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should the war on soyjaks and poljaks go on? Poll: https://strawpoll.com/polls/kogjkk5dPZ6

I just want to see how popular this policy is

File: 1676426145467.jpg (58.29 KB, 851x851, Fo3NbcWXoAA1fsY.jpg)

Also poljaks and other locally grown jaks are allowed, else jaks aren't allowed.
Manually calculate a vote in favor of keeping the ban for me.

Do any anons have a better poll site than strawpoll? If so, mods should pin it. Also, I vote to continue the war on foreign 'jaks. Keep those filthy foreigners off of my board!

The soyjak meme got popular here pretty much organically during the bunkerchan era and doesn't deserve to get banned like that.


We used to say cancer is organic.
Or at least I think we used to say that, my memory isn't perfect, I am far too old.

Mate, I didn't see the words "Soyjak Colony" in a Leftypol thread on that website's /raid/ board for no reason.

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