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 [Last 50 Posts]


Friendly reminder there are other world conflicts going on, too: https://emmeline.carto.com/viz/b69015da-136a-11e5-a64a-0e43f3deba5a/public_map


>N.B. liveuamap.com is not to be trusted, they mostly parrot Ministry of Defence, these others may not be better, check their reporting first






NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg: "NATO is not to be part of the conflict. NATO is not going to send the troops into Ukraine or move planes into Ukrainian airspace."
President of Poland Andrzej Duda: "Gentlemen, as Secretary General has now said, we are not sending any jets to Ukraine because that would open a military interference in the Ukrainian conflict. We are not joining that conflict. NATO is not a party to that conflict."

EU gives candidate status to Ukraine, agrees on a comprehensive sanctions package against Russia in the extraordinary plenary session

Russian column bears down on Kyiv, raising fear for civilians

Russia-Ukraine conflict live updates: Kharkiv hit by fresh shelling, Russia faces war crimes probe (LIVE UPDATES)

Ukraine, economy to take center stage in Biden's State of the Union address

Exodus: western companies abandon Russia

Why Markets Bounced Back So Quickly After the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Rapid escalation of Ukraine crisis fuels fear of confrontation between Russia and the West

Ukraine: Doncaster ends Russia twinning agreement over Ukraine invasion

Watching the War in Ukraine, Taiwanese Draw Lessons in Self-Reliance

Slovakia and Czech Republic consider jail sentences to people who support Russia (UNCOMFIRMED)


Ukraine’s far-right warriors set for war with Russia
>An ultra-nationalist force is brought in from the cold as Kiev’s fears increase

Armed Nationalists in Ukraine Pose a Threat Not Just to Russia
>Kyiv is encouraging the arming of nationalist paramilitary groups to thwart a Russian invasion. But they could also destabilize the government if it agrees to a peace deal they reject.

From the Maidan protests to Russia's invasion: Eight years of conflict in Ukraine


Profile: Ukraine's ultra-nationalist Right Sector

Ukrainian Right Sector demands referendum of no-confidence to government

On June 26, a group of 50 prominent foreign policy experts that included former senators, retired military officers, diplomats and academicians, sent an open letter to President Clinton outlining their opposition to NATO expansion.


https://tv.leftypol.org/r/HappeningsviaKlash (active now)

>to others writing OPs:
it is good and proper to post updated news that are a few hours old or from the same day, it provides a "snapshot" in time of what was happening on the ground and what was known at the time the thread was live. It helps give historical context to the discussion, in case someone is interested in going back, compiling posts, reading what was happening, and so on. That's the point of an archive. If the OP is made up of the same twitter links, then we might as well have a cyclical.


Friendly reminder there are other world conflicts going on, too: https://emmeline.carto.com/viz/b69015da-136a-11e5-a64a-0e43f3deba5a/public_map

>N.B. liveuamap.com is not to be trusted, they mostly parrot Ministry of Defence, these others may not be better, check their reporting first


A massive Russian column was closing in on Kyiv Tuesday, with US officials warning Russia's sheer numbers could be able to overcome the Ukrainian resistance.

Russia steps up assault on Kharkiv as 27km military convoy heads to Kyiv

Missile hits centre of Ukraine's second-biggest city (LIVE UPDATES)

Huge Russian convoy nears Kyiv (LIVE UPDATES)
>Miles-long Russian convoy nears the capital after high-level talks fail to produce ceasefire.

More than 70 Ukrainian soldiers killed by Russian artillery fire at military base, head of region says (LIVE UPDATES)

70 Ukrainian soldiers killed in Okhtyrka, huge Russian army convoy nears Kyiv (LIVE UPDATES)

Artillery Hits Apartment Building In Center Donetsk( Ukraine & Russia War)


Socialist countries and leaders on the Russia-Ukraine crisis

“Cuba aboga por una solución que garantice la seguridad y soberanía de todos”

Answer of Spokesperson for Ministry of Foreign Affairs of DPRK
>The root cause of the Ukraine crisis totally lies in the hegemonic policy of the U.S. and the West which indulge themselves in high-handedness and arbitrariness towards other countries.

NATO as Religion

Behind NATO’s ‘cognitive warfare’: ‘Battle for your brain’ waged by Western militaries


Urgent! Joint Statement of Communist and Workers’ Parties, No to the imperialist war in Ukraine!

>The Communist and Workers’ Parties signing this Joint Statement are opposed to the imperialist conflict in Ukraine, which constitutes one of the consequences of the tragic situation for the peoples shaped after the overthrow of socialism and the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Both the bourgeois and the opportunist forces, which for years have fought against the USSR and recently celebrated the 30th anniversary of its dissolution, silencing the fact that the restoration of capitalism meant the dismantling of historic workers’ and people’s achievements and brought the peoples of the USSR back to the era of class exploitation and imperialist wars, are completely exposed.

>The developments in Ukraine, which are taking place in the framework of monopoly capitalism, are linked to the US, NATO, and EU plans and their intervention in the region in the context of their fierce competition with capitalist Russia for the control of the markets, raw materials, and transport networks of the country. These pursuits are concealed by imperialist powers, which are in conflict promoting their own pretexts such as “defending democracy”, “self-defence”, and one’s right to “choose their alliances”, the compliance with the UN or OSCE principles, or supposedly “fascism”, while deliberately detaching fascism from the capitalist system that gives rise to and utilizes it.
>We denounce the activity of fascist and nationalist forces in Ukraine, anti-communism and the persecution of communists, the discrimination against the Russian-speaking population, the armed attacks of the Ukrainian government against the people in Donbas. We condemn the utilization of reactionary political forces of Ukraine, including fascist groups, by the Euro-Atlantic powers for the implementation of their plans. In addition, the anti-communist rhetoric against Lenin, the Bolsheviks, and the Soviet Union to which the Russian leadership resorts to justify its own strategic plans in the region, is unacceptable. However, nothing can tarnish the enormous contribution of socialism in the Soviet Union, which was a multinational union of equal Socialist Republics.
>The decision of the Russian Federation to initially recognize the “independence” of the so-called “Peoples’ Republics” in Donbas and then to proceed to a Russian military intervention, which is taking place under the pretext of Russia’s “self-defence”, the “demilitarization” and “defascistization” of Ukraine, was not made to protect the people of the region or peace but to promote the interests of Russian monopolies in Ukrainian territory and their fierce competition with Western monopolies. We express our solidarity with the communists and the peoples of Russia and Ukraine and we stand on their side to strengthen the struggle against nationalism, which is fostered by each bourgeoisie. The peoples of both countries, who lived in peace and jointly thrived in the framework of the USSR, as well as all other peoples have no interest in siding with one or another imperialist or alliance that serves the interests of the monopolies.
>We highlight that the illusions fostered by bourgeois forces claiming that there could be a “better security architecture” in Europe by EU intervention, NATO “without military plans and aggressive weapon systems in its territory”, a “pro-peace EU”, or a “peaceful multipolar world”, etc are highly dangerous. All these assumptions have nothing to do with reality and are misleading for the anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist struggle, seeking to cultivate the perception that “peaceful imperialism” may exist. However, the truth is that NATO and the EU, like any capitalist transnational union, are predatory alliances with a deeply reactionary nature that cannot become pro-people and will continue to act against workers’ and people’s rights and the peoples; that capitalism goes hand in hand with imperialist wars.
>We call on the peoples of the countries whose governments are involved in the developments, especially through NATO and the EU but also Russia, to struggle against the propaganda of the bourgeois forces that lure the people to the meat grinder of imperialist war using various spurious pretexts. To demand the closure of military bases, the return home of troops from missions abroad, to strengthen the struggle for the disengagement of the countries from imperialist plans and alliances such as NATO and the EU.
>The interest of the working class and the popular strata requires us to strengthen the class criterion for analyzing the developments, to chart our own independent path against monopolies and bourgeois classes, for the overthrow of capitalism, for the strengthening of the class struggle against imperialist war, for socialism, which remains as timely and necessary as ever.

1. Algerian Party for Democracy and Socialism
2. Communist Party of Azerbaijan
3. Party of Labour of Austria
4. Communist Party of Bangladesh
5. Communist Party of Belgium
6. Communist Party in Denmark
7. Communist Party of El Salvador
8. Communist Party of Finland
9. Communist Party of Greece
10. Communist Party of Kurdistan-Iraq
11. Workers Party of Ireland
12. Socialist Movement of Kazakhstan
13. Socialist Party of Latvia
14. Communist Party of Mexico
15. New Communist Party of the Netherlands
16. Communist Party of Norway
17. Palestinian Communist Party
18. Communist Party of Pakistan
19. Paraguayan Communist Party
20. Peruvian Communist Party
21. Philippines Communist Party [PKP 1930]
22. Communist Party of Poland
23. Romanian Socialist Party
24. South African Communist Party
25. Communist Party of the Workers of Spain
26. Sudanese Communist Party
27. Communist Party of Swaziland
28. Communist Party of Sweden
29. Syrian Communist Party
30. Communist Party of Turkey
31. Union of Communists of Ukraine






Dubs and Putin creates a new Soviet Union


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leftypol stop proving this picture right for five minutes challenge


We're watching the debate here:

Currently Playing: LIVE: Extraordinary plenary session on the Russian invasion of Ukraine

It's like a debate in an alternative universe where Nazis won the war. If only that weren't basically what happened.


some posts get deleted here and I can't tell why


I'm a labourer lad what are you?






