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File: 1670624371143.jpeg (22.03 KB, 560x414, R (18).jpeg)


Party chinlets planning raid or something


Ok but why is soy booru down completely


Pretty sure it's already happening, a retard keeps spamming about some retard "BTFO"ing "Race denialism" and one of the arguments is that the godlike race that is the jews are putting the information against Race "Realism".
Unless it's another retard.


wow that's so cool randall


Idk but is fishy, kuz said it got fixed 2 days ago, but will be back tommorow.


Just want to thank mods for the fast response time cleaning up the garbage


i use sharty but also leftypol, so i will sit this one out


ok colorjak poopfag


Post the failed 2020 /pol/ raid screencaps to remind them


File: 1670628646914.jpg (56.23 KB, 385x354, cccp how to ruin fun.jpg)

Thank you, /leftypol/ NKVD network is too powerful for all raiders.

Unique IPs: 8

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