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 No.584202[View All]

Quickly developing situation. Might be nothing burger or something burger.

JERUSALEM — (AP) — The Israeli military says that a number of Palestinian militants have infiltrated into Israel from the Gaza Strip. It has ordered residents along the border area to remain indoors.

The announcement came just over an hour after militants in Gaza began firing dozens of rockets into Israel.

Hamas said the leader of its military wing, Mohammed Deif, planned to make an announcement later Saturday.

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Israeli Arab riots spooked them very heavily in the last Gaza incident, they're used to West Bank chaos but Arab resistance in Israel proper amounts to a de facto civil war.




they already do that
israelis already do that
israelis are already ethnically cleansing palestine of palestinians, please my guy you are so tiring


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>Just get in the cattle cars bro.


Yeah well it's not like they have better options. Plus Hezbollah is a more reliable ally than the Soviets were to Polish nationalists (not that can of worms needs to be opened, I'm not blaming Soviets)


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life comes at you fast


It's so fucking ofir, ziosisters…


I hope that the Israeli arabs rise up if Israel invades Gaza.


> motorcycles
sounds pretty fuckin limited at the moment


<3 thank u anon
i can try to work on a new general, gimme a few


File: 1696689010250.mp4 (2.87 MB, 1280x720, operation iron swords.mp4)

>The Israeli army is preparing for Operation Iron Swords

>“By the end of today, there will be no more living terrorists left in Israel”

>— Israeli army spokesman Richard Hecht


Do Hezbollah have tanks?


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latuff is dropping bangers already


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>dismissing motorcycles
who's gonna tell him…


>7 hours until the end of the one day special operation to defeat Hamas


Buckle in, boys


And there it is, rip Palestine, you will hopefully be avenged one day


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>By the end of today, there will be no more living terrorists left in Israel


>By the end of today, there will be no more living terrorists left in Israel
so all the israelis will die? based if true


Two week anti terrorist operation


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>Do Hezbollah have tanks?
Hamas has tanks now.


Escalation time



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That's a Merkava I or II. Didn't think they were still operating them.


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>why can't these oppressed people be civilized
lol, lmao even




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>ruzzia must be behind this
least mind broken liberal


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Zion Don: Biden is behind the Hamas operation.


>which many reports are saying came from the Biden administration
Critical support for Dark Brandon in this Intifada


This is your brain on Russiagate


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BRICS bros…


>reactionary identitarian government supporting another



pretty sure thats from the last war


>Brasil condena ataques a Israel e convoca Conselho de Segurança da ONU
desfaz o L




>israel is going to commit mass suicide
based beyond belief


Hindutvas trying to dick ride Israel while being ignored is hilarious.

They are doing it again.


this comes at a time when israel is in the middle of negotiations with saudi arabia who will only normalize relations if the arab peace initiative is implemented


File: 1696690117144.mp4 (234.54 KB, 368x640, hamas selfie.mp4)

>Hamas fighter takes a vid selfie with the aunt of Israel 's Defense Minister.


Just as planned


If all of the non Jews within Israel (1948) borders coordinated and stopped working they could cripple Israel internally like how apartheid fell because the townships were lost


<A peaceful solution cannot exi—


> Loudspeakers from mosques across Jerusalem are calling on Muslims to rise up and wage a "Holy War" against Israel.


>no translation


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Maybe the Arab anon ITT can do it.

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