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 No.577131[Last 50 Posts]

Evidence of the influence and origin of neo-Nazi groups in Ukraine


Developments of multipolarity timeline https://www.pacemaker.global/multipolar-transition-timeline

Live maps and updates
>Nb: LiveUaMap is not to be trusted
SouthFront: https://southfront.org/category/all-articles/world/europe/ukraine/
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<adding Slavyangrad, why not
< I mean why? Dude is literally schizophrenic. I dont hate him, indeed I feel fopr him cause his daughter didnt deserve to be killed for damn sure & Dugin has his based USSR boomer moments but…


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>nooo, stop cheering for Western decline!
>you are deviating from Marxist orthodoxy!
>you are not real communists!
>Russia and China may be even worse!
>and I won't benefit!
>and might actually experience revolutionary conditions!


Nobody says that or looks like that


Nobody is dumb enough to state their real, material reasons for being salty at periphery for standing up to the core openly, so I just help them along. You're welcome.


Sounds like a bit of a copout. Wouldn't it be better to form a dialectic with these people to see their true intentions instead of painting people arbitrarily as opponent vs foe?


I tried. Got yelled at for not being ideologically pure enough. "Red fash", "both sides", "nothing should change, because the replacement might be exact same".


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I think we know at this point that these retards are most likely NAFOids getting buttmad about liquidated Ukronazis

Post more liquidated ukrops(Seriously Spoiler your damn videos if there is going to be gore in them. Stop being retarded)


>My hypothetical threat is worse than the extant one!


>Not if the bourgeois victors against US imperialism just reproduce the same capitalist imperialism, which they are doing, with neocolonies, suppression of organized labor, expansive censorship/surveillance.
You are peddling a vulgar pseudo-antiimperialism and it misleads you as well as others from the communist path.
Pretty much.


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Want more? Here you go((Spoiler your god damn gore videos people for fuck sake))


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>nooo, stop cheering for Western decline!
Who isn't? The USA falling is great- but this war isn't going to bring overall Western Decline, especially since NATO got two new member states out of this.
>you are deviating from Marxist orthodoxy
IN what way is this happening?
>Russia and China may be even worse!
no one is saying this. Pointing out Russia's reactionary policies on its own citizens and economy isn't giving the US a pass.
>and I won't benefit!
>and might actually experience revolutionary conditions!
If this was the case, we'd have a revolution by now.
Who are you even quoting? A bunch of douche bags from reddit?


Ayy Lmao let's fucking go Space Comrades lets light em up.


Capitalist nations HAVE to exploit, every subsequent empire has to, you would know this fi you had even the most basic understanding of capital.


Watch this, he'll call you an ultra for pointing out this simple fact.


I look like this and say this


has someone deepfaked zelensky or biden into the Downfall scene yet. you know the one. where he's shouting about steiner in the fuhrerbunker


Literally even a basic understanding of history would show you this. Like why on earth would anyone think a nation won't be exploitative when given a chance? It is willfull ignorance.


how is Steiners counter-attack coming along?


you already got explained you are mixing up capitalism exploitation with imperialism, as a stage, not a policy, of capitalism.


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once upon a time, liberals were based, but that was 231 years ago


Imperialism in inextricably connected to capitalism, it quite literally cannot function without it as capital constantly needs more markets to grow, so why would one think that capital will just stop working according to its own logic?


>so why would one think that capital will just stop working according to its own logic?
because there are already states that moved from capitalism to mixed economies, or even socialism. did you stop reading right before the part that says that capitalism can move towards less exploitative structures in the ML theories?


No nation on earth is socialist and capitalism by nature cannot become less exploitative, its need for more profit and growth necessitates more exploitation, this is not an opinion is is how capital empirically works, thinking otherwise is just purposefully being ignorant. read Capital Vol. 1


> capitalism can move towards less exploitative structures
only through revolution. not reform. unless you're kautskyist. Which. Fine. Come out and say it.


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Stop arguing with butthurt NAFOids and post more dead nazis


At this point why do you even pretend to be a marxist? Like you're just a nationalist, like you yourself admitted that you don't even really care about the workers movement like what is the point of this inane charade?


Is Stalin saying "Death to the German invaders" proof that he was a secret anti-communist nationalist all along?


>but this war isn't going to bring overall Western Decline, especially since NATO got two new member states out of this.
This war happened because NATO escalation, the RF did not "aid" NATO by invading Ukraine apropos of some opportunistic imperialist ambition. The RF is protecting their place in the new world order but to omit the US wanting to reassert their hegemony as the existential threat and main reason for the cold war partition is implicitly defending US hegemony.

>The USA falling is great

This is why there is an Ukraine war, a cold war spreading and why the west is causing runaway consumer good inflation and disciplining their workforces and so on. >>577152

>If this was the case, we'd have a revolution by now.

This time there are no demsocs to bribe the west, they are rabid noliberals in all but name and the only thing they can mollify the public with is idpol and chauvinistic propaganda. Call it a wild guess but IMO the west is headed to revolution or open fascism.


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Death to America

Cry more NAFOid


no but molotov ribbentrop pact was >:(

just kidding just kidding just kidding i don't even wanna bait


there were plenty of problems with the feudal aristocracy, but their power was actually rooted in their monopolization of violence. they literally were trained in fighting better than the vast majority of the population, often led armies into battle, and often died in battle. Even in early modernity, nobles would often be found on the battlefield. Gustavus Adolphus took a bullet to the brain. The feudal aristocracy functioned as a glorified protection racket for the subsistence farmers in their realm. their historical function, in Europe at least, was to fill the regional and administrative power vacuums left by the collapse of the Roman empire. they were far from a pointless class, they had their time and place, and the bourgeoisie replaced them precisely when the contradictions of feudalism caused the feudal order to unravel. this is the entire point of a historical materialist analysis, not to demonize the ruling classes for being Le Bad Meanies, but to demonstrate how, why, and when their time is up.


I genuinely just want to know WHY you pretend to be a marxist, like what is the rationale?


You don't define what Marxism is, Kautskyite. Crazy that the western-chauvinists, those in favor of Nazi battalions, those who slam their keyboards for the defense of bourgeois puppet states and dream of smashing progressive countries challenging their sanguinary hegemony into dozens of fascist, corrupt, inept shards are who you label as "Marxist", whereas those who take a stand against the global domination of the 3rd world by the anglo empire are those who you greet with such malice and derision. You're just scum wearing a marxist-looking mask to hide vile defense of your bourgeoisie. Its that simple.


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Sorry but the only text I can read in your post says “My mouth is full of American dick”, could you rephrase please?


Answer the question, why do you pretend to be a marxist, what is the rationale?


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>No nation on earth is socialist and capitalism by nature cannot become less exploitative
Read Lenin, you stupid ultra liberal. State and revolution with you.
>only through revolution
change of the ruling class, but of course!
some very, very, very small sections of his theories were vindicated, but not this part. it requires a change of the ruling class, and the new one requires to openly say they want socialism and end capital exploitation.


That anon literally admitted that he only cares about the US failing like what about that is marxist? Like nothing about these threads has anything to do with the working class, it's all just base nationalism.


>Read Lenin, you stupid ultra liberal. State and revolution with you.
Give me a quote where capitalism supposed becomes less exploitative


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Anti-imperialists are allowed to be nationalist. And the most successful ones killed tons of fascist scum.


Well what's the news on the battlefield? Have we gotten any updates to the situation of the counteroffensive I mean the Test Probing, shit fuck the test of the counteroffensive.


What about the US failing is marxist?
Le heckin so true! In a world where Russia and China are overtly authoritarian neo-imperialist states without any actual remaining socialist economic policy, it makes sense for democratic socialists in the US to support a US-led unipolar order! True anti-establishment leftism is suppressed internally by both Moscow and Beijing, and the US provides the best hope for labour movements and an eventual democratic transition to socialism! Wow!


>Give me a quote where capitalism supposed becomes less exploitative
>The vulgar economists, including the bourgeois professors and “our” Tugan, constantly reproach the socialists with forgetting the inequality of people and with “dreaming” of eliminating this inequality. Such a reproach, as we see, only proves the extreme ignorance of the bourgeois ideologists.

>Marx not only most scrupulously takes account of the inevitable inequality of men, but he also takes into account the fact that the mere conversion of the means of production into the common property of the whole society (commonly called “socialism”) does not remove the defects of distribution and the inequality of "bourgeois laws" which continues to prevail so long as products are divided "according to the amount of labor performed". Continuing, Marx says:

>"But these defects are inevitable in the first phase of communist society as it is when it has just emerged, after prolonged birth pangs, from capitalist society. Law can never be higher than the economic structure of society and its cultural development conditioned thereby."

>And so, in the first phase of communist society (usually called socialism) "bourgeois law" is not abolished in its entirety, but only in part, only in proportion to the economic revolution so far attained, i.e., only in respect of the means of production. "Bourgeois law" recognizes them as the private property of individuals. Socialism converts them into common property. To that extent–and to that extent alone–"bourgeois law" disappears.




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>My mouth is full of American dick

We know, you said it already, not sure why you felt the need to post that again


Two threads of ultra bothsidism?
Dare I ask Counteroffensyiviv status?


The focus is on the working class, not picking sides of capital since the working class suffers regardless of who is in charge.
Can you tell me how this is relevant to nations that both have massive corporations in them? And this isn't "capitalism becoming less exploitative" its the process of abolishing property which no nation of earth is doing


they've gotten stuck, so the recurrent trolls repeat the Ichkteria and Russia=imperialist.
I am sure he's the b-ack-hmut status questioner that harassed this thread for months until effectively fell.
>counter-oink needs more wunderwaffen.


This cannot be just your autism, like it has to be something else, like what even causes someone to act this way?


Name Russia's equivalent of the United Fruit Company.


The West has phallen


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>My mouth is full of American dick

Jeez, talk about a broken record


Terminal imageboard addiction


Gazprom, early last year russian death squads were sent to kazakhstan to gun down protestors in order to protect kazakh oil barons.


Like i'm actually shocked, what what the fuck did their parents do to them
You're avoiding the question because you know you'd have to admit that you don't give a shit about the working class,


Are you illiterate? In the section highlighted Lenin only is saying that communists don't seek to abolish bourgeois legality altogether all at once but firstly to abolish private property. Not only is this manifestly not the case in China or Russia where private property is in full swing and maintained by state violence, it is not in the slightest relevant to the question of capitalist states being able to become 'less exploitative' through internal means.

I'm really concerned about the level of marxist education and people's ability to parse marxist works if you're going to pull quotes that contradict your views with such gusto and misguided self-confidence.


>Can you tell me
stop deflecting, I am answered, now concede you were wrong.
>both have massive corporations in them
<to the ultra, every nation is equally bad as the u.s.
that's all the retarded argument that reeks in the post.
fucking retard.


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>My mouth is full of American dick

Really dude, we get the idea


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>Russia put down workers to protect a resource industry controlled primarily by the government and Chevron
Grillpill's retardation knows no depths.


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>stop deflecting, I am answered, now concede you were wrong.

You haven't answered anything you just keep posting memes, you admitted that the working class is not what is important to you so WHY do you pretend to be a marxist, what is the rationale?
> to the ultra, every nation is equally bad as the u.s.
This has nothing to do with "good" or "bad", this is knowing how capitalism and capitalist states function, that they MUST exploit


Last time you did this you got your ass handed to you and subsequently moved the goal post. After enough bullying you, presumably, cried yourself to sleep.


Keep avoiding the question i know it's the only way you can rationalise this


>are you
Are you?
the troll asked
>where capitalism supposed becomes less exploitative
I pointed out that the first stages of communism, socialism, the bourgeoisie law is not abolished.
> legality
It's not alone legality, are you the illiterate?
Lenin explicitly ties the legal aspect to the means of production:
>only in proportion to the economic revolution so far attained, i.e., only in respect of the means of production.


I did research and saw my opponents were even more retarded than they first appeared. :^)

>imperialism is when you sell resources you extract from yourself

Fucking imbecile.


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>My mouth is full of American dick

I think this guy has autism fr


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>Ukrop thought he will be penetrating Russian defences, but he ended up being penetrated himself.
Tags: Russian, fisting, cuckold

Also Russian marines taking a look at a destroyed AMX-10RC


>you admitted that the working class is not what is important to you so WHY do you pretend to be a marxist,
the troll is confusing people now, kek.
go to your reddit hole and go to sleep.
>This has nothing to do with "good" or "bad"
for someone concerned about the exploitation of the working class, it seems you don't have the particular clear tags for it.
go fuck yourself, retard.


counteroffensive statuds
>not so wunderwaffen.


so it's the grillpill all over again?
fucking faggot hiding his namefag.


