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Newfag here. Where to post about religion? There not a single thread in this whole website that discusses religion. Is it because religion is considered idpol? Even theology? Should i post on edu? Or leftypol? If i cant post it on leftypol because its idpol, can i discuss (for example) the sociological aspects of christianity (for example, how did it influence african education during the first years of european colonizzation of africa) and not it's spiritual aspects (for example, i cant post a thread on leftypol where its discussed the "turning the other cheek" christian concept and its correlation with the cleansing of the Temple)?
If i can discuss it on edu, how far can i go? Do i need to correlate it somehow to politics (for example, lavey's individualism and how it influenced the concept of capitalistic individualism) or I can completely detach myself from politics (for example, can I discuss the influence of geometry on Aquinas understanding of God)?


You can discuss religion on any board just keep in mind the raison d'etre of each board and tie it back in to your topic and don't violate the rules.


Ideally nowhere.


Oh please


I'm not sure but I think you can post about most anything if you do it well enough (like a basic standard of OP). Threads on /leftypol/ should relate to politics, on /edu/ they should be educational or relate to education.


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Beware that religion is a touchy subject and naturally many here are atheists, but many aren't. Also not everyone in this board is familiar with the Christian tradition, being more familiar with the Muslim tradition.

/leftypol/ is for anything related to politics or socialist/leftist theory.

/edu/ is for anything that is related to studying. It can be political or not. For example: Casual music study is probably more fit for /hobby/, more serious study is probably for /edu/.

/edu/ can be political or not, it can also be socialist theory related or not. It is a slower board. There are overlaps in all boards. Just post and mods will move it if appropriate.


woah so many answers. i thought this board was much more dead.
>Beware that religion is a touchy subject and naturally many here are atheists, but many aren't.
im a newfag on this board, not to political theory
>Also not everyone in this board is familiar with the Christian tradition, being more familiar with the Muslim tradition.
why no islamic socialism flag? are mods self hating muslims on here? thats not very halal imho.
Jokes aside, thanks for explaining /edu/. looks like 4chan hasnt an equivalent board.
just for you, i think ill create one single general on /edu/, so i wont flood your favourite board with triggering imagery and disturbing content.


>triggering imagery and disturbing content
fucking projection


>why no islamic socialism flag?

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