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Friendly reminder there are other world conflicts going on, too: https://emmeline.carto.com/viz/b69015da-136a-11e5-a64a-0e43f3deba5a/public_map


>N.B. liveuamap.com is not to be trusted, they mostly parrot Ministry of Defence, these others may not be better, check their reporting first






Russia’s army claims Kherson captured (LIVE UPDATES)

Putin’s troops land in Kharkiv as Zelenskiy says ‘they have orders to erase us all’ (LIVE UPDATES)

Russian invasion of Ukraine could become 'Europe’s largest refugee crisis this century' (LIVE UPDATES)

EU Commission proposes temporary residence rights for Ukraine refugees

'My cousins are killing one another': War in Ukraine splits mixed families

Biden threatens to punish Putin over invasion

Why Middle East won’t join US in isolating Russia

Africans and South Asians are having an especially difficult time leaving Ukraine

Celebrated Russian conductor fired from Munich Philharmonic for supporting Putin’s invasion

Exclusive: U.S. utilities push White House not to sanction Russian uranium

(Trot edition)

The Ukrainian conflict: is this the start of World War III?

The Ukrainian war: an internationalist class position – IMT Statement

Four ways the war in Ukraine might end

Russian Anarchists on the Invasion of Ukraine


The ‘Ten Plagues’ Facing Israel if Russia Invades Ukraine

Ukraine Conflict


NEWS / EVENTS: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/HappeningsviaKlash

HANGOUT / CHILL: https://tv.leftypol.org/r/bloodcast


first for anti-fascism






You are watching India Today.


How many days will it take for Mariupol to fall you think? The siege is fully fledged as we speak.


Video about Ukrainian antifa fighting Ukrainian fascists


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Why does the west oppose Putin? He's been acting as a containment force since the early 2000s so that communists in Russia never return to power again. Is anticommunism not one of their biggest priorities? How would the west react if the Putin they denounce so much lost and got replaced by communists?


Kill. All. Chauvinists.


based lolbert


>why does the west hate Putin
because he opposed the US sphere/NATO


Westoid libs supporting anticommunists always comes back to bite them


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near miss in Kharkov


Russia is the whole reason for NATOs continued existence, they have to hate Russia


that girl is hot as fuck. look at those hips and thighs, that stance. lemme make you a babushka after the war is done




i did tbh


Because Chapo are drug addicted worthless retards


Wholesome big chungus Volkssturm
Valiant defenders of western democracy

gg* no re**
We are all in the same boat

Row Row Row your boat
Into nuclear annihilation

*global Gleichschaltung **Right-extremists [in Ukraine]


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alright listen up, you armchair political scientists.
I have over here three main heads of the Azov battalion, and I want more information about them. from left to right, Ihor Klymenko, chief of staff, and Ukraine's chief of police. Denys Prokopenko, current commander, Lt. Col. Andriy Biletsky, former first commander, and founder of the Azov Regiment.


I seriously hope you guys don't get your views from those morons.


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The only logical reason that has been given is from Putin himself saying Clinton said Russia is just too big. So presumably the goal is to cut it down to size then absorb it.


Absolutely based


Milosevic doesn't belong with those names.


Half you nighas get your views from Twitter



Read about IMFs connection to Milosevic




>Ihor Klymenko
He used to be the manager of one of Kiev's McDonalds near the city center. His parents used to work as entertainers at Kyiv Academy of Circus back in soviet times. Many suspect the dude of leading a double life, having a bearded wife while being a homosexual.

>Denys Prokopenko

From a peasant family, studied architecture in university but got employed at a multinational bank. His son is apparently a youtube sensation for his mukbang videos.

>Andriy Biletsky

He used to be an anarchist in his teens and had a punk rock band.

I made all of these up, btw, but made you read it anyway, so sucks to be you.


I know this is mostly fault of the west but does anyone else think Putin kind of lost his sanity doing this? What is this going to accomplish? Sanctions, economic crisis, backlash from your own people, military death… over what? what's the point? what is Putin even gaining with this?
I mean there's no way he's going to actually annex Ukraine.


Yeah but he's no hitler of mussolini.
He died innocent and a martyr


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What's behind the putin monkey meme/spam?


Putin needs to look like a strongman to his gullible populace


This is how irredentist ideology affects your thinking


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Coronavirus just 2 years ago, now this.

History's back and it's speeding up.


He’s simply too state capitalistic for their neoliberal order. They can’t buy out the oligarchs because all of them hid behind Putin's Vozdom for protection.
Anything they can’t absorb is an existential threat.


>2 minutes and 20 seconds of cope.


>great man theory
You're a liberal. Stop posting, go read.


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He doesn’t need to annex it, simply take it off the board as a NATO state like Georgia.


It was a bad idea but 'le crazy putler' is overblown by Western media. I do think he could annex eastern Ukraine and turn what's left into a neutral state



Epic reappropriation, one of the most breathtaking moments in Russian-Ukrainian meme war.


You know what I meant.


You know it's serious when even the Ukrainians bust out the throat singing


>Watching cuntpo shithouse


>we turned every babushka into a mobile javeline unit, so you better be afraid


Ok, what the fuck is up with Liveuamap.
The most recent update has been literally 6 hours ago. They are deliberately hiding information, as if nothing is happening.


lazy OP


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>crapo braphouse


>I know this is mostly fault of the west but does anyone else think Putin kind of lost his sanity doing this?
Ofc. Even if Putin wins the war, I don't see how this will not leave Russia in a weaker state relative to NATO than it was before. Finland will most likely adopt a pro-Western pseudo-neutrality like Sweden, Russia's economy will suffer, it will be diplomatically isolated, etc.


Kill yourself amerifat


It is run by Ukrainians, thus the name


>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Ukrainian army, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Russian speakers, and I have over 300 confirmed Bayraktar kills.
>Ukros are the true pan-mongolists
Bros I have been fighting for the wrong side


based some of his other long form interviews are pretty good


Where is my dead Azov Kino? If I don't get footage of Azov Battalion being frog marched into the black sea by Ruski's very soon I'm going to start shilling for NATO


Post the link yourself, I won't put that much effort into chapo.


Porky is literally playing games with their psyops now. How long before the culture war features anti-war conservatives vs pro-war liberals?
Clown world


"Stagnant 1990s"
How much of a retarded burger do you have to be to think that "things dont happen". A LOT of things happened in the 90s "stagnancy" is just burger cope with the fact that they dont want to admit that their empire came off victorious out of the 1990s. What fucking liberal vaccuum



>marched into the black sea
>not the azov sea


It seems heavily skewed since the beginning. 99% of the stuff posted is pro-Ukraine and their map is inaccurate.


Russian troops began fighting in mariapol an hour ago so I guess you won't have to wait long


I enjoyed reading them. No harm.


Yeh I fucked up, L taken.

Soon, soon I will coom.

Japo Sushi House


Ruble is less than 0,01€. Putin is absolutely fucked.


A lot of stuff happened on the periphery of the centres of global power, but the situation within those centres was pretty stagnant. Obviously shit that was happening in Yugoslavia, Rwanda, etc mattered a great deal to the people who suffered through it, but they didn't affect the world balance of power the way this war in Ukraine is.


got blue balls ovah heah, been waiting for the azov massacre 3 days now. LETS GET IT


I know nothing about trading stocks. What should Russian stocks should I be buying?


are you the guy that kept posting about how Amber was shit cos she was always high? Like constantly somebody posted about this


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First as tragedy, etc.


Wait until they nationalise some stuff, then when the real panic kicks in, start buying.


My goodness, I wasn't even there and I still felt like I was about to die, when I heard the loud roar of the incoming rocket. Fuck, war is awful.


is Putin likely to bet 1917'd


are we banned from buying up rubles just now?
The poster who brings me the goriest gore of Azov will get a prize


If I cashed out my super over inflated house and moved to russia would I be like an Oligarch there in terms of wealth?


>Wait until they nationalise some stuff, then when the real panic kicks in, start buying.
We will probably see them rally when the state intervenes. This is likely exactly why anon is wanting to buy? i would be too if i had money.


There will be no space for money in eurasian socialism t


oh no, maybe he should seize the means and discard market values


Most places dont exchange it at least here because the value is on free fall down to hell.


Nationalisation news will make all foreign investors dump their shares.


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Proof that Putin is a communist, he is already abolishing money. Maupin was right!


Так им и надо


All capital has fled Russia. They could go full communism and it wouldnt cost anything. But the manlet monkey wont go full communism because hes a big fan of Pinochet instead of Lenin.


Revolutionary conditions moment


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My pessimist side tells it will be more of a 1905


Yay, twitter is now blocking fascist propaganda


>All capital has fled Russia.

Not all the oligarchs are still there


Probably yes. But you need to go with car because all flights cancelled between Russia and EU.


