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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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I'm seeking to get this done so Ismail's reference desk board/forum is more visible and connected to this site.
I got his consent for it: http://eregime.org/index.php?showtopic=17379&st=2130&#entry300560
This is the link to the overall subforum: http://eregime.org/index.php?showforum=719

I raised this in the /leftypol/ Congress matrix room and nobody took issue with it.
In case somebody doesn't know who Ismail is and why this change would be helpful: on 8chan he was the board owner for an associated board called /marx/ where he would answer questions random anons would ask him about Marxism. He also posted books that he uploads scans of to the Internet Archive.
Here's a sample of threads from 8chan's /marx/: https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://8ch.net/marx/res/*
/marx/ was also previously linked on the old BO administration's list of associated boards.

Also, I should note that you CAN in fact post without a display name or registration on the site. You can post as a 'Guest'.

This random anon supports
Make it so admins plox

Sounds cool. If I don't hear a reason against then we should do it.

I support this too

support. if anything it will give us an appearance of reading and caring about history. we're all here to meme but visitors don't need to know that. adding that to the top bar might really help with our image. do it jannies

Anon you brilliant motherfucker, i was just thinking about this today. eRegime and Ismail are a goldmine with an immense potential.

Also, why can't i post .rar in here

Just unrar and re-zip (.zip)

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>we're all here to meme but visitors don't need to know that
How DARE you accuse me of something I do!

.tar.gz ftw

I never understood what you people mean by this and what's so revolting about it.

Also, is there a way to post all the .zips i extracted as a single file?

yeah put them in a zip lmao.
You can often make a setting to not compress it, just store as is.

eRegime's /marx/ is now linked the homepage. I'm up for discussion on linking on the top bar next to [GET/ref] as the top bar can get cluttered easily, but I personally hink they're worth it.

As an aside, is there a meta thread where you can you ask them to get a non-expired HTTPS certificate?

>As an aside, is there a meta thread where you can you ask them to get a non-expired HTTPS certificate?
You can just ask Ismail in the thread that I asked him if he'd be fine with /leftypol/ linking to there at.
It's a 'questions about anything' thread, so.

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It finally got added
1 year late, but that's still okay

good principle

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> click /marx/
< Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead
Why is /leftypol/ linking to malware sites?

Of course your fedware would say that.

But seriously it's just because they don't have a certificate, it's meaningless

Nah, actually lacking TLS on your extremist website in late 2021 is ripe for justified mockery. It's not 2014 anymore, there is no justification for shit like this.

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learning about marx and capitalism

This guy was once a big meme on fedcord

>SSL is useless

Is this the King of GETchan fame?

Discomrade was talking about asking Ismail about getting a proper HTTPS certification. The main concern is passwords. Don't register to the site with a password you have ever used anywhere before. You can, as I said, post pseudo-anonymously (similar to a chan) as a guest, in which you can also put in a name if you desire. But for various reasons some may prefer to register instead.

Don't know why Ismail still hasn't banned this schizo.

I do have the idea of creating another forum area called /Ленин/ for Comrade King and another Russian guy to post in, and moving their threads over to it to remove the clutter from /marx/.

I can't post anonymously (tick isn't showing up) so could you forward our concern on to them?

Oh whoops, I didn't see Ismail was already here. Great to have you over.

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So yeah I created a new area called /Ленин/ and moved threads by Comrade King and others to it: http://eregime.org/index.php?showforum=975

I figure it's the responsible thing to do if /marx/ is going to be used for educational purposes.

Lacking TLS has been a mark of shame since it was first published, really.

Also pls delete GETchan from the top, they're not our friends anymore and linking them when they don't link us back is extremely cucked.(no)

Wow, an actual fedpost on leftypol.

t. wrecker pushing a smear

>normies that happen to come about those anthems and compilations then google "GETchan"
this never happens

what's the last random music-hosting channel name you googled?

anyway, make your own thread if you wanna sperg about this. this one's about /leftypol/-eRegime and there are plenty of dead /meta/ threads that could be superseded by a /leftypol/-GETchan slapfight

It has a certificate that is self issued, so even though that is not as secure as the proper TLS certificates there is that option if the connection must be more encrypted. By use of browser extensions, a person probably can force HTTPS connections for the website.


Go on /ref/ then or hide the mature threads? It's not as if this place is that much better.

