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Why can't I edit my post if I made a grammatical mistake. Nothing is worse then writing a effort post rereading it and seeing a grammatical mistake that undermines your argument. I understand that the individual is responsible for upkeeping their grammar but some of us are challenged in these aspects, even if it's just a typos not seen. So basically what stops this site from letting anons to edit their post?


to prevent bad faith editing?


you can delete it and make it again


I would be in favor of an option (or even enforced) preview button like slashcode has, but I don't care enough to spend time on it. Actual editing after posting, I'm against. You say it, you stick by it. I don't rly care abt ur grammar, and I do care abt ppl editing their posts after they get called out on wrongness. If there ever is an edit button, there should also be a "see previous versions" button next to a label that shows edit times.


Proofread your posts if that bothers you. Hell, type them in a word processor first so it will catch errors.


If editing was a thing it should only be allowed before someone has replied to your post, once someone has replied to the post it should be unchangeable. Besides people can already delete their own posts.

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