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 No.556053[View All]

Post video updates here. ONLY UPDATES. For all other useless political discussion - including cancerous takes, baitposts, glowposts - use the general.

This is basically the general for videos. I'm having trouble swimming the sea of comments in order to fetch the videos, so I decided to make this.
553 posts and 389 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Artillery of the LPR fires at the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine with propaganda shells, which contain leaflets with the real state of affairs and a proposal to surrender


ABCnews uses a photograph of the Tochka missile launched by the ukrainian military at Donetsk to illustrate their article about the Russian bombing of the NATO training base
>you can even see troops wearing DPR gear in the background


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>❗️18+ (photo) As a result of a clash near Kiev, soldiers of the Russian special forces unit eliminated two senior officers of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.
>Colonel Akhmedov Oleg
>Colonel Sokol Dmitry
>With them, intelligence officers had American C4 explosives, fuses, a map of the area with marked life support facilities for settlements.
>Are the captains and majors in GUR over?
>Colonel Akhmedov, by the way, was born in Potsdam in 75. That is, in the family of a Soviet officer, in the Western Group of Forces.


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It gets spicy, according to one of the TG channels:
>"Joker DPR" about Colonel of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Akhmedov, who was recruited by Turkish intelligence back in 2009.

>Turkish roots of Colonel Akhmedov

>On April 15, a group of Ukrainian spies was detained in Crimea, who acted under the leadership of the head of the Kherson division of the Ukrainian military intelligence of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, Colonel Oleg Alisherovich Akhmedov, born in Feodosia in 1975.

>I became interested in this man and I decided to take him into my ranks, but he got scared and refused me. This is unforgivable!!!! Therefore, I ordered my spies to dig up dirt on him. I will publish only a small part of the data I have. I love to intrigue.
>Akhmedov got into military intelligence from the coastal defense forces of the Ukrainian Navy. In 2009, he was transferred to the intelligence department of the Ukrainian Navy, where he oversaw the activities of 73 naval special operations centers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Ochakov) and 72 centers of information and psychological special operations (at that time stationed in Sevastopol).
>In 2009, through an exchange within the framework of international cooperation, Ahmedov was sent to study at the Turkish Naval Academy (Istanbul), where he was recruited by Turkish intelligence. After training and returning to Ukraine, Akhmedov openly contacted representatives of the Turkish diplomatic corps in Ukraine (Turkish military intelligence agents undercover), and therefore came to the attention of the SBU.
>Due to suspicions of ties with the Turkish special services, in order to avoid a spy scandal with a NATO member country, in 2012 Akhmedov was transferred to the post of deputy head of the 73rd MTSSO of the Naval Forces of Ukraine (Ochakov, a training center for naval saboteurs) with a demotion. However, in the same year, with the assistance of personal connections in the leadership of the intelligence department of the Ukrainian Navy, Akhmedov was taken to the operational unit of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry in Odessa.
>In military intelligence, career advancement was given to Akhmedov with difficulty because of the suspicions that remained towards him, as well as the lack of significant success in operational activities.
>After the coup in 2014, Akhmedov's situation improved significantly. He realized that playing the role of a tough Russophobe can make a career in the new conditions of Ukrainian reality. The officer was transferred to the Crimean direction, where he headed the task force, which is deployed in the city of Kherson.
>Akhmedov actively used representatives of the Crimean Tatar diaspora. This is due to the ethnic origin of Akhmedov (father is a native of Uzbekistan, and his mother is a native of Kazakhstan). Akhmedov established useful contacts with the leaders of the Crimean Tatar diaspora structures, as well as Islamic religious centers, which he uses in intelligence activities.
>The Turkish special services have also not forgotten their ward and are effectively using him for their own purposes, the first of which is to strengthen Ankara's influence in the Black Sea region. Active work against the Russian-speaking population of Crimea, presented as an anti-Russian position, is an effective cover for his work for the Turks.
>If the clowns from the SBU carefully check all the sources of Akhmedov's income, they will easily contact Turkish patrons and I won't have to publish anything else.


Vids related: Ukrainian Tochka-U missile, launched at Donetsk center was intercepted but still ended up landing on a residential street, killing 20 people.

