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 [Last 50 Posts]

The NATO-ministers are screaming EDITION

Friendly reminder there are other world conflicts going on, too: https://emmeline.carto.com/viz/b69015da-136a-11e5-a64a-0e43f3deba5a/public_map

For previous threads, check >>>/leftypol_archive/


>N.B. liveuamap.com is not to be trusted, they mostly parrot Ministry of Defence, these others may not be better, check their reporting first






$1 million bounty on Putin offered by Russian businessman

Kherson falls to Russian forces, first major Ukrainian city conquered (LIVE UPDATES)

Kyiv reports ‘powerful explosion near train station’ as UN votes to condemn Putin (LIVE UPDATES)

Lavrov says Russia wants list of weapons that can never be deployed in Ukraine

Four Russian Fighter Jets Violate Swedish Airspace: Military

U.S. cancels ballistic missile test to avoid escalating Russia tensions

Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich says he will sell Chelsea soccer club amid Ukraine war

Egypt urges quick political solution to Russia-Ukraine crisis, rejects unilateral economic sanctions


Žižek: What Does Defending Europe Mean?

Kiev junta facing defeat as Russia roots out fascist militias from Ukraine

Ignored Warnings: How NATO Expansion Led to the Current Ukraine Tragedy


China joins Russia in opposing Nato expansion

Ukrainian army keeps shelling Donbass cities, civilians killed — Russia’s top brass


NEWS / EVENTS: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/HappeningsviaKlash

HANGOUT / CHILL: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/bloodcast






















Where can i find ukrainian femboy from lvov?



decapitated by a chechen unfortunately


thanks op



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First for cuddles with catgirls




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Westerners seething about LatAm not giving a fuck.


Top jej
Liberal high horsing


Putin is gonna nationalize some parts of the Russian economy even further.


This war is gonna last about a month, isn't it?


Idk if latam "supports russia" but people here are in fact more skeptical or don't care. I don't see any light blue-yellow flag in my ig feed.


An European photography festival in Reggio Emilia has works by one Alexandr Gronskij, who was just arrested in antiwar protests in Russsia. In response, the festival has banned Russia from participating, thus fucking Gronskij over.


Same with India


Nah, less, they're getting bogged by the nazis hiding behind civilians, but they'll probably do it by mid-March.




Twitter is absolutely crawling with these damn flags, but then again, it's the most botted social network by far.




Meanwhile in the South East Asia we're all Westernized cucks. America and the West has a strong foothold here, it's terrible. South Korea and Japan are basically vassal states and the rest are mini vassal states.


That would be the same timeframe as the 2003 Iraq invasion. But, Russia has a different battle doctrine, much less civilian deaths for more casualties on their own side. American battle doctrine is to kill as many on the other side as possible before putting boots on the ground.

Still, it's impressive somewhat. The Ukrainian army is not a pushover, it has been rebuild and upgraded for 8 years with NATO help.


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Did the West essentially stumble ass backwards into this, or have they been trying to put Russia in zugzwang by knowingly pushing its buttons for years until something like this happened?

Are they moving towards funding nationalist extremists on Russia's borders to bog down Russia in insurgency quagmire like the U.S. faced in Vietnam and then deliberately reenacted against the Soviets in Afghanistan ? Will this contribute to a rise in European fascism similar to how al-Qaeda and ISIS grew out of the "brave mujahedeen fighters"?

Are they entertaining the potential that sanctions-led instability could topple the Russian government and open a channel for regime change?
Multipolarity bros, did we get too cocky?
(Copy-pasted from old thread, I want answers or dialogue.)



>punishing the disabled to own putler.


Honestly it's pretty much the reason why my hateboner for the U.S. overpowers the whole "russian imperialism" thing. I got fucking fooled by these "democratic springs" too many times to take anything remotely aligned with NATO on good faith. Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia, Cuba, Belarus, every American election and protests with their "protest leaders". They know what happened in their countries and they know the smell of bullshit after just one whiff.

At this point I am convinced that America and NATO hegemony is the number one reason that popular insurrections against capitalism fail. Once, I would oppose an invasion like this current one on principle, but that was the past. Anyone who can't see the writing on the wall to how crucial it is to fight NATO after having looked into the past ten years has no memory or is a glowie.

I will put my hat in for a multipolar world until the day that glowie influence becomes as strong as that shitty Silvercorp stunt.


At least there’s Vietnam


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<Angolan Volunteer fighters for DPR, more than likely in mariupol fighting azov rn, red salute 👏 ✊





International solidarity!


Vietnam seems friendlier to the USA than China or maybe even Russia, tbh.




I wonder how many bots are there on twitter anyways?


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After Soviet Union Broke up, the USSR lost dozens of scattered nukes all across the country. Most were safely recovered once new government stepped in. The ones that weren't recovered ended up in Ukraine. Ukraine kept it a secret from the rest of the global public international community. the people running ukraine with chinese support were planning on genociding 90%+ of white Russians supported by a Chinese invasion in the north eastern regions.

How many nukes? From what I know it could be anywhere from 1-4 Max. I personally think they have atleast one functioning nuke.

Why? As the war drags on and Ukraine loses more and more land, the higher ups are going to nuke themselves and claim Russian responsibility in order to get NATO involved against Russia.

Whats the true reason Putin is invading Ukraine? He knows they have nukes which were getting ready to have been used on Russians. This is why Russian troops took over Chernobyl so quickly and why the radiation has increased tremendously.

From Putin's sources he doesn't believe the nuke(s) are functional and therefore he felt safe to invade as ukrianians used Chernobyl to make the recovered nuke fully operational.

PUTIN IS WRONG and His sources have been feeding him disinformation. The more land Russians take the closer they are to getting blamed for a nuclear attack that's incoming.

This is why Putin said he wants to "demilitarize" Ukraine. "Demilitarize" is code word for De-nuclearize.


USA wants to sell Europe gas and oil because USA is fucking broke. European market is fully controlled by Russia, though. Ukraine (from a capitalist perspective) is a fight between USA and Russia for Europe's gas/oil market. NATO and EU allies are willing to surrender a part of their essential interests, but not all of them, so they get roped into "war with Russia" hysteria.

>Will this contribute to a rise in European fascism similar to how al-Qaeda and ISIS grew out of the "brave mujahedeen fighters"?

Nah, Russia will denazify Ukraine and kill while at it a lot of European nazis who will come to Ukraine to defend it. Like hell Europe would like to have radicalized Ukrainian nazis residing on their territories


What precedent is there for countries having their athletes banned from the olympics over such a thing?


No, they actually have zero idea what the fuck to do, because Russia is actually fighting back against their bullshit. So they will try everything.


Every company, organization, tournament and even game developer is cancelling Russia, literally memory hole-ing them, you may not like it but Dugin was right, either Russia creates its own parallel world (along with China) or it will perish as a nation and I hope the former and not the latter happens.

This is the single most important event of the century and I'm fortunate enough to witness it and give Russia my full support. 🇷🇺


I think something worth bearing in mind is that on twitter a lot of bots are for marketing and scam purposes. I think reddit is probably the most botted when it comes to agenda pushing.


The virgin britbong azov volunteer vs the chad angolan DNR volunteer


Haha, it's time for Peron.


how can they be friendly to the ones that destroyed their country not so long ago? why is this happening


Are you for real?


Ukraine Video thread.


I hope you are wrong. Fuck.


In this case yes, I don't share his nazbol views but he's absolutely right on this particular issue.

This is something that many people have said before too, but he put it more succinctly.


same, the 21st century has not disappointed me.


I agree. The consensus in the west was that Russia would never invade, NATO expansion could be done without any concern for this because Russia would inevitably liberalize or just never react. They had been shifting their global posture towards manufacturing hostilities with China, and this was not supposed to happen, and they never thought it was likely possibility until perhaps December of last year, so about 3 months ago.


>Let's set fire to explosives in a residential area
Do retard really?


Do not confuse diplomacy with friendship, lmao. The Vietnamese ruling class knows who the U.S. is.


Let's be frank and honest, this witch hunt and attempt to basically cast Russia out of the international community in every way, politically, economically, culturally, is not because anyone gives a flying fuck about that nazi-ridden shithole Ukraine, it's because Russia is the first country in decades since the fall of the USSR that dared to decisively say "no, the line must be drawn here" to the endless NATO extension and the "rules-based order" of the American empire and actually took action.


This isn't Ace Combat, retard.


unbelievably based

tho what's that thing the 2nd guy is holding


i don't know, but i'm sure US-NATO countries have never faced such a thing despite invading/intervening more than anyone


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Here in Brazil the liberal media is shilling hard for the american narrative. A Globonews (brazilian CNN) journalist sperged out with a historian that they invited to explain the russian viewpoint (pic related).


Because of sinophobia and the influence of the right-wing Vietnamese diaspora in the US, mostly.


>thing the 2nd guy is holding
A painting of a city or building


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Historical enemy opinion penalty. Vietnam will be friendly with any major power that opposes China.


Nukes are a gigantic psyop. Uranium don't explode.


Seems they got killed.


Polls of the Vietnamese themselves are very positive towards Americans, it's very weird.


Honestly the UN vote was fairly discouraging. Europeanoids shouldn't be encouraged when they show such hypocrisy.


False flag will most likely occur after Russians take over Kiev. Although I don't know exactly how they plan on detonating the device as they probably don't have warheads and will have to truck it in and than explode it. So they could false flag 20 days after Kiev falls.

Ukriane will bring in NATO against Russia. This will cause nuclear war. The think I don't understand nis how the fuck will NATO disable Russian nukes? I don't know how they are going to do it but Frome what I saw they seem very fucking confident.

NATO invasion into Russia will be made with Chinese troops.


This is seriously my biggest fear and there might be neo-Nazis involved in a clandestine Ukrainian nuclear or radiological dirty bomb project.


>it's because Russia is the first country in decades since the fall of the USSR that dared to decisively say "no, the line must be drawn here" to the endless NATO extension and the "rules-based order" of the American empire and actually took action.
You're simplifying it. This witch hunt is because people are being told to witchhunt. People are incomparably less sympathetic to NATO than they are to any country, even a nazi-ridden shithole like Ukraine, but people don't ssee the connection between media telling them to witchhunt and NATO. Also, Russia drawing the line can hardly be considered a virtue considering NATO's entire point is to end Russia. It did this out of simple need.


Nah, camera survived. Unless that was a livestream. Danger close, though.


What do you think Chernobyl was used for? Why do you think the Russian took over Chernobyl so quickly? Who do you think runs the UN? The same fucking people running Ukraine.


>the liberal media is shilling hard for the american narrative
in Chile too and probably most latam mainstream media, but people still doesn't care that much like burgers or euros.


no they survived… narrowly



Do you really think Ukrainians are using Chernobyl to reactivate non-functional nuclear weapons? Keep your head on your shoulders.


>Why do you think the Russian took over Chernobyl so quickly?
To prevent any gamer moved on part of Ukraine. Nazis or not.


>Why do you think the Russian took over Chernobyl so quickly?
Because it is directly between the shortest point from Belarus to Kiev, and it getting blown up will make everyone incredibly fucking mad?


They don't give a shit about Ukraine, most liberals don't even know where it is.

Russia didn't declare war against Ukraine, Russia declared war against the current worldview, declared war against literally everything that has happened between 1992 and today, the perfect post cold war world they thought would last forever is in shambles now, that's something they just can't tolerate.


Because humanities salvation lies in the heart of Chernobyl, though nobody knows how, nor why this mystery exists there.


Yes >>>/siberia/218701


And the Russian response was "We'd like to see you try."


Only if theyre from Chechnia.
They did this on purpose, but it is unclear if their move will work our for them. It's too early to tell. America also provoked China again the day before yesterday. So maybe they're cocky and satisfied with their results.

We'll have to see how the EU reacts to the sanctions.


What about your average everday lib? Not the porkies?


When I said "they" I was talking about liberals, I should have mentioned it.

Russia has destroyed their plans for the next century, this is as important as the 1917 revolution in geopolitical terms, the world will change from now on and I'm ready to welcome that with open sfms


Why does US need to sell to oil and gas anyway? They are the reserve currency holder


eh, yeah. it wasn't that bad though. LatAm was disappointing but basically absent/abstain is pretty much the pussy way of voting with Russia. So if you comine them with the No's, a lot of the global south went with Russia here, and weak LatAm govs have to always worry about defying the US.
Also the entire point of the UN is basically:
>never invade anyone
everything else is window dressing, so it's hard to make a No vote here.


