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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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For the love of God, Lenin, Bakunin, and all that is holy!


Example: pic

I was just falsely banned for ridiculing a reactionary position (gays=pedos). I even fucking REPORTED the mother fucker and he was banned in the same thread. Then I get banned after the context is [deleted], and I have like what… 100-200 characters to appeal the ban?


For the love of God, give us at lest 1k character limit on appeals. Actual communists will write a small essay to explain why you mods shouldn't have banned him/her, while reactionary assholes will just write "lol, fuk u jew" in the appeal field.

TL;DR: Give comrades the space to explain the context and themselves. Otherwise we are losing valuable ppl.


just look up my post history

90% valuable, commie shit

…then I get banned for dunking on a reactionary…

…then I'm supposed to explain all of this in under 200 characters?



>inb4 I'm a mod and I don't have time to read all that shit
1) As I said: actual /polfags/ will just write "joo" in the appeal field
2) commies write long fucking essays – compare to 1) – this differentiates us
3) if you had "time" to ban me with 90% valuable post history WITHOUT looking it up, you will have the time to unban me when I rant at you in 1k characters



And another thing… The GENIUS who banned me… isn't allowed to unban me?

Am I literally waiting for another asshole mod to check on this previous mod's error for whatever reason?


>The GENIUS who banned me…
Good job, again, m00dy!


I have unbanned you for now, assuming that you were actually satirizing the gay=pedo guy. I am assuming misinterpreted your post.
You might consider reading the rules page and/or behaving less insane if you find you are getting banned frequently and having to write out these lengthy tirades.


>assuming that you were actually satirizing the gay=pedo guy
>>>/leftypol/1047932 (me)
>a post about how CIA was screening actual communists in France vs. "new leftists"
>>>/leftypol/1047942 (me)
>>>/leftypol/1047951 (me)
ridiculing the same notion AGAIN – notice the DELETED REFERENCE! He was banned BECAUSE OF MY REPORT!
>>>/leftypol/1047952 (me)
Making a post about how gays = pedos is old ass boomer meme, yawning
>>>/leftypol/1047954 (me)
Asking the comrade raised by gayfags to give stories, because fucking heteronormative society is so fucking spooked about gay parents.
<<<<<<<<<(Post misinterpreted, ban removed.)
>etc. etc. etc. from THE SAME FUCKING THREAD

Take the fucking L, m00dy. You made an obvious mistake. But I thank you for unbanning me. But still, please read my plea in OP:
The current, what, 100-200 char limit is RIDICULOUS, especially if you mods don't read our post histories before banning, as proven ITT.

*big breath*



>post history
<started the original /Ukraine/ thread
<started the current one
<active participant in the Uzbek thread, providing valuable translations from UZ/RUS to Eng
<active participant in the Dutch thread, sticking to Marxism
I don't even wish to go on.

I have like 500+ posts behind this IP, and you don't even fucking check, man.

Makes me sad.


Sure it was my mistake and I am listening but I seriously have to force me eyes to read this very creative and compelling use of formatting. Anyways I will ask the devs what's up with that, although they may already be aware.


>Anyways I will ask the devs what's up with that


I like you but can you stop screaming at everyone
and derailing



See, here's the issue, there's a point in here somewhere about moderators not looking at context, or not looking at context as much as they should
but then there is all this other stuff you are going on about, which I neither care nor even know how to even begin to make sense of.
Basically, you are not thinking about how to communicate effectively.
Then you are also making trouble for me by derailing shit.
Basically it just makes me think of then line: It could all be so easy but it's not.
I dunno, just some observation.


>See, here's the issue, there's a point in here somewhere about moderators not looking at context, or not looking at context as much as they should
>but then there is all this other stuff you are going on about, which I neither care nor even know how to even begin to make sense of.
Cool story bro. But when you get banned for 3 fucking days for being accused of being a "reactionary" while your ENTIRE post history PROVES that you are a communist, moreover, even in the context of the thread, you consistently ARGUE AGAINST reactionary views, it gets all fishy.