There were many messages being shared in Telegram chats and on Tiktok shortly prior, agitating for wives of DPR militiamen to gather at the civil administration at 12 am that day.

Last pic is major Italian newspaper La Stampa passing off an image of the Donetsk attack as Russian bombing of Kiev.


Yeah the actual footage of the strike is horrifying. Patrick Lancaster got on the scene minutes after the attack and did a video on it too in full exposure. They had a mourning the day after


The west used a pre-text of 8k Bosnian civilians killed, and called genocide, to shit over Serbia for weeks with airstrikes and artillery without any regard to civilians, in the U.N.-OSCE reports, accounts close to 90% of civilians killed were on the side of Donbas, from fucking 14k total~12,600 civies killed. Yet Russia has had very limited airstrikes, especially given that actual military targets hide in civilian areas, unlike in Serbia.

According to the OHCHR
<OHCHR estimates the total
number of conflict-related casualties in
Ukraine (from 14 April 2014 to 15
February 2020) to be 41,000–44,000:
13,000-13,200 killed (at least 3,350
civilians, an estimated 4,100 Ukrainian
forces and an estimated 5,650 members of
armed groups17); and 29,000-31,000
injured (approximately 7,000–9,000
civilians, 9,500–10,500 Ukrainian forces
and 12,500-13,500 members of armed


Fox News crew got fucked up near Kiev. Liberals celebrated their deaths on Titter.

Cameraman Pierre Zakshevski, 55, killed.
Producer Oleksandra “Sasha” Kuvshynova, 24, killed.
Correspondent Benjamin Hall, 39, injured - lost a leg.

If anyone has their last video please post it.


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"I know that as a journalist, I have to be objective, I have to be balanced, in order to report information to you with a cold heart, but to tell you the truth, it's very hard to hold on now, especially at a time like this, and since we are called Nazis, fascists, and so on in Russia - I will allow myself to quote Adolf Eichmann, who said that in order to destroy a nation, you must destroy, first of all, children. Because if you kill their parents, the children will grow up and take revenge.

By killing children - they will never grow up and the nation will disappear. The Armed Forces of Ukraine cannot kill Russian children because it is forbidden by the rules of war, and it is prohibited by various conventions, including the Geneva Convention. But I am not from the Armed Forces of Ukraine. And when I get the chance to take out the Russians, I will definitely do it.

Since you call me a Nazi, I adhere to the doctrine of Adolf Eichmann, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that you and your children never live on this earth. So that you can feel what it is like when innocent civilians die, so that you can feel all the pain and suffering, when you say "we didn't start the war, it was Putin, we didn't want this war". We didn't want it either. But you have to understand that it's about the victory of the Ukrainian people, not about peace. We need victory. And if we have to slaughter all your families to do it - l'll be one of the first to do it.

Glory to the nation! And hope that there will never be such a nation as Russia and the Russians on this earth again. Because they are just scum who are destroying this land. If the Ukrainians have the opportunity, which they are basically doing right now, to destroy, to slaughter, to kill, to strangle the Muscovites. And I hope that everyone contributes and whacks at least one Moskal."



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Sign says “Zelensky capitulate, stop the drugs and get back on stage”.


The story of civilians about 15 days of hell in basements without electricity, water and communications.
▪️The Kiev security forces did not help civilians in any way.
▪️The Armed Forces of Ukraine deployed armored vehicles in close proximity to civilian bomb shelters.
▪️Everyone who tried to leave the city through "humanitarian corridors" was killed at the exit from Mariupol.
▪️Instead of food and water, the Ukrainian military distributed propaganda materials among the local population that the Russian army was defeated and that the war would end not today or tomorrow (photo attached).
▪️The Russian army tried to provide the refugees with everything they needed.


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<12 March
>"There was a bus leaving just for foreigners in the country. So, he had to get on that bus this morning," she said.
>One of the most painful parts is Tyler had to leave his wife and daughter behind in Ukraine.

So indeed it was the Ukranians not allowing nationals to leave and he wasn't coerced or captured, he chose to leave his wife and child behind.


A relative of one of the mercenaries who went to Ukraine complains about the attitude of the Ukrainians towards them: when he and his accomplices in horror tried to flee to Poland after a powerful blow by the Russian army on their base, they tried to return them to the front by force “against their will” at the border.


