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 No.575539[View All]

Why has CPUSA been so mythologized in the past two years when they were a massive failure and sucked even in their “good days?”

American communists tried to follow the Bolshevik strategy and failed. They didn’t originally give a shit about Black people either, they only adopted the Black Belt thesis because Stalin told them to. They were way too close to the Comintern and that bit them in the ass later on. Foster was power-hungry and mad because his steel strike failed while Browder was a clout demon. The whole thing was a mess from the start. I’m kind of relieved the feds took them down.
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Why do American socialists never ever wave red or party flags like in every other country? Whenever I see a protest in the US everyone has an ugly-ass sign but not a single flag is to be seen


Cuz socialism scares them


Dude, you’re a wobbly and defending CPUSA? Didn’t Foster backdoor you guys in the 1910s?


Because it puts a target on the back of the person holding the flag despite socialism being (mostly) de-stigmatized in Burgerland


It usually doesn’t get reported in mainstream news sites. The only time a red flag was widely reported was during 2020 and the more recent Stop Asian Hate protests where PSL waived their own banners.


Moreso than just attending a march and holding a sign? Even just 10 red flags or party flags create a much stimulating image for bystanders. I mean, right-wingers wave American flags and oddly enough South Vietnamese flags.


bro why are you worrying about shit that happened literally over a hundred years ago as though it is relevant to the current struggle? what the fuck. this is like being mad at wisconsinites for something they did in 1867


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>Why do American socialists never ever wave red or party flags like in every other country?
Socialism has been taboo in the U.S. for many years but the taboo has been broken so it's starting to become more common.

>being mad at wisconsinites for something they did in 1867
Well this is the CPUSA thread so some party members might have first-hand experience with what happened in Wisconsin in 1867


I'm not a wobbly, I'm an ML.


well, how many soup kitchens, school support and clothes donations has the cpusa organized in low income neighbourhoods? how many people or cooperative enterprises have they helped with paperwork, acquiring goverment welfare, lending expert knowledge in their tasks, or connecting with other people, experts or enterprises?
btw dont stop on other uyghas branch of socialism. who cares if they nazbol or woke or whatever. you need to make a united front, that kind of infighting lost the spanish civil war and is totally unnecesary. limit yourself to fixing capitals contradictions


They attack PCUSA but the PCUSA has ran multiple candidates and overall has a better line.





There’s no contradiction between being anti-Malthusian and pro-birth control. Maupin is a fucking reetard to constantly conflate the two.


Kek, Bill Foster’s mother had 23 children, only ten of whom survived.

I bet “Ava” thinks mama Foster was a good Catholic woman.


>23 children
Smallest Irish family


>I bet “Ava”

*the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin


Then why are you using the Wobbly flag?


It's a good piece of North American communist symbolism. If there was a Communist Party of Canada flag I would use that.


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Is there any place where old Daily Workers are archived?


It’s easy to be a Malthusian when your mother was a perpetual baby factory I guess.


Nice! Are they archived anywhere?


Who has PSL betrayed? Go on, tell us. Share with the class.


I also need to know





The rising ultra-right was, and has been fought with bats, firecrackers, punches, milkshakes, and bike locks. Demonrats have had shit to do with it.


Why not use guns


>Why not use guns
Because rocking up to a demonstration wih gun will quickly escelate the situation and see you arested in minutes


Just keep a gun in your pocket. If you need a baseball bat just use a fucking gun


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Activate the streamers


I knew they were based but didnt realise they were CPUSA.


>Just keep a gun in your pocket. If you need a baseball bat just use a fucking gun
If you new just how fucking dumb this sounded you would not have ended your sentence with 'retard'.
Do us all a favour and actually develop an offline antifascist praxis for no other reason than ridding the rest of us of this infantile understanding of the world you subject us to.
You thalidomide cuck.


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I had a professor in college who actually loved Browder's platform, and basically argued with me about how Foster's plan for the party wouldn't have survived long term due to stigmatization and the red scare (basically Browder avoided things which wouldve made the CPUSA unpopular, even if it included supporting civil rights)


I am not in any way opposed to guns. I am just saying how easily an organized people can beat back fascism with crude tools.
The point being do not believe for a second the demonrats that tell you that you NEED them to save you from the scary ski-sunglasses guys.


Your teacher sounds cucked.


I would love to but I have more important things to worry about, like my education and my future


>(basically Browder avoided things which wouldve made the CPUSA unpopular, even if it included supporting civil rights)
Did your prof say what those were exactly?