>Why do you think the Russian took over Chernobyl so quickly?
To find the ghost of Posadas.


<Azov getting some presents – footage from the battlefield



True. Good post.

I wonder if libs will start researching about the fucking history of this shit and will finally see it from the anti-NATO perspective. Western exceptionalism is insanely strong, so who knows. My friends are beginning to understand that the issue isn't black or white as they originally thought. But it's hard to tell if it's because I've been pushing a counter narrative or because they figured it out on their own.


>it's because Russia is the first country in decades since the fall of the USSR that dared to decisively say "no, the line must be drawn here" to the endless NATO extension and the "rules-based order" of the American empire and actually took action.


>War Gonzo channel
Hell yeah


Certainly the US had no problem attending the nazi olympics


asalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wakabarakatuhu

how goes it my brothers and sisters?


>Why does US need to sell to oil and gas anyway? They are the reserve currency holder

they scared of future petroyuan, especially with increased friendship between KSA and China


>Towns and cities continue to fall
>Half the air force gone
>Forces cut off and surrounded
<We aRE WinNinG!1!!
How big will the western lib meltdown be when/if Ukraine gives in?


what is /r/neoliberal saying rn?


They'll either keep repeating the ridiculous Ukraine death tolls as fact and go muh KDR, moral victory (like their obsession with Finncucks), or they will create a stabbed in the back myth


Who cares about reddit


Dont worry the magnificent ghost of Kyiv will adopt Neoliberalism and learn to fly without his jet.


today map


Any guess where the troops heading toward Pervomaisk (big arrow in the southwest) are ultimately heading to? Are they really going all the way to Kiev?


So you know the big talking point a few days ago of the Babi Yar Memorial being hit by Rsussian fire? Guess what? Completely fabricated.


Even the TV tower is still standing.


I would guess linking up with Transistria and then making their way to meet the southwards-pushing forces coming out of the area near Kiev in the middle
That would effectively cut off all of Ukraine's major industry and agriculture


"Russia is denazifying Ukraine"

maybe it should denazify Russia first.



Word salad


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If nukes are a gigantic psyop, then how do you explain spins wheel… the "atomic sunrises" seen by millions of people for hundreds of miles in both the USA and USSR?


Its funny how many normies either stick to the narrative that Putin has gone insane or that he simply wants to revive the USSR.

They've never heard of Euromaidan, Novorossiya, Banderites and Azov, or the large Russian minority in Ukraine.


Been more of a Mussorgksy and Rimsky-Korsakov fan if we're going for Tsarist Russian composers

Khachaturian, Prokofiev and Shostakovich exist too in Soviet times


I assume the russians will try to liberate budjak (that part of ukraine sticking out between the black sea, the romanian border, and the moldovan border) as it's filled with russians and russia-friendly minorities (namely bulgarians and gagauz people). it should be noted that several days before the conflict broke out the authorities in bolgrad (one of the bigger towns in budjak) refused to create a territorial defense unit for their district, so I assume the locals will be more welcoming to russia than those in other parts of the country. if they manage to set up a people's republic in the area similar to the ones in donetsk/lugansk (there were some grumblings in 2015 but nothing ultimately came of it) then they stand to link transnistria to the black sea and hence to the remainder of russia.


Another USSR faliure if CIA actually managed to get its agent into Ukraine SSR


russian classical music fans are a very dangerous bunch


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Things I am looking forward to:
1) Belarus sending their refugee buildup through the Ukraine refugee corridor when it's calmed down
2) The absorption of Transnistria into Novorossiya causing another international incident
3) Everyone becoming an expert on Transnistria overnight

Feel free to screenshot


Just realized that many news outlets are doing the same thing they did in the Balkan war, deny people their ethnic background. Serb-Bosnians were simply called Serbs, Kosovar-Serbs were also simply called Serbs.
Russian-Ukrainians are being called Russian-SPEAKING Ukrainians, not Russian-Ukrainians or simply ethnic Russians.

They're deliberately blurring the lines again to create a clear aggressor and a victim, I noticed how much I was lied to when I first went to the Balkans almost a decade ago and went for several months each year for almost 10 years, I'm not making the same mistake again.


Well if you ain't a burger iliterate faggot you should have already known the complexities of real life.



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>In June 1985 the General Accounting Office mentioned Lebed’s name in a public report on Nazis and collaborators who settled in the United States with help from U.S. intelligence agencies. The Office of Special Investigations (OSI) in the Department of Justice began investigating Lebed that year. The CIA worried that public scrutiny of Lebed would compromise QRPLUMB and that failure to protect Lebed would trigger outrage in the Ukrainian émigré community. It thus shielded Lebed by denying any connection between Lebed and the Nazis and by arguing that he was a Ukrainian freedom fighter. The truth, of course, was more complicated. As late as 1991 the CIA tried to dissuade OSI from approaching the German, Polish, and Soviet governments for war-related records related to the OUN. OSI eventually gave up the case, unable to procure definitive documents on Lebed. Mykola Lebed, Bandera’s wartime chief in Ukraine, died in 1998. He is buried in New Jersey, and his papers are located at the Ukrainian Research Institute at Harvard University.


>BREAKING: Lavrov: “The United States subjugated Europe, like Napoleon or Hitler did in their time.”
When he's right, he's right


Im complaining about how simplistic the news can be regarding Ukraine.


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>Ukrainian boxers Oleksandr Usyk and Vasiliy Lomachenko are childhood friends. They grew up dreaming of fighting their way to fame and glory, and together they conquered the world with their fists…
>But now they are facing a very different fight – an existential one – for the very future of their country. Since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, Usyk and Lomachenko have traveled into Ukraine, taken up arms and joined the territorial defense battalion.
>Speaking via a video link from a basement in Kyiv, Usyk exclusively told CNN that it's not just invading forces he needs to look out for, but looters as well. He says that he's prepared to take a life, if necessary.
>"If they will want to take my life, or the lives of my close ones, I will have to do it," he said. "But I don't want that. I don't want to shoot, I don't want to kill anybody, but if they will be killing me, I will have no choice."…
>Their manager told CNN that he didn't know they were thinking of taking up arms until they had already signed up for the defense battalion. Former world boxing champions, Vitali – who is also the Mayor of Kyiv – and Wladimir Klitschko, have also taken up arms in defense of their nation.

several of the best boxers in the world are out there facing off with the russian military. crazy. i hope usyk and loma come out ok, but wouldn't mind seeing the kadyrov boys behead the klitschko's in maidan square on live tv.




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Kinda interesting that Le Pen binned some pro-Putin campaign literature. Feels like the contradictions between fascists and right-wing parties across Europe are only going to become more heightened as a result of this war, with some of the fence-sitting groups on the Russia-Ukraine issue becoming more Europhiliac, knowing that's where all the money is going to be.

Also looking at this article:

It's a general overview of the map of far-right parties & paramilitaries inside Ukraine, and their contradictory relationships with other ultranationalists in Russia & Europe who should be nominally opposed to them. What's particularly interesting is that Svoboda used to be very closely affiliated with Yuschenko's Party of Regions before they participated in the Euromaidan. There's a common theme of centrist parties cynically allying with far-right elements for short-term political gains, which in the long run ended up legitimizing ultranationalism and giving them the opportunities to later seize real power under Poroshenko.


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holy fucking shit


do it do it do it


>better dead than red but said by a liberal


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>ummm did you just say that "nukes will destroy the world", sweaty? This is factually wrong and a Kremlin-backed conspiracy theory, you can clearly see these three buildings that survived in Hiroshima. Do better :)


Left wing debunkers are pretty good though.


>This paper was commissioned by Viola von Cramon-Taubadel, Member of the European Parliament and First Vice-Chair of the EP’s EU-Ukraine Parliamentary Association Committee.

<It was financed with funds from The Greens/EFA Group in the European Parliament.

Greens stay glowing


New name for an academic paper. Queering the Apocalypse: Explorations in what Queer Theory can do for Nuclear First-Strike Capabilities


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hotel beds like that always look so comfy


and yet are the most uncomfortable shit ever, you'd be better off sleeping on the floor


always too soft, beds need firmness to actually let you rest


life truly is unfair


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For fuck's sake


>the last thoughts roaming around a babushka's head when her small house is surrounded by Ukrainian, British and polish militants on one side and chenchen, Angolan and Russian fighters on the other


the fuck's that


Khokhols vandalized a monument to Soviet troops


So no bullshit to what extent is this really about a security threat from NATO and to what extent is it Putin's Russian nationalism and nostalgia for the Czarist empire?

The threat from NATO is a very real one, but could this have just been a casus belli for something he always wanted to do all along?

Obviously there is no way to know this for sure, nobody can read Putin's mind and the West should (but won't) take Russian concerns about NATO seriously regardless, but maybe somebody who has more knowledge about Putin's ideology has something to say about this.


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100% security threat, 0% nostalgia. It's a real life, not a paradox game


posadlib gang


jesus that's dark


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New multipolarity map just dropped.



>Russia stops selling US rocket engines

HAHAHA let's see if Musk suddenly encounters unforeseen difficulties


buh buh buh based


Okay nostalgia isn't wording it the right way maybe, but about Russian imperialist ambitions in Ukraine.


lmao what did Laos do to deserve a sanction?


exist, propably.


There are no imperialist ambitions of Russia in Ukraine. Russia only wants to sell fucking gas and oil. Well, there's also various trade matters, with Ukraine getting too much priviliges over Russia, and such. But otherwise - Russia has no interests in conquering Ukraine, Ukraine managing it's own territory was preferrable


Aren't there communists in Laos?


It's ruled by a communist party even


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Gee i wonder who could be behind that post


Of course it won't annex Western Ukraine (Donbass republics does seem likely though), imperialism doesn't necessitate direct control over a country though.


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Now this is getting ridiculous.


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You're done putlerites


I don't know what to say. What is that makes twitter attract the most deranged and disgusting people alive?


Inb4 Duolingo drops their Russian course due to "Russian agression".


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Redditor goes to fight for Ukraine, gets to Polish border, sees guys with neck tattoos, remembers "parents are sick," turns around and goes home.


Yeah this has left sanctions territory and has entered russophobia


My assessment from the last week of work:

Literally nobody is on Russia’s side. Not even in a nuanced way. People generally see that Nato have war mongered and will war monger, but it’s taken as a given that this is mostly of not entirely Putins fault. This is amongst staff and customers


Yeah it needs consistent technological superiority which Russia doesn't have



V*ush makes that mispelling all the time too. Hmmm.


Where do you work?


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Nothing much you can do against the most sophisticated propaganda machine in history.


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>when khokhol lies make even 4chan nazis stop taking claimed Soviet losses seriously



If we're ever in the situation when we need to sniff out liberal saboteurs, stick a gun in their face and demand they spell "therefore."




These people are going to get us all killed


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>hey little girl, will you slaughter russkies?


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>Overstating Russian casualties is Finland's biggest export.


>Western libs
<We're not racist or xenophobic
>This happens
>their "blood" was from Belarus
<No Ukraine isnt led by reactionary ethnonats why would say that?


I'd love to know what skull tattoo it was, on a scale from jolly roger, to punisher, to "uygha this isn't the International Brigades, you're in the SS!"


Is Moldova gonna try to join NATO?

NATO membership been very unpopular so far, but will this invasion sway public opinion enough or at the level of govt? Especially with Macron saying Russia might invade Georgia and Moldova.


Can't due to disputed territory (Transnistria)


You have to love the image of a Redditer, who drinks a lot of soy and gets funny ideas about traveling to Ukraine, arriving at the border and handed an "indefinite" contract to fight "until the end of the war" by some scary-looking men with Waffen SS death head tattoos on their necks.


>My assessment from the last week of work:

>Literally nobody is on Russia’s side. Not even in a nuanced way. People generally see that Nato have war mongered and will war monger, but it’s taken as a given that this is mostly of not entirely Putins fault. This is amongst staff and customers

Same. I tried to do some agitation against my employers doing sanctions because it hurts mostly Russian workers. Dangerous shit, would not recommend.


the russians seem to have their own "ghost of kiev"


>no Belorussians allowed
Lmao. Reminder that there were German and Italian units on the Republican side in the Spanish Civil War.


Need to remember this. Maybe will see faces of those guys in the future on TV with awards and shit


I mean Ukraine has disputed territory as well but they're still trying to join NATO


Let's go Z Nation


They call him… "the Zeta Male of Donetsk"


Hahahaha that's pretty funny.
hahahahhaahhahahaha the kremlins gremlin
Omg hahahahhah


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Ngl the only people you can convince to take a more nuanced view on this conflict irl who aren't already politically left with strong anti-imperialist tendencies are people from non-Western countries who can feel the West's hypocrisy with regards to this war on a visceral level




Have you guys seen this?

