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I recently joined a Trot org for its book club. The reason why is because it heavily advertises itself as being a "Marxist" org, engaging in a lot of basic "Marxist" education.
In actuality, the short period I have been in contact with it, it has been deadset on postponing the supposed teaching of the basics of Marxism, and instead are practically streamlining Trotskyist ideological drilling and "vetting" before anything else.
The next meeting, even before I'm allowed to begin partaking in the actual book club, they will now try to drill me on "my view on how the USSR degenerated". Like for fucks sake, we haven't even gotten into the dialectical development of history, capital, let alone imperialism, and you want me to just bend over on your sects interpretation of an incredibly complex and contended interpretation of the early USSR?


What should I expect these Trotskyists to say about "the degeneration of the USSR" and what what are they hiding / intentionally leaving out / misconstruing, in your view?




>I recently joined a trot org
leave immediately.


>What should I expect these Trotskyists to say about "the degeneration of the USSR"
Just tell them you joined up to learn about Marxism, not about personal vendettas from 1930, and that you hope to one day see them do something actually applicable to the current day situation, then leave.


>Better be unorganized than organized
I disagree, e-LARPflag tard
>and that you hope to one day see them do something actually applicable to the current day situation
Ironically they have more numbers than the other revolutionary orgs in this country (western European). Say what you want about their ideological line but especially their tactical entryism and brainwashing seems to be working
>Just tell them you joined up to learn about Marxism, not about personal vendettas from 1930
Kinda what I've already been telling them so far. That's why I found the forcefulness of their sectarianism so shocking.
>then leave
Not yet. I wanna see if I can convince their book circle (if I don't get kicked out before that) to start with either Marx, Engels or Lenin.


Funny, I considered joining a local trot organisation as well. They seemed decent at first glance, they passed the litmus test on Cuckraine – unlike the last organisation I quit.
They however behaved the same way, like you described. Just another cultist group obsessing over X-20th century communist figure.
<Want to learn about socialism?
>Lesson nr. #1: "Stalin bad."

Lost interest immediately, and went back to dooming.
Seriously, why are organisations in Europe such dogshit?!?
It's either radlibs, historical figure obsessionists or Gonzaloid babyboilers here.
I hate it!


It's only natural that the "vanguard" orgs of our particular material conditions will morph and mutate considerably over the coming years and few decades, considering the breakdown of unipolarity and the worsening of the living standards of the western middle and working classes. Ideally I would join a cybernetic communist party, but that has yet to be formed and so I will discourse my way into unions and book clubs of the various small parties, whether they like it or not. That's my attitude right now. I don't think it's wise right now to be unorganized, considering the simultaneous growth of reaction.
>Divorce yourself from your local labor movement
>massmediate consumption of revolutionary communist literature, alone, isolated, amid dopamine compromizing machines of and for ad companies and the surveillance state
1. I don't think I will
2. Fuck off Porky


>Ironically they have more numbers than the other revolutionary orgs in this country (western European). Say what you want about their ideological line but especially their tactical entryism and brainwashing seems to be working
What org?
You could just ask them why they are so insistent on this specific issue when its just a reading group about marxism.


Damn lol. The first thing we did in our org was dealing with anarchists, then idealists, and now we're dealing with left-coms. Trotskyites are probably our next target. You should force a ML line. ML is inherently appeals to communists because its so clear cut and simple to grasp. You should have no problems defeating a Trotskyite 1-on-1. Build an inner ML circle and take over the org, one comrade at a time.


>You should force a ML line
>That kind of sectarian is wrong, be my kind of sectarian
Fuck off.


ML is not Stalinism. ML is the synthesis between theoretical Marxism and practical work which follows the theory and revises accordingly. I dunno what you think ML means, but you should read Lenin instead of accusing others of sectarianism.


it better to be unorganized then to be organized with ruling class collaborators


t. pannekoek


>follow this one theoretical line and allow no other to be discussed
>nooo i cant be sectarian, i am not stalin despite nobody bringing up stalin
ML is a specific line, your entire stance is identical to that of the trots that OP is decrying.
Your retarded dogmatism of forcing ML on every new person and now allowing anything else is exactly the same as forcing trotskyism on every new person and not allowing anything else.
You are sectarian.


glad you don't like it :^)


ML is whatever Marxist theory and praxis works towards establishing socialism. Marx and Engels laid down the foundations of theoretical Marxism, Lenin and Mao developed the revolutionary praxis that it needed. If we today have to fully revise Marx and Lenin, but those revisions lead to socialism, that's still ML, because ML is a method and not ideology. Read more, ultra.

