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I propose word filtering anglo to jew or jewish just to show retarded chauvinists how close their arguments are to literal racism, and also to expand their vocabulary when complaining about muh western imperialists.


I pray your soul may be saved by nuclear fire


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>I propose word filtering anglo to jew or jewish just to show retarded chauvinists how close their arguments are to literal racism, and also to expand their vocabulary when complaining about muh western imperialists.



I am eastern european, schizo.


In your heart you're an angloid. That is what you are. You are that.




All Anglo anons that frequent /leftypol/ should be banned from discussing any topics outside of their respective countries unless they can prove that they have a minimum of geopolitical knowledge necessary to converse without behaving like chimps.
The test would have to be administered by intelligent and respectable posters such as Ismail or Sabo-Tabby.
Anons who fail the test can't post on /leftypol/ for 6 months and are instead redirected to a new board, /kindergarten/, where they are re-educated in order to purge their latent Anglo idealism and treat any cases of Generalized Faggotry Disorder.
Any anon who claims that this is racist or discriminatory will be ordered to either cope, seethe, dilate, have sex, take meds, or touch grass accordingly.
I guarantee that 90% of low-effort posts would disappear if such measures are taken. We might lose about half of our userbase to Reddit or /pol/ in the process too, but nothing of value would be lost.


>The test would have to be administered by intelligent and respectable posters such as Ismail or Sabo-Tabby.
<having anglos test the anglos


that would for sure get rid of all the dengoids


The point isn't to eliminate all Anglos, but to exorcise Anglo cultural spooks. Who better to task with such but a de-spooked Anglo?


Ismael is fine but other wise no anglos


Mods please do this.


I wish we could but it so impractical


>Purging gonzaloids from this site
Yes, please do this.


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I second wordfiltering anglo to jew but what could westoid be wordfiltered to?




Ismail is not an anglo.


Peak anglo chauvinism.
1. You discount the cultural hegemony of anglo countries around the world.
2. You discount other cultures as all being similar to anglo cultures.
3. You normalize anglo ideology as being "the default".

The whole world isn't America, yet.

Fucking anglo chauvinism.


anglo until proven otherwise.


>omg omg omg wordfilters hahahah i love wordfiltering lets fuck up discussions as much as possible by making people's words turn into other words its so funny


shut up anglo


>shitting on anglos
That's not how that works. Maybe if Putin's asiatic hordes conquered Europe we could talk about chauvinism against anglos, but right now they are the hegemon.


Ok uncle tom


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>I propose word filtering white to black just to show retarded chauvinists how close their arguments are to literal white genocide


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my ancestors are smiling at me anglo, can you say the same?


>muh dresden
>muh EU


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Burger should also be filtered to jew.


They probably can say the same.


im not sure tbh


unironically every nationality should just be filtered to jew


Great april fools idea.


>Let's degrade /leftypol/ so that it becomes more like /pol/
You are such a fucking idiot.


or this


i asked if YOU can say the same, not "they". Of course your ancestors' ancestors are proud of your ancestors. But are your ancestors proud of YOU?


>lets make fun of the fact some people blame everything on jews
>lets reduce the idea that nationality is important by making every nationality one and the same
>this is somehow the same as /pol/
You are literally too stupid to understand why a joke is funny




>You are literally too stupid to understand why a joke is funny
Not who you're replying to, but a joke isn't funny when you have to explain it.
>I propose word filtering anglo to jew or jewish just to show retarded chauvinists how close their arguments are to literal racism,
dunno man i'm white English and I don't think anglo is racist. It's a just a Haz catchphrase. It's showbiz, you need those big bucks, you need catchphrases.
If people want to be racist they can use the bog standard US customary units wypipo


i didn't have to explain it to somebody of normal IQ

such as this guy who said "great april fools idea"

It is not my fault if mr moron cannot understand. Also, no of course calling people an anglo isn't racist and shouldn't be banned, its just retarded idpol and serves as a stand in for when people have no historical facts or theory to back up what they are saying. They can just scream anglo instead, shit up the discussion and crawl back into their youtube hole feeling like they won.

Thank you for this highly complimentary post. You see, I take everything 100% literally, and so does everybody when they read everything. It is nice that you think so highly of me, thanks buddy.


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I don't know what Haz has got to do with it, but Anti-Anglo posting / anti-Anglo gang goes back to old /leftypol/. So no.


uyghas dont remember 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀


remove anglos


This is fine and funny and good.

