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File: 1665424423358.jpg (26.65 KB, 1005x89, Iron Promise.jpg)


See pic related. Putin retaliated with a massive missile strike on Ukrainian infrastructure. How long does Iron Felix have to deliver until he gets permabanned?


We'll give him one week.


It’s epic that Putin bombed infrastructure. And then the mod reply adds 1000x win. Zbros we are winning


A promise is a promise
Fiat justitia ruat caelum


This. I'm not particularly invested in the thread, I just want to see a toxx clause upheld


File: 1665932735295.jpg (Spoiler Image, 2.35 MB, 3024x4032, iron felix PXL_20221016_05….jpg)

Update, he delivered




>it's epic when workers are denied utilities and put in danger of their lives for borgois infighting.
You ar special needs and need to be banned for being an extreme right-winger.

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