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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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why do tripfaggots get a free pass for shitposting

because Shay posted nudes once

they don't

wym they get 10 minute bans sometimes

Obligatory eceleb simp orbiter present.
Increase the length by x100 as a punishment for being tripfags in the first place.

If you hated them so much you wouldn't be ranting about them and trying to start drama about them all the time. I find namefagging slightly annoying sometimes as a baseline because it's not anon but you fags whining about them randomly is 10 times more annoying

You might find >>>/tech/13118 useful.

Sir this is the /meta/ board not /siberia/.

Wah wah wah why u get a free pass to cry like a lil baby bitch boiiii

because they're friends with the mods

Is shitposting forbidden or smth?

No but tripfagging is.

i wish

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File: 1651964364312-1.png (234.71 KB, 1270x612, moody bansperging.PNG)

In case nobody checks the main moderation thread I got a half year ban for calling out janny simps lol

at least theyre deleting their shit (i hope?)

Because you're a ban evader, spammer and bad faith argumentator.


poopies thread 💩

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