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>mods quietly deleted the dugin fascist thread


what the fuck mods


I've no idea obvio
but I assume at this point it's some copypasta shite (spam)
like what the fuck is wrong with these people?


Mods have swallowed the z-pill and become neo-chauvinist loonies.


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>Radio Free /leftypol/
your chan glows


It doesn't glow, I've known these retards
they're literally too incompetent to be people of glow


> Tomas's law:

> Any sufficiently advanced malice is indistinguishable from stupidity. (Because that provides deniability for the perpetrators.)

> I don't know Tomas's identity, but he said I could post his law.


>too incompetent to be people of glow
how many times did they fail to kill castro?


Many times
but let's be real Castro was a harder target than us lel


Loser chauvinists, chauvinists of the loser bloc
In the period preceding WW1 Germany was a loser (lost the colonial race), Ottomans were falling apart and Austria-Hungary faced huge disparity in development which dragged it down.

In the period preceding WW2 Japan presented itself as some kind of great protector of Asia from the evil Western imperialists. We all know the messaging was bullshit.

Some people fall for the messaging, others are upset their country isn't number one. Basically.


alright, ok brah
that makes sense at least
good on you


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mods are pic related


reality is predictable and boring - some mods are more right-wing, and some more left-wing (as socialists). There's a variety of opinions that get through, and mods moderate individually (which honestly probably leads to higher rates of deletions than if there was votes or smth, but that wouldnt be possible for hopefully obvious reasons)
so there u go, the simple banality of it.


>hopefully obvious reasons
>talking about practicality to the eternally dissatisfied
another pet theory of mine, these people are so angry bc they don't understand reality


>Nooo dugin is fascist because he just is okay
westoid moment


>>Radio Free /leftypol/


File: 1709487697703.mp4 (4.03 MB, 800x720, point and laugh.mp4)

womp womp

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