< 🇺🇦🇷🇺 "Azov, bitch! People were leaving - "Azov" shot, people! They shot columns of civilians who tried to go to Volodarsk - they shot buses!"
< Civilians who escaped from Mariupol talk about the horrors they had to endure during the city battles.
< According to them, there are many dead civilians in the city, who have no one to bury. Radicals from the Ukrainian "Azov Regiment" repeatedly disrupted the evacuation of civilians, shooting those who tried to leave the city.
Now the civilian quarters have been largely liberated, refugees are not happy with Azov. No doubt we will be seeing it on the Free Press soon. Also, ANNA News is back.


>Whenever you remind people of the fact that the armed conflict in Ukraine has been going on for 8 years, someone will say that "Russia invaded Ukraine in 2014" and that the existence of the Donbass Republics is a Russian aggression. Recently, military historian Yevgeny Norin (https://t.me/norin_ea) got into such a discussion on Facebook and took a look at the facts (translation our own, reposted with his permission):

<From RWA. Link at the end of the post.


0. Armed violence as such in Ukraine was triggered by the Euromaidan protests. This was an armed uprising and it led to the fall of the government. It is not immediately obvious that rebelling against the government is good in Kiev, but bad in Donetsk.

1. By the time the Russian army entered Donbass, the war was already in full swing - if we are talking specifically about the army, companies, and battalions made up of soldiers and officers on duty. By the time the Russian Federation started supplying weapons en masse, the war was, again, already going on. Yes, the moment when there were ill-supplied men at militia roadblocks was not very long, but it existed, and the Russian Federation brought weapons into an already ongoing conflict in which the opposing side was using firearms, including artillery and armored vehicles.

2. By the time of the first organized armed detachment, which can be called Russian (which is a stretch, by the way: Strelkov's personal status is vague, and 80% of the detachment were Ukrainian citizens, including Crimeans), the State Security Service building in Lugansk had already been captured & local armories had been opened, and in Kharkov there were already people killed in firefights. In addition, if we take for granted the thesis that Strelkov "started the war", a cartoonish picture emerges in which 50 people have taken Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Liman, Artemovsk, Druzhkovka, Konstantinovka and a number of smaller towns and cities, giving as many as 7-8 occupiers for each city. In reality, even the reason why Strelkov went to Slavyansk is known - a large local detachment was waiting for him there.

Local commanders dominated the whole first stage of the movement (the bright personality of Strelkov somehow overshadowed the less bright Zakharchenko, Khodakovsky, Mozgovoy, Bednov, Tsvyakh, Dremov, Plotnitsky, Bolotov, etc.) and locals until 2022 constituted 75-90% of the rebel groups at all phases of events, which can be easily proven by name lists of republic soldiers KIA. Even at the peak of Russian involvement until 2022, in August 2014, citizens of Russia and other countries were not more than a quarter of the dead, and soldiers and officers on duty were not more than a quarter of that quarter, the bulk of Russian citizens were just volunteers who went to fight at their own risk.

4. In those places where attempts at pro-Russian protests were suppressed, including violently, with murders, Russian direct influence was virtually undetectable. In Odessa, after the mass murder of pro-Russian activists, exactly one citizen of the Russian Federation was captured alive, who did not play any significant role there and was worthy of a separate mention only by the fact of citizenship; in Kharkov, after the defeat of the group trying to create the Kharkov People’s Republic, there were zero Russian citizens among the captured, as far as I know. Thus, the thesis that 2014 was an invasion by the Russian Federation is incorrect: both the key events, including the seizure of administrative buildings and the search for weapons, took place before the appearance of organized units from Russia, and the composition of the units opposing the government are mostly locals from start to finish. An invasion in which all the infantry are citizens of the invaded country is obviously nonsense: in Poznan or, I don't know, Székesfehérvár, Strelkov would have immediately become a General without an army.




a small info dump over at r/genzedong which I'm using


I have some other random shit from 2014 too

<Fascists in important [interim] Ukrainian goverment positions:

