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/leftypol_archive/ - leftypol archive

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>Thread dedicated to /leftypol/ original content.
>Post original content you've made, or OC someone else recently made which you want to share.
>Or ITT collaborate on improving content already made.

previous thread: >>1015618

>This is the place where you can find all /leftypol/ memes n' shit:

553 posts and 386 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


render as avc/aac/h264 mp4, when rendering always make sure to match source file's fps, audio sample rate (e.g. usually 44100hz or 48000hz, if you set it wrong the audio will distort badly from the original), don't bloat up video and audio bitrates (basically filesize per second) unnecessarily like >>570753 did (e.g. never set video bitrate beyond 2600 kbps / 2.6mbps for 1280x720 resolution, never set beyond 1200 kbps / 1.2mbps for 640x360, of course too low video bitrate will add blockiness/pixelation especially in darker colors and high motion, never go beyond 160 kbps for audio bitrate with music, even audiophiles who are all liars could never tell from a blind test, in fact 96 kbps audio bitrate is enough for voice-only)


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>don't bloat up video and audio bitrates (basically filesize per second) unnecessarily like >>570753 (You) did
I tested a few different bitrates and the software I have on hand didn't give me a lot of options so I chose the lowest settings that wouldn't reduce the quality.
>never set video bitrate beyond 2600 kbps / 2.6mbps for 1280x720 resolution, never set beyond 1200 kbps / 1.2mbps for 640x360
There are no hard and fast rules for this. The bitrate you need depends on the content of the video. More movement or complex changes to the image means more data since encoders generally use 1 key frame every so often with the frame after only storing data telling it which pixels to adjust. One one extreme end you have a static image or even a black screen, and on the other extreme end you have a flock of birds flying over a ocean waves or even pure RGB noise. Generally you should experiment with bitrates until you have a feel for how much is required and then do some quick test renders to determine what is necessary. Dynamic bitrates are also generally better for rendering videos. Important to understand is that you can only preserve or reduce detail, you can't improve quality the whole "zoom in, enhance" thing is not real. Depending on the limits of what you're working with it can be better to give a little extra room to avoid degrading the data.
>even audiophiles who are all liars could never tell from a blind test
That depends a lot on the audio codec, but for internet meme purposes obviously you don't need some uncompressed FLAC or whatever


lol, whats the context on this one?


It is just from some Glen Beck lookalikes video who inteviewed him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nz8KR6pDC_o It was pretty boring over-all but this clip was amusing.




can you make this a webm so I can post in in the pol thread on /wsg/


they have sound webms now?


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>dale is the only one not smoking some form of tobacco
>no sunglasses


shotcut, kdenlive, olive..
based finkelstein


>shotcut, kdenlive, olive..
I tried to do it in shotcut at first, (it is my go to tool for video stuff) and all it did was leave it in place and the video dimensions in place abd bkacked out everything but what i cropped. It didn't do: >>570762

Thank you to both of you! I have a lot to learn, but this stuff really helps. I appreciate it. <3 :)

I send it to a friend and she said it would not post on twitter, what is the reason for this? Not a big issue but something I would like to understand.

Is there generally any good on courses on youtube to have a better understanding too of these things raver than just learning them by rote?


>would not post on twitter
Could be any number of things the way the site is right now. Could also be how you sent it to them. Files often get messed with in transit on messaging platforms.
>Is there generally any good on courses on youtube to have a better understanding too of these things raver than just learning them by rote?
If you just look up intro courses to videography production you can find a lot of stuff.


>If you just look up intro courses to videography production you can find a lot of stuff.
I did and i could not find any. This stuff is really prevalent for tech stuff, from learning SQL to learning Assembly and everything in-between from a foundational level.. But I cannot find anything for this in a lessons format, just like short 3-6 minute videos which are not going to be long enough to explain even a small amount.


>I tried to do it in shotcut at first, (it is my go to tool for video stuff) and all it did was leave it in place and the video dimensions in place abd bkacked out everything but what i cropped
you probably need to set the project dimensions to what you want the final result to be. NLEs typically aren't engineered to just process a single clip but to string multiple clips together in a project with fixed dimensions. at least that's how editors based on melt work ( https://www.mltframework.org/ )
to do something like >>570762 I'd probably use ffmpeg with -vf crop


Wtf happened to Kyle????


render it in higher res comrade


>I did and i could not find any
Maybe the search algorithms are just that fucked up now. Pretty sure I'd seen that stuff around years ago.


The arm hair lol


PKI's anthem, instrumental (final). Made by BeepBox.


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/leftypol/ be like…



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hahaha perfect


cut off the fuzz above his hand too?


I didn't fix it because it was in the og pic, I just cleaned up the board.


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Inspired by real life events


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A drama in three acts


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Comrade Stalin lives on ❤️
credit : 𝐒𝐋𝐕𝐒𝐊𝐘 ☭



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>political compass
stop feeding this meme it's cancer


You lost some resolution there bro


make the head a bit larger, it looks weird


The artifacts on the gray guy makes it look cheaper quality


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I made these a while back using quotes from Mao and Che with some changes by me.

Tried making one with Lenin but it didn't come out as good, love these 2 pics tho. I think the pic of Mao isn't actually him, came from a meme of "Mao after strangling 100 landlords with his barehands" lmao.


Pics without the glitch effect


install gentoo

start with kdenlive for a super simple yet powerful, free option, consider Da Vinci Resolve if you need more POWER


tankie memes are making a comeback


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File: 1683881462158.webm (15.83 MB, 640x360, oldbolsh.webm)


Pictures are too stretched and 'grainy'. Maybe antialias it?


No shit


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Saw an anime SS girl on twitter and decided to draw my commie friend as an NKVD commissar in response. here you go, comrades.


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ffs hang on


very nice

are you hitting that?


Im unfortunately being cucked by the Pacific Ocean but she's a great comrade and friend


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Holy shit, this is incredible!


new thread

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