Are they pro-NATO? We are deflecting a massive glowie attack right now.





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Apparently Russian-liberated administration of Zaporozhian Nuclear Plant will release statements regarding failures, errors, etc at Westinghouse.


Someone who's real sick of MLs on this board pretending to give a shit about human lives when they call anybody who gives a fuck a "liberal"


not that I can tell but maybe I guess


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a gentle reminder before engaging anyone in this thread


No this is the real thread cause it has dubs.


Lol, they should have tried to come up with a more realistic text, it looks very stupid and artificial to Russian-speakers.


EU Parliament doing a special session on the war


How is this not just fucking idpol thought.


Incorrect emotional ad-hominem. Stop painting your "enemies" as stupid, it isn't good for your mental health.

Also why the fuck did you delete the legitimate thread?


Everything and nothing is idpol


I'm sick of people pretending to give a fuck about NATO but condemn them only in passing.
"both sides bad". NO, only NATO/EU/US bad because the "badness" is OVERWHELMING.

If fighting broke out between Satan and USA, I would side with Satan because USA is the Greater Satan.



completely meaningless and consequenceless but funny at the same time


I dunno, ask OP.
it's all bad, you fucking nihilist


yeah the statements are :/ although the last paragraph basically condemns NATO first, Russia second and I guess that has some value to it


cope image, this projection of what "tankies" are does not change that "tankies" are people that don't kneel and suck off the west like every good boy dronies like destiny and voosh.


Has the airstrike on Kyivs intelligence agency that Russia was warning citizens of happened yet?


tankie go five minutes without strawmanning everybody as an e-celeb dicksucking lib challenge


Yeah you just suck the dick of people who would gladly ape the west's viciousness and callousness if given the change



It's not idpol.
How is "it's all bad" less nihilist???
I believe a new world is possible. I believe we've been seeing the end of the end of history these past few years. And I see in NATO shills the desire to perpetuate the end of history.

No to the greater satan.
No to EU.
No to NATO.
No to the IMF.
No to the World Bank.

You fukuyamists will be FORCED to reconsider your positions. You will either stop being communists and adopt "social democratic anti-communist liberal" stances, or you will fall in line with the real movement.


fuck ecelebs, our "left" party literally condemened even asking whether it couldnt be 100% the Russians fault. Stop creating ecelebs as strawmen for your position


i think this may be a russian saboteur, better have them shot just in case


Someone post the text that was in the real continuation thread that got deleted plox


cant be too careful these days


>I believe a new world is possible.
I do too. But I don't fool myself into thinking that lesser agents of imperialism are worth supporting over the top dogs. They're just as willing to fuck you

>You fukuyamists will be FORCED to reconsider your positions

tankies are the fucking kings of projection lmfao


yet you are not different from them in your malding about tankies, cope.
they could be if given the chance, but in this moment they are not like the west.


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Which one? Die Linke?
Any statements by MLPD or DKP you happen to have on hand?

The demos in Tiergarten were pretty big…


yeah Die Linke, Gysi the traitor vs wagenknecht whos mentioned just so people can rip the flesh out of her


I'm a russian speaker and it looks like a completely fine text to me, glowie. Westinghouse had failures and errors, and the world will know about it all, sinking US/EU reputation even deeper


Good OP


>I do too. But I don't fool myself into thinking that lesser agents of imperialism are worth supporting over the top dogs. They're just as willing to fuck you
And why do you think we're not aware of this? You're watching the effects of proto-multipolarity. You're insane if you don't think that ushers in a new era of socialist activity and inter-imperalist conflict.

Remember that the alternative is American Hegemony, which is what you're shilling for.
>tankies are the fucking kings of projection lmfao
Projecting what, retard?
I never said we were going to do the forcing. History will do it for you. The end of the end of history is coming. Multipolarity is coming. The world order you desire will dissolve. You will be forced to change your pro-NATO/EU status quo positon.




It's like material reality doesn't want me to stop shitposting on /leftypol/


>Projecting what, retard?
<The world order you desire will dissolve. You will be forced to change your pro-NATO/EU status quo positon.



>It's not idpol.
Saying that certain political positions do not matter not because of their substance but because people advocating them do not fit into your "worker" identity is absolutely idpol.


>You're insane if you don't think that ushers in a new era of socialist activity and inter-imperalist conflict.
<Remember that the alternative is American Hegemony, which is what you're shilling for.

Tankies go five minutes without letting the nihlism of power shred their whole damn ego challenge


the reaction to russia warning civilians of areas they're going to airstrike with specific addresses is so odd. people calling it propaganda or just straight up denying the airstrikes will occur because clearly russia is Inept if you believe everything that has been said this week.


How is that projection?????
Ah, true.
>you're just saying it because your ego
0 sense. 0 arguments.
You fear I am right.


Paying back the debt:
This is (the only?) invidious instance that doesn't censor a connection to RT:


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Lukashenko has leaked the map of dissoluted Ukraine


>How is that projection
>(saying this to a guy who pretty explicitly wants the entire global order to burn)



where is he wrong ?


It is propaganda. Propaganda ≠ disibformation, sometimes propaganda is good.


Nice OC lel


>you're just saying it because your ego
lmao I'm saying your camp are basically crackpot realists when it comes to global change


That's not what projection means. What are you even trying to say?


This looks suspiciously like shay's map


>I had a front-row seat during the strategic air campaign during Desert Storm (I was a battle damage assessment officer at CENTCOM HQ in Riyad). We bombed Baghdad non-stop for 40 days straight. Never once did we provide advance notice of a strike, even when IHL required.


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Hey, its not my fault the T-72 is one of the coolest tanks ever.


civilian warnings are a requirement under international law. supposedly they were issued hours ago but kyivs media didn't disseminate the information.


Shay did you send your manifesto to Lukashenko ?



and what you think about global change ?


based meme template


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> it's real
Shay, wtf have you done?


>What happening?
Deep lunacy


based tactical genius shay


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im still not convinced that the pacifists in these threads aren't shitposting but to re-iterate for the lurkers: Peace is not and never was an option, in this conflict or otherwise. How much peace do the 2 million+ prisoners and 8 million+ homeless people in America experience on a day to day basis? Or the countless unconscious proles stuck in their wage slavery? Or the victims of NATO imperialism from USSR to the countless examples in the global south? Rivers of blood have been spilt by the west and for the first time in 30 years someone is fighting back.
This war has been mild in comparison so far. If you want Peace, support Russia


Shay is employed as an expert of state formation by the Belarussian government.


>History books will read that 2022 partitioning of Ukraine was decided on leftypol threads.


Kiev television tower has reportedly stopped existing.


I have no fucking clue anymore, but I do think your camp is vastly overestimating how well you're going to fare in the future.


Can someone explain the fuss over Putin allegedly genociding ppl in Georgia?
My gut says its another over blown Uyghur thing, but I can’t find much.


>support Russia
What does that even mean? How am I, as a random European dude, supposed to resist or support Russia? What difference am I supposed to make? How? Why is everyone talking like they are sitting in fucking High Command?


>strange arrows
reddit brain


…so you have alot of buzzwords against their views but no arguments or views to go against theirs, that is just it ?.


Those look like military occupation districts rather than new state borders.


you have to send them your energy and win the meme war online. do your part soldier. lol



The Russians openly stated their goals and dividing up or conquering Ukraine isn't among them.


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Russia defanging the Ukrop psyop forces


Kino setting, this is like my vidyas


Anyone have shay's map?


Yes, they did. And I also think that they consider it the best case scenario. Reality can be different, though, and a prolonged occupation of Ukraine with denazification as the goal (think Germany after WW2) is possible.


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based glowie


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Well it's not like the western media is going to tell the people about the literal Nazis and what was happening in the Donbass now is it?


Bye bye SBU, you won't be missed


Literally same shit as what's happening right now but without Nazi, Putin real crime was the first checenya war. But even then i all could have been avoided by not funding fucking Talebans


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what is he pointing at?


My problem is that I've never actually heard a coherent reason as to why they think this shit is going to play out the way they think it will. They just say "yes this will be an opening for the left" without explaining why


>Christiane Amanpour dressed in war camouflage gear while reporting from the Champs-Élysées (Paris)


Shay is part of Luka's femboy harem.


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The worst it get the better it gets for the left




luka posts here


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Like with any conflict where western media is seriously involved, there is a lot of people trying to shout you down without having anything to add but demanding you shut up. That's the mark of the propagandist or the useful idiot, they don't have anything to say other than you should stop muddling their homogeneous cozy narrative.

The ukranians are worthy victims and there should be unanimous condemnation, so first you condemn the bourgeois war, then you shut up and do nothing. See? you did your duty, don't worry trust the plan and go back to sleep.