Difference was between memeing and just saying anglo in place of knowing anything at all about the subject matter


>I don't know what Haz has got to do with it, but Anti-Anglo posting / anti-Anglo gang goes back to old /leftypol/.
I see, thanks, that's probably where he got it from. Haz seems to get stuff from /leftypol/.
There was a Haz subscriber in the /itg/ who I replied to saying sex workers don't like you, they just need your business. But it might be good (repeat) business if you think they like you. I can't remember what the context was, what the Haz guy had posted.
Then what do I see? A video about Haz using the exact same argument, but the wrong way around, about an uber eats delivery guy. Haz, if you're reading this, the delivery guy isn't trying to be your friend. He's probably just trying to get a tip. Or just being friendly because it makes the job more bearable. Idiot.


wasn't he mad at the uber eats driver for not delivering the food into his apartment (which he couldn't do) so haz had to go outisde to get the food?


that and he is angry at his elevator


It was something like that. The driver couldn't get in to Haz's apartment block for some reason. Maybe the intercom was broken. So the driver phoned Haz to go down and collect the food. Because Haz was saying in the stream in the video he thought the driver should have got a random other resident who didn't order the food to let him in instead.


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>crakka is literally the same as the nword
>no, the nonwhites are the real racists, how dare they mock their totally civilized, cosmopolitan white superiors
>it's not like this is totally offensive to jews that antisemitism gets promoted as if it is on the same level as opposition to Western hegemony
>but slurs like faggot are totally still okay
haz isn't even the first to use anglo as an insult, the absolute state of leftypol
and ironically how very angloboxed to divorce all context from usage of anglo as an insult
not to even mention the newfaggotry to not comprehend the different usages of the anglo insult


instead of filtering anglo -> jew, how about filtering jew -> anglo and jewish -> british
e.g. the british uyghur Lassalle


Literallt nobody on this board likes Haz any more, and if they do they don’t even have the balls to say it because they get wrecked so hard.

It has nothing to do with comparing it to the n word or whatever, it’s just a dumb shit phrase dumb shit people use instead of making a positive contribution.

It is therefore funny to fuck with dumb shit people with nothing to add


you’re right, /pol/ and /int/ were the first to use it


No, that's retarded


You're pathetic


The fuck?


/Leftypol/ was never good, it was always a degraded version of /pol/




This site sucks




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Decided to make a transparent infraball


what's it for anon? if it's already transparent you could reduce it in size and make a Haz flag
we need an anglo flag as well, it's gonna save posting under flags of convenience according to subject matter
>anglo as an insult
Maybe but the comical thing is it's not insulting as a word. It would be like calling someone "whitey", when they are white. In Britain the eastern counties of England are known as East Anglia. No one from there gets upset if you say that.


"anglo" is an archaic ass word that only a brit trying to sound intellectual and clever would seriously use
"anglo-saxon" in general


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gee I wonder who could be behind this OP


Word filter "white people" to "muh bruthas"


Word filter "white women" to "I want to be that dog"


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>early Anglo-Saxon political jurisdictions smol
>still only 10-15 kingdoms when Christian missionaries appear in early 7th century after amalgamation
>Offa and other powerful Mercian Kings forge links to first Carolingians, of the Frankish empire
>builds 100km long Offa's Dyke
>gets total Anglo kingdoms down to 4 (Mercia absorbs most, then outside their control - Norhumbria, Wessex, East Anglia)
>private landowning by King's and aristocrats develops out of previous tribute-rendering jurisdictions of the past
>previous autonomy peasants had ends nearly everwhere
>church acts as integrating framework, absorbing Mercian and West Saxon kings into Frankish-style political framework
>Mercia gets BTFO by Viking raiders
>Cnut creates a combined Anglo and Danish kingdom
>Harold II, one of Cnut's aristocrats becomes king in 1066 after return to tradition by Edward 'the Confessor'
>tension around that allows William 'the Bastard', Duke of Normandy, who has no serious claim to throne at all, to invade and defeat Harold at Hastings same year
>disposseses almost the entire Anglo aristocracy, replacing with French families
>Anglos live on tribute and rent free in /leftypol/s head




Filter 'cringe' to 'idealism'.


Filter "cringe" to "epic fail" and "based" to "epic win"


Epic win


wordfilter radlib to transhumanist




I propose word filtering bourgeois and porky to jew or jewish just to show retarded chauvinists how close their arguments are to literal racism.


Seems like a lot of potential for overreach. It's a legitimate technical term fundamental to Marxism.


>absurd conspiracy theory about a ethnic group which, somehow, has the metaphysical hability to obtain power throughout the ages
>rich people acting based on their class interest
<these are the same


filter it to "my fellow liberal"

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