That's unironically good though.


its going to be neither. If he consolidates the east and stops now he will probably get a boost.

They are in the second round of negotiations today


Maybe Putin's next step is take out Finland and Sweden


They are jumping out of skyscraper windows right now as i write this because they lost billions of euros.


what its shaping is that after the war, shit in Russia is gonna get Very hot.


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>They are in the second round of negotiations today
<Implying the ukrainian goverment isn't completely delusional.


>second round of negotiations
>we demand you not only leave crimea, but also cease the caucasus to ukraine


>Ukes demand Russia give them Moscow


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If anything Communist should seize the moment (and the mop) and support revolution in Russia instead of this retarded monke dude.


> delusional
> Please, just remove your troops from our territory


I don't know why you think this. Yeh Putin's popularity was down anyways slightly before this, but not by that much, and history tells us if you win a war, or even do somewhat well in a war, your popularity is increased.

Putin before this was pretty popular anyway, mostly for being a war winning kind of guy and a stalwart nationalist.

I don't think that is good, its just the facts of the matter.

t. never done negotiation.

First rounds of negotiations are always autistic because you are both asking for things you have no intention of getting and working your way back from there. It isn't delusion, its a game played since time immemorial.

Clearly you don't have enough jew blood in you, unlike me, the ashkeNAZI, who knows how to fucking haggle




he believes it was better to strike now or russia position would have been threatened and eventually even worse 10 years down the line, with nato eventually integrated into nato without being able to do anything about it and nazis fucking with you at the border. Nationalist pride certainly played a role as well.
I am not sure he was right, but it was certainly a reasoned move


My Toyota can't drive across the Pacific ocean


>Pls leave your troops from our territories.
<T. Nazi Germany, 1945


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Someone make a Ukrop version of vidrel


>Reminder that Putin popularity only raised after the operation from 60 to 71%.
He will not get 1905/1917.


Leaked map of Ukrainian proposal


>wont sell shit to europe
>wont sell shit to us
>needs to sell shit to 2nd world countries
>2nd world countries have everything for cheaper than 1st world countries
>debase currency to make it appealing for selling activities
No, anon. You first read classic economics and only then advanced economics. Not the other way around


also, I may indeed be wrong, but everyone should be banking on these talks being non autistic, or shit is going to get REAL fucking ugly


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>enters negotiation in full military gear
>give up crimea and donbass
>doesnt explain how or why
>disappears to join fights in the front lines



i don't think Now, during the war is the best moment, but after the war, once the santions and shit start to hurt the people of russia they should go more and more anti-putin, use the people discontentment against him.


The guy who wanted ukrainian POWs


It's Russia's 1st Channel, they are doing all kinds of propaganda, and Ukrainian POWs are very often shown there. I just have a tv in the background, so I see a lot of them




Sanctions may also make people more amenable to Putin, consider he does to a large extent control the media, the narrative will be, correctly, that the imperialists are starving them for defending themselves.




I am 71% sure that these polls are fake


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Bottom is the original. Don't believe anything you see from coping Ukrops.


Nah, nobody's even panicking about the ruble-to-dollar ratio anymore. Prices are the same as a week before for goods, but electronics and such did increase in price significantly. Fear not, though, China's to the rescue!

China's fucking WILLING to take Russia's market for itself. If Europe doesn't want it, China fucking will take it. German cars will fucking die due to Germany's stupidity, for example.


>ids le fake ids le russian disinfo
speak to most Russians man.


Oh, sure, you can go to the liberal plaza of the most liberal place in Russia and ask what they think. But I saw 4 different polls across the oblasts, one of them even put Putin with 87%, I picked the lowest one.


It depends on how they're handled though. If conditions worsen and Putin visibly fucks ordinary people even worse to protect the interests of his oligarch buddies, that could be fertile ground for unrest, which communists must take advantage of.


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Revolutions dont happen when you teach the masses about intersectional class theory. Revolutions happen when there is no food on the table and your country is losing a war.


Nuh-uh, NATO-CIA shill! Communists of the world support Russia in an anti-NATO war, so Putin's going to denazify Ukraine and will expropriate American and European property there :^)


Ok, I am posting a debunking telegram channel, that does good job debunking western fakes used by the umod


Ukraine's more likely to have a socialist/communist government due to Russia preferring just about anything over Ukrops' nationalists and liberals


Better to strike now
What the West has in plan for Russia is a neonazis trained by CIA and military in Poland to use as a kind of ISIS or Muhajadeen(like how West used ISIS to destroy middle east and Muhjadeen to destroy Soviets….And East Turkestan Islamic Movement to destroy China in Xinjiang)


yeh this is true, I think it could lead to more socialist organising and such, a benefit to the left, but an actual revolutionary situation not so much.

>Revolutions dont happen when you teach the masses about intersectional class theory.
cool literally nobody was talking about that why shoehorn it in.

>Revolutions happen when there is no food on the table and your country is losing a war.

but there is food on the table and they are winning the war


Protip for people interested, in addition to bearing the Z and V id markers, Russian vehicles typically do not have digital camo patterns like you see on this vehicle. If you see that shit then the vehicle is Ukrainian.


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give me a error, screenz plz


Econ bros, how does currency economics worse? How does a ruble lose value and how will dedollarization affect US hegemony? I know it has something to do with demand but I don't specifics. The Japanese yen is pretty weak but they seem to have a strong economy.


There's no Russian warcrimes, and you are going to lose everything, NATO shill. NATO is going to disintegrate over Russia-Ukraine issue. UK's already left, now the France-Germany divide will start to crumble the Union.


Glow post as you know very well that's doomed to fail


pepe escobar is a one note retard. What he says is probably partly true though.

However, this is why these peace talks are so important for all of us. In europe, unless we want to see brave mujihadeen neo nazis boosted immeasurably by the media and given free reign all over europe, we need for the conflict to end before they get there.


that could happen, that is why i said the communist should use the moment to do anti-putin pro communism propaganda, because as things worsen for the people they can be swayed far easily than in stable times, or else if they don't the mass media will do their thing and create more putinists.


>blue check
Opinion discarded and probably deserves their card blocked anyway :DDD


Holy shit can people please stop writing fan fiction


Ukraine is also coming along willing or not.


I wish the monke man gave power to Luchadnenko to save his pinochet loving ass.


Fag libs and soft European minded Russians will go West where they can order KFC buckets, pornography and a femboy

What'll happen in Russia is China will pick up their markets and Russia will be forced to diversify its economy and begin producing it's own stuff (empowering Russian proletariat and strengthening Russian nation)

When the West sanctioned Russia in 2014 they were forced to develop their agriculture and quickly became the number 1 wheat exported in the world
Same will happen here - even in areas like microchip technology
Which will be all traded in Rubles/Yuan and rupees

What you're actually witnessing is the end of the US Dollar which is gonna go Weimar in a few years in response to being unable to export inflation to the rest of the world and raising the debt ceiling at home like they normally do


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It would be best for the kprf to wait until russia wins the war in ukraine, and THEN depose putin, inheriting ukraine and russia altogether as well as an economy that would face minimal resistance if nationalized. Communists should not try to divide russia while she is denazifying ukraine and gaining territory, or else we would cuck ourselves out of more productive forces and face a ukraine that may join nato.


USCR dropping soon?


take your retarded memes back to reddit, glowfag


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>tfw you actually made it in time for the soviet reunion


communist are not considered a threat anymore
putin, like china is a threat to american unipolarity due to his refusal to completely sell out to foreign capital (putin is fine with oligarchs, provided the capital stay in russia) and to abandon their geopolitical sphere of influence and independence


Is 4chan down?


Fucking hell, lads. I think real, unironic, fascism is coming to Europe. No more Mr Nice Lib. Coming years will be extremely bloody.




Unsubstantiated twitter videos

These should be gulag offences punished with the utmost severity


thanks comrade


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POWs from Zmeinyy/Snake Island. Their reaction compilation to getting the news of their deaths



What happens to NATO when the USA turn communist?


Europe turns red


>japanese yen value is low
So it makes them sell more.
Chinese yuan is also similar to japanese yen in value, because they also wanna sell a lot.
Japanese dont go into deficit because:
- investors keep investing
- people do what the govt say, so investors dont panic out and dont disinvest
If you dont use dollar you dont ask for dollar, if you dont ask for dollar then america cant ask anything in exchange.
>b-but why can the us ask for something in exchange???
Because let's say (hypothetically) that the cubans need to sell more. They have a big dollarizzation going on in their country. If the amerimutts see this they can say, we will increase the value of the dollar by buying short term deposits and you will get fucked because you wont be able to sell nothing, because buyers will back up from the deals because shit will cost too much.
Or a different example, also in cuba.
Lets say cubans need to pay their debts, and amerimutts wanna avoid it. They just print some money and all the dollars held by the cuban treasurer wont value shit, so the tresurer will try and sell as soon as possible. And the only people that will buy are CIAuyghurs that will say "you either do what i say or you go into deficit".
I hope I got everything right.


