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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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I started a thread recently on the main board that proved that neither Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, nor Kropotkin or Bakunin ever called themselves "Left".

A mod than proceeded to do the following:
1. He rewrote the OP to contain literal nonsense.
2. He stickied his own rewritten OP.
3.After I pointed out all of this in said thread, he deleted the entire thread.

A) why do we tolerate mods that hinder genuine discussion?
B) how was the above mentioned not an abuse of power? The fucker LITERALLY deleted after modifying & stickying that post pertaining to communist discourse, for whatever reason.
C) I literally stated facts pertaining to Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Kropotkin, and Bakunin. How am I the bad guy here?
Thread {404} in question: https://leftypol.org/leftypol/res/1033333.html

Bonus question: will there be a punishment for said mod or can he go on censuring commie diacussion forever?

Thx for your honest answers.

Pic unrel.

Btw: said mod wasted a fucking communist get

Mods guilty: pasquale & m00dy.

Still waitingf

I'm getting extremely tired of this shit, btw.

Censorship of nazis? OK by me.
Censorship of communists by fucking socdems and anglo mouth-breathers? No thx.

None of you fuckers could justify this. I stated objective facts, just to be censored be literal fucking /socdem/gang.

Where does lie this board's, this entire board's alliance? Is it with communist (anarcho or Marxist) or otherwise?

Are we literally allowing fucking socdem mods to censor communist content?!

yeah no idea this is some retard shit

t. pasq
I only deleted the thread after the fact
my current hypothesis is they had something bad to eat

side note: did you declare it as a GET cause if you didn't it's not a GET

Seemed like a sectarian bait and idpol thread wasting a get to me so I rewrote it and was going to move to siberia. I copied the post body to change it back if it was a serious thread but it got deleted. Apparently that was not your intention

I ran through a search on the totality of MECW (Marx & Engels Collected Works) – the most complete works of the two – and found not a single occurance of them calling themselves "Left". M&E referred to themselves as communists. There's ZERO implication there that communists should self-identify as "Left."

I did the same for Lenin's, Stalin's, and even Kropotkin's, and Bakunin's works, with the same result. Based on this, any anarchist and Leninist who calls himself a "left-winger" is a fucking clown.

Can we face the fact that naming ourselves "lefty"pol was a mistake or do we concede to the so called" Left," riddled with reformists, woke-tards, and anarcho-imperialists?

I fucked up the get and deserve the duncecap for this but anyways here you go if you want it OP


What the fuck does "sectarian" mean to you?

And how was it idpol?

>Based on this, any anarchist and Leninist who calls himself a "left-winger" is a fucking clown.
This is bait tier.

personally I think it's a tiring form of semantics

Q: Was it a GET tho?
A: No, it wasn't.
case closed

>Based on this, any anarchist and Leninist who calls himself a "left-winger" is a fucking clown.
>Can we face the fact that naming ourselves "lefty"pol was a mistake or do we concede to the so called" Left," riddled with reformists, woke-tards, and anarcho-imperialists?

This read to me at first like sectarian and idpol bait l

this is worse than talking about Animal Crossing

>There's ZERO implication there that communists should self-identify as "Left."
Lol. Is OP a rightoid? Or religious? I don't get this "looking at the scriptures for guidance on how we should behave".

Anyways, fixation on "optimal speech" is liberal shit.

can you guarantee me (a fucking commie) that if I re-did said OP it wouldn't be deleted?

thx for response

>Seemed like a sectarian bait and idpol
You retarded fucking mods re-defined what "idpol" even means, ffs.

My OP was about the original content of
>Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, nor Kropotkin or Bakunin
and you faggots deleted it. How the FUCK is this idpol, you retard?!

moreover: which one of you mods should be truly to be taken as a "guilty" for this shit?

thank you for archiving said op

>I fucked up the get and deserve the duncecap for this but anyways here you go if you want it OP
NONE of this explains the acts of a certain mod who literally 1) modified said OP beyond recognition and, 2) stickied it.

All of this happened.

What the fuck is your excuse? And I'm not gonna take bullshit like "uhm, akshully" shit. One of you MODS actually took the time to COMPLETELY rewrite the OP and then stickied it.

What the fuck?!

And now dare to respond to the OP:
HOW does this justify complete rewrite from mods and then stickying it?

can you answer these questions?

remade here:

if mods delete (or change it) again, you can suck a communist (factual) dick

when are you going to be punished for your lack of reading comprehension?