Because that's what all the "No war but class war" statements boil down to. They come *mostly* from impotent parties who will never be a mile from power so they are not saying "No war but class war" because they are for the most part unable or unwilling to engage in "class war" so what they actually mean is "no war" particularly, "no war against NATO".

Take this fedcobin "antiwar" article for example:

It goes full "both sides" but actually just condemn Putin and support your local NATO atroturf protests. Sure it invokes the Iraq war and such but curiously, though namedropped skip over any actual mention of NATO escalating the conflict right up to the diplomatic breakdown which it implicitly blames on Russia, a clear propagandist position. But hey it says the slogan right? So Putin bad just keep that in mind , shout it when you are told and go back to sleep.

People are dying! You filthy AssadistPutinist!


This is only if the left has the organizational capacity to take advantage of the crisis. In the west, we don't.


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Shay is practicing meme magic. I am converting to Shayismo.


I dont think that document is going to convince anyone anon. Its just bunch of gore and most sources are like same 5 sketchy websites. I have zero doubt that the noe-nazis are committing warcrimes, but this pdf does not look trustworthy. Might be 100% true, but my point is, I have no way to know.


>Some people accused me of being pro-Muslim in Bosnia, but I realized that our job is to give all sides an equal hearing, but in cases of genocide you can't just be neutral. You can't just say, "Well, this little boy was shot in the head and killed in besieged Sarajevo and that guy over there did it, but maybe he was upset because he had an argument with his wife." No, there is no equality there, and we had to tell the truth
Lmao glowing bitch


yeah this article was very eye opening for me


so lads, u still supporting russia?


more than ever, thx


>this many words to just repeat "anybody who disagrees withe me is pro-NATO" with just as much substance as the last time


>In the west, we don't.
What do (You) plan to do about it?


yes but if material conditions in the west get worse the labour aristocracy is undermined and organized labour might grow.
It's either that or the far more bleak prediction of writing off the west for the foreseeable future, which really isn't a hard thing to do in the face of the overwhelming majority of the world proles.


Communists are supposed to be the vanguard, not rearguard.


Well there's nothing I can really do to "support" or "oppose" Russia besides making internet posts, so your questing is fucking dumb tbh.


Wtf I want to take estrogen now


t h i s


dont play semantics with me, you know exactly what i'm talking about.



What are the odds Putin nukes DC during the SOTU?


0%, although this would be very based


Comrades, please, I need my happening video


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Lukashenka teaching children about porky leeches.


Unfortunately the Ukrainian suppliers got cut off.


Not him, but honestly, I've noticed a weird reverse -chauvinism in these threads. Like

>ahahaha all westernoids are like pro-nato and stuff because they haven't magically done a communism

Like yeah, you try doing that when 99% of the people you talk to are completely fucking brainwashed and shut down at the mere mention of the west not necessarily being the good guy. It's easy to flatter yourself into thinking that you'd win over The Masses (TM) with your Superior Dialectics (TM) but you're kidding yourselves. All the old-ass 19th century jargon in the world isn't going to break through the conditioning imposed by the single most sophisticated propaganda apparatus in the fucking world. And we know this, because many of us have tried and have burned the fuck out.


Organize. I'm not trying to be a defeatist, but there's no point in acting like our prospects are better than they actually are. A crisis provides us with an opprotunity, it's up to us to seize it.


We can only re-launch a communist movement amid such a broader base. We first have to resolidify the unions and civic community movements. We could spread Yellow Vest protests and then leap-frog communist parties out of this kind of environment, I think


if i wanted to support ukraine, i would go to reddit or twitter


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Explaining the plan


Putin is only following god's path


Absolute meme, while there was some ethnic fighting it wasn't state sponsored. Most of then moved out on their own.


post this to hoi4 reddit please


That is a resposne to western chauvinist critcism of leftist movements elsewhere.
The question is "Well, yeah, it's not perfect, but where's your movement? And, you do realize we're fighting your ruling class? What are you doing to help?"
Western leftoids are quick to denounce every single anti-imperialist movements, be it leftist or not. They are quick to dismiss every single successful insurrection.
The biggest mistake socialists can make in the eyes of letftoids is to succeed. So this "reverse-chauvinism" is a response to that.


Source: literally John Bolton


People act like retards online, but in person usually you can have honest conversation

The problem is that populist movements are inherently reformists, their goals are in opposition to communist one. You of course can and should support left wing movements in general, but critically, as communists.


Everything will be back to normal before midterms in burgerland






Anyone got Shay's map lmao




Don't spare the Canadians Comrade Putler!!


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now this is 4D chess


Yes he worked for trump and was there







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brace yourself for liberal onslaught in your dms


Many Russians living in the west are apparently being issued ultimatums, either denounce or be fired


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Lmao literal shitpost account fuck plebbit


The Serbian government may not have been genocidal, but there were undeniably chetnik elements within and without the Serbian military. Just like there were mujahedeen in Bosnia and ustashe in Croatia. What people don't understand about that war is that it was happening a couple of hours drive from where people lived. Nearly all Yugoslav male population had military training (sans conscientious objectors) and AKs were relatively easy to get, especially once the war broke out and JNA weapons stockpiles got looted. So you had literal weekend warriors that would finish work on Friday, then go with a few buddies to the front and start killing. Serbs could just put on the JNA uniform, and Croatian and Bosnian forces had no standard uniforms and insignia (until later when the US helped outfit the Croatian army) except camo. And often just a piece of camo, like pants, you have tons of pictures of people in Led Zeppelin or Rolling Stones t-shirts. And these people who did this, they literally did it to go kill some Serbs/Bosnians/Croats, just for fun. A lot of atrocities was committed by these paramilitaries, and while some generals have been involved directly or indirectly on all sides, the reality is that if you and 10-15 guys who think like you decide to drive 20 mins to a village with a couple hundred old people, kill them all and burn the village, there's literally no one who can stop you or know what you did. Later on they piece information together and find out which battalion or battle group was in that area or responsible for that area and that is how they bring up charges. That and witness testimony because these atrocities were also often committed by people in the same village against their neighbours who they knew were the other race.


>Well, yeah, it's not perfect, but where's your movement?
It's fucking dead again is what.

The late 2010s were the closest we've had to a moment and we got recuperated by the liberal establishment before we even had a chance to build something durable. And people from countriest with durable communist movements basically just expect us to wave a wand and go "woosh, now you have class consciousness!" when it's not that fucking simple when you're dealing with a population that is experiencing a collective fucking psychotic break over their material position in the world slowly crumbling


John Bolton is such a uyghardly cocksucker.


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oh fuck


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Let those who dwell here in his favored land attend now to the words of the Prophet of Atom!
Let the men, women, and children of the Earth come forth to gather and witness the power of Atom! Behold! He is coming with the clouds! And every eye shall be blind with his glory! Every ear shall be stricken deaf to hear the thunder of his voice!

Give your bodies to Atom, my friends. Release yourself to his power, feel his Glow, and be Divided. There shall be no tears, no sorrow, no suffering, for in the Division, we shall see our release from the pain and hardships of this world. Indeed, your suffering shall exist no longer; it shall be washed away in Atom's Glow, burned from you in the fire of his brilliance.

Atom, come bestow your presence on your unworthy servant!

Each of us shall give birth to a billion stars formed from the mass of our wretched and filthy bodies. Each of us shall be mother and father to a trillion civilizations. Each of us shall know peace, shall know an end to pain, and shall know Atom in his glory! Merciful Atom, I give unto you these feeble bones! I present to your will this frail body! I beg of you to use me as your vessel, guide me to your brilliance, divide each particle and give relief to this rotten flesh. Cast the fragile form of this ephemeral shell into new life in the forge of your Glow.

We stay true, until the Day of Division until the dawn of His return to our humble world.


nah, that's legit funny. it will go to top posts in hoi4 if mods don't remove it


A really tiny nuke that only blows up this anon's basement.


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Make this go viral


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If I am going to be a useless spectator with no impact on the world, watching a brutal sports game, I prefer Russia to win. If I am writing a statement for a communist org, I agitate for proletarian movements to try to stop the capitalists from doing war, in spite of all unlikelihood. I am the former


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Is he wrong?
kek. godspeed.


Power and/or data seems to have been cut to and from the tower




Le epic get thread lol !


Please, end it.



it's over


Not after you improve you agitprop autism score.


<Claim substantiated in fine print below



By the time i finished hearing this a new thread formed. What did you guys think? I struck me as a proper and correct analysis




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Someone put Shay's map in there lmao


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First worlders dont deserve sympathy, like true liberals they all had seld responsibility, and they chose to ignore it and become leeches themselves


>no nukes
why do they say such crazy shit


Desperation, Ukraine will stop being an independent state in a matter of hours/days.


Yes… hahaha… yes


>Vitaliy Kim, governor of Nikolayev Oblast: "I think that the Russians don't want to kill civilians, that's why they're scared of entering the cities"

So much for the "Putin is losing guise", they literally stopped their own invasion to avoid civilian casualties, the full power of the russian army would have taken Kiev in 48h after the operation started.