>Go on /ref/ then or hide the mature threads?
>It's not as if this place is that much better.
For all the bad things about leftypol, at least 99% of the traffic isn't circlejerking about the most degenerate of deviant sexual fetishes.

this? https://getchan.net/GET/res/2.html
there's no loli anywhere
or are you one of those conservatives who want to make your prudishness seem justified by accusing pedophilia

You have to enable "mature content" in the settings to see all threads: https://getchan.net/GET/res/1011.html

oh huh
also, it has google and doubleclick trackers on its site, i noticed

no it's a Youtuber who coincidentally picked the same name

The eregime.org domain is going to expire soon (the person who owns it was last online in September and I have no way of contacting him.)

The saving grace is that said domain was always just a redirect for the forum's actual domain, so if whomever is in charge could change the URL to http://eregime.jcink.net/index.php?showforum=719 then all should be fine.

Always good to see you, Ismail. After the registration expires, can’t you register it yourself? Or is it a question of lack of funding?

Lack of funding on my part.

There are multiple persons in my tiny community who are willing to buy the dot org domain, so that isn't a problem, but even then there's always the chance some random "domain squatter" will buy it and spend a year or more foolishly hoping to be able to sell it for a lot of money.

Also, even if it does get re-registered by a member of my community, the dot org domain will still be non-functioning for months between its expiration and the re-registration.

>Lack of funding on my part.
you can register a number domain of the form NNNNNN.xyz, NNNNNNNN.xyz, and a few others. It costs $0.99/yr. for the domain and $1/yr. whois privacy for a total of $1.99/yr. You have letters from hex ABCDEF you can use, so 0xAFEED is 720621.xyz for example.

Ah, okay, I hope it will work out in the end. Pop back in here if the funding ends up being a problem, maybe we can figure something out.

I remember he had some good takes on Lenin and in debunking "le Judeo-Bolsheviks" but he was autistically anti-Stalin. He permabanned me from /marx/ over one post in a thread about the Molotov Ribbentrop pact. The OP asserted that Stalin had all but allied with Hitler by signing the pact and that Soviet trade was important to the German economy before the invasion, even though that's factually untrue on a number of levels. I got into a debate about the topic including fully sourced replies citing statistics regarding German and Soviet economies and their inter-trade relative to Germany's other trade partners of the 1935-1941 period. It demonstrated that outside of grain and oil Germany had almost no trade imports from the USSR, and the amount of oil and grain traded was still in 5th place compared to other countries that were priority partners in Germany's economy, (such as the acquisition of oil from Mexico through Rockafeller's Standard Oil Co. and Texaco Oil which provided massive amounts of non-synthetic fuel to Germany up until 1942). I was permanently banned with no reason specified even though nothing I posted was bad faith, /pol/ or a shitpost or anything else related. In fact I was directly opposing a very burger-tier argument of "le Soviet-German alliance" nonsense.

I don't recall ever permabanning anyone on the original /marx/ board (or even on eRegime's /marx/ board) for anything like that.

I certainly don't think that the USSR was "allied" with Nazi Germany during the M-R Pact period or that Soviet trade was important to the domestic German economy.

As I said, there's multiple persons in my community willing to buy the dot org domain when it becomes available, so that isn't an issue.

That was on the splitter board of /leftpol/ on a thread about "the crimes of Stalin", not /marx/.

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Fam I still have the ban somewhere in my screenshot files from my old computer, I got a ban "that will not expire" over lengthy discussion post. Maybe it wasn't you but someone using your name, IDK, but it was definitely a /marx/ ban, back in 2019, not long before 8chan got killed.

No that was a different ban I got from /leftpol/ wherein I debunked the "muh NKVD did le Katyn massacre" and other Black Book of Communism nonsense that was levied against Stalin, I archived that thread so you could probably still find that debate in archive.is or wayback, fun times.
>pic rel

If you have the screenshot, go ahead and show it. I still don't recall doing anything of the sort.

Also in regard to that screenshot, where do you get Göbbels "admitt[ing] in the diary that katyn was a nazi flaseflag"? This is what he wrote:

>Unfortunately German munitions were found in the graves of Katyn. The question of how they got there needs clarification. It is either a case of munitions sold by us during the period of our friendly arrangement with the Soviet Russians, or of the Soviets themselves throwing these munitions into the graves. In any case it is essential that this incident be kept top secret. If it were to come to the knowledge of the enemy the whole Katyn affair would have to be dropped.

