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Mods, what purpose serve automatic substitution of Anonymous with various names? I genuinely want to know

Fun on March 8th. Nothing serious.
They will revert back to anon/submitted-name afterwards.

idk if you want purpose then just call it an experiment in forced anon

Ah ok i didn't immediatly notice the common point between all thoses names.

tl;dr: international women's day

Imagine virtue signaling like this yourselves and then banning others for the same sort of idpol. Watermelon was right

mods need to wordfilter "international women's day" to "international working women's day"

I was looking for the right thread to bitch about this, but now I'm laughing.

reported for anti-leftypol wrecking

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I was about to post a thread complaining about this but now I'm thinking based

>forcibly feminized by leftypol mods

who is Li Qiu?

Will mods do the same for Pride Day? I am really curious.

lots of smelly hogs getting hot and bothered over some gimmicky thing

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Seethe snitch

Why is it now "Glowing anonymous" and sometimes "Anonymous"?
Haven't been here in a hot minute.

We should do that TBH

Glowing means a Tor user, I thought it was only going to be temporary though

>thought it was only going to be temporary
Yea I don't think so. Like why even try? Like maybe get better. Either think more or less but your dosage right now is no good.
Do you understand? Make some noise if you understand. Like durrrr or "I don't wanna".

To increase the funni

Depends if I manage to land my hands on a list of names or not.

Such was the plan, but turns out it's really useful to identify the source of shit tier takes

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Yeah it was to spite you in particular

Well you know, funny thing is I'm actually in the CIA

Cool. Do you think you can send a couple of guys to help me out knoking down issues over the codebase? I promise I won't look for telemetry

I can put in a request but it's unlikely in the next couple years. Bureaucracy, you know.

Unique IPs: 15

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