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lay down your arms and use the humanitarian corridor to exit kiev immediately


Are they trying to bait luka? Niga hijacked a plane midflight to dab on a couple of glowie journos. Man doesn't give a fuck. Are they mad?


>We may get hit with missiles


Libs and tankies alike stop treating actual war like reality TV challenge





that would require logging off which is impossible


Why the fuck am I getting ready for work right now


Ukrops started it first by making it a first twitter fully broadcasted fake war in history.



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git em luka


the fuck


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The destiny of the entire humanity lies on the shoulders of this massive faggot.

Let that sink in.


EXACTLY my guy. Burgers, Sliders and Yuropoor "lefties" sit atop the privilege of relative comfort and then they go along with their naturalized chauvanism that does not let them see their reality because even when they read marxist things they dont study or analyze critically. They are as mediocre as the lazy boomers that preceded them. Then they get online or get on a ballot and repeat the same "oh were not like *those* shitholes that coincidentally we are imperializing but not acknowledging" just to rub salt on the wound. Fuck them and their red paint fascism and chauvinisim


They keep gloating that he can't/shouldn't come back even though he's said many times he's staying there


finish Bolshevik has made a video on the war in Ukraine


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Quite literally a clown stuck in his own political satire show that stopped being funny years ago.


Le heklinerino finnish bolshevikerino


third world retards don't deserve sympathy




This is queued up on the cytube. Will start it at the bottom of the hour (20 minutes).

How Russia’s War In Ukraine Is Playing Out Inside Russia, w/ Prof. Boris Kagarlitsky
From BreakThrough News


Reverse chauvinism????


Use invidious, comrade.
This one still supports viewing RT, while EU and Youtube have startd censoring, somehow:


Wtf reported.


>wtf my own shitpost used against me? Chauvinist!


Fuck yeah.




It's not true but I always like the idea of Putin as the Red Napoleon, a reactionary who takes over after the fall of the Revolution but launches attacks against the old regime forces of Europe. Despite eventually losing, he creates the conditions for eventual victory of socialism by weakening Europe so much




Keep being mad retard American. The third world shall destroy the old world order.


i can only get so erect


Napoleon wasn't a reactionary


Third worlders are going to cook in the oven of climate change. I don't envy you bros


my uygha crowned himself emperor


Not the point.
See this video for an explanation of the positon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vd8w3ONjv6Y
sorry I don't have the clip.
Minute like 4 to minute like 15.
Watch it all though. Really good talk.


my uygha never read a book


I’m getting tired of your negativity. stop mocking the nuclear option if you’re not going to bring a positive suggestion to the table


I'll try my hand at clipping this great speech. Incredily relevant regarding NATO. Minute 4.
Watch the video too.


post shay's map for newfriends



So I take it negotiations broke down?
I haven’t kept up with the news for a day


Hell yes, burn red-whiteuyghas


Happy Fat Tuesday my fellow burgers, reminder to eat pączki today.




>proving the post's point perfectly


Смерть Европе


That hit on the tv tower was crazy, some bully shot


will you forgive me if i eat a donut instead


about god damn time


If Ukrops had the capabilities to do terror strikes against Belarus, they would have already done them against Russia.


Yeah, I did

Just did


Well technically you're only forgiven if you start doing your austere treat-denying tomorrow until the end of Lent, no matter what you do today. But go off bro


Literally European news haven't EVEN MENTIONED that this took place


Have ukrops admitted that they lost? I haven't seen their cope as much recently


It wasn't just a glowie journo, it was a glowie journo for Azov Battalion lmfao. Not joking either.


Kiev getting hit hard

>US officials believe Russia has now deployed 80% of its pre-staged capability (that they had near the borders) into Ukraine.



They're literally threatening a pre-emptive strike against Luka.


I mean the psyops hq was recently eeeh… shunned temporarily


based professor luka


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> "Remember, the Russians invaded Afghanistan back in 1980," Hillary Clinton says. "It didn't end well for the Russians…but the fact is, that a very motivated, and then funded, and armed insurgency basically drove the Russians out of Afghanistan."


Last I heard the Russians are providing a humanitarian corridor for civilians to escape, until March 2.


About to start this story:
How Russia’s War In Ukraine Is Playing Out Inside Russia, w/ Prof. Boris Kagarlitsky
From BreakThrough News


I can't wait lad. Azov must be smashed to pieces and be made an example of humiliation for all nazis in Europe.


Yo what's up with the fucking bots in hoi4 sub. That shit is freaky


were getting nazi al qaeda after this war is over, watch it happen


Where can I see / read about this?


wew they are admiting that they want to make a Nazi taliban to hound eastern ukraine.


So it's true, Kiev will fall in the next hours/days.
A week and a half until this ends huh? New record


Watching this shit unfold really has illustrated the weird number of common points that libs, chinlets and tankies have in common, and none of them are good

>trendy worship of powerful figures (with tankies and certain chinlets it's under a cloak of "ironic" shitposting)

>crackpot realism when it comes to war and power politics
>bleeding heart during peacetime but perfectly willing to throw non-combatants under the bus in order to achieve their goals while spinning excuses from their ass
>high-flying rhetoric regarding their principles and aims but reverting to sneering, vicious nihilism masquerading as pragmatism when their hypocrisy gets questioned

Shit's pushing me towards going full anarkiddie


The British guy who went to Kabul as it was falling and was like "oh, wow, it's hard to get out now, look at me" is now going to be killed as a volkssturm target


I think hes a hecking wholesome glowie


Reminder that the pragmatic choice is russian support


someone should edit a T-72 there


Ok so I've been waiting for someone to dig into this, I'm assuming there's a pretty stark rift between the average nazi and the ukranian azov no? They're president is a jew, they're begging for eu/nato membership and they're going against the reactionary mecca of russia.


What a Retard.


What a clown. He intentionally does this shit. He said he was on vaction is afghanstan. He



everything you said can be applied to every ideology
>Shit's pushing me towards going full anarkiddie
are you not ?, because all this seething over tankies is very common with twitter anarchist.


Guest post on the Ukraine crisis

Cockshott gave persmission so he must be a thinly veiled russian supporter


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>tfw today is siren testing day and I read this as the test was going on.


Cockshott taking the most correct position as usual (based).


Yes, some people have been waiting for this for 8 years, ever since they had to flee their homes following the clashes in 2014. Now they come back to liberate their homes.

flood detected ALJFHaioduhgisdouhg


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average neonazi vs average azov? I don't think any difference, but they are a very small minority with a massively outsized influence


Russian Tanks pumping shells into civilian apartments like it was Fallujah


looks abandoned to me ukrop


It means nothing. Terminally online individuals, full of resentment – something most common on imageboards – are howling in joy at the blood, spilt in the slaughter of innocents. They cleanse themselves from their spite, their hate of the world and every day people by rejoicing, telling themselves that this butchery is somehow righteous; this is not a political issue for these individuals, but a psychocological one. We are watching them look upon the spectacle of war, watching them cheer for the bucthers and rejoice with every torn limb, every life lost. And dare you question the righteousness of this spectacle they so enjoy, they will fall upon you, atleast as much as one can whose behind has melded with their chairs, their eyes to screens, they will fall upon you and screech that you should be cheering too, you should be enjoy the slaughter too, you should become a butcher too.


I’m pretty sure Mussolini’s granddaughter said something similar lol


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Liberals are turning into unironic posadists.


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>trendy worship of powerful figures
>>crackpot realism when it comes to war and power politics
>bleeding heart during peacetime but perfectly willing to throw non-combatants under the bus in order to achieve their goals while spinning excuses from their ass
Says the "let's keep NATO hegemony intact, they aren't doing any invasions" shill.
>high-flying rhetoric regarding their principles and aims but reverting to sneering, vicious nihilism masquerading as pragmatism when their hypocrisy gets questioned
What nihilism?
That's what you're literally doing in that post.
All of the European government are nazis, or crypto-nazis.


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Every time russia shells apartments pretty much no one dies because they evacuate.

This asukafag should have been killed though.


>looks abandoned to me ukrop
These are innocent people's homes


Their token jew president was elected because he promised peace and the nationalist elements immediately made him renege on it. The Nazi elements control the military in Ukraine and have the support of the West so they have power over the civilian government. It's hard to feel bad for him though because he's a retard and comically corrupt.


trust the plan


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Forgot the other pic.


Yeah and Azov are hiding in them. The homes will be rebuilt. This isn't the US in Iraq. Ukraine will rise again purged of nazism


Embedding error.


this is basically the conclusion of having only moral outrage


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>Political operative group for democrats, @meidastouch, spread disinfo that a Texas Republican went to fight for Russians in Ukraine. The false claim went viral. Russel Bentley is an avowed communist who raised money on GoFundMe in 2014 to go fight “neo-Nazis” on behalf of Russia


>eating dinner with Uranian forces


I think this was a ground to air missle (buk) gone rogue. wouldnt swear on it but consider looking for evidence


And yet they made up the chief part of the shock troops of the coup in 2014, and then as the "volunteers" who were sent to the regions with anti-coup unrest.

