


Why are /pol/tards supporting Russia this time? Shouldn't they be supporting their nazi pig friends in the Azov?


its funny that Zuganov sees himself as Christan Communist.




Well, there is a kernel of truth to what he says. If NATO can successfully turn Ukraine into a protracted "Somalia" like >>538880 said, then the pro-NATO faction stands to gain by drawing Russia into an intractable quagmire against a belligerent insurgency. Russia needs to act quickly, while Ukro-Nazis and NATO would prefer to "run out the clock," so to speak.


never stop your enemy making a mistake


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<were actually just poor Aryans being invaded by the Asiatic holds

>Brit bongs

<Truly a tragedy, these poor slavs who are almost European and Human at least compared to the savage Arab are being slaughtered.


<Anyways let's go to George Bush, Condi Rice, dick Cheney and the corpse of Donald Rumsfield on how preemptive Invasion are wrong.


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>I will begin researching reasons not to like him and spam every thread.
as yes, we all know how effective that strategy worked against China


But i think it was Nato saying they should negotiate and zelensky being Nato's boy, so him being sidelined and negotiations kinda tells me they are pissed with Nato, throw in that Nato have basically done fuck all for them despite assurances. I'm sure Ukrainian diplomats have felt that sting.

Time is also not on their side I don't think. Putin can at this point basically sit pretty. The game is them convincing him not to flex further.

>If NATO warmongers and arms dealers, who have quite a lot to win with a protracted conflict, have enough sway on Ukraine's diplomatic representatives,
yeh this is basically the variable factor, just quite how much Ukranians will listen to them now that they've lost half their country to nato games will be interesting. Particularly if we remember most ukrainians aren't actually pro Nato despite what Nato would like us to think, even if they aren't pro russian, although this may have changed in the last few days


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Niqqa, you think I care? lmao, your puritanism based on the number of socialists revolutions in the west only makes me feel convinced to not give a shit about "muh both sides, muh not pick sides".


Does anyone have the Euromaidan was an US operation video?


>Read UNSC as "United Nations Space Command".

Damn…libs got me.


>Pretty soon they won't have an airfield left to get resupplied at.
Have they still been using airfields, since Russia has air superiority? I though all resupplies were sent across the Polish border.


No its depends on the context


'based putin' is the saviour of the white race, because he stands up to globe homo imperialism
I think the wignat/storefront types are more supportive of Azov


>Weak, third to fourth rate parties that never actually gain influence
<Military units and security apparatus siloviks
You: actually, these are the same




everybody knows about how they funded the mujihadeen and other tales now so i think it worked well


Jeez, ol' Donnie is desperate for attention these day.




We need to talk about the yellow-brown alliance y'all


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For any /k/ bros the rumored T-14 Modernized Russian battle tank has possibly been spotted on the battlefield.

Also Google and Apple are yeeting out of Russia


judging by todays 4chan, it seems they don't even know azov exist and are mostly pro putin which is all round hilarious


Why should anybody care for Azov nowadays honestly?


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Bros, why did Putin launch this invasion that will destruy not just his rule but Russia as we have known it since Peter the Great??


it wont be the first time the russian army slaughters Nazis. Based.


Because they are contrarians, thats why.


>MBTs getting in on the action
If that cease fire doesn't happen soon it's over lmao.


The ones that do know azov exist call it AZOG because they are funded and trained by israel


Russia would've been destroyed anyway if he didn't do something.


Russia can put up this invasion for a couple of more days and then chaos will erupt in Russia. Many of the republics of the federation will breakawy and shit. WHY DID PUTIN DO THIS?!?


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>leftypol kremlinbots when Russia wins


you would think Nazis like Nazis, but Nazis are so dumb they don't even know where their bros live, even if it is the biggest theirguy on earth


Ukrop nazis already do want him dead retard
NATO shills already do want him dead.
Either we defeat NATO or we all die, that's a fact


Shitty Ghost of Kiev memes aside. Considering the probable state of the air war over Ukraine what's the likelihood of a Russian ace pilot being out there somewhere rather than a Ukrainian one?


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>Did Putin set up his downfall for the communists to exploit


Yeah, how are they doing it now? Where are they going to ship these jets their giving them?


I mean, these ones are the correct ones


desperate cope


I want to understand this current conflict, but nobody made enough Harry Potter and Marvel comparisons yet! Somebody HELP!


Imperialism is when you invade stuff


Can you tell me what imperialism is


wait till they find out aboutt he haavara agreement


No, in a defensive war Russia would actually become more united and shit. Now it'l just disintegrate




>shilling for a third faction that doesn't give a fuck if you die will somehow fix this


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I think they are just applying but not in the UN yet. It may just be posturing though.

Ukraine calls for Security Council vote to be removed

Russia’s role at the United Nations, where it sits on the Security Council, is under fresh scrutiny as it presides over the council’s discussions of its invasion into Ukraine – and the Ukrainian president demands Moscow be stripped of its vote.

"To deprive the aggressor country of the right to vote in the U.N. Security Council, to qualify Russian actions and statements as genocide of the Ukrainian people, to help with the delivery of corpses of Russian soldiers. Talked about it in a conversation with UN Secretary General [Antonio Guterres]," Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy tweeted.

I mean Zelenskyy is basically a Twitter warrior more than anything now, all he has to contribute is banter.


i am russian)


Damn I wonder what happened to members of the DPRs government?


>admitting russia will win


You have to be 18 to post here


Zizek did a porn comparison


Russia isn't communist why would I die for putin?


I mean its Russian military doctrine. What do you want them to do, a complete 180 and change every single method of combat doctrine in a single week? These guys train for years for specific type of battle heavy, expecting huge losses, but forcing large numbers of casualties. Large battlefield operations.
They leave their dead in the snow and mud and just drive by. Ain't no such thing as "No man left behind". Its zerg rush with everything. Ukraine has had to contact the international Red Cross to deal with the Russian soldier's corpses because the Russian army doctrine is not to worry about it.


Xi Jingping is harry potter, Putin is Ron Weasley. Kiev is Hermiones butthole. Do the math


Please post it so I can abandon this fucking shit thread via a final good post.


>internet MLs being closet idealists yet again


They were killed by Ukrainian secretive ninjas


I mean how are they stopping from Russia just shooting them down en route if they don't have control of their airspace to begin with.


One guy wants me to die
One guy doesn't care about me
I wonder who is worse?


Ohhh NOW I get it!


What's happening now is actually not worse than Yeltsin, by the numbers. kek.


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this is the way


Embedding error.
The first secretary of Donetsk communist party talks about decommunization in ukraine.


The first until the second decides that the best way to kill the first is to glass where you live


There are no communists that are remotely close to power anywhere in the world (except Vietnam, China, Cuba)


What if you are the one who is actually making the mistake?


