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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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Vote to change the predefined ban lengths to:

Predefined Reasons:
Length - Reason
10m - Responding to obvious bait
30m - Flaming, overly disruptive/hostile posting
1h - Spamming threads with unrelated discussion, spamming the same topic repeatedly
2h - Disruptive identity politics, reactionary thought, et cetera
12h - Samefagging, building false consensus, enflaming arguments by taking both sides
1d - Hysterical, gratituitously offensive, hateful posting, edgelordism etc.
10d - Bait topic, false flag topic, /pol/ spam topic (not machine spam)
30d - Machine spam, advertising spam, gorespam, etc (not off-topic discussion)
(double original ban length) - Ban evasion
Permaban - Illegal content

Second offenses: double time
Third offenses: triple time
Fourth offenses: quadruple time (and so on)

If a user incurs a ban length of over 90 days (through repeat offenses) they may be permabanned at moderator discretion.

NOTE: Mods can still use bans/reasons outside this template whenever they want, this is just a guideline.

Vote will end 03/06/22 5pm.

I vote aye.
175 posts and 18 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>for talking about meta shit in a meta thread.
For turning everything into a personal soapbox. You are like our local Peterson. The only reason we keep you around is to be the canary in the coal mine. If we tolerate you, we can tolerate anyone else.

Why give you the opportunity to personalize your scapegoats? The mod team has always acted as an unit (if anything the split has forced us to accept that necessity) so doing this is needlessly sowing division within the mod team and undermining unity

>do we actually get to vote on this or do we just watch you vote on this?

The latter. /meta/ is more or less a place to archive all our decisions and movements. It is about transparency, not dialogue.

If I wanted to hear people's opinions on the board, posters on /meta/ (especially ITT, I am making a personal note on your IPs to ignore any advise) are the last group I would reach out.


>your crit of me is low quality
lmao, really? You think that? Crazy.

>For turning everything into a personal soapbox.
for talking about meta shit in a meta thread


>Why give you the opportunity to say which mod you take issue with
Alright then, all the mods are to blame
> The mod team has always acted as an unit (if anything the split has forced us to accept that necessity)
By that you mean you split the mod team deliberately on a different website to have a personal clique on a new website and destroyed the original website where users had breathing room and a say due to differences between mods?
>The latter. /meta/ is more or less a place to archive all our decisions and movements. It is about transparency, not dialogue.
> If I wanted to hear people's opinions on the board, posters on /meta/ (especially ITT, I am making a personal note on your IPs to ignore any advise) are the last group I would reach out.
How can you not see that when you say things like this you completely validate everything Sage is saying?
You’re pretty much openly stating that you created this site specifically to have total control over it and that this specific board is more or less here so the users can understand how little power we have over a website that would be identical to leftychan if we didn’t participate (that is, dead)

And notice how I’m effectively being threatened with a ban for being critical in a thread you allowed users to speak on :)


You realize that with statements like this you’re more or less openly positioning the moderators as opposed to the userbase?
If you reply to me you’ll probably deny it, but that is what you’re doing, saying you’re a clique above the userbase that has to be unified against the userbase

And since you’re glad to point out people’s IPs, you’re also making it quite clear this isn’t actually about defending from “glowies” or “/pol/“, each of whom would be evident from their post histories, so it more or less is about regular long-time users

Also note nothing I’ve said in this thread is viciously antagonistic or against any rule, there isn’t a rule stating you cannot criticize the mods, especially in /meta/


>for talking about meta shit in a meta thread
See, this is your problem. You have already made up your mind, all you want is an opportunity to proclaim it. You demand others to be open-minded to your thoughts, yet are so close minded yourself.

>Alright then, all the mods are to blame
If you say so

>By that you mean you split the mod team deliberately on a different website to have a personal clique on a new website and destroyed the original website where users had breathing room and a say due to differences between mods?

Let me assure you, this website doesn't have the mods who kept purge lists and coordinated with others to pressure other mods out of the team like Turbo and Krates.

>You’re pretty much openly stating that you created this site specifically to have total control over it

If you say so.

>You realize that with statements like this you’re more or less openly positioning the moderators as opposed to the userbase?

The userbase in /meta/, yes.

>glowies” or “/pol/“, each of whom would be evident from their post histories, so it more or less is about regular long-time users

My dear, if any post history is glow, it is yours. How else can one explain how someone thinks that "Midichlorians are a spiritual organism and connect with a spiritual energy"?


>Mod sidesteps everything states, ignores that both sides were wrong in the split, and makes a snide joke about a discussion in the star wars thread on /hobby/
Yup this was a waste
Just please don’t ban me for being stupid enough to think you actually wanted our feedback with an open thread like this, since begging for you to be reasonable seems to be our only recourse and the preferable one

Have a nice day


Lucas is a hack


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>Yup this was a waste
Imagine how I feel then.

>Just please don’t ban me for being stupid enough

Nobody cares


I’m the one here saying we should have a forum for people to discuss their thoughts, and you’re the one saying we shouldn’t have that, but I’m the one not accepting of other people’s opinions?


