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Previous thread: >>>/leftypol_archive/556657

This is the place where you can find all /leftypol/ memes n' shit:
561 posts and 357 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


don't let that fag bully you faggot


File: 1654627390068.webm (11.43 MB, 852x480, Parentimix (sub).webm)


perhaps my dig was too subtle


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kek. good stuff


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I made this for /siberia/ for obvious reasons.


I remember my friends joking about this to me when it came out haha…


File: 1654717262860.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 2.34 MB, 720x720, pigs when.mp4)


wtf the bottom clip, any more context on it?


That's pretty much all of it lol. You can see the other cop not even raise their gun and in the longer clip they just sort of stand there like "???"


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>The killing took place at the end of November in a big-box shopping complex south of downtown in the Arizona city. Officer Ryan Remington — a four-year veteran of the Tucson force was working on a “special duty” side-shift as security for a Wal-Mart store. There, a man named Richard Richards allegedly shoplifted a toolbox. As Richards rolled out of the store in his red mobility device, an employee asked to see his receipt. According to an account offered by the Tucson police, “Mr. Richards brandished a knife and said, ‘Here’s your receipt.'”
>Officer Remington, having observed that encounter, pursued Richards out of the store and into the parking lot, in a slow-speed chase on foot. In a video released by the police, Remington can be heard calling for backup, alleging Richards “pulled a knife on me.”
>A second officer soon arrived on the scene, wearing a body camera. As seen on video from that device, Richards was ignoring Remington’s orders and rolling toward the entrance of a Lowe’s garden center. Remington shouted: “Do not go in the store, sir!” When Richards did not obey, Remington suddenly opened fire at close range, shooting eight times in rapid succession from behind the wheelchair, before firing a ninth shot after a brief pause.


Do american cops have a kneejerk reaction to always open fire whenever someone doesn't comply?


Based educator anon


far too often and it's insane. they could have turned the wheelchair off, dumped him out of it, tazed him, whatever. an old crippled geezer with a pocket knife is no real threat.


there's a pretty significant branch of police training that basically says anything other than total immediate compliance is someone preparing to attempt to murder you for being a cop.


how did you get a picture of me?
>shooting a guy in a wheelchair in the back 8 times and then a final 9th time for good measure
I have no words


File: 1654768620115.jpg (127.64 KB, 500x597, 6j3bxd.jpg)

Me talking to an ancap be like.


ancaps can only comprehend direct threats of violence to their own person. indirect coercion like threatening to use police to throw people out on the streets if they don't pay rent is somehow not coercion


File: 1654772430904.png (467.33 KB, 1611x673, hanging order.png)


what article's Talk page is this from?



also an obvious case of cherry-picking by anti-communists


File: 1654803112754-0.jpg (818.7 KB, 1280x1280, ziggasgonnazag.jpg)

File: 1654803112754-1.jpg (794.38 KB, 1280x1280, ziggasgonnazagalt.jpg)

File: 1654803112754-2.jpg (885.1 KB, 1280x1280, ziggasgonnaposad.jpg)

Choose your flavor of vitamin Z.


Bertrand Russel gives an account of speaking with Lenin in which Lenin spoke about the hanging order. Bertrand Russel was bothered by this lol


two and three for me.


File: 1654827906143.png (1.81 MB, 1312x814, awfj084.png)



Would've been better if it was the first, rather than the second plane


I actually looked for it, but all images i found were about the second.
If anyone has a decent one, i'll redo it.



File: 1654853966254.jpg (706.63 KB, 1920x1080, irpin.jpg)

Disco Elysium is applicable to almost anything, change my mind


piss poor DE edit tbh


I know, I just slapped it together.


Unfortunately, the quality of the recording and the distance from the towers my attempts look kinda shit.


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File: 1654978259753.png (899.84 KB, 960x1047, stirner gets spooked.png)



crit: make stirner more pregnant. as it stands it looks like he spent an afternoon binging cheetos


File: 1655002242662.gif (772.96 KB, 480x411, poljak btfo.gif)

It's time to up our meme game


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kinda like it. it's well made but I think It is just conceptually weird to have the loonytoons type shit. It detracts enough for me to say that pic related is the better version despite not being animated.


File: 1655025634441.gif (503.14 KB, 480x411, poljak btfo-edit.gif)

NTA but I edited it a bit


and optimized with imagemagick


this shit rules nice job anon


…shit now I understand why people might just not call the police when they get crime'd on.


This is a good direction. Keep going.


File: 1655055170814.png (349.18 KB, 719x594, Well.png)


Very nice good work


File: 1655180201806.gif (467.04 KB, 480x411, shotgun.gif)

how about this



russel brand sucks but this meme reminds me of this quote “When I was poor and complained about inequality they said I was bitter; now that I'm rich and I complain about inequality they say I'm a hypocrite. I'm beginning to think they just don't want to talk about inequality.”

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