Literally: what is your single excuse for not raising the ban-repeal char limit? Do you have a single consistent argument against it, besides "I'm a lazy fucker, lol?"

>Basically, you are not thinking about how to communicate effectively.

Besides the point. Book me as an autist, and move on!

>Basically it just makes me think of then line: It could all be so easy but it's not.

Yeah, dude, checking a 500+ post history would be ALL SO FUCKING EASY, yet our mods don't do it, hence my humble request to raise the repeal char limit, so that I may even attempt to defend myself.

>I dunno, just some observation.



…and you are right about the appeal char limit, ok dude


but I don't know if more space is really gonna be all that advantageous to you



considering that the mod who could have easily checked my 500+ post history proving that I'm a diehard communist but he failed to do so and banned me as a supposed "reactionary" I'm guessing that as a last resort, we, banned communists should get to appeal their idiotic fancies of mods not in line with their own rules by having more than 200 chars

I know, I know, this is a radical proposition! After they fail to check my post history, I'm asking to be able to speak more than two sentences.

Forgive my insolence, master, for I have sinned.




lazy, disgusting, incompetent mother fuckers


alright what have we learned, don't even try with this sort of shit
I won't in the future, you are fucking on your own now


>alright what have we learned
Do you need me to read out the thread above to you?
>don't even try with this sort of shit
What "sort of shit," you scumbag? Communists accused of being "anti-gay" when in fact they are CONSISTENTLY being "pro-gay" being banned as supposed reactionaries? Is this a "sort of shit" you are talking about? Because to me it seems that you are abusing your powers, not checking context, not checking post-history, not checking SHIT, and then pressing a fucking BAN button.

>you are fucking on your own now

I was already in this state. Can you read, Jewish nigger, Lassalle? If you can get banned with a 500+ post history with consistently communist takes, you ARE ON YOUR OWN.



>I was already in this state
Nah, legit I for example have tried on your behalf
bc you know, "sometimes he posts good stuff"
but you are just incapable


>bc you know, "sometimes he posts good stuff"
Check my post history. I dare you. Disregarding the usual "keks" and "lols" you will only find gems.




File: 1656930451596.gif (975.92 KB, 252x198, didnt read lol.gif)

>increase ban appeal length
>mod sees your nice long ban appeal message
<oh yeah i remember i just banned this guy
<tl;dr lol
>appeal denied


Consistent history of posting relevant news. picrel
BTW, I was the one who started the FIRST /Ukraine/ war thread, predicting the conflict by a week.

Consistent history of OCs (however lame) >>>/leftypol/1047872 , consistent history of being an oldfag. Like 50% of our fucking banners still on /leftypol/ were made by me. Chavez storm .gif? Me. Lenin McDonalds? Me. Jason unruhe gif? Me. So on and so forth.

Consistent history of starting productive threads such as >>>/leftypol/1047552

I'm literally a fucking miserable oldfag who you keep banning all the fucking time because you can't be FUCKING bothered to read post history.


>get banned for being accused of being anti-gay
<have to give full context of the thread BECAUSE THE FUCKING MOD DIDN'T TAKE THE TIME TO READ IT, have to fucking link to posts – oops!!! YOU RAN OUT OF 200 characters! Sorry, you are
>epic, owned
gr8 community, m8


which is what leads to the conflict, otherwise I would not have cared in the first place.
anyway, what I believe the problem is, you need to take breaks or you tend to spin out of control


Out of my 500+ post history link to 3 (three!) posts that were in the verge of "spinning out of control!"



* link to non-deleted posts, plz


You are, again, completely misinterpreting the situation. This isn't an argument I am interested in. I am not interested in us epicly owning each other with witty comments.

communication impossible


But I'm laughing at the mods not you


uphold your own laws


uphold this
*unzips dick


unreliable anarchist scumbag


lOoK aT mE, I'm A mOd On LeFtYpOl!