Europe goes full fash and the non fash powers crush them again


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mike gorbachov turns 91 today. tell him how grateful you are for all he's done.


its just mask off liberalism


What happens when the sun explodes?


Thank you for your service


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thx for all the pizza


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lmao Spanish media is faking a report and uses the iconic video of Arma3 literally saying "a Russian plane tried to bomb a city of Ukraine but the AA repeleed the attack)


Thank you for defeating the revisionists


> Ucrania
How did it happen?


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>when you fail politics so hard you cause dissolution of EU and NATO and the revival of USSR


Legacy media is so garbage


Imagine being him, betraying USSR for capitalism, and then seeing USSR reviving and USA falling apart.


Ok, more deboonkers on the da-bunk


>Fake: A school in Mariupol was shelled by Russian troops. Such messages appear in telegram channels.

>Truth: In fact, the photo shows a non-detonated missile of the Tochka U tactical complex, which is in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The Russian army no longer uses this outdated equipment.

>Earlier, Ukrainian telegram channels already published news about the shelling of civilian objects by the Russian military, but after fact-checking, it turned out that this was the same “Point U” belonging to the Ukrainian army.


(The last picture is the post in ukrainian telegram channels)


Gorby was the one who caused Eltzyn


got the name from gr*eks, probably


Is there any evidence of inter-NATO or inter-EU factionalism or conflict?

What we saw yesterday was 14/15 european parlimentaries doing crockodile tears about ukranians being TRVE europeans and being killed. The remaining 1/15 was mostly lukewarm condemnation of the situation.

What is this "france-germany" thing I heard.

Are germans doing anything to stop that 2% increase in military spending?


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no not at all


The russian pork won't be happy


Last I read Germans are planning to write militarism into their constitution (minimum military spending)


just nazi things


>1/15 was mostly lukewarm condemnation of the situation.
What country


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Probably Hungary


What a strange looking weapon


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What is with Ukrainian fashoids and their anal fixation?


Dont remember tbh.
Even the PSOE guy was pro-Ukriane slavi ukraina white people.


>Nationalisation news will make all foreign investors dump their shares.
i disagree. It will cause more confidence that things wont collapse and lead to a rise to compensate a good slice of the looses over the last few days.


Eastern-European culture revolves around anal humiliation. Is West very different? I thought it was an international issue.


>>554336 (me)
>Fake: The Russian army is simply abandoning armored vehicles. For example, in the Chernihiv region, the Osa anti-aircraft missile system turned out to be a trophy of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This is reported by UNIAN.

>Truth: "Osa" is considered obsolete equipment, it has not been used in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for a long time, but it is used by the Ukrainian military. In addition, in the presented photo of the combat vehicle there are no identification marks of the Russian group of troops - the letters Z. Only yellow stripes are visible, which resembles the distinguishing sign of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

(care if you see a "Z" it might be also a faked "Z", as seen in other videos/fotos)

First picture
>Fake: Hackers from the Anonymous group hacked Roscosmos' communications with satellites. Such information is disseminated by Ukrainian telegram channels with a link to the hackers' Twitter.

>Truth: The Director General of the State Corporation "Roscosmos" has already refuted this assertion. According to him, all control centers are operating normally.

>If you look closely at the screenshot published by the hacker group, it becomes clear that the attackers gained access to some kind of client service that runs on satellite data. Obviously, this system has nothing to do with satellite control.

>Earlier it was reported that Anonymous allegedly hacked the database of the Russian Ministry of Defense with the contact details of the Ministry and the military. We also exposed this fake.

Second picture
>Fake: Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Ruslan Khomchak said that in order to continue the offensive, Russia would have to declare a general mobilization. Telegram channels distribute such information.

>Truth: No general mobilization has been announced in Russia; there is no such information in any official source, including the website of the RF Ministry of Defense. Tasks in Ukraine are performed by well-trained contract soldiers, not conscripts. All publications about conscripts who are now allegedly taking part in hostilities are fakes.

Third picture
>Fake: Mass media and telegram channels with links to manufacturers report on the upcoming sharp rise in prices for meat and sausages. Such a situation, allegedly, can be caused by problems with logistics and the uncertainty of the foreign exchange market.

>Truth: Meat supply is sufficient to keep prices stable. The experts told the Kommersant newspaper about this.

>Director General of the National Union of Pig Breeders Yuri Kovalev claims that possible failures in logistics in the first days due to the geopolitical situation were quickly resolved.

>Earlier, the largest retailers announced the limitation of the margin on a number of socially important products at the level of 5%.

Fourth picture
Boy, the west wants to social engineer the falling of the Russian government.
>Fake: Ukraine will ban Russian ships from entering its territorial waters and ports. The ban will include ships flying the flag of the Russian Federation, as well as those owned in whole or in part by citizens of the Russian Federation or legal entities. This is reported by the media with reference to the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine.

>True: Such a “ban” looks rather strange, given that Ukraine no longer has ports on the Sea of Azov, and the Black Sea is completely blocked by the Russian Black Sea Fleet. The Armed Forces of Ukraine also completely lost access to the Sea of Azov.



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Taxoplasmosis infection is linked to buttholes obsessions.


Sooo… Whats the result of the state of the union?


The Iranians will never surrender


Really seems like this war has done a lot to cause NATO to patch up its differences and unite. The signs of fracture that were appearing between Germany and the US are gone (publicly at least). I think this will lead to greater unity in NATO for some time, which is one of the reasons why this was likely a blunder on Putin's part.


It is also linked to capitalist beliefs…


>Arctic islands lost to NATO


the final redpill is learning that toxoplasmosis and capital are intimately linked.


Too early to tell, and too early to call it a win for NATO.

A united and clear front is the expected response at this point. Anything different means the fractures were much more severe than we previously thought.


You gotta take central asia back, at least Kazakhstan


Surprisingly pretty brief about the Ukrainian shit, made it clear that the U.S won't get involved beyond sanctions and aid. Also just giving up on covid and declaring it defeated. Joe said "Come on man, just get the vaccine. You don't have a to wear a mask anymore" And then whispered into the mic about all the jobs he is going to make. It was pretty insane


Some EU countries have pumped up their defense spending, like Germany I think tripled their defense spending. This is wishful thinking, but I can imagine a world where Europe says "America's presence escalates tensions too much, we can defend ourselves."


>Russia murders Ukraine and just paralyzes NATO response with fear of Russian retaliation
<i-it's a win, guys! W-we are more united than ever!

Khokhol virus infected the West.


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If NATO is able to rid itself of internal disunity then this will strengthen it more than losing Ukraine will weaken it.


Good thing. NATO needs to be united when it turns red.


It's hard to tell though, give a year and I'm sure everyone will have forgotten Ukraine existed. Turkey is still an X factor and shouldn't be in NATO and E.U might be thinking it's better to stop relying on NATO. They've already started beefing up their budgets. Theres also the upcoming gas crisis most of Europe is going to face because of Russia being kicked from SWIFT.

Everything looks bad in the short term right now for Russia but the long term has to many balls that haven't landed. Vanilla ISIS might happen with all the military equipment that will go to black markets. The U.S is going to propose a trans-Atlantic pipe line that will never go anywhere. Shits going to get crazy in the aftermath of all this.


>Eastern-European culture revolves around anal humiliation. Is West very different?
It was burgers who first thought about their anuses when covid hit and started hoarding toilet papers.


>NATO is strong, guys! They will be on top of their game from now on!

Absolute state of western cope. You also are the guy who denies that China is communist and that China is winning the new cold war.


Talking about Iran, reminder that they had worst sanctions that what Russia has and regimen change didn't happen.


End for now


RT: Putin reports at a news conference that Posadas was a "personal hero

>'"Soon everything will be made clear," Putin omniously announced


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My father has turned posadist to own the West, lol. These are psychotic times.


>that they had worst sanctions that what Russia has and regimen change didn't happen.

Its almost like sanctions don't actually work


Based dad


What the FUCK is that in the second pic? Is that the guy Han Solo shot?


If Ukraine was really so important to NATO then they would be doing more to support them. As things stand right now, Russia looks poosed to reclaim an impoverished buffer state, pushing neutral countries towards the West and isolating itself in the process. This is hardly a death blow to NATO.


>Apocalypse has come to be used popularly as a synonym for catastrophe, but the Greek word apokálypsis, from which it is derived, means a revelation.


What are you saying? Turkey rejected to close Russia's air space/rejected to sanction Russia, lol NATO is fractured more than ever.


It's US ambassador to UN. I don't know how it came out like this






I just want to see Chechens vs Chechens battle in the steppes of the Ukraine


So were the Azov beheadings real or was that fake news?


