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somebody the other day was posting about how very often the first post in a thread is extremely inflammatory.

I want to say it is happening also. Look at the Uzbek thread, or the dutch thread for examples


moderators are no better than pedophiles, terrorists or serial rapists.


r u a cp spammer?


>very often the first post in a thread is extremely inflammatory.
that's a habit from 4chan, where there are dozens of threads created every hour, so if you want (You)s or a discussion on a topic, you have to make it inflammatory. For example, on /g/ you don't ask "Hey, how do I change bootloader in Linux?" you say "Holy shit, Linux is such hot garbage, you can't even change the bootloader." and then you get a bunch of Linux fans pouring in and telling you how easy it is, how stupid you are, and just do x, y, z.

Not defending the practice, just explaining where it comes from.


I dunno. It feels like in the last few months, the initial posts are much more shitposty/deraily than usual. Earlier this year, every thread didn't immediately devolve into an unrelated argument.


i definitely notice this too, but also compared to when bunkerchan was the main site i didn't notice any of this shit. Also on 8ch but mostly i just remember rojava bullshit and stirner memes from then so.. idk

Would it be a good idea to have a new spam collector bait site like the pl leftypol was? and de-list this site? If mods see this, can any of you say if we actually get any good members in here at all from search engines?

But tbh i think it just needs to be recognized by the mods and acted on. The derails specifically, not inflammatory shit or even subtle baits or derails. The shit where someone posts an unrelated thing that could be an OP in the middle of a thread, and the people who reply to those totally out of place bait posts with their own long posts, should have their shit deleted, be told to make a new thread at least. Maybe banned to chill them our as far as people replying to obvious disruption psyop bait shit. I know i'ts a leftypol tradition to take bait, but it's different when it's a bait thread or just someone obviously trolling, compared to people false-flagging as leftists and saying out of place inflammatory shit. It's sus af and just annoying. Even when it was just every thread turning into china debate it wasn't so bad, cause it was obviously just autists. That shit should be stopped too imo, but at least it's less bad faith and just ppl who need to chill tf out


>we actually get any good members in here at all from search engines?
Yeah no clue, except for I really doubt any one of us has that information.


The top threads have been shitty, inflamatory, and outright reactionary. Short OPs written over bullshit topics designed to make you pissed off and go tell the OP to stop being so fucking retarded.


What the happy heck is a top thread, you bottom bitch?


>But tbh i think it just needs to be recognized by the mods and acted on
I'm noticing a legitimate lack of mods deleting shit tbh my most satisfying moments lately are seeing reactionary OP threads finally deleted by mods

I feel like mods should be stricter with OPs than posts within a thread, because the OP sets the mood of the rest of the thread


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Dumb short answers are quicker to type than anything thoughtful or profound. It's a statistically likely outcome in any site like /leftypol/ that combines a raw shitposty community with those who expect more quality than a /pol/ board.


prolly like, a thread thats high up in the catalog consistently



Unique IPs: 7

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