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File: 1642889291689.png (195.94 KB, 1862x381, frog.PNG)


They are always 4chan tourists and severe newfags who only contribute extremely low quality posts.


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Some examples from my findings.


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They keep coming in


it's kind of a running joke I guess, lol


Why do you think everyone hates frogposters


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ban non-original frogposts




ignore jannies


ignite jannies


Our Jannies are the sunlight that warm the earth so the crops can grow.


This sounds like a Mao quote


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jannies are salt that kills crops


they are both revisionist idealists so makes sense


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New addition


Well… sometimes, if you know anon is a newfag, then give them meaningful discussion, otherwise LP would just be regarded as a hostile board to newcomers wanting to join the community as a whole, and thus cannot grow
veterans must grow new seeds

Unique IPs: 13

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