>If Ukraine was really so important to NATO then they would be doing more to support them.


Shut up with your "if we wanted we would have steamrolled all opposition" bullshit. You can't, even if you want to. The West is in TERMINAL DECLINE, there's no recovery.

>pushing neutral countries towards the West and isolating itself in the process.

Russia is getting the backing of China, the new world hegemon, and neutral countries are in China's sphere anyway. NATO's losing a country, losing investments, losing the policy goals they were aiming towards for decades, first in Afghanistan, now in Ukraine. What next must US/NATO lose for you to see the reality before you?


You should treat everything that doesn't come from Russian MoD as fake news


aw shit, here we go again


Anybody have the soundbite of "Ukraine Slava* used in a bunch of memes, I need it.


I am posting the results of one of the volkssturm backfiring on ukrop army soldiers, in a suburb of Kiev. Real shitty things are happening on a daily basis. I will also upload how one of its own armored vehicles was javalined.


Kadyrov forces vs Ichkeria forces
who would win
probably the Kadyrov forces


Doubt it was real, but it's fun to pretend it was to make Ukrops/Westerners seethe at Chechens and Kadyrov


How will the boy read his manga now?


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It is definitely misleading to say that the ruble has lost 50% of its value or whatever. The exchange rate with the euro and the dollar and many other currencies has been disrupted by sanctions but that doesn't mean russian people's money now buys 50% less stuff in their economy. It's just that it's more expensive to buy euros or dollars or things that need to be bought with euros or dollars. But they are banned for most trade anyway now so that number of one ruble worth 0.00000001 USD or whatever is kinda irrelevant

Biden and other westernoids keep parroting the 'RUSSIAS ECONOMY IS THE SIZE OF TEXAS' but when you adjust it for purchase parity it's the 6th in the world.

Usually when these sanctions get dropped on third world countries they go to shit because they are dependant on food and energy on the west or western companies, suddenly they can't pay for food imports or oil/gas and their society gets very spicy. That is because the US and the west have engineered the world that way, nobody can be energy or food independent (except for them of course).

This is really not the case for Russia, they have oil, gas, fertilizer and some technology.
Of course China will have them by the balls for a while but it is in the interest of China to make sure that Russia survives, to give an alternative to other countries tired of the west to join them. The more countries the west sanctions, the less effective these sanctions get as more countries can join the opposing block instead of being totally isolated like it was before.

This being said, if the west doesn't back down on all these sanctions, it will definitely cause disruption to the russian people, both the government and the people will have to adapt to new ways of living and will have to figure out how to develop or buy technology they need to maintain their industry.


>because he opposed the US sphere/NATO
Only because the US wouldn't allow Russia into NATO.


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China is probably laughing right now, they will get one of the two other great powers to become its periphery. Also, "international community" is not the whole world, Russia still has many options. There are a lot of huuuge countries in the rest of the world, that's a big market still.


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New trend: MARAUDERS!

Saboteurs are SOOOO last week, get on with the times, folks!


Kadyrov forces receive regular professional training, unlike Ichkerists. Latter are either diaspora members who got too patriotic or just veterans


consoomer brain sucks ass


She fought that smile very well


>Let Russia into NATO
>kick US and maybe britbongs out
>After silencing the seething east euro reactionaries we will have lasting peace and prosperity in Europe


China was the one to instigate Putin to take Ukraine. Putin went to Beijing Olympics one of the first, remember? Xi to Putin talks, and Xi gives his blessing and support


But then who would oppose western hegemony?





Posadas gang rise up

Nuclear holocaust soon bros


>North American Treaty organization without North America

Sounds like something that would happen in this meme team line


more like
>screaming internally


Are you retarded? Nato stands for North Atlantic treaty organization


Well, we do have "rules based order" that operates only by violating international law.


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Lol people on instagram celebrating anti-"saboteur" vigilantism. Mad times.




is he dead?


It's actually North American Terror Organization


File: 1646238849338.mp4 (4.24 MB, 464x640, UkropResistance.mp4)

Ukrops trying to resist


>and raising the debt ceiling at home like they normally do
bu-but Biden promised he wouldn't!!!
It's going to be sausages on every table and $15 minimum wage and cutting costs instead of wages and only buying domestically and taxes below $400k won't go up!!


it's a good thing they're not palestinian


>Ukrainians are literally throwing their children under Russian tanks so they can film it and own Russia on social media
fucking bizarre


These are probably low-tier street lumpen tied up by ordinary lumpen and petty porkies. Anyone they deem more anti-social than themselves is a "maroder" and "saboter".


no shit. why do you think saboteur became such a meme here


Killing your child to own the muscovities


Better to die as Ukrop than to live as Muscovite


I'm not up to speed yet with the memes lol


You seem very sus. Give me your documents, now.





File: 1646239306411.mp4 (1.53 MB, 720x720, 1646100336314.mp4)

Seconding, the only one I know got taken down from Youtube for hate speach


They're screaming "This is the Russian peace!". They should have seen what Western peace looks like.


what false consciousness does to a mf. Im sure some peasants tried to resist Napoleons grand armee


>German cars will fucking die due to Germany's stupidity, for example.
Oh God please let it be so. That would take Poland's economy with it.


File: 1646239449220.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 13.56 MB, 480x848, 16462349329600.mp4)

Video of the volkssturm.

Good post for the to exorcise the coping population of /l-pol/


Energodar, I think


>In Enerhodar (Zaporozhye region)
The Russians apparently already took the nuclear plant. The largest one.


Defending a Nazi Regime is a crime, you know?


Also, why would you bring up GDP PPP? Just because the West has more moneys they get to overrule democracy and can support Nazis?


nobody is defending ukraine here, sweetie


Good thing these heroes had their fatigues on


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Kek, Ukraine's votes in the last elections are hilarious. Green is president's party "servant of the people", blue are opposition party "for life", and then some randoms


In the short run Russia could occupy all of Ukraine especially if Lukashenka attacks from the west. But Ukraine will turn into another Afghanistan or worse. Im still for peace because both sides are neoliberals.


they're not going to cross the dnieper
western libs kraine is fervently anti-russia compared to eastern



Russian MD: 498 dead Russian soldiers, 1597 injured

Ukraine has lost around 8 thousand soldiers already.


quality post


what a faggot


Is the opposition party pro-Russian? The entirety of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts voted for them I see.


have they announced any other new classes? i'm hoping for an infiltrator spec soon


8 thousand casualties? do we have the breakdown of deaths vs injured for the ukranian side?


This what true patriotism looks like.


>cant buy new iphone
>cant access social media
>what sense has life anymore
>an hero


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haven't you forgotten someone, anon?


No, Ukraine has lost 2870. I guess the last report on Ukraine's casuaties was not from Russian MD



Stay in Russia and fight you egoistic fuckers. You aren't even under bombings


I would bet that the Ruble - USD exchange rate hurts Russian porkies a lot


Openly? No way. Covertly? Probably yes


It's been 7 days, comrades, where's the happening video?


sounds like a ton of effort


>where's the happening video?
D.I.Y. faggot.


Fuck these Nazis are suicidal, they probably know that they will be hanged for their crimes


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>be me
>Russian soldier
>tank commander
>alerta alerta antifascista
>pull the tank trigger
>the shell blasts through the brutalist concrete of some building some Azov rats are hiding out in
>a small explosion, concrete and debris fly
>then a split second later a roar as the entire two-kilometer complex is raised in the air
>thick acrid smoke pours from the hole
>wolfsangel patches, singed, float down past the lens of my binoculars
>the radio scratches into life
>Its malfunctioning component emits an intermittent sound.
>dmitri! Dmitri!
>yes officer Ivanov?
>tell me you did not just shell this building
>I did officer Ivanov
>dimitri… this was an old US chemical weapons lab, you have doomed us all Dimitri.
>the black smoke has turned dark green
>The sky slowly turned grey as small debris of green ash started falling
>my wingman has started coughing
>no… Dimitri no… my god what have you done
>blastbeat drums start playing from somewhere
>must be god setting the stage for what's about to unfold.
>there is a stirring amongst the rubble
>a heavily distorted guitar kicks in
>through the smoke a towering figure comes into focus
>out of proportion, 20 meters tall, one tree trunk leg dragging another slightly too long behind it, two rippling arms, one without a hand, the appendage simply a boney club
>no neck, the shoulders slip seamlessly into the deformed head, the top of the skull caved in like a dent. The torn remnants of an Azov uniform flap on the chest
>death metal roaring kicks in
>the thing begins to run towards my tank
> it’s picked up incredible lumbering speed
>the ground begins to shake
>through the radio, no Dmitri…., my god, no
> I could have prevented this…
>death metal roaring


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Stalker with Azovs? would play


Heard Biden said he would accept Ukrainian neutrality is that true?


Yes, it is.


Yeah, but behind the screen they keep pushing for more war.