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Bethesda really must have used Browder as an inspiration.

I was reading some of his "People's Front" (I have no idea why they went with this pic of him smiling like a Cheshire cat) and admittedly LOL'd at parts where he was pressing his case for FDR in '36 as hard as he could without explicitly endorsing him. He had some rhetorical skills.

He's like "oh no, the Communist Party doesn't depend on Roosevelt to check the power of Wall Street, we don't accept any responsibility for Roosevelt, but the question on the ballot isn't socialism or capitalism, it's democracy or Alf-Landon-Ku Klux Klan-Black Legion fascism and Hearst lurking in the background, and the confusionists in the Socialist Party, who have made common cause with counter-revolutionary Trotskyites, whether wittingly or unwittingly, are disarming themselves and attempting to spread panic among the mighty forces of progress and the masses until their mistake ends with them inside a concentration camp! I'm talking about you, Norman Thomas!"



Given the conversation turned towards guns and how to fight the ultra right, I figure I’d mention a few things regarding that topic.

As far as guns in the CPUSA goes, I think there’s a generational divide. Among older folks they’re used to the guys advocating the loudest for guns being feds or otherwise useful idiots for them. The “hey kid wanna blow up a federal building” glow meme is something they had to live through.

Additionally, a lot of them are grandparents. Like to us, we have a different view on guns because mass shootings is just something we’ve had to live through. I think that can normalize guns—especially given we’ve been told they’re here to stay—in a way that doesn’t exist for older folks. They’re terrified about their grandkids being shot up in school or some psychotic mass shooter gunning down their family at a park or what have you.

I think younger people have come to be more pessimistic, for us, we’ve determined that mass shootings are just a thing that happens so would you rather be armed just in case, or would you rather be unarmed. Older folks aren’t as cynical. Or maybe it’d make more sense to say, mass shootings are still something abnormal and viscerally horrifying to them, and there’s still some chance it can be bucked.

Now as for my perspective. I’m a gun owner. And I do worry sometimes that firearms can create the illusion of action without really engaging in it. The Chapos did a reading once on American gun culture. It highlighted some guy that suffered from a ton of medical issues who suddenly became some gun freak to cultivate a sense of security or power over his own life. And I think to some extent there’s a similar subconscious drive among leftists. It’s a reaction to the broad disorganization and powerlessness of the post-Cold War Left.
>”Yeah we’re split and far from power but at least I have the power of life and death over people!”

Let’s say you demand your entire party get armed: how many of those people have the resources and means to do it? Of those with the means, how many have the will? Of those with the means and will, what then? Do you just stand outside a courthouse one day, armed?

I’m sure someone will share the Mao quote, but what goes unsaid in that quote is that Mao expects you to actually use the guns, not just hold them. How many of your comrades are willing to bring guns to a protest? How many are willing to fire them? When they fire them, are you prepared to face life in prison or death? Because for as much as America is in decline, it’s not so broken that it can’t hunt down some adventurous leftist bank robbers.

Of your comrades that aren’t in jail, will they stand by you after you do something monumentally stupid? Are you prepared to put their lives at risk as the feds raid their homes and put them all on terror watch lists? And do you think the masses are gonna say “Damn straight! I’m glad they did it!” Or think you’re just lunatics?

I think there’s a strong desire for action of some kind amongst radicals, but that action is either tempered by a fear of the state or a fear that people will find it futile.


I was paraphrasing but it's pretty close, but the underlying logic is not really different from today except the tone is more 1930s New York


Banger book. Browder was based in the 1930s. He turned cringe in the 40s. People can play a positive and negative role at different times.


>Browder was based

T. the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin


One reason to accuse them of ultraretardation


I always thought the Maoist hate boner for Cuba was really strange. Aside from the DPRK they're the AES country with the smallest degree of capitalist restoration, and probably moreso than any other have a near impeccable record of internationalism and aid to third world liberation struggles. I guess sending tends of thousands of troops to help destroy Apartheid in Africa doesn't count if its done in concern with evil Soviet KKKraKKKa social imperialist revisionists.


Dogmato-revisionism. They're so dogmatic they've become revisionists.


[citation needed][citation needed][citation needed]


Saying Cuba is not socialist is not equivalent to having a "hate boner" for Cuba. The conclusion is using sober analysis to diagnose the class conflict within Cuba. You are free to disagree with the conclusion and provide an alternative explanation or present evidence. All Maoists support Cuba as an anti-imperialist ally but still think revisionism has taken hold within the country that needs to be exposed and defeated for the socialist road to continue.

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