I like Pannekoek. I liked his writings on communist tactics. Not all of it, of course, but there's good theory there for the XXI century.


Ok gonna start namefagging now, as more concurrent convos started

>What org?
Would like to maintain plausible deniability, they may check this site, but it's one of the few bigger ones.
I'm dual-entering this and an ML anti-revisionist party. I was disappointed that the Trots were a bit larger/better organized and with more reading groups.
Could try to copy-paste some of the Trots methods into the ML org. Especially considering a Maoist party hasn't been established here yet. I see this ML party as what needs to be a vehicle of sorts into something new, but it has yet to be born. A lot of responsibility on one pair of shoulders, but so be it, revolutionary work be like that sometimes. On the horizon of this work will be a cybernetic communist international tied to revolutionary communist anti-revisionist orgs on-the-ground, somehow, at least that's what I can speculate on now.
I sympathize a lot with your perspective.


They're going to whine about bureaucracy and act like Trotsky would have done anything different than Stalin would he have been in charge. Bottom line is they're as retarded and sectarians as regular MLs with some fun quirks but they're the same. Sperging about dead long militants and feuds is idpol and ultimately pointless, stay with them if you like them and what they organize, go away if you don't.


>Could try to copy-paste some of the Trots methods into the ML org.
Yes! That is exactly what you should do. Revolutionary zest is what is missing and Trotsky appeals to the radicals because he is a martyr for the cause in their eyes. You should see if there are any like-minded students around. Those are usually prepared to commit more, mainly due to boredom. See that they can offer something practical. You could also propagandize ML points yourself and invite those people who agree with them to the group, so that you can build a body to overtake the org. It'll hone your rhetorical skills (something contemporary Marxists also lack – how many times I went to a protest just to see the energy disperse after they started reading slam poetry.)

But be wary once you start political work. A decade back, a book club was started (just like our org) which then birthed several capable people which started a broadly Leftist party. The party was by all bourgeois standards a success. Some tenth of the voters voted for them. But, as it always was, they forget their revolutionary upbringing and became just a bit more left-leaning succdems.

>I sympathize a lot with your perspective.

Thanks. I think people forget the fundamentals of Marxism, and then they become a very particular kind of radical ideologue. We have to continuously correct people about basics, but that's the boring groundwork for revolution that no one wants to do.


>>572329 (me)
Another tactic which I found had some success with my org is just calling out things for what they are. You should push a 'neutral' line i.e. an unoffensive, classical Marxist approach (I'm talking 2nd International unoffensive) and not engage in historical squabble. Moreover you should call it out and fight against it, because we Marxists deal with the now not what was. Give leeway when it is correct to do so. Trotsky gave us a great short analysis of fascism. In tandem with say Dimitrov's analysis you open the possibility of developing an all-encompassing, broad line which has appeal among the communists and can be adjust for popular propagandization.


Have you also read R. Palme Dutt's "Fascism and Social Revolution"? How do you think it, Dimitrov and Trotsky's take on fascism compare?


I have not read Dutt. Is it worthwhile?

Dimitrov focuses more on forming united front alliances with a wider range of anti-fascist organizations, while Trotsky emphasizes the need for a more revolutionary strategy that centers on the proletariat. Trotsky believes Popular Front strategies are watering down revolutionary potential. While that criticism is merited to some extent, when communist face danger from fascism (like today) it is much more important to prevent fascism than not compromise. You can see how a general strategy can be developed here: communist should organize any kind of organization between people (not just party charters or other such misguided ideals from the last century) and have people from the org engaged in ideological work within those popular organizations. I believe that this strategy could work out, but it requires a lot of socialization and defeating anxieties of public space (they are extremely prevalent among young people).

The most popular such occurrences in our city are flea markets and open-air DIY. Our next goals are coordinating such events into a bigger event and using the opportunity to suggest more practical organization, propagandizing and searching for possible candidates to invite to our ideological 'evening schools'.

Now all of this is a drop of water in the ocean, but by God, even the bolsheviks started out as a 10 man reading band.


