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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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Are you guys ever setting up a dedicated matrix server that doesn't depend on matrix.org? I could let you use my home server if you want. The main matrix server is kinda sus.

>If you already have an account hosted on Matrix.org, please deactivate your account and create a new account on another homeserver immediately. Matrix.org is the largest Matrix homeserver, and most Matrix apps suggest it by default. Many users new to Matrix end up using this server because they don't know that other servers exist. Unfortunately, Matrix.org is far from the best choice. Due to its absurdly strict rules, the server is known for frequent bans of rooms and user accounts, and it does so without prior notice. Basically, Matrix.org uses its size and special status to impose censorship.

Reading the rest of this article and on second thought maybe this wasn't the best link to use to support my thread.

The good things about the official server is that it doesn't go down if we go down. Homeservers are kind of volatile.

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