In other words, Göbbels was upset since the Soviets had used German bullets and could doubtless use this as "proof" that the executions at Katyn were carried out by Germany.

Goebel wouldn't be above lying in his diary.
The first line is suggestive.

I don't see it as suggestive. The Nazis wanted to draw a wedge between the USSR on one hand and the US, UK, and Polish government-in-exile on the other by publicizing the executions at Katyn. The Soviets using German bullets would obviously be "unfortunate" from the Nazi perspective as it could be used to weaken Nazi propaganda efforts.

If Göbbels was lying in his diary, then writing that he "admitted" the Germans were responsible for Katyn is wrong, and one can therefore lay that incorrect claim to rest. From what I recall there are other entries Göbbels wrote about Katyn as well, and in them he clearly doesn't write as if his side was responsible.

This is all without context, but the immediate shift to blaming the soviets smells funny to me.

As if there is no possibility that the germans did it and he didn't know.

This lol. Jesus christ.

If that's the argument you want to make, it only means that citing Göbbels' diary entries on Katyn as "proving" the Nazis were responsible is even more nonsensical, since:

A. Göbbels manifestly does not "admit" that the Nazis were responsible for Katyn, and in fact writes as if the Soviets were.
B. If Göbbels truly knew nothing about who killed the Poles at Katyn, then his words on the subject are not worth bringing up in the first place as to who killed them.

So in either case, as I said, we can put the erroneous claim in the picture to rest.

What I'm trying to get at is that he phrases things is very off.
It seems very rhetorical for a diary entry, almost as if he was practicing some lines for his propaganda skit when the issue comes up.

>Of course German ammunition is there because the Soviets must have gotten some German ammunition to frame us.

But again, if (as you acknowledge is possible) he didn't know whether the Germans or Soviets were responsible for Katyn, why cite him as proof of who killed the Poles? Nazi propaganda presumably could have made use of the Katyn bodies regardless, in order to create sources of friction between the Allies.

What I was taking issue with is using Göbbels' diary as "proof" that the Nazis shot the Poles at Katyn. It simply doesn't work as proof.

I'm not that anon
I'm just commenting because something struck me about the entry as off and I wanted to keep grappling with it.

I don't think what I'm saying is anything definitive, I just couldn't let go of that rhetorical sleight of hand until I could see it clearly.

That and It's good talking to you again comrade
It's been a while unless you've been going anon here.

Furthermore /marx/ deserves some attention I'd like to keep the thread bumping unless you're busy and I'm pulling your attention away from what you need to do

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Goebbel's Diary after a certain period of the war (1941) was no longer his personal one and was stored in the German Archives, where-in he only published information meant for secret use. Moreover the "The Soviets used German ammunition" is illogical given that Soviet and German guns could not fire the same ammunition, and the USSR lacked the amount of German weapons necessary to carry out such an execution en masse within a period of a year; Occam's Razor points to the Germans, moreover the German "investigation" actively blocked outside investigators until they were pushed out of occupying the area. It is also remarkable that the Germans only decided to publish this information only after they were most assuredly losing to the USSR. FDR immediately dismissed it as the provocation it is and the narrative of "the NKVD did it" only became adopted by US Historians in the Cold War as part of anti-communist hysteria.


If I can locate it I'll post it, but frankly that's neither here nor there, I'm not holding a grudge, it's merely a funny memory of different times to me - cheers

It isn't proof alone, but as part of a greater portion of information it definitely affirms the idea of it being a Nazi false-flag. Yuri Muhin has an excellent book on the topic as well as a documentary based on said book.

If you want to go into other aspects of Katyn (such as arguing that German bullets meant the Soviets couldn't possibly have carried it out), you can do so, I just wanted to point out that the bit in the earlier picture about Göbbels was nonsense, because that's something I don't need to read any books and articles on Katyn (or on whether the NKVD had access to any German bullets or guns or whatever) to establish.

Much like if Yuri Mukhin were to personally come up to me and argue the moon landing was faked (as is one of his positions), I'm sure there would be many parts of his argument I couldn't reply to, since I haven't read up on the US space program and whatnot.

I'm not aware of FDR having any special insight into Katyn. Couldn't an immediate dismissal from him be more logically explained by political expediency? Given he obviously had plenty of compelling reasons not to offend the Soviet leadership in 1943-44 (and also, as he expressed at times, he was concerned about not losing Polish-American voters in 1944.)