As a rule of thumb, anyone who who pretends there isn't widespread institutionalized "Banderization" in Ukraine has never looked into the situation prior to Feb 24.


Yes, haha! YES!


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How come we haven't taken Kiev yet……


>We aren't doing any of the things you listed

every time


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fixed it for you


They're literally taking it as we speak.
People have to get a good night sleep you know?


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>Redditors discover Russell Bentley, a man from Texas currently fighting alongside the Russians against Ukraine.

They're quick to condemn him as a "right-wing GQP Trumper" and complain about Fox News brainwashing America.

>In reality, Bentley is a far-left Stalinist Communist.



Well, there you go. America saying out loud they wish for Ukraine to turn into a lawless wasteland ruled by mutt neonazis. And EU cucks are gladly going along, as if this catastrophe wouldn't affect it at all.

deets pls


>no u


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I did explain the reasoning, and all you could come up with as a response is "oh you're a projecting nihilist".


What is the last thing you would do before the nukes fall, /leftypol/?


oh lmao


>I did explain


Fap to some anime shit as always.


I agree ( >>541680 me), they have a huge influence for their small size, e.g. grenading the parliament during Minsk procedures, but the average Ukro is a normal person


pathetic but that I love my gf :'(


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this is bullshit but i listen and believe it



smoke a bowl with friends


His latest video has been brigaded by 50000 ukrainian IT army "soldiers". Please give him support


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It makes me feel funny that every single one of those rockets and stuff they are just shooting and leaving behind is worth more than my house that I paid with a lifetime of wagecucking



Say goodbye to my family and comfort myself with the nearest religious text available


not pathetic
why do they hate our brave schizo so much


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My hand….would crawl through the wreckage and rubble…to hit the…..new Reply button….for one last shitpost to fly through the dead internet wires


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Burger hours have started. For fucks sake just when the thread was getting good.


I REMEMBER THAT! He claimed he was just doing journalism with them, fucking piece of shit



Soo this happened.


I hate liberals so much. I really do. I want them to suffer


>take a page out of nato's book
>we can't allow nazi propaganda, legitimate war target


Like with any conflict where western media is seriously involved, there is a lot of people trying to shout you down without having anything to add but demanding you shut up. That's the mark of the propagandist or the useful idiot, they don't have anything to say other than you should stop muddling their homogeneous cozy narrative.

The ukranians are worthy victims and there should be unanimous condemnation, so first you condemn the bourgeois war, then you shut up and do nothing. See? you did your duty, don't worry trust the plan and go back to sleep.

Because that's what all the "No war but class war" statements boil down to. They come *mostly* from impotent parties who will never be a mile from power so they are not saying "No war but class war" because they are for the most part unable or unwilling to engage in "class war" so what they actually mean is "no war" particularly, "no war against NATO".

Take this fedcobin "antiwar" article for example:

It goes full "both sides" but actually just condemn Putin and support your local NATO atroturf protests. Sure it invokes the Iraq war and such but curiously, though namedropped skip over any actual mention of NATO escalating the conflict right up to the diplomatic breakdown which it implicitly blames on Russia, a clear propagandist position. But hey it says the slogan right? So Putin bad just keep that in mind , shout it when you are told and go back to sleep.

People are dying! You filthy AssadistPutinist!


Based weibochads for archiving, seriously we should get more info from them, too bad the chinese language is a real bitch.


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Man is Zelensky really that delusional that he thinks NATO and the EU will save him and give the Crimea back to Ukraine or is he just using them as bargaining chips in some typa big brain ART OF THE DEAL negotiation tactic?


bruh NATO straight up blew up the tv station itself, russia just hit the tower


How long until we can publicly express dissatisfaction with Zelensky?


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Czech Prosecutor General: public approval of Russia's actions is a criminal offense:
Public approval of Russia's military invasion of Ukraine, whether on social networks or at street demonstrations, can be interpreted as a criminal offense, for which up to three years in prison are threatened.

This was announced by the Prosecutor General of the Czech Republic. The corresponding warning also appeared on the official website of the department.

On Saturday, the police announced that, together with the prosecutor's office, they will carefully analyze such speeches in cyberspace and at public meetings for the presence of the aforementioned crimes.


Fucking kek




sex with gf


Nothing new in here. There were people convinced for approving Afghan resistance against our troops in past. Also a journalist writing about Zionist influence in media got convinced. This time they are banning websites like crazy. As I said before, this event will strengthen Anglo-American control over Europe significantly.


Literally 1984



>Because that's what all the "No war but class war" statements boil down to. They come *mostly* from impotent parties who will never be a mile from power so they are not saying "No war but class war" because they are for the most part unable or unwilling to engage in "class war" so what they actually mean is "no war" particularly, "no war against NATO".
<Being powerless automatically makes you pro-status-quo
<everybody who takes this line is behaving in this manner because I cherry picked the most egregious examples of radlib hypocrisy

See, this is what I'm fucking talking about. You guys flatter yourselves for being the "realists" in the room but you do mental somersaults to justify engaging in exactly the kind of "shut-the-fuck-up-you're-one-of-them" propagandistic bullshit you decry libs for.


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Our game continues as we are the pawns
Another piece has just been taken off the board


When things get cycled out of the news cycle, so my guess is 2-3 weeks from now you’ll see all the pro-Ukraine stuff die down, ~6 months from now or so people will start criticizing Zelensky for absolutely fucking bumbling this shit, and then 2-3 years from now it’ll be mainstream among the left-liberals that NATO was the provocateur


Every true Ukrainian patriot should aim to assassinate Zelensky


They are doing this for freedom and democracy!


Kill Azov, string them up, kill Zelensky, send him to hell


thats great, make it most public so people think thrice about storing anything of value in the US or god-forbid in dollars


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Remember video with those two pics? Two Ukrops practicing ambushing tanks?

Well, that's how it worked out for them. Tank blank ranged them


>Even MLM (who cannot be accused of revisionism by anyone) in the Philippines say that most of the blame of the conflict lies with NATO and the Ukrainians
Source on this?


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I'm not a burger, i'm a fried chicken. I reject burger identity


The misreading of article 51 in that post can only be compared to its earlier use to justify the invasion of Vietnam. Ukraine never attacked Russia and the DPR/LPR never signed the charter so the invasion is clearly illegal under international law. Claims otherwise are deluded. Read Article 51 for yourself.


Shay is now an honorary black woman


Apparently attack on Mariupol announcement was just a prank. Civilians are still evacuating. Reports Azov are running wild in the city


No, he's just a retard, that cringe retard.


muh international law
literally doesn't exist


more like boiled peanuts


check this out


the international law only exists if if you can get caught.



Yeah this is my prediction too. I can’t say I’m not empathetic with the plight of Ukrainian civilians, but the Reddit style hyper posturing of morality is severely annoying (probably because it’s a caricature of empathy that disintegrates several weeks after it begins).



The result of Ukrop plan to throw molotovs at regular army


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I think that is their intention. Its mask off at this point. Are you with us…or against us?
Are you with Marvel, Apple, BLM, Google, Netflix,Elon Musk and Bitcoin…or are you with the Russian Nazis?

BTW I think I found the new BLM phrase that they are starting to paint on the ground after awakening from their 2 year Covid hibernation, finally being let out in order to join the peace march to send NATO troops into Ukraine.


Holy based





So you're beyond criticism because it exposes you as a NATO shill? I don't get it…
Maybe if you stopped using cryptic insults
Maybe then it would be easier to critisize your non-position. Or maybe you just felt called out by someone and are lashing out. It's impossible to tell.
>You guys flatter yourselves for being the "realists" in the room.
?????? What?? who said they are realists? We are leftists.
>justify engaging in exactly the kind of "shut-the-fuck-up-you're-one-of-them" propagandistic bullshit
Did you get called out as a NATO shill? I don't get it.


Voldemort Putler Moment


fuckin' based


What Zelensky is doing is simple:
>Seem that you're open to negotiations.
>Go to negotiations.
>Give a Peace deal which consists on Russian capitulation.
>Russians say no.
>Declare on Twitter that the Russians are being unreasonable and all they want is to kill innocent ukrainians.




<Libs started fucking with Russel Bentley



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Unironically the best description of what this place has turned into


Who could possibly have seen this coming?


Wtf has any of that got to do with BLM?


They probably just made those unrealistic demands just to insult the Russians. They aren't really ready to negotiate yet. More sense must be knocked into them first.


I don't know if he is just retarded and still actually believes that Nato is coming to help or if Washington is whispering to his ear or the ears of his inner circle to keep fighting just so they could fuck with Russia on the grand chessboard by making Zelensky trade Ukrainian lives for a chance to destabilize Russia. It all just might be that cynical.


Let me boil it down to the simplest possible woridng:

I'm calling you fucking hypocrites.


It was always like this, liberal tourist.



Were they even regular troops?


I hope Zelensky's head gets separated from the rest of his body tbh.


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I prefer Josimir Putlin myself.