By No MeAnS aM I aCcOuNtAbLe!!


talk about biting the hand
dumb dog



you will never be a communist



>yah, we aren't even gonna deny you


>leftist infighting
it's honestly next level.

we fascists have our own quarrels, but you uyghas make this into a completely different thing




Did your appeal get denied?
I think not allowing people to write long essays is a good use of time for users, not even mods. If you're sure it is a mistake, just mention it in the appeal. If it's not getting approved then maybe that's a different issue.


You can hardly fit a sentence in the ban appeal box, this post wouldn't even fit


another fantastic decision from mods


mods are fucking dumb and need things spelt out to them in infinite detail and they still probably won't get it


my crit. of mods isn't that they are "dumb" as you imply

it's more sinister: they adopted rules which even they don't abide by

They aren't "stupad," in other words, but "evil."


File: 1656947503813.png (122.99 KB, 1729x924, -.-.png)

Same person that is complaining about -.- btw


>12 hour ban for laughing at Chris Chan
I remember this and it was bullshit at the time. Seems like you're just gangstalking OP to me.


Oh we know exactly who he is.


It wasn't for just making a joke, he said something fucked up, tho I don't remember the exact comment. This isn't Kiwifarms.


>Seems like you're just gangstalking OP to me.
Why else do you think they volunteered to be mods lol. Gangstalking random anons is their form of 'payment' for cleaning up the boards.

Who is he?


Be a mod and find out yourself.


I'm not a mouthbreathing NEET or a federal agent, so I don't think that's going to happen any time soon.


Only a retard thinks he can have his cake and eat it.


retard I don't actually care who OP is. I have better things to do in my spare time than stalk random IPs on an imageboard, it's a bizarre pastime my guy.

OP you really need to start using tor and switching IPs my uygha, these mods are unhinged and will probably leak your info at some point in the future.


File: 1656954176553.gif (1.56 MB, 300x300, 1475880851807.gif)

>Asks for information
>Doesn't get it
>Gets mad and insist he doesn't care about it anyway
>Accuse others of wanting to reveal information
Most coherent /meta/ user.


There's obviously been a miscommunication here. I don't really care who OP is (I'm unlikely to know who they are anyway) and immediately lost interest when you didn't answer.
I'm just dunking on you for voluntarily helping maintain a site that, by your own admission, datamines leftists and takes advantage of anons like OP who don't understand basic opsec.


A lot of enthusiasm and words from a poster that doesn't care.

>datamines leftists

If we really want to datamine, we would at least shut off TOR.


>A lot of enthusiasm and words from a poster that doesn't care
If I actually wanted to know who OP is I'd ask him. Simple as.

>If we really want to datamine, we would at least shut off TOR.

With imageposting disabled 90% of the time you're already halfway there.
Most people are too lazy and impatient to use tor regardless, you're only missing a handful of people by keeping the tor node around.


Then you would not be able to accuse me of leaking his information, would you.

>Most people are too lazy and impatient to use tor regardless,

You seriously underestimate TOR traffic. If only you can see behind the veil.


>Then you would not be able to accuse me of leaking his information, would you.
I haven't accused you of doing this. My point regarding the leaking is that it's inevitable there'll be some mod drama that results in one of you retards leaking all the notes and fucking us all up the ass.
None of you are remotely qualified to possess the information you have accumulated, it's genuinely dangerous.

>You seriously underestimate TOR traffic.

I read a post by an admin who said tor traffic doesn't make up more than a single figure percentage of posts (iirc he suggested it was around 2%). I'm going to trust them over you.
>If only you can see behind the veil.
Yeah, that would be really cool man. Sounds like it's pretty interesting stuff!


>It wasn't for just making a joke, he said something fucked up, tho I don't remember the exact comment
uber mega cope

Unique IPs: 10

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