How does it "affirm the idea of it being a Nazi false-flag"? You've already seemingly moved away from Göbbels "admitting" it was.

>How does it "affirm the idea of it being a Nazi false-flag"
By literally confirming the fact of German bullets found at the site by allied investigations.
>You've already seemingly moved away from Göbbels "admitting" it was.
What? How? He admitted to German bullets at the site.
>If you want to go into other aspects of Katyn
I don't WANT to since this is neither the thread for it, nor the board; I will simply address your arguments.
>arguing that German bullets meant the Soviets couldn't possibly have carried it out
1) Occam's' Razor
2) The lack of German ammunition in Soviet hands to have committed said execution
3) The lack of motivation to use German bullets, as that implies some 4D chess of the Soviets somehow knowing that they would lose those territories to the Germans ahead of time, when it would be simply much easier to just declare them enemies of the people and be done with them.
The timeframe of the execution using supposed German bullets makes no sense, nor the scale as the method of execution and sheer number of bullets would require a lengthy amount of time and a large amount of bullets, which makes it almost physically impossible for the USSR to have committed the executions.
All this simply from the basic information one can interpret from just the bullets found at the site. This is not including other evidence from eye-witnesses, to the actual decomposition of the corpses, letters and papers on the bodies dating to 1940 and 1941 which automatically means that at least a portion of the executions occurred after the USSR lost territory to the Germans and that the "evidence" of Soviet guilt was proven to be fraudulent fakes and more.
>I'm not aware of FDR having any special insight into Katyn
He was made aware of the situation as it was a massive propaganda move by Nazi Germany, as they 'uncovered' the bodies and immediately accused the USSR. Such a controversy would impact the alliance and so FDR would be made aware of the situation. He recognized it for what it was - a provocation to divide Allied unity with the USSR.
>he obviously had plenty of compelling reasons not to offend the Soviet leadership in 1943-44
FDR was not so spineless as to bend to supporting the soviets just for diplomacy. And Poles in the USA and in general were ambiguous to the USSR at best, it wouldn't have mattered very much whodunnit. Not to mention the Poles were hardly a majority immigrant group at the time in the USA nor a major voting group.
>the bit in the earlier picture about Göbbels was nonsense, because that's something I don't need to read any books and articles on Katyn (or on whether the NKVD had access to any German bullets or guns or whatever) to establish.
Ismail… it's a greentext post summarizing some points, not an actual dissertation on the topic
>I'm sure there would be many parts of his argument I couldn't reply to
On /roulette/ there was a Moon Landing thread that was lost when roulette got rotated Yuri Muhin's book among others were posted and many detailed arguments had on the topic. The contention over the Moon Landing is based on actual arguments, however the CIA has intentionally seeded schizo shit among conspiracy theories to discredit grander narratives, so people will associate stuff like Flat Earth with actual facts and analyses. Yuri Muhin's books on the topic are solid arguments, he relied only on facts, not hearsay or other nonsense. The same applies even more-so to Katyn. I read his works myself in the original text and vetted their sources as far as I was able to follow them, they checked out, ergo I recommend them.

As a return to the purpose of this topic, the eregime dot org domain is still going down soon (even if someone in my community buys it, it'll still take months for that to happen), so if those in charge of leftypol could replace the link to /marx/ with the following, that would be good: http://eregime.jcink.net/index.php?showforum=719

>By literally confirming the fact of German bullets found at the site by allied investigations.

I seriously doubt anyone needs to rely on Göbbels' diary for whether German bullets were found at Katyn, and I'm not aware of anyone doubting the existence of said bullets, so I rather doubt that was your intention when bringing up Göbbels "admitting" anything.

In my experience when "Germans did Katyn" types quote Göbbels' diary entry, they omit a crucial part of it ("The question of how they got there needs clarification. It is either a case of munitions sold by us during the period of our friendly arrangement with the Soviet Russians, or of the Soviets themselves throwing these munitions into the graves.") By omitting it, the quote looks far more like Göbbels admitting it was a "false-flag." By including it, it doesn't look that way at all.

>He admitted to German bullets at the site.

He clearly doesn't write as if the Germans actually shot the Poles though, let alone "admits" that the operation was a "Nazi false-flag."