>it seems you don't have the particular clear tags for it.
Moralisation has no place in communism
>"The moment anyone started to talk to Marx about morality, he would roar with laughter.”
- Karl Vörlander
I'm asking you a simple question that you flat out refuse to answer because you know you don't care about the working class, this is just entertainment for you


>Russian monopoly-capitalist giant privatizing diamond mines in Africa is "when dey sell resourcez u extract frm yrself :)"
Tankieflag posts: YLYL challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Any time someone brings up Russia putting down "Kazakhstani workers", it's Grillpill. Guaranteed.


>Moralisation has no place in communism
now tell me other communists were weak to the CIA :v, you fucking grillpill.


Incomprehensible sentence


is it? are you ban evading?
tell me how some communists were weak and deserved to get killed by the cia.


Alrosa extracts from Yakutia and Arkhangelsk, primarily. What the have in Angola is a joint venture.

Maybe you should actually read what you cite, instead of rushing to show Russian extraction companies sharing knowledge of building up means of production with other countries. Or building them electricity infrastructure.


At no point did i say that your fucking freak


yet, to you the u.s. is not bad, because
>Moralisation has no place in communism
it's ok the u.s. is worst, because moralism, lmao.


there is no "good" or "bad" here, this is how capital naturally functions, is it "bad" if you bleed when you get a papercut?


>This war happened because NATO escalation, the RF did not "aid" NATO by invading Ukraine apropos of some opportunistic imperialist ambition.
Hasn't this war been going on since 2014 due to the CIA backed coup which overthrew the pro-Russian government? Russia's invasion into Ukraine past the borders of the DPR and LPR has only emboldended NATO. If we wanted NATO to go, there would be more of an international conflict as opposed to that of a war between two nations.
<inb4 china is aiding russia
China is aiding russia economically, but hardly in a military sense.
>The RF is protecting their place in the new world order but to omit the US wanting to reassert their hegemony as the existential threat and main reason for the cold war partition is implicitly defending US hegemony.
As i've said before, ad nauseum, just because the US falls, doesn't garuntee the overall death of NATO. There will be plenty of countries who would be willing to take NATOs place or at least co-opt its use. We all want NATO to go and the US to fall, but we're likely going to get neither as a result of this war. At best, the US may lose influence in Eastern Europe- but even if Ukraine was to lose- NATO and her member states are only likely to strengthen their resolve. Russia has no interest in ending capitalist hegemony, but rather protecting their own.
Unless we start seeing communist movements take the reigns and start providing people with a genuine alternative, we aren't going to see shit.

>This is why there is an Ukraine war, a cold war spreading and why the west is causing runaway consumer good inflation and disciplining their workforces and so on.

Fair, but unlike the last cold war this isn't one of capitalism vs communism, but rather some belief of "democracy vs authoritarianism"
Secondly, the west also has the chance of embracing social-democratic policies as a means to maintain its economies. The Russian federation for instance started doing this- who's to say the West couldn't do this as well?
>America won't
Possibly, but as we know, the west isn't just America now, ain't it?

>This time there are no demsocs to bribe the west, they are rabid noliberals in all but name and the only thing they can mollify the public with is idpol and chauvinistic propaganda. Call it a wild guess but IMO the west is headed to revolution or open fascism.

This is certainly a possibility, but i've got more of a feeling it could also fall to neither. Crisis under capitalism doesn't necessarily mean everyone goes gun ho and kills eachother- the state clamp down and find ways to maintain its monopoly- if it must nationalise to maintain its capitalist MOP, it will do so. Australia has had a vast history of doing this although to be fair our government was coup'd by the CIA, twice i may add


>gas station imperialism
>Russia imperializing my wallet, by wanting to get paid fairly for the resources they extract


>there is no "good" or "bad" here
yet, you seem too concerned asking people about being Marxist for real.
> why do you pretend to be a marxist, what is the rationale?
when someone posts:
>Death to America
>Cry more NAFOid
you are trapped in your own logical fallacies, little bitch. now gtfo and return to the glowhole you belong.


>you seem too concerned asking people about being Marxist for real
Because i want to know WHY they pretend to be a marxist when they admitted that they do not care about the working class, like what is the rationale, it cannot be all just autism.


>WHY they pretend to be a marxist when they admitted that they do not care about the working class
how isn't the fall of the uttermost reactionary anti-communist hegemon in the world not related to the working class?

aaaanyway, no more (You)s to the troll.
Posting more counteroinks.


>how isn't the fall of the uttermost reactionary anti-communist hegemon in the world not related to the working class?
Because the invading nation is also reactionary and anti-communist and will exploit the working class like anyone else. The only winners of bourgeoisie war are the bourgeoisie and the only losers are the working class.


Let's break the Lenin quote down for you, you clearly won't carefully re-read it yourself and I would like to help you and other anons reading to comprehend Lenin.

Lenin in this passage is is citing Marx's criticism of Lassale that under socialism (that is the first phase of communist society) everyone will receive an equal share of the product of labour, which Marx corrects saying that in Socialism there is still inequality as he who does not work nor shall he eat' and 'equal pay for equal work' mean that some who work harder than others will get more, there will still be this basic level on inequality.
Socialism does not elimiate all differences in wealth and inequality but it does elimate private ownership and the possibility of exploiting others.
Lenin expands that 'bourgeois law' has two elements, private property and regulator of allocating labour and product to members of society. Socialism eliminates the former but retains the latter (a defect and birthing pang according to Marx) so as to manage the transition to communism where inequality and injustice can gradually be eliminated altogether.

None of this has anything to do with a capitalist state becoming less exploitative. It is addressing the fact that after abolishing private property (and thereby achieving socialism) we won't immediately have workers having the full product of their labour. 'Bourgeois law' (sans private property) and relative inequality and injustice will still be neccessary to regulate distribution of work and product until communism can be achieved.

I reccomend carefully parsing whole chapters from State and Revolution or any other marxist work in the future to avoid confusion and drawing radically anti-marxist conclusions from misreadings of basic marxist precepts.


*but rather some belief of "democracy vs authoritarianism" as a lot of western media likes to parrot


> is also reactionary and anti-communist
lmao, laugh at bothsidists.


Ahh, the DotP(?) of Angola inviting Russian international capital in to… help exploit its resources!
I see, now you totally don't look like a clown anymore with those added qualifiers.
But Russia isn't already headway into capitalist imperialism already, you are so right in this! This Angolan exploration both exists… and doesn't. Angola is a bourgeois republic… and also a proletarian one!
This is how Marxism works.


>My mouth is full of American dick

Oh my god boys he’s still going, someone help this man


That would explain why the last two or so threads have been a constant bitch fest. Here I was coming to the thread to see what news there was only to be greeted with Russia is imperialists because x, y, and z, or runs off topic to talk about China for whatever fucking reason.


Diamond mining is the biggest burgeois scam anyways. That mine pollutes and destroys, moves obscene amounts of rock for what can be easily grown in a lab.
Average people can't even tell diamonds from cheap imitations like cubic circonia.


Answer the question, this is your thread so unless you want everyone here to clearly see that you have no argument or rationale and are just an autistic memefag then you will answer the question.(Multi-Thread Sliding / Topic Diversion ; get your own thread)


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>this is your thread so unless you want everyone here to clearly see that you have no argument or rationale and are just an autistic memefag then you will answer the question.


I am with that anon, so cry, bitch.


>imperialism is when you share profits with the government that hosts your business venture


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>My mouth is full of American dick

I really don’t know why he keeps saying this


You also don't care about the working class?


>You also don't care about the working class?
do you?


So you're fine with being a autistic gremlin with no real thought, what a existence


I do, that's why i don't side with capital


>inb4 neither China not USSR are socialist, anyway
>support the true communists *insert irrelevant group here*


Do you consider the working class an "irrelevant group"?


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>I do, that's why i don't side with capital
good, I side against nazis. do you side with nazis?


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I side with the working class who are and will be exploited by both sides of this conflict, the only solution is the working class associating itself with one another and overthrowing both. Anything else is a defeat for the working class

Since this thread is about news for ukraine then maybe it should have some news regarding eastern european strikes and labour actions, but that would actually mean that you care about the labour movement


answer the question, faggot, do you or don't you side with nazis?


No i told you that i side with the working class


Is Angola a DotP or even a People's Democracy: Y/N


No, does it matter?


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Hero of Russia VDV general Seliverstov showed up in the SMO zone with some interesting merch


then, glory to Russia for smashing, de-nazifying literally one of their goals, the ukrainian nazi state.


Oh so a bourgeois state invites a international capital in to exploit its natural resources?


Doesn't matter, USSR aren't real communists, anyway. :^)


>taking state rhetoric at face value
Excellent bit, i'm sure the denial of nord stream 2 had nothing to do with the invasion, tell me do you think that if russia wins that they won't exploit their working class?


Ah, so we've reached a point of shitting on Africans for being bourgeois. Outstanding.


Is that a joke?


Ah there you are
I was hoping to get a chance to tell you to read Bordiga and look into the operaismo
If you find anything useful to them in these so by all means share it with the Iranian oil workers


TankL, condom for capital, betrayers of the working class, instrument of the bureaucracy to enrich themselves and continue the capitalist system the world over


Funnily enough early this year the ICP was on the picket line at he portland sanitation strike and the workers were receptive to them so yeah workers engaged in class conflict are receptive to communism


You do know that "working class" isn't a nebulous entity, but people with their own opinions, right?


>i'm sure the denial of nord stream 2 had nothing to do with the invasion
>let's pretend ukrainian state didn't ramp up their violations of the minsk agreement weeks before the SMO, and let's pretend baerbock didn't greenlighted ukrainians to ramp up the violations in donbas
I don't have the memory of a goldfish.
>tell me do you think that if russia wins that they won't exploit their working class?
their state doesn't allow open promotion of nazism, unlike the u.s. and their banderite comprador state. tells you volumes of what sides to pick.


some will say larp but Russian generals do love the Brezhnev era imho


How many workers do you think are ok with being thrown into war for the sake of profit?
I'm not in defence of Ukraine just pointing out that the war as all war is about capital competition
>their state doesn't allow open promotion of nazism, unlike the u.s. and their banderite comprador state. tells you volumes of what sides to pick.
I like how you avoided the question of if russian will exploit the working class


NTA but what is happening here is
>That anon: destroying the Nazi sympathising Ukrainian state is good for both the working class in Ukraine and the world at large
Now be honest, do you really not see the Strawman here that you're utilising? No one is confusing Russia for the USSR and no one thinks Russia is much different from other Bourgeois capitalist states, but the difference is a crucial one, the western bourgeois states have no problem with utilising Nazism or even instigating and empowering Nazism for their own purposes, that needs to be proven not to work or they could try it again.


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video for that un vote btw


Is it true? Has the "prooobing" actually stopped because high losses?


File: 1687159029636.png (196.08 KB, 585x759, ClipboardImage.png)

who doesn't


>out that the war as all war is about capital competition
Russia could have just invaded by 2014, then.
>I like how you avoided the question of if russian will exploit the working class
I have my priorities very clear. remember to neck yourself tonight.


File: 1687159059792.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 8.63 MB, 848x464, po8zo9.mp4)

New trench combat vid just dropped.


Lmao, peak nu-/leftypol/
LET 👏🏾 BOC (Bourgeoisie of colour) 👏🏾 DEVELOP 👏🏾 PRODUCTIVE 👏🏾 FORCES👏🏾


>invade to secure from NATO Neo-nazi fucks
>get ten thousand sanctions slapped on
Yeah, I'm sure Russia wants that Salt in Soledar.


Another day another theorylet screaming
>But I want my cashless, stateless society NOW!
at underdeveloped nations


>no one thinks Russia is much different from other Bourgeois capitalist states
Multiple people in these threads including OP don't think so
> but the difference is a crucial one, the western bourgeois states have no problem with utilising Nazism or even instigating and empowering Nazism for their own purposes
SO the problem is not whether they exploit the working class but HOW they exploit the working class? Do you think it makes much different if a labour strike is broken up by russian nationalists or ukranian nazis?
>Russia could have just invaded by 2014, then.
And ruin the profits of their oil stream to europe? They only invaded once the US monopolised the energy market of europe and cut them out, that is literally just two competitors fighting on the market with the working class paying the price
>I have my priorities very clear
yeah and the working class isn't one of your priorities.
When capital cannot enter a market, it tries to force its way in, that is the definition of imeprialism.


More like
>i want communist to support on the working class not the bourgeoisie


Holy fuck is this autistic chomo still posting? What is wrong with him


>SO the problem is not whether they exploit the working class but HOW they exploit the working class?
Yes, you'd have to be a retard to not understand that Nazism is the worst form of capitalist exploitation.

