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 No.568987[View All]

This thread is for the discussion of cybersocialism, the planning of the socialist economy by computerized means, including discussions of related topics and creators. Drama belongs in /isg/

Towards a New Socialism by Paul Cockshott and Allin Cottrell: http://ricardo.ecn.wfu.edu/~cottrell/socialism_book/
Brain of the Firm by Stafford Beer
Cybernetic Revolutionaries by Eden Medina
Cybernetics: Or the Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine and The Human Use of Human Beings (1st edition) by Norbert Wiener
Economic cybernetics by Nikolay Veduta
People's Republic of Walmart by Leigh Phillips and Michal Rozworski
Red Plenty by Francis Spufford
Economics in kind, Total socialisation and A system of socialisation by Otto Neurath (Incommensurability, Ecology, and Planning: Neurath in the Socialist Calculation Debate by Thomas Uebel provides a summary)

Active writers/creators
Sorted by last name
>Paul Cockshott
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVBfIU1_zO-P_R9keEGdDHQ (https://invidious.snopyta.org/channel/UCVBfIU1_zO-P_R9keEGdDHQ)
https://twitter.com/PaulCockshott (https://nitter.pussthecat.org/PaulCockshott)
>Cibcom (Spanish)
https://twitter.com/cibcomorg (https://nitter.pussthecat.org/cibcomorg)
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCav9ad3TMuhiWV6yP5t2IpA (https://invidious.snopyta.org/channel/UCav9ad3TMuhiWV6yP5t2IpA)
>Tomas Härdin
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5fDgA_eHleDiTLC5qb5g8w (https://invidious.snopyta.org/channel/UC5fDgA_eHleDiTLC5qb5g8w)
>Victor Magariño
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJJwfW0R3Lv486AjwUWxIYw (https://invidious.snopyta.org/channel/UCJJwfW0R3Lv486AjwUWxIYw)
https://twitter.com/Victormagajr (https://nitter.pussthecat.org/Victormagajr)
>Elena Veduta
Various videos on YouTube but no channel of her own
>Dave Zachariah
One video on Paul Cockshott's channel

>General Intellect Unit
Podcast of the Cybernetic Marxists

Previous threads in chronological order
556 posts and 68 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Would it even be money at that point?
It stops being money only when it stops circulating from person to person. Anyway, the change from that point on towards labor vouchers should not take longer than a few months tops.


Alright, that makes sense, although I still don't understand how it would work. How do you establish a labor time rate in a capitalist market economy? How do you begin the transition? I think it's a very interesting topic, but I can't comprehend how it would happen.


>but I can't comprehend how it would happen.
trust the process


>How do you establish a labor time rate in a capitalist market economy?
you just do so, ok?


If you were to make a reading list for a reading group about cyber socialism, what would you put on it? (Because i am going to). Group is focused on people willing to delve into the mathematics and programming aspect of it, so I dont want to read normiecore stuff like the peoples republic of wallmarkt.

I am thinking of starting with TANS, then going through this book by cibcom


Money is made up, the government can just pick a rate and give out one or the other by printing either.


Linear Programming by Bertsimas


Why the fuck an introductory book 600 pages


there's a bunch of texts in the OP but perhaps there's something overlooked
spontaneously I think Stafford Beer
>Why the fuck an introductory book 600 pages
mathematical programming do be like that


For an intro you probably only need like the first 6 chapters or so. The remaining material is better covered in more more topic specific books.


Come on man, you know that's simply not true.


>Linear Programming by Bertsimas


You can



Brain of the Firm from Stafford Beer


when is cockshott gonna finish his EPL language?


Dubs and it Dickblast dies before finishing it.


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What's stopping DPRK from going full cybersocialism ? Srsly Paul Cockshott and Kim Jong Un should get in touch


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Cockshott used to go by the name "Dr. John R. Brinkley" before he invented the time machine.


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Anyone have this book?



new schlongbomb


Not being socialist


Old pdf socialist platform / program Paul Cockshott use to have on his older html reality website.


thanks anon


Cockshott thinks otherwise




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>cockshott is afraid of robots


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People think is a serious Marxist theoretician that should be taken seriously


Remember that the next time you feel unsure about yourself


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People like this have the confidence to post like this
Be yourself


so this is the power


Incel jibber jabber
Stick to hentai anime, more your speed


Marx makes a big deal out of the human ability to plan ahead, distinguishing humans from non-human animals that way. It was known in the days of Marx that you can teach tricks to dogs. Since then experiments have shown that you can also teach new things to fish and even insects. And given that dogs are vastly more intelligent than those animals, what does that tell you.

There are many animals that are ready to go once the moment they are born or just a few hours after that. Human babies have massive heads with an unfinished skull. There is a remarkable lack of finished "wiring" in a new human. Humans have an extreme flexibility.