New UN vote results

On condemning Russia


To Ukraine's: 2870 dead, 3700 injured, 572 POWs


that's been the us state departments position since the first day of the war. it's up to zelenskyy to put it forward in negotiations


the entire war s actually viral marketing for an EA reboot of Arma, sscreecap this post

what the fuck


based Eritrea


>Be him
>Average Lumpen
>Just trying to live by
<Crazed fucking mob of Ukrops rushes him taping him into a pole

They're literally giving everyday people the incentive to work for Russia FOR REAL with this shit.


Serbia, what are you doing?!



yeah, it's one thing to be laughing with your friends, taking pictures for instagram and twitter "woo look at us, those Russian dogs will pay!". it's a whole other thing when you're in a brick building watching a professional army, supported with armour and helicopters bearing down on you. and by the time you realise you're in over your head, it's too late.


<498 dead
I thought they were pushing 1000 as of now, but it is also true that the fighting kinda lagged in the last two days.


That's exactly the Putin's gamble - Nazis discrediting themselves to the point of Ukraine becoming pro-Russia.


>According to Russian military estimates, Ukrainian army units and far-right paramilitaries have reportedly lost at least 2,870 soldiers, while a further 3,700 have received various wounds. Some 572 Ukrainian servicemen were taken prisoner, the ministry added.


So if the State Department wants peace and neutrality, and Zelensky got elected on a platform of peace and neutrality, and Putin wants peace and neutrality, then who's the one wanting and getting an ongoing conflict in Eastern Europe?


Funniest shit is, 200-300 dead leak a couple of days ago was a real leak


This seems entirely possible instead, extremely close to the real data.


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meanwhile in Yemen


>implying Serbia has principles
they follow whoever pays them the most


based ARMA humiliating imperialist talking heads once again



Thats a just war cuz putin not involved.


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>in favor
زه آیس کریم خوښوم
زه له روسیې څخه کرکه کوم
ساده لکه


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Still though, why are westerners like this?


>Is there any evidence of inter-NATO or inter-EU factionalism or conflict?
a fuckton. east and south countries are significantly poorer and export cheap labor to richer ones, but they also are in it mostly for the economic and theres lot of political disagreement.

>What is this "france-germany" thing I heard.

they're the core of EU being the richest, most industrialized countries and france a nuclear power. It quickly became "france dominated by germany, and through them US" though


Just for comparison: Ukraine is claiming 6000 russian soldiers killed, and 2000 civilians killed


Holy fuck!
I know nothing about this conflict, except that the houthis are /our guys/. Might be good to start a thread.
What do you think?


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based Namibia


BBC: Macron "in favor" of fast-tracking Ukranian membership in the EU

>The French president further elaborated, "We must stop evil in its tracks, no matter the cost."


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Also because muh "Iranian proxies"
very old war. feel free to use /meg/, it is sadly underutilized


EU membership will save ukrain, cuz magic


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I've seen 7k dead claims, even more. Ukraine decreased their report numbers significantly by now, though, they are now trying to negotiate with Russia "for real"


Next in line: stalkers.


lel, haven't sseen that meme in a while


>but they also are in it mostly for the economic
>EU gives visible moneys to the periphery
>Euro stealthily extracts real value inwards to the core
<why are things shitty


I know, besides this resolution isn't important for them anyway. If anything this is a chance for them to sweet talk the West. What they're actually worried about is the economic sanctions, which they still don't support AFAIK.


The periphery countries would be getting exploited either way though, at least with the EU they get development funding


and infected with neoliberal brainworms


>the african countries would get exploited either way though, at least with the English they get civilization


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Welp, now Ukrops are doing videos that will demoralize their side heavily


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The future of many leftypolers.


>european parlimentaries
EU parliament is pure theater, the actual decisions are happening in other institutions and whether each individual state gov supports them or not.


what are they saying


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reminder that war does not end in the rest of the world just because all eyes are on Ukraine.
6days ago Israel shelled a region outside the Syrian border after dropping leaflets essentially telling Bashar not to let his men cooperate with Hezbollah by letting their men pass to the Golan heights


Kek the fucking truck even has an Arma moment in the vid


"fuck, fuck, they hit us" supposedly


But they give up sovereignty. This is a brick wall for any serious left.


I have no way of finding out about this shit except through people like you, so thank you.


<I heckin love tied aid with no technology transfers but a few fields of study deemed acceptable


The future is now old man


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"Thief" written on his ass


A shift? to prepare and declare peace.


That funding comes from surplus profits extracted from those very same peripheries. So they don't get back all the money that they give away, plus EU is posing their conditions for the money. The conditions of course include increasing the exploitation further and further.


Nah, just shellshocked Ukrops panicking


feeling all that evropa in the picture


Turkey points fingers at Ukraine in fresh push for EU membership
President Erdogan urged the bloc to show the same “spirit of Kara Boga” it demonstrated for Ukraine


Oh, no, how can be with people with blonde hair and blue eyes be thieves. With all due respect, we are not in the.. you know countries like Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan.


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>There may be a deepfake with Zelensky pronouncing surrender. Be sure that it's a fake!



they're just rounding up local gopniks


https://twitter.com/Joshua_Landis (american Arabist)
https://twitter.com/s_m_marandi (iranian)
https://twitter.com/aliabunimah (palestinian descent)
Many more but these are all I can think of


Slavs and brits have the tiniest asses.
Putin should throw a bone to Erdogan and threaten to attack Turkey.


Is it ogre?


>based Russian hackers stealing the Zelensky deepfake software from NVidia


Nah, just Nazis trying to continue fighting on because they lost trust in Zelensky continuing the fight


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Many here are not so communist but only anti-west. You can not expect much from this kind of people.


"NATO is about to disintegrate" is as delusional a statement as "Ukraine is winning the war."


t. Liberal Glowie


There's a flip side to this: "eastern europeans are white therefore benefit from white supremacy. They deserve being poor." Or something along those lines… People think just because you're white you can't be a shithole colony.
And then you actually have some people in our region who see Obama, Condalizza Rice, Kamala, and think to themselves: "damn, now even black descendants of slaves are ruling over us."


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I guess I will take this moment to remind everyone that Saudi Arabia is waging a genocidal war on Yemenis with enormous amounts of US assistance, but no one cares because it's far from Europe and western-supported.


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>we were defending the children in school's basement
>4 saboteurs in Territorial Defense uniform attacked us
>special forces helped us in a fight
>14 Territorial Defense people, police and civilians dead
>we saved 300 people locked in basement

So, they admit it themselves they have civilians kept with their forces. Living fucking shields


Trust me m8, if NATO was about to collapse I would be celebrating, but it definitely isn't happening. Mfs talk about Western decline as if empires don't often take literal centuries to actually collapse.


>Russia publishes its first casualty figures in Ukraine, admitting 498 soldiers killed and a further 1500 injured. That's a remarkable admission given they were claiming days ago to have suffered no casualties whatsoever.



Usually bomb shelters are inlarger facilities. This using "live shields" propaganda is extremely low autism score.


>they were claiming days ago to have suffered no casualties whatsoever
[citation needed]


What's the song called?


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>Im still for peace because both sides are neoliberals.
These sanctions will push Russia towards being a hermit kingdom. they might not be totally isolated nor will they go full socialism, but Putin is now forced to enact further autarky and state control on the economy just for it to stay afloat and his government not to face total collapse. More autarky and expansion on the industrial base could also put Russian proletariat in a better place overall.


where is the actual official source that tweet is claiming to speak of?


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I assure you citizens, it's essential you are locked in the basement beneath this AA platform for your own safety


They just weren't reporting them for obvious reasons of having no reliable reports yet. They had a day or two of "no losses", though. IIRC, obviously


DJvi - Dry Out




Ah, this video >>554434 lmao, they will cope.


The mere expansion of state control of the economy does not necessarily alter the class character of the state.


When they don't report losses that doesn't mean they're reporting 0 losses.


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Average twitter reply on Ukraine war


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And while we stay hiding in a corner, please stay close to the door. It's for your safety.


Did they miss it on purpose?


Subtitles when?


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>put a bullet through the monke brain (no offense to actual monkeys)
>war stops
>no more thousands of dead civilians
>sanctions end
>ruble is worth more than 0,006 cents
>KPRF make coups in power vacuum
>russian flag lowered in Kreml and replaced by Soviet
One can dream.


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Libs in Hungary erect an obelisk of shame on the ground of the Cinese university under construction. The original version of the statue used to be in Hong Kong, memoralizing the Tianmen sqare events.


>Putin conquers Ukraine
>NATO falls apart, USA goes into chaos mode as Biden gets tabakerka'd
>first free elections in Ukraine result in Communist Party victory


> That's a remarkable admission given they were claiming days ago to have suffered no casualties whatsoever.
Holy copium. Russia never said they didn't have casualties, they didn't comment on anything about it, that's it. lol now silence means no cassualties?


what am I seeing here? did the volkssturm kill some "saboteurs" again or was it attacked by the russians?