Reminder that if you don't want Russia to win you're on the side of Imperialism and Fascism against the third world


The policy or goal of extending a nation's influence over others by means of force, economics, colonialism, political influence, or cultural domination


>him being sidelined and negotiations kinda tells me they are pissed with Nato
I hope that's the case, but I'm worried that it's more indicative of the fact that Ukro. Nazis are worried that Zelensky is too soft and are sidelining him so that they can send in their own people to sabotage any possibility of peace.

>Particularly if we remember most ukrainians aren't actually pro Nato despite what Nato would like us to think

The problem is, it doesn't matter one bit what most Ukrainians want. Their government has clearly signaled that they're willing to use them as pawns to generate a human rights crisis. Ukrainian capitalists are the one's who will decide the fate of the negotiations, and we can only hope that they're not insane enough to let their entire country be leveled.


What were his options?

Allowing NATO to put nukes in ukraine?
Keep getting slapped with sanctions little by little like the west has been doing for years?
Even if Putin was a good boy, NATO/US would find any excuse to both sanction russia and put nukes closer to them.

Whatever is happening now, economically speaking ,would have happened regardless in a couple of years, now Putin at least has somehow the upper hand


I agree that invading all of Ukraine is too extreme and has just alienated Russia further from the western imperialist network at such a crucial point in post-CW history, imo he should've just ordered Russian forces to stop at Novorossiya and let the west seethe endlessly.



Harry Putler and the transatlantic military alliance


I'll be joining Josh Jackson in a glorious peoples republic thanks!


>Hey Ukraine why haven't you overthrew Zelensky yet!? You want more population centres to be bombed or what?


>Bros, why did Putin launch this invasion that will destruy not just his rule but Russia as we have known it since Peter the Great??
I said this earlier today but probably because Putin and the many, many people surrounding him judged (rightly or wrongly, we may never know) that invading Ukraine to stop NATO expansion was preferable in the long term to letting it continue, to letting to West place nuclear missiles on its border and hold Moscow hostage, potentially Balkanize the country, etc. They may think it's better to get it over with now than with an older Putin (especially if the rumors are true that he has Parkinson's or some shit) or a less experienced successor—Putin has more geopolitical clout, perceived to be easier to rally the country around than a successor, etc. Whether they made the right choice, or anticipated the current outcome, is not for me to say at this point.


Damn I would like to be Ron Weasley too, also Harry gets to fuck Ginny who is…Taiwan?


this is laotian, nepali, and north korean erasure


i want regional stability and Ukraine to be split into a 2/3rds situation thus cucking Nato forever by ending the situation of chaos and bringing lasting peace. I think Putin is in a position to do this. I do not think he is in a postion to conquer Ukraine.



What if Putin is a massive Herbert fan and wants to do Golden Path IRL by accelerating Russian conditions to cause a second Red October?


Ginny is Venezuela, Taiwan is Peter Petigrew


How many military bases Russia has around the world? Can Russia cause chaos in the West just with economic sanctions? How many colour revolutions has Russia suponsored around the world? Did Russia coup'd the Mexico government and funded neonazis on their border?

Fuck Putin and his oligarchs, but if you think Russia is the same imperialistic super power as the US, you are retarded liberal.


They can't "give jets". Jets aren't sedans you can just drive interchangeably. They need some pretty serious training to use, and Western Europe doesn't use a bunch of old Soviet fighters. I had read somewhere that they will also be providing "European pilots" to fly those jets, and will be launching their missions from some base outside of Ukraine as well. So add all those together. There is supposedly some technical way they can do this without triggering wider war.


>art of the deal
Speaking of which, this seems strangely relevant today…


>muh muh pleaze letz the imperial core have stability, otherwise Russia and China will prevent us from doing neo-colonialism in Africa
Lmao, bourgeois cuck. You stand with the bourgeois and crackers


Y'know what, I'm wrong. Doing that would've just prolonged the already going war and suffering in Donbass even longer. Putin did the right thing by invading. Seethe, NATOcucks.


its literally the opposite of idealism. Putin cannot hold the entirety of Ukraine effectively, he should take the east and be happy.


>accuses other of being idealists
>actually abandon the concept of class struggle like a boss


His options were to just send the army into Donbas and Lugansk and wait. If Ukraine still continues joining NATO, fire all the misiles you have at their military things. Don't mount a war of invasion.


File: 1646071161295-0.jpg (753.59 KB, 2274x1252, average turmoil enjoyer.jpg)


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Returning the ukrops unfunny meme to its original glory


>ukraine is the imperial core
you aint black, jack


Why would Harry fuck and Marry Petigrew? fuck you sage your analogy sucks


Also, Putin doesn't have the upper hand when the West still has the power to destroy the lives of everyday Russians with a flick of their fingers.


>he should take the east and be happy.
That would be fine if Russia was motivated by pure irredentism.


Certainly true. However Zelensky has rejected a ceasefire agreement that would leave the separatists regions in Russian control.


File: 1646071207404.mp4 (333.19 KB, 426x256, Greek in Ukraine.mp4)

That's a Greek in Mariupol, this is what he says:

>"…my daughter lives in my house-"

>"So you are staying in Mariupol, you are not considering leaving from there…"
>"Leave how? If you get in the streets, you may encounter the Azof battalion, who are Ukrainian Fascists, who are to blame for the situation, and get killed."
>"I see."
>"Leave how?"
>"How is the mood in Mariupol right now?"

This is where the video I found ends. It's from a very pro-Goverment channel.


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>Priti Patel not waiving visa rules for Ukrainians

Brit/pol/bros…….I know who I want as your next Prime Minister. Next Iron Lady WHEN???


Maybe they shouldn't have invaded Ukraine then, actions have consequences


Civilian resistance group finishing up their roadblock with sandbags, fortifications, caltrops and tank traps on a roadway, what appears to be a large Russian military convoy halted in the distance. Probably determining if they should call in an air strike, push up and engage, or detour around.
Probably no point in trying to send an officer up to negotiate with these people, I have made my decision that Slavic peoples have to be some of the most stubborn and hard headed human beings to exist on planet earth. And I say that as a stubborn white mutt burger.


I am cope, cracker
And Ukro-neonazis form the battle ram of the imperial core.


But they MUST have known that it is a war they cannot win - or at least only acheive pa phyrric victory. Even if they take Kiyev tonight and Ukrainian government resigns they are quite crippled.


Yeh but this way there is more finality. If he had done that, there would have been consistent tensions and threats and posturing, this way Natos hand is forced, they have to come to a real deal and there is no more prevaricating. The lines are drawn, if they crossed missiles fly. Its a more stable position than an unending tit for tat minor conflict


See, retard >>538891

Now switch the words Ukraine for Donbas, zelnsiky for Pushilin. See the results.


>Brit/pol/bros…….I know who I want as your next Prime Minister. Next Iron Lady WHEN???
Welcome to the club anon.