>the userbase in meta
But you literally aren’t allowed to talk about meta shit on the other boards… so the only people you accept the opinions of are people who don’t talk about them.

You’re a weird narcissist


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>you’re the one saying we shouldn’t have that
Where did I say this? If anything you already use /meta/ as your little 'forum for people to discuss their thoughts'.

>so the only people you accept the opinions of are people who don’t talk about them.

Yes. The more opinions you have, the more worthless said opinions are. If I wanted anyone's opinion for free, I would ask.


One that isn’t moderated by you guys, so you can actually be critical without you constantly sperging out and threatening to ban people or actually doing it, or subverting the discussion as you do by posting with mod tags in favour of mod stuff creating false consensus and so on


>the more opinions you have the more worthless those opinions are
I’m so glad Marx wasn’t a very opinionated guy you actually lobotomised moron


You want us to provide you a place to whine about us without our moderation? How utopian. Why don't you go to your friends at leftychan to whine about us?

>Marx created Marxism with a collection of cool and edgy opinions
I guess I am not a Marxist then :^).


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You guys still have moody on the mod team: Muu = moody. That is an alternative account. Moody kept logs on peoples IP's this is a blatant lie, Comet.


The mods keep notes on all IPs. If you're not using a VPN or TOR to post, dunno what to tell you.


Mods puts notes on some people’s IP. We have had it since we moved from bunkerchan.

I don’t think you understood what I meant by purge list. Watermelon and Zul kept purge list of people within the mod team to eliminate or shun. That isn’t comparable to us putting notes on people’s IP for coordinates modding.


bans are notes
the notes are in the "system" i.e the software such as it is


Pasquale also kept lists of people to harrass and attack with the deliberate purpose of pushing them off the board


> You want us to provide you a place to whine about us without our moderation? How utopian. Why don't you go to your friends at leftychan to whine about us
<How dare you want the ability to discuss our moderation without us being able to silence you for criticizing us!
Literally reddit tier
Why would users care about inter-mod drama? You’re telling us about things that effected YOU, not US
Just like you absolutely don’t give a shit about the terrible things mods here do to us, why would we ever care when you lot experienced the exact same loss of power and being brought down to where we are?
Is this supposed to make us sympathetic? You all outright brought down Bunkerchan because you couldn’t have absolute power yet won’t even allow us to criticize you as mods, you’re really acting like we should care about that feud at all?


what terrible things? where do you people get this shit from? nothing but actual insanity


>Entire board for people complaining about mod behavior
<What terrible things?
From the people who brought you such hits as:
“If we can’t control Bunkerchan, no one gets to use it!”


>inarticulate yelling




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>Waternelon and zul kept purge lists of people in the mod team. Proof?

Also, >>21624

There's absolutely nothing but your own hot air to support this claim btw. You're just trying to generate mad up excuses for your shitty behavior and blame it all on the boogie man at leftychan. It's propaganda.


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It's recorded history newfag.


I'll repeat bans are notes
if you ever worked you'd make notes inevitably
as bans are notes
there is a note on the IP as a consequence of a ban
fuckin hell


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I've been moderating boards for years and i have never seen this on any board but this one. Also just because the software supports it doesn't make it right. It's spyware. Every post should be supported on its own merit.


this screenshot you posted is from bunker so first of all that's a lie
second that wasn't the point, bans are notes also
how is it possible to get this much wrong in this short a shitpost


I have been informed so by former mods. Yes mods more than one. I’ll go and get the screens if I can be bothered but you’d just deny is anyway with some cope even if it posted them


No it's not from bunker this is from this very website supported by lainchan software. Lies and lies and lies.


Also, bans have notes attached to them, but, notes kept on user ips is very abnormal.


it might indeed be lainchan. I mixed them up cause there was only one split of note. the second one was a completely pointless shitshow. the dates on there tell their own story.


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It's not wrong, lol. This is a lie. You have no idea who you are talking too, kek.
I can show you examples of katsuba and lainchan, I mean, it's open source software.

Bunkerchan ran on lynx chan not lainchan software.


>You have no idea who you are talking too
pretty sure I do
but what's important is I am talking to an idiotic animeposter


Those are the notes we talked about earlier.


Do it then. I want to see if it was Turbo or Spragga coz I will believe them.


Yeah they are "notes" being kept on peoples ip addresses which is basically harvesting user data, lol.

They aren't just "notes" they are literally de-anonymizing users, more or less.
Clearly not because you think these came from bunkerchan, lol




>Being a literal retard


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this is you


ok? Imagine how stupid you are then, kek.


you aren't just retarded but also a twat


I'm a twat who knows what he is talking about unlike you. unless this is one of the jannies who are just out right lying.


yes you are the first and you literally do not


You will never be a woman.


well, it was already clear to everyone that you're a piece of shit, you didn't have to confirm it


kek ok reddit


you are less than human


>Take your hormones faggot.

Unique IPs: 12

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