The Russian state-owned news agency RIA Novosti accidentally published an article that was written in the case of a Russian victory in the war against Ukraine. Super interesting to read:


The article also spoke of a historical destiny for Russia, i.e. its mission to "gather the Russian world." It referred to Ukrainians as "Little Russians" and claimed that Putin had tackled the "solution of the Ukrainian question."

So Putin is a full on irredentist huh?


Not surprising given how much NATO has been pissing them off with the TPLF antics.


all of the relevant political left with strong anti-imperialist tendencies is standing with ukraine and hecking wholesome NATO
t. eurocuck


>So Putin is a full on irredentist huh?
I wouldn't put too much stock in that. It's propaganda for domestic consumption, it doesn't necessarily really factor into Russia's actual policymaking any more than "freedom and democracy" does for the US.


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Yes. From yesterdays Adwa celebration, celebrating victory over the Italians.

Getachew Reda(spokesman for TPLF) had a decent diss track for Abiy.


Yeah lol

Battle of Adwa celebration, Ethiopia got weapons from Russia to fight against Italy


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In Spain they outright compared Ukraine with the Second Republic and because of that we can't "do what the british and french people did, not sending weapons to the republic".
This is the justification they gave to give weapons to Ukraine, an actual nazi-run state.
This woman is supposedly in the Communist Party of Spain, which isn't even a political party anymore as it has been absorbed into Unidas Podemos.


Are all the normies memeing about the value of ruble falling worse than roblox true?

Just tell me that much

I just heard about them spending 1 trillion to buy shares of sanctioned companies and it's pissing me off all the memes about that being worth $100 dollars or $24.95

I don't support Russia or anything, I just hate smug americans


> Communist Party of Spain, which isn't even a political party anymore as it has been absorbed into Unidas Podemos.

what is that


dude it literally means that if Putin wins the war he will annex ukraine


no it isn't, KKE isn't


Yeah neither is PCP, which is causing some people to shit their organs out and demand they're banned.


Okay this is too much
I call the limit on hurting the feelings of cats



Yes but it doesn't mean as much as they say. Ruble was 0.013 before the war and roblux is 0.125 I think


Good, Ukraine is failed state


what was that not the point of the invasion? i'm confused


wait so does that mean if i go to russia rn i can buy up all the stuff in a store for a few dollars


That's like saying that if the US wins a war they'll make the country they defeat a democracy.


Guy on the internet told me this war is a direct result of Russian Agression now and in 2014 with the annexation of crimea.
How was the annexation of crimea an agression act? Why libs are like this?


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The PCE at the start of democracy joined with a lot of other organizations in order to form Izqueirda Unida "United Left" (which is a combination of parties, from the PCE to some nationalist retarded "we're actually left guys I swear" parties), this party, then, was overshadowed by Podemos during the early 2010's and then decided to join Podemos, which pretty much means that Podemos absorbed Izquierda Unida, which had already absorbed the PCE.
And this woman is supposedly from the Communist Party of Spain and outright supporting Ukraine against Russia.


Kek, Ukrops are banning google and youtube in Kiev


yeah, but that's one of the reasons russia cares about crimea and donbas being allowed autonomy. that takes NATO off the table. But the US-Ukraine idea was they were going to abandon agreements for autonomy and instead fight a civil war to forcibly take those areas back completely, and then they could join NATO afterward. The US probably never intended Ukraine to actually become NATO, but that was the carrot dangled out to make take hostile positions on Donbas and Crimea, do a big weapons buildup and refuse to rule out future NATO, which all puts them on a path to war with Russia.


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Fucking kill me.

Now I see how communists of before held anti-communist positions.


Not that is acceleration. KKE is a legit party with 5-8 % of the vote in Greece.


What is ukrops


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Seems like it's mostly Indians and Pakistanis tweeting this hashtag.



Antirevisionist. Communists are with the people, not with the "political class"


Deragatory for Ukrainians. I'm using this to refer Ukrainian troops and government


No. Russia won't annex anything. They just wanna force Ukraine to remain a neutral state with no NATO bases and shti in their territory.


The Portuguese party? I thought it has become mostly socdem.


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Lavrov recently clarified that those are "minimum demands" already. Ukrops are losing so bad Russia's making more demands, lol


Are our media owned by American shareholders or something? I cant imagine being that detached from the population.


Anti-revisionism is when you dogmatically adhere to your shit reading of marxist texts.
Sounds anti-communist to me.


Sure, but I don't think they annex. At least 50 %, but probably more, now that Crimea is out, Ukrainians don't wanna be Russia, they just wanna be Ukraine.


What do you call it, when a CIA government starts ruling your country?


Because of people like you, the Soviet Union fell and now we're dealing with the consequences.
Hang yourself and save us the trouble.


>Ukrainians don't wanna be Russia, they just wanna be Ukraine.

Ukrop fascists don't want to be Russia. Ordinary Ukrainians by now will welcome Russian rule


How are they not political parties anymore? Are they paid opposition now? toothless

Some people say that about the Communist Party of India just for participating in bourgeois elections

But I assume this situation is different since this commie party seems to have been absorbed and overshadowed by weak left parties


X to doubt


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A lot of communist parties have taken a "No NATO" position rather than an explicitly pro-Russian one. I think that's the most realistic line in the circumstances.


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Ah, the poster with pic was pro-Ukraine. Sorry, I was reading it wrong. Obviously, communists will support denazification of Ukraine.


Having a trash understanding of the situation based on propaganda mixed with ultra leftism (a strain of liberalism) and moralism leads one to shit anti-communist positions.
Ok trotsky, whatever you say.


>But I assume this situation is different since this commie party seems to have been absorbed and overshadowed by weak left parties
The civil war killed most of the hard-line communists of the PCE, and the ones that survived were the first to become Euro-Communists. In fact, the leader of the PCE at the time, Santiago Carrillo, straight out gave away the identity of communists inside of Francoist Spain because they didn't share the view he had on Eurocommunism.
This is the reason why there are like 50 communist parties in Spain, because all of them splitted, some way or the other, from the PCE because of the absolutely retarded position they had.


This is as delusional as when burgers thought Iraqis would welcome them as liberators. The populace clearly is not amenable to the Russian invasion, which is why the Ukrainian army and government didn't collapse immediately like the Russians were hoping. Eventually Russo-Ukrainians in the East may come around, but I guarantee you the vast majority of people opposing the invasion are not Nazis (the influence of which are vastly exaggerated here).


They went into a confidence and supply to boot out the austerity gang and then got hammered at the next election for refusing to play ball again without lifting restrictions on trade unions
Standing with the proletariat by arming the volkssturm


>SEE?!?! We throw children and elderly at you, Russians! We have flag-waving hordes assault your tanks with bare fists, we don't want to be Russia!!!1
Funny how Kharkovites were literally sending Shariy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzPuoZGnPUw on live stream Ukrop positions for Russian troops to shoot at yesterday. Liberation comes, and Ukraine WILL get denazified.


>>551564 (me)
Which makes it really fucking funny, cause the only countries that supported the republic were the Soviet Union and Mexico (and mexico because their communist party straight out would start another revolutionary war if the goverment didn't do anything).



fucking hell, liberal are really just bunch of deranged sickos


that sounds like nazi talk


Do you think every Iraqi who opposed the US invasion was a Ba'athist?


>which is why the Ukrainian army and government didn't collapse immediately like the Russians were hoping

Dude, Russia immediately tried to go for negotiations ON THE FIRST FUCKING DAY. That's their basic strategy, to force Zelensky to officially surrender. Who were they to negotiate with if government collapses?

Next. Ukrainians ARE supporting Russian troops >>551567


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Its no so much the de-nazification. That is Putin propaganda.
There is a grain of truth, since the goals of Putin imply denazification, but it is NOT the goal.

It's hard to have a nuanced position when even western communists are supporting the heinious actions of the Ukraine government putting civilians into the meat grinder and mentioning only in passing NATOs role in this.


>Who were they to negotiate with if government collapses?
Nobody, they would just occupy the country without opposition and set up whatever government they saw fit.
>Ukrainians ARE supporting Russian troops
I'm sure some are, but I see nothing to indicate that these are the majority.


>Its no so much the de-nazification. That is Putin propaganda.

Putin's goal is to remove NATO from Ukraine. Staunchest NATO supporters are literal nazis. Putin is cleansing Ukraine from nazis and from NATO. That's the stated goal, and Russia still hasn't shown ANY sign of faking this claim.


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I told you Pulter was an imperilist, I warned you


That's fucking sick man
I'm scared of joining a party because of shit like this, Getting ratted out to fascists

At least in the third world country I live in, it seems possible

What republic? Sorry I'm not to well read on history, i know there was some fascist thing happening in spain with the name and party of francois but that's all I know


Only because they were fed an anticommunist and anti Russian diet ever since the fall of the Soviet Union
Quite similar to how USA dropped jihadis children books all over Afghanistan in 1980s to make them radical islamists
The Ukrainian nation is a questionable subject as to if it even exists. The people on the landmass of the Ukraine state have switched sides a hundred times in the last 200 years.

It's as nebulous a nation as another flashpoint, the Uyghurs in Xinjiang (who have their origins in a stranded Turkish army who invaded China)

The current specific form of Ukrainian identity is basically a CIA psy op'ed anti-russian sentiment which is completely against their own national interest. When Ukraine and Russia work together their economies synergise

For that reason, fuck Ukraine Crimea river
I'd rather Russia extinguish the current Ukraine state and rebuild a new one that isn't the world base of international neonazism


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Ukrop refugees in Moldova. FFS


Removing Nazis is a side effect of the Russian government's primary goals. At least thats my opinion. I don't think Putin cares too much about Nazis per se, he mostly cares because their retardation affects Russia directly. So denazification as a primary goal is propaganda. It's much easier to explain than NATO shit and the 14+ years of conflict escalation by the US.



>Only because they were fed an anticommunist and anti Russian diet ever since the fall of the Soviet Union
That obviously isn't true, since the Ukrainian Communist Party remained one of the largest political organizations in the country all through the 2000s. Moreover you people need to make up your mind. Are Ukrainians victims of an undemocratic Nazi coup or does their current government actually reflect the sentiments of the population? These two things can't both be true.
>The Ukrainian nation is a questionable subject as to if it even exists.
It wasn't questionable for the Bolsheviks, and I take their position.


>So denazification as a primary goal is propaganda
No, for fuck's sake. Ukrainian Nazis are the enemy in Ukraine, Putin even said he won't be taking Nazis prisoner. Denazification is not propaganda, it's a real deal.


Numerology is the most cringe version of estoricism there is.


>Removing Nazis is a side effect of the Russian government's primary goals. At least thats my opinion. I don't think Putin cares too much about Nazis per se, he mostly cares because their retardation affects Russia directly. So denazification as a primary goal is propaganda.
Thus. It's pretty much exactly like the cynical way the West used "women's rights" as a pretext for going to Afghanistan. It was factually correct thay the Taliban were oppressively misogynistic, but that clearly wasn't the real reason for American intervention.


>tried to go for negotiations
Geopolitics and international relations don't work like that. Showing intent to negociate doesn't mean a strategy built around diplomacy. It's first a circus designed for public opinion manipulation and you've been had. The simple fact that war was triggered in he first place means Zelensky will go and the regime will be changed. What Russian diplomats annouce publicly or wathever official discussions they have about a cease fire are really irrelevant to the conduct of this war at this point and everyone with two brain cells knows it.


>Denazification is not propaganda, it's a real deal.
I don't think you understand what "propaganda" means. Protip: something can be 100% true and still be propaganda. It's true that Ukraine has a serious Nazi problem. It's true that Putin will probably deal with this problem effectively. It's still propaganda though, because this is not the true reason for the Russian invasion.


Every Azov a corpse


Nobody wants a blood bath, but it's preferable to NATO


bruh if Russia bans America from using their spacefaring infrasstructure, it would be like pulling the life support plug for the American space program


no it's not


My god. Is word politics just a stupid board game for liberals? Is nuclear anihilation just a card you flip on the table of world politics?
These motherfuckers are WACK.

Also, never trust people with profile pics like the last tweet. In my experience they are always "cute uwu they/them human rights AOC" bloodthirsty anti-communist war mongerers.