>He was made aware of the situation as it was a massive propaganda move by Nazi Germany. . . Such a controversy would impact the alliance and so FDR would be made aware of the situation. He recognized it for what it was - a provocation to divide Allied unity with the USSR.

In other words he recognized the Nazis were trying to divide the Allies and wanted to prevent that from happening. He did not, and could not, "recognize" who was actually responsible for the Katyn executions and his words are therefore irrelevant as to who was responsible.

>FDR was not so spineless as to bend to supporting the soviets just for diplomacy.

He was a "practical" bourgeois politician. To say the Soviets were responsible for Katyn would be very inconvenient during the war. "Spinelessness" need have nothing to do with it.

>Not to mention the Poles were hardly a majority immigrant group at the time in the USA nor a major voting group.

FDR privately invoked them when talking about negotiations with the Soviets over Poland-related subjects. Perhaps he wasn't actually concerned about the Polish-American vote and just used it as a flimsy excuse for his conduct. In any case, he could have scarcely gained much in 1943-44 by claiming the Soviets were responsible (and, as noted, he wasn't in a position to know anyway.)

As I said, Katyn isn't one of those subjects I've read much about, much like the moon landing, which is why I'm only focusing on things (Göbbels' diary, FDR) that I feel I can address despite my limited knowledge of the subject. I'm sure there are individuals who you could argue with at length on any facet of Katyn (e.g. Sergey Romanov who has criticized Grover Furr on the subject, as well as criticizing Mukhin whom Furr partially relies on.) But if you ever wanted to go onto /marx/ and debate about, say, the Moscow Trials, I'd have no problem with that.

>I seriously doubt anyone needs to rely on Göbbels' diary
Nobody said that
>I'm not aware of anyone doubting the existence of said bullets
You're not familiar with Cold Warrior Katyn hysteria of the 80s trying to dismiss any evidence of German involvement being a "soviet fake" including supposedly the bullets being not German
>they omit a crucial part of it
I am well familiar with the entire Goebbel's entry and it's intentional obfuscation
>By including it, it doesn't look that way at all.
I disagree, it only looks more suspect; German bullets were found,shit it's gonna be hard to imply the USSR in this.
>He clearly doesn't write as if the Germans actually shot the Poles
You're hyperfocusing on a single excerpt and it misrepresents the argument being made - Goebbel's entry regardless of how you take it, is an admittance of German ammunition at the site, removing any doubt that any ammunition there was Soviet as some have claimed to my knowledge. THIS alongside other evidence only confirms the main argument of Nazi guilt, not that it is proof on its lonesome. That is the argument being made.
>He did not, and could not, "recognize" who was actually responsible for the Katyn executions
Yes, he could as the very fact of the German's "suddenly uncovering" a massacre site in 1943/44 supposedly from 1939 in a territory that was under German occupation since 1941 is suspicious at best.
It is so improbable that the only logical conclusion is that the Germans were false-flagging their own massacre as a desperate measure thought of at the last minute to drum up support in Europe to fight the USSR, when it would be more logical to have unveiled the "Soviet Crime" earlier, when Soviet-Allied relations were almost nonexistent. so his words remain relevant, as the President of the United States of America, one of the 2 most powerful nations of the time dismissed a claim that they could simply have not given any attention to, as they had martial control of propaganda and news and could have simply kept it quiet. The USSR and USA wouldn't be breaking an alliance over that regardless as the Nazi threat over-ruled moralistic outcry during a war, or in layman's terms, the Katyn provocation was a futile attempt even if the German's had been truthfully accusing the USSR.
>He was a "practical" bourgeois politician
<To say the Soviets were responsible for Katyn would be very inconvenient during the war
See above. He could have simply ignored it as it wouldn't be very inconvenient at all.
>FDR privately invoked them when talking about negotiations with the Soviets over Poland-related subjects.
There you go; a diplomatic excuse, but hardly something he needed
>he could have scarcely gained much in 1943-44 by claiming the Soviets were responsible
Again, he could have simply ignored it.
>I'm only focusing on things
There-in is the problem, this becomes nitpicking (no offense), because the limited knowledge of the subject means that without the full context you can make conclusions that are not actually correct, that's how a lot of anti-communist writers use half-truths to create utterly fictional narratives.
> I'm sure there are individuals who you could argue with at length on any facet of Katyn
True, I've had some good debates and discussion even here (on /edu/ and 8ch /leftypol/)
>Sergey Romanov
God not that twat, I'm quite familiar with Romanov's "criticisms" and they are the definition of nitpicking and straight up evidence dismissal. For example he dismisses packet No.1 by claiming that the Poles denied its existence, in spite of the fact that this wasn't the argument Grover Furr presents nor Muhin. It is literally just a set of blogposts that collectively are maybe a few dozen pages in length, against books and articles that are ten times larger. I'm not even going into the "Criticism" of TubusShow led by Егор Иванов wherein he basically claims that all "documents" of Soviet guilt, many of which are proven fakes are actually real and true, denying any questioning of their veracity by bringing up false equivalencies of the Nuremburg trials in regards to Nazi Crimes, which had no relevance to the argument at all. It is of even less interest to me to argue with such a person than one mostly ignorant of Katyn, since in the case of Romanov, he's a typical representation of Liberast anti-communist hysteria - a firmly cemented ideologue utilizing bad faith arguments, believing in "documents" only if they confirm his hatred for Stalin and ignoring the points and arguments being made to instead attack it by derailing with obfuscative questions and deflection. When a tubusshow video asked for proofs he brought up a different set of 'documents' when Tubusshow tried to request these proofs from the archives for themselves, they were nonexistent. When TubusShow brought up an important point about the labour of transplanting large trees from one place to another (mind you in a time when mechanization was still developing) and this being one of several key issues in an anti-NKVD narrative, Romanov instead brings up some nonsense about a mass grave that was burned in X amount of time as testified in Nuremburg in 1947… only the issue is that a mass-grave being burned and a massgrave being "hidden" by transplanting trees en masse is completely fucking different sets of logistics. burning a corpse isn't that hard - a hole, some fuel and a fire, then push dirt over the hole. Unlike replanting a fragging tree.
The example his arguments against Igor are only a taste of similar bad faith argumentation that he gives Muhin and Furr and smacks of dedicated intellectual dishonesty on the same level as Werth or Timothy Snyder.
>if you ever wanted to go onto /marx/ and debate about, say, the Moscow Trials, I'd have no problem with that.
Sure, I'll take you up on that some-time, although it's been a LONG time since I've refreshed myself on the overall materials while debating.