Just a general comment before I go to bed. Marxism is in a sense a very pragmatic ideology. Or rather, pragmatic methods should be employed for the eventual victory of the proletariat. We should always understand the three main components of Marxism: class struggle, dialectical materialism and the commodity form. But we should never disregard any praxis which wavers from the ideal situation. Marxism is a Wissenschaft, a creation-of-knowledge. It is also scientific in a sense. Every scientist understands that the laws of nature are laws, but our measurements and our practical scientific methods can get us only so far to the perfect result. It is the same with Marxism. It has its iron laws (tbf it would be better to say "class society has its iron laws which were observed by Marx") and we as communists should see to any practical method which can establish a DotP without regard if it follows the existing theory.

Debord had a great insight when he said that the thing actually stopping revolution now is the existing revolutionary theory. It has become inert, it is no longer in motion but it is set in stone within every org that even dares to call itself 'Trotskyite', 'Maoist', 'Leninist', 'Anti-Revisionist' etc. Theory is a living thing and we should stop name-dropping (as I still, sadly, do sometimes) and actually create new revolutionary theory. We have seen what happens when this is taken 'too far left', as Debord already gives a wrong approach to the problem (the radical negation of theory).

It is the task of current communists to organize the disconnected leftist communities, to give the masses a voice so that we may listen to it and continue developing society further.


So in a sense, we should be creating a new Synthesis for Theory instead of simply name dropping other forms of Praxis. One can see us Communists as the Scientists. For we should be looking for new methods to get us to our results even if they aren't Perfect. Thus creating the a new Theory for our changing conditions and world.


out trotsky the trostkyites by saying the soviet did degenerate but also imply trotsky was also part of problem(which I mean is all true). also holy shit sectarianism is retarded how do these people think gatekeeping the book club is good for anyone? left unity ftw ong


stop being a literal ideological tryhard sectarianism is bad and every tendency has their own strengths and failures



Last time I checked out a socialist org, they were clearly…. I wouldn't say desperate but very eager for new members.
If you can't say your honest beliefs, is there enough value in the org to motivate you to lie? Or is it a dumbass leftcom-esque reading club.


>ML is whatever Marxist theory and praxis works towards establishing socialism.
This is a retarded take. By this definition orthodox Marxism is ML. Trotskyism is ML. Council communism is ML. Etc. ML has specific ideological and tactical foundations that make it distinct from other forms of Marxism. You can't define ML as "any Marxism working towards the goal of Marxism".


That works son


Let's it get into this discussion again.

ML never worked in the imperialist core. ML hasn't achieved lasting communist states. Orthodox Marxism worked better at organising the masses in the imperialist core than ML ever did. You can go on an on.
This is just as much circular logic as calling people revisionist or ultra left. Nothing has succeeded in establishing communism, all of it failed and degenerated, what is innovation and what is revision is just based on what you personally disagree with.


Also the other guy said "whatever theory works towards" not "whatever theory works period"


MLs saying "ML is actually everything in Marxism" while attacking other Marxists is just conciously muddying the water and a continuation of unscientific Soviet forced ideological absolutism. You simultaneously claim ML is everything while at the same time defining it narrowly. It's just a tactic to claim that everyone is ML except the others who by this dumb definition aren't Marxism, and also except this position and this position and this position etc etc.
Fuck off. Just be true to what you are. Maoists don't claim everything is Maoism either.


socialism, or socialism not. there is no towards.


Then ml parties in most of the world aren't ml because they haven't achieved socialism.


Alright which one of you fuckers gave Yoda here Ketamine again?


Therefore proving your definition is a useless model of understanding politics. Because, yes, by M-L's definitions none have achieved socialism, and there is no acceptable way to evaluate if a place has progressed towards socialism. M-L doesn't define socialism without reference to a presently non-existing and therefore undefined post-capitalist society. We don't know where we're going so we can't say if we're going in the right direction.


>if a place
*if a society/state/party/whatever
lil' piccollo green dude on the green


>suggest that maybe sectarianism is bad and we should focus more on theory and paxis which yields some results
>get called a sectarian
Very cool leftypol. We would do good to endlessly debate about history and philosophy than actually doing something


>Suggest sectarianism is bad
>Immediately go on to say we should stamp out any other form of Marxism in marxist orgs and only your own form is true Marxism and the only one working towards the very same goal every marxist works towards
>People tell you to fuck off


Have you guys tried doing some praxis? You people talk like you are going to church.


who are you talking to, nerd?


The morons ITT who image bickering over 20th century theory


>join cult
>see cultish behavior
>how could this happen to me


We should stamp out useless forms of Marxism which fail to organize the working class. If you think that I argue for Leninist organizational positions from before the revolution, you're mistaken. But I don't want to waste time with on a dumb ass.