>It's as nebulous a nation as another flashpoint, the Uyghurs in Xinjiang (who have their origins in a stranded Turkish army who invaded China

The Turks originate from what is now northwest China, not the other way around.


Watch the video


It would be a disaster but SpaceX is pretty independant and can still do a lot of stuff burgers need without Russian support. The ISS will be gone without the russian section keeping it in orbit though and that would be a very sad thing.


>showing an intent to do diplomacy is just a ploy action which means nothing

Real world doesn't work like poorly written fantasy books, you know?

>says will do denazification and will do denazification, but that's not the real reason!

This sounds retarded.


>This sounds retarded.
Why? The West said they would improve women's rights in Afghanistan and they did. That doesn't mean it's why they were there.


It would be a hilarious thing - Chinese Space Station which allows Russian astronauts flying in space vs the West having no space station whatsoever. We should fully welcome such a development and Americans funneling even more money for Musk to make hyperloops with


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After the epic performance of the Russian army Putler is losing the respect of /pol/ even. This is probably the last outlet in the West that still shills for him


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"Hurrr let's throw incendiaries at that truck that's literally carrying a giant payload of military grade explosives from close range. Slava Ukraini"


Americans invaded Afghanistan not for women's rights, for fuck's sake. And they didn't even improve it, they just got a couple of middle class female professionals, not women's emancipation.


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Not to go all Nazbol but people using NATO's crimes against NATO's enemies are some kind of subhuman.


>Quite similar to how USA dropped jihadis children books all over Afghanistan

I hate the us


>After the epic performance of the Russian army
You mean advancing nearly 200km into contested territory and achieving air supremacy in less than a week? All without just vaporizing everything in front of them like the burgers did in Iraq? If you think the Russians are in any way losing this war you are delusional.


That's a false comparison.
A more accurate comparison would be that the US was saying they were invading Afghanistan to get rid of the taliban/islamic terrorism. Removing the taliban was going to be a side effect of them installing a "liberal democracy". I don't have to spell out what a "liberal democracy" means for the US.


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Imagine all this time Putin was a secret communist trying to restore the soviet unio



>Real world doesn't work like poorly written fantasy books, you know?
Exactly, the actors don't publicly explain in detail what they want to do. It's cloak and dagger information warfare stuff with diplomats and advisors working around the clock behind the curtains while you or me have little idea of what they actually do or say and are reduced to watch the show they make that's filtered trough media agencies. If you think you can get an idea of what state actors do or want by reading their anouncements without further analysis you're naive.


I love women


>epic performance of the Russian army
I keep hearing this, but i don't see what is the russian army failing at. I think this is american propaganda.
Or maybe just brainlets so used to american type of warfare that they really think is normal to make tabula rasa of everything they have infront of them


how did they let this fucking retard become the general secretary of the soviet union


oh fuck, what will putin do if polboomers no longer shill for him


opportunits and revisionists is my guess


>Americans invaded Afghanistan not for women's rights, for fuck's sake.
Yeah that's my point lmao. Russia didn't invade Ukraine for denazification either.
>And they didn't even improve it, they just got a couple of middle class female professionals
That's still an improvement over the first period of Taliban rule. They also legalized education for women, which was previously banned.


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Takeover by the bureaucrats without a solid socialist foundation, just as Trotsky predicted


holy FUCK and I thought I was bad


Ngl I have over 800 hours in Wargame Red Dragon, and I'm still terrible.


Why do people always post those? Does nobody else ever leave the game open on a menu? I always end up with insane hours clocked which are total bullshit.


>It's cloak and dagger information warfare stuff

That's fantasy books' mind games, you dumb fuck. That's not real life.

>If you think you can get an idea of what state actors do or want by reading their anouncements without further analysis you're naive.

Gee, I wonder why markets react to official statements, then. All those people must be dumb, and instead of official statements we should just like guess inside Putin's brain :^)


is there a modicumo f truth to this


Cringe lesbo should touch grass


Around 2010 Obama announced his desire to make an international collaboration with China for space programs but for some obscure reason (space us porkies I think) they didn't. Now China went on its own but their station while cool isn't anywhere near the ISS (yet). The funniest thing is to see the burgers porkies who refused to collaborate with the chinese seethe because they are on track to becoming the first space power.


Yes, the idea of nuclear winter is not true and even if we detonated every bomb it wouldn't destroy the entire planet. That being said, even a limited nuclear exchange would be the end of human society as we know it



They're literally banning tchaikovsky now.

my local theater banned russian ballet


This was made by a child


>It's as nebulous a nation as another flashpoint, the Uyghurs in Xinjiang (who have their origins in a stranded Turkish army who invaded China)
I disagree with this. The Uyghurs are clearly a nation as it pertains to the wider China. Most big countries are multi-national. So this doesn't mean that Uhygur separatism is justified per se. I'm with the zapatistas on this, whatever the country, many worlds (nations) will exist, what we want is a world where all worlds fit.

Ukraine is multi-national, or bi-national, with russians being the largest but minority nation. That said, I agree that the distinction is highly nebulous comparded to, say, the Uhygurs.

Also Russia has many nations. I don't even know what the Russian nation is, nor how they see themselves.


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Christmas is cancelled.


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Putin doesn't decide everything you idiot


Taking Iraq (Ukraine is even bigger) took burgers one month (3 weeks for Baghdad), with 1.5x as many troops, and without NATO supporting Iraq with weapons and intel


Someone tell Agent Kochinski they're banning Lolita.


ITT post russian classical music


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Post the whole thing



oh ok then


Again, shit comparison.
America giving women rights in afganistan is not even a means to an end, nor an ends to a mean. And it didnt even pan out, nor did they really care.

Putin denazifying is a means to an end.
A better comparison is America killing the taliban. Means to an end.


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Didn't know the guy had had a time machine lmao.
(For context Dostoevsky had been dead for decades by the time Putin was born)


Yeah, the only hope for US if Russia disintegrates like USSR. There's no other way out for them


Wait do they talk about the Crime and Punishment author? But he's from the XIXth century? Or is it an homonym?




pretty open secret in Moscow this guy raped kids back in the wild 90's btw


Imagine if there's a worker revolution in Russia to stop this war
"noooo I didn't mean that, stop it!"



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Sadly, in some places yes. The nazis are determined to make their mythical last stand and murdering any innocents who try to get out of the way


The president of Croatia just called out NATO and the whole west

Incredibly based. He is saying about whose idea it was to push Ukraine for NATO? Russia had legitimate and grave concerns about this and they are a nuclear superpower - and some of the politicians are calling to war against a nuclear superpower. What is going on.


Translation of >>551518

A new world is being born before our eyes. Russia's military operation in Ukraine has ushered in a new era - and in three dimensions at once. And of course, in the fourth, internal Russian. Here begins a new period both in ideology and in the very model of our socio-economic system - but this is worth talking about separately a little later.

Russia is restoring its unity - the tragedy of 1991, this terrible catastrophe in our history, its unnatural dislocation, has been overcome. Yes, at a great cost, yes, through the tragic events of a virtual civil war, because now brothers, separated by belonging to the Russian and Ukrainian armies, are still shooting at each other, but there will be no more Ukraine as anti-Russia. Russia is restoring its historical fullness, gathering the Russian world, the Russian people together - in its entirety of Great Russians, Belarusians and Little Russians. If we had abandoned this, would have allowed the temporary division to take hold for centuries, then we would not only betray the memory of our ancestors, but would also be cursed by our descendants - for allowing the disintegration of the Russian land.

The first would always be the complex of a divided people, the complex of national humiliation - when the Russian house first lost part of its foundation (Kiev), and then was forced to come to terms with the existence of two states, not one, but two peoples. That is, either to abandon their history, agreeing with the insane versions that "only Ukraine is the real Russia," or to gnash one's teeth helplessly, remembering the times when "we lost Ukraine." Returning Ukraine, that is, turning it back to Russia, would be more and more difficult with every decade - recoding, de-Russification of Russians and inciting Ukrainian Little Russians against Russians would gain momentum. And in the event of the consolidation of the full geopolitical and military control of the West over Ukraine, its return to Russia would become completely impossible - it would have to fight for it with the Atlantic bloc.

Now this problem is gone - Ukraine has returned to Russia. This does not mean that its statehood will be liquidated, but it will be reorganized, re-established and returned to its natural state of part of the Russian world. Within what boundaries, in what form will the alliance with Russia be consolidated (through the CSTO and the Eurasian Union or the Union State of Russia and Belarus)? This will be decided after the end is put in the history of Ukraine as anti-Russia. In any case, the period of the split of the Russian people is coming to an end.

And here begins the second dimension of the coming new era - it concerns Russia's relations with the West. Not even Russia, but the Russian world, that is, three states, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, acting in geopolitical terms as a single whole. These relations have entered a new stage - the West sees the return of Russia to its historical borders in Europe. And he is loudly indignant at this, although in the depths of his soul he must admit to himself that it could not be otherwise.

Did someone in the old European capitals, in Paris and Berlin, seriously believe that Moscow would give up Kyiv? That the Russians will forever be a divided people? And at the same time when Europe is uniting, when the German and French elites are trying to seize control of European integration from the Anglo-Saxons and assemble a united Europe? Forgetting that the unification of Europe became possible only thanks to the unification of Germany, which took place according to the good Russian (albeit not very smart) will. To swipe after that also on Russian lands is not even the height of ingratitude, but of geopolitical stupidity. The West as a whole, and even more so Europe in particular, did not have the strength to keep Ukraine in its sphere of influence, and even more so to take Ukraine for itself. In order not to understand this, one had to be just geopolitical fools.

More precisely, there was only one option: to bet on the further collapse of Russia, that is, the Russian Federation. But the fact that it did not work should have been clear twenty years ago. And already fifteen years ago, after Putin's Munich speech, even the deaf could hear - Russia is returning.

Now the West is trying to punish Russia for the fact that it returned, for not justifying its plans to profit at its expense, for not allowing the expansion of the western space to the east. Seeking to punish us, the West thinks that relations with it are of vital importance to us. But this has not been the case for a long time - the world has changed, and this is well understood not only by Europeans, but also by the Anglo-Saxons who rule the West. No amount of Western pressure on Russia will lead to anything. There will be losses from the sublimation of confrontation on both sides, but Russia is ready for them morally and geopolitically. But for the West itself, an increase in the degree of confrontation incurs huge costs - and the main ones are not at all economic.

Europe, as part of the West, wanted autonomy - the German project of European integration does not make strategic sense while maintaining the Anglo-Saxon ideological, military and geopolitical control over the Old World. Yes, and it cannot be successful, because the Anglo-Saxons need a controlled Europe. But Europe needs autonomy for another reason as well — in case the States go into self-isolation (as a result of growing internal conflicts and contradictions) or focus on the Pacific region, where the geopolitical center of gravity is moving.

But the confrontation with Russia, into which the Anglo-Saxons are dragging Europe, deprives the Europeans of even the chances of independence - not to mention the fact that in the same way Europe is trying to impose a break with China. If now the Atlanticists are happy that the "Russian threat" will unite the Western bloc, then in Berlin and Paris they cannot fail to understand that, having lost hope for autonomy, the European project will simply collapse in the medium term. That is why independent-minded Europeans are now completely uninterested in building a new iron curtain on their eastern borders - realizing that it will turn into a corral for Europe. Whose century (more precisely, half a millennium) of global leadership is over in any case - but various options for its future are still possible.

Because the construction of a new world order - and this is the third dimension of current events - is accelerating, and its contours are more and more clearly visible through the spreading cover of Anglo-Saxon globalization. The multipolar world has finally become a reality - the operation in Ukraine is not capable of rallying anyone but the West against Russia. Because the rest of the world sees and understands perfectly well - this is a conflict between Russia and the West, this is a response to the geopolitical expansion of the Atlanticists, this is Russia's return of its historical space and its place in the world.

China and India, Latin America and Africa, the Islamic world and Southeast Asia - no one believes that the West leads the world order, much less sets the rules of the game. Russia has not only challenged the West, it has shown that the era of Western global domination can be considered completely and finally over. The new world will be built by all civilizations and centers of power, naturally, together with the West (united or not) - but not on its terms and not according to its rules.


Day 7: Russia controls 20% of Ukrainian territory, not including Crimea


paradox players face the wall


yes he was born 200 years ago, my "ok then" was a joke


nobody cares




But Russian army is doing fairly good. I support Ukrainians and think this invasion is a human rights catastrophe, but Russia is clearly winning.


