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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

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Why did me thread get deleted? I spent 9001 hours making the image :C

I guess it's because it's a ">muh weebs and furries are le bad" post, the thread is absolute trash.

but I'm not saying that they're bad, I'm saying that they're dorky. Except for the fascist larpers, these are awful people in addition to being dorky

furries have the strongest armour

You probably offended one of the jannies sensibilities. Lurk moar and learn what they like and don't like if you want your threads to stay up.

Furries win because healthiest and can wear suit. (not weapon)

Weebs 2nd place because non-MMA martial arts.

Fash dies first because meme diets and quackery. Immediately starts shouting at enemies instead of fighting.

I dunno, seems dumb. I would like this answered.
Also I don't know who wins but in a three way match-up the fascists lose cause the other two groups would gang up on them.

we need to know combat stats first
i would also guess the furries have strongest armour

does it have to be kingdom heart weebs specifically or just cosplay weebs in general

Furries will win bro, some furries can unironically throw hands

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