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 No.544781[View All]

Ukraine thread azov cuck addition

Kyiv warned of toxic fumes after strike on oil depot

Germany to send weapons directly to Ukraine

Russia-Ukraine latest news: Russian troops enter Kharkiv; west cuts off banks from Swift system – live https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2022/feb/27/russia-ukraine-latest-news-missile-strikes-on-oil-facilities-reported-as-
Raid on twitter agsnts azov battalion

Russian broadcasts hacked to play Ukraine song on all channels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZ0AYGSI9uQ
also azov battalion is threatening Volodymyr Zelenskyy with a coup
571 posts and 146 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


why specify bourgeoisie when you don't care about the russian people either


It's still winter, what sunflowers?


By invading Ukraine like that they justified the existence of NATO in the eyes of many people and now the military budgets of the members will explode. Russia actually reinforced NATO in the mid to long term


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Indeed, both the russian people and bourgeoisie share a common goal in making Russia glorious in battle.


>using wikipedia anti communists sources
>finland won the winter war guis



There is only one way to counter NATO


the russian people have nothing to gain here. in fact, there will be alot more poverty ones the sanctions hit that could have been avoided


Chomsky was "both sides" about the USA and the USSR during the cold war in the USA. Guess which side he objectively supported by this move!



Ты ебанутый?


>Russian bourgeoisie
A Russian defeat in this means another 50 years of Fukuyama-tier End of History, you retard.
We can just hope that Ukrops get crushed and that Russian comrades will spring into action.


decided to look up the video of the unarmed civilian shot in kyiv on reddit. just drones uncritically repeating the saboteur narrative.
how is ukraine going to respond when this is all over and they realize their neighbors were the ones killing each other.


Что бы русские ни сказали, что бы русские ни сделали, Запад не устраивало ничего кроме абсолютного подчинения. «Мы – истина в последней инстанции, мы конец истории, делайте что мы скажем, живите так, как мы считаем правильным. Подчиняйтесь нам». Люди, которые все уже решили за тебя.

И разделение в русском обществе проходит на самом деле не между пацифистами и милитаристами.

Разделение проходит между людьми, которые хотят и готовы подчиниться силе, и людьми, которые для этого слишком горды.

По линии чувства собственного достоинства.

Не случайно «пацифисты» обвиняют милитаристов в том, что те сумасшедшие.

Для них эта война правда выглядит как безумие.

Когда они говорят «нет войне», они пытаются сказать: «У Запада Айфон, Марвел, Гугл, ООН, Тесла, Баленсиага. Запад дает нам лучшие игрушки – гаджеты, шмотки, курорты, сериалы – и может их отобрать. Запад платит нам, айтишникам, рекламщикам и продавцам, деньги, за то что мы работаем прислугой и половыми в его глобальной экономике».

Когда они говорят «нам стыдно», они пытаются сказать: «Запад сильный! Как можно бунтовать против такого сильного хозяина? Разве вам не страшно? Чего вам не сиделось, разве вас плохо кормили? Вас же накажут!»

Они хотят подчиняться. Даже рады.

А мы не хотим.

Мы считаем, что чем больше сила, которая пытается тебя подавить, тем важнее бросить ей вызов.

Мы считаем, что подчиняться кучке жирных европейских бюргеров и истеричных американских лесбиянок унизительно.

Более того, мы хотим забрать все что у них есть.

И привести, наконец, в порядок планету, которую они превратили в один огромный бессмысленный торговый центр, царство бесконечного производства и потребления тряпья, жратвы и цифровых игрушек для сорокалетних подростков.

Риск ли это? Блажь ли это?


Но умение рисковать собой ради абстрактной идеи, ради правды, ради красоты, а не ради «благосостояния» – единственное, что отличает человека от животного.

Поэтому – слава русскому оружию.

Не верьте в золото. Верьте в железо и красоту.


>NATO builds up massive budget in period of economic crisis
<What could possibly go wrong


Literally what impact do you think did Chomsky had on Soviet Union.


Epic meme my fellow chadditor.
You really showed those Russian bots



They're not gonna know until is too late. They're being DROWNED in propaganda and their morale is being kept artificially high.




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>read marx anytime
<stirner flag


Russians know how to deal with poverty. They are not afraid because they know there are more important things than western toys.


unfortunately englihs is lingua franca of the world


There are many ways, organizing political forces in the inside to break it up, ideally communist/socialist ones. And continued economical prosperity with decoupling for a rival bloc. Provoking the strongest military alliance that ever existed and regroups the richest nations on earth is not a good idea.


Копипаста ли? Ну, все-таки одобряю


>german suddenly go all in on military spending while russia cut their gas
lol, talk about economical suicide


Not on the USSR but the reception of the USSR in US left circles.


Learn2Russian, you fucks. Or google translate, whichever is more convenient


I know three languages and Russian isnt one, stfu


A Russian victory means continued Putinist-Duginist regime in Russia.
I agree that Azovfags must be crushed, but Putin started this shit hoping it would be over soon enough to increase declining public approval.


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>Soviets lost the winter war
what the fuck is this cope




Do you think this “strongest group” is made of money?


Just translate the text before you post it. I don't go typing in Spanish on this English thread as a south American

Not difficult to do


And I know four and russian is one


Looks like ceasefire negotiation's finally started.


what you mean is the working class knows.
the oligarchs will just be less disgustingly rich.

how about I start posting in german instead?
this is an english board you fuck


"Soviets lost the winter war" is the one of the biggest historical revisionism cases of the 20th century since the opposite is true.


then why post in russian you stupid larper, obnoxious


Meant to reply to


>sanctions hit that could have been avoided
the west has been ramping up sanctions on russia continuously for years, for any reason, including made up ones like russiagate. if it wasn't now it would have added up to the same later under other pretexts, over whatever disputes. The west's goal for russia is the same as its goal for cuba and venezuela: strangle and starve it into submission until it subordinates itself to western policy agendas completely. The timing and particulars of the journey may vary, but the destination is the same, no matter what russia does.


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So you think that the Russian communists and proletariat should deal with their own bourg, but the Ukrainians shouldn't?
Over last year I remember reading your posts and you always have the most retarded glowie takes, to the point of caricature.


And again, what impact did that have on Soviet Union? It wasnt defeated in military invasion, it collapsed due to its own internal contradictions. Which means criticism of Soviet Union would have been not only valid, but also helpful to it, in an insignificant hypothetical way.


no the guy, but yea agreed, ukranian and russian proles should jointly deal with russian and ukranian porkies


Last time I checked the attitude the ukrops had with communists was to burn trade houses, bombard cities and ban said party.


Not one thing you said implies I should cheer for Russia in this war.
For Russia always was part of this order of things by sending oligarch capital in foreign banks and upholding sanctions against DPRK.
This war is only a part of the neoliberal order, not something outside it for both side engage in capitalist exploitation.


When the nukes start speaking Russian…


33 year olds are zoomers now? Wtf

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