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Contrary to the copers and Nato-stans the war is going very well for day 7

<The goals were:

< complete take the Eastern and Southern part of the country, which was already begging to be annexed

<To take Kharkiv
<To take Kiev

<The first thing is pretty much done, and only the second thing has really hit a snag. The third thing hasn’t really gotten started yet, as the city is still in the process of being surrounded.


40000 ukronazi soldiers surrounded in the Donbass cauldron. Hopefully they surrender instead of forcing the Russians hands to annihilate them (so they can be used as forced labour to rebuild the Donbass)

That Nato faggot that was saying the war was going badly, can you restate that plz so I can screen cap this at the 2 week mark? ty


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When rusha of socialim takes odessa???


Shay cute


why did you skip the third paragraph

Vladimir Putin has assumed, without a drop of exaggeration, a historic responsibility by deciding not to leave the solution of the Ukrainian question to future generations. After all, the need to solve it would always remain the main problem for Russia - for two key reasons. And the issue of national security, that is, the creation of anti-Russia from Ukraine and an outpost for the West to put pressure on us, is only the second most important among them.


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wen nazi larper ded


Isn't dostoevsky an anticommunist? It's been awhile since I read C&P but I remember him rebuking his drunk commie buddy's arguments.


Looked into this. What actually happened was the university wanted to postpone one course on Dosdoyevsky, and then decided not to. They didn't "ban teaching" of his works.


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If a full nuclear exchange ever happens, I hope these guys are counted among the survivors so they can have interesting time contemplating their views about liberalism while trying to flee from the mutant order of Azov and posadist organ raiders .




>Putin denazifying is a means to an end.
A better comparison is America killing the taliban. Means to an end.
Fair enough, but the Americans didn't fight the Taliban because they had any real issue with their ideology. The same is true of Putin and Azov.


He literally has a (fairly good if you can tolerate his style and beliefs) book mocking Russian socialists, "Demons".


he was a reactionary by 19th century russian standards


You forgetting the part where americans armed the talibans and called them liberators


I have no clue why so many slavs larp as the people who wanted to see them all dead.


I hope to see more technical kino before the nuclear war


>40000 ukronazi soldiers surrounded in the Donbass cauldron
Don't worry, ukro supersoldiers don't need things like supplies, logistics, they will destroy Russian armor brigades with molotovs


he wasn't pro tsarist either


Do the Ukrops even have an army besides what is currently encircled in Kharkov, Kiev, Mariupol and in the Donbass? This could be over in a week or two


Could you post video?


File: 1646309782787-0.mp4 (13.8 MB, 1280x700, 16463092833970.mp4)

File: 1646309782787-1.mp4 (15.83 MB, 1280x720, KhokholsLying.mp4)

Khokhols just this morning claimed that they've captured the guy from first pic as a POW. Welp, guess what's on the second webm from this same morning…


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Yeah and you're forgetting the part where fascist paramilitaries fight on the Russian and separatist side. Again, Putin's only issue with Azov is that they are opposed to Russia, just like America's only issue with the Taliban was that they were opposed to the US. Denazification is a pretext, and its use to justify the invasion is therefore propaganda.


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Ur cute


Did anyone here read Donetsk People's Republic constitution?


Nah im not cute




Ur rude


People here are childishly naive, holy shit
>Why would Putin say the goal is to denazify Ukraine if that isn’t the actual goal!?
Honestly wouldn’t expect less from the vulgar nationalist retards on leftist /pol/


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Yes I am.


They think nuclear winter can be undone by shouting "accio buttfuck" or something.


no wonder that every """leftist""" is pro-nato when people like Agent Kochinski dominate that space


>Denazification is a pretext
wh-what? I thought Putin was a good guy doing kind peace keeping operation against the fourth reich?? do you mean it's a geopolitical struggle against competing capitalist blocs??? No it can't be…


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File: 1646310174875-1.mp4 (6.39 MB, 640x640, KharkovFake.mp4)

Nazi captured on 1.
Yet another Ukrainian fake, this time Kharkov explosions of munitions from 2017 is presented as indiscriminate shelling


>more precise language
should have used "surgical strikes"



I dont read anything posted by black flags


But I agree with both the means and the ends. It's not like Russia is funding the Taliban in a country across the earth just to use them as a scapegoat for a national tragedy.


it is posted on fb link that is in the post




Is there any place colleting all these fakes? Or at least the fakes coming from the Ukrainian government.


Again, bad comparison. Dude, you're smart. Stop doing this silly shit. Russia didn't arm and train the Azov battalion, whereas the Americans did arm and train the taliban. Your response is not up to standard.



>praising the Razem party
they are literally scandinavian style socdems bordering on full on neoliberalism with LGBT characteristics


Denazification isn't the real end though, that's my point. I mean it will probably happen anyway, and that's no doubt one of the positive things that will come out of this war, but it isn't why the war is happening. If there were zero Nazis in Ukraine the Russians would still be invading. This is about geopolitical competition and redivision of the world, not ideology.


>Talking to Russian chauvinist simp in good faith
But why?


And I'm saying I agree with adding another buffer state between NATO and Russia. I also agree with the reinstalling of the couped Ukrainian president.


retarded fucking amerimutt


>After the horrific attack by imperialist Russia on democratic Ukraine
stopped reading there


>Russia didn't arm and train the Azov battalion, whereas the Americans did arm and train the taliban.
That isn't relevant to the point I'm trying to make. America didn't invade Afghanistan because they have a real issue with Islamic fundamentalism, just like Russia didn't invade Ukraine because they have a real issue with fascism. In both cases the proof of this is the use by each power of the very forces they claimed to oppose, Islamic fundamentalists for America (Saudis, Mujahideen, etc) and fascists for Russia (Wagner, RNU, etc).


By this rate, they will win the war in what… a month? how does this stack up against other conflicts?


>I also agree with the reinstalling of the couped Ukrainian president.
Then you'll be disappointed because the Russians already said they recognize Zelinsky as the legitimate president of Ukraine.


bretty gud


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/leftypol/ hates these guys


Source? Last I heard Yanukovych was coming back.


Pretty standard for a big power to defeat a low-mid tier one. It's around the same amount of time it took for the Germans to subdue countries like Poland, Yugoslavia, etc.


Nah much quicker than that.
Once the 40,000 Ukro-nazis in the Donbass cauldron (effectively surrounded just waiting on pincer to close) are either slaughtered or paraded in chains military command will collapse and so will Ukraine as a State


Oh, another chauvinist simping for a regional imperialist power
>Waaaahhhh why won’t you simp for muh Russian strongman
Honestly, being truly honest
I don’t fucking care when Europeans die, the lives of crackers are worth literally nothing to me, Africans don’t care, the only Asians that care are simps like the Nips, even Mexico told the West to fuck itself

The problem is so-called “Marxists” simping for bourgeois imperialists and demanding I do the same, I don’t give a fuck about your cynical and pointless game of geopolitics as if who you “side with” means a damn fucking thing aside from how many normies you successfully alienate and how much more you push yourself into reactionary nationalism


who is that


It requires login :/.
No worries the summary was good enough.
I didn't but I read someone here did and commented it had no communist points.
Someone posted a telegram channel in previous threads that are about debunking exclusively. The link started with web.telegram. so maybe that will help you find it.
Then don't make bad comparisons that downplay American insane genocides.
"means to an end" is a good enough phrase to explain denazification, no?


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Ukraine army trained in chernobyl


Resistance Committee, an anti-fascist and anarchist unit of Ukrainian Territorial Defense.


If they're fighting on Ukraine's side then they deserve our hate. I don't think we as communists have a dog in this fight, but if we do (we don't) then it's Russia.


So basically you are a psycho but you need to be special and contrarian here.


Oh yeah deff, I hope they get annihilated


>Whines about alienating liberals and conservatives and succdems
>Whines about supporting reactionary nationalism
>Claims to uphold real Marxism
>While Marx/Engels/Lenin and Stalin supported combinations of: Irish Nationalism/Polish Nationalism/Afghanistan nationalism and Egyptian nationalism


Don't put Mexico in your dirty mouth ever again. You have no idea what you're talking about.


File: 1646311082945.jpg (6.26 KB, 224x225, 1541867636372.jpg)

I just woke up has anything happened?


Nuclear war is happening in


nothing too relevant


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Hhahaha, it is funny how telegram channels were lighting up every minute the past week, but ytday and tday they are very silent. (most of them were Ukrainian i guess)


Ive heard that these lads have killed AZOV battalion members, hanging them in forrests.
At the same time, they’re also fighting against Russia trying to annex their home and place it under Putin’s control.

I hope this is true, because at least these lads would set the example that these fuckin’ Agent Kochinskiites need to see.


Not “psycho”
Euroids and Yankees have killed millions of MENA people in 20 years and none of their citizens cared
So why should I care?
The majority of people are one of those two, and I mean, I get that people here secretly despise the masses and truly want leftism to just be some pathetic subculture full of resentful losers endlessly fantasizing about the past and wanting reactionary capitalist states to fight your battles for you, but I’m not like that 🤷🏾‍♂️
> While Marx/Engels/Lenin and Stalin supported combinations of: Irish Nationalism/Polish Nationalism/Afghanistan nationalism and Egyptian nationalism
<And since Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin supported independence of colonized nations from their imperial oppressors, that is why I support the independent right of Russia with its massive army, massive economy, and imperial ambitions to exert its will on Ukraine and further penetrate its economy
The people that call themselves Marxists here are genuinely retarded holy shit 😂😂😂


>why should I care about human life
is not a question a normal human asks


The right of nations to self-determination is a basic principle of marxism-leninism.


>Ive heard that these lads have killed AZOV battalion members
They were involved in a pretty violent struggle with Ukrainian far-righters. There is a documentary about one of the groups behind this unit.


based but realistically delusional.


At least I’m honest
It’s not like anyone here and especially you Putin simps give half a fuck about “human life”
After all, you celebrate this war and pretend like it isn’t thousands if not millions of proles that will be made to suffer


>Euroids and Yankees have killed millions of MENA people in 20 years and none of their citizens cared

Stupid, ahistorical take, could be justified as violence against the descendants of the Ottomans, simply perpetuating a vicious cycle. Obviously you're trolling and not being serious, but put some more effort.


>the rights
Bourgeoisie rights or socialist rights? Which one did you mean and how are they relevant right now?


>It requires login :/.
You don't need one, I was able to watch over Tor even, without login.


Silence, yankee.


Kind of in agreement here. These lads are based, but I’m cynical if they’ll win this fight. God bless them for at least doing something.

Here’s hoping, lads.


We are not similar in the least. You are really just a disgusting creature.


In this situation it is not really that important since two capitalist blocs are fighting for supremacy over a territory, so it's an inter-bourg fight and following Lenin, the proletarait has no stake in such a fight. Or rather, we should analyse where the conditions for workers' organizing would become more prosperous - in a Western dominated Ukraine or in a Russian dominated Ukraine?


>Vicious cycle
<Muh Ottomans
I know math is difficult for you Euroids, but there’s a massive, MASSIVE difference between wars that have occurred for the past 20 years and ended less than a year ago, vs. an empire that collapsed 100 years ago
Says the one that’s been celebrating a war for, what, a week?
Simps for a regional imperialist in an invasion? People that lie to themselves don’t deserve eyes, it seems like a fitting punishment for a funny crime


>dude westerners slaughtered people in the middle east for so long, grrrrr I'll show them by supporting NATO's little fascist prodigy against the only European state that never attacked (and even provided aid against NATO to) the middle east


Aggressive retardation if you think I take “sides” in this worthless little bourg war
I’m not a vulgar chauvinist like the fucktards here


I do hope for your death however I don't fantasize about torture and whatever depravity you have going on in your fucked up brain.


Look, I'm nta so let me ask, what do you think would be a better, viable resoltuion for the Eastern Ukraine debacle? I'm assuming you wish the least worst scenario would come to life, and I'm afraid that's exactly how I see this invassion. If you think there was a better option available, I'm all ears.


Oh cool. I switched to desktop mode on my mobile browser and it worked. Thanks friend.
Silence, genocidal gringo. You're fucking sick in the head. Hilarious how you say you speak for the browns. Actually come to a brown area. We don't hate gringos, we only despise the colonial mindset and smug superiority and self importance you project.


Say it, coward. Say how you look forward for the genocide of europeans. Say it again.


If human life were genuinely your concern (it's not, perpetuation of Western imperialism is and your fear of being proletarianised and the anxiety of the end of empire) you would condemn Ukraine being turned into a neonazi camp for the past 20 years whilst the IMF fed off the ukrainian people who were sold into the sex trade and were waging war against the ethnic Russians in the east

So your objection is not to war (war was going on for 8 years) but to the Other settling this war on terms favourable to itself (and to the world proletariat)


At what point is the West and in particular the US gonna start sanctioning countries that aren't taking whatever actions they want them to take towards Russia?