Are the liberals in the room with us right now?


on suicide watch


Then say that, do not say that they are not violating international law. You don’t have to tell me international law is a joke but you make yourself a better comedian than Zelenskyy if you say Putin is behaving lawfully under it.


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No diplomacy, only feelings


>not Vladolfemort Putlerpatine


For what?????
Explain your reasoning. Lay your logic in plain sight.


Zelensky is probably held hostage by the U.S. and the Banderites. If he negotiates, the Banderites threaten his life and call him a traitor. Would not surprise me if the U.S. is using them to exert pressure.



Prequel, apparently. Night before that



#RESIST, that''ll show that Putler


we dont dance on the graves of soldiers, we dont post crabs when civilians die, and I havent seen one person here hoping for more death than is unavoidable since we cant turn back time.


I still remember when /leftypol/ was mostly a book club for theory


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Today's Burger shift is starting to look like shit. Combat footage is limited, no new Russian Official State Media press releases yes (updating every couple minutes to be first to download it when/if it drops0, and when I post content that looks like it isn't showing Islamic Sharia Chechnya marines consuming Ukrainian children's skulls, then I get called a NATO Sabatoor.


he is lawful because he says he is lawful and not got caught, simple as.


I fucking hate reddit and the western elite





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Je déteste ces gens


Many anarkiddie L's were taken that day.


that's why creating interest boardss was a bad idea


Unbelieveably based


Because you engage in the exact same shit you decry libs for. You view the people whose side you're nominally on as just grist for the mill, you come up with psychotic, moralizing excuses for doing so, you place abstractions over actual human lives, and you engage in black-and-white nuance-free screeching (with libs it's "omg russian bot," with you people it's "omg nato shill."). You're fucking hypocrites.


reminder that communists also were involved with the right sector and azov in 2014


> it’ll be mainstream among the left-liberals that NATO was the provocateur
And they'll retcon about always knowing this and remember you as an unhinged psycho exaggerating.

Every. fucking. time.



Yeah /edu/ was such a bad idea that I suspect glowies were involved. Basically isolated the most valuable topics to a deep dark hole no one looks in. But the no-book problem began long before even the migration here to be honest.


Thread theme - Our side are the heroes, their side are the enemies


Where the fuck are the maoists???




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Alright, so given that our favorite ww2 strategy game is about conflicts such as the one that is transpiring now, I thought I would frame the conflict in such a way that it makes it easy to understand the short, and long term ramifications of the conflict in terms of if it was transpiring in the game itself.

Alright, First of all, the civilian economies involved. Ukraine has far less civilian industry than Russia. However, Russia actually does not have that many civilian factories themselves. After the break up of the soviet union, the civilian economy was in ruins, massive malus to production, output etc. So in a comparison of the two countries, Russia should have enough civilian factories to purchase the resources it needs to fight the war. However, embargos cut Russia off from exporting its raw resources for civies. This means Russia would be low on civies, and high on resources. Their export law is between export focus and limited. Because of Russia's low relations, and worsening relations with countries, no one wants to trade with them. This means that, theoretically, they should be able to turn those into military factories, right? Well, no.

Russia has been using its military factories to build up a surplus of weapons: tanks, planes, guns, etc. Because it knew that such a day would come, and it wouldn't be able to buy, or get lend leased any more supplies. It has slightly more mils than civs because of this reason. So, any ongoing war of any scale is going to eat into those non-replaceable supplies of weapons, that could be exported to other countries for civies, which Russia needs to fill the needs of its population. Speaking of population, that is something too.

Ukraine has a population of 45 million, and Russia, 142 million. If all Russian males 25-49 were in the army, it would have an army of 30 million to call on. If Ukraine did the same, it would have an army of nine million. Now, given that Russia is on extensive conscription and could go up, that leaves them with an army of 750,000 up to a million or so. Now that Ukraine is "All adult serve", there armed forces will be around parity or slightly below Russian forces armed numbers. But as anyone knows, an army without guns is useless. Well, we are getting there.

Ukraine is currently being lend leased by many of the major powers. German Republic, The united states. France. Etc. These allow Ukraine to effectively bypass the need for mils, since they will be getting positive numbers and be able to resupply their numbers are a rate comparable to the Russians. Now, here is where the kicker is. The weapons Ukraine is being lend leased are higher tech than the Russian weapons. This means they will inflict more soft and hard attack than their counterparts. That, in combination with the lack of need of mils (or civs), and the high resistance Russians will face with their garrison units (which will not be shitties, but some including tank battalions) means that Russian attrition will be heavy, and burn a lot of man power. With Ukraine burning through Russia manpower, equipment, and will to fight (Russia may get strikes), Ukraine simply needs to make Russia life difficult, and the Russian military will simply not have anything they need to commit to the war. Keep in mind, Russia is trying to fight this war with <30 civs, <50 mils, and many embargos that prevent them from purchasing necessary raw materials.

Should the Russian federation screw up here, it is very like a scripted peace event will fire returning Ukraine's borders to their pre-war state.

If anyone has any questions or wants specifications, I will be happy to oblige.


Where the fuck is the happening video?




why do you keep posting this every thread


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This isn't even true
I mean, obviously people are glued to the footage, this is a massive geopolitical event, but that doesn't equate to cheering it on. The worst I've seen commonly in leftist spaces are people who hate American so much that they hook onto anything opposing it, which is unfortunate but also somewhat understandable.
I keep seeing comments like yours claiming that this board is essentially picrel with no actual grounds for their claims


Then he is not lawful because of anything written in the charter so to bring it up is a red herring.


Never. Russia wins, Zelensky despite officially being at the frontlines escapes, and putters around Langley for a few years. Maybe 5 or 10 years from now he's trotted back out as the hero of Ukraine returning in their hour of need as the US prosecutes war more directly or revitalizes a neo-Nazi mujahideen.


All interest boards should instead be generals in a single interest board.


Very funny that the soyfacing stick people of reddit are calling Russell fat/weak, even though he put the weight on after getting injured at the infamously brutal Donetsk Airport battle.


>Lol this war is just like my vidya
Pls commit suicide, this is not any better than the libs making capeshit and Hairy Pothead analogies


this fucking guy lmao


Somebody's trying to strike the video already, lul


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Apparently…we are now witnessing the birth of a third military break away region which now appears to be the Ukrainian farmers who are now in possession of a captured fully loaded Russian TOS-1A Thermoberic MRL.
Lets give the farmers some Vodka and see where this adventure leads us yall.



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Do you want to post the takes you were called a NATO shill for so that we can go over them?

Maybe people aren't explaining things to you and calling you NATO shills.

>you come up with psychotic, moralizing excuses for doing so,

Like what?
>you place abstractions over actual human lives,
Like what? Did you see the video?
Just watch it.
Watch this one too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vd8w3ONjv6Y

>and you engage in black-and-white nuance-free screeching

There is no nuance allowed anymore, for reasons previously stated. Any nuance is room for ambiguity on WHO provoked this war, and who that is is unquestionable no matter how much historical revisionism you engage in.


These Ukrop army captures posts are always so funny. I guarantee Russians always recapture them within an hour


kinda big if true, but if theyre smart they just rip it apart as quickly as possible



lol wut


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God, scripted peace events are the dumbest bullshit that exists. I'd hate them a lot more if i could win a war, but thankfully i've never won more than a single hoi4 campaign.


how is he not lawful if he never answered for his crime, clearly he is just as lawful as obama, he should get a nobel prise of peace.


The worst outcome


The US is backing itself into a corner it didn't need to go to. Or perhaps some internal faction is doing this so that their allies of convenience within those power structures can't suddenly get cold feet once the escalation gets too hot for them. If the US fails then non-aligned countries will be afraid enough to keep trusting them in their dealings but not so afraid to comply anyways. China may be about to receive a lot more interest in their alternatives to things like SWIFT.


as westerner, your only role is to agitate against nato and sending weapons, and trying to grow communist parties/org/sentiments.


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I would expect command and logistics control to report vehicles stuck/abandoned in the mud and call in an airstrike/arty to destroy it. Defiantly don't want the Ukrainian farmers to get their hands on that shit and blow up their own village trying to fuck with it.


Green Armies when?


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Sure, dude. What matters is that you found a way to feel superior to everyone else.


>not straight up destroying the building where propagandist work
they really are a lot nicer than fucking nato


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How long has this guy been head of the ministry of defense? I remember seeing his pictures like a decade ago


What is the purpose of sharing the cockshott blog post’s argument if the content of the text is so useless as to not even be worth defending? It seems you agree with me that it’s a stupid post, given that it makes an incorrect appeal to a charter Putin or Obama were never actually bound to in the first place.

The strange thing is that you appear to both want to say the appeal is correct and that Putin isn’t bound to the charter, which only undermines the appeal itself.


>just because journalists get assassinated you can't say Ukraine isn't democratic
mask off


In china supporting Putin.


Have a good political line. Educate your comrades.

You're not part of a communist org?


fair point. I dont know anything about whats happening in this situation. But I think we can agree that parking it in the barn wouldnt be a good idea


My best HOI4 campaign was where I played Republican Spain, nuked America into submission, and reclaimed Florida for Spain.