>actually took the time to COMPLETELY rewrite the OP
A point of clarification, it wasn't rewritten so much as replaced by a famous copypasta which goes:
Holy fucking shit. I want to bang the animal crossing dog so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I go to the town hall I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of her online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Isabelle. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Isabelle's tight dog pussy. I want her to have my mutant human/dog babies.

Fuck, my fucking mom caught me with the neighbors dog. I'd dressed her in my sister's skirt and went to fucking town. She hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and I'm worried she's gonna take away my 3DS. I might not ever get to see Isabelle again.

>it wasn't rewritten so much as replaced
this is a lie

if you are the fucking WRECKER mod who dared to delete a communist OP on /leftypol,/ you should be DELETED yourself.

To fucking newfags here: this thread was actually 1) rewritten by a mod; 2) stickied by a mod; 3) deleted by a mod. That fucker is yet to be hanged, and I doubt that our current mod team would even think about such matter. (Good luck to them!)

They deleted many OPS on bunkerchan. They can't help it, it's in their nature to be wreckers.

I did no such thing but I find it kinda funny at this point tbqh with you famalam

if you are a mod who doesn't even wish to understand who actually 1) modified; 2) stickied, 3) and then banned said OP;

you are no mod at all.

you are a stooge

>be mod
>do whatever you want
>get away with it, always
>shit on ppl who take an issue with that
>be a mod

It's run by a chatroom circlejerk what did you expect, the site was much better when the mods weren't all chummy with each other

>posting mass-reply spam while complaining about mods

>Still waitingf
Tell this burger that timezones exist. Mod disputes in the moderation thread typically take a while and this doesn't seem like it would be any quicker.

They can't keep fucking getting away with it, can they?

forums 101: mods are gods

You should be banned for this.

>Where does lie this board's, this entire board's alliance? Is it with communist (anarcho or Marxist) or otherwise?
>Are we literally allowing fucking socdem mods to censor communist content?!
This is what I was referring to with sectarianianism and labelling political beliefs you disagree with as "left and woke" and so on as idpol as well

>Can we face the fact that naming ourselves "lefty"pol was a mistake or do we concede to the so called" Left," riddled with reformists, woke-tards, and anarcho-imperialists?

This sentence in particular reads like flaming to me.
I admit fault for editing and stickying the post. This was both a mistake, an embarassing one, and an abuse of mod powers. I sincerely believed at the time that it was someone raiding or flaming just to start a sectarian argument. I have seen recently while modding a lot of inflammatory rhetoric about "the left" and various political tendencies that is mixed in with idpol. I assumed it was a continuation of that bait and not an attempt at serious posting. In hind sight what I should have done if I thought it was flaming/bait is to sage the post until further notice.

You can anonymously cast dispersions as much as you want or you could give any criticisms you may have

