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you banned TOR jannies




they banned it because some /pol/fag called the janitor team a bunch of transhumanists
how fucking fragile? lol


leftypol is becoming a parody and I don't like it one bit


and they saged this thread lol (tor is back tho)


I said this in the propositions thread, but we need something like a 4chan pass.
so that people using VPNs and TOR, don't get blocked.
we could have like a 1 week waiting time, or something like a questionnaire from das kapital.
money wouldnt be good for anon bros and 3rd world bros, but cud be an option.


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can you fuckers stop banning the tor node for hours


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>noooooooooo stop calling out glownigs
t. janoids


Fuck jannies holy shit.


How many more times are you going to ban tor for several hours you fucking retards?






>jannies don't know how tor works
top lel


Makes sense. Most of this lot struggle to locate the any key.

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