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 No.543410[View All]


Friendly reminder there are other world conflicts going on, too: https://emmeline.carto.com/viz/b69015da-136a-11e5-a64a-0e43f3deba5a/public_map


>N.B. liveuamap.com is not to be trusted, they mostly parrot Ministry of Defence, these others may not be better, check their reporting first






Russia holds drills with nuclear subs, land-based missiles

Russia bombs Kharkiv's Freedom Square and opera house

Kyiv TV tower hit, killing five, as Moscow threatens ‘high-precision strikes’ (LIVE UPDATES)

Ukraine is pushing for EU membership. But what are the real chances?

Russian and DPR armies about to encircle Mariupol

Ukrainian Army retakes Bordyanka

Zelensky says Biden personally ruled out a 'no-fly zone' over Ukraine as Russia attacks

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine leaves China facing a difficult balancing act

China 'Regrets' Casualties in Ukraine but Reminds World of Russia's Demands

UN launches $1.7bn aid appeal for Ukraine amid Russian assault

Russians feel the pain of international sanctions

War in Ukraine Has Investors Thinking About a Second Cold War


Guest post on the Ukraine crisis
>Ukraine: The Last Battle of the 20th Century

Who is Mastermind Behind Increased Tension?


Ukraine’s Got a Real Problem with Far-Right Violence (And No, RT Didn’t Write This Headline)


https://tv.leftypol.org/r/HappeningsviaKlash (active now)

>to others writing OPs:
it is good and proper to post updated news that are a few hours old or from the same day, it provides a "snapshot" in time of what was happening on the ground and what was known at the time the thread was live. It helps give historical context to the discussion, in case someone is interested in going back, compiling posts, reading what was happening, and so on. That's the point of an archive. If the OP is made up of the same twitter links, then we might as well have a cyclical.
654 posts and 125 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


damn sendero really does a number on a person's brain


dengist china is better than maoist china


Oof, praying for russiabros right now


King Lear has been on a roll lately, my favorite schizo autist <3


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I want to hug King Lear and shay tightly…


Technology has advanced since Maoism, proving the superiority of Dengism. In much the same way Yeltsinism is superior to Stalinism, and Putinism is superior to Yeltsinism.


King lear is #2 for me, Eugene is my one and only favorite shizoposter


>noooo muh based zelenskerinoooo
Cope. Zelensky is a war criminal who is sacrificing civilian lives for the ability to continue shelling donbass. Instead of agreeing to Russia's terms - of firm guarantees that Ukraine won't become an enemy via Ukraine giving up claims and admitting a neutrality - he decided that putting himself behind civilians is a better alternative. That's a war crime.


Has Eugene posted his take yet?


seriously folks, how likely is it that this shit goes nuclear? i'd like to think there's no way, but i'm not so sure a nutjob in the pentagon or in the white house won't try to escalate stuff


where's eugeneics kun these days?




i don't know but frankly I miss him


>What the fuck kind of times are we living in?


some fine dialectics there, comrade, hegel would be proud


We need more data of things going nuclear to make predictions. So far no shit has gone nuclear


I saw him on the cytube before


>non realizing that's bait
anon…. please


I already heard rumours about burgers harassing ROCOR churches but i have no clue if that is actually happening. The war propaganda is just at a level i never thought i would truly see


Zelensky isn't based, he's just not a nazi lmao


fuck that, I want to throw king lear off a balcony and take shay out to a romantic dinner.


Pete buttigieg


How likely is a $150 oil barrel in the near future


Why leftypol has such big fixations with pedos? americans can't conceive that adults and children can be friends, and not everyone is a secret pedo, pretty much in every country this happens except in the US where pedo scare is the norm.

Just look at how people here reacts to 2D lolis, imagine being such an anti pedo fundamentalist that you feel the need to protect imaginary kids lmao.


Please be patient, I have autism.


not unlikely i'd say, fracking is kind of a meme nowadays and won't relieve pressure on the price


Why would you harm a teenager?


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The new face of insurgency fashion
Have you copped the freshest wartime fit?
Dashing red and yellow ribbons tied to elbows and arms highlight this springs ensemble.



bro you're not going to find any success shilling for loli here


>I want to throw king lear off a balcony


calm down there's a swimming pool at the bottom he'll be alright, he can swim, right?




Hugs <3




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<La loro battaglia riguarda tutti noi

I keep saying it: these people are out for SERIOUS blood.


>having sex with 14 yo as a 14 is the same as if you were an adult
Yes, it is. Both human sexes are sexually adult at 14. That's why sex at that age between 18 y/o old males and 14 y/o females or vice versa is perfectly legal in my country, if it's consensual.


You see a lot of vehicles being towed in these convoys

IIRC a few were geolocated to military depots, which are usually on the outskirts


>You see a lot of vehicles being towed in these convoys
That's done to reduce the number of drivers.


No, it's done to save engines' lifespan. It's extremely limited, tanks have like hundreds of kilometers of lifespan


It's part due to loads, part due to the type of fuel used. Engines just die very fast, and the only solution is to have their maintenance done 24/7


>Leftist in power in Mexico, the country well known for supressing and even doing mass murder to communist and other "subversives".
Uhhh I don't think so bruh.


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With a 40 year old or what?


larp kino


Someone in USAPol said racial animosity is like a firehose. We're hosing the Russians down atm, maybe in another year we'll be back to either blacks or hispanics. Maybe we'll go for something really off the beaten path like Croats!


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