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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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File: 1664710098454.png (44.06 KB, 1231x256, i2p.png)


This site needs an I2P address (eepsite)

It already has a .onion, now we need a .i2p





File: 1703683382371-0.jpg (54.46 KB, 1004x604, i2pd.jpg)

File: 1703683382371-1.jpg (425.58 KB, 532x709, i2p.jpg)

I2p is very cozy.

i tried using this thing a few months ago but it's super confusing, they should have a browser bundle like tor does it
https://github.com/PurpleI2P/i2pdbrowser this looks cool but it uses a very old version of firefox

This bundle should be easier.
I2P Easy Install Bundle (Beta) for Windows.

I always thought about making this thread, but I feared it would get heavily criticized non-constructively. it's a good idea to set leftypol on I2P because we need to compete against the far right eepsites that attacked and killed kelvinchan(what they thought was leftist) through DDOS and spam and lies(wouldn't be surprised if CIA got pleased by this far right cancer on I2P).

i tried this browser bundle
it's a cool project, but there's a bunch of a neo-nazi stuff on its splash page……..

>a bunch of a neo-nazi stuff on its splash page……..
what? where? if that's the case then it's even more reason for leftypol to get an .i2p address(or make a new eepsite not connected to this one to avoid getting attacked on I2P)

I tried i2p, but the connection is order of magnitude slower than even Tor. Also failed to find any interesting websites, overwhelming majority of them didnt work, and handful that did were programmer/security forums I dont understand and a russian imageboard (I dont understand).

a forum eepsite is only worth it if you put captcha and all sorts of measures to avoid spam/DOS and even psyops/bait caused by the spammers. because that's what the far-right in I2P does against eepsites that they don't like, they kill it with spam and DOS, and the idiots think we can't see through this and they try to lie about it with their smooth brained psyops I'm talking about I2P only, which is far worse than the clearnet in terms of defending against attacks, trust me, I've seen it with my own eyes countless times in many eepsites when I was using I2P in the past)

eepsites can be dos'd?

yeah i need 2 pee

We already have enough cancer as is and too little manpower as is.


surprisingly, yeah they can

First I'm hearing about this. I've had a forum up on I2P and listed for a year with no problems, same with Ieftychan. And those are pretty obviously left-wing from their registered address alone.
Got any links to info? I'm pretty new to all this so I wouldn't know where to look (clearnet is just giving me resume`s of people named Kelvin Chan)

Unique IPs: 12

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