Are you really suggesting that anons should just be like
>Well is Ukraine going to have a communist revolution?
>Is Russia going to have a communist revolution?
<No? Well fuck them, I don't care if the Ukrainian working class end up Nazis, it's either my way or highway


>And ruin the profits of their oil stream to europe?
and yet they ruin it, HUH?
see, you are trapped again on your own logical fallacies.
>yeah and the working class isn't one of your priorities.
When this comrade shouts here >>577186
>Death to America
I shout too
>Death to america
and when he shouts
Cry more NAFOid
I shout cry more NAFObot
because I do care. you seem not concerned about the nazism that the u.s. promoted in ukraine, nor the nazism inside ukraine, so my guess is you the one, as usual, with westernoids (it was mentioned you are an iranian gusano, but also could be the grillpill) that doesn't care at all about the working class.


If you weren't a theorylet, you'd understand why that involves purposely supporting bourgeois revolution in underdeveloped, colonial nations.


>When capital cannot enter a market, it tries to force its way in, that is the definition of imeprialism.
Are you going to provide evidence of Ukraine embargoing Russia in any way?


>implying there is a single place on earth in [current year] that isn't doesn't already have capitalism as the dominant mode of production and hasn't already had a bourgeois democratic revolution and a large industrial or post-industrial urban proletariat.
Some people really are stuck on menshevik stageism for ever huh


He's a theorylet and motivated by revolutionary aesthetics, if it's the anon I think he is, he point blank refuses to accept geopolitics is any different from organising unions.


Yeah, I'm sure Djibouti is ripe for full automated luxury communism, how silly of me.

Many of these nations are reduced to just selling simple commodities to the western corporations that own the mines. wells and farms. There's little industry that is possessed by the local bourgeoisie, there's little industry at all, there's nothing for the proletariat to seize.


Here's rate of urbanization across the world.


How does Ukraine still have Soviet tanks/equipment left anyways? I swear if they don't run out before the end of this year, I'm gonna be mad. It'll be entertaining to see liberals left unable to deny Ukrainian losses when we see mostly Western tanks burning in footage.


>Yes, you'd have to be a retard to not understand that Nazism is the worst form of capitalist exploitation.
And all capitalist nations resort to reactionary tactics when they're in crisis so what difference does it make to support a capitalist state that will act the same way when capital is threatened. This has already happened before in the 20th century when the popular front did nothing to stop the rise of fascism. The only solution is the working class associating and rising up

I'm suggesting that anons should focus on the working class not the bourgeoisie who exploit the working class
> you seem not concerned about the nazism that the u.s. promoted in ukraine, nor the nazism inside ukraine
I am concerned about it but i take issue with so called "communists" supporting the bourgeoisie. Every country is using it as an opportunity to suppress their working class, stoke militarism, and secure the ruling class's interests, but anti-imperialism isn't about choosing the smaller empire. The task of handling the Nazi issue or the Taliban issue should be done via the working class of the region with assistance from other parts of the working class abroad, not from US invading or Russia invading.
See here No.1502691 for why that is nonsensical
The decertification of nord stream 2
> he point blank refuses to accept geopolitics is any different from organising unions
please tell me how critical support for russia or iran or the PRC is as effective and beneficial to the working class as actual labour organising that directly fights capital itself.
Sudan, one of the least developed nations on earth has a larger urbanised populace than england did when the communist manifesto was published, the point is to empower the working class not the bourgeoisie


>Not knowing it's literally Leninism to support a Bourgeois Revolution as a staging ground for Proletarian revolution soon after


See here >>1502691


Lmao it is the anon I thought it was


read the theory. there are clearly outlined parameters within which the right to self-determination and devlopment of nations is an appropriate demand for communists to make. Lenin describes these parameters in The Socialist Revolution and the Right of Nations to Self-Determination, where he writes:
> First, the advanced capitalist countries of Western Europe and the United States of America. <In these countries the bourgeois, progressive, national movements came to an end long ago.> Every one of these “great” nations oppresses other nations in the colonies and within its own country. The tasks of the proletariat of these ruling nations are the same as those of the proletariat in England in the nineteenth century in relation to Ireland.
>Secondly, Eastern Europe: Austria, the Balkans and particularly Russia. Here it was the twentieth century that <particularly developed the bourgeois-democratic national movements and intensified the national struggle.> The tasks of the proletariat in these countries — in regard to the <consummation of their bourgeois-democratic reformation>, as well as in regard to assisting the socialist revolution in other countries — cannot be achieved unless it champions <the right of nations to self-determination>. In this connection the most difficult but most important task is to merge the class struggle of the workers in the oppressing nations with the class struggle of the workers in the oppressed nations.
>Thirdly, the semi-colonial countries, like China, Persia, Turkey, and all the colonies, which have a combined population amounting to a billion. In these countries the bourgeois-democratic movements have either hardly begun, or are far from having been completed. Socialists must not only demand the unconditional and immediate liberation of the colonies without compensation —and this demand in its political expression< signifies nothing more nor less than the recognition of the right to self-determination> — but must render determined support to the more revolutionary elements in the bourgeois-democratic movements for national liberation in these countries and assist their rebellion—and if need be, their revolutionary war—against the imperialist powers that oppress them.

The support for the self-determination of nations is essentially bourgeois in content, and forms a mere prerequisite to the communist reorganisation of society. In countries which have already undergone national-bourgeois revolutions (as i every nation on earth in the modern day), such a demand is entirely superfluous. Communists fight for this demand in countries that require it in order for the class struggle to develop more fully; but they do not remain within its confines. That is to say, they use the national question as a lever with which to pose the question of class power and property, as a springboard from which to enact the communist programme that will supersede national distinctions.

As Marx writes:

>While the democratic petty bourgeois want to bring the revolution to an end as quickly as possible, achieving at most the aims already mentioned, <it is our interest and our task to make the revolution permanent until all the more or less propertied classes have been driven from their ruling positions, until the proletariat has conquered state power and until the association of the proletarians has progressed sufficiently far – not only in one country but in all the leading countries of the world> – that competition between the proletarians of these countries ceases and at least the decisive forces of production are concentrated in the hands of the workers.

For communists, the support of these nations in national liberation is never a goal in itself, but merely a means for the development of class antagonism between proletariat and bourgeoisie and the seizure of political power by the proletariat. It makes no sense to employ this means today, when the overwhelming majority of nations have already undergone some form of bourgeois-national revolution.

As Lenin puts it elsewhere:

> The epoch of bourgeois-democratic revolutions in Western, continental Europe embraces a fairly definite period, approximately between 1789 and 1871. This was precisely the period of national movements and the creation of national states. When this period drew to a close, Western Europe had been transformed into a settled system of bourgeois states, which, as a general rule, were nationally uniform states. <Therefore, to seek the right to self-determination in the programmes of West-European socialists at this time of day is to betray one’s ignorance of the ABC of Marxism.>

>In Eastern Europe and Asia the period of bourgeois-democratic revolutions did not begin until 1905. The revolutions in Russia, Persia, Turkey and China, the Balkan wars—such is the chain of world events of our period in our “Orient”. And only a blind man could fail to see in this chain of events the awakening of a whole series of bourgeois-democratic national movements which strive to create nationally independent and nationally uniform states. It is precisely and solely because Russia and the neighbouring countries are passing through this period that we must have a clause in our programme on the right of nations to self-determination.

The first paragraph now describes the situation in pretty much every region of the world. There exists a 'settled system of bourgeois states' across the entire world. People like you make plenty of hay out of this whole 'support for weaker nations' to justify the basest nationalism. You fail to see that this is not some transhistorical right posited by principles of eternal justice, but a tactical demand posed by the communist movement in backwards and oppressed countries - e.g. Russia of the early 1900s. Nor is it an end in itself, so that communism becomes identical with nationalism. It is merely an expedient, a tactical adjustment of the communist movement to the uneven levels of development found in different countries.

Today, even the 'colonies' have largely undergone bourgeois-national revolutions, possessing (at least nominally) political independence while remaining in the de facto grip of the most economically powerful countries. This is an unavoidable reality of life under capitalism: some nations rise to the top, and others are trodden underfoot. The only way out of this ruthless competition is the revolution of the proletariat - a revolution that, thanks to the international character of the proletariat, must be international itself.


>i take issue with so called "communists" supporting the bourgeoisie

stfu ultra, Lenin supported bourgeoisie across the world that were less reactionary than the more backward imperial core of his time, from China, Turkey, to India, and many others.


>The decertification of nord stream 2
How does invading Ukraine give Russia access to Germany?



This was already addressed in the last thread


It doesn't but it gives them access to more capital, which is what capitalist nations fight for when they try to deal with falling profit


By people wilfully denying what capitalism is and arguing for a "equal" share of capital which is nonsensical since that's not how capitalism works


So is Russia forcing its way into a market, or does it actually want the Donbas Basin?


>but it gives them access to more capital
LMAO, surely with the sanctions they received more capital, from the west.

see what? none of that diminishes the point I argued.


Both as both give it more capital at the expense of their competitors and vice verse
It was either wage war or stay neutral and slowly lose out as their biggest money maker (their oil connection) was cut off
And it does diminish your point since you don't know why those bourgeoisie revolutions were supported and why it makes no sense to do so now


Are you American? Only Americans would unironically use sarcastic quotes when describing the global south as colonies, at best they have semi-colonial governments that exist purely as security for western corporate interests in a given nation. The wealthy found in those nations are not the bourgeoisie, what means of productions do exist are owned by the international bourgeoisie, the wealthy are mercenaries who organise the exploitation of their own nation by foreign interests as a direct monetary transaction.


So Ukraine being a red line for NATO expansion and Russia security concerns are what?


Secondary to the wants of capital, they play a factor but profit is the cause and purpose of all war
>The wealthy found in those nations are not the bourgeoisie


Incorrect framing of the responses, it seems your opinion is literally "if rich people exist, then it's capitalist and ripe for socialist revolution" when as I said to you many threads ago now, there's a difference between the Bourgeoise existing and a state having a dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie.


>but profit is the cause and purpose of all war
Well, you certainly read theory, and you can repeat it, but you don't understand it, nor are you capable of looking at real world data.


Those nations have a dictatorship of the Bourgeoisie as political power is held by the Bourgeoisie and is used to secure their interests.


And real world data supports this, russia didn't invade once azon was created, it invaded when its capital was cut off


>Russia's invasion into Ukraine past the borders of the DPR and LPR has only emboldended NATO
Te way I read the Ukraine crisis is that the US was well aware of the conflict taking over Ukraine would create and it just has come the time to provoke the final stages of it, the invasion, in order to partition the European economies for themselves in this overt declaration of cold war. Both sides had been preparing for the eventual partition and economic warfare.

>If we wanted NATO to go, there would be more of an international conflict as opposed to that of a war between two nations.

<inb4 china is aiding russia
>China is aiding russia economically, but hardly in a military sense.
China is the main reason why this is happening, their economic power, capitalist or not, is a competition that the USA cannot tolerate. Russia India and China happen to be in the same camp not because they are an allied front against imperialism on ideological bases (especially turboneoliberal BJP India lol) but because the US/NATO ambitions of reasserting US hegemony is an existential threat. the goal is reversing history to the 90s and that requires nothing short of collapsing the whole economic sphere of BRICS. They have favourable trade as happens with others leaning towards BRICS, but the main appeal IMO is that the winning conditions for the US is military backed protectionism and neocolonialism, while BRICS wins by continuing with liberalized trade.

It may be that domestic bourgeoisie subverting western imperialism for more favorable trade conditions ( or to avoid war) is selling the rope they'll hang from, or it may not. I agree the left needs to pick up the role of anti imperialism, but, well…I feel like some part of the "western" left is resentful that it played no role in the development of this crisis and as a result they want to declare it heretical, throw the baby out with the bathwater to claim protagonism at risk of playing into NATO's hand.

>Fair, but unlike the last cold war this isn't one of capitalism vs communism, but rather some belief of "democracy vs authoritarianism"

I mean, yeah if anything such flimsy framing make's it harder to do propaganda for protectionism against the "authoritarian" "not real capitalism". In the previous cold war thre was a credible argument that there would be a drastic change on the table if the enemy were to win. That the socialists had a genuinely different worldview which was alien to most people. But now it's the west who is breaking with decades liberalism and globalization, they are the change, and it cannot be made the argument that these breaks with decades of policy and propaganda benefit anybody but the absolute richest. This is IMO why it's not incidental to Ukraine that NATO is trying to resume from the last cold war propaganda. I think they have nothing else that would resonate with decades of "harm reduction/human rights/democracy" and other excuses for imperialism that turning history around and claiming a continuity from the last cold war narratives about the mythical evil commies, now pouncing from the shadows of history.

>Secondly, the west also has the chance of embracing social-democratic policies as a means to maintain its economies. The Russian federation for instance started doing this- who's to say the West couldn't do this as well?