I'll give it to the Ukrainians, they are far more retarded than I though they were


How did you manage to post such a large file?



Hes a lifer. Smart, dedicated, loyal. Loves his country. Strong patriot.


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/leftypol/ VIP membership


people do it all the time but they shouldn't


there must be resistance against Zelensky, I mean he came with promising peace and - now hes where he is.


He was a minister of emergency situations (quasi militarized in Russia) for a long time, then became minister of defence.


I'd do some random and some not so much murdering then I'd off myself because fuck you.


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This is literally just a shittier version of the Iran Iraq war


What the Z's mean again?




I don't either. This is the first time this equipment has ever been brought out onto the battlefield. For all I know the rockets are already fused and hitting it with an airstrike would destroy a small village.



>Big developments took place in Luhansk oblast today: LPR forces advanced furthern north & west joining RussianArmy at Baidivka, thus creating a big pocket (probably empty) from this positions towards border.

First direct link between advancing Donbass and Russian forces established.
First pocket (even if empty) created.


Some say Запад (zapad) meaning "west" in russian, but no one really knows, esecially because it's not cyrillic


Zero Pussy
Zero House
Zero Jobs
Zero Future


russians: owned


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Z is for ZOOMERS


the lore continues


woops tought it was the Z in gen Z, nevermind.


>Meanwhile, DPR are aproaching Mariupol from the East axis reaching Shyrokyne village, which is 9 Km from the city.
>Despite many reports there is not true DPR have reached Russian Army positions at the western part of Mariupol.
>However it is expected this will take place soon.


Confirmed BOTH Donbass and Russian forces closing on Mariupol.


I thought the loli died


she got juched up.


How does this guy know so much about troop movements around the world


i want the girl on the left to smash my skull with her thighs and curbstomp me with her bare feet


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Azov does a panicked retreat, accompanied by a panicked destruction of documentation. Yet they didn't manage to destroy their SNIPERS' INFO, INCLUDING THEIR KILL LISTS, CONTAINING CIVILIANS AS WELL.





All these people on reddit heard was "Texas" and jumped to conclusions. They have no idea about the people in this state.


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the gang's all here


azov sisters…


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oh boy, how embarasing.


dirty bare feet


Possibly the whole "russian warship, go fuck yourself" was a product of Ukranian propaganda lmfao, if this soldier's testimony is to believed


bro hide the cumbox if you're gonna post this


We need a THICCCCC thermoberic 3.14 QT


How was my post responding to a crying liberal telling him we were anti-imperialist ever since fucking at least 2016 "sabotage"? Is there some mystical initial year of Trotskyism I haven't been made aware about, where /leftypol/ supported western invasions of developing Asian countries?
Coward mod fuck.


do you know any artists?


It seems like people have finally stopped coping with the 'Russians are le dumb and losing' mindset. Now switching to 'evil putler needs to be nuked'


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NATO sabatooor lies!
/our girl/ is still trucking through the Kain


The narrative will shift to genocide as Kiev is taken


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>map of Ukraine-Russia war a month from now on according to glowies


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Waiting on content to drop so I will repost an old one


How people doesn't even think of questioning the NATO propaganda? Now they're cheering that RT and Sputnik get banned.

Maybe NPC is not enough to describe these people, at least real videogame NPC's can get angry when you lie to them sometimes.




>The city of Kherson has been taken by Russian Army with low resistance, mainly local. However the current situation in Mariupol is the opposite one: Russian forces began storm of the city from the western axis, where they have taken control over Zhovtnevyi district, thus confirming the last supply route to #Mariupol is taken & city is completely surrounded.

>On the other hand DPR forces have reached outskirts of Kalmiuskyi district from the north & Livoberezhnyi District from the east in preparation for entering into Mariupol city from these axis,in order to support Russians which are facing big resistance due to the intensity of combats with Ukrainian Army & paramilitary groups loyal to them, like Azov Battalion.



This makes me uneasy. I think I preferred the delusions.


Based little loli vehicle!


it already has
Russia-Ukraine conflict live updates: Kharkiv hit by fresh shelling, Russia faces war crimes probe (LIVE UPDATES)


How long until full-on porn lmao


>gee golly, it's anutha Holodomor.


5 stages of acceptance, mate.

Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. The bargaining comes after the anger.


can't wait


Soon hopefully.


Okay let me establish my position first because I have a question to ask. So my position is the same as it’s been since the start, I don’t agree with this invasion or war and prefer it if the working classes actually pushed their own agenda for once. Anyways my question is this, so basically the modern government of Ukraine is essentially the results of a couped government that the US and EU helped to carry out by allowing actual Nazis to take the government. Apparently the Former government was one very favorable to Russia, and the new one was favorable to the EU and US. So my question, how in the fuck has this been justified for this long? And how the fuck does everyone look the other way when talking about the conflict today? What we see is an illegitimate government. Would fucking radlibs be against violently overthrowing Pinochet after that faggot illegally took the country?


It still is, the book clubbing have just been exported to our matrix community, without the mods having clearly communicated that that has happened imo.
And so leftypol has mostly been for happenings, which there are have been much of lately.


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redditors think people from the south are either inbred subhuman white people, or dumb black people from like atlanta or some shit. Yankkkee rule over the southern nation involves an unironically eugenicist view of the south in which we are unforgivable and untouchable subhumans which deserve only to be subjugated by washington DC or else we'll get uppity and either genocide black people or become a black nationalist new afrikan communist anti-white country. The yankkkee fears us because they know that we are oppressed, much like how slaveowners feared their slaves' freedom because they knew that slaves had a chip on their shoulder about the whole thing. They know that if we were free to do our own thing, it would not end well for the amerikan empire, and they have too much to lose after they made a deal with the slaveowners to subjugate the poor.


>actual Nazis
the president and PM is jewish
>but muh azov!!1
azov is 1000 members and a single battalion. refer to wagner group for russia's equivalent of azov.


Nevermind this post, I just ctrl+f'd the wrong thread.
All the active Ukraine General threads confused me.


damn bitch you live like this
sweet diorama though


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Having a mental breakdown reddit?


look at him little teefies aw




>the president and PM is jewish

Israel is also nazist to a high degree. So what?

>azov is 1000 members and a single battalion. refer to wagner group for russia's equivalent of azov.

Except Wagner is not created from the ground up from nazi volunteers, isn't genociding anyone and is made up of former Russian military men instead of, you know, literal nazis.


you misunderstand, the previous government didn't take orders from the west and was therefore illegitimate. the current government is a wholesome democracy that does what it's told


>>gee golly, it's anutha Holodomor.
They are actually saying this


Not really understandable at all actually. If you hate one nationality so much because it opposed your favorite 30 years ago in the Cold War, you're a moron, and it leads you to openly supporting irredentist right wing imperialism as we've seen over the past few days rather than opposing all imperialist power blocs and advocating for world socialist revolution which is the correct Marxist position as outlined by Marx, Lenin etc.


Guarantee this person has never heard of Azov or looked into Ukraine before Feb 24.


HOLY SHIT stfu, that anon was literally talking about people like you.


>Muh jewish president and pm
he is a open zionist that is involved with the nazis, just like obama was involved with the racist US state
>nooo azov is smol, Muh wagner group
they are ingrained with the state, Wagner group is not
there is also more nazi groups than the azov in ukraine, right sector is another.


>New York Times: 1/3 of Russians oppose government position
So 2/3 do not oppose? lol


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Article from today, in Turkish I think? Google translate says something to the effect of Turkey giving a bunch more drones to Ukraine, but the pilots are still finishing training in Turkey. I think if you are planning to deploy drones in 30 more days, you will have already lost this war. Russia has committed close to 150,000 troops inside of Ukraine as of right now, however many Belarus sent (unknown), and however many the Chechens sent (maybe a few thousand?).



You're a moron and Marx supported the Union in the Civil War. He was actually a huge Union/America simp beforehand too, he even supported it in the U.S conquest of Mexico lol.


Yeah Ukraine probably hasn't had a non-corrupt, non puppet (or at least 'neutral') government since the USSR, they are pawns, unfortunately for them


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Isn't there a technology to just jam those drones or something? Are they completely autonomous?


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Cope, if you want to virtue signal reddit is that way.


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>If you hate one nationality so much because it opposed your favorite 30 years ago in the Cold War, you're a moron,
Ridiculous fantasy you live in. This never happened.




Ukrainians don't give a shit about the Zelensky government, because it brought them neo-liberal economic hardship and a civil war in the donbass, they don't want to fight for that, the more the neoliberal ghouls of the US puppet regime tries to force the population to fight for them and become cannon fodder, the more of them will just switch sides. Ukrainian soldiers were deserting to Russia right away at the beginning of this.

In this conflict Russia has every military advantage from more advanced weapons to air supremacy, they could have destroyed everything in their path with no regard for human lives or infrastructure in a 90 minute berserker war, but they chose not to. It has nothing to do with Ukraine having any military strength. The sheer amount of copium you had to be huffing is astonishing

The West was able to supply a few heavy infantry weapons, but they certainly are no longer able to re-supply the cities that are surrounded by Russian forces. And what weapons they managed to get in, will largely be wielded by people without experience on how to use these weapons, most of these anti-tank weapons are going to blow holes into apartment blocks. There is no winning for Ukraine, the US isn't giving them weapons to help them win, the US is trying to make this into a meat grinder insurgency battle zone like in Afghanistan.