<Galicia doing exactly what Donbass later did but didn't get shelled for it
>Protesters, he said, had also stormed the offices of the regional governor, a Yanukovych appointee, resuming an occupation that had ended just three days earlier, and raided the local headquarters of the state prosecutor, the state security service and several district police stations. Around 140 guns were seized from a police armory.
>Beyond Lviv, antigovernment activists besieged or seized police stations and administrative buildings in Uzhgorod, Lutsk, Khmelnitsky and Poltava.
>In Ukraine, unfortunately, this did not happen. On 19 February 2014, Lviv went beyond its ‘mere’ latent separatism of November, moving towards a declaration of independence from Ukraine in a decree establishing a monopoly on sovereignty in the oblast and an alternative government to Yanukovich’s then crumbling regime in Kiev. The local legislature established itself as a “People’s Rada” or “National Rada” and declared its full sovereignty over Lviv Oblast. The document also referred to the chairman of the Lviv Oblast Executive Committee Petro Kolodiy as such but also later in the document as the “chief of staff of the national (or people’s) resistance” and “President of the National Rada.”[22] The next step would clearly be secession.
<Nazis patrol Kiev's streets after coup
<Fascist shit at Kiev city council after coup
<15k Bandera birthday march in Galicia January 2014
<media acknowledging the US is in bed with the far right in Ukraine


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>The E-6B replaced Air Force EC-135Cs in the "Looking Glass" role, providing command and control of U.S. nuclear forces should ground-based control become inoperable.
>Codenamed Looking Glass, it is United States Strategic Command's (USSTRATCOM) Airborne Command Post (ABNCP), designed to take over in case the Global Operations Center (GOC), located at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska, is destroyed or incapable of communicating with strategic forces. The term "Looking Glass" is used because the ABNCP "mirrors" the abilities of the US Strategic Command GOC to control nuclear forces.
Watchu doing fam?


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Some Irish guy taking war profiteering to a different level, kek


Sigma grindset
Make money off libs.



Original Link - https://www.president.gov.ua/news/sho-bilshe-rosiya-zastosovuye-teroru-proti-ukrayini-girshi-n-73685?fbclid=IwAR37GnBsZoYLB88VspFYlZP__4mjI9J12VLXEKvRHSpjCpU1JydhZu9Sajo )

English Translation of Original Link - https://www-president-gov-ua.translate.goog/news/sho-bilshe-rosiya-zastosovuye-teroru-proti-ukrayini-girshi-n-73685?fbclid=IwAR37GnBsZoYLB88VspFYlZP__4mjI9J12VLXEKvRHSpjCpU1JydhZu9Sajo&_x_tr_sl=uk&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=wapp)

English Archive Link: https://archive.is/uZfKf

Ukrainian Archive Link: https://archive.is/VFfai

The paragraph in question:

# Ukrainian:

І тому Рада національної безпеки і оборони України вирішила… Враховуючи повномасштабну війну, розвʼязану Російською Федерацією, та звʼязки деяких політичних структур з цією державою, призупиняється будь-яка діяльність низки політичних партій на час воєнного стану. А саме: «Опозиційна платформа – За життя», «Партія Шарія», «Наші», «Опозиційний блок», «Ліва опозиція», «Союз лівих сил», «Держава», «Прогресивна соціалістична партія України», «Соціалістична партія України», партія «Соціалісти», «Блок Володимира Сальдо».

# English:

That is why the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine decided… Given the full-scale war waged by the Russian Federation and the ties of some political structures with this state, any activity of a number of political parties during the martial law is suspended. Namely: "Opposition Platform - For Life", "Sharia Party", "Nashi", "Opposition Bloc", "Left Opposition", "Union of Left Forces", "State", "State", "Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine", "Socialist Party" Of Ukraine ”, Socialist Party, Volodymyr Saldo Bloc.


⚡️"This war is not needed by anyone except Zelensky and the oligarchs."

The servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine went over to the side of the DPR and called on their colleagues to lay down their arms.

“Guys, we have been betrayed. While we are dying here, our politicians are taking their families abroad.”

“My friends and colleagues, I want to see my family. Let's end this war."


<Thread. Hundreds of civilians have been punished for diverse reasons in Ukraine by paramilitary groups and National guard. Strong footage. Tortures, abuses, humiliation, even of kids and girls.