They could, but again wild guess, if they are forcing the cold war partition it's because economic warfare doesn't cut it anymore. And once that's the case every use of hard coercion becomes an argument to go to the side that offers favorable trade rather than worse deals at gunpoint. And all of this needs funding. The more war is needed to keep imperialism in check, the less profitable and the more rebellious "provinces" feel the need to get out of reach. More exploitation is needed to make up for increased costs. Previously, the takeover of the old colonies made up for that, but now it seems the reverse is happening.

Last cold war the national bourgeoisie had an easy choice, but this time I think , not so much. Liberalism is doing them great. BRICS doesn't seem like they could win a situation in which trade needs to be warranted by military force against NATO, so at least in the case of China it seems to me they just plan to make themselves indispensable to global trade as a safeguard against isolation, make allies of the foreign bourgeoisie and let the US empire fail to break even as they escalate militarily.

Ideally socialists would take the chance and become the anti-imperialists with the economic backing of China like the USSR kept AES afloat. But if they don't then I think China is perfectly content to chug along while the rest of the world becomes another neoliberal hellscape tbh. But before that there is probably so many decades of dramatic world events that could change everything.


>you don't know why those bourgeoisie revolutions
do you?
or did you simply copy and pasted without giving a second thought?
you mix up here >>577438 demands for more socialism vs what Lenin wrote here
>Does that mean, then, that the materialist West has hopelessly decayed and that light shines only from the mystic, religious East? No, quite the opposite. It means that the East has definitely taken the Western path, that new hundreds of millions of people will from now on share in the struggle for the ideals which the West has already worked out for itself. What has decayed is the Western bourgeoisie, which is already confronted by its grave-digger, the proletariat. But in Asia there is still a bourgeoisie capable of championing sincere, militant, consistent democracy, a worthy comrade of France’s great men of the Enlightenment and great leaders of the close of the eighteenth century.

which is the simple election between two different stages of capitalist states: The one less reactionary before the more reactionary one.

You are a pseudoleftist. gtfo to the poop hole you came from.
>It was either wage wa or stay neutral and slowly lose out as their biggest money maker (their oil connection) was cut off
it was asked how invading ukraine gave Russia access to Germany, you deflect into
>gives them access to more capital
then deflects my comment on sanctions will give them more capital, saying that nonsense. that's a nonsequitur, you didn't answer how it gave more access to germany markets, nor how it gained more capital, thus making your whole argument about imperialism a flawed one.


Lmao all you want, you can even kek for all I care, bourgeoisie is not equivalent to just rich people for the simple fact there were rich people under feudalism that weren't the bourgeoise.

In the same way the feudal lord was made rich governing the land the monarch entrusted them with, the governments and wealthy of many global south nations get direct payment for protecting the interests of the international bourgeoise from the local population and exploiting the workers on behalf of international corporations. To frame this as a dictatorship of the bourgeoisie is a half-truth, it's a dictatorship of the international bourgeoisie in such semi-colonial nations.


Nord Stream 2 got blown up on Sept. 26th, 2022. The certification was halted on Feb. 22nd, in response to Russia already being cross at Ukraine for breaking ceasefire for almost a week. And you're retarded.


>y critical support
Allow me

Because the more Russia scares the imperialist core the less likely the imperialist core is to start a third global conflagration and less war is an unalloyed good for the working man and woman

Easy even if one is an ultra and refuses to acknowledge China's current socialism one can at least wager that the CPC will hit the communism button before becoming a hegemonic imperialist if for no other reason than that communism is a more stable system than hegemonic imperialism

That's a tough one ummm fundamentally to the extent I do it"s because the realistic alternative to the current regime is what the burgers did to Libya and this won't change until the greater satan' s back is broken


>it invaded when its capital was cut off
<President Obama Announces New Ukraine-Related Sanctions
<Obama imposes new sanctions on Russia over Ukraine
<Obama Prolongs Sanctions on Russia Over Ukraine Crisis


>The certification was halted on Feb. 22nd
even better, it was never given out. Nothing was haltet, the Greens came in power before and just said "nope" without any good reason


>Sudan, one of the least developed nations on earth has a larger urbanised populace than england did when the communist manifesto was published, the point is to empower the working class not the bourgeoisie
You keep bringing this up but this doesn't matter, at all. Next to contemporary countries Sudan is objectively a colonized nation which follows the African model of selling raw resources to the West in order to maintain a service economy for the middle class. It is virtually impossible to have a revolution there because there are no independent productive forces, the West can just take its toys and go, killing millions through starvation and then say it was because gommunism doesn't work. That's why bourgeois national liberation and building local productive forces are still relevant to global south nations.


>Russia and China are overtly authoritarian neo-imperialist states
and this is the hidden agenda behind bickering about Russia being imperialist rather than simply another capitalist, they want to extend this argument to say that China is not even socialist when the US inevitably uses Taiwan as a battering ram


Kind of obvious, really. Why should they accept a loss, if the rising powers aren't socialist (according to them)? Pointless bickering, really. We don't decide anything here.


Thing is, Russia's war is just or unjust depending on what perspective you see it from, it's pretty unjust if one limit's their perspective to just Ukraine Vs Russia, but when you expand that to NATO Vs Russia then actually the Nord Stream pipeline symbolises why this war was just. NATO definitely has imperialistic intent, blowing up Nord Stream is just one of many examples of Washington and London trying to stifle the Russian economy to somehow 'prove' that Russia cannot expect fair trading conditions for while they remain independent and not subservient to American and London interests.

The heart bleeds for other nations subjected to this because they generally don't have militaries or nuclear weapons to resist this, but all of a sudden when a nation has the military to fight back and does so, then the hearts do not bleed, then it's both sides are bad. No doubt Russia will enjoy the Soviet built industry in Eastern Ukraine, but similar to the Soviet annexation of the Baltic States, other more aggressive nations are making moves in this direction and to refuse to play the game and lower yourself to that level based on "morality" then worse will come out of it. Hitler wasn't going to be better for the Baltic States, Kissinger was a monster throughout the cold war and I think Nuland needs to be hung, drawn and quartered


We do in at least a small way

Years ago I used to write commentary on the margins of a newspaper then leave it on a train and the way those talking points made their way around was impressive and far more than I could have imagined when I started doing it

/leftypol/ is definitely ''far'" more influential than my special edition free newspapers and those newspapers definitely had an impressive impact

Hearing one of my talking points from a stranger a week later things like that


>all of a sudden when a nation has the military to fight back and does so, then the hearts do not bleed, then it's both sides are bad
Christianity and its consequences have been a disaster for humanity and left-wing thought. Martyr and loser worship should cease. Permanently.

Grillpill openly admitted that while he condemned Ukronazis terrorizing Donbas, he also condemned Russian invasion to stop it.


>I am concerned about it but i take issue with so called "communists" supporting the bourgeoisie.



<Uneven economic and political development is an absolute law of capitalism. Hence, the victory of socialism is possible first in several or even in one capitalist country alone. After expropriating the capitalists and organising their own socialist production, the victorious proletariat of that country will arise against the rest of the world—the capitalist world—attracting to its cause the oppressed classes of other countries, stirring uprisings in those countries against the capitalists, and in case of need using even armed force against the exploiting classes and their states. The political form of a society wherein the proletariat is victorious in overthrowing the bourgeoisie will be a democratic republic, which will more and more concentrate the forces of the proletariat of a given nation or nations, in the struggle against states that have not yet gone over to socialism. The abolition of classes is impossible without a dictatorship of the oppressed class, of the proletariat. A free union of nations in socialism is impossible without a more or less prolonged and stubborn struggle of the socialist republics against the backward states.


<The revolutionary character of a national movement under the conditions of imperialist oppression does not necessarily presuppose the existence of proletarian elements in the movement, the existence of a revolutionary or a republican programme of the movement, the existence of a democratic basis of the movement. The struggle that the Emir of Afghanistan is waging for the independence of Afghanistan is objectively a revolutionary struggle, despite the monarchist views of the Emir and his associates, for it weakens, disintegrates and undermines imperialism; whereas the struggle waged by such "desperate" democrats and "Socialists," "revolutionaries" and republicans as, for example, Kerensky and Tsereteli, Renaudel and Scheidemann, Chernov and Dan, Henderson and Clynes, during the imperialist war was a reactionary struggle, for its results was the embellishment, the strengthening, the victory, of imperialism. For the same reasons, the struggle that the Egyptians merchants and bourgeois intellectuals are waging for the independence of Egypt is objectively a revolutionary struggle, despite the bourgeois origin and bourgeois title of the leaders of Egyptian national movement, despite the fact that they are opposed to socialism; whereas the struggle that the British "Labour" Government is waging to preserve Egypt's dependent position is for the same reason a reactionary struggle, despite the proletarian origin and the proletarian title of the members of the government, despite the fact that they are "for" socialism. There is no need to mention the national movement in other, larger, colonial and dependent countries, such as India and China, every step of which along the road to liberation, even if it runs counter to the demands of formal democracy, is a steam-hammer blow at imperialism, i.e., is undoubtedly a revolutionary step.


the reason MLs "support" these countries is because we take a viewpoint on the general balance sheet against imperialism.
Ie. an analysis of their historic movement and their effect of global imperialism.
And not from a static snapshot of some "formal point of progress" which you and libs generally do


File: 1687164371506.mp4 (26.16 MB, 904x720, 8812778608785388531.mp4)

>My mouth is full of American dick

This dude is unstoppable


This has all been explained to the anon before, but like most Third Worldists, his expectation for Communists is to only care about union efforts and militias directly fighting their local government in the global south, he starts accusing us of being unpure when we consider the geopolitical ramifications that come from any revolution and discuss opinions on how to protect revolution on the geopolitical stage, like not trying to rush and short-circuit historically necessary sociopolitical development.

Anon wants it to be literally just you shoot third world porky (or reform their exploitation solely though unionisation efforts) and redistribute their bank accounts and Communism has been achieved people, live happily ever after
>But what if the international bourgeoisie come back for their property


>i side with Nazis because i don't side with Nazis

Liberals, ladies and gentlemen


File: 1687167374290.png (397.61 KB, 351x593, ClipboardImage.png)

Apparently the PoV is this antifascist fellow's
weird video though, all of them are unarmed except the last guy who's wearing civilian clothes and carrying what seems like a thompson. Definitely could be a Russian fail, but could also be the nazis executing prisoners to make an epic tiktok


Eh tbh why would prisoners be in a trench? I think they just got caught off guard, either way if shooting unarmed soldiers is what Ukraine supporters think is based, then they're just demonstrating what people already know, they don't care about fighting and winning they just enjoy killing.


>Israel resorting to giving Nazis tanks
>Nazis resorting to using Israeli tanks
You can't make this shit up, there is no way libs can compare this war to WW2 because clearly for all intents and purposes, in the western liberal mind that shit never happened. It has been completely forgotten.


File: 1687168296717.png (235.42 KB, 883x450, ClipboardImage.png)

>western arms start being destroyed en masse
>Oryx suddenly decides he's le tired and announces he's quitting


I have a 900IQ take on this but can't share it because leftypols mind would implode from not being able to handle it.


Give warning then spoiler


>Cataloguing destroyed Russian tanks: :D
>Cataloguing destroyed Western tanks: :(


He was doing it for free fucking lmao


Nah go on, I'm a big boy


The Mossad sabotaged the tanks and they will break down mid combat in order to speed up a Russian victory.


File: 1687169877745.jpg (200.89 KB, 657x436, FgEYokqK9BQ.translated.jpg)

>right after Russia places a consulate in Jerusalem


We're so back (it's over)


And so it begins (it never even started)


🇷🇺⚔️🇺🇦 Pyatikhatki update according to Archangel Spetznaz

"According to the forces of the unit of the 429th regiment, which includes the Storm-Ossetia battalion, the enemy was driven out of the settlement of Pyatikhatki, the settlement is under the control of the Russian Armed Forces.

The enemy evacuation groups cannot approach the wounded due to heavy artillery fire."


File: 1687172253064.png (113.37 KB, 1763x713, ClipboardImage.png)

BlackRock and JPMorgan help set up Ukraine reconstruction bank
<Fund aims to attract billions of dollars in private investment to assist rebuilding projects in war-torn country
>[…]The World Bank estimated in March(opens a new window) that Ukraine would need $411bn to rebuild after the war, and recent Russian attacks have driven that figure higher.
>The Kyiv government engaged BlackRock’s consulting arm in November to determine how best to attract that kind of capital, and then added JPMorgan in February. Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced last month that the country was working with the two financial groups and consultants at McKinsey.

>[…]BlackRock and JPMorgan are donating their services, although the work will give them an early look at possible investments in the country. The assignment also deepens JPMorgan’s relationship with a longstanding client. The bank has helped Ukraine raise more than $25bn in sovereign debt since 2010 and led the country’s $20bn debt restructuring last year.

>[…]The structure calls for the fund to use the lower-cost public money, known as concessional capital, to make initial investments and absorb the first losses.