Also seems to confirm reports that Ukrop drone army was destroyed


How am I virtue-signaling faggot?



"The workingmen of Europe feel sure that, as the American War of Independence initiated a new era of ascendancy for the middle class, so the American Antislavery War will do for the working classes. They consider it an earnest of the epoch to come that it fell to the lot of Abraham Lincoln, the single-minded son of the working class, to lead his country through the matchless struggle for the rescue of an enchained race and the reconstruction of a social world." - Karl Marx to Abraham Lincoln

Cope, seethe and dilate nazbol Neo-Confed. You aren't a Marxist and never will be.


Israel is a settler-colonialist apartheid state. Israel has funded Azov. Zelensky might be jewish but he's okay rubbing shoulders with and staffing nazis.
Wagner is a PMC, they attract deathdrive possessed chinlets and use them as cannon fodder. Wagner is not like Azov, Wagner is like Blackwater. Azov is only one among many other nazi groups: C14, OUN, Dnipro-1, Donbass, Right Sector, Freikor, Aidar


if I was ukrainian Id be kinda enraged that my government is pulling shit like this


it's been 160 years since the civil war. I don't give a fuck about it. I want national liberation and self-determination for my people, and you settlers can't take that dream away from me. We will be freeeeeeeeee


Sorry g, you're right, I forgot the Cold War was a charade orchestrated by the reptilians and we have been taught false history. Thanks for reminding me, inshallah, I shall kill an iguana in a fit of displaced rage to damn those reptilian NWO conspirators!




>Seething Europoid subhuman ruins thread by whining about quotes from Marx

Europoid "socialists" once again proving they're all just closet fascists and not actually Marxists.


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Russia has very advanced EWAR systems, to the point they have been jamming Israeli aircraft GPS navigation systems in the area of Syria (intentionally) where it is even visable on public flight radar patterns in that AO. Russians also have their own stinger shoulder fired missiles, as well as dozens of surface to air missile mobilized vehicles, as well as helicopters, combat aircraft and their own drones.

Every loss hurts when they are strategic hits such as fuel, rations, command and control. But its almost like throwing spitballs at this point. Ukraine needs another nation to militarily intervene and commit fully inside of Ukraine in order to win this "war".

Yeah they have heart, and I think even Putin has to respect their resolve and fight being they share blood, but come on. Russia's military is fucking huge. It would be like Canada repelling a full U.S. military invasion solo.


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it's over nazi stalinist putincucks, as you can see I have portrayed you as the soyjack, and Zelensky as the chad, you, and your invasion of Evropean western civilization is already lost


southerners aren't being oppressed by settler colonialism you retard, stop shitting up the thread


Good post. Also, these Banderite made up the bulk of the actual shock troops which were used to overthrow the government in 2014. And they were then used as death squads to squash the anti-coup unrest that broke out in the south and east. Thousands of people died in the clashes. And then they were integrated into the military and sent east to terrorize the breakaway areas in Donbass.

I've said it many times, and I'll say it again: People who say there is no widespread Banderization of institutions in Ukraine are full of shit and have literally never looked into the situation.


Petty deflection. Nobody is doing what you describe.


Eastern Ukrainians (who aren't Russians) also aren't being oppressed by Kyiv. :) <3


They absolutely are, a huge portion of the online left has ossified Cold War brain and is so obsessed with the 20th century that they can't see past its geopolitics.


You realize that the state of Israel is unironically a fascist state from every definition of fascism possible? From the liberal definitions to the social economic definitions that communists and socialists use?



I would agree.


is this you Shay?


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fuck, they got us


File: 1646157240687.mp4 (146.6 KB, 256x250, 1631142295227.mp4)

i'm sorry ukranoidanon, but your attempt to stop us was already over before you even tried, here i have a crying wojak with Stalin in his head, this symbolises our eternal victory over the west


It’s over, I concede forever. I will never recover from this.


Where? You're making this shit up?
Please show me where? Do you think people here support Russia because it used to be part of the Soviet Union? Do you realize Ukraine was part of the Soviet Union too? How does that work in your head?

Anyways, no. That is not the reason. Feel free to ask at any point instead of making assumptions.


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nope, he's just someone who supports novorossiya or possibly the struggle for southern liberation from the US empire. We are numerous now, and we will win! Look at this commercial of a brave southern hero shaking his ass at kiev, he supports novorossiya and hates amerikkka


So has Russia achieved any objectives the past 24 hours or is everything still under siege?


They saved the life of that old bastard (curious considering that ukraine would give a weapon to literally anyone capable of holding one) and he doesn't even realize it.


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Please send the nukes Mr. Putin


Are you at least an effeminate choker wearing roseboy or am i wasting my time here?



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violence has started, which side will you be on?


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picture taken from my trailer


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post bussy


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It's mindboggling, yeah. I feel like I haven't even started (and I've begun looking into this last year already), it's truly obscene.


>he doesn't already have 15 images of shay's bussy on a file
newfag alert


In what situation would they even use the nukes? Are they afraid the west will nuke them first?


The Age of Cope is over, no begins the Time of Seethe


Southern Belle just got an upgrade


You have to fuck off narcissist, you can't make every thread about yourself. Fuck off. You derail everythread. Fuck off


no, because you see a vooot happened.
voot in russia doesnt count, but in ukraine it count only after nazi coup'ed the previously elected government and started banning medias


Can a nuclear sub hit a land target or just another sub? Sorry I'm missilliterate


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Protracted Ukrop War now!


its probably posturing to deter nato getting involved
that being said, if russias security was immanently threatened, I have no doubt they would use nukes.


Doesn’t Shay have the cutest curls or wavy hair? Such a cute little puff of hair.


i doubt that the poster is shay tbh.


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saved, moar pls


Nobody needs an assault rifle
Mr. And Mrs. Iran TURN THEM ALL IN!


Simple posturing.
Russia would use nuclear weapons when it is
invaded by NATO, since they cannot win a conventional war against the whole alliance.
In this context they mean nuclear powered ballistic missile submarines. (SSBN) These carry missiles with nuclear warheads. They can also engage in (nuclear) naval combat with (nuclear tipped) torpedoes.


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Ukrops taking away people's cars "to drive to the frontline"


Thread derailed because of bussy in 3..2..1


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Shay a cute. I also like your hair a lot.


>reverse image search
>0 results found




plenty of cars driving at night in Kiev


Someone should edit these two videos together


File: 1646158222268-0.jpg (28.55 KB, 517x468, 1625713365997.jpg)

oh oh ohhhh, what a cutie, now this is what gives me strength to fight for socialism



You're talking a lot of shit for someone within mating press distance


What paragraph and text is being taken out of context?



This is an improvement.



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fake news, unfortunately (last I heard)


>doesn’t want China to be imperialist
>but now wants China to be imperialist for his own convenience
Liberals folks. Where imperialism is bad until it benefits your own interests.


Guys, Russia is taking so long to capture the memecity that i got bored and started talking about how i wanna go balls deep in shay while union dixie plays in the background



well they just flew out. May they stay there.


You're getting mine mixed up with the other one. There are two people using the redneck flag here. I'm the making fun of him for LARPing like the south is an oppressed nation.


Look at how long was Baghdad being captured. Or Kiev when it was under german moderate conservatives' attack


Bezmenov was a journalist, never worked in the KGB lol
The people who still believe his bullshit unironically must have insect brains


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he was lying back then too. remember, there is a reason rightoids believe a defector during the conflict instead of all the testimonies and accounts of agents and politicians released after the war. Because they don't confirm what the rightoid wants to hear.

That all american social problems aren't genuine but engenieered from the outside


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I am immediately declaring a NO DRIVE ZONE on all Ukrainian territory!




America played a huge role in recognizing Yeltsin's illegitimate government and convincing them to sell out to American oligarchs and convincing them to back their currency with American dollars and more


I got two questions for the organized communists ITT:
1. Can I join a communist party without giving out my address? I.e. can I pay them in cash for dues instead?
2. Will an ML org (that isn't fake like Khrushchevite, Brezhnevite or market socialist) be ok with me not worshipping the personality of Stalin and instead really appreciating Lenin? I'm in no way leaning Trot.


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>Your entire economy revolves around oil and gas, and all of Russia's customers are buying less and less each year because they want to put money into renewables.

Nah, it got better later actually. China ties helped the economy.


RIP any attempts to create a theoretical Confederacy.


Are there still people who believe the bezmenov shit? You must be a facebook boomer or some shit


Do you then suggest a return to Keynesianism? Because Keynesianism eventually led to neoliberalism.





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Comrade got me acting up


Lol, even American advisors sent to liberalize Russian economy were completely ""shocked"" by the reforms




I aint gonna read all that but congratulations on capturing Taiwan, or not capturing it.

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