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Anyone know what happened to Leftypedia? Just checked in just now and all I got is this:

File: 1658036869815.png (18.07 KB, 128x128, rdj.png)

Someone forgot to pay for the domain.

Contact the owner if you know them then have this thread deleted. Don't want people finding out this domain can be bought.

No they just don't have money apparently

Average leftist

We are sorting this out atm.

I have the money, that i earn but I've not got the time of day to spend moderating and controlling a domain that I only used every couple of months to do make/edit articles about the USSR and related topics.

Thanks m8s, hopefully it shall live again soon.

So what's the progress, any news?

Based, but it seems you'll have to restore image-files. There should be many of them saved on archive.org and some on archive.is, I checked.

still no images on Leftypedia. please fix this

Isn't "User:Friendlyleninist1917‎" the Wisconcom weirdo who got banned from ProleWiki?

The guy has a personal vendetta against ProleWiki, Lemmygrad, etc. It's embarrassing.

Go fix it yourself,you lazy cannuck

Could we have a dev fix image uploads so we can add PDFs and SVGs to the site?


I need a dev or admin to please message me on Matrix in either the Leftypedia room or the leftypol Congress room please. It's of major importance.


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