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Does the staff have a contingency plan if 4chan ever gets shut down?


stop thinking youre so important for starters


Leftypol is an important outlet for Communists in the anglophone world



why would 4chanoids come here of all places


If 4chan was nuked there would be a great exodus of users joining alt chans. I'm sure some of them would try their luck here, since we're a known board. Leftypol gets mentioned everyday 24/7 on 4chan.


leftychan (not leftypol.org) and getchan exists


Getchan is shit and the mods are retarded. leftychan is dead and entire effortposts and good threads'd be lost in transition.

To either try and spam this place to death in petty spite or just to migrate here.


>To either try and spam this place to death in petty spite or just to migrate here.
the former would last a day at most and this is assuming 99% of /pol/tards are not unironic redditors who barely know a thing about imageboards, but they are
migrating here simply doesnt make sense for fascists


over there "leftypol" is just a label they use for anyone they disagree with. same for "bunkerchan". many of them don't seem to know that leftypol is an actual board



Maybe 10% of 4chan users are leftists, I use 4chan on-and-of and occasionally I see people express communist viewpoints. /his/ used to have a solid Marxist community but it's mostly racists posting haplogroups now

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