>[…]To overcome investor concerns about governance, the fund is expected to stock its board with representatives of international financial institutions and governments and hire investment professionals to execute its strategy.

“Our view is that if you have a strong governance structure and an internationally credible set of stakeholders who are in the leadership position in this fund, then that will go a long way,” Hall said.




Ukraine on the way to becoming a cyberpunk corporate state.



The counteroffensyiv has been further delayed, nothing to see here


Again? Is that 5th time in a week?


>411bn to rebuild
>300+bn in IMF debt already
>there was a statement from an US military official that ALL weapon shipments will have to be paid for by Ukraine too
This little maneuver will cost us 2000% debt-to-gdp ratio


>Ukraine stops offesyiv to re-evaluate tactics
Brave and stunning
>Russia stops offensives and re-evaluates tactics
Weak and laughable


Lmao. Ukraine flags in the comments saying the Kyiv Independent is wrong or saying "wait for the F-16s!".


File: 1687173694807.jpg (1.86 MB, 1284x1693, 765456765.jpg)

Its Over… (it never even began)


1 day ago lmao


>Ukraine stalling
>Natives btfoing Burgerreich
We're so back


>muh F-16s
Retards don't realize F-16s are the contemporary of the MiG-29, and will get blown out of the sky just as easily by Russian layered AD.


>There are yesterdays when counteroffensives happen and todays when counteroffensives are temporarily paused
- Leniniyvi


Cherokees have captured Kiev.


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>cope levels that shouldn't be possible




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A second offensyiv just hit the defensive lines.


its not even an offensyiv its a test remember


People need to get over the old way of doing Counteroffensyivs, today is the age of counteroffensyiv 3.0, minting NFTs for ownership for drone-grenade-drop videos is the safest and most efficient way to conduct counteroffensyivs and one day when the metaverse has been fully realised, the banderbucks cryptocurrency people will have amassed from minting these NFTs means Ukraine will be able to simply purchase Russia in virtual reality which we're all going to care about than real reality, Putin and Russia will be left with primitive dirt and water, they won't be allowed into the 24/7 Blockchain driven casino based Greater Virtual Ukraine will be.


Ten counteroffensyivs went out onto mines; one got blown up and then there were nine.
Nine counteroffensyivs arrived very late; one got Kalibrated and then there were eight.
Eight counteroffensyivs had swastikas on chevrons; they joined Bandera and then there were seven.
Seven counteroffensyivs of mobilized hicks; they ran into the Wagners and then there were six.
Six counteroffensyivs took Leopards for a drive; the Lancets came flying and then there were five…


Counteroffensyiv outcome?



On the third day of offensiyv, Bandera gave to me
>Three dead divisions
>Four knackered leopards
>12 NAFOids crying


> and a BlackRock owned country…


TLDR on the latest waves throwing themselves into the meatgrinder of this thread plz. Anyone make any good arguments? the thread is comprehensively shitted up


>TLDR on the latest waves throwing themselves into the meatgrinder of this thread plz.


Good arguments for what?


The Ultra Battalion has launched a counteroffensyiv using the latest in NAFO-supplied technology such as "muh Chechnya" and "China isn't socialist", successfully capturing two threads. However, they took heavy losses to the banhammer and had to retreat pause to reconsider tactics


>TLDR because I'm just too serious and stoic for gallows humour
>Were there any actual good arguments concerning the war suitable for an intelligent gentleman like myself?
Oh fuck off, this is still an imageboard, if you want unironic attempts at analysis and understanding of the anarchy of inter-capitalist warfare you've got r/Ukraine


>reactionary country annexes southern part of some third world shithole

<Holy shit guys socialism achieved!


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Counterarguments? It's just endlessly repeating "both sides are bad. Don't you know both sides are bad"
Confirmed to be caused by brain problems


Reactionary to what?


Lmao just schizophrenia now, or a conscious decision to cuck their own brains out of fear of wrongthink


I hate ziggas but am immensely enjoying the Western cope over the counteroffensyiv. For the duration of the event, I am happy to declare a truce with the ziggas to laugh at the Kursk 2.0 farce. /chug/fags should still kill themselves, though.


WTF is a chug and why do you dumb fags keep talking about? Is it like your new Twitter or Reddit where you anons 'definitely don't' use it but apparently know all the memes and content and so on from it and talk about it all day?


/chug/ is comfy happening in ukraine general, the /pol/ pro-russian ukraine thread


>I hate ziggas


thanks anon, this is the reporting I need


No I lurk there. Which is why it's easy to spot when some /pol/ consensus cracker is trying to slip in some super based posts.


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Institute for the Study of War is reporting that Ukraine is temporarily suspending offensive operations to "review their tactics for future operations".
<Translation, they got knocked around real bad and they need to regenerate combat power.

Operational pauses are uncommon during offensive operations unless things are very much NOT going according to plan. Towards the end of the German advance on the eastern front, there were many operational pauses. They accomplished nothing, and in fact allowed the Soviet forces to regroup, rest, and replenish before going on the counter-attack themselves.


>weird video though
weird behavior from the Russians that got shot. They seemed to just run into fire


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>hoes mad


Because Russians are not genetically multipolar, nor do I think the left needs to fellate Dugin or Coach Red Pill to make Ukraine and NATO look bad. Ziggas have consistently run into a wall of bad argumentation and their only saving grace is that NAFOids are more retarded which is what they then plaster all over themselves like a badge of honor.

Ziggas are so fucking stupid that they think criticism of themselves means you just spit upon the Russian troops in the trenches and even the soldiers who were at Stalingrad. Each zigga believes themselves to be the reincarnation of Lenin. It is really fucking annoying. I am not necessarily criticizing Russia or even the USSR, I am talking shit on your teenage bird brains that mistakes materialism for your own badly researched talking points.


>>577672 (me)
But I take it back, we can talk shit after the counteroffensyiv. Some of you ziggas are alright, and won't have to be liquidated.


>TLDR on the latest waves throwing themselves into the meatgrinder of this thread plz. Anyone make any good arguments? the thread is comprehensively shitted up
Not really. It's as you can expect. There are two options to oppose multipolarity. You can push to use this war to create an equivalency between east and west given enough global development, which is being rejected. Our position sits between this ultra shit and the liberal-imperialist one which argues developed nations are progressive.

Almost always the argument will be some derivative of the idea global capitalism has advanced enough to create equivalency between east and west.


The unarmed dudes could be rushing for where they left their guns. But the last guy looks really sus. Weird gun (Thompson?), civilian clothes, large beard (RAF doesn't like beards unless it's Chechens, at least I don't think I've seen any troops with beards, it's Ukrainians who love their viking larp beards), crumples weirdly after being shot point blank with a rifle round etc.


Okay, tbqh from my perspective that's not really applicable to most "ziggas" but what I do see a lot of is Anons shitting up these threads with "both side"ism and strawmans insisting the critical support for Russia ITT is through confusing it for the USSR.


>successor to government that overthrew the USSR with tanks firing on parliament is not reactionary


I've never seen anyone itt give a shit about Coach Red Pill or any right-wing celebs except maybe pointing out how the former is an example of Ukraine cracking down on opposition right after he was arrested (and rightly so, after all he wasn't arrested for being a rightoid but for criticizing the Ukrainian government)


Does anyone have that story of the stupid Polack filth who got gifted a rocket launcher by ukes then blowed himself up in the filth station last year? I don't speak Polack and refuse to translate into it.
<A literal war
They really are psychos with no theory of the word outside of an abstract false-reality made to entertain them through a screen, aren't they?


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Because anons like Intbriganon have decent theory but the truth is that most people don't give a shit about that and are supporting Russia for their own particular reasons which are as diverse as 90s anti-imperialists supporting Serbian militias alongside hardcore anti-Muslim Christian nationalists in the West who didnt see NATO incursion into the former Yugoslavia but instead a vile Bosniak jihad against Based Christianity. Any breakup a la Yugoslavia or the USSR causes this, which is why it's important for leftists to not take up the stupid genocidal, violent brain melting rhetoric of the right that specifically a handful of anons here love to do while screaming that HOHOL isn't a slur because reasons.


>Okay, tbqh from my perspective that's not really applicable to most "ziggas"
Are you quite literally blind? a big portion of their posting for almost a whole ass year is just what some bot farm with shitty dog jpegs as pfps are doing on twitter?


>They really are psychos with no theory of the word outside of an abstract false-reality made to entertain them through a screen, aren't they?
I come to the conclusion of their psychosis via a different way, they have basically destroyed their brains from /pol/ babyspeak so now the way they delineate similar threads from each other all comes down to like, "comfy", "cringe", "redpilled", and shit like that. Their ability to use language is more or less destroyed.


Ukraine's cyber democracy will solve this, you can just report corruption on your iPhone


Most of the geopolitical discussion ITT is instigated by Anons who just want to have an argument about RUSSIA BAD, like everyone has heard that take, it's not interesting to explore.





Yea. because some random twitter bot farm and gore videos are super interesting and meaningful to hyper-fixate on, right?!?!
Idiots. lmao.


Again, goreposting massively spikes when Ukraine has suffered some kind of failure.


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>hohol is a slur


Three entire threads of the same argument between the same anons going around in circles and posting the same memes over and over. Are there any developments in the war worth mentioning that I should know about or is this just /autism/ general?


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>any developments?
Counteroffensyiv failed miserably


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⚡️🇷🇺🇺🇦🎯 Impressive Fresh Front Footage⚡️

🎬 The artillery of the Southern troop grouping destroys the Ukronazis in the #Svetlodarsk area (close to #Gorlovka, #Donetsk direction).

📜 NgP raZVedka (https://t.me/negumanitarnaya_pomosch_Z/8183); 19 Jun 2023, 16:02

t.me/sitreports /@negumanitarnaya_pomosch_Z/#vid/
Join SITREP🔺Map Reports - Top Videos - Analyses


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>>577694 (me)
It's said quickly but this fraud, what they got caught doing, was at the time of 2016 almost 6% of the country's GDP according to the World Bank(in 2015 $). That'd be as if in Germany they discovered a $200bn hole going into the pockets of some well connected individuals, for scale.

According to Wikipedia, this fraud cost roughly 1/5 of the entire Ukrainian budget for 2015,for scale.


At what point do we start calling Saudi dissidents gusanos


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Its over.



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Good idea?


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Suggests Russia is not a cakewalk, he compares the US invasion of Iraq to Nazi Germany's invasion of Poland, that's pretty based.


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They'd never get the Americans to agree to it, so they'd never be able to present a plan to Moscow for implementing the idea.


Who cares what Americans think? It says largest world players, led by Ukraine.


Lofty goals


You know it's coming.


On all levels but physical Ukraine is winning.


so the billionaire doesn't even pay for his own nazis to destabilize europe, normal bank customers pay for them. beautiful


uncycle the thread. it's over


it's already uncycled


Reckon the ultra lads have enough pluck left for another round?


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>The Codex Leninismus does not support this action.


NATO needs to apply to Ukraine



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>We must prevent negotiation and peace at any cost!


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Russian Motherfucking assholes?


why do they have a Spanish flag?


>The Embassy of the Russian Federation in Spain has deleted their post, which showed the participation of embassy staff in memorial events in honour of Russians who took part in the army of fascist Franco.


damn, the nostalgia got me good. iirc you could even play as china, right?


Oh yes


Гераням Слава


>participation of embassy staff in memorial events in honour of Russians who took part in the army of fascist Franco.
cringe alert


Бля параша рэп лол


These threads are just 3-4 epic power users calling every other poster a glowie. I wouldn't think about it too hard


>implying PRC poster is a chinese glowie

A glowie from an actually existing socialist state on our humble Capybara appreciation forum?! oh wonderful happy days are here

Oh my god I haven't mopped the floors or cleaned the dishes

Whatever will they think?


Awwwww I’m sorry. Did people not have their minds blown by your muh both sides?


>hardcore anti-Muslim Christian nationalists in the West
They supported Croatian fascists. See the Doriot Brigade.


>oryx is rage-quitting because Ukraine lost all their Soviet equipment and he can’t count their losses as Russian anymore


ay, kek. good.
and yes, that's the real reason, he can't disguise ukrainian loses as Russia's so easily anymore.

sus again they disappeared, and the IA-generated video they posted, was weirder.
Isn't Iranian?


ha-ha lancet goes vuuuuush-booom


The Duginist thing is the most obvious indicator that most zigga haters are just westerners with libbrain. Literally nobody except for Western liberals or Ukrainian fascists care about Doogin


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did this get posted yet? least racist ukrainian telegram reaction to south africa exposing ukronazi lies


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Yeah, I posted this agent z advisor treating Africans with contempt, almost rolling the n-word on them.


what the fuck is that 2nd image


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Literally North Korea


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link to the thread blease


Really activates their almonds atoms



fuck I hyperfocused on the amount of (you)'s



Who are you to "liquidate" me? Are you even russian?




