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/meta/ - Ruthless criticism of all that exists (in leftypol.org)

Discussions, querries, feedback and complaints about the site and its administration.
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It happened for the second time, that I was banned from all boards based on a falsehood.
The first time was for alledged ban-evasion and the second supposed "low-effort" posting.
The first case was luckily reversed. The second one's appeal was denied, which is a first. I had to wait till my unfair ban expired to even post here (24 hours).
I find this all boards ban dangerous, extremely excessive in my cases and impractical. Especially the first one would have meant a 6 week ban if it weren't withdrawn. I would have had no means to communicate to the staff that this ban was wrong, since I'd be also banned from /meta/.
This wasn't the case in past bans for me, so I have to ask, why such severe punishment is being made for minor offenses now. In my cases, they weren't even justified. The appeal box only lets in very few characters to explain oneself, which I also find bad.

Apart from this, some mods seem to have a grudge against me, since pretty much 90% of my past bans were completely unjustified, and were always quickly reversed after my appeals.
I'd suggest you to look into this issue, because it seems some mods are abusing their power here. I've also seen this happen to other posters like IronFelix. His views in the Ukraine general aren't bad or rule-breaking by any means (from what I've seen, since mods delete posts without leaving any red texts like they used to), but only unpopular among Zisters, which leads to him getting banned all the time, while actual trolls remain for hours shitting up the thread. Sometimes, they even get a warning before banning for repeated rule violation.

This is ridiculous.

No idea about your ban (you are a one-post IP, so I have to doubt what you've written a little) but Iron Felix is banned for constantly picking fights handfuls of posters in a thread about the Ukraine war (effectively trying to derail the thread all the time), consistently mischaracterizing the views of posters, and generally just being an absolute shitshow of a person (they went from insanely pro-Russia to anti-Russia because Russia was not killing enough Ukrainians!) Oh, and not to mention, ban evasion.

It’s been so long since the days of wt snacks, I forgot what moderation on a Chan was like.

For starters this isn't a "chan".

File: 1677182056476.png (67.01 KB, 1905x220, ban.png)

>you are a one-post IP, so I have to doubt what you've written a little
What? That's not possible. I didn't change my IP.
The ban in the middle of picrel is the one I'm talking about in the board log.
Anyhow, what justfies banning people from all boards?

>Russia was not killing enough Ukrainians!

Now, I think you are mischaracterizing IronFelix here. They complained about Putin, his lackeys and "Russian warlords" actively sabotaging the war effort with their frankly mindblowingly stupid conduct of the war.
I've never seen them post wanting more dead Ukrainians just for sheer bloodthirst or the like.
And if they did, why delete such posts? You can ban them and keep the old "User was banned for this post" message, so that it's more comprehensible for outsiders what caused their ban.

File: 1677227937435.png (32.08 KB, 1911x588, ClipboardImage.png)

>That's not possible. I didn't change my IP.
Nope, if it was your original IP your ban would show up just below the ban box, and you have nothing.
>Anyhow, what justfies banning people from all boards?
Either repeat offenders or people who are deemed to be acting in bad faith. The default board is also selected based on where the ban was being filed from - so say, if you are banned for a post on /leftypol/ it is automatically set to ban you only in /leftypol/. Since the ban is in the /leftypol/ log, it means that whatever you were doing was enough to make pask want to ban you from all boards.

>They complained about Putin, his lackeys and "Russian warlords" actively sabotaging the war effort with their frankly mindblowingly stupid conduct of the war.

Hardly. He was full pro-Putin and wanting to soak himself in Ukrainian blood and only ever turned against Putin because he felt like the war was not generating enough bloodshed for his insane tastes. He was always one of the most pro-war posters in that thread.
>And if they did, why delete such posts?
More out of principle of denying ban evaders space on the site than any other specific conduct of his. If we did not, then what, really, is the penalties of ban-evading, if you just get to make more posts later (albeit with redtext "USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST" under all of them)? Ergo, you ban evade, you don't get any "space" allotted for your posts.

>What? That's not possible. I didn't change my IP.
Uhh so that seems like a lie to me since you are most likely using a VPN judging by your IP, unless you thought you were connecting to the same one. What Service are you using?
In regards to previous bans care to mention them then?

>enough to make pask want to ban you from all boards
This may actually have been my fuck-up (muscle memory is a bitch)
In general there seem to be things lost in translation here (IP etc.) and >>25574
>a grudge
I think you are overestimating how much of an opinion I have of individuals. We get such an amount of spam, dealing with any actual person is more an afterthought than anything. Point is I don't know you.
Iron Felix does not need to be discussed, just removed.

This could've all been avoided if OP wasn't a retard and used the tor node.

>most likely using a VPN judging by your IP, unless you thought you were connecting to the same one
I thought, I connected to the same one, since when I got banned, I couldn't access any board until after the ban expired or was withdrawn after my appeals.
So, something may cause my IP to change without my input, since I'm not using a VPN.

>Since the ban is in the /leftypol/ log, it means that whatever you were doing was enough to make pask want to ban you from all boards.
Is alledged "low-quality" posting once enough to warrant such a ban?

>I think you are overestimating how much of an opinion I have of individuals.
Then why do I get faulty bans most of the time, which get withdrawn shortly after my appeals (except for the most recent one for some reason).

Could you please elaborate?

They mean a proxy / VPN
>faulty bans
Let me be clear, I don't believe you get faulty bans. What I'd have liked to communicate to you is that you are in any case not a priority to anything modding related.

>my bans weren't justified
>posts pepe
You seem like you might just not read the rules.

>Is alledged "low-quality" posting once enough to warrant such a ban?
Perhaps you posted the worst post of all time. Or perhaps you have more of a record than you let on. Who knows.

are you OP?


No. I'm passing thru. I'm on this board for "rotating spam ban range, appeal in meta if false positive." I've appealed in meta, and I've been waiting for sumt to come back about it on this board since I can't post on /siberia/ like normal.

<What rule?
>The one that came to me in a dream
>The one I just made up
The same thing has been happening to people using soyjaks recently. The rules only mention:
>soyjak spam (quoting with no meaningful addition)
That's not a ban across the board on soyjaks.

>Who knows.
The mods do, and they're not telling me. This is sus, which is why I made this thread.

ban evading is the only way of actually using the site at this point. shouldnt be an offense
you post 1 thing janny disagrees with and get hit with a 3 week ban. Fuck you uygha im ban evading on my local mcdonalds wifi

This uygha sitting at Mickey D's
Mahlzeit, uygha

Banning from all boards should be limited to actual commercial spam, raiders who demonstrated they spam on multiple boards, and anything so severe it's a complete permaban (like cp).

Also, why the hell is this bumplocked? This is /meta/.

I've seen a few shitposts by someone who picked up that socialism flag the past few months (when it's not me using one :^) ) but it's just opinions I disagree with, not anything banworthy or even reactionary. Shay is far more banworthy, for reference.

I just love to hate this sorta behavior
no honor among criminals

Posting at McDonalds is a far worse punishment than anything I could ever provide

Why are mods even allowed to ban people from /meta/? It literally says in the rules that users have the right to post on it

they allow themselves, simple

This I already explained above. I only ban absolute psychos from all boards but it's like >95% of the modding I do so sometimes muscle memory kicks in.

Please be more careful from now on.

I mean I'll try me dude

miss use this

Unique IPs: 13

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