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>"Leftism" is a bad descriptor that reinforces the "left-right" garbage.
>"Anti-capitalism" is a more accurate, direct, and less vague descriptor.
petition to rename /leftypol/ to /nocappol/ frfr ong /shitpost


yea anticapitalism is so accurate it encapsulates shit like people wanting to retvrn to feudalism


imo tbh desu leftism works fine as a general descriptor for political ideologies honestly. anti-capitalism is not more accurate, as the other guy pointed out, plus there are capitalists welcome here like sucdems and progressive liberals that aren't class pilled yet. leftism as a general quality is what distinguishes us from other right wing imageboards


but that would make /prc/ off-topic


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So many polisci people have been tricked into believing left-right typology is a real empirical metric and not a subjective characterization of more complex trends.


lmao but /isg/ and /USApol/ not
probably cause you are the guy shitting them up all day, right. what a fucking retarded post

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