This makes me glad I remembered this site exists.


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I can fix her


what the fuck


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The head of the schismatic Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Epiphanius Dumenko, consecrated an "icon" depicting the Virgin, Bandera and Shukhevych.

In addition to the "Ukrainian nationalist heroes", members of the UPA and Cossacks were placed on the picture. The icon was painted for the 104th Brigade of the Territorial Defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Union of Orthodox Journalists noted.


Of course it's a Brit, we solely operate on the misapprehension literally nothing can touch us other than perhaps immigrants, which is unfortunate considering just how hard we all get fucked up the arse by our own government.


Our father
who art Bandera
Glory to Ukraine


How did you find this video of me?!


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least disgusting orthodox church


Rehabbing nazi collaborators is pretty low even for a church


Pretty normal for a church tbh


But she has a stronger jaw than the dudes here probably


>The Russian Army has advanced 2 km in the direction of Kupyansk. A fierce battle is underway, the enemy is retreating. Our troops are almost on the outskirts of the city.


>The German Armed Forces have only about 20,000 fragmentation artillery shells left, reports Der Spiegel with reference to the documents of the Ministry of Defense, prepared in order to convince the budget committee of the necessity of urgent purchases.

>By 2031, Germany needs to stockpile about 230,000 shells to meet NATO goals and have enough artillery to withstand 30 days of heavy fighting.

>Estonian intelligence reports that the Ukrainian offensive will begin in seven (7) days.

1 more week


>“There is no point in waiting until the fall; Ukraine will not receive F-16s this year, which means that the counterattack will have to be carried out in this format. Ukraine will receive Western fighters not earlier than 2024.” - Reznikov.

>"Not before [New Year will Ukraine get fighter jets]. And this is symbolic. Because at last year's Christmas and New Year's Eve I sent a letter to Santa Claus, where I asked for help in the interests of Ukrainian children, so that they could study, go to schools and kindergartens. I asked for certain things from Santa: artillery, shells, tanks, etc."


the orthodox church does whatever the state wants them to do


>what you doing YPR-765?, that's not how caterpillars work.


All the movement here makes me wonder if they are gonna do some crazy shit around Kharkov like some are saying (but I think this is a bad idea)


>Former South African President Jacob Zuma: Russia said that [Ukraine] is their neighbor, that you cannot bring NATO into a neighboring country. And this particular war is actually connected to the existence of the BRICS. They don't like the existence of the BRICS. And it started because they wanted to destroy the BRICS in time. But breaking up the BRICS will not work.


If Putin can make yield the odious powers of England and America, while making thus precarious the capitalist world balance, long live the butcher Putin who works in spite of himself to create the conditions of the proletarian world revolution


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I hear Berlin is lovely this time of year.


E-e-educate t-t-these p-proles.

t. Sabocat


online brain


>The German Armed Forces have only about 20,000 fragmentation artillery shells left
Poland could probably invade and take over Germany by now.


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How do I get a job bullshitting like this lol


I am seeing people talking about the US doing a SMO in Mexico. Is that just a meme or there's something going on over there


To be fair, apparently Russia was overly afraid of the counteroffensyiv seeing as they only needed the screening lines after all


AMLO is a heckin autocrat!


A round of strikes on AFU equipment.


The cope and denial from Western MSM keeps breaking down.


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Low key worried all these pol threads and Reddit posts around the time of great historical events of the past decade will disappear like tears in the rains thanks to archives disappearing from lack of care and support or IPO fuckery.


RIP bozo


>by David Frum
I remember googling that name, he's the extremely proud speechwriter for Bush Jr who claims authorship of the "Axis of Evil" bit.

This came out right after one of two things, either the formal order to make Lithium a nationalized industry or the announcement of big reforms coming to the very lax regulation around the mining industry.Either way a Porky reaction.


The recent post of Putin showing all the crimes of the ukrainian nazis in the past, banderites, OUNB-/UPA, and affiliates, translated to English.



You can tell how well the offensive is going purely by how much anti-Russia seething there is in this thread, it's kinda impressive


Still, though. Are they so attuned to American decline and Ukrainian (lack of) progress that finely?


Just remembering the absolute shitstorm that was
>Missile hits polski traktor
>NATO and Russia both say it was Ukraine
>Ukraine says it's Russia
>NAFOids assume Ukraine is telling the truth and NATO are just cucked by Nuclear War


russia is losing 20km EVERY DAY. at this rate ukraine will be at moscow in christmas


Yeah, because they're constantly rebreathing hopium from each other, they're so aware of every possible positive suggested outcome from everything Ukraine does that when none of them happen, they immediately know they need to furiously cope


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Kek, what is T-64 doing?


You see, when a tank boy and a MRAP girl like each other very much…



Also ackshually that was a T-72B


Well, we're dead now.


The MBrapper got the tank acting up.


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He's on reality's payroll.


tank sex is the hardest sex.


Once more the US is proving their Accusations to other countries as confessions, for they are truly the stereotypical evil Totalitarian Regime that will do something like this.



With each passing day, it’s becoming clear that the Ukrainian counteroffensive is failing to achieve any of its originally stated objectives. Recall: the Biden administration’s bet was that the counteroffensive would roll back Russian territorial gains, cut the land bridge to Crimea, and force Russia to the negotiating table. That is almost certainly not going to happen. On the contrary, a stalemate is more likely, or even that Russia will take more territory and win the war, as Mearsheimer has predicted.

What are Biden’s options now? Either escalate or admit defeat. In preparation for NATO’s Vilnius Summit, Blinken has been floating a proposal to give “Israel status” to Ukraine. This means multi-year security guarantees including weapons, ammunition and money that would continue even if Biden loses the next election.

This is not what the American people signed up for. Many Americans supported the $100+ billion in appropriations for Ukraine believing it was a one-time deal to reverse Russian territorial gains. If they had been told that it was the basis for an annual appropriation in a new Forever War, they would have preferred an alternative, especially if they had known that one was available.


New evidence is emerging that a peace deal was achievable at the beginning of the war. At a recent meeting with the African delegation, Putin showed the draft of an outline or preliminary agreement signed by the Ukrainian delegation at Istanbul in April 2022. It provided that Russia would pull back to pre-war lines if Ukraine would agree not to join NATO (but Ukraine could receive security guarantees from the West).

This document has not been publicly released yet, but no one seriously contests that it exists. The only dispute is over what happened subsequently; Ukraine (via reporting in Reuters) contends the deal fell apart. However, the availability of a deal based on Ukrainian Neutrality is consistent with previous comments from Naftali Bennett, who said a deal was attainable but rejected by the West.

Why would the West do this? Ukrainska Pravda (UP), a pro-Ukraine publication, reported in May 2022:

“As soon as the Ukrainian negotiators and Abramovich/Medinsky [the Russian negotiators], following the outcome of Istanbul, had agreed on the structure of a future possible agreement in general terms, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson appeared in Kyiv almost without warning. "Johnson brought two simple messages to Kyiv. The first is that Putin is a war criminal; he should be pressured, not negotiated with. And the second is that even if Ukraine is ready to sign some agreements on guarantees with Putin, they are not. We can sign (an agreement) with you (Ukraine), but not with him. Anyway, he will screw everyone over", is how one of Zelenskyy's close associates summed up the essence of Johnson's visit.”

Johnson (who must have been speaking not just for himself but for the Western alliance) wanted to pressure Putin, not make peace, and promised new weapons systems if Ukraine would keep fighting.

At the time of UP’s article, Ukraine appeared to be doing well, so UP portrayed Zelensky’s decision to accept Johnson’s offer as a smart gamble. Now, in hindsight, it looks like a disaster.


I know some of you may find it hard to believe that the realities on the ground are so at odds with the mainstream media's coverage. But it’s worth recalling that the American public was assured for two decades that we were winning in Afghanistan. All of that reporting was revealed as a pack of lies when the Afghan army that we were supposedly “standing up” collapsed within a matter of weeks. At that point, the media stopped reporting on Afghanistan, just like it had stopped reporting on Iraq, instead of holding anyone accountable.

Unfortunately, it looks like we're headed for a similar kind of outcome in Ukraine. The only question is when, and how long Biden will be able to perpetuate a proxy war of choice that could have easily been avoided.



You'd think they'd at least switch out the author.


you wouldn't believe it, but that guy possibly earn more than $100k a year doing that bullshit. I wouldn't even be surprised if he ghostwrite his articles to a lame-ass writer earning 10 times less, while he goes to forums, assists to live streams, etc.


>The battalion commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is in shock: the people of Kiev do not want to fight for Zelensky and prefer to relax in cafes and restaurants. Meanwhile, the cemeteries are full of fresh bodies


>Mykhailo Podolyak angry that the west keeps buying Russian stuff.


Another S-300 counter-oinked.


A cholera outbreak in a zone of Nikolaiev. People are forbidden to leave their houses.


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Are NAFOids starting to turn on Ukraine?


I hate to be like this but I really do hate Youtube thumbnails, with the large Read Arrows or Circles or both, and some clicky baity ass title and some lame ass person in the frame.


>Podolyak 🤝 "Cucktin" posters
>"Countries should commit economic suicide for… reasons"


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>The Vince McMahon of Russia said something controversial for views


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some news today:

>"NATO arsenals are devastated" - NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

>🇨🇳🇹🇼🇺🇸 Blinken in China: "We do not support Taiwan independence."

>Tonight, the Storm assault detachments attacked the fortified area of ​​the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the area of ​​the so-called "menagerie" southeast of Marinka and established control over it, knocking out the remnants of Ukrainian formations.

>🇺🇦⚔️🇷🇺 The RF Armed Forces are actively advancing in the Liman and Kupyansk directions - Ukraine Deputy Def Min Anna Malyar.

>🇷🇺⚔️🇺🇦 The 19th division counterattacked and took the enemy into a semicircle, the Armed Forces of Ukraine are fleeing from Pyatikhatka - @RVvoenkor report

>⚡️Former South African President Jacob Zuma: Russia said that [Ukraine] is their neighbor, that you cannot bring NATO into a neighboring country. And this particular war is actually connected to the existence of the BRICS. They don't like the existence of the BRICS. And it started because they wanted to destroy the BRICS in time. But breaking up the BRICS will not work.

>🇺🇦⚔️🇷🇺The Foreign Minister of Ukraine said that the country does not have enough weapons to win. Dmitry Kuleba clarified that Kiev especially needs shells and armored vehicles

>Gerans reported above Kiev.

>Gerans over Sumy

>Explosions in Vinnitsa and repeated in Kiev. Military infrastructure facilities are under attack from Russian UAVs

>Khmelnytskyi - powerful explosions


it's funny how they act now the west is not a trustworthy ally, one year later, and hundreds of thousands of their men are in a grave.
and the west is bickering, the cracks getting larger >>578039
look at this blogger having some second throughts about the counter-oink (vidrel) same blogger from here >>578030 (me)


>The RF Armed Forces are actively advancing in the Liman and Kupyansk directions - Ukraine Deputy Def Min Anna Malyar.


who are you quoting


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if you had to choose between keev and lolwow getting nuked/flattened, which would you choose?


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He can't keep getting away with this



Putin took my Cherry.




ziggerbros… Putin gone too far this time


he sure owned those libs guiz


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Well guess I'm a Zigger now!


I saw this NY Times headline and smiled because Russia is sending all these fascists to hell.


I do not think UNIAN is a reputable source. Just a couple articles contain so much fucking seething, it's like battery acid.

>so-called "milcor"s


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How will /k/ and nafoids kope?


>Germany may be 'pausing counteroffensive', says Institute for the Study of War
>Story by Josef Tiso


>he sure owned those libs guiz
No joke, in the bigger picture he really has tho


Counteroffensyiv status?


They have gone AFK.


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>NATO must guard against France and Germany going wobbly

More united than ever


Posted feet pictures, how ever shall we recover bruhs?


Are americans actually massing troops on Mexican border?


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>it's fucking Torygraph
The fucking absolute state of continentals and non-anglos.


spoiler gore pls


>🇨🇳🇹🇼🇺🇸 Blinken in China: "We do not support Taiwan independence."

They always say shit like this in front of the Chinese and it means nothing, there’s always some kind of asterisk. They’re still going to provide weapons to ROC military and embolden the separatists. CPC would be wise to never trust America’s word on Taiwan


and that's why they want to jail trump
the fucker was no filter, so they can't play the goodies while stabbing China, stabbing Russia, stabbing Iran, stabbing Venezuela, stabbing Cuba, stabbing N.K., and so on.


They should have had him arrested immediately after saying that for selling guns in China (by their own admittance) without permission from the Chinese government


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Im pretty sure they know what coming. Xi gave a speech to the Communist Party to prepare for 'worst case scenarios' and 'stormy seas' last month.