>Ukraine's National Agency for the Protection against Corruption (NAPC) has declared that captured Russian tanks and other equipment are not subject to declaration.

>"Have you captured a Russian tank or armored personnel carrier and are worried about how to declare it? Keep calm and continue to defend the Motherland! There is no need to declare the captured Russian tanks and other equipment, because the cost of this … does not exceed 100 living wages (UAH 248,100)," NAPC's press service said.





Anyone know the name of this song??


Nice barely-concealed glowposting.
You kill Putin, NATO comes in force.


Pretty sure Ukraine's blue on their flag is a lighter shade than Russia's




>Russia's Defense Ministry says 498 of its troops killed in Ukraine, 1,597 wounded in 1st report of military casualties



Kek, dude looks almost similar to Zelensky lmao


And they call me a dreamer. You need to corrupt Western countries from within. This outside interference only makes them awake from their sleepmode they went after cold war. Russia is still a weak 3rd world country that exports are 50/50 oil and gas.


>This outside interference only makes them awake from their sleepmode they went after cold war.
Yet another example of "we are stronk, we can do whatever you want and you have to hope we turn communist!" mentality. No, the West is going to go through a (short) century of shame, where Westerners go through crazy shit very rapidly. You can't do anything, you just don't have resources or money.


I’m finding it difficult to find any information on this conflict that isn’t ultimately tainted by heavy handed moralising and skewed propaganda. Just seen the BBC report a quote from someone saying that Russia is now committing genocide due to civilian casualties from the war. I don’t believe Putin’s denazification justification for warfare, nor do I believe the sheer nonsense from western media saying that Putin has cancer cause his face is a bit puffy and that Russia is taking massive Ls from Ukraine and their economy will implode very shortly (given they’re only 5 days or so into invasion these are massively unrealistic claims to be making). I’m just so sick of everyone being fed this narrative and then feeling obligated to support it out of empathy for a humanitarian crisis.


I suspect anti-Zelensky sentiment will start to find some more footing in the discourse now that Ukraine is clearly losing the kinetic war. Nobody likes a loser, after all.


>Russia's Defense Ministry says 498 of its troops killed.

498 saboteurs


So is Zelensky himself actually open to neutrality? He did say he was open to it before, but will he stand by his demand to give back the Crimea?


All the west has is weapons and a vicious political apparatus that can rally support to use them, and they are going to start sperging all over, dismantling their own hegemony as everyone with sense and opportunity starts flocking to China/Russia.




File: 1646243442374.jpg (88.35 KB, 306x450, NaziKD2.jpg)

>your face when the West repeats Finnish and Nazi propaganda about Soviet losses to this day


>So is Zelensky himself actually open to neutrality? He did say he was open to it before, but will he stand by his demand to give back the Crimea?
If Zelenskyy caves in to Russian demands the Ukrainian Neo-Nazis will do a coup, and probably kill him.


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>So is Zelensky himself actually open to neutrality?
he's not open to anything, puppets have no say, no own thoughts, no soul. Empty husks, that's it.
Its opinions are irrelevant. If the operation hasn't halted is because the master don't want it to stop.


and this is why modern social media is shit


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ZelenskyyyyyyyYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY is open to Twitter banter and hoping to fuck the west rescues him somehow.


Ukrainian Volksstrum has had 100% success rate on finding Russian army saboteur sleeper operative that have infiltrated the Ukrainian civilian population.


more like


>That pic
Fucking hell lmao

Cheers m8


to add, Ukraine is literally run by the mafia, he isn't a president in a "free democracy", he's beholden to powerful interests in his country, in a very real way. There's no way he could have escaped, because that would have been seen as a cowardly move, they would have found him wherever he is and killed him and his family. The Neo-Nazis are much more powerful in Ukraine than anyone realises. The ultras/football hooligans from a football club joined the paramilitaries against Russia, because ultras are fascists in any country you go. People in the "West" just don't know what it's like to live in a country like that. Zelenskyy had journalists killed, as well. They probably went digging too deep into his contacts and certain people did not wish to be exposed. You can't be a TV star in that kind of place for years, without rubbing shoulders with the mafia. The girls from Ukraine brought to work in Europe's strip clubs and brothels, do you think they just one day up and decide to go be a prostitute in the Netherlands? Ukraine is one of the hotspots for human trafficking. That can only happen if that industry is left unchecked and isn't actively being stopped by authorities.


USA and EU are China x2. Russia is a tiny little shit compared.


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They are really going all out.


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>according to Western estimates, West is the best!

Yeah, go cope somewhere else


It felt bad to post that but i think you are projecting.


Can someone post Shays bussy again? I didnt save it


17 years ago something like this would be complete satire among the few internet nerds.

If russia causes the collapse of this dystopic liberal world they have all my support.


See a therapist.


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to siberia with you


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Not disputing you, but how are they using human shields? It sounds to me like they are just defending places where civilians are sheltering. I think I might be missing something


>how dare you to have doubt in our spiritual and scientific leaders who have determined authoritatively that West is the Best?

Here, hope it explains why you are wrong better


Russia does artillery strikes. How is standing on top of civilian shelters is providing any safety to civilians, lol?


cause theyre losing. I now wonder how and when the saving face maneuver starts



These are quantitative facts but ill let you cope.


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>muh javelin
This is getting tiresome.


what a colossal retard holy shit


Ah, yes, the famous Ukranian colonies in Africa!


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>These are quantitative facts

One simple example - HEALTHCARE. How much does it contribute to US GDP percent-wise and why shouldn't we cut it down in our estimates to the similar-quality healthcare of some third world country like Cuba?


How much of EU and especially US economy is just "financial services" aka, being huge fucking leeches on the world economy by making themselves the financial hub so they can control and take a cut out of every loan and financial transaction that happens in the world. Being a idle rentier can never generate actual new wealth, it only siphons it from those that actually create it. Don't believe the GDP numbers on the actual muscle of these countries economies, especially when comparing China and the US. Probably a third to 20% of US GDP numbers is just hot air that makes them able to consoom the worlds generated surplus, the same goes for EU.


top bantz


Pretty tough vote for Russia. Surprising in several ways.


We need more memes like this.


Image believing they can hack the Russian radios command chattering centers that easily.



The reddit volunteer sub is gold


link? Want to see that PEREMOGA


What does this accomplish?


Oh I see. Again, wasn't disputing the claim.


Cracker is a pheontype that describes white people that act in the favor of AmeriKKKa,
For instance Slavic people are also white, but ther have evolved a high anti-americanism characteristic, which gives them the N-word pass


oh no Monaco. Can Putleristas ever recover?


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Leaked document from Russian troops showing war against Ukraine was approved on 18th January, and initial plan to seize Ukraine starting 20th Feb to 06th March



Stop shitposting any time.


>defending places where civilians are sheltering
the fuck is this stupidity ? if you have armed fighters, you're bringing them trouble, you're not "defending" shit


>St. Kitts and Nevis
Putin is now DONE



yeah, sure, a Russia soldier lend them directly to ukop forces. lol
As a Slavic descendant, I feel honored, thank you, yet I am compelled to not to.


File: 1646245259644.mp4 (4.24 MB, 608x1080, 3a63ce8c30925177.mp4)

Ukrainians seem to be thankful of liberating nazis from borodjanka.


>4 saboteurs in Territorial Defense uniform attacked us
>14 Territorial Defense people, police and civilians dead
wait, so they locked up a bunch of civilians in a cave as human shield, some normal ukrainian people tried to rescue them, and now they're gloating they killed them ???


They are almost certainly just using open comms. I know you're like "why", but thats what people mean why they say Russian logistics chains are fucked up.


>What is captured soldiers



What are infantry defending them from? Other infantry that has no interest in killing them? If anything they're drawing artillery fire from putting a bunch of armed guys there.


All this for a Nato Membership card


how many in the crash of that big troop tranport ?


>Here's how you can strap bombs on your children and sic them on Russians and saboteurs


NATO base in Ochabko annihilated

Paid for by the British


when you enter negotiation demanding crimeas, do you think he made any honest attempt at diplomacy ?


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Reddit being reddit


>implying they carry intel with them
reminder that some ukrop molotved a Russian grad nearby and the rockets exploded leading to this retarded result


How do ukorps cope with the fact that the actual Ukrainian army is completely encircled?


Is this what happens when pure LARP meets pure copium?


