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Why is the email box now a dropdown menu with a SINGLE option? Either make it a checkbox or add a noko and noko+sage option, please.


think it'll be expanded


Posting in a thread already leaves you on that thread so what would be the purpose in noko?


where'd the idea come from anyway
not saying i oppose it, but now i can't leave hidden messages in the e-mail field anymore. (i wonder if anyone ever saw them.)


Fuck off retard, your shitty noko shit is useless and you aren't cool for knowing about it. This isn't 2004 anymore, you aren't sent back to the front page anymore when you reply to a thread.


how these things work:
>people bring thing up in meta or somewhere
>mod sees it
>maybe discuss with 1 or 2 other mods about it
>wait a bit
>authoritatively say "devs, we need this change!"
>devs implement change how they see fit without question because its relatively small
>you are here


we auto-noko you retard.
if you actually used the feature you're bitching about you would know that.

I used to do that too, but it was to encourage people to use 'sage', because it is quite esoteric.
You can be a l33t h4xX0r and still do custom emails


Noko hasn't been a thing on most imageboards for over a decade and it's the most retarded feature ever. It's good that it was removed.



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