Not their first time to say stuff like that. When CPC say this kind of stuff then you know something serious is on the way. Last time in 2018 they warned to prepare for a black swan event, next thing you know you have riots in HK


New NAFO cope just dropped
>the PSU storm Shadow Strike hit a RuAF theater level ammo storage depot
>we are talking about a week to 10 days for the Russians in the South to run out of artillery ammo
Oh, scratch that, we're just recycling the same cope from months ago. But this time it will be different
>RuAF troops that would have survived to fill 3rd line defenses won't, simply because the artillery ammo reserve in the Rykove (Partyzany) depot no longer exists.
>All of this is to plan, the plan of Ukraine's General Staff.
>The so-called Sorvorkin line is - straight up - a Potemkin Village defensive designed to convince Russian propaganda media audiences, clueless Western journalists, politicians, and other susceptible suckers.

yeah CPC knows how the anglos operate, that pretty much everything they say is a deception
Dangerously close to saying the quiet part out loud there – just wtf is NATO if it needs to "guard against" its own members


A prison for Europeans.
NATO has always done everything it could to stifle anti-US movements and sentiments, allowing for a greater integration of the continent into its imperialist system. Europe does reap benefits, but only because it doesn't pose a threat to America.


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>The so-called Sorvorkin line is - straight up - a Potemkin Village defensive designed to convince Russian propaganda media audiences, clueless Western journalists, politicians, and other susceptible suckers.

When your super counteroffensiyv can't break through a potemkin village


Apparently there are doritos flying over Kiev completely unopposed right now


What is the analysis for that trench video between Russia and Ukraine? That made Russians look incompetent getting rekt like that


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The latest cope just dropped


If real, it's probably a trench raid and not a serious offensive maneuver. It is released so that retards (perhaps you are one) like those who post on /k/ can live in their fantasy world where ukronazis are not getting btfo for a little bit longer


the funny thing is that the actual NATO commanders are not even that much smarter than this guy


Nazis weren't smart enough to understand Soviet mobile defence either


>civilian clothing
>empty plate carrier
>fuckin PASGT helmet
Why is it so fucking difficult to get those camo wrappers that Russians cover their helmets in?


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I remember seeing ukrainians selling Russian uniforms on ebay early on in the war. Fucking corrupt retards probably sold all their captured shit for $5 and now they can't make their movies anymore


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nukes are fake


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Ukrainian AD misses Heran


File: 1687244813032.mp4 (Spoiler Image, 191.74 KB, 320x176, video_2023-01-11_15-08-43-….mp4)


Thats a fucking awful way to die.


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Are you proud of yourself?


One retarded question after another.


File: 1687245569166.jpeg (323.65 KB, 1000x902, какого хуя.jpeg)

Not even the same anon you gore-posting faggot.


>Not even the same anon
Are you proud of yourself?


File: 1687245794821.jpg (Spoiler Image, 344.71 KB, 904x944, 4937294 - Buhanka Buhanka-….jpg)

>N-no u!
Take meds


What even flew past it?


What led you to this conclusion?
That video is Ukrainian SOF in complete gear and NATO .556 blasting absolutely underequipped Russians of which only one had an AK 74 with iron sights.


And the rest were equipped with shovels?


/k/opers really are so funny. Like how does your brain balance all the negative information about the counteroffensyiv with one video lmao


and they're not even nice feet! WTF is up with those nails? they look like chewed fingernails - how do you chew on your toenails?!


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>underequipped Russians
In almost perfectly excavated trench walls, do you have any idea of the logistics those require? Those are not short-term combat emplacements, they're heavy duty, and you're not However their construction makes no sense. It looks like a fucking ant-hive, completely unlike actual Russian trench doctrine, which tends to go for a ladder trench patter or in isolated cases, a line with foxholes and fighting positions. This looks like neither
>AK74 with iron sights
LMAO the AK-74M was army standard by the 1990s, let alone some AKM mock up. This reeks of fakery.


i also think its fake. Doesnt really matter in the end tho


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>Trent Telenko
>Chicagoboyz-dot-net history blogger


>Trent Telenko - -ko being a very frequent ending to Ukrainian family names
>Chicagoboyz-dot-net history blogger
>himars t-shirt



Bitch get your ass off the bread, it needs to be given to the people!


why did you crop out the roll?!


Soldiers aren't on station 24/7 even on the frontlines, sometimes they need to sleep or eat and don't always keep their guns nearby if they've been rotated to the 2nd line, such an attack as shown is probably SOF sneaking to this 2nd line just to attack soldiers off guard, some might consider that dishonourable but then honourable fighting is reserved for those who are winning.


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Old Nazi tactic from WW2 included paratrOOOPING over enemy positions so that tanks can roll over easier. Go google up German paratroopers equipment, by the way, they couldn't even hold guns in their hands when descending and had their equipment dropped separately to them - all because fat overlord of Nazi airforces had been bribed by the Swedes for military contracts.

ANYWAY, the tactic is essentially the same as when you ford a river - you want forward operation units to secure a bridgehead.


Podolyak is right. The West should stop arming Ukraine.


My intention was to show that people from opposing sides both attack trenches and soldiers often get confused, panic, and die. There's hundreds, if not thousands, of clips at this point of similar things happening. I was hoping that
would understand, but it seems to have flown over their head.
>guyz can someone provide an analysis on why people die in a war???




You asked for it


A jar of tomatoes. Gramma has a mean pitch.


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Also Zelenskyy issued a presidential decree later in September 2022, after Russia made the annexation official, that makes peace negotiations impossible. IDK if he got told Putin would be deposed or whatever, but now he has it in writing that he is personally responsible for any lack of of negotiated settlement, and implicitly for the consequences. It's the official posture now and he is the one to sign on it.

So it's gonna be awkward when this has to be retracted or superseded or the post-war accounting begins:



So,uhh, is Budanov actually dead or something? I heard Ziggers quoting RIA Novosti saying that Budanov lost his brain, but Ukro sources also posted a video with Budanov recently. What's the truth here? I'm interested since Budanov along with Zaluzhny are reportedly prepared personally by NATO to be some sort of Plan B in case the Zelenskii government collapses


Hopefully. I really hate that Nazi dweeb


Post the video, Russian telegram probably already debunked that it's old video. Also, Ukraine post an AI generated image of Budanov, which was weird.


Another weird detail to this arc is that the USA official narrative, in it's retelling of the NordStream bombings personally blames Zaluzhny as the man in charge while claiming it was done behind the back of Zelenskyy.


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Yeah they're definitely dead if they're conveniently also now to blame for Nord Stream, Russia has already retaliated to Nord Stream then :^)


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Interesting to hear Radio War Nerd's business and media analysis guru lay out his Ukraine narrative unchallenged on the latest episode. He seemed like a voice of reason early in the conflict but now thinks Russian to Ukrainian casualties are 2:1 and that Zelensky is a great guy doing a great job. Also thinks a moderate might take over the public role from Putin next year, maybe the Moscow mayor.


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🇷🇺🇺🇦 Four destroyed armored vehicles and one T-64BV of Ukrainian forces.


just listenedto the same and thought the same. i think hes a staunch pro-UKR dude, but he did put out the facts before his opinion.

Imho, he was still very dire about Ukraines situation, just more public about who he prefers as well.



>Imho, he was still very dire about Ukraines situation,
for sure, I thought his economic analysis the last time he spoke on the pod was insightful. Saying that Russian:Ukrainian casualties are 2:1 makes me question the rest of his analysis. He did say that he's not a military guy I guess.


did you listen to Yasha Levine's pod with the WSJ journalist btw?


yeah also presenting the retreat from Karhoiv like a gigantic fight where - and so on and so on

pretty weak from Ben Aris. Hes still incredible on the economic side but not on the strategical one. We will see tho - if there is another counteroffice, a real 100s vs 100 tanks fight I give him some slack.

I do always find it interesting when Dolan gives a hint to something regarding Ukraine. Cause I think hes much more 'based' there. I like Ames as a person and a podcaster but man has this man drank the koolaid.

no but I assume its even worse?


imho the mood in Russia proper does go a bit sour. Theyre tired as is Europe. Russians are unlike Americans not often this "hell yeah kill millions if one yankee makes it out" type of genocidal. That just said additionally.


>This came out right after one of two things, either the formal order to make Lithium a nationalized industry or the announcement of big reforms coming to the very lax regulation around the mining industry.Either way a Porky reaction.
I think he made moves to increase national ownership and control of the energy industry around the same time too. Coincidentally many countries globally are making similar moves, at exactly the same time. There is also some dedollarization of the limited variety observed.


On all levels, except physical, he is alive.


>I think he made moves to increase national ownership and control of the energy industry around the same time too
I found it super interesting how over the last 2 years, the "common sense" that everything must be private changed to a kind of neo-kenyesian one, although there are still some of the old undertones


They want resources to be in the hands of national porkies. And companies also to be theirs. Porkies in the West ran into a brickwall of being unable to expand in Africa, Asia and LatAm due to total Chinese comparative advantage


>Porkies in the West ran into a brickwall of being unable to expand in Africa, Asia and LatAm due to total Chinese comparative advantage

*so they have to intesify their competition in the already conquered markets, including their own


we dont have any resources so that one is a bummer. DDR did make everythoing of coal when USSr basically gave us market prices - like NK does these days.

That little uranium Saxony has does not make anybody fat.


>did you listen to Yasha Levine
Why would anyone listen to that fool?


>I like Ames as a person and a podcaster but man has this man drank the koolaid.
Same, I just think being "wrong" (even though his analysis was very good!) and subsequently getting "owned" on Twitter shellshocked him. Touching grass, as they say, might help him clear his mind, but additionally the war, death and destruction itself in a part of the world he deeply cares about, seems to weigh extra heavy on him and make him more gullible to Western propaganda.


What's the Ukrainian term for a liberashka



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what an embarrassing post


He is one with the force now.


Which is more cringe, this or his Bandera statue?


Who gives a shit. The Nazis used Hugo Boss uniforms for the same reason Zaluzhny used fucking baby yoda patches, to make people(westoids) soyface over their army. That is the essense of capitalist warfare, puerile and vapid spectacle. None of that shit about le fatherland, race or religion. Perhaps if modern armies keep wearing star wars and harry potter patches rightoids would stop idolizing war and start seeing it as what it truly is; cynical bourgeois powerplays


>The Nazis used Hugo Boss uniforms
How do people still fall for this made-up nonsense?
>stop idolizing war and start seeing it as what it truly is; cynical bourgeois powerplays
What if worker and peasant armies wage war?


>914 laughing smileys
Did I miss something? I thought Shariy and his crowd are firmly pro-ukraine, although anti-Poroshenko before the war


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Shariy is bipolar or just says whatever is the most convenient at the moment. At the start of the war he said Ukraine deserved it and criticized Zelensky harshly enough to earn a visit from the SBU, so a lot of his audience was pro-Russian. Then after he got visited by Spanish glowies he sharply changed his tune to full Slava Ukraini, now he's back to carefully criticizing Agent Z.


Russian person I'm talking to in Russia (they are a woman so don't get conscripted). Their relatives who were conscripted for this war.


rest n peace

poor her. Pretty damn unlucky


>no but I assume its even worse?
Surprisingly worse. They seem so glad to get their guests that they are afriad to push back in the slightest. A longtime WSJ Russia correspondent pushing a maximalist Ukrainian Bucha narrative without any inquiry from Ames or Dolan.


I meant from Levine and his wife, not Ames + Dolan lel


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Theories? He looks like he's had a lobotomy, but apparently still alive


Maybe the Ukrops have unlocked the secrets of Juche Necromancy.


that's literally a sex doll. not even his arm or hands position nor his gaze change between photos, even as everyone else alters their pose and look at the camera


he sure has got the sharp end of the stick from all sides. reportedly run out of Russia by business interests that didn't like his work and run out of the US media by the Kochs who really didn't like his work


Calm down Ivan, we're getting into literal Q territory here. Let's go back to the more reasonable explanation that Budanov's injury wasn't that bad


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damn, ive never seen a NAFOid waver from the narrative


The wages of bourgeois warmongering. Imagine losing your husband for some sklerotic oligarch like Putin. And the worst part about this is that you can't complain because the enemy somehow manages to be worse than Putin


budanov can totally be alive and that photo can still be a fucking sex doll, i never made any claim as to his health status


Braindead and being puppeteered via mind-link to a dog head in a jar.


show us him in a different pose first, I genuinally want to see more defintivie proof if he is alive or not because that one looks staged as fuck (he looks exactly the same in both photos, including pose)


this uygha tryna groom russian girls on fbi.gov


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don't usually post kino but look at this shit
first is chinese infantry flamethrower
second is mounted kornet
third is anti materiel rifle
fourth is sex


Maybe his nerves got fried by Russian missiles. Or PTSD. Much more obvious explanation, Budanov is probably still recovering before his NATO handlers dragged his ass for a photo op


If two flamethrowers fight, who wins?