The sentiment of the Bush mantra of "you're either with us or with the terrorists" seems to have already taken over among the general population, I think it's only a matter of time tbh.


>I know math is difficult for you Euroids, but there’s a massive, MASSIVE difference between wars that have occurred for the past 20 years and ended less than a year ago, vs. an empire that collapsed 100 years ago

Bruh I have family that died in 74 when Turkey invaded Cyprus, and we literally lost our home too; does that justify me wanting to murder turks/MENA people? Seriously, you're setting the bar really low with your bad attempt at trolling. Noone here is falling for your nationalist bait.


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Someone make /pol/jak pls.


I see people with the coat of arms as profile pictures. Is it a nazi symbol?


It is used by Nazis sometimes, just like a lot of national symbols


Ukraine will win.


Best would unironically be a worker’s revolution in each country, second would be the independence of the separatist republics, third would have been Russia just defending the separatist republics as they claimed they wanted to
The thing is, this war isn’t at all about the independence of LPR and DPR, it’s pretty clearly about the geostrategic interests of Russia and it’s struggle with NATO, from Russia’s perspective its actions are an absolutely legitimate move to stem a future threat; the thing is, the moves of all involved parties of all imperialist nations in struggles like this pretty much are always legitimate, since capitalism is a life and death struggle and the competing blocs truly do want to destroy each other, the same was true in the previous state of imperialist competition, the world wars ended with the losing imperialist faction being outright destroyed, and yet Lenin didn’t give support to the losers anyway
Literally any reason to assume I’m white?
Is it because you can’t comprehend brown people using lefty/pol/, or because you think brown and black people are supposed to have some stereotypical speech pattern you see in American media?
I’m an American black of Caribbean descent
“Look forward to”
Lol nope
Just don’t care when Europeans choose to kill each other, sorry if that upsets you
<Oh no, you should be crying about people that turned MENA into rubble and turned to fascism when refugees appeared from the wars
So is it that you think I wasn’t focused on and discussing Ukraine before or that if you’re discussing it now you couldn’t have been discussing it before?
Because “If you oppose Russia’s current actions it is impossible to have opposed NATO’s previous and current actions” is such a bizarre and retarded take I keep seeing from “communist” Putin simps that need to justify why they’re so gung-ho about an imperialist invasion to defend Russian interests with spurious justifications

Especially funny to have the two sides of crocodile tears thrown at me
Euroids crying that I don’t care about them or their problems after 20 years of NATO’s imperialist wars
Putin simps crying that I side with NATO because I won’t celebrate this bourg invasion by a regional hegemon with them
Kinda funny how you people twist me saying I don’t really care about the lives of Europeans to me wanting to “genocide” Europeans
Europeans literally don’t care about the lives of Arabs, Africans, or Asians; they literally didn’t care about them while their governments were executing them for the majority of my life, but I won’t say Europeans were “genocidal”


that's a question a ton of normal people ask. Lots of people ask why they should care about wars that don't affect them.


No, not at all. The meaning of the symbol is "volya" which means freedom in their language I think, although in other slav languages it means "will".


Do I have retard spaceship's stance correct? He doesn't care about killing everyone in NATO, but will get aggressively assblasted if you cheer on Russia kicking the shit out of a bunch of NATO aspirant Nazis?


Not in this manner. They might put it out of their mind but when they are aware of something they are empathic, it's an automatic process.


If Russia starts succeeding, I suspect they will increase sanctions. Maybe random terrorist attacks.

I wonder if Russia and China partly coordinated on this. I would be pissed if I were China and they didn't. It's a huge shift in the balance of global politics and economics.

Or maybe the Chinese government had already anticipated this scenario and accounted for it in their planning. If so, man those communists are amazing.


terrorist attacks are absolutely stupid. Basically asking NATO for actually sending troops.


>I’m an American

wow who would have thought


>Maybe random terrorist attacks.
In Russia a lot of people talk about possibility of false-flag terrorist attacks that then will be blamed on Ukrainians.


here we go lads. hoping for more azov material from mariupol. it's imperative they serve as an example of another nazi humiliation in european soil


>Euroids and Yankees have killed millions of MENA people in 20 years and none of their citizens cared
>So why should I care?

>Kinda funny how you people twist me saying I don’t really care about the lives of Europeans…


Got it, thanks.
Fucking retard. I know you're not white. It's obvious from all your american race realist ideology you slobber all over.
You try to speak for the periphery, for the non-burger peoples of the world, but your message is ENTIRELY chauvinist and American centric.

Before you are black, you are first and foremost an american brainpoisoned with retarded american ideology. So shut the fuck up, gringo. You're scum, and your opinions are trash. Take your yankee colonial guilt and stick it up your urethra.


If you’re going to quote me then do it correctly
> Kinda funny how you people twist me saying I don’t really care about the lives of Europeans to me wanting to “genocide” Europeans
Paraphrasing to twist somebody’s words won’t work when you can scroll up past about five posts to see what the person actually said


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>In Russia a lot of people talk about possibility of false-flag terrorist attacks that then will be blamed on Ukrainians.
I mean, considering the fuck ton of weapons and explosives the US and the EU is giving to Ukraine, which go directly to the hands of far right militias, these types of terrorist attacks won't be only on Russia, it will be all accross Europe.
Expect to see some european president, be it Italy, or Greece, or France itself, getting assasinated in the near future. And if you're in a communist party/organization and having a protest or manifestation, look everywhere cause there might be some far-right nutjob with his ukrainian Kalashnikov ready to open fire. In fact I wouldn't doubt for a second that a new age of pistolerism (this is, far-right nutjobs being paid to kill syndicalist leaders) is coming.
Europe is going to have /pol/jaks come out of the woodworks like in America. Welcome to History once again.


t. Self-hating Westerner


I meant American funded terrorist attacks. but agreed.


>Best would unironically be a worker’s revolution in each country, second would be the independence of the separatist republics, third would have been Russia just defending the separatist republics as they claimed they wanted to
Please notice I said viable.

And I know Putin has no noble goals whatsoever, but he has an understandable goal, which is simply to prevent NATO expansion. Let's not forget that the organization entire point is to simply end Russia, regardless of who's at its helm. If he himself was actively aiming to expand Russia, this invasion would have happened a lot sooner. Hell, a lot of its other neighborss would have been invaded before Ukraine.

So this seems to be the least worst resolution. NATO simply did not let it de-escalate, so the longer this took, the worse would be the struggle. It sucks, but pragmatically, a sound Russian victory here is the best scenario.


I'm done. After seeing the rabid fanatic Cuckrainian nationalism for years, the NPC anticommunism, Burger worshipping, the blatant misinformation campaign since the war started, them proudly filming themselves commiting warcrimes, the "saboteur" lynchings, using their own citizens as shields etc., I have lost all my remaining sympathy for Cuckrainians. My kneejerk reaction to Putin's imperialist invasion was denunciation. But now, I hope he fucking obliterates this abomination of a disgusting nation. I still do not buy the "denazification" claim by Putin, but he may inadvertently destroy many fascists through warfare anyway. Hopefully the Russian armed forced are thorough. Kiev, Kharkov, Mariupol should look like fucking Grozny after the battle.
Death to Cuckraine!
Just for fun, I may consider vandalising some structures with the "Z" markings for trolling in my city.


Keep projecting, gringo.
Anything you say about europeans, applies ten fold to you. European politics has been dominated by American interests ever since the second world war.

If we follow your logic, your black gringo hands are drenched with the blood of every crime against humanity commited by the imperial core.

Your Yankee Exceptionalism blames everyone except the culprit. As per fucking usual.



You're actually right, I didn't read your post correctly, but you can't actually expect me to invest the time to read your senseless burger drivel.




Go find the nearest OUN-B front and spray a Z on it


>Literally just another European spewing out “gringo” and pretending like his own shithole is innocent
Lmao not gonna play the “who is worse” game with yet another pathetic European blaming random Yankees for his own government being cucked to America’s
No bitch, you did that to yourselves with the world wars and gladly slaughtered GS people ever since anyway, you pretend like America has you as a colony to justify your gleeful participation in imperialist crimes, it’s fucking disgusting and rat-like(american exceptionalism, historical revisonism, calling for genocide )


Breaking news: a Zelensky has just been captured.


UFO guy, please stop


A relative?


lol wtf is going on here


they makie fun of a ukrainian prisoner (but also tend to his wounds)


>second would be the independence of the separatist republics, third would have been Russia just defending the separatist republics as they claimed they wanted to
And the only way to do that is to prevent Ukraine from a starting a wider conflict by joining NATO, which you are acting ignorant of.
>Just don’t care when Europeans choose to kill each other, sorry if that upsets you
Neither Russians nor Ukrainians had anything to do with the west's adventures in the 3rd world, I'm not sure why you're putting them in the same category as Americans and Brits.


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>OMG, those disgusting brown fugees leaving behind all this trash. What a bunch of disgusting savages. Let them drown in the Mediterranean! Protect EVROPA!
<Cuckrainians literally do the exact same pollution
<Even vandalise a Soviet monument
>OMG, help these white "civilised" people!1!!!!!11!1 Slava Ukraini!
White people were a mistake


Part of convo:
>Are you a relative?

The captured guy's surname is Zelensky. The Russian guy found it hilarious of course.


If you frame what's happening right through burger politics in this way you end up validating


File: 1646314350557.jpg (95.01 KB, 1080x1080, anti-naZi.jpg)

I guess that Russian anti-fascists have a new symbol


I'm going to tell my kids this was an anti-Zelenski anarchist front.


Do you really think the poles are gonna let those ukrops stay in Poland? There's still a lot of bad blood between poles and ukrops given the history of the Second Republic plus the Wolhyn-Galician Genocide. My bet is that if Vlad has to take central Ukraine Poland will intervene and seize Galicia. That way they can dump these ukrops into a province.


>4th partition
>not of Poland


If Europeans don't want Ukrainian refugees, they should protest against their own gov for sending more weapons to Ukraine. The sooner this war ends, the faster they'll be able to return and less of them will be forced to flee in the first place.


I don't live in Cuckraine luckily. That would be bloody suicidal in such a backwards shithole even before the war. I presume, there are already many traumatised Cuckrainian nationalist fugees here. They shall see it.


I don't understand. What do you mean?


So you know the Ukrainian airsofter model who became a symbol of resistance in this clown world of fake news?

They found a couple of old pictures of hers and you will never guess what political position she flaunted.


Don't worry.
The 3rd partition of Poland came after Poland partitioned Czechoslovakia with the Nazis and the Hungarians.
It's gonna happen sooner or later, do not worry.


imagine my shock


Nobody considered Ukraine europe before this war. You are validating NATO propaganda if you say they are Europeans


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whatr u doin uygha



>This invasion is Vietnam times 10


imagine the shitshow that would happen if poland really decided to occupy western Ukraine


there is three options to this post, you joking, you coping or you trolling.
in every option you are a retard.


Poor bait.


>shitposting irl against people who've been fucked by every side possible just because their gov are nazi cucks and their country is a shithole colony of burger/euro empire
ffs. sounds like you're a fellow eastern yuro - so you should know how it is to have pro-western cucks for a gov and far-right elements in your society, while the west who takes part in this looks down on you as being primitive


That would be so based


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The post was more meant to address everyone, who was against refugees before this war, because "brown people bad", not the Poolish in particular, though they are the most guilty of it.

This ^ obviously, but unfortunetely everybody is too stupid to understand concepts such as cause and effect – let alone dialectical materialism. Instead everyone here is in bloody warfever. Stupid white savages.


Why are there so many nazis in ukraine


blah blah. you lost. go coup somewhere else. ukraine's getting denazified.


>This invasion is Vietnam times 10
So 2014 Ukraine was Vietnam times 20?


Anti-Russian sentiment was on the rise since 2014 for unknown reasons.


>This is how Ukraine can still win
<take Kiev and push it somewhere else
>nuclear holocaust not taken of the table
>Ukraine persists, no matter the cost (kill yourself for global outrage)
Liberals having a normal one


>Putin thought if he just kicked the door in Ukraine would fall.
Yes. But people do have back-up plans and now Ukraine is slowly losing, Ukraine will most probably lose horribly without NATO intervention. And NATO intervention means that we all lose horribly.