File: 1646071315142.jpg (120.22 KB, 1054x1280, 29th of february.jpg)

Russian communists will protest people being firing over signing an anti-war petition on 29th of February.


>Priti Patel
>Prime minister
Nigel farage has a better chance


Do it again, based Khrushchev.


I'll remind myself that actions have consequences as Ukraine gets increasingly Gronzified.


Nah, they are brainwashed by western propaganda.


Priorities straight, commendable.


Yes, but there is no other options. If the west invades one day, okay, you will fight a defensive war and that is it. You will prevail, as Russia has through the centuries. But invading outwards is a suicide move.


File: 1646071399013.webm (1.67 MB, 1280x720, 1645961026895.webm)


Imagine when your greater asset for resisting an invasion is daring the enemy to shoot you.

Another bunch of innocent civilians soon to be victims of the barbaric eastern hordes.


Yes. This is also my stance. I don't like Putin. But I hate the West a thousand times more and want them to burn.


Btw did you see BBC whitewashing Bandera? Apparently you say he's bad that's Putinist propaganda.


>Socialist Alternative


Taiwan is not fucking and married to china, its a treacherous duplicitous country, my analogy stands.

Bolivia and Nicaragua are the weasly twins. Cuba and North Korea are the weasley parents.

I think he is motivated by self defence. If he is so, provoking further would be stupid. If he is defensively motivated, his position should be defensive, not agressive, right now hes toeing the line.

that was before the invasion, now they know hes serious.

thats like saying Venezuela is the imperial core because Juan Gaydo exists. Its silly. stop being silly.


Somebody has that webm with that Star Wars nerd freaking as a soy Ukraine stan following Ukrop disinfo on Twitter?


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well, so far invading outwards has pretty much bitch slapped Nato into place with minimal loss for Russia. What I'm saying is if he goes further the loses will start to mount and the gains will be in constant jeopardy





Russia isn't third world, its second world.


Putin should contact me to handle the invasion, I'm very good at hoi4. It's obvious he doesn't know what he's doing and is not as well informed of the facts as I am. He wishes he could be in the Telegram channels I am.


>Stopping a military with a road block
If that convoy decides to move forward they will just shoot everybody blocking that road and then clear out the spiky metal things


didn't ukrainian nationalists literally try to genocide jews and poles living in ukraine while the nazis were invading? how did this get memoryholed?


Does look like a T-14 the rear of the turret is a dead giveaway.


I'm bored—Nukes fucking when?


Soon, just after Russia captures Kiev



>that was before the invasion, now they know hes serious.

No, it just happened.


why do western libtards think that the losses of russian companies on their stock market in any way impact their real economy? its not like rosneft or gazprom are producing 80% stuff less now that their stock has tumbled lmfao


UN General Assembly is complete fucking bullshit. They are litterally begging Putin to stop even though he isn't even present. Is this a good example of how much diplomacy always this powerless and retarde, that even in a wartime situation they can do nothing but talk?


Reminder that Golden Dawn, a party with 10% of the vote, supported by Russia, had armed paramilitary wings and murdered migrant workers and left wing activists.

You need to get a grip. Russia is in bed with the far right.


its not like you need oil for plastics that we use for literally everything.


>didn't ukrainian nationalists literally try to genocide jews and poles living in ukraine while the nazis were invading? how did this get memoryholed?
Yes. IIRC there was even a pogrom after Germany surrendered, or at the very least after the Nazis got ran out of Ukraine.


oh, well that sucks then lmao. Usually doesnt take only one round of talks tho



Also, feel free to keep on moving the goalpost, lib.


> 10%
And now look at Ukraine which is turned into a Nazi state by the CIA


Russia pumps money in the far left and the far right. Yes this stinks but its also hardly surprising.


File: 1646071946095.mp4 (13.4 MB, 576x1024, 1498348178353139712_1.mp4)

New video showing what appears to be a massive convoy hit and possibly abandoned and now being looted by villagers. No idea where at all. Somewhere in the shit.


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The convoy was strafed and shot at by the ghost of kyiiv


I came holy shit


It's often a dog and pony show for the public, but serious talks take place in private trough secondary diplomatic channels. It's useful.


>Thanks, /leftypol/, you've helped to finally convince me to go liberal
Later dude


Ukrainian? I don't see the Russian markings on them


Cameraman be like "Woah! Cool Strela!"


The worst thing of all of this is that Russia gets painted as the big bad villain while the CIA that funded terrorists that killed a lot of people in Ukraine back in 2014 gets away with it, i am seething bros, if i was Xi i would demand the US Government to disclose the CIA Officers that idealized that operation in 2014 to be beheaded in public television.


Can you walk my dog for $5


hmmm, I had forgotten that. Yes, this one definitely goes in my "to spam in every thread if putin doesn't calm down" file


Why do you want Putin to calm down? Do you want history to go back in the box?


That may or may not have been the better move (and these were the only two moves), but the West and Ukraine would have called that a war of invasion anyway, and there would have been combat between the two anyway. It's just a question of whether the war is at the Donbas border or nationwide.
And remember, they had already started imposing sanctions, already killed the NS2 pipeline, and escalated the shelling of Donbas before Russia even entered at all.
There was going to be war either way, and there was going to be all possible sanctions either way, and then you're stuck fighting a war for who knows how long at the Donbas border, which will escalate into other disputes and may wind up in broader war anyway. The whole point of Ukraine policy (meaning US policy) was to force a war ("to fight Russia over there so we don't have to fight them here"). Russia chose the option of going big and ending the war sooner rather than later. Whether that was the better choice or not, I don't know.



And Golden dawn also had ties with China…. do you know why? because these "nationalists" wanted to do business with Russia and China. The only EU nationalists party NATO doesn't care (and you only care because you brought the gd here to the discussion) are the ones that are real nationalists to the point that they prefer to eat shit rather than do business with China and Russia.


label at the beginning says "lebedyn-trostyanets road", that's ~50 km south from sumy



I just want this history to end, too much suffering


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Don't forget this. I'm counting on you to btfo the kremlinbots if this war go on.


So much dirt and mud on them its hard to tell. Plus now Belarus is committing large numbers of its own military soldiers and equipment to the war. Could be Chechen. Most of it doesn't even look damage. Maybe Russian fuel logistics never arrived.


> 1993
He has changed his views


File: 1646072350868.png (909.24 KB, 992x712, azovBTFO.png)

Обещанный Мариупольский котёл уже почти готов! Ждём тотальное уничтожение полка "Азов". Эти мрази не заслужили ни уважения, ни сочувствия.

The promised Mariupol cauldron is almost ready! We are waiting for the total destruction of the Azov regiment. These scum deserve neither respect nor sympathy.




Ukraine has been waging a desinfo campaign and I'm sure they're trying to stir up shit here too.