No it's better to accuse those who actually try new approaches to organizing to be sectarian I guess.


oh ok, carry on


>We should stamp out useless forms of Marxism which fail to organize the working class.
Whatever uygha, just don't pretend it's non-sectarian.


>We should stamp out useless forms of Marxism which fail to organize the working class
Ah you mean like ML parties in the west?


Yeah. I dunno if you missed that I wrote
>If we today have to fully revise Marx and Lenin, but those revisions lead to socialism, that's still ML, because ML is a method and not ideology.

>Marxism is sectarianism
Peak theory.


Trots are genuinely retarded fgts
They gave up studying Marx, Engels and Lenin so long ago to the point it is almost impossible to have a frame of reference in talking to them

One came up to my stall recently and during that conversation it became apparent he had no concept of what the Marxist concept of the nation was (as outlined in Marxism and the National Question, Stalin), no concept of what Imperialism was ("using your army is imperialist") and thought the European Union was democratic

This is the rank and fil cadre of the Socialist Party (former militant) as he told me he was a member

How can you possblibly call yourself socialist and not read Lenin


>completely mischaracterising an argument
Peak douchebag.


>How can you possblibly call yourself socialist and not read Lenin
You were going strong until this part right here. Choked in the homestretch.

Protip: Socialism precedes Marx, and definitely precedes Lenin. It's not his Intellectual Property.


>If we today have to fully revise Marx and Lenin, but those revisions lead to socialism, that's still ML, because ML is a method and not ideology.
If you have to "fully revise Marx and Lenin" then by definition it can no longer be called "Marxism-Leninism", although I suppose this amorphous ideology can still be called "ML" if you prefer


It still lands for a trot party

I have some old trot friends and the theory discussions we have are wonderful as long as we avoid certain hot button issues


>conflating ideology with methods
it's all so tiresome


what >>572316 said


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>It still lands for a trot party
That's fair, I'll cop that point.

It seems so obvious that Trots would at least read Lenin, but ugh, it feels like it typically just stops at "I want to be a socialist but hate Stalin".


>I want to be a socialist but hate Stalin
this is typically said by people who haven't read Stalin


>theseus's method
Calling M-L "M-L" was a fucking mistake, and re-interpreting it as a method while keeping the name is doubly so.


Well yeah, but I can't hold that against them. I'm in no hurry to read Mein Kampf but I know I hate Hitler.


>le Hitler = Stalin meme
realize you've been fed porkoid lies all your life anon


Stalin was objectively worse. Stalin killed at least three times more people than Hitler.


fuck off, lol


it's true, some estimates even go as far as 10x more victims of stalinism than hitlerism
these are academic facts. if you deny them you also deny the holocaust


You Will Never Be a Revolutionary


Kill anfems. Behead anfems. Roundhouse kick an anfem into the concrete. Slam dunk a anfem baby into the trashcan. Crucify filthy anfems. Defecate in a anfems food. Launch anfems into the sun.


I do indeed deny them



Thats why you should just call yourself a Marxist.


Then you lose the history leading to comrade Xi current head if ML where the method of focussing on doing things that actually work developed


>Then you lose the history leading to comrade Xi


Fucking autocorrect


why yes I'm an Eriduan-Milesian-Heraclitust-Platoian-Artistotilian-Böhmen-Herderite-Spinozan-Fichean-Rousseauan-Hölderlinan-Smithian-Hegelian-Marxist-Engelist-Plekhanovian-Sklyarenkoan-Leninist-Stalinist-Maoist-Xiaopingite with Xi Jinping Thought

Just say you're a Jinpingist or some shit.
>current head if ML


worst. bump. ever.


Why bother having an opinion if it's just going to be wrong?


Oh ffs kid ML is the ruling ideology of China, Laos, Vietnam, Cuba and arguably DPRK since Juche considers itself an extension of ML and formerly of the Soviet Union, Warsaw pact etc etc

Of the leaders of the current nations comrade Xi is the one writing copious volumes of books a prerequisite to be on the banner of ML leaders beginning with Marx, Engel's, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao and looks set to have his head added to the banner and a portrait added to the gate of heavenly peace following his death unless he makes a point of saying not to

What's your special snowflake definition anyway please at least be something not totally embarrassing like Hoxha or better Ho Chi Minh replacing Mao on the banner or defining it by Stalin's foundational text on Marxism Leninism please please I've read enough cringe for the day


>What's your special snowflake definition anyway
It's that there isn't a "head of M-L". That makes no sense at all. Why even define such a concept.