It's a troll reddit by r/drama

There is a bunch of these for different topics


>They are almost certainly just using open comms
>believing any army in the world will use open chatter channels so everyone can interfere with the comand chain
C'mon, give it another try, but with less kool aid.


don't forget abkhazia and south osetia


Kek, Slavic bants is on a whole other level


Are you retarded?
Nobody is supporting Ukraine because they're white. We support them because they're a democracy,=. If another democracy was attacked by an authoritarian regime we'd support them to. It just happens to be, that only white countries have these superior democratic values. this doesn't make me a white supremacist.


They will meme a victory from the jaws of defeat. And everyone who thinks otherwise is a SABOTEUR pretending to be a Real Ukranian(US patent pending)


>If I say like a truck full of Arabs gets blown up
>Or if a middle eastern country gets bombed to shit
>Nobody panics, because it's part of the plan
>But if I say one little old Eastern European country gets invaded


>pretending not to believe any army in the world will use open chatter channels so everyone can interfere with the comand chain
Go back. You are not wanted here.


everyone asks:
who would lenin side with? who would marx side with?
you should really ask yourself…who would the joker side with?


Some of them do use open comms, you can listen to them on WebSDR


securing radio communication is a thing since fucking ww2 retard


>Nobody is supporting Ukraine because they're white. We support them because they're a democracy,=.

This whole mess started when a democratically leader was overthrown in a coup.

How is supporting Ukraine supporting democracy


Zelenesky: International Volunteers Needed For Saboteur Eradication

>"We need volunteers, with or without experience, to help eliminate the Russian saboteur threat in our glorious nation," the Ukranian president said.


File: 1646245990650.png (269.13 KB, 648x447, 16462189190030.png)

<Why did it happen to me?


how would you even know those are real ?


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kekaroooo mfw

yeah buddy, makes total sense they have shit logistics, like letting channels open, yet they are pounding the ass or Kharkov, encircled Mariupol, close to Sverodonetsk, and moving through Kiev, taken Kherson, Chernobyl, and much many towns/cities.
Don't you have to retweet another umod disinfo post, or something? perhaps this time your effort with make change the tables in favor of kekraine.


I think the whole debate about whether or not to side with Russia misses the point completely. Even historical/geopolitcal considerations are irrelevant since we, as in the core Left, are not in any position to do anything. To the extent an organized Left should have any position at all, it should be to oppose any war efforts of our own countries while supporting and the anti-war effort of workers of other nations. This is the true meaning of revolutionary defeatism. To this end I have unconditional solidarity for Leftists and Communists in Russia who oppose the war in Ukraine, whil in my own country I oppose any and all efforts to escalate or take further steps toward NATO.

However, it is difficult to not hope for a speedy Russian victory. What a Russian win in this war will achieve is the destruction of Westoid hegemony globally. You can already see it happening: China, India, Brazil and most LatAm nations are backing Russia. Even Hungary is showing signs of wanting to break with Yuropoors. This will be the death of Burger-Angloid hegemony and will send Yurop to a state of terminal decline.

The Reactionary right is in the most favourable position to benefit from this initially, but in the long term this will open the path for the Socialist Left both in the West and around the world. It will not kill the Imperial core overnight, but it essentially will kill the capacity of the Westoid porky to hold down the global south while leaving the Westoid worker to die on the vine. Us, the Westoid workers will have to pick up the slack and pay the sacrifices of building an economy that can actually compete with the massive anti-West bloc that is now forming, and this will bring us to a face-to-face confrontation with the Porky. This may well be what we have been waiting for. Interesting times ahead leftypol.


isn't arming your civilians a violation of the khitomer accords or whatever


>when gays, transhumanists and nazis unite to defend Ukraine from Russia

Only now did it hit me that this timeline is something else entirely


Quick someone buy a ticket for Agent Kochinski! He should prove his loyalty by fighting in the frontlines!


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>We need volunteers, with or without experience
>without experience
literally begging people to go into a meatgrinder


Hungary will not be the death-knell
These eastern european countries are largely irrelevant.




Russian businessman puts 1 million dollar hit Putler lol
>"I promise to pay $1,000,000 to the officer(s) who, complying with their constitutional duty, arrest(s) Putin as a war criminal under Russian and international laws," wrote Konanykhin on LinkedIn. "Putin is not the Russian president as he came to power as the result of a special operation of blowing up apartment buildings in Russia, then violated the Constitution by eliminating free elections and murdering his opponents."

>"As an ethnic Russian and a Russian citizen, I see it as my moral duty to facilitate the denazification of Russia. I will continue my assistance to Ukraine in its heroic efforts to withstand the onslaught of Putin's Orda," added the businessman. Orda is the Russian word for "horde," a predatory, plundering gang


I don't support Putin at all but this shit is so sickening. The americans and their friends have been butchering the entire world for decades but when Russia does something similar (but still less bloody) we are supposed to believe it's the worst thing that's happened since the Holocaust. Fuck off.


>Zelensky asking for foreigners to come kill Ukrainians during a military invasion of Ukraine


>If another democracy was attacked by an authoritarian regime
you mean like Yugoslavia ?


>wrote Konanykhin on LinkedIn
seems like a strange place to post your bounty request


fsb o'clock


You can dismiss anything broadcast with this thinking, it's not like they're saying anything important


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I am really wondering how people will see this shit in like 5 years time. It's so obvious that he is enabling the nazis to just murder the undesirables under the pretense of "saboteurs"


not if you're networking with other neolib warhawks hon


File: 1646246460157.mp4 (634.02 KB, 1278x720, L-fnUPWerL6Wj3bL.mp4)

>Absolutely perfect: Russian Ambassador to the UN Vasily Nebenzya peddles Trump's Big Lie.

>"… with the support of the United States, where the legitimately elected president of the country was overthrown.”




The fact that Zelenskyy is asking for international volunteers doesn't make it seem like they're winning, are they?


This is actually good info. But the shed on the left also the wall on the right dont look the same. And is the rocket launcher ukrainian or russian? Is the grad photoshopped? FSB have released lot of this "debunked" information today.


Saboteur trutherism? Don't you know that's Russian propaganda? You're blocked, bot.


Okay. Back to your video games with you, autist.



cause they know Trump will be re-elected and help with russian NWO


only if they wanted to be listened.
>Russian entrepeneur
>not olligarch this time
phew. It is all what it takes.
Also, look at the propaganda of the FSB buildings. Very coincidentally peddle here many times. See all of you how the guys in here were repeating western propaganda all along?


CS1.6 comms irl


is this out of context, referring to the euromaidan? It seems very carefully cut.


You are a child with a meme understanding of the world.
Why are you here?


Holy shit Trump 2024 confirmed


Grad was left behind by Russian troops, supposedly. Khokhols decided to molotov the empty vehicle. Result was a little predictable


Yeah sounds like they're talking about Yanukovych


File: 1646246786975.png (386.03 KB, 572x582, 1646032891010.png)

No, why are you here:


how is it possible for Serbia to be so cucked


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real life amogus


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Still no updates from Liveuamap.
They had a literal BSoD because of the fucking beating they're taking lmao.


Just a continuation of titos politics

Sell your country to the highest bidder


They are winning. They are winning a quagmire in Europe and major disruption to global food markets. The question is who precisely "they" are.



Hungarians are smooth brained as hell.


File: 1646246984127.jpg (Spoiler Image, 172.96 KB, 600x800, d144e912-cc09-4ebc-a611-9a….jpg)

Very graphic
>Burnt Ukrainian soldier near his Ural

>Numbers: 32 05 A5

>A2, A3, A4, A5, A9 - vehicles and equipment of military units of the Ground Forces and the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for Operational Commands, army corps, military units throughout Ukraine.



What does that actually mean in practice though. Taking a “principled stance” on a global conflict is utterly insignificant.


Zelenksy should surrender now.


>coup happens in a country which has major USAID and NED involvement as well as corrupt financial relationships between state enterprises and the immediate family of us oligarchs
<loool guyz the cia din do nuttin ever


Trying to join NATO is tantamount to a crime against the working people of the world. Every country who joined NATO should have their government deposed. That's the leftist stand


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>Russia: 498 dead
>Ukraine: 2870 dead


Incorrect position.
You are a bloodthirsty psychopath, not a radical.


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>French media sells the "new Joanna D'arc"
>She's a nazi


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Like we say here in Brazil: " Cada cachorro que lamba sua caceta".


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The virgin argues over Russians using open comms
The chad goes to listen to one of them yell at some Ukrainian who keeps shouting SLAVA UKRAINI at him


Is dead Nazi a bad thing?


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>Russian Ambassador pushes Big Lie:

>“the United States, where the legitimately elected president of the country was overthrown.”


What did they mean by this


Those 500 dead are all a result of war planners' inadequacy. They are winning strongly, but at the same time they let Ukrops kill hundreds of soldiers, and those were preventable deaths. Well, it seems like that from my armchair



holy kek


They were preventable. The US does operations like this and loses that many by the end. This is because they kill 100x more civilians. They trade dead muslims for dead yankees


Imagine being so fucking uneducated that you declare your intentions to war-crime beforehand.