You do realise an insurgency in Ukraine would devastate Ukraine and be YUGE boost to Nato and the Far Right in Europe, and Russia likely wouldn't win much more than they currently have under control, there is a much higher chance they would lose a lot.

another bullet in my anti china gun. Sources though please

interesting. Do you have a source for the Golden Dawn thing?




Boy, if you could read Fidel Castro before he actually became communist. But guess DiaMat is a hard concept to grasp for some radlibs like you.


I'm surprised no one has posted Russeld if I'm correct




>another bullet in my anti china gun. Sources though please

Right here buddy: [spoiler]kill yourslef[/spoiler]


>Implying fascist dogs care about that.
Slit their throats and be done with it.



to what?
putin is not a communist


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Woah that's only the third time I've seen that posted in this thread!


wtf based



most likely russian, see license plate on the truck at 1:54


He gave the state control over the economy and now fights plutocratic imperialism


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U w U


>putin is not a communist
Re-read. I know it is difficult for you. He's not, and by his age, he probably won't change. But Fidel was your average liberal until he faced the material conditions and he was genuine to change to the things he idealized. Putin was the same, but changed from the nature you see there to something else, as Fidel did.


>You do realise an insurgency in Ukraine would devastate Ukraine


File: 1646072655516.jpeg (709.53 KB, 1416x704, russia.jpeg)

Allegedly this convoy heading to Kiev is 17 miles long.


Ah thanks I'd been looking for that screenshot so I could combine it with
>When Putin was put on the throne of Russian power by an ailing Boris Yeltsin in 1999, his face was rather sympathetic, attractive even – and his rhetoric was entirely sound. It seemed to many that the man ascending the heights of the Russian pyramid of power was an intelligent official devoid of pride and arrogance and a modern individual who understood that post-Soviet Russia had only one possible path into the future: democracy. He talked about democracy quite a bit in his interviews back then, promising the citizens of the Russian Federation continued reforms, free elections, freedom of speech, the observance of human rights by the authorities, cooperation with the west, and, most importantly, a constant rotation of those in power.
Also notice how all the Germans clapped at the Pinochet line


why the fuck burning your passport is a way of apolgize?


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How do you deal with the fact that so many MSM-fed westoids completely buy the glowie narrative? It's like they learned nothing from "Iraq has WMDs." How strong is the ideological hold that we are contending with?



Minimal loss for Russia? The living standard of the average Russian dropped by half in a weekend.


how tf she knows how to start a fucking russian tank, i can't even start a truck


That qt ukranian driving the captured russian vehicle is making me rethink rooting for russia brehs

>tfw no slav tank driver gf


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It's like Pelosi kneeling at blacks.

>mfw living in this reality



Iraq/WMDs has been completely erased by this. Sorry. Complaining about the US lying and invading countries? That's very 20th century. It's time now for the left-liberal convergence.




dengism and its consequences have been an unmitigated disaster on the minds of the internet leftist.


i am saying it is a flase equivalence, and even if fidel was your average liberal, which he wasn't, the context is still completely different. Comparing them is truly bananas

im talking more like a break up of yugoslavia vibe than the tame shit we've seen right now

this is why the "putin is a communist" line is fucking insane


What narrative?


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You don't even have to go back that far. I remember Assad. They beat that horse for awhile. Now it's Assad-who? but they were going insaneo style on it for awhile.


most burgers have been indoctrinated with Russia bad. It just got strengthened by Trump bad, then this invasion. Of course we have racially tied communism to Russia so Putin who is anti-communist is also making communism look bad in the eyes of your average burger.


The tank girl video is originally from February… 2021


>I was a degenerate fascist in my youth but now I use words like dialectical materialism, this means Putin can change too so he is not a neolib chicago boy anymore (he nationalized one business in 2004)


line go up line go down. That doesn't translate to a drop in living standards immediately. There has also literally always been sanctions on russia, forever. I also said minimal, not none


9 killed, 37 wounded, including 3 children as result of Russian army shelling on Kharkiv today - Kharkiv Mayor Terekhov


Christ, how long is Russia gonna take to capture Kiev, Mariupol, and Kharkov already?


>Kharkiv Mayor Terekhov
Wasn't he imprisoned by Azov?


"Russian soldiers have killed Ukrainian civilians and nearly all of their dogs."

I have very big doubts about this video, the russian soldiers seem to be way more friendly than the ukraine psychos that break into civilian houses and schools.


This whole shit reminds me of Nagorno-Karabakh. Armenia was claiming to have won until the day before they announced defeat and full retreat from the region.


many more hours


by the way I hope you all are at least smart enough to ignore literally every body count from everybody.

The only things you can be sure happened are things both sides say happened. Even then..




>Wasn't he imprisoned by Azov?
I mean, pretty sure they found a substitute that was in azov




Not only that, but she also lives in Russia and makes youtube videos about cars.
Here's her channel.

I swear, twitter tards will believe anything without even checking the profile of the person who uploaded it.




>which he wasn't
He was, lol, he was a member of a party named Orthodox party, and wrote as an Op-Ed journo for the Marti newspaper.
>Comparing them is truly bananas
I delimited the exact parts where they are different and where they are similar.

The radlib posting the article, and reposting the article will never do such assessment because he wants to hate le ebin putin


I like how they don't tell you how many soldiers or if the kids were killed or wounded


Why are you lyin? Omg, stop fuggen lyin


Between Banderastan, and the most advanced degenerate mutants of capitalism that support them (the west), or Vlasovia & the degenerate oligarchs that rape its people senslessly…

May they all face punishment before the Eternal Georgian Man that haunts their nightmares.


I'd agree with you for now let's see how the economic moves he'll have to make for Russia to cruise through the sanctions without a scratch affect him though
The author of that piece is terrified you're wrong though
>Putin declared that the collapse of the USSR was the greatest catastrophe of the 20th century. For all clear-headed Soviet people, its collapse had been a blessing; it was impossible to find a single family unscathed by the red wheel of Stalinist repressions. Millions were annihilated. Tens of millions were poisoned by the fumes of communism – an unattainable goal requiring moral and physical sacrifices by Soviet citizens. But Putin didn’t manage to outgrow the KGB officer inside of him, the officer who’d been taught that the USSR was the greatest hope for the progress of mankind and that the west was an enemy capable only of corruption. Launching his time machine into the past, it was as if he were returning to his Soviet youth, during which he’d been so comfortable. He gradually forced all his subjects to return there as well.
The trouble with you other that you're an annoying tripfags is that you don't truly believe that Communism isn't just good it's also simply scientifically correct
I know you want to and that's to your credit, but It's something you need to work on


I legit thought that we were seeing improvements in this area, very discouraging to see so many nominal "leftists" immediately revert to following the NATO/MSM/Natsec line without question


>Golden Dawn, a party with 10% of the vote, supported by Russia
Source: NED


We need to have a vigilant eye to see if any tech scam company actually tries to make some shit like this.
Man, just imagine the fucking laughter.