Lick that boot!


Careful buddy I'll call the cops on you


Couldn't you have at least picked as according to the foundational text by Stalin if you were going to say that


>Precedes Marx
You mean a bunch of retarded utopians. Socialism without Marx essentially boils down to the Fabian Socialists. A collection of eugenicists and capitalists and freemasons
Thats your socialism without Marx
> definitely precedes Lenin
Socialism without Lenin is same as above
What socialism has been built in the world since 1917 that wasnt built in Lenins name?

The best you have is AOC getting retard succdems to vote for her promising to tqx th rich whilst she hangs out with Bolivian fascists


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Cops who don't believe in nothing
Deadlier and without remorse
Hi there


>Socialism without Lenin
There was never socialism with Lenin :P
>What socialism has been built in the world since 1917 that wasnt built in Lenins name?
A bunch of large autonomous territories.
It may be small but it's more than the 0m² M-Ls have claimed in human history :P
>The best you have is AOC
Read a book :P
Leninist definitions of socialism and communism are an infantile disorder. :P



4/10 because i raged a bit


Yeah it's a shitpost because they're a dogmatic douchebag saying "AOC is the closest there is to socialism without Lenin" despite socialist territories of hundreds of thousands of people actually existing if you don't use their esoteric Leninist definition of pretty much whatever comes after capitalism.
Reasoning with that is a waste of time. Might as well give you a 4/10 to snort at.

In terms of actually reaching its goal and not just frankensteining capitalism into a weird attempt at compromise, the dumb utopians and rushed anarchoids have done better. M-L can still show potential and is probably more appropriate in many places, I'm not dismissing it altogether, but to pretend it's the GOD OF ALL SOCIALISM AND XI IS ITS HEAD is just dismissive arrogant worship crap I'd expect from a WASP.


I just think you have a problem with authority
Do you wanna read "On Authority" by Engels?


>There was never socialism with Lenin
Now that's way below the belt the poor man was assassinated before the NEP ended


Anyway Debord was a hack fraud


It's got nothing to do with authority. It's to do with basic things like actually obsoleting the profit motive or putting control of the MoP into worker hands. One of the few things socialists can agree on.

I mostly mean all the leaders inspired by Lenin. Read as "Leninism". Definitely not his fault he was shot and fell ill.


I never saw the sense in Debord. I've got a friend who seems really into his work but I'm just not seeing it.


This is the point where I'd link "Holiday in Cambodia" on youtube(tm) but I can't be bothered
Good day Sir


>Claim to be the head of the global marxist movement
>Don't support Marxists abroad
>Don't give theoretical guidance to Marxists parties abroad
>Don't run a true international
>Just say to support the economo development of your own country.


>Just say to support the economo development of your own country.
And writes a multi volume work on how to do that
Wait how did I miss that he's actually saying what to do fixing uneven development is a prerequisite for world revolution fuck

Also 0 square metres is not quite accurate there's a village specially built for midgets with houses furniture and amenities built to the right proportions for comfort that's at least as socialist by your stringent definition as an anarchist commune :^)


What if a normal size human went to that midget village and demanded for things to be put back to "normal size" bc he is discriminated against
Would that be fucked up or what?


>>>1462170 (You)
>>Just say to support the economo development of your own country.
>And writes a multi volume work on how to do that
I mean his only contribution to the global marxist movement is telling people to support the economic development of china you illiterate idiot.


Uh oh! Looks like somebody made the basic mistake of forgetting that Marxism Leninism is a continually evolving methodology and science by which we improve society, and not a static dogma! Try again!


Because China is one of the two main bastions of 21st century Marxism Leninism, no shit it makes sense to support the Shield of the Proletariat as it were through financial means


Xi onn the Governance of China translated into nearly every language possible available online for free but now I need a hardcopy of the currently released volumes Imma be scribbling in the margins and underlining bits

Fuck how did I miss this and yes he has definitely been saying support the economic development of your own country as well as support China's

Freudian slip on your part?


I just ran across a Trot table and they were trying to hustle me into buying their newspaper, had signs out supporting Ukraine, and told me that "if they can go after Trump, they can go after all of us."

So they were pro-Trump in a way, too, because when he gets convicted of using campaign money as a slush fund to pay off porn stars, *everyone* is at risk.

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