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>A statement of historical truth is "L-le Glowing"
Do Jannies really?

>In November 2004, the chairman of Chechnya's pro-Moscow State Council, Taus Djabrailov, said over 200,000 people have been killed in the Chechen Republic since 1994, including over 20,000 children.[20] In August 2005, Djabrailov gave a conflicting figure of 160,000 killed, of which between 30,000 and 40,000 were ethnic Chechens.[21]
>In June 2005, Dukvakha Abdurakhmanov, a deputy prime minister in the Kremlin-controlled Chechen administration, said about 300,000 people have been killed during two wars in Chechnya over the past decade; he also said that more than 200,000 people have gone missing. Every resident of Chechnya has scores of relatives who have been killed or gone missing, he said.[22][23]


Yes. Your statement is glowing and preposterous and you have no other IP history to compare.


The Betrayed (1995): a documentary on the Russian invasion of Chechnya. Considered by some as one of the greatest documentaries ever made. Strongly conveys the brutality of the Russian wars on Chechnya in the 1990's and 2000's.


Considered by who? Who made it? What sources does it get it's information from?


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>Your statement is glowing and preposterous
My statement is true. Seethe
>and you have no other IP history to compare.
Blatant lie. Inb4 you strawman:
>"being against the Russian invasion of Ukraine and comparing it to Russia's previous invasion of Chechnya means you are "l-le pro-Western imperialism".
Nope. In fact, if you look at just the past few days, you can see a post I made (possibly no longer there since the threads are cyclical(?) idk not sure) where I explicitly call out some other anon who was justifying Russian use of anti-personnel mines in Ukraine (banned by most countries on Earth except USA, China, Russia, I think Saudi and some other random tinpot dictatorships) by specifically comparing Russia's warcrimes in Chechnya and Ukraine to the warcrimes committed by both USA in Iraq/Afghanistan and Israel in Gaza/Lebanon/Syria. And implicitly calling because it really does NOT need to be explicit to get the point across, I would hope all of those crimes out as immoral and unjustifiable.

Funny enough, you triggered, cope and malding Janny accuse me of "L-le Glowing" for opposing Putin's Russia's invasion of Ukraine, while your "anti-imperialist" Putin cozies up to the same Israel (that commit genocide in Palestine) and Saudi Arabia (that commit genocide in Yemen) that the USA and China also cozy up to.

As the saying goes, Birds of a Feather, flock Together




>Blatant lie
No. That and the post with the vice news vid etc all made just now is the entirety of the IPs history. I see you are resetting your router or whatever. Dob't change IP to ban evade on leftypol or I am going to have to nuke your posts and add time.


Lol are you a polyp or something? On a personal level I see Russia as another imperialist shithole fighting an imperialist war but your specific claims are preposterous.


>That and the post with the vice news vid etc all made just now is the entirety of the IPs history.
Liar, check the logs. Or somebody else check the logs, somebody else who's not you on a powertrip just openly making shit up now.

> I see you are resetting your router or whatever.

Another lie. My router is not reset lol.

>Dob't change IP to ban evade on leftypol or I am going to have to nuke your posts and add time.

My IP is exactly the same. I never changed it liar.

>Lol are you a polyp or something?

>your specific claims are preposterous.

Which claim? The one that hundreds of thousands of Chechen civlians died in the Russian wars on Chechnya in the 90's and 2000's? That war was extensively documented, not just in this doc >>21060 but there's tons of videos all over the Internet.
>inb4 don't believe your lying eyes

>On a personal level I see Russia as another imperialist shithole fighting an imperialist war

And yet specifically criticizing Russia as a capitalist power waging an imperialist war on Ukraine triggers you for the ban hammer. Curious.


*waging an imperialist war in Ukraine that follows a similar model to its previous imperialist wars in Chechnya, which had similar scale of brutality and state terrorism as USA's wars in Iraq/Afghanistan, or Israel's wars in Syria/Lebanon/Gaza


I literally couldn't care less about Tschetschenien and the Tschetschenien peoples
Atleast some islamists died


Read Lenin


>I literally couldn't care less about Palestine and the Palestinian peoples
>Atleast some islamists died
Similar to what Zionists say about their genocidal warcrimes

>I literally couldn't care less about Iraq/Afghan and the Iraq/Afghan peoples

>Atleast some islamists died
Similar to what US imperialists say to justify their genocidal warcrimes



I also don't care about Israel I don't know why you anglos are so focused on it


>somebody else who's not you on a powertrip just openly making shit up now
If I was on a power trip and making shit up we would not be having this conversation
>Another lie. My router is not reset
>My IP is exactly the same. I never changed it liar.
You didn't answer any of my questions here:
>Considered by who? Who made it? What sources does it get it's information from?