<Volunteer: Why are you interfering?
<Man: In what way?
<Volunteer: Agitating.
<Man: How am I agitating?
>10 minutes ago, [this man] was using physical violence, trying to prevent people from receiving humanitarian aid, and was yelling out slogans for the refusal of aid.
<Volunteer: Do you have the right to forbid people [from taking aid?]
<Man: I am no– I don't
<Volunteer: Who are you warring with? With grandmas and grandpas?
<Volunteer: Be well. Do not do this anymore.
<Volunteer: Please tell me: what are you in need of?
<Woman: Detergent, soap
<Woman: There's no butter anywhere
<Man [offscreen]: I also want to listen.
<Volunteer: Sure, please do. Hello!
<Volunteer: Here you go, grandma
<Woman: May I?
<Volunteer: You may! Can you carry?
<Woman: Thank you, boys, thank you. Be well!
<Woman [offscreen]: Don't film! I won't come to you…
<Woman: All of this… Thank you very much. I took… twice. Your help. You can record this.
<Woman: But this is the truth!
<Woman: You know, what I think. We lived our lives together, as brothers. Belarus, Ukraine and Russia. We should be together. We are brothers!
>Do not give "likes" to provocateurs. Humanitarian aid is provided to all in need of it.


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A compilation of Voenkors I follow plus their latest known location.

Alexander Kots
He's on Donbass.
(First pic)

Voenkor Vesti Nedeli
He likes to wear a lot of military gear, is close to kiev and loves risks in front lines, takes visuals of Russian troops cleaning the left behind ukrainian soldiers.
Second picture.

This is Wargonzo, dunno his real name. His near Marinka, Donbas rn. Loves to be close to the front lines, but not by much.
Third picture.

Voenkor Lisitsyn
He likes to wear Donbas outfits, not too close to the front lines, and dedicates to interviewing more of the general population. He's close to Popasna, Sievierodonetsk, Luhansk.
Fourth picture.

Voenkoer Kotenok
He posts independently, but reposts a lot from TASS and other Russian media. Unknown location.
Fifth picture.


Voenkor Grigoryuk

He posts for TASS, he's is currently in Mariupol and almost got killed by artillery
First picture.

Dmitry Astrakhan.
My favorite Russian/Armenian Voenkor, posts from Donbas News and Donbas Today. He's in the northern sides of Donbas, possibly close to Kharkov.
Second picture.

Not exactly a Voenkor, but has many Voenkors working for them, and many of the ones I posted also post for them.
Third picture, their very distinctive logo.

Voenkor Medvedev
Publishes a lot for Front News, he's in Donbas. Third picture.
Fourth picture.

Voenkor A.V. Sladkov.


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Beware of "Mirotvorets" a ukrainian website that publishes names, addresses, and photos of people who "attack" Ukraine to be harassed, prosecuted, etc. Tries to impersonate the interpol style, but without being interpol, and can get people killed. It's literally a discount hit list.
Even a simple criticism is enough to put you on that list.
>in April 2015 when the website published the home addresses of Ukrainian writer Oles Buzina and former Verkhovna Rada parliamentarian Oleg Kalashnikov just days before they were assassinated.
>On 7 May 2016, the website published the personal data of 4,508 journalists and other media members from all over the world who had worked (or had received accreditation to work) on the war in the uncontrolled government territory of Donbas, and therefore were considered by the site to have cooperated with terrorists

>The website was launched in December 2014 by Ukrainian politician and activist Georgy Tuka.

It was apparently made by the current governor of the Donbass territory from the Ukraine side (as of 2019) and the ex-governor of Luhansk. Presumably as a "haha just a prank until you wind up dead" list of targets and …

>The site reflects the work of NGO ″Myrotvorets centre″, led by Roman Zaitsev, former employee of Luhansk Security Service of Ukraine office.[12] The website is allegedly curated by the government law-enforcement and intelligence agency Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and promoted by Advisor to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Herashchenko.

>[…]The website was promoted by Anton Gerashchenko, advisor to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, who publicly called himself the initiator of the creation of the project


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The commander of the "Vostok" battalion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the DPR Alexander Khodakovsky explained himself to the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Delimkhanov for "careless words about Chechen fighters"

Ramzan Kadyrov shared a video with Khodakovsky's explanations, writing on his channel:

“The battalion commander explained himself for his careless words about Chechen fighters participating in a special operation in Ukraine. It turns out that he built his assumptions based on false information. But now, having seen our fighters in battle, Alexander was personally convinced of their high professionalism, courage and courage.