File: 1646073345227.png (56.31 KB, 418x354, cereal guy.png)

Putin will never be a Dengist!



but really tho can we see some sources on this bross


Yeah but the WMD thing is much more widely understood to be bogus. Assad was never as big a boogeyman as Saddam.


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This is why people like Agent Kochinski need to be countersignaled.


Tbh I'm more invested now in Mariupol encirclement that I am in the Kiev siege.
Who's with me?


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umm actually its russians *adds 2000 to russian casualties*


It normally would have looked like this on night one.


I mean he didn't achieve nuclear bogeyman status but the gas shit is identical.


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More hot takes from armchair generals, think tanks, glowies, journalists, talking heads, sources familiar with tank commanders thinking.
Social media was a mistake


>another bullet in my anti china gun. Sources though please
KKE wrote a screeching article about the ambassador meeting with them but at the same time, the KKE screeching phagget meets the ambassador years after the screeching article and poses with the ambassador. Is the founder of the In Defense Of Communism website. You can find the article in the KKE, and using the name of the writer find the pictures of him meetiing with the ambassador on the foreing relationships website of China.

and not likethis >>539078, but you are retarded.


Does he give any background on why they were on the road or why Russian soldiers started shooting at them? Not saying this is fake somehow, it's just a really weird situation without context.


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sweet, free tanks


lmao at the last one, hmmm maybe that should make you think critically about the numbers


The gas shit is identical (inculding neither Assad nor Saddam being exonerated in the public eye), but the WMD lie has pretty thoroughly been publicly debunked. That's my point. You would think there's some kind of teaching moment here, but there isn't.


>During today's speech, Ukrianian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that would release some prisoners, mainly with Military training, to fight against the Russian Invading Forces!

>Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on the release of prisoners and war criminals for participation in hostilities: "Under the conditions of the military situation, participants in military operations, Ukrainians with real combat experience will be released from custody."

I thought ukrainian morale is high and they have hundreds of thousands of volunteers…why are they acting so desperate like 1945-germany?


Why would Russia expose the bulk of their fresh forces to easy rocket and artilery attacks?


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>remove russia from un security council
what would this cuck do if that were to happen?


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>announced that would release some prisoners mainly with Military training, to fight against the Russian Invading Forces!
>more saboteurs incomming





They allegedly gained air superiority early today or late yesterday.


veto it?




They will not succeed in removing Russia. If they do the UN simply ceases to be a relevant organ. That is perhaps what they want, but even in this moment, they will not win. Only the Europeans have gone mad right now. But Anglo media will potentially infect the world with this madness, as it always does.




We're watching an old Russel Bentley video.

People need to see the background context of this shit.



also burger leftists are generally sympathetic to cuba regardless of what other opinions they may have, it could be fruitful to bring up cuba's stance on the conflict to get people questioning things


>Fox News


If you're supporting Russia you're supporting a multipolar world where the US hegemony is directly challenged, in fact I would go bigger and say that even if Putin is a turbo oligarch he is way better just because he's not NATO, Putin is not the kind of guy that would sanction a socialist country, that itself should be enough reason to support him IMO, not because I share ideological views with him, but because his mere existence is actually beneficial to my own views.

Communists should adapt themselves to the historical situations, for now Putin is the biggest enemy of NATO and NATO is the biggest enemy to socialism worldwide. Every time Putin wins he's indirectly supporting socialism by weakening its biggest enemy.


Switzerland says it will freeze Russian assets, setting aside a tradition of neutrality.

>After a meeting with the Swiss Federal Council, Switzerland’s president, Ignazio Cassis, said that the country would immediately freeze the assets of Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin, Prime Minister Mikhail V. Mishustin and Foreign Minister Sergey V. Lavrov, as well as all 367 individuals sanctioned last week by the European Union.


Fox News can report facts. They are ideologically slanted but that doesn't mean they say nothing true ever… This is objectively a fact or not.


when you're definitely winning


>Putin is not the kind of guy that would sanction a socialist country
a socialist country that is not a threat to him


>implying Putin wouldn't A. backstab us the moment he wins and B. that we'd in any way be capable of fighting back


Also, the west are the ones escalating the conflict and would have deployed most of not all the same sanctions even if Russia just defended the Donbass republics, once the Ukranian government decided to fully ditch Minsk2.

The armed conflict was always going to happen as well as the sanctions and NATO block disciplining, Russia is just making the best of the hand NATO has forced them to play, and Russia too knew this day would come and have been preparing for it aswell since 2014


>SPFS is a Russian equivalent of the SWIFT financial transfer system, developed by the Central Bank of Russia.[1] The system has been in development since 2014, when the United States government threatened to disconnect Russia from the SWIFT system.[2]

>The first transaction on the SPFS network involving a non-bank enterprise was executed in December 2017.[3] In March 2018, over 400 institutions (mostly banks) were part of the network.[1]

>At the end of 2020, there are 23 foreign banks connected to the SPFS from Armenia, Belarus, Germany, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Switzerland.[9]
>The system only works within Russia,[3] though there are plans to integrate the network with the China-based Cross-Border Inter-Bank Payments System.

<Russia slashes dollar & euro from reserves in favor of gold & yuan

>Russia has been steadily diversifying national reserves since Washington began imposing sanctions in 2014, in order to cut its economy’s reliance on the US dollar. In 2019, the share of bullion holdings in Russia’s reserves surpassed US dollar holdings for the first time.


>Digital renminbiis a central bank digital currency issued by China's central bank. The digital RMB is legal tender[4] and has equivalent value with other forms of renminbi, also known as the Chinese yuan (CNY), such as bills and coins.The digital yuan is designed to move instantaneously in both domestic and international transactions.[2][5] It aims to be cheaper and faster than existing financial transactions.[2] The technology enables transactions to take place between two offline devices.[6][7]

>The digital RMB could provide a cheaper and more practical alternative to international transactions that are outside the U.S.-led global financial system, especially for countries with strong ties to China.[2][6] It is feared by U.S. commentators and officials that the digital RMB would weaken the ability of the U.S. to monitor and control the global financial system, through "dollar weaponization," such as sanctions[2][28] and through its intelligence access to the SWIFT payment system.

The multipolarity is going to happen, this is just the US jumping the schedule straight to war.


no anglo media has been reporting facts these last few days, it's all fantasy


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The sand is shifting under our feet and the world stage is changing rapidly. the great reset is upon us.