>Nobody said that
Then what's the point in citing Göbbels? Surely he can't be the best source for the existence of German bullets at Katyn.

>You're not familiar with Cold Warrior Katyn hysteria of the 80s trying to dismiss any evidence of German involvement being a "soviet fake" including supposedly the bullets being not German

No, but I am slightly familiar with the US Congressional investigation into Katyn during the early 1950s, amid McCarthyism, where the existence of German bullets was apparently uncontroversial.

>I am well familiar with the entire Goebbel's entry and it's intentional obfuscation

Then why write that "goebbels admitted in his diary that katyn was a nazi falseflag"? Did he obfuscate or did he admit?

>You're hyperfocusing on a single excerpt

As I said, there are other parts in Göbbels' diary where he brings up Katyn. I'm not aware of any of them where he suggests the Germans were responsible.

>Yes, he could

No he could not. Being "suspicious" doesn't mean anything in terms of actually being in a position to evaluate the Katyn site and to collect evidence. You can immediately dismiss anything you want as "suspicious" without actually demonstrating (or even being able to demonstrate) said thing is untrue.

>He could have simply ignored it as it wouldn't be very inconvenient at all.

No he could not. Did you forget the existence of the Polish government-in-exile, which the US and UK recognized as the "legitimate" government of Poland until after Yalta, and which called for an investigation into Katyn? That was actually a rather embarrassing diplomatic issue for both Roosevelt and Churchill.

>that's how a lot of anti-communist writers use half-truths to create utterly fictional narratives.

Sure, but you don't have to be an anti-communist to think the Soviets were responsible for Katyn. As Gabriel Kolko wrote decades ago, whoever shot the Poles there "had taken a step towards implementing a social revolution in Poland."

I'm more concerned with individuals who want to project a "saintly" image onto Stalin and then, when that image cracks, those who had adhered to it start denouncing Marxism (which they already tend to have a simplistic, half-baked conception of) which they've conflated with anything Stalin and friends ever did. Stalin's status as a Marxist and a revolutionary doesn't require such idolization.

Unique IPs: 32

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