OP, you probably don't want to check each of these quotes, so I say number 3 and 6 are the strongest and I want you to read at least those. What's your answer?
<Endlich deckten wir den parlamentarischen Kretinismus (wie Marx es nannte) der verschiedenen sogenannten Nationalversammlungen auf. Diese Herren hatten sich alle Machtmittel entschlüpfen lassen, sie zum Teil freiwillig wieder den Regierungen überliefert. Neben neugestärkten, reaktionären Regierungen standen in Berlin wie in Frankfurt machtlose Versammlungen, die trotzdem sich einbildeten, ihre ohnmächtigen Beschlüsse würden die Welt aus den Angeln heben. Bis auf die äußerste Linke herrschte diese kretinhafte Selbsttäuschung. Wir riefen ihnen zu: ihr parlamentarischer Sieg werde zusammenfallen mit ihrer wirklichen Niederlage.
Engels in MEW volume 21, page 21
<Einen rechten und einen linken Flügel hat jede Partei, und daß der rechte Flügel der Sozialdemokratie kleinbürgerlicher Art ist, liegt in der Natur der Sache.
Engels in MEW volume 22, page 84
<Wenn dagegen die Bewegung wirklich national ist, werden unsere Leute dabei sein, ohne daß sie dazu aufgerufen werden brauchen, und unsere Teilnahme an einer solchen Bewegung versteht sich von selbst. Dann aber muß man sich darüber im klaren sein, und wir müssen es offen verkünden, daß wir als unabhängige Partei teilnehmen, für den Augenblick mit den Radikalen und Republikanern verbündet, aber völlig von ihnen unterschieden; daß wir uns im Falle eines Sieges keine Illusionen über das Resultat des Kampfes machen; daß ein solches Resultat, weit entfernt, uns zu befriedigen, für uns nur eine gewonnene Etappe, eine neue Operationsbasis für weitere Eroberungen sein wird; daß sich noch am Tage des Sieges unsere Wege trennen; daß wir von diesem Tage an der neuen Regierung gegenüber die neue Opposition bilden werden, keine reaktionäre, sondern eine fortschrittliche Opposition, eine Opposition der äußersten Linken, die zu neuen Eroberungen vorstoßen wird, über das gewonnene Terrain hinaus.
Engels in MEW volume 22, page 442
<Es ist falsch, daß die „Neue Rhein. Zeit." „sämtliche" Parlamentsmitglieder „angriff". Sie stand in der freundschaftlichsten Verbindung mit vielen Mitgliedern der äußersten Linken.
Marx in MEW volume 30, page 508
<Die fieberhafte Tätigkeit Bismarcks, die alles in Unordnung und aus den Fugen bringt, ohne das geringste Positive schaffen zu können, die die Steuerkraft des Philisters für nichts und wieder nichts bis aufs äußerste aussaugt, die heute dies und morgen das Gegenteil will und die den Philister, der so gern zu seinen Füßen schwanzwedeln möchte, mit Gewalt der Revolution in die Arme treibt - das ist unser stärkster Bundesgenosse; und daß Sie mir die dabei unvermeidliche Linksschiebung aus eigner Anschauung als tatsächlich bestätigen können, freut mich sehr.
Engels in MEW volume 34, page 446
<Darüber, daß es eines Tags zu einer Auseinandersetzung mit den bürgerlich gesinnten Elementen der Partei und zu einer Scheidung zwischen rechtem und linkem Flügel kommen wird, habe ich mir schon längst keine Illusion mehr gemacht und dies auch schon in dem handschriftlichen Aufsatz über den Jahrbuchsartikel gradezu als wünschenswert ausgesprochen (…) Haben sie sich erst als aparter rechter Flügel organisiert, so kann man mit ihnen von Fall zu Fall eine, soweit zulässig, gemeinsame Aktion verabreden, sogar Kartell mit ihnen schließen usw. Obwohl dies kaum nötig sein wird: die Trennung selbst wird sie in ihrer Ohnmacht bloßlegen. Sie haben weder Anhang in den Massen, noch Talente, noch Kenntnisse - sie haben nur Prätentionen, die aber dicke. Indes, das findet sich. Jedenfalls wird dadurch Klarheit in die Sachlage gebracht und wir von einem Element befreit, das gar nicht zu uns gehört (…) Wenn es zur Auseinandersetzung mit diesen Herren kommt und der linke Flügel der Partei Farbe bekennt, so gehn wir unter allen Umständen mit Euch und das aktiv und mit offnem Visier.
Engels in MEW volume 35, pages 334–336
<Politische Stagnation, d. h. zweck- und zielloser Kampf der offiziellen Parteien, wie jetzt, kann uns auf die Dauer nicht dienen. Wohl aber ein progressiver Kampf dieser Parteien mit allmählicher Linksschiebung des Schwerpunkts. Das ist, was jetzt in Frankreich geschieht, wo der politische Kampf sich wie immer in klassischer Form bewegt. Die einander folgenden Regierungen gehen immer mehr nach links, das Ministerium Clemenceau ist schon in Sicht; es wird nicht das äußerste bürgerliche sein. Mit jeder Verschiebung nach links fallen Konzessionen an die Arbeiter ab…
Engels in MEW volume 36, page 160
<Die Tätigkeit der Opportunisten (neben ihrer flagranten Korruption) treibt die öffentliche Meinung immer mehr nach links und zwingt zur Nominierung immer radikalerer Regierungen.
Engels in MEW volume 37, page 47

i'm pretty sure you were at the very least right on the money about OP being disingenuous given how he's handled the "discussion" afterwards

OP blown the fuck out.

based newfag that thinks imageboards have natural justice

what are you talking about? It's ginjeet being bpd again

>Why do we tolerate this?
The answer is the same as always: captive audience. If we're tired of systems of power that encourage abuse, then it's time for a different image board system. We need a decentralized, federated image board where the users have a credible threat to move to another instance without any loss of community any time the mods step out of line. Power to the posters.


imageboards aren't an org dude
they're a place to shitpost, share information, discuss news, shitpost, make OC, have some laughs, and shitpost

>Imagineboards aren't an org they are a place to coom and soy post

uygha shut up.

What's the point in admitting anything when you never change? lol.

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