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If your heart breaks for what is happening today, remember it could have been China's fate too if not for this man. Without the CPC, There would be no China. Mao Ze Dong liberated China from the yoke of Western and Japanese imperialism, the helmsman of the republic. Deng Xiao Ping strengthened China economically, the architect of Modern China. Xi Jin Ping helps further strengthen China into a super power, extending relations with Eurasia and Africa, the essence of Chinese Culture.
Even Jiang Zemin was good. He furthered Deng’s policies and catapulted china into the 21st century. Hu and Wen both were very good leaders tackling internal issues and further strengthening the foundations of Chinese society. Basically, if it wasn’t for Mao, Deng, Jiang, Hu and Wen. Xi would not have the resources to face the challenges head on. All were great, all were leaders we needed at the specific circumstances. I truly believe China is one of the few countries blessed, as each time, just when the country/nation or culture is about to break, a diligent, capable and strong leader comes and lead this entire nation out of the times of trouble.


>implying you can remove someone from the UNSC.
>Specially with China and India tacitly supporting Russia.
If the west dedicdes to strip Russia's UNSC power even without India's/China's approval this would be war.


If he was a sigma male he would veto it, then put forward a resolution to remove both US and RF since the US does the same shit.




how long until they start the children and elderly conscription


Thankfully, now China has the worlds largest number of billionaires and millionaires.


>If he was a sigma male he would veto it
but, is he?


No! we have to be above it all and only support idealized things that are completely theoretical or have almost no connection to reality, or else we might offend liberals.


Why is Jill Biden preparing American military families for war?


im starting to see people refer to #Z-Anon as God Emperor Zelensky


There was a picture of a teenager girl in the weapon party some days ago holding an AK.


>true socialism is when ur economy is dirt and everyone is poor




> Putin is not the kind of guy that would sanction a socialist country
If Georgia, for instance, nationalized Russian capital within their borders I have no doubt Putin would literally slaughter the entire government.


>>If he was a sigma male he would veto it
>but, is he?
Yeah, a Xigma male


You would think they already learned from dirlewanger that those "people" are worthless at actual combat.


China simply has more people than anywhere else in the world, no shock there.


lol does someone really thought they were neutral?


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Join your fuhrer



Just wait some dumbshit anarchist on twitter is gonna call this le epic prison abolition.


Welcome on the nuclear target list


But that's because it's a threat to his geopolitical interests, not because they became socialists.

Putin wouldn't give a fuck if all south america became socialist for example, in fact he would sell them weapons.




capping this post for when it is inevitably right



nobody here is "supporting" anyone. unless you're signing up to fight on behalf of one of the countries, or unless you work for BAE Systems and decide to put a few dud detonators in the missiles being shipped to the area, you're not doing shit. you're a bystander, a spectator, not a supporter.

and your analysis is overly simplistic. imagine, for example, that russia loses and is weakened, but pushed into China's orbit - you can still wind up with a multipolar world as China's power is boosted by Russia falling into its orbit, while India or something finally becomes a superpower by 2040.


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The chair is against the wall…
The chair is against the door…
John has a long mustache…
John has a long mustache…
Wound my heart with monotonous languor…
Wound my heart with monotonous languor…


I have no idea how they would remove someone from the security council. Historically, they could never do this even when there were much, much higher stakes (such as removing China). I don't believe there is even a theoretical path to do this, and it's intentionally is designed so there is no mechanism. The entire idea behind the security council is that permanent members cannot be removed.

Seems like pure westoid delusion from living in as the apex predator for so long and not ever having to acknowledge the UNSC.


Those fuckers stored Nazi gold in WWII. Reminder that the Nazis were literally picking over the bodies of murdered Jews to search for gold, even pulling out gold teeth with pieces of gums still attached. Worse, they forced Jews in concentration camps to loot the corpses.



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Campist retards when you tell them about Putin frequently using Wagner grouplegalizing spousal abuse and beating of gay people.


So he is the kind of guy to sanction socialist countries. Circumstantially, that's not presently in his interest.





Russia can veto it anyway so it's a moot point, just funny to make dumb hypotheticals about


God willing Givi will not have died in vain.



Who is Givi


fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck bros
RIP Givi, he would've been so happy seeing what's happening now.


Based Kadyrovtsy fighting these Nazi Ukr*inians! Multipolarity now!


> imagine, for example, that russia loses
Russia won't "lose", they either win (as its the case right now) or they and NATO destroy the entire world.
That's the "beauty" of nuclear weapons, they make you pretty much unbeatable because if you lose the entire world loses with you.


иди топай на украину хохлов давить



I don't think you can even make such a resolution. Makes no sense obviously. The UN charter was not designed around the idea that permanent security members could be removed infact it kind of goes against the whole idea.


Mikhail Tolstykh DPR commander. Givi was his callsign.


lmao Putin isn't gonna send the nukes if they get pushed out unless they come into direct conflict with NATO


DPR commander and a well-known war criminal



They won't get pushed out unless they come in direct conflict with NATO.


Epic prison abolition. But somehow I feel they won't liberate the communists and the anarchists.


in which case they aren't stupid enough to do this


Anarchists are already defending Kyiv from the invaders, the ones who have military expertise and willing to do the same surely will be freed too.




There are a lot of anarchists in prison and there are a lot of anarchists who don't want to fight.


According to *wikipedia* the war-crimes he's accused of are exactly the ones in that video, where he taunts the prisoners and makes them eat their patches, which is a violation of the geneva convention.


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Car of one of the generals' commanders used to travel through lines.
Note the shots on the windshield and the white paint noting some weird things happening.


Russian wikipedia has more info on his crimes though


>che was a mass murderer
fuck off


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The coomers got to him


This is multipolarity being killed in the future days. Russia, regardless of the outcome of the current war, will come out of it a shell of itself.


Do you guys think revolutionary rape is happening in Ukraine?


When the civilian is sus! 😳


There are no big cities being taken, but Kiev will fall soon


i hope so, ive heard azov boypussies are pretty tight


Seems more like a soldier. Also, if civilian, he will get killed.


No, but I hope Zelensky gets revolutionary rope'd



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>fight for a state with a recognized neo-nazi battalion
>die for nato
Why? Each side, who ever wins this cluster fuck of a war will just shoot you in the back anyway.


Where the fuck are the maoists


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Bloods versus Crips


>Succdem accusing someone else of LARP


In china eating popcorn and supporting Putin on weibo.


And so it starts the great civilian suicide by military.


>The left should stand with NATO.
Fuck off.


>russians don't even react


Slightly premature triumphalism eh? Also #UkraineIsWinning.


living the dream


Protracted Ukrop War! Protracted Ukrop War!


American Left stands with Ukraine. Russian Left stands with Ukraine. Finnish Left stands with Ukraine. French Left stands with Ukraine.
Don't you see a trend?


Russia will soon stop allowing cars on roads.


Yes, the trend that you need to go touch grass


In Peru, in Turkey, in the Philippines, in India, in Nepal, they are always bringing us closer to socialism with each passing day. Long live the immortal wisdom of Chairman Gonzalo!


yeah, i do, the left stands with ukraine, while communists stand with russia (critically)


Global south left stands with Russia


How long until the Azov Batallion resorts to "Car Bomb with person inside" tactics?