This is basically the most retarded statement during this war. I hope it is fake


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Why is Iran like this


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Ea banned Russia


If that is real it would be so funny to watch people justify literal war crimes cause Ukraine is le plucky underdog


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>Congratulations Russia we will destroy you


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The eradication of NATO is of utmost historical necessity.


>throwing burger bomb propaganda back in their face



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actually doing the angry soy face right now


File: 1646247520892.jpg (59.66 KB, 735x526, chibirus.jpg)

You're right I have to take sides.



>yeah buddy, makes total sense they have shit logistics, like letting channels open, yet they are pounding the ass or Kharkov, encircled Mariupol, close to Sverodonetsk, and moving through Kiev, taken Kherson, Chernobyl, and much many towns/cities.

Well, they are. This kind of thing is how people were deluding themselves into thinking Ukraine was winning the war. How could their comms be so fucked up, sometimes leaving forward units totally stranded with no communication to command, abandoning tons of equipment, getting special forces and airborne units surrounded and captured etc, and they could still be winning? Well, all that happened and yes they're still winning.


Its over bros
Is this real?



protect her at all cost o7


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>the koreas
fucking kek


Another saboteur cope. Russian propaganda cant handle the masses of people uniting against foreign armed invasion.



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they already lost the RPL rights to PES, so this is a nothingburger if true, I did like playing with Smolov and Miranchuk tho :(((((


They should punish the retard who has posted it


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>Korean puppies having sex


File: 1646247709166.png (637.34 KB, 485x646, 1631717774023.png)

blease blease be a shitpost, reddit troons cant actually be like this


Somebody show this the patsocs, I really would like to see their reaction on this


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In context seems he truly believes zelinsky is no guilty, kek.



This reads like a sarcasm. It's so fucking dumb


Obviously Hungary will not be what brings the EU down, but it just shows the weakness of the Western block.


Guy's doing the best understanding of situation based off not knowing the facts on the ground. I forgive him for this take just this once


There must be some special funny gases that appear when you're at a bunker that makes you have delusions.
Like, if WW2 happened today in this zoomer age we would be seeing the OKH posting shit like this in 1945.
Or posting shit like "THE GHOST OF WARSAW" or how "SOVIET TROOPS HAVE SURRENDERED EN MASSE TO OUR ARYAN SUPERIORITY" Meanwhile sharing Soviet footage of german POW or fabricating the POW themselves with some soviet uniforms they keep for this.


File: 1646247921092.jpg (88.55 KB, 976x307, redditretardation.jpg)

I want to go fight for le epic Ukraine but I'm afraid of getting misgendered. What do?


Post this shit on /pol/ to see the reactions.




Fuck, I keep forgetting to un-spoil the pictures lmao

>>554723 (me)


It's really not actually very predictable, many people said this will happen but fools like you kept calling them names probably.


Applying "cancel culture" tactics to a country is kind of delusional behavior tbh.


Iranians admire the bravery of Ukrainian people and see business opportunities in selling their oil and gas.



I stll dont give a shit about american culture wars why do you?




Its verified you retard. Can't be fake. It also has more followers and is more active unlike whatever you pasted that hasnt been active for more than half a decade




File: 1646248242353.jpg (Spoiler Image, 261.1 KB, 1240x826, 3826141fa783c79c.jpg)


>Can't be fake.
lmao kys glowfag


Someone should pass this screenshot along to the ICC, since they're very interested in this war.


>Iranians saying they admire the country whose president is a jew
Just what THE FUCK is going on right now.


This shit is so fucking sad.
And yet, liberals will beg ukrops to literally commit war crimes and publicly say that they are ok with it just because "but russia always commits war crimes and they're also inferior russians so it's ok".


Leftists should oppose the invasion, recognize that this is nothing more than an inter-imperialist conflict, one that could have been prevented had the US not baited Russia into a war that they know will weaken Russia, similar to Afghanistan.


>Its verified you retard. Can't be fake.


if you call this an invasion you are using the US and NATO propaganda framing, that suggests a recent beginning of the conflict. That is false this is a proxy-war between the US and Russia, that began 8 years ago. What has happened now is an escalation from low intensity war to high intensity war. Lets not erase from history the roughly 20 thousand people that died in the Donbass region.


>>554767 (me)
meant for


>if you call this an invasion you are using the US and NATO propaganda framing,
You might as well say that you are using NATO propaganda framing if you say the sky is blue. This is an invasion, and if you try to deny it you will just look like an unhinged moron. Good luck convincing them to actually oppose NATO's involvement when you say absurd shit like that.


Yep, it's advertising intent to do war crimes time




without denying that NATO has a lions share of the blame for provoking this invasion, baffling that some of you genuinely seem to admire putin and consider him some kind of crypto-socialist. look at these screenshots of a speech of his from last year

in general this speech gives a great overview of his current beliefs and positions. he's certainly no reactionary but he is a genuine anti-communist and is not nostalgic whatsoever for the USSR.



it doesn't matter if you don't hate them, they hate you.


where is that ?


File: 1646251836693.png (334.29 KB, 640x480, ClipboardImage.png)


lol, dont he have a team to brief him on international happenings, wtf


>some of you genuinely seem to admire putin and consider him some kind of crypto-socialist
first time on an imageboard ?
its called shitposting


File: 1646252268744.jpg (90.53 KB, 1140x642, war of the words.jpg)

>US/NATO Progpaganda framing is common sense and if you disagree your are an unhinged moron
Are you a NATO stooge ?

Russian propaganda narrative: De-nazifacation of Ukraine
US/NATO propaganda narrative: Crazy Putler invasion
Undeniable Material reality: escalation of hostilities in an 8yr long ongoing US–Russia proxy war.

In this battle of words context is important and you have to pay attention where the beginning of the timeline in the narrative is set. If you take the US/NATO propaganda framing and their use of the word invasion that suggests that the story of this conflict began a few days ago, and the context of the entire 8yr long period that preceded recent events is de-emphasized. As leftists we are committed to truthful description of reality, and cannot just erase historical context.

The word invasion has become something like a litmus test in the west. The reason for that is that Russia has come out and vigorously opposed the use of that word. The liberals be contrarians. The liberals have also rehabilitated the AZOV battalion, people that they them self condemned as right wing Ukrainian nationalists and neo Nazis just a few weeks and months ago. Once liberals side with the fascist elements, we do not want to associate our self's with them anymore, and make sure that in the battle of words we remain a voice distinct from the liberals. If they invent a litmus test we break the test. Because when the dust settles in Ukraine and the emotional moment passes over to a contemplative moment. Reality will assert it self . People will realize that the current government of Ukraine knew it was fighting an unwinnable battle and that it knowingly forced legions of their citizens as young as 14 years old to die pointless deaths. We have to make it very clear that we do not side with this.


>consider him some kind of crypto-socialist
Who the fuck said anything like that?


thanks mah niqqa, many in my country are calling out the hypocrisy and racism of the west when it comes to refugees. but I have to be honest and say some eastern europeans have also developed racism because cucks in power need to blame someone else than their western overlords
t. slav


>baffling that some of you genuinely seem to admire putin
It's in Putin's interest to oppose NATO, mainly because NATO didn't let RUSSIA join in after the dissolution of the USSR. The reasons for that are unclear, some have speculated that the NATO apparatus thinks they needed to keep Russia as an enemy to justify the existence of NATO, it might also be racism against slavik people or cultural differences like Russians tend to make grumpy faces while most Westerners grin.

Leftists oppose NATO because it has been involved in overthrowing a large number (50-70) of socialist governments and bourgeois democratic governments and because NATO means more spending for military and less spending for social welfare, for infrastructure and economic development in NATO memberstates. Putin also saved Syria and Belarus from being overthrown by color revolutions. And Putin also made Russia's economy less neo-liberal by increasing state control over big industry. From a leftist perspective these were all actions that we wanted to happen, regardless of who was doing it.

>and consider him some kind of crypto-socialist.

Nobody thinks Putin is a crypto socialist that wants to bring back the USSR, except deranged or possibly senile coldwarrior neo-cons, and we shittpost about that to make fun of these people.




I would say to download it since I bet yt will take it down


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Agent Kochinski sisters….
https://nitter.net/Agent KochinskiV/status/1499158834719326210


Very strange to see him admit that?




Europeans are racist and xenophobic
wow cant believe this


everyone defending war crimes on social media
liberals are so fucked up holy shit




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Link to her works pls.


File: 1646282889163.mp4 (13.14 MB, 540x360, hate amerikkka.mp4)


I thought Russia had already taken it, are you reporting that news or do you mean the Ukrainian counteroffensive worked?


I'm calling it an escalation, which calls attention to the low-level conflict in the Donbass over the last eight years. It is also an invasion, but you don't need to use their word choice.

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