An ordinary adult human can instantly switch between many different tasks. If the planning horizon is longer, we can add skilled tasks to that. What that means is that we can plan not just with concrete types of this or that labor, but also with the concept of generic human potential which can be molded over time. In other words, abstract labor is not just something brought about in a particular type of society by equating different concrete activities in the market as some nu-"Marxists" would have it (they have a wrong position which amounts to saying communism is impossible).

Cockshott is correct.


>behold, a man!
I think dickblast has also suggested AI can have feelings. very spooky
the only thing that is special about humans is that only humans are human
>Labor is not the sole source of "value",
stopped reading right there. go and re-read Capital please


Labour is the source of value simply because it is our base resource we can spend. If 100 cows made farming Hella easy the dynamics of production in a market would make it worth less because it would take so little effort to get the food so you could do more alternative work while the price is driven down via competition.

It's got nothing to do with skill or oxen. Labour is the source of value because it is optimised for by free producers and by proletarians and the bourgoiesie. Nature has no value in this sense, because it takes human effort to transform things in nature to things you can use. If fertile soil exists it does not add value, it simply amplifies your productivity, while your value output remains equal.


Economic Embargoes


But labor is not the source of all use values.
>Labor is not the source of all wealth. Nature is just as much the source of use values (and it is surely of such that material wealth consists!) as labor, which itself is only the manifestation of a force of nature, human labor power. The above phrase is to be found in all children's primers and is correct insofar as it is implied that labor is performed with the appurtenant subjects and instruments. But a socialist program cannot allow such bourgeois phrases to pass over in silence the conditions that lone give them meaning. And insofar as man from the beginning behaves toward nature, the primary source of all instruments and subjects of labor, as an owner, treats her as belonging to him, his labor becomes the source of use values, therefore also of wealth. The bourgeois have very good grounds for falsely ascribing supernatural creative power to labor; since precisely from the fact that labor depends on nature it follows that the man who possesses no other property than his labor power must, in all conditions of society and culture, be the slave of other men who have made themselves the owners of the material conditions of labor. He can only work with their permission, hence live only with their permission.


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I said value, not use-value, not wealth
>value is actually exchange-value u guise
>ackshully slavers and feudal lords totally pissed away labour
>this is totally not a plot to sneak market "socialism" or otherwise anarchic production in through the back door
OC related for (you)
>it begs the question
it raises the question, retard


Cockshott's entire schtick is vulgarizing Marxism with "bro…humans work, fuck, eat and then sleep and do it all over again…that's crazy…" type shit. Pseuds eat it up because it lets them feel smart.


>of the vulgare, meaning the masses
>implying this is bad


Very well thought out criticism, anon. I'm sure you're so cool


>Just as Darwin discovered the law of development of organic nature, so Marx discovered the law of development of human history: the simple fact, hitherto concealed by an overgrowth of ideology, that mankind must first of all eat, drink, have shelter and clothing, before it can pursue politics, science, art, religion, etc.
Engels the vulgar


Fucking years ago I ripped into Lain for being a leftcom cuck and to interview Dick Blast and he only puts the big man on the show after losing his entire following L


casper forum discusses unlearning economics anti cockshottism


This was a funeral speech and understandably an incredibly condensed and awkward summary of Marx's thought. What excuse does Cockshott have when he repeats the same shit over and over again?


>This was a funeral speech and understandably an incredibly condensed and awkward summary of Marx's thought. What excuse does Cockshott have when he repeats the same shit over and over again?
summarizing it for the proles


<In the USSR, pay differentials between manual workers and educated skilled workers were far smaller than in capitalist countries, and this fostered strong resentment among the latter and strongly contributed to the downfall of socialism in the 20th century. Furthermore, the notion of allocating goods according to labor time in a socialist system necessarily mostly wipes out pay differential and brings about an equality of labor. As Cockshott and Cottrell argue in Toward a New Socialism, pay differentials on the basis of productivity and effort could be introduced in a socialist system, but there would be no skilled worker premium, because there is simply no justification.

<Perhaps - and I’m completely open to the idea I’m wrong on this, but perhaps - Capital as Power-ism is the product of a stratum of educated high-income leftists who balk at how the labor theory of value necessarily leads to the notion of the equality of labor. As such, they desire an economics that challenges gross capitalist excesses, but that does not homogenize labor and ends up treating the work of lowly unskilled workers as being equal to that of educated skilled workers. The Capital as Power school provides that and thus offers an attractive alternative to Marxism, especially in light of the demise of Keynesianism.

OK I can imagine the comparison with the West making you slightly frustrated as a doctor or engineer. But is it true that those were very hostile to socialism? Highly-skilled labor and highly-paid labor are not quite the same concept. I believe people in administrative positions got into their positions mostly due to luck and tit-for-tat in personal connections and so I don't think of them as highly skilled. And it is them who could expect the biggest gains by switching to capitalism.


>Entropy and Industry
<2nd lecture that I gave last year to the School of Materialist Research

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