Yes, they're massive cucks just like you.


Yes, I've noticed the trend of Left-Liberal convergence occuring for quite some time now. And now I also realize it is complete, there is no different, in any meaningful sense, between any mainstream left tendency and liberalism.


Abandoned ukrainian BDRM. Stuck in mud, apparently.


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>Don't you see a trend?




This by no way could go wrong!


Uh bros? I thought Ukranian mud was patriotic and was only going to stuck Russian vehicles? Is Ukranian earth defecting?


humiliating pow on camera is still very shitty, and is still a warcrime


That they are imperial socdems


Yes. Glowies and irrelevant first world LARPers are stupid.


Only a few dudes ended up with azov/right sector. Not representative of the Ukrainian anarchist movement at large. (Besides some communists also were involved with azov at some point) 2014 was simply a mess.
Now why this group decided to fight? From what I read on Crimethinc one faction of anarchists consider that NATO/US can be tactical allies because Rojava and that the situation for Ukrainian revolutionaries will worse under Russia's boot, so they decided to fight.


Why do people even bother to be "left" anymore? Just be liberals. Like blondes, you'll have more fun.


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The art of deal


In a multipolar world this shit wouldn't happen because VK and Weibo would be as big as twitter and facebook.

Another reason to support Russia.


Better her than Truss


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How long before the next thread? I don't want to waste some crazy new stuff I found on an old used up roasty thread.


Arming civilians was such a great idea, such heroes. Ukraine is fighting back guys!


Everyone really wants Putin to stop this war, just shows how genius a move it is really.


There is 531 replies. Thread goes (full) at 600


>china wants to imperialize russia
defend this dengoids


Xi is pulling off his belt to give Putin a paddling and then some tough love with a belt and road initiative.


well that's one way to make sure no civvies will be able to get out. good jerb


lol, bitch, we communists here


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Based, i will never mock cryptotards ever again.


It's gonna be so funny when goldfish-brained Amerilard media consumers consider Xi based for standing up to Putin when two weeks ago they considered him Hitler 2.0 for Xinjiang


>You can't kill civilians in a war it's not allowed.
Apparently nobody ever got this memo


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Imagine being a BBC disinformation specialist


This is so idiotic, I hope russia kills them if they do it again.


>civilians defending their country against agressors. It's not "suicide" its their patriotic duty. They can't be killed because killing them is a war crime and genoocide against ukrainians. You can't kill civilians in a war it's not allowed.
It's hopeless for the Ukrainians absent of further Western escalation, civilians lose their civilian "privileges" when they become combatants, flooding the country with machine guns will… Oh you're baiting, aren't you?


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I remember reading a short essay in the anarchist library about how the anarchists fighting in Rojava should accept American arms and aid and that it was time to overlook the imperialism of the past. Disgusting as fuck.
Getting the same energy reading the news of all this shit.


uh honey its called a science-based truth corrector


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Russia got preapproved.


brilliant move honestly. nice to see the west get humiliated for once


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What do you guys think of this? Will Hungary be the only one doing this or will others do the same with not complying with NATO?



omg…. fucking civilians, man, fucking moron civilians. Unless you go to a fucking camp for months training guerilla warfare what they are doing is trying to get killed without even putting a fight.


Germany was doing this till 2 days ago then Gave in and sent arms


This not the own you think it is.


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>VK and Weibo would be as big as twitter and facebook
already are. in a multipolar world this would happen because each side hates the other side, and the other side's social media platforms collect your data and brainwash you


What kind of "bbc disinformation" are we talking about here?


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>In Peru, in Turkey, in the Philippines, in India, in Nepal, they are always bringing us closer to socialism with each passing day. Long live the immortal wisdom of Chairman Gonzalo!


I don't understand why Russia chooses this strategy. I get the Soviet military doctrine, the deep battle tactic, which seems to be designed to take some hits early on and then have the trap snap. But why did they send old Cold War gear and conscripts in the first wave deep into enemy territory? They lost so much men and equipment due to logistical problems. Now, the second echolon rolls on, and it carries some heavy shit, like apparently T-14 Armatas.

Wouldn't it be smarter to send in the best troops first to establish a beachhead? Or did they that think they can use conscripts and old gear because the Ukrainian army is so weak that they would already be overwhelmed and then easily roll up the country with the second and third much more professional echolon? If it was a deliberate decision, to sacrifice so much equipment and risk the loss of manpower, only to then secure the victory with the heavier troops, then that is very cold-blooded, I gotta say.

The average Russian does not react more tolerating towards body bags coming home than the average Westerner. That was a problem for the government during the Afghanistan War, during the Chechen War, during the Donbass Conflict 2014, and during the Syrian War where Putin's approval ratings took a dive.

I still think Russia is pretty clearly winning, especially now that I see what kind of stuff they now introduce to the field. But the whole operation seems weird and miscalculated. Especially, since Ukraine is the perfect terrain for the Russian military, especially with their high reliance on heavy tanks, because it's mostly fields. Maybe they should have just tried to blitz them, instead of deep battle tactic, but then again, preserving as many civilian lives as possible seems to be one of the priorities.


Found on /k/ - compilation of new Ukrainian UAV strikes (believed to be Turkish drones) hitting Russia hard.
At the end are some drone strikes against what appears to be large fuel trains on railroad tracks, possibly up in the north, possibly Belarus.

Could explain the logistics/supply problems and why so many vehicles appear to be running out of fuel and left abandoned.


Unlikely. The US has spent every day of the last five years re-orientating it's entire grand strategy to be anti-China. This war is just annoying for them. They are, presently, formulating the way they will exploit this further antagonize China. Many possibilities: Declaration of defense of Taiwan, diplomatic recognition of Taiwan, arm sales to Taiwan, arms sales to Japan, arms sales to south Korean, nuclear missiles on Guam, nuclear missiles in the pacific, THADD in Singapore. THADD in Phillipines. There are so many options.


hungary and serbia formally invited to the eurasia dengist union spearheaded by the russo-sino alliance




bbc thread on /siberia/


The 1st wave was probably probing attacks and for weakening the Ukranians, now the 2nd wave is basically an irresistible force


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>thousands of years from now there is going to be a Jewish holiday centered on the exploits of Zelensky
>and while the details will be fuzzy and/or wrong
Already got a 1000 year head start on that one bud.


It's extremely dangerous to collaborate with capitalist superpowers but sometimes the other choice is death. Accepting American arms/aid/intel is not so much a problem (sell you the rope and all that) but not sticking to basic principles is real bad. So you see "anarchists" wanting to overlook imperialism and "communists" defending the idea of struggle between civilizations. All opportunists.


I wouldn't believe anything coming from the ukrainian MoD l, they caught faking shit already.


Russia could have gone full WWII overdrive and kill everything on sight but they chose not to, this was a deliberate decision.
Still it's amazing they're so close to capturing kiev after just a week.


