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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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This is supposed to be a borderline anarchical place for anons to meaninglessly shitpost in their spare time. But it feels like if a thread goes 'off-script' and becomes too volatile it gets nuked or saged instantly and any potential for interesting conversation dies with it.

Where's the fun in that?

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because they're gigachads with bbc and only allow threads written by certified sex havers. sorry to spoil your "fun"

this is not 4chan /b/, go there if you want 'muh unfiltered discussion', oh wait it's all outright spam

I'm not talking about porn spam or copypastas. I just like watching anons shouting at eachother about internet politics, as well as occasionally getting involved myself. However once the fun police come online these interactions always seem to get unnecessarily moderated.

you're complaining about the zerohedge thread yes? the one with no source at all? that is just spam

Seems like they only ⚓ threads that break the rules in same particularly egregious way. They're actually pretty light handed.

it was fun watching the nazi get shit on though. And one of the top threads right now is literally just ">tfw no gf", how is that not spam by your standards?

idk, anons sometimes get useful advice from such threads, but 'muh ecofascism' thread is guaranteed to suck

if it sucks and you don't like it then just hide the thread, that's what I do with a bunch of the porn threads.

>This is supposed to be a borderline anarchical place
no it isn't /b/tard
get back in the net

> 0

why is it called /siberia/ then? Siberia irl is just the wild west for slavs

because it's where everything off topic gets sent

this board is not the same as /b/ which is why the name was changed


It was called /b/ but mods renamed it. It was actually a better board than the porn and depression board siberia is now

>the board with BBC and bestiality threads constantly on page 1 and constant idpol rant threads was better different to the porn board now
The only reason it wasn't covered in depression shit was the mods cycling back and forth between banning /leftycel/ and leaving them alone.

>>the board with BBC and bestiality threads constantly on page 1
that's just /siberia/

gemson on the log doe

>mods cycling back and forth between banning /leftycel/ and leaving them alone
thats the best approach. You cant let the incel ideology take root but peope should also be comfortable talking about their situations

Utter bullocks the mods are always at it, I agree with OP

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Yes, the mods are "always at it". This shop is open 24/7. Or do you see a "sorry we're closed" sign ever?

Because only schizos find schizo takes interesting dicussion.

I'll take the worst shitpost over another 50+ posts of somebody freaking out about r/redscarepod or XYZ conspiracy theory

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