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What are some things that make you immediately discredit anything a poster says? For me it's when I see specific words only subhumans use like "halfchan"


When I see a post made by someone calling themselves "King Lear".


when they use "subhuman"


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I think my tolerance for new terminology created by 4chan types is finally running out. It's become noticeably annoying to me to see stuff like 'zoomer', 'chad' or 'cringe' (noun) everywhere and I will definitely tune out a comment with them in it.
Then again faux-chanspeak is also tiring; (mis)using old lingo that was already on its way out when I was in high school. They do it because they think it makes them look 4chan. But to me, as someone who visited 4chan daily for the good part of a decade, it's just lame as fuck.


They're name/trip users


also avatar users


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If they post porn/sexualised anime/etc.




for me its usually my instincts, or when I notice some minor details about their talking points, behavior and mannerisms. sometimes they let enough seep through the mask for me to notice things and conclude that I should probably back away slowly. unfortunately I'm usually right.


When they say social media shit like "thot patrol".


Whenever they slip that they aren't actually trying to have an honest discussion I'm like bye bitch and close the tab to do something better with my time.


chanspeak for leftists outside of chans(cough Twitter) instantly sus . if they’re not reactionary they’re just assholes.


Putting "le" before words the poster want to decredibilize. You gotta let it go man, Rage comics were 15 years ago




You're just a cringe beta cuck who can't cope with my superior sigma grindset lexicon


surprised no one mentioned political compass. anyone that says, for example, I'm lib-right. instantly I can tell they have no understanding of politics






also posting smug anime pictures like that improves their argument


Anyone using 4chan cultural imports, apart from greentext.

nuff said.


>apart from greentext
this is one of the worst 4chan cultural imports though, use your brain cells and express yourself in a better way

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