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Some nights leftypol is so shit that I just pretend to be a clueless retard (no, not a fascist) just for shits and giggles.
Does anyone else do this?


>I think leftypol is shit so I decided to make it shittier



Is that you op?


Yeah, wanna come over and play some retro games?



i write my stupid opinions and other people call me retarded and correct me. in this way i steal their knowledge and grow stronger


making informative posts on leftypol is unpaid labor


i'm exploiting unpaid anonymous posters and no one can stop me


Efforposters unionization when


The effortpostariat shall rise up against the brainletgeoisie


i doubt you're getting any actual knowledge if you consider it "stealing" and not just a simple education


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Yes I do


I do this and I look like this except that I don't have to pretend


Fun fact
That’s the author of hxh playing dragon quest instead of writing


File: 1645154602832.png (755.78 KB, 800x450, Dwun's_Room_2011.png)

He's trying to not die from overwork (I believe he was still writing YYH in this picture)


PoT (people of talent) are the most oppressed.
that's why I choose to only shitpost


wise and laozi-pilled


I'm a fucking genius


A genius at failing upwards that is


They must peep the 'graph 👈👈👈


amoe nghits on elftypol I just give into my túlcel drive and shitpos t verhshyaeqwpweoe


I am constantly inflammatory but I have nothing of substance to say, I also disagree with people on semantic points just for fun and take glee in making other people mad


I do that as well. Let's think about this for a second. Why am I allowed to post the way I do but ThingNoticer isn't? I think the difference is style. I have it, most people don't. This is why things went down the way they did.


Its because frankly I only post after consuming large amounts of narcotics and only come here to look at the porn and trigger americans


I play a game against myself. I try to see how much Al guul I have to ingest before I become as dull as the people here. If I do I win the game. Needless to say I've never won the game.


penis cummer


You guys pretend?

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