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Apparently they were defacing some veteran plaque or something:

>The protest in Kherson today where Russian National Guard units dispersed ~120 people with stun grenades, rubber bullets & warning shots was triggered by Russians writing "MURDERERS OF DONBASS CHILDREN" on the row of portraits of Ukrainian Donbass War veterans.


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POV: You're territorial defense in Kiev and you just found a SABOTEUR

Ukrainians just going around beating Gypsy women with dildos for pickpocketing



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More war pushing and more subtle dehumanization
>The United States and its NATO allies are engaged in a proxy war with Russia. They are supplying thousands of munitions and hopefully doing much else—sharing intelligence, for example—with the intent of killing Russian soldiers. And because fighting is, as the military theorist Carl von Clausewitz said, “a trial of moral and physical forces through the medium of the latter,” we must face a fact: To break the will of Russia and free Ukraine from conquest and subjugation, many Russian soldiers have to flee, surrender, or die, and the more and faster the better.

>Eliot A. Cohen is a contributing writer at The Atlantic, a professor at The Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies, and the Arleigh Burke chair in strategy at CSIS. From 2007 to 2009, he was the Counselor of the Department of State for George Bush Jr.. He is the author most recently of The Big Stick: The Limits of Soft Power and the Necessity of Military Force.

Another Jew shilling for neonazis just like Zelensky. The only surprise there is he not being an Atlantic Council ghoul.


I hope a TOS-1 round falls directly on his mother's house.


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lol what the hell did they do to him ?


Be Roma


He's a faggot LARPer using the current situation about SABOTEURS to beat minority women like his incel fantasies.


Russian leaflets in Ukraine, not sure what city.

Machine translated:

And the other side:
>Dear residents of Ukraine!

>Russia is not at war with the civilian population, and as such the security of families, a comfortable living environment, improvement of the city’s social infrastructure, freedom of speech, of opinion, and of choice, are Russia’s guaranteed priorities for native Ukrainians.

>The history of the unity of Ukraine and Russia is the history of common victories, discoveries and great achievements.

>There is a lot of work to be done on the mistakes made by the weak, incompetent and corrupt Ukrainian politicians.

>Only together, based on the foundation laid by our fathers and grandfathers, can we prevent the atrocities of armed gangs of looters, robbers and nationalists.

>To achieve these goals, we ask you to assist the servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces in identifying and transmitting information about the actions of sabotage, as well as negatively minded groups and nationalist elements.


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“Feminists” of Femen Participated in the Odessa Massacre


I hate bougie libs like this. They're so obviously fake and astroturfed by western interests.


How do we know Ukrops did it?


because only Azov has been recorded stopping vehicles and shooting them up. Russia has 0 recorded instances of it, not to mention the fact that it's a civilian vehicle and Russia has been careful to minimize civilian casualties, do the math.



>Fake: In Rostov-on-Don, on the basis of one of the military units, a center for identifying the corpses of Russian soldiers was opened. Such messages are distributed in social networks and telegram channels.

>Truth: Again, a cynical attempt to manipulate public consciousness. The picture was taken by photographer Sergei Ponomarev in Beslan in 2004, these are the consequences of a terrible terrorist attack - the bodies of children are visible.


>Fake: Animals are suffering from the actions of the Russian military in Ukraine. A photo of a burnt hedgehog in the palms of a person appeared in a Ukrainian account.

>Truth: The published photo was taken in 2021 in Omsk after the fire: the Ministry of Emergency Situations pulled the animal out of the fire, its image became the snapshot of the day and was widely distributed on Russian social networks. Separately, it is worth noting that the primary source of the photograph is the Vesti. Omsk.

>The authors of the fake message deleted the post after criticism.


Anna Ivanova Malygina, 97 years old. A Red Army veteran.
In 1942, German Nazis kidnapped her in Birkenfeld, during 3 years.
In 2022 Ukrainian Nazis from Azov kept her captive for 3 days.


Moved to >>>/gulag/14972.

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