You missed the point dumbass, the violence isn't the same, come back when russians use Agent Orange lmao


How did I know this was going to happen. The US is going to Sanction anyone that doesn't follow their narrative. So based retard burger government pushing more people to China's camp?


you live in the fiction that ukraine can win, so by our own logic you are coping 10 more than tankies.



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>This invasion is Vietnam times 10
Stopped reading right there. Read a fucking history book you fucking idiot.


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Our political establishment is really having a massive tamper tantrum over this aren't they? I really wonder why. Why is Ukraine so fucking important to them?


>Now they're going to fight the real Ukraine army in Kiev
Main Ukrainian forces were stationed in the Eastern Ukraine, big chunk of the army is being encircled.
> with all the goodies NATO
Good luck supplying Kiev with these. Ukraine has capacity for organized (NATO-supported) resistance given in the West, but Kiev is doomed. I hope there will be Russian-Ukrainian cooperation on the question of civilian evacuation and supply.

You are either too exposed to MSM or are trolling. Both are okay, you are still welcome here.


I don't care agent, didn't read, cope & seethe


>The coping capability of you tankies is really impressive.
>He invaded a NATO country in all but name.
>Russia and their economy is hitting 1980's crisis levels.


I used to think this way too. But at some point people have to take their own responsibility for being gullible idiots, who were complacent in this at best or even worshipped the West for this exploitation, while they demonise everything to do with the great socialist past.
They had it coming. My sympathy is zero, especially when Cuckrainians have clearly learned nothing from this ordeal and instead double down on this idiocy, by even vandalising a Soviet monument of their host country as fugees. Fuck'em! Shoot them at the border! They shall feel for once how it is to be an non-white in peril. Maybe, maybe then they might relearn some empathy for people that went through the same suffering.
Let all foreign students and tourists evacuate though.


It cucks Russia out of more access to the Black Sea and it is a way to extort Russian oil to Europe.


no but encircling entire armies and taking 20% of a country in a week is, you can keep coping Drone, but this not change the inevitable.


File: 1646316306372.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 19.89 MB, 720x1280, mariupol dead civilians - ….mp4)

<Heads up, don't click on this if you don't want to see dead bodies (including a child)
I've never saved or posted shit like this until now. Supposedly these are civilians murdered by Azov Battalion at a checkpoint on the outskirts of Mariupol. Does anyone have more information? I don't have any trouble believing that story, but you have to double factcheck everything in this war and I want to confirm Ukrainian fascists are seriously fucking doing this to people. Mods I'm sincerely sorry if you don't want this on your site, I understand if you want to take it down.


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>using tankie unironically
touch grass


>people choose their own government
you actually believe in the democracy thing huh


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Whaddup putin shills?
So I'm guessing Kiev still didnt fall? I though you gusy said this was only a matter of hours like 4 days ago? What happen?


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Do it Biden you senile fuck. Smash the globalized capitalist world order in a futile tantrum against the fact that American hegemony is slipping away.


sir i think you'r mistaken, reddit is the other way, please go back and never return.


Because they wanted to get rid of Russia and now Russia has arrogantly refused to be stamped out of existence


>This invasion is Vietnam times 10
top kek. no, this is extremely surgical by NATO standards
>You'll all be rounded up by Homeland Security once this is all over, it will be funny to see your fat little faces IRL.
mfw i wouldn't mind less westoid """anti-imperialists""" online


Why would Azov shoot their own people? Retardation?


>You idiots got 150 km before stopping cold, which is exactly how far one tank of gas takes you lol.
If you think that advancing 150km into an enemy country in less than a week is a "defeat" then you are retarded.


Not the heckin rublerino!! How will they afford FunkoPops and OnlyFans subscriptions now!?!?


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Unironically yes. White ISIS moment.


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>loudly shout at each other at the scene of an recent execution and get fired at


False flag + opportunity to kill off opponents.


If Russia can invade Ukraine and get away with it it means that the US had run into the limits of its hegemony in Europe.


No, I don't. However, they didn't resist it at all either unlike Russians right now for example. They ate up all the propaganda and are now being used as NATO cannon fodder. Any sensible person would at least try to revolt against the horrendous actions by the Cuckrainian government since 2014 and especially since the invasion started. They chose not to, still believing in the Euro dream and they shall pay the price till they understand if they ever do.


quick question why does the US/NATO want to "encircle" russia in the first place?


the walls are closing in, they know that reprisals are coming.


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Fuck the Reddit troony brigade


>Nah, they've been fighting the National Guard this whole time.
Ukraine has moved actual army when Russia started amassing troops on the borders. Ukrainian National Guard doesn't have MLRS.
>You idiots got 150 km before stopping cold
And how is this a failure? Iraq comparison is a dumb thing, but this is still a successful operation, no matter how Ukrops cope.
> which is exactly how far one tank of gas takes you lol.
There are some problems with logistics, but Russia clearly has superiority, they can afford things like leaving vehicles to save lives.



Azov aren't letting people flee the warzone, so that they can use them as human shields. If they try it, they are deemed "saboteurs" and murdered.


The US wants total control over the world like every other empire, so even an alternative needs to be smothered.


Obsession they had since the end of cold war since they didn"t toally destroyed it like in their dreams


I don't really understand it either unless to trap civilians inside Mariupol to use them as human shields. Maybe try to force them to fight alongside them (kind of like how the Soviets initially thought keeping civilians in Stalingrad would compel them to defend the city alongside the troops). Also I read a comment that one of the cars in the video supposedly looks similar to a car owned by a Jewish family shot to death by Azovites for being discovered with Israeli passports at a check point. This is the first time I'm hearing of that, so I can't check it myself of course.


Wtf are you talking about? There are no reliable casualty reports as of yet (everything so far has come from either Russian or Ukrainian gov sources), but there is no reason to expect Russian casualties are that much higher than the Ukrainians, at least not beyond what one would expect for an offensive operation. The difference is that the Russians have the operational successes to show for it and Ukraine does not. Russia hasn't even committed its full forces yet, it hasn't been using combined arms tactics to their full effect, and their air force has been used sparingly. It entered Ukraine under the assumption that the government and army would collapse immediately, and even under this relaxed posture they have pentrated deep into the country and achieved air supremacy. There is no conceivable metric by which Ukraine could be said to be winning, and apart from maybe morale their forces are inferior to Russia's in every category.




they bombed an ally of russia, the dpr, pretty sure bombing allies are a reason for entering a war, but go on, project your cope at the defeat of your nazi state dronie.


Sanctioning countries like India because they didn't criticize Russia hard enough is a tantrum correct.


Ukraine has no historical context (since 1991) as an individual sovereign nation but instead a CIA infested, state department political entity aimed at Russia specifically and entire Eurasia generally

I hope what we currently call "Ukraine"gets hacked back to a rump state in the West and the rest of the Ukraine declares independence and the ethnic russians in Ukraine get their right of self determination

Then the EU can deal with a retarded nazi infested failed state on it's borders


Even Southfront is posting about Russian losses

On March 3, on the 8th day of the Russian military operation in Ukraine, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) managed to achieve several tactical but significant victories over the advancing Russian forces.

Ukrainian forces recaptured the settlement of Bucha north of Irpen on the northwestern outskirts of Kiev. A Ukrainian flag is hoisted over the city council building. Earlier this town had been occupied with heavy fighting by Russian units. Retaking control of Bucha is primarily an important ideological victory for Kiev.

Near Irpen, a column of Russian paratroopers had earlier been defeated. Major General Andrey Sukhovetsky was killed. Sukhovetsky had previously commanded the 7th Airborne Division, and was most recently deputy commander of the 41st Army

Units of the AFU had some success in repulsing attacks by Russian forces in the direction of Mykolaiv. A convoy of Russian military vehicles was destroyed on the outskirts of the city. Bridges across the Southern Bug River, including a railway bridge, were blown up. One of the road bridges on the approach to the village of Kalinovka was blown up as Russian military vehicles passed over it.

The AFU also seized several Russian BMP-3s and a Tiger off-road vehicle near Nikolaev.

The advance of Russian troops on this section of the front was halted.

After the heavy fighting near Vasilievka and the blowing up of bridges there by the AFU, there is no information about the advance of Russian troops in the direction of Zaporizhzhya and beyond.

There are fierce battles for Mariupol. Also there are still pockets of Ukrainian armed forces resistance in Volnovakha.

Around Kharkov, so far the Russians have not been able to neutralize mobile groups of Ukrainian nationalist battalions. These mobile groups carry out raids against Russian supply columns and destroy civilian vehicles thatseek to withdraw from the combat area towards the Russian border.



>more generalizations
I guarantee you there are /ourguys/ in Ukraine, but it takes time to build up wider support when you're constantly suppressed and when anti-communist brainwashing has been going for 30 years. You should really know this, where are you from anyway?


Well, I'll just hope that won't happen. It's impossible to tell right now. The invasion will probably fail anyway, because this is the worst timeline and therefore we can't ever have nice things…


it's not an alternative, they were literally allies in the war on terror
again, what is the political reason for them suddenly wanting to control russia and using ukraine as a proxy


The fact that the Russians are taking losses does not mean they are losing. Tactical victories are pointless in the face of numerous operational and strategic defeats.


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No one cares about your opinion
Stop posting


i don't mean alternative as in another system, i mean another capitalist power that divides the power of the US in the world, Russia is an indepetent capitalist country and the US does not like that.


they are incredibly based


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>Major General Andrey Sukhovetsky was killed.
Fuck off lying ukrop shill, I hope you get the thermobaric bomb.


Russia has declared that it will not spare foreign citizens fighting for Ukraine. Wow.


Very unbased.


Mercs of the west BTFO.


>again, what is the political reason for them suddenly wanting to control russia and using ukraine as a proxy
Since Putin became president, Russia has gradually recovered from the 90s and been in a position to assert its own interests again. Combine that with further NATO encroachment and Russia being snubbed from membership, it's not surprising that relations have deteriorated to the point where the two countries are once again enemies.


Why is this surprising? Foreign volunteers are just as much enemy combatants as anyone else.


Preventing people from leaving means human shields against Russians


They just said they will arrest them >>551877


Nono stupid post. I read "They will spare" if they will shoot them they are based as fuck


They don't want any equals, they want vassals and nothing else.


And yet they're still winning lmao.


I hope Russia only means that they will be engaged and taken as POW, not that they'll use equal force on them


Russia fucks up massively and is still winning. What did you expect? Ukrainian army completely smashing vastly superior army?


>nooo. not my heckin dollar standardino!
USSR 2 - Union of Sanctioned States and Russia


When the fuck did it snow in Mariupol last? This vid smells fishy.


>video posted of alleged massacre committed by azov
>ukrop shitting, farting, seething, crying, shaking and sneeding immediately starts
Yup, they did it.


The Ukraine MoD shilling is hard again.
I hope the Russians bomb all the communication infrastructure so these ukrops can't access the internet.


I'm a brainlet that doesnt understand strategy and tactics. How do I learn?


Did South Africa issue some based statements?


By studying battles and wars of the past


Join the academy.


Be a chad HoI4 player.


Suicide by Sancions, how ironic that the US is going out how it did with others.


play warhammer 40k


3 million ukros came here over the last 8 years, so yes, we are going to let them stay here


okay but how


Huh? Russia is the one getting BTFO'd by sanctions.


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You must be deliciously new.


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Are Ukros to Poles as Poles are to Anglos? Do they clean your toilets?


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Putin himself said (back in 2008) he could be in Kiev in 2 weeks
So when 2 weeks passes you can come back to gloat but I'd easily bet you up to $1000 Russia gets some Chicken Kiev by then


trouble in paradise




Russians will suffer immensely, but US and EU are destroying their hegemony


India must pull the sigma move and sanction US for daring to think of sanctioning them
Sirs, this is how we will be superpower by 2030


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>mfw Russian cats won't be allowed to take part in beauty competitions anymore
not making this shit up, btw


no toilets, but yes, manual labour in factories, bus drivers, cashiers, so on


they are getting damaged by the sanctions, yes, but they are also throwing the dollar alway and trading with China, the power of the US to santion people comes from the power of the Dollar, dedolarise and they lose the power.


Cat contests are another sadistic form of animal exploitation, why should we care?


There's a run on Russian banks right now. Rubble is in the toilet.
Interesting, but I doubt it will effect the US economy in any real way.


How? The entire UN is against the invasion. At this point all it would take is for China to turn their back on Russia and it will turn into Iran 2.0.


I'm starting to think America's current goal is to unite all white country besides Russia against everyone else.