>Lol are you a polyp or something?
Oh wait I just understood what you mean. You think I was implying "le Jewish conspiracy" like a /pol/ fascist. No, I'm saying that it's curious for capitalist Russia specifically to be "verboten"/beyond criticism when it commits the same type of war crimes against civilians in wars of aggressions as capitalist USA and its colonial satrap, capitalist (and Zionist colonial-settler) state of Israel.



War3m lab3rSd du d3udtch?


you are giving me a headache anon


>Considered by who?
The user reviews of the doc here:
>"The Betrayed" is a feature length documentary on the Russian Invasion of Chechnya. It is almost completely depressing, exceptionally violent, deeply cynical and at the same time, almost gut bustingly funny. Well, its funny if you have a very, very, very, ugly dark viewpoint on the human race.
>"The Betrayed" is, also, easily the best war movie ever made and for my tastes also the best documentary.
>A must watch for anyone looking for insight into the complete mess that was the Chechen war, or any open conflict for that matter, the chaos and horror recorded is harrowing but brutally honest.
Now of course this is just 2 people, but I specifically said "some", as in at least one person, there probably some others but I'm not dig through forums or other sites on the net to look for them, it's really a tangential detail.

>Who made it?

Director Clive Gordon

>What sources does it get it's information from?

It's a documentary. It has video footage of bombed out Grozny, Chechens dead in the streets, one particular scene where a Chechen young boy had to bury I think his sister iirc etc.


Anglo Anglo


>The user reviews of the doc here
>Now of course this is just 2 people, but I specifically said "some", as in at least one person, there probably some others but I'm not dig through forums or other sites on the net to look for them, it's really a tangential detail
>It's a documentary. It has video footage of bombed out Grozny, Chechens dead in the streets, one particular scene where a Chechen young boy had to bury I think his sister iirc etc.
So it doesn't support the numbers of your claim?
Also what's with this Russians 'rape and murdered 250000 chechens' thing? How much is rape and how much is murder?


>So it doesn't support the numbers of your claim?
<Doesn't even read the OP
>In November 2004, the chairman of Chechnya's pro-Moscow State Council, Taus Djabrailov, said over 200,000 people have been killed in the Chechen Republic since 1994, including over 20,000 children.[20] In August 2005, Djabrailov gave a conflicting figure of 160,000 killed, of which between 30,000 and 40,000 were ethnic Chechens.[21]
>In June 2005, Dukvakha Abdurakhmanov, a deputy prime minister in the Kremlin-controlled Chechen administration, said about 300,000 people have been killed during two wars in Chechnya over the past decade; he also said that more than 200,000 people have gone missing. Every resident of Chechnya has scores of relatives who have been killed or gone missing, he said.[22][23]


>Also what's with this Russians 'rape and murdered 250000 chechens' thing? How much is rape and how much is murder?
Murder, rape and torture. That's what happens when one country invades another country, like USA did in Iraq/Afghanistan, or Israel does in Palestine/Lebanon/Syria. Calculating mass deaths in mass atrocities is inherently subject to differing estimates, but when there's extensive physical and video evidence of mass atrocities and you just deny it because it's inconvenient to your narrative that shit is just vile.



Nicht gelesen + ist mir egal + Tschetschenien L + Anglo


*and like Russia did in Ukraine and Chechnya


And what about the Deutsch? Well no shit the Nazi Germany committed genocide. Nice attempt at trying to pigeonhole me as a /pol/ Nazi.

But perhaps I didn't mention Nazi Germany's invasion of East Europe/France/Soviet Union because Nazi Germany no longer exists, whereas capitalist Russia (and capitalist USA) very much do exist and are both involved in massive atrocities (directly and via proxies) in recent modern history.


*and the Nazi North Africa campaign ofc


So it doesn't? Also the source of your claim in that glowpedia article which I read is some Chechen minister who later revised his claim to a much smaller number for all casualties of the war. There is another claim of 45,000 total casaulties in all the Russian military actions in Chechnya. The casualty figures I am seeing in this glowpedia article vary between 30,000 to 50,000 civilians killed and most of them Ethnic Russians which would seem incongruent with your claim of genocide. So who's the liar anon?


>Murder, rape and torture.
Hello where is the proofs? :DDD


>The casualty figures I am seeing in this glowpedia article vary between 30,000 to 50,000 civilians killed and most of them Ethnic Russians
Most of civilians killed being ethnic Russians, in a Russian invasion of Chechnya? That makes sense how? Yeah dude, I'm sure most civilian casualties in the Israeli invasions of Palestine are Israelis too huh?


>wikipedia is glow
>proofs already provided
Didn't realize I stumbled into a den of halfwits. I guess this is the world of "alternative facts" that suit whatever narrative headcanon that is most convenient for you and removes your cognitive dissonance >>21063 lol


>>wikipedia is glow
>Didn't realize I stumbled into
So where did you come from anon?


A report from the Society for Threatened Peoples, a consultor NGO to the United Nations, on the Chechen civilian casualties in the Russian invasions of Chechnya, which estimated a total of 160,000 Chechen civilians killed



So some state department ngo that you just so happen to have bookmarked?