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bigger versions of those pictures
this is either a doll or a vegetable


Seriously though, there was a photo of him with his buddy who held a similar pose. I think Budanov is literally trying an alpha pose, or some such shit from incel/dating advice sites. Also, despite the month of so of a very hot weather he is very untanned, so it adds to the effect


but he literally doesn't move an inch. in the second one, his eyes are even still looking at where the camera would have been in the previous photo, how does some weird incel pose explain that?


Is it a thing where if slavs gain any weight it goes straight to their face first


A touch of brain damage


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it's joever


File: 1687270341074.png (65.88 KB, 275x183, ClipboardImage.png)

he sorta does the same pose here i guess. i dunno


the chubby cheeks help them survive the winter


His alpha stance is strong. He has like 18 hours a day to practice it in his cabinet


Not smiling while everyone else is is pretty chad and slav


plus straight to the tits for women, it's absurd. orthopedic doctors in eastern europe must seriously be busy from all the back pain that is caused by this, not joking


Big tits are gross tbh


He is a person behind assassinating Dugina, Tatarsky, random "collaborators", incursions into Belgorod region and such. He is a perfect depiction of an online-addicted incel who got into high echelons of power. This shit is EXACTLY what you would expect, isn't it?


maybe you can find an even smaller and more pixelated photo so we can speculate even harder, lol


>plus straight to the tits for women, it's absurd.
you have my full and undivided attention


>calling common body features gross
ngl dude, your relationship to women seems unhealthy. i don't mean that in a way that one has to love big tits or whatever, no, everybody has preferences. i'm talking generally here. the comments you have made about women in the course of the /ukraine/ threads were weird, time and time again. i genuinely hope you find peace and love in this regard, because your contributions were greatly appreciated otherwise


what does this word even mean anymore? does nobody remember that the first self-described incel was a lonely woman?


File: 1687271812955.gif (1.28 MB, 498x314, rain-anime.gif)

>Big tits are gross tbh
bro… you were the only person i could stand on this dogshit website………


File: 1687271875661.png (2.88 MB, 2500x1566, ClipboardImage.png)

oopsie, thought it was the fullsize image


inflated lips are also gross
don't cancel me


This image looks fake as fuck.


Do you mean like actual big tits or like fat tits


look honestly if you dont like big titties, large boobas, big wanga bangas, massive hooters take a hike


File: 1687273124672.jpg (22.39 KB, 474x347, OIP (3).jpg)

>having sexual attraction



It means a person obsessed with sex and relationships but getting none of them due to personality, psychological state and/or disabilities/plain luck


I suffer from the same problem thanks to Pollock genes.



Moscow is to build a wharf. Finally getting a river fleet back, huh


What does Marx say about big titties?


>Big tits are gross tbh
Friendship ended with IntBrig Anon. Now Ushankanon is my best friend.


File: 1687274155646.png (104.7 KB, 1080x1131, 2nd_negation.png)

this is by far your worst take


Well, to be fair, big fat tits are less aestethically pleasing than small cute breasts that let rest of the figure to show off. I still prefer large badonkers, though


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literally 1944


Bad theory


I saw another comparison to Ulysses S. Grant's 1864-65 campaign to crush Lee's army. Burgers have literally zero legit comparisons to make because the most obvious one (Kursk 1943) doesn't bode well for the Ukrainians, aside from the whole Nazi wunderwaffen technology.


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How long has it been since Westerners praised Javelin or HIMARS? Did Leopards appear recently? Have Patriot memes even started?

But Russian Artillery remains.


holy based don't let these porn addicted coomer retards attack you for this intbrigade anon you are 100% correct


damn gramma is everywhere. someday will down another drone with tomato-pickle jar.


that looked so weird. like IA generated. is that from the video saying at the end "trust the plan" (or something similar)? where he blinks so forced?
I haven't seen the video, just read the comments about the weirdness.


We don't even know Russian artillery's name. How do you call your newborn kid to honor Russian artillery piece?


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Lmao NYT wrote a whole article psychoanalyzing ruzzians based on soldiers scribbling literal internet memes onto walls out of boredom


What happened with le bayraktars btw?


Artillery pieces are named after flowers. (2S1 Carnation, 2S3 Acacia, 2S4 Tulip, 2S5 Hyacinth, 2S7 Peony) Rocket artillery is named after bad weather. (BM-21 Hailstorm, BM-27 Hurricane, BM-30 Tornado, TOS-1A Sunburn)


Russia shot them all down.


Hyacinth really goes hard for an artillery name based on flowers


Depends. If they're hanging like testicules, it's gross, but if they're firm, it's ok.


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2022-23 has seen some of the wildest Atlanticist lib neocon madness we've had in a while. The psychosis rivals that of even 2016-17 lib Trump derangement syndrome schizotry.


>Jewish news that makes sense


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we may need to start making excuses for the lack of terror


siliconcuck detected


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Did /ukraine/ remember to order their commemorative coin?


You know I've talked a lot of shit on Russia's military but they really have done a mighty decent job the past weeks, maybe even better than at Kherson. You don't have to be a zigga to be glad at the real time abolishing of NATO superiority.


File: 1687281649812.mp4 (13.7 MB, 720x1280, Ka52LandingOnIl.mp4)

How come Soviet-Russian military tech is so much superior than the West's - and without fancy optics and computer bits?


Keep land, lose men, you get NATObux. Keep men, lose land, you make a nerd on an imageboard mad.


could someone edit the severed head as the pol ACK


Technology built for profit vs. Technology built for utility


You forgot that you can also lose lots of men and lots of land like with the Kiev offensive.


t. Kiev Independent


Kiev was surrendered as per the peace treaty which Putin has demonstrated. Ukrops broke the treaty immediately


Western miltech is made primarily to police and reduce attrition damage, and few considerations are made for when the enemy actually shoots back, Soviet miltech is for being used, being abused, and being lost. Offensive tech also seems to be developing faster than defensive.

Managing to drag the West into a conventional war means they are about to eat shit hard.


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those are some serious boobies




Erdogan turns out to be a more based retard than everyone gives him credit for



Nein, I will be vindicated. But ironically it is a bit similar to the Kiev fiasco in 1941 which led to a better defense of Moscow. The Russians did manage to regroup and take Sievierodonetsk and Lysychansk.


>But ironically it is a bit similar to the Kiev fiasco in 1941

what fiasco? Nazis kept attacking the least defended targets over and over, pushing the frontline, but losing millions in the process. As a result of 1941's "fiascos" Nazis have lost 4 million men dead and injured to Soviets' 1 million.

Hell, just yesterday I was reading memoirs of a guy who went through getting encircled in early days of the war, and he straight up says that encircled divisions used up all their ammunition and the waltzed through the Nazi encirclement lines back to the Soviet side. Not without losses, no, but with killrates like one t34 for 10-20 enemy tanks, with Soviet encircled divisions taking back cities and taking POWs while at it


congrats anons u made it into the hall of shame

now pls dont derail and get horny in this thread again ok? <3


This is post-nut clarity only general.


Like, one army was encircled, and 9 divisions pf that army (out of 12 max?) just left the encirclement, spending their heavy equipment in the fights. Also, they've apparently managed to disassemble their heavy artillery pieces and bury them in Belarus, after the war they dug them up and placed those pieces in a museum


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>banning for tiddies
This better be a joke you fags


we don't need /pol/jak /chug/posters, fuck off retard


Based, there is nothing more repulsive and degenerate than sexualization of war. To the cuck caves with you


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reddit country


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>Everyone I don't like is /pol/
>Not muh /chug/!
Fuck off yourself, /k/oper.


attention-seeking femanon poster managed to become a mod, quelle surprise. i have no shame about my love for fat tits, and banning me won't change that


>sexualization of war



Literally signed in photoshop with that general's logo. They better fucking behave themselves while here.


You know how in 1900s jeetcel compradors like Gandhi would larp as an Angloid by wearing top hats and discriminating against blacks in a futile attempt to be accepted by the imperial government. This is what is happening to Ukraine right now, they're trying so hard to prove that they're loyal subjects of the West. Look, we consume the same slop as you, wear the same nazi patches like you and celebrate the same holidays as you! We are you! (Please accept us)


Dunno if narchos should be allowed to mod this thread 🤔


go goon somewhere else


Why would i care with some esotericist larping invented by some pedo slaver romans 2000 years ago. Maybe to you westoids this kind of degenerate nonsense is important but in my eyes it's as stupid as prostrating to a camel. Are you going to pray to some haruspex before war too? Bitch


Good god this thread is shitted up right now. Good thing those are the last posts before new one


get back on your lithium


>Literally signed in photoshop with that general's logo
1) It's just a fucking image
2) So what? /chug/ hasn't been raiding here or anything like that, and some shitpost memes and banter isn't rule breaking
Banning that anon for this is retarded as fuck, especially since characters they post like Buhanka are literally Russian gijinka that the RUSSIANS make (buhanochka z on telegram is a Russian poster and 2ch is Russian territory). Are people really surprised that people are crossposting across sites?


File: 1687286058962.png (192.29 KB, 640x384, heavy life boobs.png)

>talking about tits means you only whack off!
Ok homo.


probably a pedophile btw


this is comfy /ukraine/, at least there isn't some chomo literally having a psychotic breakdown because no one was wowed by their insight of "muh both sides"


No, /chug/. You do not get a pass, a beachhead, or fucking anything.


I would like to say that I, as a fascist, do not like titties at all


Fucking bullshit that some anons got rangebanned for questioning the validity of yt videos while all the /chug/ crossposters can have free reign in spamming their goon neckbeard wholesome tranime chungus in thread. At this point we're going to end up like all the other rightoid-infested gooner colonies where people discuss about how jews are sending interracial porn to Ukraine amids all the anime posting


File: 1687288298253-0.png (3.44 MB, 1144x1501, GI_Joe.png)

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File: 1687288298253-2.jpg (272.22 KB, 1063x1600, GI_Joe_3.jpg)

What accessories does he come with?


File: 1687289561301.jpg (258.73 KB, 800x579, 16872894698591.jpg)


Why is there a tank in a stadium.


didn't the ukrainians send a bunch of their own olympic athletes to get blown up in bakhmut lol


File: 1687290185948.png (1.41 MB, 960x777, ClipboardImage.png)


>this is comfy /ukraine/,
Fuck off back to /pol/!




>Can't not hide his pedophilia or defend his gay anons for even one minute.
What a dunce. My god.
It is so laughable to me that these people used to claim to 'hide their power level'.


File: 1687292513415.jpeg (190.82 KB, 700x979, kporky.jpeg)

>Can't not
LMAO imagine seething in rage so hard you use a double negative
<oh noes someone makes a silly cartoon about a soviet car, better concern troll about pedos!
>defend his gay friends
There's a lot of assumptions in this one section of one sentence. They're not my friends, I'm not defending them and shitting yourself about tits is gay
>these people used to claim to 'hide their power level'.
Who are you even talking about? For someone bitching about 4chan this much you sure like to use and resemble a lot of reddit and 4chan terminology. Go back, you salty /k/eyboard warrior.


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Take meds

Shut the fuck up tank-anon, nobody likes a mod-wannabe attempting to gatekeep.
>Muh pass
Read the rules, even if everyone is your /chug/ boogieman (even though 2ch-fags also post here among others) this is not rule breaking, nor is posting anime grills or bantering about a photo https://leftypol.org/rules.html
>a beachhead
Why are you keyboard warriors so delusional? /chug/ existed before this series of threads and has crossposted here since the war's start, suddenly seething about it sounds like the bothside's fags bitching about "muh ziggers".

>spamming their goon neckbeard wholesome tranime chungus
What the fuck are you even talking about, just spitting out random vaguely denigrating buzzwords doesn't stop making your shit any less of an ad-hom rant.
>we're going to end up like all the other rightoid-infested gooner colonies
Imagine concern trolling this hard, with a porky flag no less.


new bread when?


>He also worked for the CIA. Some of the details of Sime’s time with the agency have been around for a while. He spoke about it with the writer David Maraniss, and when Sime died in 2016 it made a line midway through his New York Times obituary. But more has come out as the CIA has continued to declassify its files, and the US academic Austin Duckworth has uncovered one of the strangest little sports stories of the 20th century. Sime was a bit-part player in a CIA plot to subvert the 1960 Olympic Games. So were a Ukrainian assassin, a cabal of Vatican clergymen, a Soviet long jumper, and George Orwell. It all unfolds in the CIA archives, under the heading Operation Aerodynamic




This one is funny cause they use the cartoonish music that Ukrainians set as the soundtrack when making fun of Russians.


nobody cares retard, take your autistic bitching elsewhere

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