Anyone has "ukraine slava" video which had pigs running saved? Youtube has taken down all of those.


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And? Russia reinvests its natural resource extraction into keeping prices of goods down. If these levels of sanctions cannot collapse Venezuela, Cuba, and these other nations - what makes your retard-ass think it will stop Russia, a far bigger and more economically independent country?


Youtube? More like Uketube amirite


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Can't believe Saudi Arabia would do that to use after all the hand holding and orb touching.


The 4th reich, also know as NATO.


That hand holding looks pretty gay tbh


>democratic Ukraine
stopped reading here


Fuck the nazis so fucking much. May every single one of them be skinned disolved in acid alive.

Fuck the western enablers.

It fucking boils my blood that their crimes will not be known to the West. Just like their crimes against humanity leading up to this point. Nazis are disgusting vermin, including all the Nazis in NATO, the EU governing body, and each imperial core country's government. Disgusting pigs.


>And? Russia reinvests its natural resource extraction into keeping prices of goods down.
You can't eat oil mate. Russia was already having serious problems domestically before. This is going to make things way worse.
>If these levels of sanctions cannot collapse Venezuela, Cuba, and these other nations - what makes your retard-ass think it will stop Russia, a far bigger and more economically independent country?
Because Russia is an autocracy run by Oligarchs. While Venezuela and Cubian governments had popular support and the populous knows their pain is being brought on by US imperialism. Putin did this to Russia, which is why he planned the invasion in secret, even most of Russia's elites were caught by surprise by it.


You can stop superior army invading with right tactics and mass support. Our communist partizans did that against the Nazi occupier. The sacrifice was huge, but we contributed a lot to defeating the Nazis.

The only difference is that partisans were commies so people enthustiastically joined them, they've been liberated economically because of communist efforts. People won't that easily join some right-wing nationalists who work for oligarchs at best.


Why do tankies pretend this is about de-Nazifying Ukraine. Do you realize how fascist Russia is under Putin?


>Mods I'm sincerely sorry
Its fine as long as you give ample warning like you did here.

Fuck nazi pigs.


>You can't eat oil mate. Russia was already having serious problems domestically before. This is going to make things way worse.
No, but everyone needs oil, so you trade it for these goods. Further, you leverage its economic power to then foster independent national industry, as every nation under sanctions have. You really are dense.
>Because Russia is an autocracy run by Oligarchs.
If a theocracy with low support like Iran manages, Russia will easily do so as well.


Shut the fuck up, NATO vermin.
The question has been answered a billion times already.


>Lose most air force
>Major formations and cities encircled and cut off from supplies
Nazis were convinced they would win even as Berlin was encircled. This is all cope
No. Let the world see their coping
ASB posted the vid where they are being shot


>There's a run on Russian banks right now. Rubble is in the toilet.
That just means Russians will stop purchasing Western goods (can no longer afford it) and production and industrialisation will happen at home.
Russia produces the most amount of Engineers in the world and now they're no longer undercut by imperialism and international markets this dynamism will explode
First round of sanctions in 2014 turned Russia into the largest exporter of Wheat. They'll start manufacturing their own microchips as a result of this

+ oil is now at $130 a barrel which benefits Russia immensely and ensures those settlements will happen in Yuan/Rubles or ruppees
>Interesting, but I doubt it will effect the US economy in any real way.
US is gonna get skyrocketing inflation as a result of this
<As the United States and Europe ramp up their sanctions on Russia, Western consumers will soon face rising costs.

<That's true even for American consumers, even though relatively few Russian exports reach US shores.

<The higher prices are modest compared to the destruction of life and property in Ukraine. But the price pressures come at a bad time when America's inflation rate is already at a nearly 40-year high. And the pressures on household budgets could undermine broad support for sanctions among the broader population in the West.



In Peru a journo ghoul (for age and thoughs) kept calling Putin a Communist even when the liberal analist kept telling her that Russia is an oligarchy lmao
Also, the media is proUkrop, but I have only seen one note about a russian grandma remembering the ukrop collaborationists
From many days ago, I don't watch tv


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why do kiddies pretend to know anything about a conflict they learned about a few weeks ago? Don't they know about donbass civilian targeting by ukrops?


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>No pictures of Putin holding hands with Saudis
Is he autistic bros or just a homophobe?


I totally agree, but it shows the rusophobe hysteria. They mean Russian breeds, not just Russian owners.


>democratic Ukraine


>Russia was already having serious problems
It would have been a problems in 2014. But they boosted domestic production, and together with Belarus there is no way to starve Russia. Technological sanctions won't matter either as we will just buy knock-offs from China

Russia is not Afghanistan


>ASB posted the vid where they are being shot
Could you explain what you saw? I don't care about the video. I just want to know what you saw.


Based. Most westoids don't know about this stuff. And are so about it getting out they have to ban RT and Sputnik


meant to add afraid


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1) Day old footage of Shyrokyne, 20km east of Mariupol, after DNR forces finished in the area

2) Map of Mariupol, ~5 hours ago

3) Mariupol, 3 hours ago


>You can't eat oil mate. Russia was already having serious problems domestically before. This is going to make things way worse.
Russia is the largest wheat exporter in the world and the largest exporter of fertiliser in the world
You're dumb as fuck


surprised they let her speak for that long
american media would've cut the feed the moment she deviated from the narrative


In the video (taken from car behind the ones in the post) soldiers are pulling people from cars, they resist and soldiers start shooting, and then the driver rushes past them and flees (his car gets hit too)
The soldiers have no indicators they are Russian (white cloth identifiers)


Is it mainly separatist forces fighting in Mariupol rather than the Russian army? If so that would be poetic, Donbass chads getting revenge on the headquarters of Ukro Nazis.


"Denazification" is obviously an excuse, this is about NATO and losing influence over Ukraine. But calling Russia "fascist" is wrong. IMO they're closer to Orban's "illebaral democracy" model, except their national bourgeoisie is more fully constructed that in Hungary.


Godspeed to the DPR guys, make those fascists swim for their lives.


Are there any pictures of dead Redditors yet?

CIA spammers are committing genocide of Redditors!


Are there any pictures of Reddit larpers leaving their basement?


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Not sure, I think they've put a lot of their forces towards getting Azov though
This thread is where I got the pics and video from, the coast in that area has a lot of Greeks who have also been victims of Azov, and is the source of the Greek story about them being unable to leave.

These Nazi pricks will get the well deserved beating of a lifetime soon.


he's obviously losing guyz XD


Ah, I know which video this is.
This is devastating.


What do you think his new demands are going to be?


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Shame on you leftypol!


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lmao I just discovered yesterday was both the birthday of Gorbachev and the anniversary of billy Herrington's death, say something nice to both of them.


>Ukrainian MP says on Fox News, 'you care more about whether you pay extra 50 cents for your gas' than 'how many people die in Ukraine'
i mean he's not wrong



And he cares more about clinging to power than how many people die in Ukraine. If he did he wouldn't be telling them to throw molotovs.


The glowing orb thing was pure based retard kino.


World to Ukranian MP: you care more about sucking NATOs cock than about how many people die in Ukraine.
check yo'self before y.. ah too late


How will this affect worldwide food security? Probably more people will die outside of Russia and Ukraine because of this conflict.


wheat prices over the years for comparison


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>>552097 (me)
forgot to add picrel


Russia and Belarus make up a pretty big chunk of fertilizer supply worldwide, we'll see a global contraction of agriculture for the West while Russia and Belarus build up their own agricultural sector



Hey buddy, i think you got the wrong door the Pizza Hut is two blocks down


tbh I think these are probably all fake to goad people into doing it

watch out wide putin, here comes wide poutine


Since Putin did not accept the magnanimous demand for Crimea, now he must also return Don clay back to glorious Ukraine


You WILL be brought to justice for your tweets, WAR CRIMINAL.


I'm guessing the big hike in 2008-9 has to do with the financial crisis but it looks like it just lasted a couple of months. I wish we had some graphs in constant dollars to account for inflation. Anyway if this continues the wheat and oil prices will remain high unlike what happened before


It's not too late to get in on wheatcoin




>watch out wide putin, here comes wide poutine


File: 1646320268640.gif (6.64 MB, 480x480, sxedcrfvtgb.gif)

I believe that Putin will win.

I believe that Putin will win.

I believe that Putin will win.

I believe that Putin will win.
I believe that Putin will win.

I believe that Putin will win.

I believe that Putin will win.

I believe that Putin will win.
I believe that Putin will win.

I believe that Putin will win.

I believe that Putin will win.

I believe that Putin will win.


We can't, the price of wheat is too damn high!


This war is for redditors just another consoomer craze and competition for upboats. "Amerifat Luke Skywalker will save Ukrainians from Soviet Darthvader." Consooome! "I am the one, I am Neo(nazi)." Consooome to the mooon!

This should be disgusting to Ukrainians as well.


#IStandWithPutin just cos I want to see lots of redditors charge Tank battalions whilst dodging Ikander missiles with molotov cocktails


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16000 Redditors.


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Why are russians like this…


That's pretty cringe tbh


this is messed up but also entirely counterproductive, all you'll get is some very shitty soldiers who'll probably lower morale and just die


The big hike coincides with oil price increase, which helped trigger the 2008-2009 crisis


>Climate activists.
>The sames that hate nuclear and need gas.
Imagine being this cringe.


the eternal green party


Exports decreased because yields of European oil and gas fields have been decreasing and the ones left are expensive/high EROEI


Mods, are you okay? This is a legit incentive and Interfax is one of the leading Russian news agencies


No, it's because of those god damned green activists and shit


Making mandatory for people likely to mutiny to join the military sounds like a bad idea.


a law proposed =/= a law passed retard


Can someone repost?


The post didn't say it passed


It's a certified Estado Novo moment



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When people understand how clean nuclear is it should be a criminal offence to be a "green activist"
That movement has produced nothing but retarded faggots and pedophiles
Hundreds of people die falling off windmills when they're repairing them compared to nuclear (which is usually 0 each year whilst tens of thousands die in the coal industry)
The wind turbines themselves have blades that only last 7 years and then they go into landfills

the size of nuclear energy for a family of 3 would fit behind a steel 3 foot by foot wall (preventing radiation from harming them) and they could store it in their house and that energy would provide 70 years worth


>climate activists are putinbots
ngl tho, green parties in europe are kinda retarded - not just that, insane warmongers and russophobes like Analenna Baerbock also come from their parties.
But that just speaks against the idea that they are propped up by muh Putler.


Sorry bro, not enough profits from nuclear, gotta feed that windmill porky


>home nuclear reactors

why yes I also like the Fallout series


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Reminder that every CIA GlowSABOTEUR will be shot


wtf? either there's some stupidity going on or ukrainians set up an excellent trap by undermining the load capacity of the bridge


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Sorry bros, the post was too problematic, it had to go


>Mods are monitoring the thread
based NKVD.


ukrainian media reports that russian troops have forced their way through the civilian blockade and entered energodar where the zaporozhian npp, the largest power plant in europe, is located


So when is DBZ gonna get banned as Russian prop


What is it?


>Implying it isn't because of years of NO taking care of it.


Rhodesian flag, white supremacists worship Rhodesia


>The wind turbines themselves have blades that only last 7 years and then they go into landfills
what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck


Why are there ppl on the street? Its a fucking warzone, seek shelter.




apparently it's not the same thot


Yeltsin. Never forget.


Life goes on even in a warzone




akhtyrka combined heat and power station bombed, allegedly by russian air force


Doesn't the article actually confirm it?


File: 1646321882024.mp4 (333.19 KB, 426x256, Greek in Ukraine.mp4)

not him, but this is the video that is referenced in the tweet


The invincible might of Democratic Centralism


Honestly I feel terrible for that child, they don't comprehend nationalism or jingoism, they just want to be a part of it all and to make their parents happy. Fucking tragic.


>White people were a mistake
Do not use the racism of Western MSM revealing their colors as an excuse for your own racism

Да блять, это страшные сволочи


those fascist pigs


File: 1646328084886.png (75.59 KB, 572x546, ClipboardImage.png)

Jesus H. Fucking Christ


Same, I went from both sides are bad to clearly one needs to be stopped and it isn't Russia.


>When people understand how clean nuclear is it should be a criminal offence to be a "green activist"
>That movement has produced nothing but retarded faggots and pedophiles
Hahaha wtf


I'm pretty sure this was back in 2014.


File: 1646336389473.gif (295.61 KB, 300x168, sundowni.gif)

The trumptards were right:

Biden really is going to destroy america.

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