Assuming that OP is spreading misinformation, is the moderators also similarly punish all anons that post any kind of misinformation?
If not, then how can this not be seen as bias towards Russia DESPITE whether or not OP is lying?
I expect to receive no meaningful response.


>Assuming that OP is spreading misinformation, is the moderators also similarly punish all anons that post any kind of misinformation?
No. There are other factors for example intent and prevalence of the disinfo
>If not, then how can this not be seen as bias towards Russia DESPITE whether or not OP is lying?
I have personally also banned pro-Russian invasion posters but I have not seen the same prevalence of obvious and seemingly disingenous disinfo as I have with some people repeating atlanticist political narratives and media like OP is doing.


>state department ngo
Lol not even hiding that you have a pro-Russia bias of being triggered over criticism of Russian atrocities and are asshurt that I just ripped you a new asshole ITT. None of this is "disingenous and disinfo", it's pure facts that I provided citations for ITT. Cope and seethe


Notice how the malding janny defaults to his bot speak of strawmanning me as an "atlanticist" "state department" when he seethes this hard over criticism of capitalist Russia which shares the "Atlanticist" Western goals of collaborating and ensuring the security of settler-colonial Israel and feudal dynastic monarchy Saudi Arabia >>21063, goals which are not shared by me, nor by the actual anti-imperialist Palestinians, Hezbollah, Iran, Yemen etc. (as opposed to the fake "anti-imperialist" Russia)


Russian carpet-bombing of Grozny and atrocities against civilians in Chechnya from 1990's-2000's (committed by a capitalist Russia headed by the guys [Yeltsin, Putin] who are the very clique responsible for the USSR's downfall) are extensively documented. As I said before, you denying this as a supposed "leftist" is completely vile. It gives the same vibe as when Chomsky denied Cambodian genocide (committed by the CIA-backed Pol Pot).




my god you fucking glow

you sound like fucking Agent Kochinski




The American backed regime change NGOs also agreed that they majority of civilian casaulties were ethnically Russian. The majority of the population in the combat zones clearly was ethnically Russian. You are just an ignorant liar and your claim is even less convincing then those of information warfare outlets that happen to be opposed to Russia.


Wikipedia straight up accepts NED propaganda as being verified fact so yeah anything on it relating to history and politic is highly suspect.


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>The American backed regime change NGOs also agreed that they majority of civilian casaulties were ethnically Russian.
Source: your ass. The Russian invasion of Chechnya were two wars of aggression waged by the Russian state against Chechnya. The overwhelming majority of the mass civilian deaths and atrocities were committed by the Russian military against Chechen civilians.
>The majority of the population in the combat zones clearly was ethnically Russian.
No, the majority of the population in the combat zones of Chechnya were ethnically Chechen. Because the war was fought in Chechnya, not Russia.
>You are just an ignorant liar
Literally everything I said ITT is true and I've backed it up with sources. You just pulled bs straight out of your ass and deny war crimes and atrocities that are inconvenient to your narrative.
>your claim is even less convincing then those of information warfare outlets that happen to be opposed to Russia.
My claims are all historical facts of the Russian atrocities committed against Chechnya's civilian population in the Russian wars on Chechnya, backed up by extensive physical/video evidence >>21060 >>21093.

>Wikipedia straight up accepts NED propaganda as being verified fact
Grozny after the Russian carpet-bombing in the 1990's was the most destroyed city on planet Earth. This is not "propaganda". It's the truth.
>so yeah anything on it relating to history and politic is highly suspect.
Wikipedia articles list the sources they use on the bottom of the page. You can look at them yourself. Wikipedia is not the only source for this info anyway. You just google "Russian war crimes in Chechnya" and you will get a million results. This is all verified facts, this was an extensively documented war that was recorded on video in the 1990's and 2000's.
>highly suspect
What is highly suspect is your insistence on denial of verified atrocities committed within the modern era.

>my god you fucking glow
<opposing Israel and Saudi Arabia is glow
>you sound like fucking Agent Kochinski
Who is Agent Kochinski?


Notice how the cope and seething janny provides no sources for any of their claims that "Russian war crimes in Chechnya in 1990's-2000's were not real" and "made up by NGO's". Notice how the janny even tries to deny video evidence of Russia's destruction of Grozny and war crimes against Chechnya >>21060 . The janny argues:
>"Don't believe your lying eyes".


I think all that anyone is noticing is that you are mentally ill. The guy you are referencing is not a mod and evidently not a single person has agreed with what you are saying. I'm not sure who you are trying to convince buddy


>if it's written on wikipedia surely it's true
I don't know shit about what went down there (except it was prolly cia backed islamic extremists fucking with russia, and that there was significant loyalist chechens forces), but you're not helping your case


>one country invades another country
except chechenya is part of the russian federation

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