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File: 1663623548760.jpg (1.61 MB, 2288x1716, 1644364880275.jpg)


Bring back the degenera(tes?|cy) => fun wordfilter.


requesting feedback
is it even still relevant?


I see it used fairly often, although most posts that use it also get deleted because of the overall content of the post (wonder why).


"degenerate" as a legitimate word gets used for things like "degenerated workers' state" and so on. Capitalism has a number of degenerative qualities due to the way it sacrifices everything for profit. There were issues before with the filter causing some discussions to get confused.


degeneracy=> lying on the beach by the Great Blinsk Swamp and watching television (in tuxedos)


>fun workers' state


you can code specific exceptions for wordfilters
for example
jewish nigger


What the hell kind of keyboard is that supposed to be anyway?


Some fun weeb prolly made it with his own soft boyhands


Didnt know if I should make my own thread so imma just invade here.
Twitter.com should word filter to Nitter.net so users can be directed to the front end whenever a twitter link gets posted to reduce potential data collection.


Requesting Great Man Theory => Big Guy Theory


Big boy theory is better


File: 1666993468050-0.jpg (1016.69 KB, 4032x3024, Madlibs Page.jpg)

File: 1666993468050-1.jpg (244.37 KB, 576x920, Madlibs Cover.jpg)

Too many wordfilters will make the average leftypol post look like a page from a Radlibs game.

No more redundant wordfiters.


Add Bane flag to /siberia/ as well.


requesting "(Caleb) Maupin" -> "the widely acclaimed speaker, writer, journalist, and political analyst Caleb Maupin"


You will get Caleb Maupin to Hanky McSpanky and you will like it


I like this one


Thus would be really good


Proposing Mussolini -> ᴉuᴉlossnW
Worth forcing? It seems niche enough that its a fun surprise and doesn't change the message of a post.


yeah thats fun, go for it


One month and no vetos. Testing ᴉuᴉlossnW


Proposal to filter "troon" to "poltroon". Adding in a week or something if I see no objection.


>>23811 good
>>24928 alright
>>23708 ebin
>>23425 this



there is idpol from right-wingers
and there is idpol from liberals as well
"polidpol" would give the false appearance that only right-wingers commit idpol

as a maupin enjoy-er i approve

>Twitter.com should word filter to Nitter.net so users can be directed to the front end whenever a twitter link gets posted to reduce potential data collection.
If that could be selectively applied on links that would be great.
We wouldn't want to create false impressions about Nitter when people are complaining about twidder


>"polidpol" would give the false appearance that only right-wingers commit idpol
who are you replying to?

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