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File: 1648147849863.mp4 (1.63 MB, 1280x720, aEDtohfwyyxnXLXI.mp4)


The Ukrainian spelling of cities, e.g. Kyiv, should be wordfiltered to the Russian spellings, e.g. Kiev.


File: 1648148148897.jpg (65.25 KB, 807x531, 1550770144-3.jpg)

Fuck, where did that extra K come from


>Virtue signaling: Greyzone edition
Literally no one even uses the retarded Kiev spelling here anyways, its only ever greenquoted from articles.


I think using the Polish spelling would be funnier.




Don’t, Poland is even worse, and it’ll serve to validate our resident Baltic Nazi

While we’re at it, filter “Ukraine” to Malorussia



Filter З to Z




Turn Kyiv into Freedom Fries.




Better yet
Permaban anyone who writes "Kyiv" and word filter "Ukraine" to "The Ukraine" to make ukrops Zeethe.


How about "Kyiv" to "formerly Kyiv"?


Damn, how about any of these other ideas? >>18943


The moderation team has clearly already picked their side, so why not?


Word filter "special military operation" to "geopolitical exorcism"


can we filter ‘zigger’ and ‘ukrop’ to something funny


File: 1668613355984-0.png (100.39 KB, 601x2060, donetsk.png)

File: 1668613355984-1.png (77.26 KB, 613x1625, kharkov.png)

File: 1668613355984-2.png (60.98 KB, 651x1190, kherson.png)

File: 1668613355984-3.png (35.86 KB, 617x697, lugansk.png)

File: 1668613355984-4.png (22.95 KB, 654x465, zaporoze.png)

As fun as that would be, the main issue with doing that is that it would break links to news articles.

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