Where is Leninhat?




>Found on /k/ - compilation of new Ukrainian UAV strikes
Stopped reading.
Ukraine lies everyday and the cuc/k/ed retards believe every word.



We bullied him too hard in the first few days of the war, hopefully he fucked off and killed himself




They ran out of drones now though. Those were some of their aces they pulled out of their sleeve in the beginning, but now they are a sitting duck once Mariupol falls.

Also, since when did the fucking Turks get so good with regards to making drones?


Cyberbullied for his retarded takes


Stupid ukrop sets his gf on fire for no reason. Molotov cocktails do absolutely nothing to tanks or armored vehicles. Their achievement is that later some Russian soldier might notice a little soot residue, if they don't drive thru a mud puddle in the mean time, in which case it will be covered by dirt-water spray.

This is literally this Zizek joke about dusty balls: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkptPb0gS_Y


he said 2 days ago that he will never be back, came back 1 day later to make 2 posts…. so, you know… around


Doesn't it seem obvious they are, as you note, acting under highly restrictive rules of engagement to minimize casualties.

I don't think it's extremely confusing, they wanted a political settlement.

The tone of military experts, who express confusion and bemusement at this strategy, is imo a facade to avoid clearly addressing that they are participating in their own side's psychological warfare operations, and seeking to nullify this strategy on purpose.

They want a political settlement to fail, they want to give hope and morale to Ukrainian side to keep them fighting, and they want Russia to be forced to wield its might against civilians in order to ruin its reputation and moral claims.


all the moral condemnation posters exhausted themselves immediately


<Turkey, no warship goes in through the straits. We are abiding by this decision to the Montreux convention.


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More free tanks that can be converted into tractors to plow fields.

Abandoned T-80 tanks of 4th Guards Tanks Division, 1st Guards Tank Army. Possibly T-80BV and T-80U. Not sure how this advance turned out overall for them, they might be trying to get on T1705.


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>>539320 (me)
wrong pic


>throw fire at steel
(jet fuel can't melt steel beams)
>good job, now you have fire inside your own vehicle


Turks invested massively into autarky and their own arms industry since they regularly make people angry and get sanctioned


>Molotov cocktails do absolutely nothing to tanks or armored vehicles
They do but you have to make premium ones (alcohol+diesel) and throw like 15 or 20


Yes they are definitely striking railroads in Belarus with drones. Russia has complete and uncontested air superiority on the entire corridor North of Kyiv.


If anything, this benefits russia the most. They already have naval supremacy, while ukraine would rely on being gifted ships by nato countries if they wanted to reestablish a navy after theirs was abolished.


Can someone please please explain to me, why is Russia?


Well, so far the Russian strategy seems to be working, but they still don't have hegemony in the reporting I guess. Because every single atrocity I've seen in this war that was deliberately committed was committed by Ukrainian troops. While the Russians seem to show uttermost restraint (they haven't always, see Syria), Ukrainians resort to more desperate methods, maybe the Russians truly try to win the hearts and minds of the people.


They are completely reliant on russian gas, so much that they are, in the midst of their economic crisis right now, prioritise to find foreign currency to pay their gas fees.


Mongols didn't go far enough


Because vodka.


Because ukraine .


>he said 2 days ago that he will never be back
lmao is there a screencap? what a bitter pathetic loser


That would be nice, but I think it's hard to deny that strategy has failed and Russia will change its strategy soon.


I hope World of Tanks and Warthunder make an event to celebrate the denazification of Ukraine.
If WoT could bring back the GuP shit that would be great too


see the archives, it's there


Russian probably thought this was gonna be quick with no much fighting.


>I hope World of Tanks and Warthunder make an event to celebrate the denazification of Ukraine.
I too hope for these shitty MMOs to be dropped by their publishers and have their playerbases killed off


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That's why they amassed 70% of their forces on the border, presumably? Or maybe /k/ is just full of shit and Russia has actually completely secured the road from Kiev to Belarus? Which nobody doubts?


Am I falling for western propaganda or is shit not looking good for russia? Feels like balls deep invasion was a misstep tbqhwyfam




Why? Do you have a redditor mentality thinking that all russians should be punished?


you are falling for western propoganda




Wrong. That's just twitter liberals setting the goalpost as low as possible to pretend ukraine is doing well.



huh? I just have MMOs my dude



where in the archive, which thread?


>ethnonationalist puppet

This is a lie. Donbas is not ethnonationalist and seeks autonomy or separation on the basis it is oppressed for its nationality. Ukrainian nationalism alienates these people as non-Ukrainian for their ethnicity and history.


Yes it's melting my brain. I'm getting off the internet soon. "meeting more resistance that expected" is not "they are losing". Good lord. When these cities start to actually fall I don't want to actually be online. It's like staring directly at the sun.


Something I have noticed is how outdated is the military hardware Russians are using in this invasion. Don't they have more advanced military equipment at their disposal?


Fuck off vidya gaming zoomer war hawk.


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He got banned. Or deleted his own post.


It will be fun when this shit ends up in Palestine and a dude uses it to vaporize some Merkava 4s or other Israeli APCs.


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hello newfriend :)

nobody on the internet "stands with ukraine", nor does anyone "stand with russia", to stand with someone you have to offer concrete material assistance.


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This is different to them being actually funded by Russian oligarchs. Get. A. Fucking. Grip.
What I'm trying to say is that it's bizzare to support Russia as an "anti-fascist" force when they are actually supporting fascism in Europe.
Marine Le Pen almost won the election in France for fucks sake.



Νο, I'm not going to translate the sources for you, because I'm not going to waste my time arguing with retards who are supporting the biggest supporter of Nazis in my country in bad faith. Fuck you, fuck your fake leftism and fuck your retarded takes.


what did thems mean by them?


>bro we're liberating ukraine
<refuses to let nonwhites leave the country


The political compass is just astrology for the politically illiterate.


Literally same logic as the Third Reich and banderistas
>I just liberated a Ukrainian town from the Russians Soviets


How hard is it for the Ukrainians to bury artillery shells in the road


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I'm not kidding



>nobody on the internet "stands with ukraine", nor does anyone "stand with russia", to stand with someone you have to offer concrete material assistance.
Standing with Ukraine means agitating against the EU and NATO.


My mother and my siblings just died in Kiev thanks to you guys. Will you say "I'm sorry" to me now?????

Or will you keep to your Stalinist views and admit no moral wrongdoing?


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>made up shit 99% sure
your post was so cringe a basket full of puppies died because of it.


I actually saw people on Twitter had set up some way for individuals to send direct wire transfers to the Ukrainian military.


So after the devastating defeat of the Russian army, how long do you think it will take for the Putin regime to collapse? I think 6 months at most.
Russia should be partitioned too to avoid autocratic tyrants to take power in the future.

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